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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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of this, the nation, the anniversary of the rwandan genocide on out to sierra the to protect civilians or risk losing us support. president biden issues a warning to israel. is it goals for an immediate cease fire guns the other one down? jordan, this is out just a or a night from don't will. so coming out, exclusive footage obtained by entre 0 shows these ready soldiers opening fire on several palestinians attempting to collect the somalia expels the easier, put them back to the attentions escalate. the report deals with the breakaway
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regions of somebody now plus i'm just seeing human incentive of ingle in the dominican republic and coming up we'll explain how the dominicans are feeling about the price is taking place in their neighboring country. the us president joe biden has cooled for an immediate cease fire and guns that during a cold weather as rainy prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he won't netanyahu the us support for israel will depend on the steps taken to address civilian home and she went to cherry and suffering. a white house correspondent, kimberly how get reports. days after is really air strikes. killed 7 worlds. central kitchen aid workers, us president joe biden spoke with it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the president warned israel doesn't protect civilians and aid workers. future us
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support is a state. he made clear the need for israel to announce a series of specific, a concrete and measurable steps to dressed as lily and harm humanitarians of suffering and the safety of a workers. those steps include more crossing for a trucks and mitigation measures to reduce civilian harm. the by the in administration says it must happen in a matter of days. the us secretary of state says 100 percent of the population and gaza needs humanitarian assistance. and those working to provide assistance are in peril this way. so risk attack on the world central kitchen was not the 1st such incident. it must be the last biden's 30 minute phone call comes, as the president said to be increasingly frustrated by israel's war and gaza. that's left more than $33000.00 palestinians dead. he's calling for an immediate
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cease fire to prove the humanitarian conditions and allow for the release of captives. if we don't see changes from their side, they'll have to be changes from our side. that change could come in the form of a policy shift. critics of press the us to stop providing nearly 4000000000 in the annual military assistance to israel, but the white house says there's no plan to help military support. the white house decline to outline consequences if israel failed to protect civilians and aid workers. it also defended latest approval of fighter jets and bombs the same day that aid workers were killed, saying is real faces. multiple threats, including from iran, kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house snow in the past few hours off about coal with the president biden . israel has said it will temporarily allow
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a delivered through its northern border crossing with casa, currently, a limited number of a trucks passed through the rough crossing with egypt, as well as come from solemn, also in the south, but relief agencies say israel is impeding access and stringent checks means not enough, aid is guessing in the air, it's crossing which israel says it'll open up, connects to northern gauze, and that's the region facing evidence funding and the most dire need of food. a additionally israel says it will open up its port city of ash don't receive a by see for delivery to gaza without just there was mike kind of joins us live now from washington dc. mike, so seemingly a quick response. somebody is writing so now say that opening up there, it's crossing what more we're hearing though, from the white house about these really response of what we've had a statement from the national security council confirming that israel has agreed to open up. the error is crossing and also that it will put the port of actually
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thought to use. uh, now this all follows what appears to be a fault phone call earlier in the day between present and 5. and then these rarely prime minister netanyahu in which president biden reportedly insisted that that'd be specific concrete and measurable steps to address home to civilians. now, administration officials had said throughout the day that the response was expected within the hours rather than days. and this does appear to now be the case. now the significance of this at this particular point is that error is, is to the north of gaza. it's allows a to go into north and gaza at 8 has drudge me being going through crossings in the south. the rough uh and get a motion on. uh so this would bring more humanitarian aid into the north of gaza, which is a particularly problematic area. now with the pulled of ash dog opening up that portfolio supplies into gaza, that would particularly benefit humanitarian supplies, coming from jordan,
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as started as some 20 kilometers up the coast from gaza. so it would appear a given the statements in the is really media that there has been a response to president biden's instruction it would appear. uh, these are the 1st steps. it may be in terms of israel using it's ongoing role in gaza. however, the president biden, and that phone call also called for an immediate cease fire. well, no sign of that as yet, and we'll wait and see what the us administration does in terms of insisting that such a sci fi is implemented. yeah, mike, and it is interesting because that seems to be a distinct change of tone and a hard thing of the language and how president biden is dealing with these writing . the lead very much. so the language used and that phone call with these really prime minister, completely different to buy the readout from the discussions that had been held
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before president biden, using words, as i said, like specific concrete and measurable measures to protect civilians. now these are specific directions rather than suggestions which we've had from the white house and its dealings with the israeli prime minister in the past. so this is definitely a mocked change in tone. what is also important, is that coal for an immediate cease fire, that is also the us administration thing, the n t, so to speak. so yes, that has been a major shift and the national security spokes person in the white house. john coby has confirmed that it is directly linked to the killing of the 7 food aid will cause earlier in the week, including one american citizen. and the spokesman did confirm that the president biden responding directly to this particular killing,
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saying that he was actually infuriated by it. it was in a way it would appear the law school. and this is led directly to the biden administration, stepping up its pressure against israel, threatening, although not stating explicitly that a to israel may be conditional in the future. israel does not take measurable steps to improve the safety of civilians in its war in gaza. all right, time i kind of life as there in washington dc. mike, thank you. as well as his era has obtained exclusive footage from northern gauze showing his radius soldiers opening fire on several palestinians attempting to collect aid the video to fix a distressing scene. where palestinians tiffany, and carrying aid is deliberately shot multiple times by the soldiers. they had a baby reports killed during how many terry and air dropped. that's the tragic fee to the public opinion. men collecting 8 in the city of shoes,
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a northeastern gaza. on march 9th, a new plane drops a packages over the gaza strip. that soon, it becomes evident that it doesn't come without risk. the. the packages lens knew the board defense in northern gaza. exclusive footage of the team by all to 0 shows is really soldiers deliberately targeting palestinians. as they rushed to collected, the vigil shows these really soldiers opening fire. despite none of this policy men posing a threat. the firing continues, even as guzman leads the area, moving away from the boulder and the soldiers positions. as the soldiers watch dogs approach the wounded man and the video cuts off,
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highlighting the overall low listeners that has taken hold in the area. and you had to live to d, l 0. the or what our tax buys, ready for us, is continuing in the southern city of ruffled despite the area ended up being declared. i think so. the latest strike killed at least 7 pallets in the ends, including 3 children. funerals have been held for the victims west of the city. roughly has become home to more than half of gauze as population. often, many of a force that from the north northern 33000 palestinians have not been killed by israel since the war began, including 14000 children. so probably my next enough puts an end to this injustice. for 180 days, children have been bumped there with daily kennings enough. where are the rights of children aware of the rights of women? wherever is eunice, the items that are don't have a whole bunch of these. all the goals of israel does not have any plans to end.
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this will. it's targets of children and women. there is no safe place at all. what safety there is no safety have told in gaza. there is not one meets a orange of land that is safe. they displace them to rough of thinking. it was safe, but even tense houses everywhere was being bumped. there is no safety. i'll just say it was honey. my food as more from a rough and southern gauze and been very consistent with what we have experience so far since the beginning of the genocide, of where there is in fact, no saved zone across the guards as or including the save guns, the large they the designated by the is really military where everyone was ordered sharply to evacuate, to, to avoid being bombed, but ended up being killed and bombed inside the areas that were designated saves on the, including a mazda and safe area. and the western part of their is bella han honda, in a sense of the, of rough. but almost that we, what we see in the pano is really
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a response after every resolution or action or demand by the united nations. that it's different agencies, including the international court of justice, is a more more research of the air strikes, an error rates carried out relentless to across the goals. and so it would be interesting to see what does this really respond to the demand by president biding within, as ellen pointed out, within the coming of $24.00 or $48.00 or so maybe $72.00 coming good hours, but so far it over, not a tox these really a military occurred of relentless error strikes, targeting more residential homes, causing further civilian casualties. 7 people to from one family and we're seeing the same exact kind of attacks on largest civilian population. civilian defense, this population side, residential home with these unpredictable fall in bonds. 7 people reported skilled and many other injuries and, and causing further internal displacement for people at the surrounding area spelled on $600.00, which is low make as i've written. so the u. k. government urging it to suspend dom
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sales to israel, the lesser ones, the u. k. could be complicit in genocide and other breaches of international law. some of the ago has the story. as somebody that has become more common in london in recent months, another palestinian solidarity protest. this one outside the british department of business and trade, demanding that the u. k. government revoke alms export licenses to israel. it is one of the most contentious issues. the campaign is what part the u. k. plays and the catastrophe unfolding in gaza and what it means for its own duties on the international law. reminding the prime minister which you soon ask of those obligations more than 600 lawyers and dr. demick sporting that concern about is rails world goes up the calling for the british government to suspend the provision of weapons to israel, saying the u. k. as in breach of international law. they also say the government
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must work towards an immediate and permanent ceasefire and stress about position through the un security council. the lawyers say the u. k. must urgency impose sanctions on senior members. a v is really government who made statements in sizing genocide where in the states adding to this revelation by a conservative m. p. sharing a parliamentary foreign, a fast committee that the government's own, lawyers issued advice, but israel had breached international law. the foreign secretary david cameron avoid it on spring. so you've never had a piece of paper in front of you by a, for an office lawyer that says the israel's, and breach of its international should monitoring commitments on jessica entangle. um i, i like the reason for the officers with an account were cool. every single bit of paper has been put in front of me. and so i didn't want to answer that question. one of the signatories of the left us says they're all serious legal issues at stake. the rules of war require,
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the civilians are protected as far as possible. but the, the death of a apparently over $30000.00 civilians in garza, is a pretty strong indication that israel has gone far beyond what is permitted in international role. the killing of 78 workers and is really a tac may have the, the force, the issue of how israel is conducting itself in goss. i'm a personal tragedy for those affected and it is all stuff is relative, public perception. suspending trade licenses will be one way for the u. k. to balance its legal obligations. but the dilemma for the prime minister, how he can continue to remain firm as an ally of israel, as public support for the country continues to diminish. sonya jago algebra, london. israel's defense minister says his forces were pivot target has blah in 11
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on there's been a rising tension with uranium batch group earlier. several rockets with laurens from 11 on towards israel and one hippa town. i'm sure me came and con as more from the board, a town and moving his rough. this is the village of slimy, has been largely empty since october. the ape when hostilities broke out between has beloved and israel. let me just show you where i am. so you see the voter wilcox v d vocation between 11 east tennessee and is really territory. so far, the tensions have been largely contained to the border between the 2 countries as bullet wants it. that way is well, seemingly was it that way. but on monday night there was a, is really attack against and running causal in damascus. and now iran has said that it will retaliate for that attack is ro has now gone on a high or low. then we've seen since october the 8th long this boat. and like i
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said, all of these villages are empty. but now israel is cooling up, all mean air reserve is now there's already 287000 reserve is fighting pull the is really army since october, the 7th that adding to that they've also canceled on leave for all of the soldiers were already fighting that's going to be an unpopular decision because these really all me say they all suffering from fatigue. they've been fighting for a very long time. but also what they've done is they've disrupted the g p. s signal across jerusalem, tel aviv haifa. and hay in this area as well. the reason for that is that they are sending a message to the iranians, but they already, but any kind of attack that might take place and wrong comment, which is their slowed me start for salt break here and i'll just say, well, when we come back, i'm drawing hendern in chicago, where a surgeon migraines is met, one lines for food pantries, the
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now the boat, when there's a high temperature, one guy in the south west of china. you're not. but for the rest of stuff been shot assess at the yankee. it's rain and it's heavy rain. i've seen many places reporting a month's worth in a day. so there is and they have to be funding and this is the full cost of friday . such they will be similar. it doesn't quite catch tie wrong, which is quite lucky to some ravens and light. and it's off show from most of japan except for the minor on the story of south days. equally wet in china and the little bit winter in taiwan, but not so much any more, at least for japan as anywhere else happened to be there at east asia, north of yankee career implants are all the major arms of japan, enjoy some spring sunshine because that's what's happening here, the tail end of the wet season is produce some very big chiles in places like bobby
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and the potential to repeat them is still there. but i think not very likely. west properties sees that potential as well as the southern sea, monstrous or flash funding potential here, but lazier tyler on me and my heart very health for some have to say. and this also the story increasingly on maybe on surprisingly in india a little bit less. so the impact is down in bangladesh or cost on the eastern side of india is going to have humidity to that. so it really is quite sticky to the teams in the gaza strip. as is continues. there is a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be question, sustains coverage. that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies
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everywhere. here at the listing, post the the welcome back to watching out. just a real quick reminder on top stories here. this our, the us presidents, us pool for an immediate cease fire mendoza and a phone conversation with his randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu turbine and told him nothing. yahoo, the us support for israel will depend on the steps taken to address somebody in the home to monitor him suffering at the southern palestinians have been killed in his rate. he strikes on residential buildings in the roof of building 33000 people have not been killed by his ro, somali is government has all the e, c o p, as
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a mass of it to lead the country. some of the official states because of a poor deal between it's breaking a region of some on demand and the fee up here. the agreement will allow landlocked if you're up here to at least 20 kilometers of coastline. vote to be near the port of babylon. sonata also said is causing to of a therapy as concerts, one in some of the land, and the other in the semi autonomous region of print land. the government in mogadishu does not control these regions. i'll just say what's catherine? so is following the story from my writing. this is a big developmental and a huge escalation because it has been quiet dramatically since the dispute between the 2 countries started of that have been talks that have been going on, mediated by president william router of 10 years. so it is, is huge, set back and i know this a problem between the 2 countries started when you made an
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agreement with salt, somebody land, which is on a ton on the state of, of c o. p, a without passing, but passing through mogadishu. so the government of somalia says that it feels that uh, it's totally real rights have been infringed. and when all this now is happening, even with the talks going on. so now we have another incident where it still has holstead, another redone of somebody at that point line. it is, i send me a told me to watch a region a so a delegation went to issue appeal where the discussing whether discussing about, you know, you will not seek relations and corporation again issue of the federal government . um, also my, the emigrant issue,
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very angry saying this is provocative and the will not allow this to happen. and it's happening on the contest that there are a lot of tensions internally between portland and the federal government, especially during this. 9 7 ongoing, a constitutional review process, a web portal and says that it is unhappy with some of the amendments that have been made and it will reject those amendments and sofa. the, you know, portland says that it is considering a to withdrawal from these federal system which is going to be very problematic. indeed. cost. we saw you all to 0 now. ruby, hundreds of off to shocks of shaken eastern tie one following the devastating earthquake on wednesday. the 7.2 magnitude quite close the depths of at least 10 people and injured more than
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a 1000. rescuers are trying to reach more than 700 people are trapped in tunnels or cuts off and remote areas. jessica washington reports not from holly and the city closest to the quakes as a sentence. at joomla elementary school in holly in 10th provide temporary shelter for dozens of families after they homes were damaged by the earthquake on wednesday . oh sure no. i'm still shaking. even though still tumbling. i'm very scared. i can't sleep to. she says she was devastated and she watched her home collapse. it was the strongest doing squeak in taiwan for 25 years. security camera video showed ness is spring into action to protect a newborn babies as a hospital ward shoak. at least 48 residential buildings were damaged, some have already been demolished. some buildings, a tool to and many buildings have been deemed to test structural issues by engine
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is, follow those residents where hesitant of the state and buildings market there in noticeable can come to the show you the magnitude 7.2 quake damaged tunnels and roads and left, some people stranded in remote mountainous areas, rescue is created and obstructed road and evacuated some hotel workers from a tunnel. all those remain on accounted for now, many and coming to terms with the damage about how the situation was chaotic. everyone was running and screaming, else the child was injured in their room and what so the urgency need a new play. doh chung runs a youth center. she's on sure. when the children who lived the can return of quakes common in the sized, weekly active zone, known as the pacific ring of fire, experts have commended taiwan disaster mitigation measures which include stringent construction requirements, says in more than $300.00 auto shocks since the nature of quake on wednesday, the way the agency wants that food off the shocks are expected, potentially
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a strong as magnitude 7. back in the emergency shown to tim showing says she's unsure what she'll do next. her apartment is too dangerous to return to. she has no money with her and almost no possessions, but she says, all she wants to retrieve the only photograph she has her late mother. jessica washington, out to 0 orleans. i'm gonna stay international, has criticized the dominican republic urging it to stop. must deportations of haitians and accusing off arches of racism, but many and the dominican republic say they cannot show that you crisis in haiti just because they share an island. i'll just say it was locked in america edits. let's see a new mental thoughts now from santo domingo of the dominican republic and hatred. share this caribbean island much more waves and one the distant neighbors. one speaks french, the other spanish, but more importantly,
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patients suffer from acute poverty stream political instability and now uncomfortable violence on the other side of the border in the capital, samples of legal life groups, peaceful and prosperous. but looks or just see you and say, well, we're afraid hate, he's close to us. we've seen the videos of killing that is like you have a day and just need, but living next to a you don't know if they will hurt your family. in the last 3 months, dominican republic has deported more than 2500 young, documented nations arguing reasons of national security. we asked foreign minister roberto oliver this to respond to charges by amnesty international of racism and inhumane treatment of patients. 73 percent of our population is mixed blood, 16 percent black, 11 percent white. so there's never been it within dominicans, a distinction as to a race that is completely false. no, no,
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but of course we're more than willing to help with the international community with any in a few minutes area and assistance. but the question is being asked, why isn't the dominican republic shouldering the black, the bulk of in v as a lot of safe looking glass dominicans. we met insist their country is doing its fair share already. they save hundreds of thousands of patients live here. everyone mix together members repairs on most of us. imagine 2 people live in your house and 5 more arrive, you'll share of everything shrinks, but we put up with it because they are right, brothers and neighbors. but the presence of so many haitians is also creating tensions. i feel sorry for them, but they should be sent back to their country for being flooded by patients. with that i you go to hospital and there are 10 haitians and 2 dominicans that com be their taking away our rights were in the general hospital now. and indeed,
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there are many, many patients here, many patient children as well, but that's only part of the story they didn't just arrived yesterday. many have been here for decades, undocumented, and they are here in the country doing the hardest jobs and the lowest paying jobs . and haitian children born in the dominican republic or not eligible for citizenship. that can be of why the think there are 2 things. people agree on the fear that the violence next door could spill over into this country. and the desperate need for safety to restore law and order with the help of an international community that seems to have forgotten the silent to see and human al jazeera central to mingle. now despite and improving economy and slowing inflation high food prices have led to increasing food insecurity across the us. now in major american cities, a surge of new migraines is swelling through distribution. choose from entering the
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ports from chicago. as i say you all day with the cost because it's the best way to say what comes back in for more than 30 years. fatima of wide has devoted her life to helping each wave of newcomers to chicago. she immigrated to the us from palestine in the late 19 seventy's. now she's feeding refugees from across the globe who lined up at her door. that's your coffee, sir. i'm really hungry. i know how they feel that he's hunger is our number. we're any wish to meet the fight or i didn't need together to live in peace on a snowy day, the lines, it's an odd food pantry, stretch down the road for a 2nd or that might be for the things that they give us here, help us a lot it is a great help, especially when you have a large family that are homeless. we work to make what we can and add to it with what we get.


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