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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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up to a forward slash e m. the protect civilians or risk losing us. the polls present by the issues a warning to as well as the cause for an immediate cease. 5 in guns the carry johnston. this is all just here a lot from to host coming out. exclusive footage of change biology. it shows this very soldiers opening fire on this, several palestinians attempting to collect age the race to rescue those. those trans been taiwan off the wednesdays council. s questions will be light from the epi sent to us. i'm just seeing human incentive of meanwhile in the dominican
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republic and coming up, we'll explain how the dominicans are feeling about the price is taking place in their neighboring country. the us present joe biden, this calls for an immediate cease fire in gauze of june, a cool with his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he won't attend you all of us support phase, but i will depend on the steps taken to address the civilian home. country monetary and suffering, i want task corresponded kimberly how could the poles 2 days after, as rarely airstrikes killed 7 worlds central kitchen aid workers, us president joe biden spoke with it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the president award israel doesn't protect civilians and aid workers. future us support is a state he made clear the need for israel to announce a series of specific concrete and measurable steps to address. usually in harm. you
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monitoring a suffering and the safety of a workers. those steps include more crossing for a trucks and mitigation measures to reduce civilian harm. the bite and administration says it must happen in a matter of days. the us secretary of state says 100 percent of the population and gaza needs humanitarian assistance. and those working to provide assistance are in peril. this was a risk attack on the world's central kitchen. was not the 1st such incident. it must be the last us biden's 30 minute phone call comes as the president said to be increasingly frustrated by israel's war and gaza. that's left more than $33000.00 palestinians dead. he's calling for an immediate cease fire to improve the humanitarian conditions and allow for the release of captives. if we don't see
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changes from their side, they'll have to be changes from our side. that change could come in the form of a policy shift. critics of press the us to stop providing nearly 4000000000 in the annual military assistance to israel, but the white house says there's no plan to help military support. the white house decline to outline consequences if israel failed to protect civilians and aid workers. it also defended latest approval of fighter jets and bombs the same day. the aid workers were killed, saying is real faces. multiple threats, including from iran, kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house in the past few hours after that, coal with president, by an israel has said it will temper remedy now. 8, visits to its northern border, crossing with gauze that currently a limited number of 8 trucks passed through the rafa crossing egypt as well as
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crumb we send them also in the south, but relief agencies, a israel is impeding access and stringent checks means nothing of 8 is getting in us crossing, which is rel, says it will open up, connects to northern gauze. so that's the region facing, given it from, in addition to israel says it will open it support the state of ash, thoughts to receive a by see, for delivery to gauze. that might kind of has more now from washington, dc of the national security council has released the statement confirming that israel has agreed to open the air is crossing and also to make use stuff. it's potent as dodd. this is significant because air is, is in the north of gaza. it means that you meant a terry and supplies can now get into the north rather than in the south, which is where the previous crossings of humanitarian aid had taken place in rough uh and kept them shalom opening up the port of ash dog full. the movement of
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humanitarian supplies to gaza also significant. it will particularly improve the flow of humanitarian aid from jordan. astro does some 20 kilometers up the coast from gaza. so all of these meshes follow what appears to be a proto phone call between president find and, and prime minister netanyahu in which the president reportedly insisted that specific concrete and measurable steps be taken to address civilian home. if this was not done, then the us would be reconsidering the nature of its relationship with israel. now, administration officials said off to that call that they were expecting, and his railey responds to possibly, in a matter of hours, not even days. and that has indeed been the case, but what they has not being a response to was the coal for an immediate cease fire that president by didn't made in his coal with prime minister netanyahu. now whether or not this is going to
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be a sticking point in the next day is the relationship between the us and israel. that is something that will be finding on from the administration as the hours go by. but that call itself an immediate call for an immediate cease fire was also a movement away from the u. s. policy of recent months. so especially since israel began its wall in gaza and this is something that clearly indicates a shift in the us position. the possible, the possibility or the threat of making a israel conditional if it does not increase the protection of civilians during its war on garza, my kind of ultra sierra washington houses air has obtained exclusive footage from northern gauze showing is rarely sold as opening fire on the several palestinians attempting to collect aid with the video to fix the distressing scene by palestinian civilian the carrying ages deliberately shot multiple times by the soldiers. he had
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a pay the reports killed during how many terry and air drop. that's the tragic fee to the public opinion. men collecting 8 in the city of georgia, a in north eastern gaza. on march 9th, an airplane drops, a packages over the gaza strip. but soon it becomes evident that it doesn't come without risk. the packages lines new the boil defense in northern gaza. exclusive footage obtained by all to 0 shows is really soldiers, deliberately targeting palestinians. as they rushed to collected. the vigil shows these really soldiers opening fire. despite none of this policy new men posing a threat. the firing continues, even as this man leads the area, moving away from the border and the soldiers positions. as the soldiers watch dogs approach the wounded man and the video cuts off,
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highlighting the overwhelming low list and those that has the can hold in the area . you had to live to d l 0. that's what the tax buys. rarely forces are continuing in the southern city of rafa. despite the area being declared, a safe stay late to strike killed at least 7 palestinians, including 3 children, funerals had been held for the victims. rafa has become home to more than half of gauze as population, often anywhere forced that from the north. old and 33000 palestinians have now been killed by israel since the war began, including 14000 children. the next enough puts an end to this injustice. 180 days, children have been bumped there with daily kennings enough. where are the rights of children? where are the rights of women? whereas unison, i don't understand, i don't have a whole bunch of that. these are the goals of israel, does not have any plans to end. this will. it's targets of children and women.
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there is no safe place at all. what safety there is no safety tolling cause? there is no one meets a orange of land that is safe. they displace them to rough thinking. it was safe, but even tents houses everywhere was being pump. there is no safety. honey mac mood has more now from rafa in southern gaza. i've been very consistent with what we have experience so far since the beginning of the genocide, of where there is in fact no safe zone across the gauze and from including the save goes the large they the designated by the is really military where everyone was ordered sharply to evacuate to, to avoid being bombed, but ended up being killed and bombed inside the areas that were designated saves on the, including a loss and safe area in the west. and part of their bella, han honda in a sense that the overall but almost did we what we see in the pattern of is really a response after every resolution or action or demand by the united nations. that
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it's different agencies, including the international court of justice, is a more more research of the air strikes the an error rates carried out for a length of say, across the gauze. and there will be interesting to see what is really a response to the demand by president biden within, as ellen pointed out, within the coming guess $2448.00 or so maybe $72.00 coming good hours, but so far in over, not a tox, these really in a military current of relentless air strikes, targeting more residential homes, causing further civilian casualties. 7 people from one family and we're seeing the same exact kind of attacks on the largest civilian population. civilian defense is popularly inside residential home with these unpredictable fall in bonds. 7 people reported skilled and many other injuries then and causing further internal displacement for people at the surrounding area. the
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rescue is in taiwan are looking for 18 people still missing off to a possible earthquake on wednesday. at least 10 people died in the $7.00 mazda to equate k more than a 1000 foot injured dozens of off the shots continued to shake areas around the items east coast overnight. jessica washington is life from white in near the us quakes. f is sent to jessica. a tell us about the latest on the search and rescue operation. will carry that search and rescue operation team cheese morning. more than 700 people classified as trach. earlier this morning, authorities were able to reach them by helicopter, confirming that they are indeed in a good condition. they do have no food and water. most of those people classified as trapped austin at a hotel. others are in a church and at an elementary school authorities are working out how to evacuate those individuals by clearing roads that are blocking access to them. but as i said,
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they are at the moment sign in terms of those missing individuals. just a few minutes ago we hutch some, some t shirts, crews involved in looking at some of the areas of the national park. and they confirmed that they found 2 bodies buried under rocks in that national park. the search continues for those all the missing individuals, including for foreign nationals. but indeed we can see the activity behind you to. i mean, many homes have been damaged and people displace, do we know where these residents have been moved to that's exactly right. we know that around 200 people saying in emergency shelters in places like elementary schools, some residential buildings damaged beyond repair, the demolition process for those buildings has already begun. and if we take a look at the building behind we, this building was also severely damaged in the us quite a lot. some of these residents have been allowed to temporarily have tons of
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a homes just for the purpose of frequently obtaining any essentials that they might need, such as in horse interstitial documents. and they are accompanied by officials from the side department to ensure the safety. but for these residents as well, we know some of them have been returning with whatever they deemed to be important . personal belongings, some even coming out with various uh, kitchen kitchen items or even put plants. so of course official documents. but we do not know whether they will be allowed to return to live in this home. that is still being investigated as to whether these children can, whether they can safely return to this building. and it's certainly a question of, of what happens to the many residents whose homes have been damaged or destroyed by the us. like, we know that the local government has pledged support for these residents, but they all waiting to see what happens next. jessica washington life for us there . thank you. somebody is, government says, or that if you appears on buses or to leave the country, somebody officials say it's because of a port
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d o between it's break way visa of somebody that and then if you get the agreement, what allowed landlocked, if you get to at least, 20 kilometers of coast. i thought to be near the port of never smiley. not also said it's closing to these here it is constant. it's why didn't somebody to and the other in this semi or thomas, we just point that the government's in the longer the show does not control these regions. on catherine's toys following the story from not ready. this is a big developmental and a huge escalation because it has been quiet diplomatically since the feud between the 2 countries started of that have been talks that have been going on, mediated by president william router of 10 years. so it is, is huge, set back and i know this a problem between the 2 countries started when you made an agreement with salt, somebody land which is on
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a tunnel. the state of all is c o. p, a without passing. but passing through mogadishu. so the government of somalia says that it feels that uh it's tauriel rights have been infringed. and when all this now is happening, even with the talks going on. now we have another incident where it still has holstead another redone of to mind. yeah, that's point line it is, i send me a told me to watch a region a. so a delegation went to issue a po whether discussing whether discussing about, you know, you will not take relations and corporation again issue of the federal government. um, also my idea and we'll get the issue very angry saying this is provocative and the
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will not allow this to happen. and it's happening on the contest that there are a lot of tensions internally between portland and the federal government, especially during this. 9 7 ongoing, a constitutional or review process, a web portal and saves that it is unhappy with some of the amendments that have been made and it will reject those amendments and sofa. the, you know, portland says that it is considering a to withdrawal from these federal system, which is going to be very problematic. indeed, costs we saw you all to 0 nairobi. so to come on out just here, x, y, the amazon, rain forest and columbia, and brazil is that at risk despite the decline, nov deforestation the
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the well, where spring if you're in the northeast of the us or east and kind of do you think where is it coming nor'easter is moving slowly northwest. so to be nervous scotia and probably that eastern side of canada that gets the worst of it. but you still got cold air were down towards the operations. research as in new england is equally stoves, tube throughout the rockies. the cascade mountains and even coastal california is looking disappointing, at least 40 degrees in the rain in the middle. it's nice and warm surprise me so that won't. so we'll try and spread eastwood's. but it's a slight process. however, like most developing here in central plains, that line that extending down towards texas, that potentially quite to another. but we're going to saturday, by that time, right back to the here and now or at least 24 hours, hence, big shots through the bahamas cuba. and then down through the leads and property,
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guatemala, maybe bit further south to home jersey. have you right in the basement and it sees no, all the way from the north of brazil through something but its way to and into what's colombia equitable flooding as a result of that seems quite likely. as you know, we tend to get down slides with these big shows for the size. big childs that are currently vi will fade away. this will be still that important luxury. otherwise, there's something has returned on the if we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk those to safety in the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates, the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on
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a dizzy to the left, the onset reminder about top stores. now this us presence is called for an immediate cease fire and concepts and a phone conversation is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu, turbine and toner to us support fitness valve will depend on the steps taken to address civilian palms. that's the amount of tearing stuff, right? at least 700 students have been chosen. it's really strikes to invest central buildings in reference to 33000 people showed fine as well since the beginning, including 14000 children as well as defense minister says these forces will pivot
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to talk. it has been the in 11, and there's been a rising tension with it rang investigative areas. several of all kits were the ones from the admin towards the as well. one the hit, the town of the show me around con has more from the board to town in northern israel. this is the village of a slow mean has been largely empty since october. the ape when hostilities broke out between has beloved and is ro, let me just show you where i am. so you see the voter wilcox v d vocation between 11 east tire street and is really territory. so for the tensions help and largely contained to the border between the 2 countries as buller wants it that way as well. seemingly, was it that way, but on monday night there was a, is really attack against and running comes to an in damascus. and now iran has said that it will retaliate for that attack is ro has now gone on
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a high or low. then we've seen since october the 8th long this boat. and like i said, all of these villages are empty. but now israel is cooling up on me as a result of this. now there's already $287000.00 reserve is fighting for the is really army since october, the 7th. that adding to that, they both i canceled on leave for all of the soldiers were already fighting. that's going to be an unpopular decision because these really all me say they all suffering from fatigue. they've been fighting for a very long time, but also what they've done is they've disrupted the g p. s signal across jerusalem, tel aviv haifa, and hay in this area as well. the reason for that is that they are sending a message to the iranians, but they are ready for any kind of attack that might take place. and wrong comment, which is their slowed me. i'm this thing to national has criticize the dominican
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republic urging it to stop mass deportations of haitians and accused of authorities of racism for many in the dominican republic say they cannot shows of the acute process in 18 just because they 7 on. and i'll just say it was not in america edits of the sea and human reports from santa dominga, the dominican republic, and have him share this caribbean island much more ways than one. the distance neighbors. one speaks french, the other spanish. but more importantly, patients suffer from acute poverty, extreme political instability, and now uncomfortable violence on the other side of the border in the capital, samples of legal life groups, peaceful and prosperous, but looks or just see what we're afraid, hey, to is close to us. we've seen the videos of killing that is like, you have a day and just need believe you next to you don't know if they will hurt your
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family. in the last 3 months, the dominican republic has supported more than 2500 young, documented haitians arguing reasons of national security. we asked following ministers related to that is to respond to charges by amnesty international racism and inhumane treatment of patients. 73 percent of our population is mixed blood, 16 percent black, 11 percent white. so there's never been it within dominicans, a distinction as to race. that is completely false. no, no, but of course we're more than willing to help with the international community with any in a few minutes area and assistance. but the question is being asked, why isn't the dominican republic shouldering the black, the bulk of it? in v, as a lot of states looking class dominicans, we met insist their country is doing its fair share already. they save hundreds of thousands of patients live here. everyone mix together. so most of us imagine 2
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people live in your house and 5 more royce, you'll share of everything shrinks, but we put up with it because they are right, brothers and neighbors. but the presence of so many haitians is also creating tensions. i feel sorry for them, but they should be sent back to their country for being smothered by patients. with that i you go to hospital ends. there are 10 haitians and 2 dominicans that com be their taking away. our rights were in the general hospital now, and indeed there are many, many patients here, many pacing children as well. but that's only part of the story they didn't just arrived yesterday. many have been here for decades, undocumented, and they are here in the country, doing the hardest jobs and the lowest paying jobs and haitian children born in the dominican republic or not eligible for citizenship. that can be of why don't think there are 2 things. people agree on the fear that the violence next door could
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spill over into this country, and the desperate need for safety to restore law and order with the help of an international community that seems to have forgotten. the silent you see and human al jazeera santo domingo, us present terabyte, and we'll meet families of the victims of the collapse to both more bridge. on friday, i called the ship lost power and collided with the bridge, causing it to collapse. last week. 6 work has died in the incident, but so far any 2 bodies have been recovered. fence to clear the wreckage and reopened the port to commercial shipping on getting the collapse. so the bridge is sort of thing and so severe with the metal that is sold is configured. and so brought together in pancake that it continues to make this mission extraordinarily complicated and dangerous for those who are conducting it. and so
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every single diary that goes into the into the water has been paired with an operator who uses a mix of 3 d renderings and drawings and pictures to be able to guide their partner . severe storms continue to cause havoc in the us states of west virginia. so i think on land slides were reported on within a 120 highway that has reached its highest level in 20 years. the governor has declared the state of emergency in multiple counties. this fall into improving economy, white food prices at 2 increasing food insecurity across the us. now in major american cities, a search of new migrants is i think, through distribution to use for 100 reports from chicago. as i say you all day with me cause and because is the best way to say what comes back to me for more than 30 years. fatima of wide has devoted her life to helping each wave of newcomers to chicago. she immigrated to the us from palestine in the
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late 19 seventy's. now she's feeding refugees from across the globe who lined up at her door. that's your coffee, sir. wendy hungry. i know how they feel that the hunger is our number were any wish to meet, to fight or any together to live in peace on a snowy day, the lines, it's an odd food pantry, stretched down the road for a 2nd. all that might be for the things that they give us here help us a lot. it is a great help, especially when you have a large family that are homeless. we look to make what we can and add to it with what we get here for one place or another. we get, you know, with 37000 new migrants bus to chicago alone from texas over the past 2 years, pantries, here and across the us are straining to feel the grocery carts of the hungry with donated food, chicago, food pantries have always been busy. but as the margaret numbers have increased,
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so have the lines. typically this i would see about 50 people on a given day. now they're saying to $300.00 and the lines will continue until the food runs out. some pantries here have started to reduce the number of times, families can visit each month, others ration the food they give out. the migrant search is on the rice with crowd sometimes tearing down border fences and breaking through the lines of us agents. to ad came over here a long, long time ago, my people and it's all good, you know, but okay, this plus you can't afford to support everybody. when they arrive at her door for them is that she doesn't ask where they come from to whoever ask for help, help look at the color, then they gave the customer the just look at them as a human being. and that's how i do because i've been so a lot when they come to me for something, i have the feeling i know how they feel because i've been sort in each new wave of
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immigrants found them as is she sees herself, john henry and l g 0, chicago, the deforestation rates of the amazon rain forest, and priscilla and columbia is dropping according to the research. however, the goal of stopping global deforestation might 20 thirty's of serious risk due to increasing destruction of other tropical forests. for us on to m p a t reports now from the top tropical forest to our humanities, best defense against climate change, but for expires, illegal logging and the expansion of cattle, ranching continued to threaten them. the world resources institutes. annual global forests watch offers a glimmer of hope, seeing the 1st station. so a major dropping brazil and columbia in 2023. both brazil and columbia had administration changes in the past year to. and we're really seeing
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a increasing rhetoric and political will around reducing forest loss. and it seems like that that changes actually having a very rapid impact on primary force loss, decreased by 36 percent in brazil after president knew that the field that the office following guy, he both so nat or who had the road and environmental protections in columbia. before a station decreased 49 percent, as the new administration of the style of the pits are focused on protecting the environment, to rule reforms, and advancing peace negotiations with arm groups operating in the amazon. yet these reductions were offset by sharp increases in forest loss in other countries like believe you and me cut out what.


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