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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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and that the stories that really feel us having a normalized elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. it is. all right, here and right now, the stream on out the protect civilians or risk losing us support present button issues. a warning to is route as he calls for immediate c spot in garza the on cherry johnston. this is i'll just say right, well not from town. also coming. exclusive footage obtained by o just the shows is ready. so which is opening fire on several products opinions attempting to collect aid the race to rescue those 2 stranded in taiwan off to
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wednesdays, possible as quick. plus, i'm just seeing human incentives of ingle in the dominican republic and coming up we'll explain how the dominicans are feeling about the price is taking place in their neighboring country. the us present joe biden, this call is for an immediate cease 5 in gauze that do not call it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he won netanyahu that us support for israel will depend on the steps taken to address a civilian home. i see monetary and suffering. a white house correspondent, kimberly how could you propose 2 days after, as rarely airstrikes killed? 7 worlds. central kitchen aid workers. us president joe biden spoke with it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the president award israel doesn't protect civilians and aid workers. future us support is
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a state he made clear the need for israel to announce a series of specific concrete and measurable steps to address separately and harm. you bet it turns a suffering and the safety of a workers. those steps include more crossing for a trucks and mitigation measures to reduce civilian harm. the bite and administration says it must happen in a matter of days. the us secretary of state says 100 percent of the population and gaza needs humanitarian assistance. and those working to provide assistance are in peril. this we so risk attack on the world central kitchen was not the 1st such incident. it must be the last biden's 30 minute phone call comes as the president said to be increasingly frustrated by israel's war and gaza. that's left for the $33000.00 palestinians dead. he's calling for an immediate cease fire to
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prove the humanitarian conditions and allow for the release of captives. if we don't see changes from their side, they'll have to be changes from our side. that change could come in the form of a policy shift, critics or press the us to stop providing nearly 4000000000 in the annual military assistance to israel. but the white house says there's no plan to help military support of the white house decline to outline consequences of israel failed to protect civilians and aid workers. it also defended its latest approval of fighter jets and bombs the same day that aid workers were killed, saying is real faces. multiple threats, including from iran. kimberly helped get al jazeera, the white house, the past few hours off to that cold with president by and israel has said it will temporarily allow a deliveries through its northern board across with garza,
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currently unlimited number of a trucks passed through the rough across thing with egypt as well as chrome boost and then also in the south, but relief agency, se israel is impeding access and stringent checks means the enough aid is getting in. the air is crossing, which is rel, says it will open up, connects to northern casa, that's the region facing immune and famine edition. israel says it will open its port city of ash thought to a survey by sea for delivery to gauze him. mike. honda has more now from washington dc and the national security council has released the statement confirming that israel has agreed to open the air is crossing and also to make use stuff. it's potent as dodd. this is significant because air is, is in the north of gaza. it means that your monetary and supplies can now get into the north rather than in the south, which is where the previous crossings of humanitarian aid had taken place in rough
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uh, and kept them shalom opening up the port of ash dog, full. the movement of humanitarian supplies to gaza also significant. it will particularly improve the flow of humanitarian aid from jordan. astro does some 20 kilometers up the coast from gaza. so all of these meshes follow what appears to be a full phone call between president find and, and prime minister netanyahu in which the president reportedly insisted that specific concrete and measurable steps be taken to address civilian home. if this was not done, then the us would be reconsidering the nature of its relationship with israel. now, administration officials said off to that call that they were expecting, and his railey responds to possibly in a matter of olives, not even days. and that has indeed been the case, but what that has not been a response to was the coal for an immediate cease fire that president by didn't
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made in his coal with prime minister netanyahu. now whether or not this is going to be a sticking point in the next day is that the relationship between the us and israel . that is something that will be finding on from the administration as the hours go by. but that coil itself an immediate coal for an immediate cease fire was also a movement away from the u. s. policy of recent months. so especially since israel began its wall in gaza. and this is something that clearly indicates a shift in the us position. the possible, the possibility or the threat of making a to israel conditional if it does not increase the protection of civilians during its war on garza, my kind of ultra sierra washington as sarah has obtained exclusive footage from northern gauze of showing is rarely soldiers opening fire on the several palestinians attempting to collect aid the video to pick so distressing scene,
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but posting and civilian and the carrying a just deliberately shot multiple times by the soldiers. warning. now the images in this report all distressing. we had a baby because killed during the i'm going to carry an air drop. that's the tragic fee to repel as pinion men collecting $8.00 in the city of shoes, a in north eastern gaza. on march 9th, an airplane drops, a packages over the gaza strip. but soon it becomes evident that it doesn't come without risk. the packages lands new the boldest fence in northern garza. exclusive footage obtained by all g 0 shows is really soldiers deliberately targeting palestinians. as they rushed to collected. the vigil shows these really soldiers opening fire. despite none of this policy, new men posing a threats. the firing continues, even as this man leads the area,
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moving away from the border and the soldiers positions. as the soldiers watch dogs approach the wounded man and the video cuts off highlighting the overall lola's and those that has the can hold in the area. and you had to live to d l 0. the attack spot is ready for us is all continuing in the southern city, a reference to spot the area area being declared a safe relate to strike tube at least 7 palestinians, including 3 children funeral which had been held for the victims. rafa has become home to more than half of gauze population. often, many with forces from the north was and 33000 palestinians have not been killed by israel since the war began. including 14000 children. i mean, my food has moved from rafa in southern cause been very consistent with what we have experience so far since the beginning of the genocide of where there is in
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fact, no safe zone across the garza's or including the save going to the large they the designated by the is really military where everyone was ordered sharply to evacuate to, to avoid being bombs, but ended up being killed and bombed inside the areas that were designated. they've gone to including a mazda safe area and the western part of their is bella han. honda in a sense of the, of rough i, but almost that we, what we see in the pattern of is really response after every resolution or action or demand by the united nations. and it's different agencies, including the international court of justice, is a more more research of the air strikes the an error rates carried out relentless to across the goals. and so it would be interesting to see what does this really respond to the demand vice president biden. within, as ellen at pointed out within the coming of $24.00 or $48.00 or so maybe $72.00 coming good hours. but so far it over not a talk. these really a military kid of relentless areas, price targeting more residential homes,
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causing further civilian casualties. 7 people from one family and we're seeing the same exact kind of attacks on largest civilian population. civilian defense, this population side, residential home with these unpredictable fall in bonds. 7 people reported skilled and many other injuries and, and causing further internal displacement for people at the surroundings area. but we've been hearing stories of torture from palestinians with tons from is ready captivity, 101 to time these were released in gaza. i'll just hear us at tag assume spoke to one of to us out of city and destiny is happened released from the east, very detention to have been transferred to the gaza strip throughout karma. was telling me, christine, what was that? as we have been talking to an impulse destiny as it happened, reporting about really distressing and human condition. they have been getting through the detention. they have been completely deprived from having few access to food water and even they have been all the time beaten by the is very sewage just
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and have receiving different signs of talk to isaac. i clearly see right now here on the elderly man that had been arrested by the is very forces in the loss of hospital. and this was, you know, the fuse ready soldiers still necessary. hospitable in con eunice, where i was treated for a broken leg, is riley's rounded up old patients and injured into one section. the following day the some were transferred to embark hospital while the rest of us, me included, were detained, a loaded onto trucks taken to another location we would strip, searched and tortured, who would be to an old way. yeah. and their location i was in, had more than 2000 palestinian civilian detainees. you know, we would hang cost and blindfolded around the clock. we were subject to interrogation under torture, all forms of torch. and you can imagine including use of forensic dogs, we will crammed into cells with no cover, and only one mail a day. many of the detainees died under torture. many of the detainees have chronic disease. others with severe injuries were treated without mercy. detainees are
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going through how enough is the bill. they have been reporting about in human violations that had been taken by these very men at 3 in the detention as ne, number of the city of people and even being detained. it is been entails. and some of them have been taken to and disclose location. so now target bassoon. oh, just a rough, rough i saw the reasons the old and 600 british lawyers have written to the you take governments urging it to suspend arms sales to israel. so that's the ones that the u. k. could be complicit in genocide and other breaches of international know. so yeah, go has more of somebody that has become more common in london in recent months, another palestinian solidarity protest. this one outside the british department of business and trade, demanding that the u. k. government revoke arms export licenses to israel. it is
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one of the most contentious issues. the campaign is what part the u. k. plays and the catastrophe unfolding in gaza. and what it means for its own duties on the international law, reminding the prime minister wishy soon ask of those obligations more than 600 lawyers. and dr. demick sporting that concern about is rails world goes up the calling for the british government to suspend the provision of weapons to israel, saying the u. k. as in breach of international law. they also say that government must work towards an immediate and permanent ceasefire and stress about position through the un security council. the noise say the u. k must urgent they impose sanctions on senior members of the israeli government, who made statements in sizing, genocide where states adding to this a revelation by a conservative m. p. sharing a parliamentary foreign, a fast committee that the government's own, lawyers issued advice,
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but israel had breached international law. the foreign secretary david cameron, avoid it on spring. so you've never had a piece of paper in front of you by a, for an office lawyer that says the israel's, and breach of its international should monitoring commitments on jessica entangle. um, i, i like the reason for the officers with an account were cool. every single bit of paper has been put in front of me and so i didn't want to answer that question. one of the signatories of atlanta says there are serious legal issues at stake. the rules of war require, the civilians are protected as far as possible. but the, the death of a apparently over 30000 civilians in gunners. this is a pretty strong indication that israel has gone far beyond what is permitted an international role. the killing of 78 workers. and it is really a tac may have the, the force, the issue of how israel is conducting itself in goss. i'm
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a personal tragedy for those affected and it is all stuff is, well, public perception, suspending trade licenses will be one way for the u. k. to balance its legal obligations. but the dilemma for the prime minister, how he can continue to remain firm as an ally of israel, as public support for the country continues to diminish. sonya guy, yeah, go out, is there a london? so it's a come off to the break. i'm john 100 in chicago. we're a surgeon, migraines is met one lines with food pantries, the spain, it just closer to recognizing it, palestinian state prime minister pedro sanchez, is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law . what i can tell you is that the situation will be gladly sought acceptable as an
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immediate cease firing. garza, there's an urgency to stop this terrible war and to open a new phase of sleep. peace precipitating the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l. g 0 a reporting. so the options have you have a good time for emergency 5. i'm going to be great when i'm hearing the facts, palestinian or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators. it's presidents must be solved, reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click sense to the pots at the store, the real people, true stories close to home for so essential, not doing around the well, groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on how to say era.
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the the, you watching out is there a mind to off on top stories this out, the us presidents as cold for immediate, cease fire and goes up in a phone call. joe biden, ones is fairly prime minister benjamin netanyahu got a risk losing us. let's immediate action is taken event civilian home and out more food delivers is really strikes on residential buildings. and rafa has showed that the 70 ton of students, the desktop since the war began us the past 33000 duty, 14000 children, pasco is in taiwan. looking for 18 people still missing off to
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a powerful escalate on wednesday. it is 10 people don't like and a 7.2 magnitude quake more than a 1000, were injured. thousands of off the shots continued to shake areas around the items each coast. as a night's jessica washington is there in the one in middle of the quakes that present this is a goes public school in harley. and you can see some of the damage from wednesdays as quick to the structure of the building. and also inside the classrooms, authority say the cost of rebuilding this school will be around $6000000.00. and this is just one of dozens of schools damaged in the us quake. the central government and local governments have already committed millions to funding rebuilding public infrastructure and supporting local small businesses, particularly those in the tourism sector. meanwhile, rescue is continue efforts to clear a road blocking around 700 people. authorities say,
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however they are safe. most of them are in a hotel and they have enough food and water. the search also continues this morning, so more than a dozen people classified as missing, including for foreign nationals authority say the location of these individuals is still unknown. but some of them are believed to be on a hiking trail. jessica washington, which is 0 quantity of honesty, international has criticized the dominican republic. oh, don't get to stop. must deportations of haitians and accusing authorities of racism for many in the dominican republic say they cannot show to the acute crisis in haiti just because they share with 9. and i'll just say it was lots of america edits and lucy and human reports from santa dominga to the dominican republic and hastened share this caribbean island much more ways than one the distant neighbors. one speaks french, the other spanish. but more importantly,
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patients suffer from acute poverty stream political instability and now uncomfortable violence on the other side of the border in the capital samples of legal life groups, peaceful and prosperous. but looks or just see the guy and say, well, we're afraid, hey, tooth close to us. we've seen the videos of killing that is like you have a day and just need, but living next to a you don't know if they will hurt your family. in the last 3 months, dominican republic has deported more than 2500 young documentations arguing reasons of national security. we asked foreign minister roberto albert is to respond to charges by amnesty international racism and inhumane treatment of patients. 73 percent of our population is mixed blood, 16 percent black, 11 percent white. so there's never been it within dominicans, a distinction as to race that is completely false. no, no, on of course,
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one more than willing to help with the international community with any and a few minutes area and assistance. but the question is being asked, why isn't the dominican republic shouldering the black, the bulk of it? in v as a lot of states looking class dominicans, we met insist their country is doing its fair share. already. they save hundreds of thousands of patients live here. everyone mix together repairs on most of us. imagine 2 people live in your house and 5 more arrive, you'll share of everything shrinks, but we put up with it because they are right, brothers and neighbors. but the presence of so many haitians is also creating tensions. i feel sorry for them, but they should be sent back to their country for being smothered by patients. with that i you go to hospital and there are 10 haitians and 2 dominicans that com be their taking away our rights were in the general hospital now. and indeed there are
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many, many patients here, many pacing children as well. but that's only part of the story they didn't just arrived yesterday. many have been here for decades, undocumented, and they are here in the country, doing the hardest jobs and the lowest paying jobs and haitian children born is the dominican republic or not eligible for citizenship. that can be a lot of things. there are 2 things. people agree on the fear that the violence next door could spill over into this country. and the desperate need for safety to restore law and order with the help of an international community that seems to have forgotten the silent sea. in human, al jazeera simple to mingle, it's a federal courts in the us has refused to throw out charges of mishandling classified documents. and the case against the former president donald trump is low, is trying to argue that he was protected by presidential records low. prosecutors
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disagreed that saying the act had no relevance. trump faces 40 charges for keeping top secret files as his personal residence. yeah, the i rated his flores, i mean 2022 and confiscated more than 100, highly classified. fine. so us present, joe biden will meet families of the victims of a collapse to baltimore bridge. on friday. i called the ship lost power and collided with the bridge, causing it to collapse. last week, 6 work has died in the incident, but so far and the 2 bodies have been recovered. funds to clear the wreckage and reopen the port to commercial shipping on. on doing the collapse so the bridge is sort of thing and so severe with the metal that is so this configured and so brought together in pancake that it continues to make this mission extraordinarily complicated and dangerous for those who are conducting it. and so
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every single diary that goes into the into the water has been paired with an operator who uses a mix of 3 d renderings and drawings and pictures to be able to guide their partner . severe storms continue to cause habit can the us state of west virginia, flooding and land slides were reported on willing island for the higher river has reached its highest level in 20 years. found the storms and tornadoes have been sweeping through the state since she's de downing trees and closing power outages in roadblocks. the governor has declared a state of emergency in multiple counties. now, despite and improving economy, height, food prices of nets, increasing food insecurity across america. and major us cities, a search of new my frances swelling, food distribution, two's for 100 reports for chicago.
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as i say you all day with mccarthy because is the best way to say what i'm talking in for more than 30 years. fatima of wide has devoted her life to helping each wave of newcomers to chicago. she immigrated to the us from palestine in the late 19 seventy's. now she's feeding refugees from across the globe who lined up at her door. that's your coffee, sir. really hungry. i know how they feel. it's not easy. hunger is our number. we're any. wish to meet the fight or i didn't need together to live in peace. on a snowy day, the lines, it's an odd food pantry, stretch down the road for a 2nd. all that might be for the things that they give us here help us a lot. it is a great help, especially when you have a large family that are homeless. we work to make what we can and add to it with what we get here for one place or another. we get enough with 37000 new migrants
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bus to chicago alone from texas over the past 2 years. pantries, here and across the u. s. are straining to feel the grocery carts of the hungry was donated fruit. the chicago food pantries has always been busy, but as the margaret numbers have increased, so have the lines. typically this i would see about 50 people on a given day. now they're saying to $300.00 and the lines will continue until the food runs out. some pantries here have started to reduce the number of times, families can visit each month, others ration the food they give out. the migrant search is on the rice with crowd sometimes tearing down border fences and breaking through the lines of us agents to add pain while we're here long, long time go my people and it's all good. you know, but we can do this plus you can afford to support everybody when they arrive at her door for them is that she doesn't ask where they come from. whoever ask for help,
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help, and then look at the color. then again, customer the just look at them as a human being and that's how i do because i've been so a lot. when they come to me for something, i have the feeling. i know how they feel because i've been sort in each new wave of immigrants find them is she sees herself, john henry l g 0 chicago. no police in california are investigating a $30000000.00 heist on easter sunday. according to the cool media, the crew broke into a money storage facility in los angeles. they've gotten through the roof without setting off any loans. company which owns the building, didn't realize the cash was gone until the day later on that quote police on the f b i on. now investigating this or you can find more use features analysis on a website. alda 0 dot com on your devices are these continues to announce off the
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top to, i'll just be back in just on the sauce now. it's time to move from the days developments to stay with this. see the the, the still clouds gutting across the sky is the right being produced, nobody's sending. and it's constant drive to get along the boilers, takes it through amount and given, i'm not square. if anything you'll see want to, to share. i was going to be prompted by how i grants or west, and you have been maybe the western side of side of your app. you'll see one or 2. they might be some discounts that compared with this last week. there's nothing to worry about. the winds generally speaking, light tempers on their way up slowly side to side the right route through rock. there is clearly sounds the guns are to ask you that might not be tempted back down
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in cyprus and the advances the when becomes on the sho, in northern egypt. but this is rain or a bit of snow for the cook this but not much mold, not really nothing to be concerned about at all. there's a still shelves around new west and saturday, not big, but they're all the same. the seasonal rain, zoe, today little bit further science is showing itself in terms of the a and in can you that are warnings of its heaviness and maybe as well come in somalia and d. c. o p. equally, it's wet for the west, as you might expect. this is the range coming north with the sun. size of this well, of a pleasing picture of some, at least there is rain from. there may be a, down towards south africa, but look at this coming up into something mozambique significant. right. which might give a little bit of help for writing maybe testing, by the way. the latest news as it breaks down the message,
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they say they're going to detail coverage. these really prime minister spoke this evening saying that the military is ready to invade drop off despite criticisms from allies from the hall. so the story everyone is terrified. thank you. shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is case and kind of seen. these are targeted the space prime minister petro sanchez ends. he's late to smooth lease toward cats, a but a crucial time for the wine to reach him. the goal state has hosted several thoughts on ending israel's war on cause a prime minister sanchez calls for c spa and israel to respect. international law resonated world wide while he strongly condemned the october the 7th attack sanchez's also demanded the protection of civilians.


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