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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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hops, ramadan kid shows, cooking shows you a for you right? 2020 full top european leaks and much more. don't forget to use the promo code from it that the, [000:00:00;00] the no, i'm for the back to the, this is in use our on out just the right life from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes on the pressure from the us. israel agrees to open a border crossing in northern guys to allow in much needed a as video obtained biologist sierra shows is really soldiers opening fire on
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palestinians as they try to collect fluids. also this, our funerals, i have any, ron for the 7 military personnel killed and is really striking. syria on monday will be live from tehran and dozens of after shawn same taiwan following the major earthquake on wednesday. the search goes on for 18. people still miss the thank you very much for joining us. israel has agreed to open a board across the northern guys side to allowing much needed aid. this comes on pressure from us president joe biden, who called for an immediate cease, find the strip during a call with his is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu by one mission. now with that us to, for, for israel will depend on the steps taken to address 2000000000 harm and humanitarian suffering. it's a 1st call between the leaders since these really ami killed 74, and 8 workers in gaza, prompting global outreach, our white house correspondent,
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kimberly how can didn't coverage. days after is really air strikes, killed 7 worlds central kitchen aid workers. us president joe biden spoke with it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the president warned israel doesn't protect civilians and aid workers. future us support is a state he made clear the need for israel to announce a series of specific concrete and measurable steps to address. usually in harm humanitarians of suffering and the safety of a workers. those steps include more crossing for a trucks and mitigation measures to reduce civilian harm. the biden administration says it must happen in a matter of days. the us secretary of state says 100 percent of the population and gaza needs humanitarian assistance. and those working to provide assistance are in peril. this was
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a risk attack on the world. central kitchen was not the 1st such incident. it must be the last miss. biden's 30 minute phone call comes, as the president said to be increasingly frustrated by israel's war and gaza. that's left more than $33000.00 palestinians dead. he's calling for an immediate cease fire to improve the humanitarian conditions and allow for the release of captives. if we don't see changes from their side, they'll have to be changes from our side. that change could come in the form of a policy shift. critics of press the us to stop providing nearly 4000000000 in the annual military assistance to israel, but the white house says there's no plan to help military support. the white house decline to outline consequences if israel failed to protect civilians and aid
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workers. it also defended latest approval of fighter jets and bombs the same day that aid workers were killed, saying is real faces. multiple threats, including from iran. kimberly helped get al jazeera, the white house after president biden's call with these really prime minister israel has said it will temporarily allow a deliveries through its northern border crossing with casa. currently, a limited number of 8 tracks passed through the rifle, crossing with egypt as well as kind of mabel signing also in the south. but a relief agency se is route is impeding access and strange and checks means not enough. fade is getting it. there is crossing which is where it says it will open up, connects to northern gaza. that's the region facing evidence farming. additionally, israel says it will open. it's for city of ashton to receive aid by sea for delivery to gosh, that spring in august areas where we challenge the unoccupied east through has been for us. so really, 1st of all,
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how are these really framing this decision to open it is and let a through. and i know them guys as well. that was that a huge amount, but what i say is quite interesting and we can um, pick it, i'll guide you through the the statement the see put out the to the media. they said that israel will allow the temporary delivery of humanitarian aid through the asked out, sorry, through asked out. and the arrows check points. this increased page will prevent the humanitarian crisis and is necessary to ensure the continuation of the fighting and to achieve the goals of the war. so a few things to i'm pick that fast by saying that this is already going to be temporary, not a poem, and it's opening of that crossing to allow a through. secondly, they're saying it's to prevent the humanitarian crisis, which indicates that they assumed that there isn't already underway. the humanitarian crisis in casa. and they are frightening this as
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a way of continuing the fighting and pursuing the goals of the war, which they've said many, many times is the elimination of how mass as a fighting force and the return of all the cap to is being held by how much the inside got that's now it does show also the, the kind of leverage of the united states kind puts on israel when it chooses to do so because this decision from netanyahu has come off to his cold with presidential bite. and he then went into a security cabinet briefing at which these decisions were made and then rubbish, samsung a very quick turn around from that fucking cold. so this announcements, right. so how, how then is it. busy going to work, what's the mechanism for the aid going and how soon could we see areas open and, and any more detail on things like the quantity of 8 for example. mm.
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nothing yet. uh, that's really flushes out. uh, what's on this site. yeah. quite skeletal statement sofa box arrows is the what was the main foot crossing pedestrian. crossing into garza from israel. so i've used it in the past. it used to be a great big kind of building, but you would go through stringent security. you would then walk down a kind of kilometer long covered walkway. it into gaza itself. it's not, never has the set top to cope with call. okay. so at the other aspect of this is that, that, that, that crossing was quite and significantly damaged at the beginning of the war. so we don't know at the moment how well set top it is to actually handle significant amounts of aid coming in to what, what could needs be done to make it fit for doing so. the box, the plan is as we understand it, that aid would come by see to these ready port city of asked out there with it and
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make its way a few comments of south to arise. and from then pa, from that pos, into the northern part of gauze that, which is being, it was the 1st bits of the script to be bombarded and associates by it is ready for us. is that the beginning of the war? so the, the part of casa, which is the most in need, but also, yeah, we don't know what the level of aid is going to be coming in. we understand also because of what happened that one of the week with the attack on uh, the wells central kitchen and it's stuff that many, 8 over to the organizations have paused at least their operation in gauze. i. so then getting the gauge from address crossing to the people who need it most is going to be a big task. and that mechanism is severely depleted and environment because of recent events. thank you really for that really talents live there and occupied east jerusalem. and i'll just here is my kind of has more now on the shifting us
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position regarding israel's war on gas. as the national security council has released the statement confirming that israel has agreed to open, the air is crossing and also to make use of as potent as start. this is significant because air is, is in the north of gaza. that means that you meant a terry and supplies can now get into the north rather than in the south, which is where previous crossings of humanitarian aid had taken place in rough uh and kept them shalom opening up the port of ash dog. full. the movement of humanitarian supplies to gaza also significant. it will particularly improve the flow of humanitarian aid from jordan. astro does some 20 kilometers up the coast from gaza. so all of these measures follow what appears to be a proto phone call between president find and, and prime minister netanyahu, in which the president reportedly insisted that specific concrete and measurable
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steps be taken to address civilian hom. if this was not done, then the us would be reconsidering the nature of its relationship with israel. now, administration officials said off to that call that they were expecting, and his railey responds put to possibly in a matter of hours, not even days. and that has indeed being the case, but what they has not being a response to was the coal for an immediate cease fire that president biden made in his coal with prime minister netanyahu. now whether or not this is going to be a sticking point in the next day is the relationship between the us and israel. that is something that will be finding on from the administration as the hours go by. but that call itself an immediate call for an immediate cease fire was also a movement away from the u. s. policy of recent months. so especially since israel began its wall in gaza and this is something that clearly indicates
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a shift in the us position. the possible, the possibility or the threat of making a to israel conditional if it does not increase the protection of civilians during its war on garza, my kind of ultra sierra washington. the o g 0 has obtained exclusive facilities from northern guys. a showing is ready soldiers opening fire on several times, simians attempting to collect aid the video to fix a distressing scene where palestinian civilian carrying aid is deliberately shot multiple times by the soldiers wanting the images in the head of a babies report. honda civic, killed during how many terry an air drop. that's the tragic fee to the public opinion men collecting $8.00 in the city officers a northeastern gauze. on march 9th, a new plane drops a packages over the gaza strip,
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but soon it becomes evident that it doesn't come without risk. the packages lens knew the boldest fence in northern garza. exclusive footage obtained by all to 0 shows is really soldiers, deliberately targeting palestinians. as they rushed to collected, the vigil shows these really soldiers opening fire. despite none of this policy, new men posing a threat. the firing continues, even as this man leads the area moving away from the border and the soldiers positions as the soldiers watch dogs approach, the wounded man and the video cuts off highlighting the overall lola's and those that has the can hold in the area. you had a lot of d l 0 as, as being a surge in a tax in a southern uh guys in the city of ross, i'm more than 33000 palestinians,
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have now been killed by israel. since the one guys began more than half the population has been forced to seek shopped in rafa. there and overcrowded counts and during famine like condition sweat speak to our correspondents on the ground. terry capitalism, who is in a rough topic. let's talk about the aid and israel announcing that it will open the arrows crossing in northern guys or to allow a to what are the reactions that to this decision and how much difference is going to make for people in northern guys and we are experiencing the finding at the moment yes, fully. in fact, up to the main things that had been hailed between the members of the is the very won't cabinets. they have totally agreed that they will again, reopen areas across things. you know, that's a lot of the flow that humanitarian who voice to reach to the desperate parts of the gaza strip and then other and sex. so the territory on that step is understood among palestinians here to be as
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a result of the american direct russia and the increasing level of the criticism as well, has been subjected to off it's multiple repeated attacks on at 8. so you can send them side with the humanitarian organizations that are working to facilitate the process of a delivery to the gaza strip. the latest one has been conduct in the central kitchen, which has complete new spots. it's a national outrage. that's why the is very mandatory has been accepting the american demands in order to open or is the 1st thing i'm allow for fed, lower humanitarian chromeboys is specifically off to the american president. joe biden has been cooling, is very leadership to increase the capacity of a humanitarian supplies to the gaza strip. yes, palestinians of wondering about the number of humanitarian cal boys that would be allowed to get into the another positive garza. but if it's going to be real and the practically mechanisms to increase the capacity of these kind of thing, i see that it's a very good step that will help to partially alleviate that relates in human attack, prices, de,
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facts. but even with this payment of hope that some aid will finally get to know then guys that the attacks the strikes across the strip continue to tell us about what's been happening in the last few hours. yes. in fact, slowly, within the past few hours, these very minutes we had been focusing on using it's on their units that had been stationed on the outskirts of the golf trip. bouncing the eastern areas of roof that a day sent a boat is, would easily have they have been attacking these areas massively in the past few hours, low side also that out to their units had been hitting the separate cost of the city of san eunice. and with an overnight they have been carrying out new attacks on the big la here town and also in a devalue refuge account that had been widely hits. a, as a number of casualties have been reported that but yet we have been hearing here in or off. i city who active military movement for the is very surveillance of drones
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as it's usually do not leave the sky of roof districts on hourly phases. thank you . very much for the update that sounds as here as terry. capitalize on a 14. they live from rafa in southern gaza to discuss this and all the latest developments. these are as well on guys i last spring and motto in jones is associate professor of mentally studies that have been released by university here in doha. thank you, mark for being with us on entre 0. let's start with the this decision by these really. so the white house calls it and yahoo pushed a bit of pressure and then a few hours later, these really say they'll open the air as crossing. what do you make of this? well, i think it tells us what's that a little bit of finding a lot of this stuff in the extent and guys that could have been immediate rated much earlier on that click of what the us have actually done prior to getting to the stage. they've talked about building a port, they've been dropping an 8 by f, and all it took was a little extra pressure to get them opened this northern bozer and open the asked
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on port. so i think this is really indicative of the fact that if the us had wanted to and this time and assume that they would've, but obviously is maybe also to be king of $74.00 and aid workers. yeah. of. and that have $17000.00 plus people who died and gods, and i think there's no just the us. i mean, we see, you know, in australia and a 3 british people published resident one power spending ended. you will canadian american national, i'm going this is a particular vote outrage in the west and weld more. so if his and the death of the killing rather a $33000.00 palestinians. so i think this again reflects to many people that palestinian lives doesn't matter to west and politicians, which we know is true. but it's also important to bear in mind that we have been seeing an escalation of rhetoric from the us. but at the same time this, this rhetoric seems quite hollow, right? let's recap from what israel of actually done since this uptake and rhetoric and by uptick. i mean, you know chuck schumer, you know, the highest ranking, jewish elected official in the us saying that this should be elections in israel. we've had come out of harris and, you know,
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adding this extra pressure on we've had to us even, you know, not use a veto. but in that time, we've had the destruction of israel dogs as largest hospital. we've had continued ad drops. we've had emerges of famine and we've had, you know, the continued killing of 8 workers and we've had an increase in bombing of targets and syria. so despite this uptake and rhetoric, and i'm sorry, so it's, i don't lincoln's israel, so you don't think the us is, is prepared to make any changes to its policy towards israel. if, if this now doesn't change, if israel doesn't change the conduct of this war and that's what i'm saying, that we don't like to increase the reality. you though, is that they are saying these things and yes was thing a bit more a through. but in the reality, the us of approval weapons to is ro, we've seen an increase in the, the suffering of gauze and since 5th escalation of rhetoric. so i not sure you know what point do us to say, hey, listen, we need to make a simple view conditional on military because that's the only thing that's going to stop nothing. yahoo is the us withdrawing mastery supplies. and if now is already
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said that the opening of the arrows crossing to increase aid is to prevent a humanitarian crisis. but also he says it's also necessary to ensure the continuation of the fighting and to achieve israel, small goals. so he's clearly framing this differently. then most people are seeing it as pressure as a result of pressure from the us. is these really big lodge buying this if i don't think so, i mean many, i was massively unpopular, but he has to say that he has to say that he doesn't wanna lose face because he doesn't want to, you know, run with his campus when his legs because the us some executive pressure, he's also going to be irritating the really far right to his cabinet does not forget that they've also. so they're gonna try and open up temporarily. and the porter ash told frank, the reason they didn't open this was before was because smart, rich, you know, the far right. a finance minister blocked the under a flower shipments that right, so this is obviously at what know he's doing now is going to be irritating his coalition. so he has to make double the asset now to try and suggest that what he's doing is actually in israel's war and to appease the fault. right, right,
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and global outrages. we stayed over razor. i was kidding. of these for an aid workers said they from us, send the investigation and accountability, but we know what previous investigations have achieved. very little how. how do they continue justifying the level of violence that we see in, in gaza today in the continuous killing of unarmed civilians? as we seen again in this a recent exclusive video obtain biologist era, you know, a man killed point blank as he was trying to collect food. how do they justify this the comp, just if i and they try to. all right, and what we see now is particularly advocate killing. uh, lets say most of those $78.00 workers which remember with 3 separate targeted strikes on 3 different vehicles after each person will survive. as of each strike got out and got into the other vehicles, those 3 decisions make subsequent strides. how they tried to justify that by saying it was ms identification. this is the stand of israel playbook. firstly, they tried deny, if they can't deny, they'll say that was extenuating circumstances if they can't say that,
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then they say, well, we thought for example, how much was involved, right? so we're tempting to do this, but you've seen them roll out various other people trying to justify they've, they've had and you spokesman cuz the long that it was fired. yeah, they've got the, the economy minutes been that during the around. so what it seems like the scraping the barrel in terms of people coming up to justify and what those people are doing, in addition to try and saying, oh this isn't this identification. we're doing an investigation which is codes, but we're not going to do anything. we're going to try and drag this out. so public anger subsides if they've also sending that, bringing out photos of the hostages. and trying to double down on israel propaganda efforts that were more reminiscent of november and october. so they are seemingly desperate and assuming they trying to probably be in motion cod because they really don't have a sufficient like to stand them because i think it's quite clear now even west and politicians do not by the fact about this attack on those wells. central kitchen edward as was a mistake and it confirms what we've all known all along, which is that 8 workers who palestinian up to 200 of them have been targeted by
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israel strikes. i guess it's taken 7 west minutes to be killed for that to be realized. if most of them are following this, we know that actually a look as of most likely been talking to deliberately. absolutely. thank you so much mark for talking to us about this. very interesting to hear your thoughts, marco and john. some haven't been highly for university here. the best. so i hate to yvonne not waste, you know, to being held for 7 military personnel killed and then is really striking syria on monday. thank lou did a break of did. general yvonne supreme leader has vowed to respond to the attack on a consummate building in damascus. that's prompted israel to hold only for its military combat units. and the funeral was entailed on today coincide with could say the annual policy. and in solidarity date. though such a battery is on correspondent in yvonne's capital, tell us 1st or so what we're expecting from the events today into iran. well, we've seen the bodies of the 7 men that arrived back in here on, on wednesday evening. now, making their way to,
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to around university they started out at circle c square in the cafeteria where people gathered in this procession that we're seeing now into large trucks are caring the coffins and people are paying their respects as these trucks. marriage makes their way to turn around university. there will be a ceremony there that will be presided over by the head of the revolutionary guard major general jose and selling me, who will deliver a speech, and most likely, more threats for israel, about what's to come. this procession is one of the biggest we've seen here in iran, at over the past few years. of course, this attack is one of the biggest that we've also seen on the revolutionary guard commanders outside of or on 7 members of the revolutionary guards were killed in damascus on april 1st. and the wrong leadership has vowed revenge. and the pictures that we're seeing today really illustrates what's to come and the general move here in the country, right. and,
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and precisely on the move in the country. this is also coming on could stay, which is a day, a solidarity with palestinians. what is that the atmosphere in the country any run as well? solely things are very tense. i think a lot of people are worried about what's to come at this point. stay is an annual event which began in 1979 after the revolution that took place here. it's a date that's held on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan to show their own solidarity with the palestinian people and to to call for an end to these rarely occupation of the policy and state. but of course, this friday is a special meeting in general, given the events that have transpired. many people here that i've been speaking to say they're worried about the reaction that iran is going to have to the attack that killed one of its highest ranking members may. a brigadier general mohammed
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resides in damascus. and i think the pictures that we're seeing highlights the general mood, we've seen people burning flags and expertise of the leadership of israel and the united states. of course, the people here are not only worried about what kind of reaction iran will have, but also the response that will come after that from the united states and israel, they move shares is certainly things are very tense and people are worried about what's to come in the next few days or so, thank you very much. that solved is there is door such a bar in taylor on is still much more ahead on this on to 0 and use our, including a long running border dispute between india and china. flags. that's again why new delhi of responded, and really to a new place names announced by b g. the price to tie one with dozens of aftershocks shaking the east coast. she'll be east
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coast overnight following the major ice quake on wednesday. rescue is our searching for 18 people still missing the 7.2 magnitude quake calls the depths of at least 10 people with more than a 1000 injuries. helicopters out and lifted, some people who were trapped when roads were cut off in mountainous areas. jessica washington is in wiley. the closest city to the center of yes please. this is a goes public school in harley and you can see some of the damage from wednesdays as quick to the structure of the building. and also inside the classrooms, authorities say the cost of rebuilding this school will be around $6000000.00. and this is just one of dozens of schools damaged in the us quake. the central government and local governments have already committed millions to funding rebuilding public infrastructure and supporting local small businesses, particularly those in the tourism sector. meanwhile, rescue is continue efforts to clear
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a road blocking around 700 people. authorities say, however they are safe. most of them are in a hotel and they have enough food and water. the search also continues this morning, so more than a dozen people classified as missing, including for foreign nationals authority say the location of these individuals is still unknown. but some of them are believed to be on a hiking trail. jessica washington, which is 0, quantity a. c, i head on alger 0. why the amazon rain forest and columbia in brazil is still at risk despite a decline of deforestation the and know from europe still flirting with the idea of spring. it's mostly when the
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wet and sometimes even snobbery does not have to say that's really can find 2 kinds of a this is for example, stuck row yesterday. now the average. so for orleans document, april is about 6 tend to be so i think you've had your lot time to finish. there is probably one more day of that still happening. and then it all turns remarkably mild. but wet with it, which is the condition which stretches back to the bit of charles to northern front at the moment. but generally speaking, the wont further south is what we will act. so it still comes full cost by sunday, you're up to $14.00 degree, so they'll be rapid. so by then come further south and most of some europe unfinished represents something you feel like it's already there. 50 degrees rising to 9 teams basically went in the sunshine very much in the spring like. now this is the story throughout the day with western windy weather that confines the british owls, but dragging some rain dance reports cool. i suspect it may be wanted to be honest sunshine for the rest and roughly roaming temperatures. north africa has already seen some extreme heat in this
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a how the night with the heat warning air for nigeria. but i think that will be tempered with incoming showers during friday. the. the latest news as it breaks the wall and the message, they say they're going to carry on the 2 coverage, these really prime ministers spoke this evening saying that the military is ready to invade drop off, despite criticisms from allies, from the heart of the story. everyone is terrified, seeking shelter in the hospital for more than 6 months. right now, nowhere is case and kind of seen. these are targeted african narratives from africans. perspective, nature has always been this some way. my child to short documentary spine african
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film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at what is key a is that is part of our history that couple from nigeria and re writing libraries from canyon africa direct on. i'll just the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out you 0 live from till i, reminder of, i mean stories this hour of the us president, his call for an immediate cease fire in casa, and a phone call. joe biden, to advise wanting to israel's foreign minister benjamin netanyahu,
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that he risks losing us support unless the media of action is taken to prevent civilian harm and allowed more for delivery to gas. calling present bindings, demands, israel has said it will temporarily allow 8 deliveries to the air as crossing in northern casa. it also says that will temporarily open the for city of ash dawn, which lies about 40 kilometers north of gas and t and also being held in yvonne for 7 military personnel kills and i'm is there any? yes, so i can syria on monday and funeral spring side with good stay of palestinian song, guaranteed a house on the last friday of from or not from on the humanitarian situation in guys where i, let's speak to testing, grab most folks best. and for unicef, the united nations children's fund, and she's live from bra fi in southern guys, a test good to have you again with us on audra 0. i guess your reaction 1st res. rouse decision to open the arrows crossing in northern guys. what difference is that going to make? we're going to have to wait and see how it all plays out in practice. but it's
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really good news. we've been asking for weeks now for these cross seems to be, i think we've used it before. and we know how important it is to get supplies into the northern gods district because of course, the truth crossing cetera. open at the moment apology in the south and require us to transport all of the of the guys to escape. so this is really welcome news, but we need it to happen soon. we need to happen at scale, and we need it to be society. but you say it's an important crossing test area is though, has been the main crossing point for people to get in and out of guys that how is opening the crossing going to help ease. i mean it's mostly been use for people. how is it going to, to be use for a to get into northern gas? i know this is something that you and has, has been thinking about for some weeks now as the sides, primarily a pedestrian crossing. but so it was rough us. so it's, you know,
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something that we're working on and we'd like to be able to get a truck in that scale through. whereas because we have so few options, we really need to take all of the options that we have to be able to get food a into the know people of know, gaza who, of on the precipice of assignment, right there is getting the full data in, but it is also ensuring safety and security, right, for the people who are going to be distributing this fluid as we've seen in, in recent months. this hasn't always been guaranteed by these are these, what measures are you hoping is there is going to take in addition to opening this board across or yeah, that's right. and you know, as well as outside of the society of the paper, we're trying to help. we've recently seen incidents as well where people try to access i have been killed. so it's really important that we make the situation. so the distribution of, i'd say, where asking for at the moment is the international humanitarian law to be solar. and one key part of that is this notification and coordination system that, well the central kitchen mentioned in that statement on tuesday. that means that
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when we go on missions, we coordinate with this row to make sure that they know where we're going and what we're doing and that, that follow international humanitarian law to protect us. but at the moment that the system is clearly broken, it's not working properly, as we saw with the tragic incident on monday night. yeah. it's a deacon fiction process. right. what specific changes would you like to see made to this big and fiction process? well, it's a process that works in other conflicts around the world, and this is the really frustrating thing. the system is fine, is the implementation of the system. that's not what it is, not being respect, we receive the safety insurance and then we go on a mission where we are told we will be safe and we've delayed for hours at a check point for interrogated. they've put in harm's way or the acute and that's not acceptable. that's not what these meant to happen once we receive the safety assurance there. so that's something that needs to be remedied with the arrows
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crossing, opening up it, and also the for the device dodge. do you have any more detail status that you could share with us perhaps about do you know the quantity of a that is going to go in and also how soon at the border crossing will be open itself? unfortunately, not yet. this is all kind of amazing this morning, so we're going to need to engage today. and in the coming days we, these are out to make sure that we understand how this is going to work, right? and as i said, when we need to make sure this is going to happen soon, that it can bring a dns scale. and we need to confirm that it's going to be sustained because we've been told we've heard that it's temporary. we don't know for how long. thank you very much for talking to us. thank you for your time testing from spokesperson for unicef. joining us there from rafa in southern gaza. israel has stepped up raids in the occupied westbank since the war on gas. i began surrounded by is really military towers and checkpoints, many palestinians,
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the face and uncertain future, like safe dar wish policy, me and boy who only turned 15 last week and has already twice been imprisoned by his really forces. he has his story in his own way. most of these a scale. it's bob, the lucky to tell him. totally cool. one bored. you may have good latest images, especially as normal. and the last of that, the head cause only. now. so let me ask you to show that a, how do i, how you lost the 50 a, giving it to the and look them crime. i do show the comes on now closed the,
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the local, him how i can go to the you course of course. so i'm the one on the top floor for me to the restroom. i mean, you know, i can be and is there a way i called, oh, and it was you move into the customer. skinner. so we drove the decision as what the issue on the, on the subject. why then the enough see another know speak to to our brand new ma. my know i'm home and again with shut up with this is una williams but was suddenly issued. the cottage said look at the state level as an estimate of the se in them know what, how would be the
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most of them? so now i'm gonna drop them alone. validated the doctor, me though. sure. me over to the i've seen in other world news now us treasury secretary john it yellen is in china for 4 days of talk. same, that improving relations between the wells, top 2 economies that visit is part of a wider effort to stabilize by natural relations rocked by a long list of disagreements ranging from technology restrictions to the war in ukraine. yellen says the us has serious concerns about what she calls china is unfair. economic practices. pensions, of, again fled between china and india over contested territory in the himalayan
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mountain range. china has allocated 30 chinese geographical names, so the disputed border region. india says the name changes are absurd. katrina, you re for somebody jane. this, this remote boulder region into layers has become a flash point in the already frosty relationship between china and india. the government and you deli, refers to it as a northeastern state of out of nato dash and says it's an inalienable part of india . last month, communist and there and reload. he visited the region. so the opening of the same a ton of the high altitude tunnel will make it easier for india to reach the dispute of territory and show up its defenses along the 3500 kilometer unofficial border with the china on the north east. india is on its way to becoming a crucial link for in just trade and tourism and other connections to south east asia. it. cutty,
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china is government is furious at maurice visits. and india is development that it refers to the area as the non all south to that. it's also criticized us. support of india is territorial claim. so $92.00, so would you like the sung husband, china's territory since ancient times. this is an undeniable fact. where does the so called, or neutral pradesh come from? united states has a terrible record of stoking disputes between other countries for selfish gain. that the government has responded by allocating chinese names for those 2 places in the region. rejecting the use of any foreign names, it says holmes, china is territorial integrity. india has cold, china is renaming of the region upset. the lake is flare up in board. attentions comes as nationalism increases in india and china relations constrained by just east for the territory. both which will in 1962,
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there's been several established in 20201010 slicing between soldiers and to let dunc regents lead to the depths of at least 20 indian and 4 chinese troops. more than 20 rounds of nutri talks have been held to come tensions. but the bilateral relationship remains icy at best. katrina alda 0 aging former us present. donald trump has suffered setbacks into criminal cases. against them. a judge in florida refused to dismiss the charges of mishandling classified documents . trumps lawyers had argued he was protected by a presidential records law. it allows former presidents to keep personal records unrelated to their official responsibilities in georgia, the judge overseeing the election. and if you're in the case rejected trumps the argument that the diamond criminalizes political speech, protected by the 1st amendment and the us president joe biden, is you in baltimore to meet the relatives of workers who were killed in last week's bridge collapse. 6 repairman were killed when
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a container ship lost power and round the bridge. divers have managed to recover only 2 bodies so far, a major solve a draft that is on the way to clear the twisted wreckage. u. s. army engine is expect to open a new channel into the port by the end of the month and restore full capacity by the end of may. the collapse. so the bridge is so this thing and so severe with the metal that is so this configured. and so brought together in pancake that it continues to make this mission extraordinarily complicated and dangerous for those who are conducting it. and so every single diary that goes into the, into the water has been paired with an operator who uses a mix of 3 d renderings. and drawings and pictures to be able to guide their partner. staying in the us, the governor of west virginia has declared emergencies in many counties following thunderstorms and tornadoes. flooding and lance lies that also caused chaos. the
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ohio river has reached its highest level in 20 years. trees, which toppled in high winds, blocks roads, and costs. power cuts. lance lies have left 3 homes teetering on the edge of a cliff in newport beach, california residents have been advised to remove their belongings and evacuate in 2023. a landslide in the same neighborhood led to several evacuations, and the demolition of one house or african now in somalia is expelling ethiopia isn't boss that are giving the invoice 72 hours to leave. so many officials say it's because of a port d o between it's break away region of somebody lined any field here. the agreement will allow landlocked to show up yet denise 20 kilometers of coastline thought to be near the port of fed bear somalia, also status closing to of a fuel case. consulate one in somebody 9 and the other in the semi autonomous region of punishment. the government in mogadishu does not control these regions. kathrine so is following the story from night will be kenya. this is
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a big development and a huge escalation because it has been quiet dramatically since the feud between the 2 countries started of that have been talks that have been going on, mediated by president william router of 10 years. so it is, is huge, set back and i know these are problems between the 2 countries. started when you made an agreement with salt, somebody land which is on a tunnel, the state of all is c o. p, a without passing. but passing through mogadishu. so the government of somalia says that it feels that uh it's co tauriel rights
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have been infringed. and when all this now is happening, even with the talks going on. now we have another incident where it still has holstead, another redone of somebody at that point line. it is, i send me a told me to watch a region a. so a delegation went to issue appeal where the discussing, whether discussing about, you know, you will not seek relations and call peroration again. i is still the federal government um, also malia and will that issue very angry saying this is provocative and the will not allow this to happen. and it's happening on the contest that there are a lot of tensions internally between portland and the federal government, especially during the so ongoing a constitutional or review process,
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a web portal and says that it is unhappy with some of the amendments that have been made. and it will reject those amendments and sofa that you know, portland says that it is considering a withdrawal from these federal system which is going to be very problematic. indeed, cost. we saw you all to 0. nairobi. a very is encouraging use for campaign is trying to stop the destruction of the amazon rain forest finders say the rate of deforestation in brazil and columbia has decreased, but is alexander, i'm get terry for some bobo time, the goal of stopping global deforestation by 2030 remains under wrecked. tropical forest are humanities, best defense against climate change, but forest spires, illegal logging, and the expansion of cattle ranching continued to threaten them. the world resources institutes. annual global forests watch offers a glimmer of hope. seeing the 1st station. so
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a major dropping brazil and columbia in 2023, both brazil and columbia had administration changes in the past year to. and we're really seeing a increasing rhetoric and political will around reducing forest loss. and it seems like that that changes actually having a very rapid impact on primary force loss, decreased by 36 percent in brazil after president knew that the seal that the office following guy here, both. so natalie, who had the road environmental protections in colombia before a station decreased 49 percent as the new administration of the style of pits are focused on protecting the environment, to rule reforms and advancing peace negotiations with i'm groups operating in the amazon a yes, these with actions were offset by sharp increases in forest loss in other countries . like believe you and me cut out what we are seeing. pretty massive increases in bolivia,
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in particular now has the 3rd most primary for us loss of any country in the tropics. this is a situation that's continuing to get worse. their forest fires are major factor, and we're seeing forrest fires in areas that have not previously burned as well as agricultural expansion. the report shows that in 2023, the tropics, last 3700000 actors of primary forest. that's the equivalent of losing 10 football fields a minute. overall, the global 3 color loss increased 24 percent from 2022. s. the for this by columbus have to and what's worse, columbia, as impressive gains could be short lived, lost in columbia, norful them, or we can celebrate this reduction and deforestation in columbia because it is just the result of a temporary decision buying, a legal group that controls that territory, the government's political will, is not enough to generate change because they don't control the region. and
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deforestation dodge for the 1st trimester of 2024. that is already showing a radical new increase in deforestation on demonstrating just how fragile last year is. reduction has been a 145 countries committed to reach 0, the for a station by 2030. and despite some progress with just 6 years remaining, it's clear that the world continues to fall far short of reach that target. less than that i'm did. i just need a book that a still head on alger 0. i'm going to see a newman in the sense of the legal in the dominican republic and coming up we'll explain how the dominicans are feeling about the price is taking place in their neighboring country seats,
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the the
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or the, [000:00:00;00] the fucking back, a collision between a bus and no rate in bolivia has killed at least 14 people. 9 women and a child were among the dead. according to the authorities, the driver of the truck that was transporting sold, may have fallen asleep while driving. he's in police custody now to the crisis in haiti, which is affecting neighboring dominican republic, i'm missing to national is urging an end to the mass, the for taishan of haitian. so fled gang wars, but many in the dominican republic st. locals shouldn't suffer for what's happening
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next door in haiti. he's a lot in america editor, lucy, a newman in the capital santo domingo of the dominican republic and hatred. share this caribbean island much more waves and one the distant neighbors. one speaks french, the other spanish, but more importantly, patients suffer from acute poverty stream political instability and now uncomfortable violence on the other side of the border in the capital, samples of legal life groups, peaceful and prosperous. but looks or just see you and say, well, we're afraid hate, he's close to us. we've seen the videos of killing that is like you have a day and just need, but living next to a you don't know if they will hurt your family. in the last 3 months, dominican republic has deported more than 2500 young, documented nations arguing reasons of national security. we asked foreign minister
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roberto alvarez to respond to charges by amnesty international of racism and inhumane treatment of patients. 73 percent of our population is mixed blood, 16 percent black, 11 percent white. so there's never been a within dominicans, a distinction as to a race that is completely false. no, no, but of course we're more than willing to help with the international community with any in a few minutes area and assistance. but the question is being asked, why isn't the dominican republic shouldering the black, the, the bulk of it in v, as a lot of states looking cash dominicans we met in says their country is doing its fair share already. they say hundreds of thousands of patients live here, everyone mix together. so most of us imagine 2 people live in your house and 5 more royce, you'll share of everything shrinks, but we put up with it because they are right, brothers and neighbors. but the presence of so many haitians is also creating tensions. i feel sorry for them,
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but they should be sent back to their country who being smothered by patients. with that i, you go to hospital ends. there are 10 haitians and to the minute comes that com be their taking away our rights were in the general hospital now. and indeed there are many, many patients here, many patient in children as well, but that's only part of the story they didn't just arrived yesterday. many have been here for decades, undocumented, and they are here in the country, doing the hardest jobs and the lowest paying jobs and haitian children born in the dominican republic or not eligible for citizenship. that can be of why the think there are 2 things. people agree on the fear that the violence next door could spill over into this country, and the desperate need for safety to restore law and order with the help of an international community that seems to have forgotten. the silent you see and human
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al jazeera, central domingo and argentina, teachers, and government workers. the last day of jobs have joined the latest round of protests. they are against economic reforms imposed by president how the emulate. critics say the cutbacks have forced poverty level to sort almost 60 percent that a simple re for some point of size students, professors and employees stage a one day swipe against the public education policies of libertarian precedents. have you had any leg? one professor on the front line says he believes argentina's public education system is at risk of a name of a come from the university that allowed the son or a daughter of a worker to easily make it to university. today we see how this is slowly being destroyed. they're not trying to improve it, but they're taking the funds away. the government has suspended an incentive fund for teachers salaries,
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but it's not just universities or challenging the current government. probably i'm able to raise against time. he said that he's a chronic ident. tina has had over 250 percent inflation in the past 2 years. even though it has started to go down with a governmental stair. we plan many say they cannot make ends meet in. okay, well we gotta know how the cd to the government is reducing costs by reducing teachers. salaries were not only affected by inflation, but the government does this deliberately, the hosting public education we made the value, we did the currency last december to try to solve exchange rate disparities. he also lifted subsidies of gas and electricity and lead the over $15000.00 state employees, saying they were hired for political reasons. in the past days,
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they had been calling for more protest across the country. after years of exchange rates, controls and regulations really says he's trying to open up the economy unit at the same. okay. and then the say that mulay has made argentina more attractive to forwarding investors. inflation is forwarding fast. they range in the dollar. country risk is going down, people from all over the world and looking at odds and to, you know, with interest. but in many say, the nice policies have been tested in the past and failed. that's why the value to continue resisting the policies they say with heart then maybe some associated with a side. finally, the f b i is investigating how fee stove, $13000000.00 in cash over the east a weekend. they managed to break through the roof of a cash storage and handling facility in los angeles with vows, setting off any alons. the buildings owners didn't realize the money was gone until
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they opened the vote on monday. it active say the break in has all the hallmarks of a professional heist, and that is the use for not on algae 0 to stay with us. so i'll be back in just a few minutes with another on dr. foxes. thank you for watching the the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause. that's great, but it does come out in large numbers. the guys are not as popular to the board with detailed coverage, but the reason prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world . people have told us the circumstances even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have every use thousands of one piece they
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use to scientific percent. activity and conservation is say, the testings into main 11 east investigate assuming illegal trade and meet scientists hoping to get them to some lights beyond this on a tree caught to you as 12 business on out to 0. this is a region that is washington, the develop thing, but it's one also that is afflicted 5 conflicts, police collapse. we try to balance the stories, the good, the bad. i've been and he's the people allow us into their lives, dignity and democracy. asked me to tell this story as a we do look at the world's top business stories. how much of the rebuilding go to cost of who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives? how big a problem is global food insecurity counting the cost?
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oh no jews here in the line, the palestine hope is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with okay. foundation you donated with kindness. you showed you ok. now let's also show you. we'll deliver it so dominates, with confidence, donates with outcast foundation, with every packed on 19 with every press will bring it to light. a little love in palestine. we share to the under pressure from the us. he's rarely agrees to open a border crossing in northern guys to allow in much needed a the play. you're watching l g 0 live from bill. how would need for the back support


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