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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasized with those hungry and suffering in, gone to the the united nations human rights council adopt the resolution calling for as well to be held accountable for possible crimes and crimes against humanity in the gaza strip. the play you're watching ologist, sierra live from don't have a need for the back. people also coming up on the pressure from the us. israel agrees to open a border crossing in northern gaza to allow in much needed aid. also in the news
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you knows, i held any line for the 7 military personnel killed in an is really as striking syria on monday. will be like from taylor on and dozens of aftershocks in taiwan following the major earthquake on wednesday. the search goes on for 18. people still missing the thank you for joining as we begin with breaking news this our, the united nations human rights council has just adopted a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the gaza strip. $28.00 countries voted in favor 13 of st and 6 voted against the resolution, including the us and germany. a my phone for a vote on the 6th, and request from the secretary up to the front of the machine for the technicians to express their, their vote. the
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voltage is closed is and then is addition. and 13 is i'd love to divide the consume by 3 t c. his 1st name please, please the request to move to the concert was so please so that he said like it's the photos. yes. $28.00, extension 13. know, 6, then there's vision is up to the by the concession. what all this comes after israel agreed to open to a new age row seemed to the guys a strip to allow in much needed humanitarian assistance. it followed a phone call between us present joe biden, and is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu by didn't call for an immediate cease fire and warrant mission. yahoo,
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that usa to israel is conditional on it and taking steps to both states, to guys in the past few minutes, the us secretary of state on to me blinking welcome to development, saying that would be monitoring the number of trucks going in and out of the gaza strip. to discuss these latest developments were joined by marco and jones associated professionals, middle east studies at home. i've been holly for university here in doha. thank you for joining us again, monica. let's start with the breaking news that we mentioned at the top of the hour . the 1st time that you went top right. spotty has, uh, uh, taken a position on the war in guys a how significant does this resolution do you think? and what do you think it might need? i think symbolically. it's very significant, as he mentioned this in the 1st time, that the top human rights by the end you and have actually taken a position on this conflict. and this is reflective of the fact that this is actually a reflective, unprecedented nature of this. i mean, we've seen it or with 33000 killed the i, c, j have basically said it's a plausible genocide. so we are in a world of you fast and what's what it took,
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at the same time, 6 months, and more than $30000.00 people killed for the un human rights body to take a position. so what does, because what does that say to i think it was as a reflection of the fact that nothing else has been done. that's significant, right? we even had the deer and resolution demanding a ceasefire to which the us, you know, didn't use the veto. that wasn't even sufficient to bring israel to the table in an adequate way. so the fact that you're in the human rights council is symbolically important is, is, is, is, it's probably not gonna have a significant impact on that. what is interesting is that it could, in theory, now paved the way for this resolution being tabled by a security council member. and that might happen. and that would be very interesting because i think what we know now is that the only way to actually stop netanyahu stopped the prospect of a, an invasion of rough, or is to actually stop us military aid. and although i do not see this resolution actually passing that the security council or necessarily being adopted, it's actually that increasing pressure thing. the issue here is not just about
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getting the 8 into gaza. that's one of the issues. the issue is that isn't with continued to do what the doing, if they have this, basically, you know, unequivocal us support which they currently do. even as you mentioned in the opening is that us military assistance is contingent, not on ending the conflict. it's not only getting a getting more 8, right. you know, even the sufficient amount of 8. i mean, today we saw that it was 350 trucks going in. remember, we need at least $500.00 to trucks per day like that. and that's just to provide an adequate amount to cover most the causes population. so we're not even getting the necessary amount, the bare minimum by coming back to the, to the us stance. and whether or not it's shifting, as you mentioned, they obtained on the resolution at the security council, the ceasefire resolution. and but they voted against this resolution at the human rights council, which was the table by practice sunday voted against it. germany also voted against that. what does that say to you about the us position? do you think the us is really prepared to make changes to its policy towards this route? if these are these as 5 and a said don't change, i contact him guys. i mean,
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we can never predict the future, but i would say generally not why. well, this resolution as close as stopping of selling on the us as i literally just agreed to sell, no honest as well. it's a vendor federal funding package that it approve a few weeks ago. that was also contingent on the funding under and next year. also included the annual us promise of 3 point over $3000000000.00. administrator is 0. us all committed to sending more military honest as well. so the cons fees of to a support a resolution actually says that we need to stop sending records as well. it's, it's an impossibility unless by and actually follows us little, which include things like yours, which is to stop sending military 8 the country is known to possibly engage thinking, right, right. so i elections a significantly articles that should sanction is ro based on the 2nd, but they are preventing us to live at age, getting 2 thousands, right? so us even violating, we're not applying to own laws to stop this at the definitely not going to support
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even resolution that calls for the stuffing of military us military, faith, israel. and i think this is what not. and you know, who knows, and this is what's crucial. he knows that the red lines to us, or he knows that there is such a lot that you hear by them even said 3 weeks ago that he will know abandoned as well. what does that mean? it means they're not gonna stop sending weapons. i think the, the most of us could do is only so i end on the south. and that would give these rally is really the ability to defend itself against this all, but not necessarily go on the offense, which is what we're seeing with these arms. they also send 2000 pound poms, which aren't necessary for self defense. st. moscow in jones is always very good to get your thoughts on this. thank you so much for your insight. now as we mentioned, israel has said it will temporarily allow a delivery source, northern border crossing with guys that currently a limited number of 8 trucks passed through the roster. crossing with egypt as well as kind of asylum also in the south. but relief agency. se is rel, is impeding access and strange and checks means not enough. 8 is getting in. the
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air is crossing which is around, says it will open up, connects to northern gaza. that's the region facing immune into famine. additionally, israel says it will open its for city of ash dot to receive aid by sea for delivery to ga stuff. while we have to correspondence standing by on this di capitalism is in guys that but 1st we go to where we challenge. unoccupied is through us, and we're, we might be sent a bit early to get reaction from from is read on this un human rights party resolution, i imagine. but how they've been framing the decision to open the rights board of, of the what i think it shows the kind of leverage that the united states can apply to ways route when it chooses to do so. it was just powers off of that fine co between benjamin netanyahu enjoyed biden's following. that's a yahoo went into a security cabinet meeting and then he came out and this announcement was made. the
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announcement says he's rail will allow the temporary delivery if he minutes had every night through ass dogs and the average check points. the increase site will prevents the humanitarian crisis and is necessary to ensure the continuation of the fighting and to achieve the goal is to go. so there are a few things to impact that. the 1st is that he's right. a saying that this opening of the arise crossing is only going to be temporary for the point of view of hate. secondly, they are saying that it will prevents the humanitarian crisis. well that it's, you know, it flies against what we're hearing from the united nations and many other organizations who are saying that cause that is already in the full throes of a humanitarian crisis. i'm for me, it's raderts framing this as a means to insure the continuation of the flight se i'm to achieve. the goal is to the boss. i don't think that this means that his round his back notes in the will against how much sense the will wrong cause a it's not right. so the,
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the difference what will have to see because that remedies the difficulty is going forward and did, which was going to be my next question to you about the making is in. so all of all this, i mean they're opening the ashed on port vieira's crossing also in the north. how is it all going to work? actually? how much 8 are they going to let in? and how soon are they open? open these close. yeah, i mean there is as across a was built as a pedestrian crossing a foot crossing i means by which people get across from israel into northern garza . i've used it myself many years ago. you guys through this kind of great, big hang. i like building you guys, we stringent security checks to show papers or documents, if possible, whatever. you have all your belongings on packed and scanned, and then you have to walk down a very narrow cover. it's one kilometer long walkway into casa itself. so whether this is fit for purpose in bringing in huge amounts of, hey,
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each remains to be seen. it's also being severely damaged at the beginning of the war. so we don't know, we have the moments with a high rise. he's got to be suitable for bringing aid in and how much work you would need to make it seem simple. then you have the issue of, you know, these ready controls, of course, about bringing ident. we know that the, they are very, very tight. it's on how much they're lowering in through the southern crossing of kind of my we saw them and that that's this severity restricting the flow right into guys are at the bottom. and so that we're seeing the united states and other countries add, dropping by power sheets aids into the gaza strip. once it gets it's a gaza. how does it that actually reach the people who desperately desperately need it? because as we have seen this week with that, that least strike on wells central kitchen. following that many organizations, several 8 organizations don't the distribution of
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a on the ground and cause i suggest because the is right of announce the opening of the iris crossings. doesn't mean, and by any stretch that is going to solve any situation on the ground. thank you very much for that role. we, what we challenge live there in occupied east jerusalem, less crossover to guys and now anti capitalism in a rasa. in the south. tell us what the reaction said to this decision by his route to open air is people do people think it's going to make much of a difference for, for policy means in northern gas? well, so that's really funny. the palestinians here in the gaza strip have been gladly seeing this a step that has been taken by these very sorry to reopen again. the air is a crushing boat in order to float to allow for more flo, the humanitarian aid. it came on the mountain mounting, american prussia that had been also made by the american, the president joe biden who had been ultimately cooling israel to increase the
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capacity for humanitarian chromeboys to the gaza strip. and also then you see it as very significant step that will help partially to alleviate the need for this i q towards the security that palestinians have been suffering from since they one of the fighting. but it's so important also to mention it. so now i'm clear which entity will be responsible for distributing aid for palestinians in the north, in light. also of these ready ongoing denial for owner operations that in other parts of the gaza strip or even allowing for it to the level of age for people that bought this step had been also understood among palestinians that had been taken in the late time. it was better to be taken earlier in order to avoid the aggravating humanitarian crisis. but also they also said that the one to ensure the continuation of a supplies to the gaza strip at least to help people to recover from the deadly consequences that had been resulted from the it's very offensive military campaign on the territory. sorry, thank you very much. for that,
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that's tara capitalism. live that in rafa, southern gaza. literally i spoke to test ingram, who's spokesperson for unicef, the united nations childrens fun. she welcome to israel is decision to open more crossings into guys, up by says aid needs to be scale gaps. we're going to have to wait and see how it all plays out in practice. but it's really good news. we've been asking for weeks now for this crossing to be i think we've used it before. and we know how important of you to get supplies into the northern gods district because, of course, the true crossings that open at the moment i found you in the south and require us to transport all of the eyes of the gods district. so this is really welcome news, but we need it to happen soon. we need to happen at scale and we need it to be sustained. primarily a pedestrian crossing beside was rough us. so if you know something that we're working on and we hope to be able to get a truck in that scale through whereas, because we have so few options,
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we really need to take all of the options that we have to be able to get through data into the know people of north gaza who uh on the precipice of assignment stand a head on algae sierra. i'm just seeing you in an incentive of ingle in the dominican republic and coming up we'll explain how the dominicans are feeling about the prices taking place in their neighboring countries. the african narratives from africans perspective, nature has always been this some way. my child to short documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at from what is key a is that it's part of our history that coupled from nigeria and re writing
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libraries from canyon africa direct on, i'll just be around the mood and i'm told stories from asia and the pacific on news . the plug in you're watching. ouch is here. i live from doha. recap a lot time stories. the united nations human rights council has adopted a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible crimes and crimes against humanity in the gaza strip. 20 countries voted in favor of 13 deb
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stain and 6 voted against the resolution, including the united states and germany. israel has agreed to open to a new age rose in 2 guys i to allow much needed humanitarian assistance. israel says it will allow temporary aid deliveries to the air is crossing in northern casa and the 4th of ashed on which lies around 14. i'm. it is, most of the task is came after a phone call between is there any prime minister if any minutes out and us present joe biden during the call bite in one? that's yeah, with that usa to raise rallies conditional on israel, taking steps to boost humanitarian aid to gaza and present civilian deaths. and now the news funerals have been held in iran for 7 military personnel killed and then is really as striking syria on monday. thank you. did a brigadier, general iran supreme leader has vowed to respond to the attack on a consummate building in damascus? that is prompted israel to hold only for its military combat units. the funerals
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coincides with could stay the annual policy in the installer diety, date. those are due by is leih from tehran for us. talk to us about the vin, seen taylor on today. well, slowly we saw the coffin of the 7 men starting out their journey into a large trucks from the surgery square in terror on towards tyrone university. it's about a 3 and a half kilometers journey along which we saw many people come out to pay their respects to the man who lost their lives during an israeli strike on around the consulate section in damascus. and these processions coincided with, let's say, as you mentioned, which is a day every year on the last friday of ramadan, iranians mark solidarity with the palo student people since and the video revolution and 1979. so the 2 events were combined in, on friday. and we saw the coffins being made, making their way to,
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to around university. at which point we saw the head of rawlings, revolutionary guard major general at jose, and selling me, deliver a speech during which he issued more threats and warnings to israel. he said that the zine is regimes time is limited and he said that they would be punished. he said it is within the reach of the radians and these are these know what will happen. certainly, we're expecting it runs reaction to the attack that was carried out on monday at to come in the next few days in what shape and form and how that is remaining yet to be seen. but certainly, the threats are becoming more or more louder and more vivid, that iranians response will come very soon. and how do people feel about that any of our, what's the general mode in the country after this week's events as well. the people here are very worried and the mood is very tense and not only about what kind of
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a response iran will deliver to israel, but also what kind of a counter response that will bring about in terms of how the united states and israel will react there is a sense that since this was an attack on it wrong as directly in, in, in a diplomatic mission, and that's iran has the right to respond more forcefully, something they haven't done. so in the past, there's been a number of is rarely airstrikes in syria that have killed now have a total of 18 members of around, so have to be sure regard. and so far, the re need reaction has been to use proxies to launch attacks on is rarely and us interest and the region. but this is very different now, which is making people here worried that iran sees this as an opportunity to show as force response and that could trigger much wider conflict in the reach door. so thank you very much for such a battery life for us. the entire on to taiwan now where they were dozens of after
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shots on the east coast on overnight following the major earthquake on wednesday. rescue is still searching for 18 people. missing the $7.00 magnitude, quake cost of that. so at least 10 people with more than a 1000 injuries. helicopters of left has some people who are trapped when votes were cut off in mountainous areas. jessica washington is in white in the closest city to the central vs, please a. this is a goes public school in harley and you can see some of the damage from wednesdays as quick to the structure of the building and also inside the classrooms. as far as you say, the cost of rebuilding this school will be around $6000000.00, and this is just one of dozens of schools damaged in the us quake. the central government and local governments have already committed millions to funding rebuilding public infrastructure and supporting local small businesses, particularly those in the tourism sector. meanwhile,
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rescue is continue efforts to clear a road blocking around 700 people. authorities say, however they are safe. most of them are in a hotel and they have enough food and water. the search also continues this morning, so more than a dozen people classified as missing, including for foreign nationals authority say the location of these individuals is still unknown. but some of them are believed to be on a hiking trail. jessica washington, which is 0 quantity of the us treasury secretary is on a 4 day visit to china, aimed at improving relations between the wells, top 2 economies. john yelling. how talks with chinese rise from the a haley fang, to visit as part of a wider effort to stop lies. the bilateral relationship blocked my long list of disagreements ranging from technology restrictions to the war. near crane. yelling says the us has serious concerns about what she calls china is unfair. economic
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practices and tensions of again fled between china and india over contested territory in the himalayan mountain range. china has allocated 30 chinese geographical names through the disputed border region. india says a name changes are upset, katrina, you report somebody g of this remote boulder region into some layers has become a flash point in the already frosty relationship between china and india. the government and you deli, refers to it as a northeastern state of out of nato dash and says it's an inalienable part of india . last month, pun, minutes in there and reload. he visited the region. so the opening of the same a ton of the high altitude tunnel will make it easier for india to reach the dispute territory and show up its defenses along the 3500 kilometer. unofficial border with the china on the north east. india is on its way to becoming a crucial link for in just trade and tourism and other connections to southeast
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asia. it's gotta be china's government is furious. upload is visit and india is development that it refers to the area as the non all south to that. it's also criticized us. support of india is territorial claim. so $92.00, so would you like the sung husband, china's territory since ancient times. this is an undeniable fact. where does the so called or neutral pradesh come from. united states has a terrible record of stoking disputes between other countries for selfish gain, that the government has responded by locating chinese names for those 2 places in the region. rejecting the use of any foreign names, it says holmes, china is territorial integrity. india has cold, china is renaming of the region upset. the lake is flare up in board. attentions comes as nationalism increases in india and china relations constrained by just east for the territory. for 201962,
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there's been several established in 20201010 slicing between soldiers and to let dunc regents lead to the depths of at least 20 indian and 4 chinese troops. more than 20 rounds of nutri talks had been held to come tensions. but the bilateral relationship remains icy at best, katrina, elder, 0 aging somalia is expanding if you'll be as ambassador giving the invoice 72 hours to leave somebody official say it's because of a fort deal between its break away region of somebody land and se up here the agreement will allow land locked if you'll get to these 20 kilometers of coastline, sought to be near the port of farrah. somalia also said it's closing to the feel. p has consulates, one is and 99 and the other in the semi anonymous region of portland, the government in mogadishu does not control these regions. kathrine. so he is following developments from nairobi can, yeah, this is a big development and
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a huge escalation because it has been quiet diplomatically since the feud between the 2 countries started of that have been talks that have been going on, mediated by president william router of 10 years so it is, is huge, set back and i know this a problem between the 2 countries started when you made an agreement with salt, somebody land which is on a ton of the states of all is still out without passing. but passing through mogadishu. so the government of somalia say that it feels that it's totally real rights have been infringed. and when all this now is happening, even with the talks going on. now we have another incident where it still
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has holstead another redone of to mind. yeah, that's portland, it is, i send me a toner or to watch uh redone. uh, so a delegation went to issue a po whether discussing whether discussing about, you know, you will not seek relations and corporation again. issue of the federal government. um, also my, the emerald edition, very angry saying this is provocative and the will not allow this to happen. and it's happening on the contest that there are a lot of tensions internally between portland and the federal government, especially during this. 9 7 ongoing, a constitutional review process, a web portal and says that it is unhappy with some of the amendments that have been made and it will reject those amendments and sofa that you know,
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portland says that it is considering a withdrawal from these federal system which is going to be very problematic indeed, costs we saw you all to 0 nairobi now to the crisis in haiti, which is affecting neighboring dominican republic. i'm this internationally is urging an end to the mass deportation of haitians or fled gun wars, but many in the dominican republic, st. locals shouldn't suffer for what's happening next door in haiti. here's a lot in america, tennessee, new men in the capital santo domingo, the dominican republic and hatred, share this caribbean island, much more waves and one the distant neighbors. one speaks french, the other spanish, but more importantly, patients suffer from acute poverty stream political instability and now uncomfortable violence on the other side of the border in the
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capital, samples of legal life groups, peaceful and prosperous. but looks or just see you and say, well, we're afraid, hey, to is close to us. we've seen the videos of killing that is like you have a day and just need, but living next to a you don't know if they will hurt your family. in the last 3 months, dominican republic has deported more than 2500 and documented ations arguing reasons of national security. we asked foreign minister roberto albert is to respond to charges by amnesty international of racism and inhumane treatment of patients. 73 percent of our population is mixed blood, 16 percent black, 11 percent white. so there's never been in within dominicans, a distinction as to a race that is completely false. no, no, but of course we're more than willing to help with the international community with any in a few minutes area and assistance. but the question is being asked,
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why isn't the dominican republic shouldering the black, the, the bulk of it? in b as a lot of states working class dominicans, we met insist their country is doing its fair share. already. they save hundreds of thousands of patients live here. everyone mix together my masters repairs on most of us. imagine 2 people live in your house and 5 more arrived, you'll share of everything shrinks, but we put up with it because they are right, brothers and neighbors. but the presence of so many haitians is also creating tensions. and the, i feel sorry for them, but they should be sent back to their country for being smothered by patients. with that i, you go to hospital and there are 10 haitians and 2 dominicans that com be their taken away. our rights were in the general hospital now, and indeed there are many, many patients here, many patient children as well, but that's only part of the story they didn't just arrived yesterday. many have
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been here for decades undocumented and they are here in the country doing the hardest job.


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