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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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to this business uptake these voltage by the 6 bang gross dot net on the dash before to use the the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters and oh, hi and jerry, you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. un human rights council adults, a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. under pressure from the us, israel agrees to open a border crossing in northern garza to allow, in urgency it needed aids, funerals are held in iran for the stuff in military personnel killed and is really striking. serial on monday will be live from to ron power blackouts. have faithful
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consequences in donna's public hospitals as the state electricity company struggles to split your floats on trying to get real sco with the sports has left over tons of the top of the premier league and drummer at stump and bridge is chelsea school to go deep in this time to be united for free, the almost 6 months into israel's we're on does all on with more than 33000 palestinians killed. israel is now facing mounting international pressure. the united nations human rights council has just adopted a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. while it's demanding a hold to arms sales to israel as well. israel has agreed to open to aid routes and
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to goes out to lie when food and humanitarian aid. the air is crossing and northern garza, i'm the asked on port in southern israel, will be open for humanitarian assistance. now this comes after pressure from the us president joe biden, during a phone conversation with the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu binding calls for an immediate cease, fire, and warrant that's on yahoo, that washington's aid is conditional on israel taking steps to boost age too. god, so the us sector of state antony blinking. welcome the developments. what we're looking to see in the, in the days and weeks ahead is prioritization searching humanitarian assistance, sustaining and getting it to people who need it. making sure that those we're providing it are safe and secure and maximizing every effort to protect civilians. those were probably caught in this cross fire from us is making we just
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can't have so many people caught in the crossfire. we'll get the latest from. does that shortly. we have talked about some who's standing by for us and gaza, but we'll start without you in resolution on holding israel to accounts for war crimes and gaza and speak to sonya gainesville, who's joining us now from london. so sonya talk to us about the significance of this resolution, a festival it has to be mentioned that says, well this is quite a significant change and in tote. and suddenly a hardening of that, it is not a binding resolution. and also if you're looking at some of the policies, including the us who voted against it, while the us had said already that it wouldn't boat against this resolution because it did not contain a specific condemnation of her mouth for the october 7th attacks. it did, however, we say that this ally is well, had not done enough to mr. gates against home to that is being done to
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civilians with us in mind as well. it is yet just not the form of pressure that is being hooked. not just on israel as well, but to allies of israel allies who are supplying alms to is right as well that may have been used to what could potentially be will crimes or indeed acts of, of, of genocide. and with that to the southern and shipping of weapons has become really quite a focused on concentration issue. not, not least, of course, in, in the u. k. where that has been a debates about the u. k. is paul, it's in, in the, in the trade of arms to israel and how it is failing to recognize his own international humanitarian legal obligations with us in mind. and that, that needs to be a suspension of that, certainly without left. so that was published by more than $600.00 lawyers. some of them form a supreme court justices at that said that the u. k. needs to focus on that needs
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to act as a spend any trade in order to fulfill those duties. so sonya, the expectation then is that this resolution is going to place more pressure on states to remind them of their international humanitarian legal obligations. a yes and indeed it would be so they not to kind of show up that message costs awhile . the us remains up from ally or is read as well. there is certainly, as we have seen with those was exchange between president biden and prime minister netanyahu that the pressure is on the us to make sure that it's allied is not really committing any of those of those will crimes that it has been accused of as well, and that, so any future support that the us has has to be dependent on any swift implementation of trying to protect civilians. and of course, any humanitarian workers who are in the area who are trying to conduct that. what
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without the risk of what happens earlier in the week with the wells central kitchen, and of course, what got the effect that had to focus of people's minds on how is released conducting it's war and garza and the effect that it has on his international reputation okay, so when you're saying to for that update from london, we'll continue this conversation with luigi daniella, who's a senior lecturer, an international law, an international criminal law, and not in law school. and he was also among the academics invited by human rights organizations to discuss the special rubber tourist genocide report. i sent you one human rights council. he's joining us for london. thanks for your time. and of course, that report by francesca albany is a, was rejected by israel. how do you expect israel to react to this latest resolution? it's often elijah's bias on behalf of the human rights council. thanks. sorry, yes. this is not the 1st time that he's ready for man to read. yes,
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and we cool for rephrase. in the means and mental sol warrensburg, already the car insurance by our minds, these ro, re present at the, at the you end up using the resolution will be distorted and reject these teens or to a whole, the even worse. and it really so these are not cool. so nice to see all these. rather, these are cause for respecting the condition of the godaddy, the same evaluation of the guy that should be respected by or boss never your boss week. the we are talking about news, the applying the money or worry far these your i'm the conflict. so uh, being a hole in the citi card. easy for me. she says he used by the shop sir.
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wow. okay, these are mine the law. so how easy everywhere was this send to be, was all the nation and next the nation everywhere. right? wow. see, last but how does this resolution put israel, but a step closer? a floor to accountability. i mean, besides gauging the temperature of public opinion, how much weight does this resolution actually carry the eastern? so you need to wait to when he sees both of the favor, it means that b c. so consider the townhomes or any shop crimes of community. these are informed, even one of the priorities is they are 7 or land is when she comes to be the one that is the international that the sort of just these, these additional thinking of hold that as let know that it's easy miss.
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see, science comes to like both parties in the, for the settings of to better about their own. so the comes to be a to or to by you best. so do distinction. so these are the drawings under that nation, which means every semester jurisdiction has and nobody showed this to prosecute for extra. now i'm going to stop. it's a all mission of describe. so the zulu bought to all the nation or do something in the nation. right? sure. to reach the only a social who's a lives and went back to your mind without any as ordered by international justice, which is a see for the timing of all of this. i mean, this is the 1st time that the you in human rights council has taken such
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a step in the 7 months off. or is it a little too late or, or, i mean from what you're saying, you sound like you think it is a good step forward, a series of things, but on the following, the seas violations on kind of showing them i don't know. and the nation of crimes that the structure of the patients always complete the event in the for the yes, the law all comes up, the ease. why all the 5 sources that has led to these dean and the scottish probably if the pursuit before these on the boeing at the top, tens of thousands of cdn lights be brought back. so the c c can not be for me any more. right now we're going to be on the b, c,
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e and populations 3. yes. and the list as scottish is this the final thoughts? i wonder if you don't mind because we are running out of time. but to what extent does this increase the pressure on those countries that support israel militarily? because this resolution also is demanding a whole to arm sales to israel. this is very important that the 6 months now the cdm, our system on the go, the top either the feeling really useful or for me, the or the i the not sent spa one when i see a wordpress and many more maybe doesn't work. i assess. so these also to be necessary in order for certain states to go along with the role these extra as we go over the issues are people why from $2.00 to $4.00 g o mentions of 1949 most is on status. the huge, not only do these but also ensure re fax,
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4075 as much as i know it seems there is no other way. now, you know, by me, these only issues that are structures. all right, can we do any of this? thank you so much. for speaking to us from london. well, as we mentioned, israel has also agreed to temporarily open to new aid routes into gaza, not following a phone call between the us president joe biden, and the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a limited number of a trucks are passing through the flash, crossing with egypt as well as cut them beside him. but relief agency se is real, is hampering them and stringent checks, or preventing enough aid from getting in. israel says it will open up the arrows crossing that connects to northern gaza. that's where people are close to from. and israel says also open and support city of i started to allow to reach garza by see where we challenge has more from occupied east jerusalem. as it's indicative really, isn't it of the influence the leverage to the united states kind of apply to is
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ralph when it chooses to do so, because this decision from netanyahu caught him just hours off to the phone calls with the president biden. he then went into a security cabinet meeting where the decision was taken. now the statements that came off to that security cabinet meeting says that these route will allow the temporary delivery of humanitarian aid, temporary. how should night through ash dodge and the arrows checkpoints. this increased paid will prevents the humanitarian crisis and is necessary to ensuring the continuation of the fighting at a chief, the goals of, of the war. so even now with all of this, this decision is being framed as a way to complete is rails, or a games area is, is the crossing that so the north of the gaza strip asked old, isn't this ready pulled for the north from that. so april coming slash ip port and
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then be transported across the iris crossing at eden to northern cause i, which was the 1st part of gaza that was devastated by its rails the sold on on the strip. now, how much difference it makes? well, that's completely in the hands of the is re lease. how much a lead they let through any increase of course is going to be of benefits to the starving people have caused. let's find out what's happening and gaza itself and their thought about as soon for us part is joining us from the south of gaza. so target, what is the reaction amongst people there as well as the reaction from agencies to be is really decision to open arrows and allow aids to start as well. so here's the read extensively, palestinians. he and the parents received clearly, doctor this a step that had been taken by these really side. it came in light of the a mounting american pressure on the use ready to reduce in order to force them to
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allow for further flow for humanitarian aids to the gaza strip. specifically in lights. the only thing would be to the, i think is what recently on organizations start working tirelessly, you know that to probably be the aggravating humanitarian crisis. but the question for kind of student is that how many humanitarian boys will be allowed to get through it based on the crossing, which is cool. there's 6 points as well. a to the guy is a strip, a new side with the 1st is the continuation of the flow of these items which entity will be. busy for just took, using these phase to be put in the notes, will have been suffering from high rates of mount nutrition on the move signs of from and looming on the horizon. so that's, that's really is the outcome of the mounting american pressure as here. so then inside the guy has a strip also, uh, cooling for not only for opening arrows crossing, but for an immediate cease fire that can guarantee fulls to say you should have minutes. you have on the ground. and additionally, the to help to facilitate
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a deliveries until the few minutes of your organizations to operate safely in the i indicate take so here. busy inside the gods as to who without having any sense or fear for the connection to security as well from thought it in terms of what's happening militarily. tell us about the latest air strikes over the past few hours in their aftermath. there's indications. oh exactly. we have been having, is there any attacks for many areas across the guns, a strip, one of the latest attacks have target to a residential house where it is there any flights of just completely destroyed any type of building. and i'm sorry about richard. you can at least 3 palestinian said after reputed to find in the south here in a roof off the author, the unit. so by these, these are the minutes we have found that the eastern areas do seem to the old is all side with own going bound thing. so it'd be plus yeah. and patients of defect.
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yeah. richard, you can, but the past few hours, the doors is health. ministry has been stating that at least 50 feet, promising to reduce the cost 24 hours. okay, thank you. kind of, i'm assuming we're putting for us from reduction in the cost or funerals have been held in iran for 7 military personnel killed and is really or striking syria on monday. iran supreme leader has valid revenge for that bombing of the range and consulate in damascus. and the funerals coincides with a put stay. that's the annual palestinian solidarity day. so 18 members, if it runs revolutionary guard, have been killed by is really strikes and serious since the war and dogs have begun . brigadier general and how much it is a heavy use among the 7 for killed on monday. he's the highest ranking commander to be killed since major general cost on sunday, $98.00, and a us throne strike in iraq. 4 years ago. in the last 4 months is really strikes of killed 9 other iranian officials in damascus,
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including the senior military adviser saying that as the most of the 2 others were killed in homes and in data stored across black to to her on speak to our correspondence ortho jabari door so, so it's a foot stay of course. and we've also heard from the revolutionary guards commander, what do they have to say? as well as there is the head of the revolutionary guard major general jose selling me use this opportunity to once again deliver threats and warnings to israel about their behavior over the past 2 months. the ahead of the revolution regard as set. that's a israel is trying to create instability and their actions will not go on and search general so on. we also went on to say that israel knows that iran will respond and they know what's coming at these. the threats has been ongoing over the past few days since the attack that took place on the wrong console section in damascus. of course, we saw the caskets of the men that were killed in that error strike being pro rated
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from their owns for those who square towards to around university where the general deliver. it has comments at now we expect to be radians based on what they've been saying over the past few days to retaliate somehow. but the question now is how and when and where that retaliation will take place. this will be very important for the leadership here, because if they don't respond strongly, you know this behavior by israel could continue. so what does this, the, the iranians expect, the officer and governments and what's the general move like in the country to look and tell you, there's been a, the reaction that we've seen from various levels of governments and also ordinary iranians and analysts says that it is certain that iran needs to respond forcefully and it's really come to a point now where they cannot go on and sort these attacks by israel and the
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general mood here. as a result of that is people are worried. there is, um, you know, a sense of do looming over the general public that no matter what happens there, there could be some difficult days ahead for iranians in general. but for now, people are very worried that any response carried out by either iran directly or their proxies in the region, cause the match with a harsh or a response by either the americans or israel. and that's something that nobody here wants to see. all right, thank you. your sense of all right, thanks for that update for me to her on. well, israel has been on higher alert since the audio strike on that ring and console it in damascus. intentions are particularly high on the border between israel and 11 on your mind. con is joining us from the town of slow me, so in wrong from what you're seeing, where you are. what is the level of threat that this really is assessed at this time? well, these really is a very publicly speaking now about
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a direct iranian threat from iranian territory into is really territory. in fact, what they doing right now is they've cooled up more army reserves around that there's already 287000 people have been cooled up. they adding it to that number. they've also counselor to leave a full is ready soldiers, and now we're hearing that $28.00 of the embassies around the world will be shouted . now at the beginning of the war, embassies and key areas in the middle east and north africa will already close that . now adding to that number. now let me just show you where i am like you say i'm on the buddha with 11 on. you can see that's the boat offends over that. since on top of the 8, all of the tensions have been pretty much i have to say contained alone this buddha austin's. he's broke out between hezbollah and as well on october the 8th. however, now, with this tool from many is really easier if to take a quick look at the media most military. and this is suggesting that it's not going
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to be his bullet that will take place. that will make an attack on this side of the boat. it will be iran, and this is something that's got very many people worried, hey, in israel indeed does panic buying going on and is really society right now. people have stopped to help on food and water. and that's simply because they talking about this direct threat from their own. no. okay, thank you so much around conn and run reporting for us from slow me. we're now drawings by marco and jones isn't associated professor release studies at the time . i've been hunting for university to discuss all of this. welcome back to alta 0. so just to pick up on what iran was saying, he was saying that from reporting there are about 28 in the embassies that are now closing around the world is really embassies look, mark a some people describing what's going on in israel. now a psychological warfare by iran is this old part of the or training and response or, or do you expect more of a direct hit as it is really is,
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are expecting. i think the iranians are going to capitalize on the fact that their response is going to be relatively limited and what they can do militarily. so i think this notion of psychological well 5 particular around could stay, particularly as we are approaching aid is really important. so i think this idea is iran could strike, but it's not clear when and how is really important for them. and it's obviously playing on this kind of psychological fear in israel. so this is a deliberate strategy. do you think by that? right? i think it's a bit of a strategy, but we will have to bear in mind that israel have always capitalized on the sense of the next essential threat. right. so is there of themselves with even without iran are always playing up. this idea that they want that, you know, there's people trying to push them into the seat, right? so, to an extent, israel also capitalizing on this threat, right? because if they can exaggerate the perceived threat from external enemies, it gives them the ability to conduct a domestic depression, but particularly refreshing in places like gods and abroad, right. the only way to defend ourselves is to attack, but under threat,
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that's what we need to attack. so we can talk about it as an iranian threat. yes. and it's true. there's actually also what is available to be doing to try and mobilize public sentiment and support of military action against the neighbors. what are the rainy and political calculations right now? well, and the writings obviously don't want to be drawn too much into direct confrontation with israel. and they certainly don't want to incur the wrath of the us. we have to bear in mind that the more that iran escalates always deceive, to investigate that after retaliating events as well. the more this might diminish potential momentum for a cease fire and gaza after all, if it can, if iraq, and legitimize their attacks on iran. because they're saying that they, on the threat them do us my dial backed up pressure, but they've been putting on is around and gone. is that by saying, well, it is where i'll need to confront this iranian threat. so i think they are not really crushed to the fact they don't wanna be drawn in, but they also don't want to be joining because that would actually be detrimental to palestinians right now. okay, let's just focus for a moment and look what's come out of the us because we know that president biden is
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now calling for an immediate cease fire and warning. nothing yahoo, that washington's aid is conditional on israel taking steps to boost aides to gaza . is this an essence, an ultimatum by washington? i'm come to us to be trusted. it is to an extent, an ultimatum, but if we break it down, what they actually said, it's, it's, we need you to boost a, right? it's, we've seen an increase in height, but this is not actually saying, well, we need the bad minimum required amount of 8, which is $500.00 trucks. i think today we soon, 350 trucks going in france. so i think we need to be careful about this whole, or is not frames as just a logistical problem of delivering aid, which i think there is this danger of doing. you know, the us saying, well, we're happy with the israel steps to taking more. 8 is one thing, but that's not actually bringing the, the, the, the conflict of the war to a close. right? yes. ok, bite. and also said, we want a sci fi, we want an immediate cease fire. but at the same time, the ultimate reality is that they seem to be happy with just an increase in aid. so, you know, i mean, important to notice all about the white house readouts makes no mention of orange shipments as well to israel. no, well actually on the country a few weeks ago,
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you know, the federal funding, the approved of a $3000000000.00 of a to is realize they do annually. there was also a separate agreement to confirm most shipments of age, even on the day that we had the 78, what gets killed they were discussing, sending the buttons to as well. right. so i think the fact is, is that the us, unless they condition that military 8 on a c, so i would not not to be going to see a massive difference to palestinians and gaza. and that is a significant thing, is that, that needs to be a substantial incentive for netanyahu to actually have a sci fi. and as far as i can see, the only real incentive is no more us military 8 or at least no more offensive weapons to as well. mark helen jones. thank you so much. was really soldiers have arrested 8 palestinians and they fired tearing gas at the ups on last compounds and occupied eastern wrestling restrictions have been imposed on the last friday prayers of donald on is really, authorities are only allowing palestinian men aged 55 for over the age of 55 years of age, excuse me, and women over 50 to enter one palestinian has been killed in another is really
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range in the occupied westbank for side of the year was reported to be filming on his rooftop and nutritionist, refugee camp into and cut him when he was shot through the neck since the war and guys have begun on october, the 7th, 459 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank. and more than 8000 residence. still ahead on the i'll just it renews hour will tell you why a long running border dispute between india and china has flared up again. and the tricky conditions that's through sue comp, claim one driver's car ahead of this week's formula, one japanese guam, pre that's coming off to joe and sports. the
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yes, another major spring storm is swelling up over the video shelves. extend all the way down through front, just to us, the, the north of spain, northwest in spain as well. and that influence that still be influences crossed into something's kind of a. where is this area of high pressure has been the dominant feature, the increasing the will be over the bulk of your so full friday, then windy and wet weather for all and for britain snow for discussing, and then reading for the low countries of the federal breeze. and i just catch it that was in portugal with the wind. there was a problem yesterday. jimmy's gone away. neither is still fairly breezy across in poland. the real code actually been sitting and doing this kind of a, here's the reason for this. now it, which is moving through towards how st. k to be replaced by what will be much milder, but whatsoever covering the over denmark rather improves things in sweet. and i have to say, but just the most people, the sunshine, the bolts will be the thing that you failed in 0. it represents that 3 day full
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cost to you. takes the temperature. what about the average? the average of 17. so we grabbed about 26 by sunday in general, sunshine was virtually no breeze real, he's been showing itself once again in west africa. embody 48.5, a new record. and this the how remains, how the latest news as it breaks the wall. and if a message they say they're going to carry on the to coverage. these really prime ministers spoke this evening saying that the military is ready to invade drop off. despite criticisms from allies, from the heart of the story. everyone is terrified to shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now, nowhere is case and kind of seen. these are targeted unique perspective. everything
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is political. you must be out of comments and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god and that the stories of us having a normal life in his web connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's right here. and right now the stream announces era the the, [000:00:00;00] the here with the news, our on alpha 0. hello again. here's a reminder of the top stories. this our, the united nations human rights council has adopted
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a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes on friends against humanity. in gauze of 28 countries voted in favor. 13 abstained and 6 voted against israel has agreed to open to avery. it's, it's a gaza to allow in food and humanitarian aid israel size it will temporarily allows deliveries through the arrows crossing and northern gaza as well as the is really for the city of austin. on this all follows a phone call between the us presidents and the is really prime minister joe biden warrens benjamin t, as in yahoo, that us aid to israel is conditional on it. taking steps to boost humanitarian a to gaza on prevent civilian deaths. b is really military, has just released its report on the killing of the southern employees of the world . central kitchen, a group in gauze on monday for more on this will bring in our correspondent ro,
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child is joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so what have we learned from this worry as well? we have learned that this was a, according to these, right? it's a great mistake and they have just put out the initial assessment into the incidence which has already been shed with the wealth central kitchen. it's also being shared with the embassies of the countries who use the citizens were killed in the past strike. and now it is just being released to the public. it's basically been the inbox hard. what this report says they've been carried out by the joint fact finding, assessment mechanism of the joint chiefs of staff led by my general jo, a positive and he's a right that makes everyone in the right that what i've said is that this was the result of a mist identification calls the target,
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they say that they thought that there was an um, spite to hold one of these a trucks. and then when the a convoy got to the warehouse, they told there was another fight to the left. on the con boy from the warehouse, they say they didn't identify the trucks, cars being associated with the wealth, central kitchen. and despite the fact that we know you're already from the wealth central cation, that they have been updating these ready ministry all the way on the, on the admission. and supposed to be these ready minutes. we knew exactly where they were. so this report says that the strike was a serious violation of the come ons and called the military cited copeland, right, cooperating procedures and it shouldn't have occurred. what they're going to do about it. well, as the routing, basically they have the, the, the ministry is chief of staff, has decided that the brigade far supports come on the who, the major,
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he's going to be dismissed. the brigade, the chief of staff here with the cpanel is also going to be dismissed. and then they're going to be rent per month for the brigade support. come on the time, the 100 and 62nd division come on to the rep for mom's, for the come on to the entire southern, come on, they finish this initial report by saying the, the idea will learn the lessons and incorporate them into it's ongoing operations. so it's an apology, it's, uh, yeah, it's, it's dismissals and it's saying that they will endeavor not to make the same mistakes. again, that is where this report takes us. right. and worry, i mean, to just put sort of things in context here. there was a lot of international pressure on israel after this incident was there or not, and particularly a lot of people say because the killings involved for and the aid workers in gaza as well. exactly. i mean, this seems to be something of
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a water shed at in this war. we have sadly seen from israel's friends, our allies around the wells, a condemnation following this incidents that perhaps they would willing to extend to the thousands and thousands of thousands of deaths of a city and that you could say might have been killed. in similarly, erroneous conditions or situations bought because these people were foreigners because you know, they had, they couldn't find countries like the u. k. like poland, canada, the united states. and governments that have been there in the past, very friendly towards that as well. very angry and there are no age, and so they are putting pressure on israel to respond. so this response, i think it is well hoping that it is drawing
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a line under these incidents. what we're not seeing in this report is that there were going to be any legal prosecutions against these people. now that might come into feature, but that's certainly not contained in this report. what we get to is dismissals from positions and ministry rep or moms. but that's not necessarily justice for the people for the families and friends athletics who died. okay, well we thank you for that update from occupied east jerusalem. the russian forces have entered a suburb of shy cvr dotson ukraine's don't yet screenshot, and that's according to russian state media. the city is about 10 kilometers west of buffalo. chest of your has been a staging point for the ukranian army. it's donna state owns electricity company is cutting off customers who haven't paid their bills, including governments, institutions, public hospitals are among those now facing power outages and the effects are dep
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stating her latasha has more. i received it. i will. becca is l traumatized. she says she gets it at a public hospital in vaughn, his capital across her baby had trouble breathing and was put on oxygen to to. so i went to check on him in the evening. there was no electricity in the morning, the doctor told him which all was dead because the power never came back on. health officials say the child's death had nothing to do, his pockets or hospital equipment, not functioning. but the tragedy has, again shown how rolling power outages or frustrating meaning. the government was more than a $1000000000.00 to independent pos for jesus. it's a lot of money in the country suffering. it's was economic crisis, can a generation to have a situation where to be we have power deficit. to extend the i know they've done is i don't get impala is definitely not because we do not have between the 2 plans.
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but what we do not have is that we do not have money to really finance the appraisers of these utilities. politicians hopeful recent $3000000000.00 i m is spelled out with help. so some of the countries cannot like problems. but other challenges, including unpaid utility bills, age infrastructure, and corruption, me electricity problems may not be resolved quickly. well, this is wait until the following this college and then to try to fix it in a crisis mode. so what we have cnn chiron is a deficit in generation and deficit occasion by not related to procure few uh for the available pipelines. the general election is in december gone is energy crisis will be a priority for vitus void. he's struggling with the high cost of living. inflation and tax increases out of matessa out of the as well as speak to professor titus kofi bailey was a consultant of sufficient and gynecologists. he's also a parliamentary count, that as for the largest opposition party,
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the national democratic congress, joining us from a crow welcome to alger 0. so how is all of this um, the electricity costs affecting your ability to do your job at the hospital and thank you for having me. yes, indeed, it is having a significant impact generally because is affecting patient care directly in i t i to in the high dependency units in the intensive care unit and then the new time because of k units. these a b s. we have machines that depend on how constantly and when the power fluctuates phone goes off, then deliver the services becomes a challenge. we also have difficulty accessing our electronic medical records because the government recently introduced electronic medical records and most government hospitals. and then these are leading to long waiting times with patients unable to access direct quotes, as well as health care, which is not able to access their requests
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a patient. they also concerns about coaching suspense, the maintenance of 5 vaccines. and that's it, because the and most recently the, for my suit, the car companies have complete, also about the manufacturing processes because the power piece and bar cuts are frequent. the only scheduled the unpredictable. and this has happened in mission what. so how much worse hasn't gotten in recent years in your opinion to it, i think is really gone. where's the restraints few months? they've been challenging, but it looks like in the past months it's really, really gotten worse and because the government is unable to procure enough well to pay a lot the at the time my plans as well as the plans that i probably buy guys and is depending a lot more on the hydro system, this is coupled with increasing swell prizes. so hospitals that give you enough generators,
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spending lots to get 12 to power these generates. so how do you fix all of this in your opinion? i mean, the, the going to an electricity company is facing cripple tripling financial difficulties and then you have private electricity suppliers where of our roads about 1600000000 from the state power company is, um, you know, there's talk a best the best 3000000000 dollar i am a bailout deal for the country, is not the solution as well as may be, but i think that as soon, immediate time solutions and then that'd be the middle of the long term solution. the immediate one is that the government should be sincere and i'm as to the. busy place and grid bring out a load management shuttle so that people can plan in the hospital so we can defect lexi surgeries if we know we will not have bought it for us. could i be? and we can, we call a tentative arrangement. so i think that kind of load might have mentioned the is the government also need to prioritize a passive and by using some of these, i am
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a bill out that is coming in. just ask your permission to support the purchase of swell depaula. these plans in the long term however, i would suggest that government needs, in particular, to ensure that the hospitals put on separate grades from the community so which they are located. so that when the cuts the can, i can use preserve some power to be hospitalized. coventry that's just by the situation. so when that particular community goes off in the hospital, within that community would go of power. right? so they need to look at that and maybe rule out the national system to help the hospitals apply slash plans and alternatives. power sources. okay, thank you so much for speaking to us from donna, dozens of aftershocks have been felt on the east coast of taiwan overnight, and this follows a major earthquake on wednesday. rescuers are searching for 18, missing people. the 7.2 magnitude quake calls the death of a police 10 people and injured more than a thousands helicopters,
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have air list of people trumped off. the roads were cut off in mountain areas. tensions have again flared between china and india over contested territory in the himalayan mountain range. china has located 30 chinese geographical names to the disputed border region. india says the name changes are absurd. katrina, your reports from basing of this remote voter region into some layers has become a flash point in the already frosty relationship between china and india. the government and you deli, refers to it as the north eastern state of our natural dash and says it's an inalienable part of india. last month, communist and there and reload, visited the region. so the opening of the same a tunnel, the high altitude tunnel will make it easier for india to reach the dispute of territory and show up its defense is along the 3500 kilometer unofficial border with china. on the north east. india is on its way to becoming
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a crucial link for in just treat and tourism and other connections to south east asia. it's cutty, china is government is furious, upload these visits and india is development that it refers to the area as the non all south to that. it's also criticized us. support of india is territorial claim. so 92, so would you like the sung husband, china's territory since ancient times? this is an undeniable fact. where does the so called or neutral pradesh come from. united states has a terrible record of stoking disputes between other countries. for selfish gain, a government has responded, but allocating chinese names for those 2 places in the region, rejecting the use of any foreign names. it says homes, china is territorial integrity. india has cold, chinese renaming of the region, upset the latest flare up in board attentions comes as nationalism increases in
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india and china relations in strange lights each for the territory. for 20. 1962, there's been several skirmishes in 20201010 slicing between soldiers into le dunc region, which at the desk of at least 20 indian and 4 chinese troops. more than 20 rounds of military talks have been held to come tensions. but the bilateral relationship remains icy at best. katrina, elder, 0 aging. the still ahead on the officer and his arm. i'm just seeing human in a sense of the legal in the dominican republic and coming up we'll explain how the dominicans are feeling about the price is taking place in their neighboring country . town ones are going from this argentinian world tough winter pulse, foot and river pools stock on top of the premier lease that's coming up. as for
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the business latest, a sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination and due by the business late industries sponsored by him to like global your real estate
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destination in due by the comfort of sports ministers. joe, during thank you. chelsea had page but it's here, but your team there has crazy, incredible impact of coal, palma. he's got his 1st career patrick to help his side complete a remarkable lake. come back to be mentioned to united in a primarily classic jim and nash. how's the action? all right, 06 or you know, chelsea's head coach hasn't had much to celebrate this season, but he's such a neat enjoy this movement off to his side school, the latest when a in premier league history to beach manchester united for 3. it's a very good uh,
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seeing that the cup in today and should be totally important for us to you know, the team trust on the, on the funds on the 1st test on the, on the team. and those types of forces were on their feet just for a minute since of the game with united has kind of gallagher i gave them an at least chelsea had a chance to increase their advantage when they were given a penalty. co palmer had sold all of his smoke, kicks a chelsea, and he wasn't going to miss this one. as he made it smell thought to united one's giving up a mistake from louise's cry. se day was pounced on by out. a 100 gone out chose to run back for every 10 hawks team. 5 minutes later they were level united is captain brand new fernandez heading in to make it to united took the lead. so the 1st time in the match after the break going out to with his 2nd of the night united was still ahead with 99 minutes. i'm 17 seconds on the clock that chelsea was given in
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lifeline. and the dallas gave way of penalty, which there was only one man, so the jump at palmer keeping up his 100 percent record from the penalties, thoughts to the drama didn't. and that's as calm as dyslexic effort in the 100 and some minutes completed. an extraordinary turnaround, the because and then was of course, the more than that because, you know, when the game like these 3.4, that's really important. because most of my screen game, we wanted to reduce the, the gap in between the team that started with us as he was so so, so important, i don't know what it is, but of what it is is that you have to do your job. and they know that jobs, and then you have to make the right decisions. and you didn't make that decision. there was, we didn't react quick enough to avoid the situation. united must now pick themselves up for a huge game on sunday. against this arrivals,
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even geminus out of there will live who will go into that united game full of confidence. also between sheffield united 31 to return to the top of the premier league lived 4 winds. had 17 minutes in so and union devoted to bring pressure on this thing. go keep it either good of its side, went into the break with a window lead, sheffield united, equalized and the 2nd hall symbol. coming in of middle school. defend dakota promptly and going straight through the keeper's legs. the whole re took the lead. thanks to all right. go from alexis mcallister, continuing woke up when i make it to one with 14 minutes left. so the get close to the process to round of the when you can cope side a 2 points clear of also and 3 ahead of month, 54 and $1.00 now in the car and drive it also p s. street has set the pacing friday practice at the japanese complete and some zuka is training and who tens 23 during
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subspace qualifying came out on top of right in effect since that contract to sessions for past 3 who finish said last year's rice was ahead of misstating miss hamilton. triple well jumping next to stephan and these red bull teammate, says your parents didn't come out for the 2nd practice session in the hypo deserving that ties inc. tricky conditions you feel for a well my new found out 1st time just how tricky the conditions with was logan sergeant's. he crushed out during 1st practice, often losing control of his williams call. luckily wasn't injured, but the williams team will have that. what cuts out to put the call back together in time for qualifying to tennis now in miami open champions, danielle collins has continued. how winning run this time in charleston, she beat the writing champion on chip a call and saw her street of 17 straight sets ends. one number 2 seats of a level things up in seconds. a much better about the american came back to seal a 3 set when collins then went on to play a 2nd match on the same day. to catch up for rain delay beating sloan,
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stevens sent a wind street to 10 in a row. suffice a lease a much in, in the course of finals for the to the top. see jessica gould also reached the quotes of finals with the winners in poland. mac, selling it the well number 5, winning 6262 to set up a meeting with victoria as of right connects in houston, defending champion francis cfo may be quotes or finals of the us mens clay court championships go straight. is james doug quest in $0.03? we'll pay another australian jordan thompson in the last sites buffer with that was pulled off next week's multi calling. most is less than 2 months before the french open. it continues a frustrating season, send it out, who was out for years before my kids come back because the person international injury that already lost its free matches before he suffered a muscle test in a state. when he said, these are very difficult moments for me. my body simply won't allow me. it puts the 37 year old types of winning a 15 title i wrote in, carol's,
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in doubts as well with less than a week away. now, from the 1st major of the men's goals season, the mazda is idle gusta, and full champion, jordan speith has been given a boost before we had georgia. this was the 3 thought major went on the 16th hall at the texas hoping he had an up and down day. but this is definitely the highlights. ace on the call 3. having mr. cox at his last 2 of and says, holding one strength since his chances of make hits the week. and finally, the shots will by muhammad ali and his famous thriller in manila flight tickets. joe frazier are up for auction in york. the luxury bouts took place in the philippines in 1975. it was the 3rd fights between the 2 boxing rivals. at least victory that night meant to let the head to head to one. the shows are assigned by alley, like the highest bid for them. so far is $3800000.00 on the online auction is open until the 12th of april. all right, that is a useful for now. they'll be will feel,
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i said 3, we'll see you later on. so thank you so much. well, now to the crisis in haiti, which is affecting neighboring dominican republic, i'm this the international is urging an end to the mass. the for taishan of haitians who fled gang wars, but many in the dominican republic say the locals shouldn't suffer for what's happening next door in faith. steve, here's our latin america, editor of the seo newman and the capital song, santo domingo, the dominican republic, and have to share this caribbean island much more ways than one. the distance neighbors. one speaks french, the other spanish, but more importantly, patients suffer from acute poverty stream political instability and now uncomfortable violence on the other side of the border in the capital, samples of legal life groups, peaceful and prosperous, but looks or just see the value and say, well, we're afraid,
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hate is close to us. we've seen the video. so scaling that, it's like you have a day just me, believe you next tool or you don't know if that will hurt your family. in the last 3 months, dominican republic has deported more than 2500 young, documented asians arguing reasons of national security. we asked following minister roberto albert is to respond to charges by amnesty international racism and inhumane treatment of patients. 73 percent of our population is mixed blood, 16 percent black, 11 percent white. so there's never been it within dominicans, a distinction as to race. that is completely false. no, no, but of course we're more than willing to help with the international community with any in a few minutes area and assistance. but the question is being asked, why isn't the dominican republic shouldering the black, the bulk of it in v, as a lot of states looking cash dominicans we met in says their country is doing its
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fair share already. they say hundreds of thousands of patients live here, everyone mix together. so most of us imagine 2 people live in your house and 5 more royce, you'll share of everything shrinks, but we put up with it because they are right, brothers and neighbors. but the presence of so many haitians is also creating tensions. i feel sorry for them, but they should be sent back to their country for being smothered by patients. with that i, you go to hospital ends. there are 10 haitians and 2 dominicans that com be their taking away our rights were in the general hospital now. and indeed there are many, many patients here, many patient children as well, but that's only part of the story they didn't just arrived yesterday. many have been here for decades, undocumented, and they are here in the country, doing the hardest jobs and the lowest paying jobs and haitian children born in the
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dominican republic or not eligible for citizenship. that can be of why the think there are 2 things. people agree on the fear that the violence next door could spill over into this country, and the desperate need for safety to restore law and order with the help of an international community that seems to have forgotten. the silent you see and human al jazeera santo domingo, the f b i is investigating how fee of still $30000000.00 in cash over the easter weekend . they managed to break through the roof of a cast storage and handling facility and la with out setting off any alarms and the buildings owners didn't realize the money was gone until they opened the volt on monday. and the tech to say the break and has all the hallmarks of a professional heist. thanks for watching else. is there a fully boxes, photos with you in a moment with much more off the days news, bye bye. for now,
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the, the biggest global electron yet in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic showdown. join me seen of asking jan on a new ballpark cd, focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience as a journalist to examine alarming drops of the freedoms in india and the future of india and back to an independent media being the other for fox, the on those is either being a journalist is a privilege. i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noises of war is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. we're just going to try to pick up is
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a safer position. reading the trying to find the words each truly. if that child is a huge responsibility we keep wanted tissues and decision makers in check. so the devastating you and tossed up their decisions. the reason the soldiers base themselves in this house is because it's the edges of the janine refugee cab. and from here they have, it's the view of working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as relevant to so that this mode that unites us, that divides us over 30 years of to the sewing houses. the real world tells the 2 folks, stories of no ways and the oldest little coughs. let us salute the government of norway. horace, remarkable and nurturing the secret negotiations. and wyatt's promise
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piece has remained unfulfilled. a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could stop or go home the trunks of also all disease. the v is really all make include, is to tack on a workers this week was a case of mistaken identity. while central kitchen calls it cold comfort and demands an independent commission to investigate the play you're watching, i'll just hear a lie from bill. how with me for the back. people also coming out the united nations human rights council adopt a resolution calling for is around to be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in gas on, on the pressure from the us. israel agrees to open


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