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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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with negotiations and wyatt's promise piece has remained unfulfilled, a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home. the price of also on those is here. the be is really all make include is to tack on a workers this week was a case of mistaken identity. while central kitchen calls it cold comfort and demands an independent commission to investigate the play you're watching, i'll just hear a lie from bill. how with me for the back people also coming out the united nations human rights council, a dobs to a resolution calling for is around to be held accountable for possible war crimes
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and crimes against humanity in gas are under pressure from the u, as israel agrees to open a border crossing in northern guys to allow in much needed age. and a national day of mourning any ron republican guards who were killed in an is really attacking syria or given a hero's family. after almost 6 months and days are as well on guys that and with more than $33000.00 palestinians scale, israel is facing mounting international pressure. tre, get in part by the kenning or for an aide. work is on monday. these really military has now concluded its internal investigation into the strike on the well central kitchen conroy. it admits the strike was a grave mistake, but says the officers involved were convinced they were targeting him off. the wall central kitchen says it's it represents cold comfort for the victims. sammy's us
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present, joe biden said at the time he was outraged by the incident on thursdays spoke to these really prime minister benjamin that's now wanting him to present civilian hom, add increased 8 hours of age, or israel said he will temporarily open new age roads. the arrest crossing in northern garza and the ashed on fort in southern israel will be open for humanitarian assistance. for more, let's speak to audra 0 is where we challenge, so joins is on the line from occupied east jerusalem. where we tell us 1st about what these really investigation into the killing of the aid workers has found and what will be the consequences? yeah. well, half an hour ago this report was made public, it already being shed with the yeah, hot rest loans or is ready made a tree. it already been shed with these ready government at the door to be shared with the embassy come some journalist in smashing me. but now it's public. and what
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this report is, is the assessment of the is ready ministries cracked funding mentioned led by major general jo. hi evelyn, here's the major dental and the reserves. and it is basically said that the, the cause of the problem, the cause of it, the, that the mistake that they put it with the miss identification of the target. they thought that there was an um spike, that on one of these a truck and a cool that government or another that was still there when the convoy left the warehouse where it being dealing with pay. they didn't, they say, identify the truck as being associated with the wealth central kitchen. now, that is a big problem, considering that the world's central kitchen have been using with the confliction information line. but thing to break the trigger. what are they being doing? everything right. and consequently, these ready to destroy was
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a serious violation of come on and of the military standard operating procedure. and they say it should not. so the cut out what they're doing about it. well, dismissals and recommends being dismissed from that part of the brigade possible commander and the brigades, a chief of stuff off of the colonel, the possible manager had come under the major. then the brigade support from under the 100 and 62nd division commander of getting rep amongst them to come under being costs of being combined. but it also good coupons. the imagery then finishes by saying we will learn the lesson, how to incorporate them into ongoing operations, what we're not getting any sense, okay, from what the ministry say is any kind of criminal justice. so no. so what can trials? mitchell, the prosecution. this is an internal minute treat procedure with the internal
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minute tree disciplinary messages being taken. yeah, and the question is whether that will be enough for the families of the victims because wealth central kitchen is already demanding an independent investigation in full, so potent and also demanding a criminal inquiry. in this incident, israel no doubt is under a great deal of pressure, rory. and because of this pressure they've decided to open, the air is crossing to let more aid into northern guys. but we have very little detail about how that's going to work out when will this crossing be open, how much it will go in? yeah, i mean, these are the questions that don't have the answer to them yet. because we have already been told that a by the is ready ministry, what they are saying is that they are going to set up this new a groups that is going to be going festival through the is already see ports and maxed out and then to the border crossing indigo at the outset is now the arrows
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crossing uh is uh, historically it being used for a book for passengers like it'd be people who are walking across in. so you got the bike box and i've used it myself my years ago. it's a great big, kind of kind of like complex building where you guys stringent security, you have all your belongings check and scanned, etc. and then you have to walk along with the very narrow coverage walkway that, that lead to it sort of columbus and also into, into concept. well, we're not sure of this, but it is that that's a little bit the purpose of receiving large amounts of paid and track goods and things like that because that's not what it's set up to date. it was also quite bad . the damage at the beginning of the war, best of all in the impacts of okay, 7 i my son and life and, and bombing and is ready minutes reaction. so some serious lack might need to be done so as to make that he thinks about this and getting an idea. and then you want
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to have the issue of what happens to the 8 when it actually crosses the mode. or because as we've just been talking about, well, central kitchen has ceased, it's operations, it has made plans to restore oppression for the moment of the 8 organizations working on the ground and got to have also the separation, the cause of the that'd be struck on both sides of the us, but the resulting powers cheating a into god that even if this arrows crossing up to speed and working, it's unlikely that stable, remotely, together with this, the i coming across the southern bo price be able to meet the needs of the guy, the people, okay, roy will leave it there. apologies for 12 years for the quantity of that connection . really challenge on the line from occupied issues and that's cross over to guns and 9 find terry capitalism correspondent in rafa diary, god tell us about the reaction said to this decision by these released open areas and let more aid in in northern guys which desperately needs it of course,
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how much of a difference is that going to make of the yes, absolutely. this new step that has been taken by these very authorities could be a good step in order to alleviate the humanitarian conditions. but the question among palestinians is, how much these very authority is about to met, how many humanitarian chromeboys they will allow to get into the garza's trip. as we know, they have been taking full control over what goes in and what comes out from the gauze as to the cold food is. and that's why it's so clear in terms of the early denial and prevention of aid supplies, injury to the gaza strip in the early months of this genocide, the ministry campaign on the territory. but you have to get an, an, a, to the mounting american press on these are the sides, specifically lights of the lights that tackled the what the central kitchen. these are the side had decided to do. and to take this a step in order to divert attention to that, or at least to mitigate it into a national system regarding the looming funding and the gaza stripe is specifically
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if the northern parts as palestinians here a one thing about which entity also will be responsible for distributing eyes, and they are also asking for an immediate cease fire, which can help them to recover from the deadly consequences being resulted from the is by the attacks on the gaza. the goal is this trip topic. thank you very much for that, that sandra 0 is terry capitalism live there in rafa. southern guys, as we've reported, the united nations human rights council has adopted a resolution calling for is around to be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. is also demanding a whole to all arms sales to israel. 20 countries voted in favor of 13 upstate and 6 voted against the 1st time you went to the top right. the body has taken a position on the war. sonya gable is joining us now. live from london from on this . how significant is this resolution sonya to well,
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it's important to understand that this is not a resolution that it is that is binding and also stresses the need for accountability for o, a violations of international humanitarian law. this is quite a significant statement from the u. s. a human rights of body, which seeks to address the concerns of that of his rails more in gaza. and even though the western countries was split on this with germany, of voting against this and belgium voting for, from some a fronts in the netherlands abstaining. the united states did say that they have planned to vote against this because it did not contain a specific condemnation. of how a mass for the october 7th attacks. however, this does come at a crucial time in the us has not made any secret up. the fact that it is piling,
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the pressure on its ally, it is the biggest ally of, of, of as well right now. and the issue being vast, so is of, is rarely support, and the us supporting is rout via the straight. now, while it seems that president biden, and the is piling on the pressure by stating that is where has to take care and implement some very swiftly new steps to protect civilian and 8. what? cuz it is trying to drive that message home that it cannot continue unabated by any means a tool. and that this poses a significant issue for exactly not just israel's issue of the a bang international humanitarian law, but also allies of israel as well. and not as something which is being called into question. and for those allies, it is something which they will have to consider as well in,
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in the continued support of as well. yeah. and so how much wage does this have and how much pressure do you think it might put on these states that support israel as well? suddenly it is not a subject which allies of his route can continue to ignore. for example, in the u. k. alexa of by more than 6 hundreds lawyers, including a 3 full must supreme court justices, have formed what is tantamount to a legal opinions facing that the you, k government does need to suspend its trades trade with israel, as well. stationed at this very much called into question the u. k. as humanitarian a international law was, and it's due to it as well. and this has been something which has certainly divided the government. the cabinets itself is very much divided on the question with certain conservative m p's. asking the question whether the government's own lawyers in the foreign office have
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a states. it's that israel is contrib beating international humanitarian law. and if that is the case that the government has received that advice, then it puts it in a very sticky situation, and it needs to revisit that with most of, of, of those ministers who are voicing back consent, stating that the u. k. has to implement that suspension, immediately pending a that's those thoughts and those concerns. sonya, thank you very much for that. so when you go live there in london, the alger 0 has obtained video from northern guys are showing. is there any soldiers opening fire on policy news? attempting to collect ad drops of food, a warning of the disturbing images in this report by me, i to only be killed during how many terry an air drop. that's the tragic fee to the palestinian men collecting $8.00 in the city officers, a northeastern gaza on march 9th. and they were playing drops
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a packages over the gaza strip. but soon it becomes evident that it doesn't come without risk. the packages lands new the boil defense in northern gaza. an exclusive footage obtained by all to 0 shows is really soldiers, deliberately targeting palestinians. as they rushed to collected, the vigil shows these really soldiers opening fire. despite none of this policy new men posing a threats, the firing continues, even as this man leads the area, moving away from the border and the soldiers positions. as the soldiers watch dogs approach the wounded man and the video cuts off, highlighting the overwhelming listeners that has taken hold in the area. and you had to live to d. l 0. testing from is a spokesperson for unicef, the united nations childrens fun. she welcome. these are also decision to open more
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crossings into gaza, says 8 and security needs to be increased. we're going to have to wait and see how it'll apply that in practice. but it's really good news. we've been asking for weeks now for this course. seems to be, i think we've used it before and we know how important of you to get supplies into the northern guides district. because of course, the to crossings that open at the moment apology in the south and require us to transport all of the, of the guns and scripts. so this is really welcome news, but we need it to happen soon. we need to happen at scale. and we need it to be sustained primarily a pedestrian crossing. but so it was rough us, so it's, you know, something that we're working on and we'd hoped to be able to get a truck in that scale through. whereas because we have so few options, we really need to take all of the options that we have to be able to get food a into the know people of north gaza who uh on the precipice of assignment. and i had on andrea sierra and i'm gonna see
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a new and incentive illegal in the dominican republic and coming up we'll explain how the dominicans are feeling about the price is taking place in their neighboring country. teach the these are the most these on the drum is they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is really ministry precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets of clinic cods images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces . it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will for is the city often defies the seasonal suite. use of the law on the street box right now. look,
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it's easy to move around. i think i would say could be different and exploring. going to change the situation in nablus. we had 70 percent more business before people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in casa, on counting, the costs to india is economy is on the vines for the nation's wealth gap is whitening us as spending millions of dollars to clean up its industrial facilities . plus millions of uses around the world will now have to buy microsoft office without counting the cost on out as the era the the welcome back. a recap of our top story is on algae is here at the ease really
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military says is going through this internal investigation into the ass, tried on the well, the central kitchen convoy that killed 7 aid workers is really military describes this strikes as a grave mistake. well, central kitchen says it represents cold conference, so the victims, families, israel has agreed to temporarily open april st. you guys at the announcement was me dollars after a phone call between us president joe biden. and these are the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. 5 and demanded an immediate cease fire and protection for civilian and the united nations. human rights council has adopted a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible will primes in crimes against humanity. in the gaza strip, $28.00 countries voted in favor of 13 upstate and 6, including the us voted against americans. in other world news, a national day of mourning has been out in yvonne full republican god commanders killed in an east really attack in syria. on monday funerals were held for 5 of the
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7 military personnel who died in damascus, including a break of the general iran supreme leader has vowed revenge for the death. and that's prompted these really military to hold or leave for combat units dosage. a battery has more from tehran in the general mood here is quite tense because many here feel that this is a pivotal moments for the leadership in this country to show that a strong response given that this attack took place on their own diplomatic mission in syria. a violation of international law many believe and iran is really in a very precarious position because if it doesn't respond with force, it could risk the possibility of looking week not only to it's adversaries, united states, and israel, but also to the proxies that it supports in the region, that's what people who are fear the most, that any kind of a strong response will have a reaction from the other side as well. and that could be very damaging to not only
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the leadership here but also to the people. so there's a general sense of doom here about what's to come in the next few days, but the quotes, the collaboration sir, or something that i've been going on over the past 45 years. it's marked on the last friday or from a down every year to show solidarity with the people of palestine. and this year, of course, a combined with a funeral procession has a extra special meeting and a poignant for the leadership to show the supports that they have with the palestinian people and the post the new leadership, given the circumstances were in the one ukraine. now, in russia's forces have entered a sum of trustees, you are in ukraine's doing the exc region, according to russian state media, the series about 10 kilometers west of blackboard. to see if y'all has been a staging point for the ukranian army. and taiwan, dozens of after shots have been filed on the east coast overnight following the major earthquake on wednesday. rescue is
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a searching for 18. missing people. the 7.2 minus 2. tremont calls a desk of at least 10 people and enjoyed more than a 1000 helicopters of a list of people chopped after votes with cut off and mountainous areas. the tensions have again fled between china and india over contested territory and humanly and mountain range. china has allocated 30 chinese geographical names to the disputed border region. india says the name changes opposite katrina. you refer somebody to this remote border region condition layers has become a flash point in the already frosty relationship between china and india. the government and you deli, refers to it as the north eastern state of out of natural dash and says it's an inalienable part of india. last month, communist and there and reload the visits of the region. so the opening of the same a tunnel, the high altitude tunnel will make it easier for india to reach the dispute of territory and show up its defense is along the 3500 kilometer unofficial border
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with china. on the north east. india is on its way to becoming a crucial link for in just treat and tourism and other connections to south east asia. it's gotta be the chinese government is furious. allergies visits and india is development that it prefers to the area as the non all south to bet it's also criticized us. support of india is territorial claim. so 92. so would you like the sung husband, china's territory since ancient times. this is an undeniable fact. where does the so called or neutral pradesh come from? united states has a terrible record of stoking disputes between other countries for selfish gain contralto. the government has responded by allocating chinese names for those 2 places in the region, rejecting the use of any foreign names. it says holmes, china is territorial integrity. india has cold,
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chinese renaming of the region upset. the lake is flare up in board. attentions comes as nationalism increases in india and china relation to the strange lights east for the territory, which will in 1962, there's been several skirmishes in 20201010 slicing between soldiers into le dock regions, which at the desk of at least 20 indian and 4 chinese troops more than 20 rounds of military folks had been held to comm tensions. but the bilateral relationship remains icy at best. katrina alda 0 beaching now to the crisis in haiti, which is affecting neighboring dominican republic. i'm this international is urging an end to the mass deportation of haitian. so flip gun was but many in the dominican republic, st. locals, shit, and software for what's happening next door in haiti is a lot in america, tennessee, in human, in the capital of santo domingo, the dominican republic,
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and have to share this caribbean island much more ways than one. the distant neighbors. one speaks french, the other spanish, but more importantly, patients suffer from acute poverty stream political instability and now uncontrollable violence on the other side of the border in the capital, samples of legal life groups, peaceful and prosperous, but looks or just see the same. all we're afraid, hey, to is close to us. we've seen the videos of killing that is like you have a day and just me believe you next to you don't know if they will hurt your family . in the last 3 months, dominican republic has deported more than 2500 young documentations arguing reasons of national security. we asked for administered roberto alvarez to respond to charges by amnesty international racism and inhumane treatment of patients. 73
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percent of our population is mixed blood, 16 percent black, 11 percent white. so there's never been a within dominicans, a distinction as to a race that is completely false. no, no, on of course, one more than willing to help with the international community with any in a few minutes area and assistance. but the question is being asked, why isn't the dominican republic shouldering the black, the bulk of it? in v as a lot of states looking cash dominicans we met in says their country is doing its fair share already. they say hundreds of thousands of patients live here, everyone mix together. so most of us imagine 2 people live in your house and 5 more royce, you'll share of everything shrinks, but we put up with it because they are right, brothers and neighbors. but the presence of so many haitians is also creating tensions. i feel sorry for them,
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but they should be sent back to their country who being smothered by patients. with that i you go to hospital ends. there are 10 haitians. and to the minute comes that com be their taking away our rights were in the general hospital now. and indeed there are many, many patients here many facing children as well. but that's only part of the story they didn't just arrived yesterday. many have been here for decades, undocumented, and they are here in the country, doing the hardest jobs and the lowest paying jobs and haitian children born in the dominican republic or not eligible for citizenship. that can be of why the think there are 2 things. people agree on the fear that the pilots next door could spill over into this country, and the desperate need for safety to restore law and order with the help of an international community that seems to have forgotten the silent to see and human al jazeera simple to mingle form of us present donald trump has suffered said boxing
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to criminal cases against him. a judge in florida refused to dismiss the charges of mishandling classified documents. drones, toys had argued he was protected by a presidential records law. it allows former presidents to keep personal records unrelated to their official responsibilities in georgia, the judge overseeing the election. and if you're in this case, rejected thomas argument that the indictment criminalizes political speech protected by the 1st amendment. finally, the f. b, i is investigating how fee stole $15000000.00 in cash over the eastern weekend. they managed to break through the roof of a cash storage and handling facility in los angeles without setting off any alarms . the buildings owners didn't realize the money was gone until they opened the volt on monday, the deck to say the break and has all the hallmarks of a professional heis. and that is the
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news for now, and i'll just hear that's it for me, for the back keyboard. the weather is next and inside story ask seats. the wars in gaza and ukraine are taking the wells attention from the climate change right to stay with us for that in diary navigator. we'll have more news for you right after inside story things to watch the the. it's officially pink blossom time for the cherry trees in japan. this is just one picture from tokyo and it's been warm for a few days. and as a, it's been very helpful. the child started saying much the same there is writing just coming up into the fall fast, maybe catching issue, but essentially the tail end of that rain over southern china has been telling that has been flooding. finally, i've seen proof of the death of video, but these already sensors suggest as more to come. this is approximately amongst
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with the right in a day that has the potential from it. and it's a little early in the seasons, a south of the yangtze down towards hong kong, which might get a thunderstorm from it. that's fairly well where there is heat in united there being born in science that has cooled down a little bit the last day or so. but sunday seemed a continuation of much the same, to be honest and much of stuff in china and in japan, anywhere else just into enjoy the sunshine heat spinning the story in the last week or so and continues to be the story in india. that's so for pakistan, i mean bangladesh and westbank goal funds told recently it prompted warnings. they probably fading away during stuff day, but the general story is have a look at this. there is not surprising to see read in india pre monsoon heat, but these temperatures might about not poor, for example, there about 4 degrees above average, which i have to say is significant. the s pain edge is closer to recognizing it. palestinian state prime minister petro
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sanchez. this at the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law. what i can tell you is that the situation on the ground newsletter acceptable as an immediate cease firing call. so there's an urgency to stop this terrible war and to open a new phase of stability piece for space in the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l, just 0. a state of emergency in zimbabwe, extreme drought, putting millions of people in danger. as wars rage and gaza in ukraine to battle against climate change continues, but arguably, makes fewer headlines is the world paying enough attention to the threats the entire planet facing. this is inside the .


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