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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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state prime minister pedro sanchez, this at the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law . what i can tell you is that the situation will be gladly sought acceptable as an immediate cease firing god. so there's an urgency to stop this terrible war and to open a new phase of sleep. peace precipitating the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l. g 0, a state of emergency in zimbabwe. extreme drought putting millions of people in danger as wars rage and gaza. and ukraine, the battle against climate change continues, but arguably, makes fewer headlines. is the world paying enough attention to the threat the entire planet facing? this is inside the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much enjoyment it's in. bob boy's been hit by a severe drought destroying crops on which millions of people rely for food. it's another example of the impact of climate extremes, world wide, a threat facing the whole planet. se scientists who warn that action is needed immediately to avert long term disaster. for those who become victims of the impact of climate change, it may already be too late. man made catastrophes such as the wars and gaza and ukraine are in sharp focus, internationally reflecting the horrors of conflict. but while attention is quite properly given to these political disasters is enough. being given to the global threat from climate change, does the world's attention need to be re focused? we'll be discussing this and more with our guest shortly. but 1st, this report from michael swim sharif. dr. fields and based across a severe drought in south africa has left 20000000 people going hungry off to milwaukee and zambia. zimbabwe has declared a state of the sauce to, to leaving
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a region that was once an absolute cultures have a house and green exposure to needing emergency aid to feed its own people who will buy a food situation is difficult. we only eat once a day because we have nothing in the fields, not a single grain. everything has dried up in the drought. we also have problems with sourcing. move to el nino, the natural you, a clean climate, patton, the bones pockets of the benefit. goshen. it's the 2 years has a major impact on whether it's with africa. it typically it causes below average rain falls. this year it brought the worst route in dec. it's the united nation says major full growing areas in middle of the mozambique, the media, zambia, and some bobby. i've seen some of the lowest rain full in for 2 years. the crop production is very, very much effective by the current el nino situation of to the,
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the 1st rains in january. but since in there has been no ring. and so we're really dreading to see the results of the 2nd girlfriend lice doke assessment because it will likely tell us about the very, very poor production during this year. fine to see climate change is raising sea levels. melting sheets houses 10 stone and sleep from one fires. for the 1st time in january, the will reach the benchmark warning level for blo be increase of $1.00 degrees centigrade. exploits predict a further super challenging the global warming from effects such as a new delivering record. breaking temperatures last year was all ready to help the stones reco, terribly droughts, floods, and other extreme weather is expected as globally temperatures continue to rise. venezuela is already battling a record number one, fires. it's amazon region. recall the nearly 6000 fires in march alone. but the
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impact of rise in global temperatures goes beyond human life. it's wreaking havoc on veterans and northern albania, and the van lagoon is seen a steep decline in the number of my great tree butts. go ahead and grab the button on rising water temperature. rising sea levels and other phenomena have led to decline in fish tanks of including deals in all the goods and not being, you know, present the rest of europe. conflicts and climate crisis affecting the lives of millions around the world. but the urgent need to talk is kind of change seems to be overshadowed by boys in gauze and ukraine, as well as other geo political undressed on the consumption launch is evil for inside story. the. all right, let's go and bring in our panel in dublin, in ireland, john sweeney is professor emeritus the newest university and
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a specialist and climate change and kimmy as capital nairobi. maurice, on the on go, is regional head of disaster risk management plan international as an independent development and humanitarian organization. and in bonn, in germany, carla bourne tempo is director of the coordinators, copernicus, climate change service. thanks for joining us all today. we appreciate your being with us on inside story. maurice, let me start with you today. as in bob boy has declared a national disaster over this drought and president emerson and god wishes the country needs 2000000000 dollars in a to help millions of people who are going hungry. he's appealed to you in agencies, he's appealed to local businesses. well, the country actually be able to get this aide and just how bad is the situation. thank you very much and i will be leaving the country soon. curious the question, because in this 2nd jerry paid for no human being should be dying. wow. that the no child should be dropping out of school because of the drought. i know that. busy
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should be ready to off because because if somebody cannot feed them, this is a painful now when she gives us the humidity and we need to go out and do something now so that at least the children that are suffering so they're not think i can get this they, they need the guidance to be in school in north might and all, so that'd be, can feed their family. and the situation is, but i did see really, really di amc and so they're not going to allow me. the idea of these are being assessing position. i'm very particular venting is really, really bad, according to the freak of development committed to that easy or not so absolutely able to see the band and literally went to grand pin for the summer. they lost the job too much right in front of the young people. i was cunningly need over human needs any assistance it's just going across the whole region we're seeing didn't pay any as we're planning the measurement of hey hughes walking in from my last
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week in zimbabwe. i'm in one of the big things i'm yeah, we're seeing very high levels of i've sent to them already, because for me, these kind of feedback, ju, them sure. and i dropped out of school so that they can also get walk. so that becomes important for me, which is not really something that should be happening in this, in china. so the international community needs to know what these got does you seem itself enough because john, you just heard maurice say that the international community needs to act to combat all of us. of course, we know that wars are raging in gaza and ukraine. this means that even though the battle against climate change continues, climate change is making far fewer headlines that it has in the past. is the world paying enough attention to this threat that the entire planet is facing? no, it's not. and of course everything maurice said is very valid and, but i think the problem is that to people,
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to switch off what's the latest headlines? and, you know, we here on our television screens in our radio, we hear about these extreme events. but we, we, it doesn't propellers, at least in the developed world, into joining the dots on saying that a country lives in bob way suffering those extremes. it's not their fault. and it's not them that have caused the drug concerns. it's really the developed world. and it's getting that accountability across to the general public that i think is the biggest problem that we face in terms of communicating climate change. at the moment. we have a difficulty because people tend to react to short term concerns rather than medium term concerns and long term concerns. so the pressing events that we see in our streams every night, for example, how shoes their attention. but the prospect of something of a slow one said she bent like a drought,
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and that doesn't really capture people's attention. and also of course we were dealing with climate. we're dealing with something where there is an element of uncertainty. and traditionally, i suppose that the climate scientists have been reluctant to legal events like the problems in zimbabwe, as caused by climate change. for most of my career, i had to hedge around the question relating to individual events like that, but i'm very pleased, but no science has advanced to the point with the attribution studies that we can do that we time labels such events. and i think that would bring, i didn't need to say to those kinds of extreme events, especially to decision makers. and that's something i'm very hopeful will feel like lose the dial, a bit, enjoying the adults between who's causing the problem and what can we do about it. so it's in the developed world. and how do we protect some of the people who are
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most vulnerable that that morris is talking about, their carlo. i saw you reacting to some of what john was saying that looked like you wanted to jump in. so i'll give you the opportunity. no, just think the guy i completed what, what does the set, i guess generally we have to go to thomas one time just to distinguish between what is the 4th respond to the 5 system to our nation. and these are certainly a state in the size of possibly have a 6 assessment report to see easily certainly playing a role in some of these the events that we had this card today is that the precipitation response to the not. but if he is likely to become stronger in, in the, in the, on the same account for in the pizza. and we do know that the meal is the word phase of the selection. that as the whole say as well, which is the mean? yes, that's okay. is that the, if you use to,
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instead of that and these, you know, we don't mean you're, there is a higher tons of beloved because of the nation in a good spot. so in a sense, this is not a pose per se, by saying that not to be a success fit for, for decades, for centuries, for many of us to be, but not the company ourselves more strongly now, because we really need to be different, we're going to be leaving, you know, wherever they say i need to resend those, find wise to the, the, the, the world, our generation need. so we are now $1.00 point to $1.00 degrees. all cleaned up. you temperature the for the little bit. yeah. it's an easy to describe a little bit. it's one of the reasons. as a consequence of that, i see stronger and also from the violation is not a bad car. let me ask you, since you brought up el nino,
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i want to ask you how is the current el nino climate pattern different than ones we've seen of the past? well this is a medium size is last year and the spring time it was declared and you know, by the transportation was typically the stages of lean. yeah. is the temperature of the total pacific ocean and several specials. but you know, the something in the, or the a degree degree and a half of the normal temperature city c o n e ivy was the 174 that sense. and then, you know, starting binds. the nice figuring this are and then it's probably going to be seeing the peak around christmas for no. uh. yeah. and now we are in the k, the face of that is the last to get back to me. this is by last spring and he's not
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switching, but i mean, yeah, by uh, by some what strange. i mean, you know, it was the fact that a lot of the climate scientists cool really connections and not being in class, we're not as strong or as clear as the typical connection to the connection means. but the condition by the end of the c i some of the most of the i told the bible such as temperature ever since they become non responsive. and the reason is is uh, is uh, drawing network signal or straight. uh, denise. uh uh, so it goes to where i'm in. my signal will be here over something not freaking out . and right. so of course carlo he's sorry. i'm sorry to interrupt you, but it looks to me like john. like you wanted to to add something to word carla. was saying, well, he's going to has it yeah, wants to add to what color was saying there. and the cell nino has been unusual,
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but it's been unusually one respect in particular and that is the warmth of the oceans and all over the low been side. so by the end of last year, 90 percent of the world's oceans has experienced the marine heat wave. and that's quite unusual in the middle east and of and then you and mean your event. so it's telling us that there's been a bit of a dislocation of climate going on as carla was saying, they expect to tell the connections when to strong as one might expect. and even, you know, despite the changes we saw there were other things that weren't even making the all new if you like on steroids in some respects. and that is a less than 2 is i think that we may be disrupting global clients on a scale, which we haven't really appreciated fully yet. that we saw, for example, huge losses and the and toxic to see ice. we've seen boss of lacy or losses on land as well. and so i'm saying we're seeing things hot and maybe we haven't been
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quite prepared for. and of course when we see those on our screens are not on our radio. and there's an element of climate fatigue sets in with the general population as well. so we have to be aware that we have to convey the message, perhaps in a more original way, perhaps in a more direct way that we did in the past and, and that's maybe what we to learn from last year. the one was to you and much the wonder and over a 100000 years. and that that's just the 3 of us and far as to to take on board. i think maurice, let me ask you to follow up a little bit on what john was talking about there. cuz you know, he's essentially saying that, you know, the world really needs to be paying more attention to all this. of course, we're talking about a time, right? now where you have zambia and malawi, they've also recently declared states of disasters due to drought. and there are fears that this drought that sweeping throughout southern africa could be one of
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the worst in decades. how can you make people pay more attention to this and actually start acting on it and doing something about it a thank you. i think the every is she's is very unclear the dying that's beautiful. i dying the mileage and my new money. my mother, she made the children that they are, the numbers that you're seeing that are missing food insult. and i'm afraid that i'm actually going to go to the countries like vs. that's of beauty for most medical use as a home see deals. i'm now in trouble with better times. you said the situation is extremely, extremely diet. i'm the daughter was about to doing was mentioning how to get back to me and these cutting the middle is easy. it's key is way to do french we have, we are seeing extreme cases on the climates if you need me to read you, not only somebody yesterday and they only may in fact too many in eastern i think that was the same causing flooding in areas we jo, electronically usually mated,
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right? so the national home in india thing we need to really, really go back and start acting on promises, making sure that people told me that you can do some checking because on the drought. so we know that is going to be less because of climate change, but we try to do something. we kind of product, we can, we can make sure that you're supporting children to go back to score. we have, we can make sure that we have the 14 communities to avoid the hung up and ready to do seems something that is going to really get was. so we have just to make sure that we are looking at doing the government. but i want to get a feeling was i was planning to national is that the government also started me to substitute investing in symptoms most likely to change his way to be here with us governments. international community needs to start getting money in terms of the man on climate change so that the blue there is access for communities to get funding that they can help in terms of want to provide muse and policing. you
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inflamed so recently, but we need to really invest in maurice. let me, let me also ask you about some of the other knock on effects of all. some you talked about how there to potentially also be flooding the. but the fact of the matter is right now, you have the un office for the coordination of amount of tearing affairs. they're saying that this drought is causing many people to use unsafe water sources. this may potentially fuel color outbreaks and that's something that's already effecting several southern african countries as i understand. so how much worse could this get into to really get it was um, as you mentioned, to me uh, sold and actually you guys had one know there was 2 cases on a similar to countries, a whole new amazon. the out of them was i'm busy by way, all of them i've had very serious because as on the phone, the visual as mentioned at the very clearly that this has to be the one on their watched cases on corner. and this was mainly driven by the quick access to them
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because they dropped battery or fishing can solve that. i think. so is each other because i mentioned you to live in, get lost because when you have the most on this episodes of extreme inclement morning, the lead as we have seen in the recent past. so investments around that was done it to use as supporting communities, making sure that they have access to water and making sure that they have access to a food. it's cindy and definitely good job. all these are things that we all need to invest in at the local level, but also getting the support from the international community because visitors are remote desktop. that's how you do get us. john, i can see you want to jump in. i'll give you that opportunity just a minute. i just need to ask harlow a quick question, carlo, you know, we're at a point in time now where droughts the floods and other extreme weather events, they are expected to only increase. you have global temperatures that are continuing to rise from your perspective. what measures should policy makers be
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taking to try to mitigate the impact of all of this and, and, you know, how can they make the world more aware that more needs to be done? well, you know, some, some uh, payment plans like to do business. there is funds this place and stay for the defense is we, you understand from the physics behind a couple of were and be related to the initial nothing else got and yes use. so if he wants to do this for me 2 days the bottom, i'd say it's, we need to page 90 and it should be in this office by the way. but i would like to, to, to, to go back to what john was saying about the frame. the effect of saying that need is lane 2 together, ation as well. because i think today about the trial inside the not we kind of needs in both. i think is an example way the way in which we find the phone can actually change. yes. so the, the you were uh, maurice, on,
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on the east to some extent can be for the so the fact that he said he knew it was what could they could back in may. so we knew that, i mean, it was coming here when it was going to be at least the motors in new york man, a part of the options in place and be possible because we do know something about that. and then just to see the skate and to some extent visit to the plastic. so we have information that is better for us to make your decision make by us of society . we are not yet fully capable of taking the information. so in a sense, to me, these are strategic, the products that we, you know, think about about 5 minutes and what we find is going to do in the future. the price is the tennessee was a good example of a piece of products and dollars mentioned that you know, the law of size and then back across the top in the problem. you can betray so tender only wages on the plastic. but there's a know,
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with all the things we do know all 5 minutes, and this is my opinion, not yet for the but of the for makes right it might lead to make here is to do more in see that again is the excess submitting the information we have the near future, right, because i sorry to interrupt you carla, but i see john is been want to jump in here for awhile. go ahead john. i was going to respond to maurice was saying about knock on the fence and somebody who stood close to the the great victoria falls when there was no watch or going over the fall as, as, as i imagined is very much the case. now you begin to realize that it's not just agriculture drives, it's not just food supply as the generation develop tricity for the cities, for commerce, for industry as the stifling that we cannot meet development that goes on as a, as an in direct knock on the fact of climate change of this nature. so i think we
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have to take a white view here of where we have to constant trace our investment flows. now in 2021 time it's related to finance flow is we're about $1.00 trillion dollars. but we know that from the pv for the data on to the end of the century, the need is going to be $1300.00 trillion dollars. so that's a huge jump in terms of how do we cope with climate change in the future. and i think that's what i sent them, that morris was kind of guessing out there at the fact that we're not responding on the scale, but sufficient to title this problem. and it's partly because of self interest in our own. the well developed economies that we won't part with the money that's necessary to undo the damage that we are told to the law. so it's a question of information. it's a question sensitizing the public is
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a question of how do we tell them about climate change? how do we get away from the kind of fatigue from the short term difficulties, and that's a job i think partly for media, it's hardly a job to get the message across. maybe more effectively than we have because scientists, i'll be honest, scientists are not good communicators. we're not bra shopping extradition, of communicating the message other than through scientific papers and conferences that have a very limited audience. so i think we have to change the way we communicate to climate science, the criticality of it. but if you like to, to the general public and that's, that's a big task for which we need an uninformed media 1st of all, unless be under some of some of our media, interviewers, not, not yourself, but we do get media into hers draws up in a tradition that which is a known scientists tradition and the questions they ask are also not the best
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questions. we get sounds as who tompkins, the best communication in terms of answers. so we have to talk a lot issue, a sent a square to get sensitization of the general public to the set to this problem up to the level of which they will say, yes, i'm responsible and i'm willing to forego some of my income tax. some of my, the one percent of global g d p that it would take at john void $1.00 degrees. i'm willing to go for go one percent of global g d p to make good. it's our promises to the developing world. maurice, i saw you reacting to a lot of what john was saying that i'm interested to get your take. we don't have a whole lot of time left. but let me ask you, john was saying that essentially, you know, a lot of us that were just not responding on the scale that's needed to this climate crisis. right? um, you're seeing this all on a very human level when it comes to the people that you're working with, the communities that your observing. how do we get to
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a place where this is being given the attention and is getting the political will but it needs in order to actually move the needle going forward. a sure thing to matt, i think that is my, my, what i'm seeing a is a, is that the global room in it to do a lot of really, really close at the point where this is happen to have. that is one of the things that i think that maybe i was doing is mentioning that most of the i've been in critical really component by the voice of these people are west of rector bank lemonade crisis because of what we have seen those. i believe we talked last at the global level. we may complement science in terms of government financing by the industrial toilet using those promises. it has been a been a bit slow. so that is something that we need it to really make sure we are getting more and more everyday is from the seeing team. so they're not freaking out what we
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have seen in the communities where we are walking across the blind international re . i'm seeing vanity the rest of the ring fence. i'm trying to change the one of the things that we are also emphasizing that some of them and that just make a few points on some of the things that you emphasize think he's at that age of, of what reduction in terms of greenhouse let me show it should be a fundamental, fundamental agreement globally that we need to reduce the account is that going to be the left side of the being brussel filter. and we need to leave out on these in west. and i've seen that in there recently and 11, and so for example, the communities that we're working with us money international. so i'm gonna do my very, very, very well. and they don't have the means to really invest in only going to be learning the international community should come up with make kind of films that kind of some of these way to really about letting communities. thanks to all of our guests today, john sweeney. maurice on the on go and carlo one temple and thank you to for
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watching you and see the program again. any time by visiting our website, i'll just or dot com. and for further discussion and go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash age and size story is it also joined the conversation on x r handle is as aging and sad story for me. and how many gentlemen halting here, bye for now. the in the group of poland to search for clues. this dusk falls in eastern time and the targets a. how does a suppose then you might think these are the other symptoms. wild elephants here have a dept hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites, true in the mass of the forest, and on to phones while they trying to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet, the result can be disastrous. my neighbor was working that night and came across
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the elephant and couldn't get away in time. the elephant ended up scuffling him to death in a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community. the imaging drawn take so 2 distinct shapes. the elephants will adjust a 150 meters down the track. we can have them still a thing in the darkness. as the volunteers showing the lights that attend them, they move away, but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food. and then ellison never forgets people on the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of the industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is outages here as new series died. last
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futures. we will people, free stories close to home for so we have social and around the world. groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on how to say era. the a this is all to 0, i'm getting you navigate that with a check on your world headlines. the is really military has concluded its own investigation into the killing of 78 workers and gaza by admitting it was a grave mistake. the world central kitchen, a group says docs cold comfort for the victims, families, and is demanding an independent investigation where we challenge has more from occupied east jerusalem. the assessment of the is ready ministry. fact finding mission led by major general, you know what happened? i.


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