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tv   Al Jazeera World The Price of Oslo P1  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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are lost, the futures will people pray? stories close to home for so essential and around the wealth. groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on how to say era. the 1st is alta 0. i'm getting you navigate that with a check on your world headlines. the is really military has concluded its own investigation into the killing of 78 workers and gaza by admitting it was a grave mistake. the world central kitchen, a group says docs cold comfort for the victims, families, and is demanding an independent investigation where we challenge has more from occupied east jerusalem. the assessment of the is ready ministry. fact finding mission led by major general, you know, what happened is it might just generally in the reserves,
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and it is basically said that they're the cause of this problem. the cause of it, the that the mistake that they put it with the miss identification of the target. they thought that there was an um spike on one of these a truck. and a cool that, that government or another was still there when the convoy left the warehouse where did being dealing with pay. the united nations human rights council has adopted a resolution calling for israel should be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. 28 countries voted in favor. 13 abstained on 6 voted against israel has agreed to open 2 routes into garza for a much needed food on humanitarian aid. deliveries will temporarily be allowed to the air as crossing and northern gauze on the port of a stalled in israel is what we're looking to see in the,
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in the days and weeks ahead is prioritization. searching humanitarian assistance, sustaining and getting it to people who need it. making sure that those who are providing it are safe and secure and maximizing every effort to protect civilians. those were probably caught in this cross fire from us is making we just can't have so many people caught in the crossfire. the announcement was made after a phone call between the is really prime minister and the us president joe biden demanded an immediate cease fire. and protection for civilians and got some he also warned benjamin netanyahu, that a us a to israel is conditional on action to boost humanitarian help for gaza. a national day of mourning is being held in iran for republican guard commanders killed in and is really attacked in syria. on monday, funerals have been held for 5 of the 7 military personnel who died in damascus,
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including a brigadier general. the wrong supreme leader has valid revenge for their debts. that's prompted the is really military to hold all leave for combat units. dorset jabari has more frontier run. as the general mood here is quite tense, because many here feel that this is a pivotal moments for the leadership in this country to show that a strong response given that this attack took place on their owns diplomatic mission in syria, a violation of international law. many believe and iran is really in a very precarious position because if it doesn't respond with force, it could risk the possibility of looking week not only to it's adversaries, united states, and israel, but also to the proxies that it supports in the region. that's what people hear fear the most, that any kind of a strong response will have a reaction from the other side as well. and that could be very damaging to not only the leadership here but also to the people. so there's
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a general sense of doom here about what's to come in the next few days, but the quotes, the collaboration sir, or something that i've been going on over the past 45 years. it's marked on the last friday or from a down every year to show solidarity with the people of palestine. and this your, of course, a, combined with a funeral procession, has a extra special meeting and poignance for the leadership to show the supports that they have with the palestinian people and the post. the new leadership, given the circumstances were in russian forces have entered a suburb of chest. if your thoughts on ukraine's done yet screeching, according to russian state media, the city is about 10 kilometers west of the flute chest, if you are, has been a staging point for the ukranian army. those are the latest headlines on algebra 0 coming up next. it's ultra 0 world, thanks for watching, bye bye. for now. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the 13 years ago, a prospect for peace in the middle east. after decades of conflict between palestinians and israelis. this to parkville tells the story of secret negotiations in the political shadows. a story of the search for common ground in
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the midst of a region in constant turmoil. and at the center of it, all, unfunded likely mediator, ladies and gentlemen, his excellent z, your vote minister of foreign affairs of norway is done. the navy and country of norway, minister of foreign affairs of egypt, the honorable anthony lake assistant to the president for national security a best let us salute also today. the government of norway for his remarkable role in nurturing this is the september 19. 93 is really probably minutes to get set up. it'll be palestinian leaders just out of shape. hope support who the piece is really easy. honestly, names would finally come to the middle east,
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but 3 decades on such a piece remains as elusive as a forced to let me of them and that can make it back to this in the fall. that's what i can meet the w for this thing. you must finish. wanted to see it but a senior stating garza and then easily seen. he and joe didn't condominium into westbank. it is not possible for us full confidence like no way to play on a symmetric grove. it has to be a role according to its rules. rules of the game. present. the signing ceremony was former us secretary of state, henry kissinger, chief architect of the peace between egypt and israel. kissinger's approach was to making only small demos from the out of 5 picked up on this step by
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step strategist and as early as 1974. as promised, any in liberation organization approved a plan to aim for a foothold in the region administered by a palestinian authority rather than historic palestine. in the same year, the out of the summit had officially designated the piano as the sold representative of the palestinian people. the l u b and stuff, the bought a shot of this lien and the 3rd x of wenatchee to walk i had i had a phone. i mean to tell you can never jess off is it can really some what i mean. yeah. pull clues of comp model, if someone is mobile, i said move, bought them at the co mendez in 1974, i refer noun to his colleagues as a rama. address the united nation for the palestinians. and for the p l. o. the
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venge represented recognition for the palestinian struggle had said between him and yeah, on the sofa v, i think you're not being in a height. i didn't mean to move the piano bench. gotcha to us. but it continued to reject the security council resolutions. 242, and 338. the resolutions demanded that is will withdrawal within what it calls secure and recognized borders. but they did not precisely require israel to withdrawal to old line to talk. you find the for the 6 day war in 1967, the fact that i've said has to have a face negotiate must be based on the security council resolutions to go to. it's basically a we would strongly oppose any attempt to change these 2 resolutions with the
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frameworks of the 1978 camp david accords. the chords called not for the palestinian state, but for what was times palestinian autonomy guys big him of somebody's have also been in the quite a whole combat the level for this, the new law. some of them supplement that the bid less than what you'll play up and that's the assignment this lady at the can. is there any you and i'm going to daddy can walked is no good yet in the old i love you. so for you have to follow up fees is that are in the you and i mounted for this thing again, little comments. her contact from the stronghold of side for 11. on a 1977, the piano decided to explore the possibility of secret talks with as we'll go up on a cut and a what am i'll call uh to be in new new to uh, willis, a month after off. so i leave. i yeah. can you send me what you
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can see? uh, so you, uh, the one of them may be a 2 me didn't have the, the going to be honest. any and president, ha, who the boss says in his book, the secret channels that this dialogue was with is really forces that supported piece. and with this, the font of jews in march, 1970 israel, in faded science level. the united nations responded by deploying the peacekeeping force him to source level known as due to so part of this was, was made up of norwegian troops. i had visited part the test time as part as a,
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as in the legion solely to ag visiting the uni field forces in lebanon. i came with friends through is read, they know skip. i thought it was she had been tuned august the best and i was just getting east guys in english and looked at them and all the hard about developing skita fun. if i'm sick and if it off i should just didn't get it filled up. all the students could get e mails on adolfo adolfo should have filtering again love the and i'll skip him ceiling and he didn't do it and certainly hadn't know of it. carlton abuse did the, approximately, 1000 solve this and of course, the secuity of the adults. so this was a very important concept was either one of the 1st, this then called today is to establish book the describe. that's time as that can call it contexts. need that p l o. in that context mrs. exhibited living the cost of the meat minister for the fast to the south. many of us the deputy minister
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state secretary, he followed the situation very close at the time known as a friend dog. no, and that's the, that's the gift. that's what makes it as we in the, to this, the meaning is or strength when it comes to. so the piece can at the middle is been that's why you will need be that to us. be the lead mendacity on demand. yeah, that's good. can other let me use i've also seen some of the many and all of them in the home can be your videos, most of the, of the class. and that was just the can us those that from that high level of supplement because this just let us, let us do the confusion yet most. who do feel cool now will finish often and she's in the media. most identification to sort of e 90 shame. fuck up similarly, so that again the bible covered. oh, way most more supported or israel?
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non many of the others are not being done. done any of the out of the european state funding. there are several reasons, reasons. one of the most important tools, top innovation, labor party and innovation trade unions. this whole, this state of israel, off a socialist experiment, the almost time the social democratic social state, like the one we have in no way in the late seventy's. there was a common bond of socialist ideology which we know ways labor party and its namesake in is really one of the key players in this special relationship was a prominence, labor party member of norway's parliament. johan, you organ, host, me sit, host of us, the 1st person at the politic 11 to me, they said all thoughts a, give us a 15 minutes to then,
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the executive teddy in on the minister of defense see came to bates and the said 7 don't tease it to each then in july i think it was in 79. he meets with the outside office and they all set out. i've talked invited the whole group to various places and said that mister hosts had very close contact with the scientists. and so that aspect to me, so whole space even even more interesting to me start off as soon as this other props interested normally most ideally on the call, thanks for the site all throughout the day. notice i had a conflict and e, me test. and so could run that for the mid on mean listing for me. it doesn't conflicts that have on the scale sale of scuffle in, in a lot interesting. the slight fever was going to stop it to gun. and that was the,
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to the felt which i have a little with was almost as atomic. and that you can do, and how much would on hating them. those are what the me will do with the feet. general blue man in 1979. the show of a run sled into x on israel last on on line and a major oil supply in the united states. aust, no way to guarantee to sell it's north c o. 2 is really concerned about repercussions, but it's un troops and 11 on, nor we sent it to diplomatic hon sloan fine to seek assurances from out of find me for the front of the fixing on that, for if you split seconds, he said, i've been having no objection to section of each and guarantee to e sign on one condition, the 90 and the secret back in the chapter 3 says you provided i just
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don't know if i wanted to know regions to act as intermediary between himself. and this was mentioned on reaching government, i just shocked to hear the message coming back from our office. so problem 1979 on every year from their own words. and origins tried to set up a secret back channel between the piano and israel, but this rover absolutely no women at all to listen to anything after the legion could come up with, from our thoughts on the appeal. the in 1982, the piano lost its face. the palace, the new incentives were forced to depart, following the is really invasion of 11 on 3 months on
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the us broker deal lead to out of 5 and his own too long. as moving to tennessee, it was for them to an invitation from uh 5 to my previous assignment. this the entered in and uh myself, i have been defense minister and the when the 9th and 8th is too for new years eve, we died off up in 2 in this at that time out of austin statically. if you could to help him get thing, did they come to the, to the, the little and these and in the book. and i was at that time and
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a member of the assembly of the socialist and nothing. and they turned out to be a strong interest in the socialist in less than 4 trying to contribute to normalization. all the relationship between post in ins and is a is to help with his charm offensive out of 5 to turn to senior p l. o. members, i some soft talking to act and i says main goal between i thought of pointing to the doctor side of tabi and a he came to visit me because i should take care of this from the woodson side. and i add that very good impression of him. i believe that the v i know has been the greatest achievement to our suffering people. i believe that the p n. o is the most need to talk about it. and then should meet in the old
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buffet though. there was the sofas in national the assembly meeting though before the in portugal. and then there was some shooting suddenly and the rest out in the lobby. and that was the sort of copies of this. i thought we can shut down the some so tell we lay where he'd been killed by a lone gunman who pumped 5 shops into his chest. it has never been clearly verified who ordered the assassination. so tell me what the motive appears to be, because he was talking to the is waiting on out of thoughts back off. stuffed, also thought we took his own position as he did swim against the stream in the face of great protection and danger. out of thoughts continue
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a double game on the one hand seeking discreet diplomatic channels to his rail via the norwegians or the other publicly maintained. the did you do this, the mat spelled a bit of time to do that? the any that can be difficult to add if additional at least that's the new start them. but i said, hopefully i'm demarcus that maybe somebody has been the man mazin has been there when they say that commissioner need a definite and then the why didn't matter what that then the model to model that plays about month coming up in the model. wet, dissimilar welcome to should have inside of here, bad list,
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and i'm still to the total amount of stilton, but would not betray the secrecy of conversations between the piano and israel. we tried to prepare for contact and negotiations between the p level for this and this and the labor part. we started there and we would very much like to try to follow a homework for people from the is there any labor party that you were contacting? mr. shimon peres or no other i promise never to tell them. no, i have not told them and i'm telling you, no, i am a part of my success in life is not coming from what i say. but from all the things i didn't say in the mid eighties, the labor party in israel informed a coalition government with huge section mirrors liquid parties. shamir gave a note and
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a week from the crude member motion i'm of to hold secret. adults with kind of standing and politician fights all of cassini in jerusalem discussion centered on piano recognition of his real autonomy on the west bank and a federal relationship with jordan. the so called i'm it off who's saying that the time became a model for the subsequent oslo accords years later. but old bunch was soon too often by the outbreak of the 1st intifada, palestinian uprising, which took both israel and the piano by surprise. did i o and let the, the side of the chart via the ruler, charlotte, north carolina, you have to go to them. i haven't been over. they asked why. so i left the terminal
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because i left the somebody over the sure to you while the left left the when the mag showed on this route 80 and the one that many days most of the yeah. but the middle yes. good. so one of the palestinian boys is throwing stones against is really tanks this david and goliath contest. put the is ladies under great pressure. time was no of the essence. and an exclusive for all g 0. the norwegian foreign ministry has released highly confidential documents that include a 1988 delivered letter from foreign minister stove him back to his ready father administer. paradise stole from buck road that only by relieving itself of the burden of the occupied territories. and israel succeed and prosper. i am ready to talk with any brothers thing that the then i'll spell that 3 to accept
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the 4 to 1338. and the legal guys is come and negotiate with us. then you can play with that value. so many of the many in the city g i'm left to zip the most fund. uh huh. that can see. well, can they? yes it off to read any oh cool. national new offer. call them cut out of mccain within a lot of a let's keep it, do it. i live in the state. i'm not that really. so i'm just the only feel how savvy the, the, that's it was the other one of them look at the how do you, i live in, within, within a how to bring their lives total up to heidi bowl. one of the sole duty here for the november 7th safety c. welcome. shut the quality sheets inconvenient,
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fearlessly slipped on united nations resolutions and creative proof of 158 and the i'd accept the international goods we've identified instead of mission is huge for the problem. and most of my ability level, you can move up to on what you have them and let them have. you can move them, i have heavy but the value. so i'm going to stay in 1988 suite a mediator between the p l. o. and the united states, a public meeting was held install fee and all of them in the policy and thought of them in the fee and fee had accepted to stay at its finest fit and jewish state between the pack it is that they shot a speech to the un general assembly in geneva, in 1988 to an auto fide formerly from come dang default telling us all about the electric. i'm a bishop of geneva, the heck of the month of my my job. shoot,
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american know. but as you saw a honda, i'm would you like to have you looked at the most, how have you done? you? did you need okay. and had to go by law committee. what we would see is to them. so you know, the one up to you or in another building, please. yeah, probably more than most i'll have the bullish of what i'm uh, trying to keep a do order for. so what is she unknowns, terrorism for help? white and so healthy. and let me shift as far as it is by no means yesterday in no uncertain database. and yet i repeat for the records.
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i repeat for the records that godaddy and i'm so you would please the now it's all automated or done. it is for far of done, it is including individual auto finance had accepted the is reading term h to starts and negotiations. the injustice, the me k is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in some of the most dangerous parts of the world to live in places where injustice is something you read in the news is something that happens to every single day. everyone, hey, is watching the news on the mobile phones. unlike your eyes, they don't watching full the news. they won't sing that he was being destroyed in real time. when you're on the ground, when you're showing people what's going on,
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whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand less simple language is absolutely crucial. but since he's already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best camera man, best produces the best pictures and those other people to ireland in order to be able to get that message out to the well, the, the biggest global electron jada in history, the world's biggest democracy. or if it's on epic showdown, join me screen of asking jan on a new full pot cd focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience of the agenda that you examined. alarming dropped off the freedoms in india and the future of india. and fabulous, independent media being the other for foxley on those is either
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every use thousands of one piece they use to scientific percent activate and conservation a say the testings into main one. 0, one east. investigate. assuming illegal trade and meet scientists who need to keep them on to some lights beyond this on a tree cock to run for business on l g 0. the and this is alta 0. i'm 30 and obligate that will to check on your world headlines . the is really military has concluded its own investigation into the killing of 7 aid workers in gaza by admitting it was a grave mistake. the world central kitchen, a group says dots cold comfort for the victims, families, and is demanding an independent investigation where we challenges more from occupied east jerusalem. so the assessment of the is ready ministry. fact finding
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mission led by major general jo hawkins. and here's my general and the reserves, and it is basically said that the, the cause of the problem, the cause of it that, that the mistake they put it, who is the miss identification of the target. they thought that there was an um spike on one of these a truck and they sold that back gunman or another. that was still there when the convoy left the warehouse where did being dealing with hey, the united nations human rights council has adopted a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. 28 countries voted in favor. 13 abstained, and 6 voted against israel has agreed to open tour route. since a gauze are for much needed food and humanitarian aid deliveries will temporarily be allowed through. the air is crossing in northern garza and the port of ash stalled and israel that announcements was made after
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a phone call between the is really prime minister and the us president joe biden demanded an immediate cease fire protection for civilians in gauze on. he also warned benjamin netanyahu that us h. israel is conditional on action to boost humanitarian help for gaza as a national day of mourning is being held in iran for republican guard commanders killed and is really attack in syria. on monday funerals have been held for 5 of the 7 military personnel who died in damascus. iran supreme leader has vowed revenge for their debts, and that's prompted the is really military to hold all leave for combat units. russian forces have entered a suburb of charles if you are and ukraine's don't. you ask region, according to russian state media, the cities about 10 kilometers west of by fluids. chess, if your has been a staging point for the ukranian army, the news hour is at the top of the hour. i'll see you then, but it's back to elgin 0 world next by
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the i repeat for the record in december 1918 u p l. o liter. yes, so out of thoughts known to his colleagues as of walmart, public cent written notice to finance the known. the autumn is over the years norway had discreetly being tilting to the piano. with out of hot renouncing violence, norway was no ready to pay him an official visit at the yellow headquarters insurance. so this one that long to go for the said or the brothers to the, to go to pedal. i'll disagree with all of this and he said, all this girl tall stumps, alternatives they would. yeah. right off of the 1st time. i know we have some 5 minutes to visit the piano. it was definitely an successful visit because it was a break to feel free to contact the same foreign minister,
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200 miles tall by the folder of the prime minister in no way today that he went along mission up to our thoughts into nice in 1989, i've got 18. they have a secret part that no one knew about. the norwegians worked without a fight on creating a channel of communication between the p l. o and israel. far from public scrutiny . it's out of thoughts. the 1st time it could be explained how he saw home texts, video effect and being established, and really the idea of using the beach and that a search institution. plus the idea of me see all thoughts itchy, outlined during the meeting. they have the pilot or decided which research institute in no way, but they, they agreed dock dockman be
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a good cover and they also live with not then an each, an industry or foreign affairs should pay for his own. that was also agreed in the document. the fossil was a think tank and also funded by the trade unions and connected to no labor party. it was chosen by the norwegian, foreign minister, and as the perfect host for secret talks between israelis and palestinians. it's director that was taught here road loss. and he would go on to become a key figure and negotiations that led to the also the costs. with funding from the norwegian foreign ministry. in 1989, 5 folks started to undertake research in the middle east. h 1st study examines and living conditions and occupies the west bank and gaza strip level goes on. so it goes on file for them to the uh,
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the motor um is some getting the most in, in the living condition of, of young people growing up under then to father what kind of effect on them a minute. maybe more of the sort of mental psychological effect of growing up in such sort of a violence and, and why meant, but then it was more of a social context. it turned out to because because that was sort of this busy ality yoga of $54.00. so it, it, it turned up to be a little more on this. oh yeah, more socio economic and i'm an unemployment to these kinds of indicators of the social economic life. so who was there was such as this worked on this project from norway. yeah, there where the money and the one of them, that's what i was heading and the the that special service of us and money on the
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head like who, who was the, the live phone. and he wasn't at the time, but he later became the norwegian, foreign minister, you hear me? i can host or i was, i was working in the side of what they call the 4 ministers cabinet, or the, or the secretariat. my husband was with 5 for the american last the state secretary, now union. i had studied political science in the university. we had been scanning together, we had been to an universe and the camps together. and her husband type had lost. and i also knew from his work as an academic and his work in creation of thoughtful did trade union think. thank. so these were my friends when i became already when i became a, the deputy of tobin starts from dug in the minister of foreign affairs. it's often
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difficult for foreigners to him. this problem doesn't always, i'm very, very small confident and the labor party has to move, move up for the most of the post war period. so you have collections and you are almost probably is married together within the labor party, like almost meal sometimes cold is the royals of either party because they are like a dynasty. this dynasty was very tight knit 40 minutes distorting, but got point a john, a glen, this is deputy. good morning. let's take a look at the secretary. she was moderate to tanya and rode last, the director of thoughtful social work system and the level was money on high but who worked in fossil she was not ready to get to the defense minister to jo, hung jorgen the 1st this made holes and the photo administer stolen brothers and forced himself later became no worries for the administer. this extended political
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family became the norwegian team, and the secret is really p l. o talks. they try to use that research as it is the institution as a, as a, from for a diplomatic effort to, to facilitate peace thoughts between the 2 parties and, and do that in all secrecy. you are very critical about this. why, as i think, researches and it should not necessarily be in the it will take on to what's being double the roles in genevieve. another research institute was also acting as a cover for communication between is whaley's and the palestinians. this was the economic cooperation foundation set up by is really labor party m p. you'll see painting the n g o that we were leading huge within myself,
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an engineer which was created earlier by bailing and houston. we were able to go between the 2 sites and jewels of them and post messages and come with ideas and even bring the 2 sites unofficially together under our umbrella often. and you, i was involved with the talking to the nursing us side for many years. and in a very informal way, mainly with the eh, people outcome as well. we in 5. so who's sending informed visitor was the name and the we told it was easy to talk by 1989 with the palestinian intifada. and its 2nd year there were few sites, so cold peace. hundreds of palestinians have been killed and susan's detained.
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the women to mit. last week's mr. bush with the united states under president george bush started to increase the pressure on these really prime minister detection. the 1st process will become full as of to stages of stage to be an interim instead of a met conditions and these released flows, the full autonomy as a subset of the sex these sites will these side effects result pending conditions? that's great news for you on out of and some of the countries if they'd be able to join, they never heard it. put him back immediately on the stokes for that reference that i did told elections in the administer directories that group or do so. democrats can be chosen representative leadership, all the other states. everything changed in the region when iraq invaded kuwait in
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1919 the united states made a coalition of nations that retaliated against a rocky forces just 2 hours ago. allied air forces began and attack on military targets in iraq and kuwait. these attacks continue as i speak the refer to rejected a military solution to iraq's invasion of kuwait. this proved a caustic decision before the guide for the piano received. big financial support from the gulf states off to the board and because of the thoughts support to supplement saying that financial support
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disappeared. they came all of that to the board. very good. and i think frankly, and that was also a vulnerability since via and the the said it's been more interesting and discussing with them often they go for that if to be of course have of cross relations for the united states of america with dad and a lie they had a friend the, the, the made no secrets, all the contacts or the piano obviously. and the she had some all the over the assessment based on the communication with piano moved over to american fence. yes . in the aftermath of the 1991 gulf war, the united states and the soviet union co hosted a peace conference in the spanish capital of madrid. we have an opportunity, i think,
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a real opportunity to see the arabs arab states sitting down, face to face and direct negotiations with israel. agreed with this little let the will the i love bob had a stroke with many, a slightly a because you had the show me a yeah. and no mom nor one of the more. my said, well you have to buy new equipment left. who i mean, what a lot of them for the city you almost at the bottom of no degrees mentioned a hollow. yes. even though she and d as in yankee, but were not able to level in with him and not old. all of them filled out of the cs in washing island, which i can see to my my do he'd mentioned that was it for the c o 2 names to do that. i know so somebody said
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that and the have that one. i'm a, what is that? the issue is really, is laid out a fixed negotiating position. yeah. the only people who have lived in deland of years low without interruption. phone nearly 4000 cues high that are those. so if you let the palestinians within the joints jordanian palestinian delegation, the trunks, but his tenure in jerusalem, the capital of our homeland and future states defiance. but it's still in existence, past, present, and future. the southern events must stop. no territory. foot for peace is it's obvious to you in $3034.00 in the settlement is often shed. is it a policy and practice a 3 day conference and with plans for further biological on multilateral negotiations between israel and the objects. documents released off to the conference reveal that show me a sort of madrid,
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a success the and a james baker said that the us did not support an independent palestinian state. the site again can while the fee and fee, so new can. you can walk us out real fast to him. i know sofa not to have that little but my daughter student la, i'm the human. i'm real get theater. is raise? who's kind of right at the end of honeycomb washington arrived 5 days late. an attempt to make it clear to the united states, but the here on their own terms and one for the phone to pressure. often madrid negotiations moving to washington dc. we sincerely frame that the, our ideas are put in conformity with the framework of this
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process. as it was ready to head and the we speak with a georgia there in front of the location of the evening of the body. we met like we met in the morning the heads of delegations. we discussed the matter of procedures. and we could not 3, yet an agreement that any government shifted unabashed to the in thrones and, and openly declared the position of claiming all 15 and 33. i'm not going to see thing anything for the, for this dns refusing to recognize the unit b, the unit you only by this dean is inside and outside let the can you cite the on the key. i should have thought of the chef 11. the hot or few quarter motorist about no
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knockers. no, it's not that i had these last me. jo. john, maybe the can you say that i left the funeral this the pump? this run is david mer more. a more. i'm worry about these very old. com. distinguished month talking about set and he said, how come you have back? tell us fine if it's supplements or so she had a much more on the edition there. hold on much more straightforward approach to piece the palestinians negotiator high. the shopping kept the focus of his agenda on one burning issue. the illegal is rarely settlement to construction and the occupied palestinian territories. by 1991. the number of his radius settlers in the west bank and gaza strip exceeded 100 funds
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of the sea or more than magic, then you'd have to send them was not in this ball, but not let them know you all to come to the salt on and shut a li, a random afresh. now, i'd love to see the difference listed in front of the resume and follow the theater . but i would say one of the most important messages that the got, you know, almost daily context with a shy away in jose. and in those say binds the old the posting, anita, is if peer low would not be involved if it won't be any progress. and will also show in hosting a told us very clear kind of showing for us to wish. and they told us something really thank you, if you would like to have any agreement with the person. yes. awesome. and what can the concessions and there's only one address and there's just
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a few of them as others would like to wish it was up in a senior. so they must have what was here. it was a representative of the 1st thing it presented with the policy as is the funeral is very disqualified. if you know, then they're not going to have any further student to talk to and fold up or something, but at the door, we saw him add yours from 2 more gun nurse to my to do you need the t well for the washroom, for roger? well, for the less something i model, it's any lower simple. we do a message to that one fi and a b will follow that. so we know natoya before you call x. so i'm at the was it the mind? so the, we may, is the most on the sheet memory shape. it's a good idea at that know i'd be more follow that c o e, which would be yellow again. approach norway to open
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a new and secret channel with the as raney's in february of 1992 senior piano official document today known as of what i traveled to also apply that campus with this with the home that i've had this year was now to see you at the bottom, the student, the most of you have on mud managed to match up with how did she? yes. how did you use the amount of models it has the last don't a bit. okay. most of them taking them to, to kicked him over to the p l. o starts to since taking those to us here. a while comes that we know a way could become their link too as well. it is right. it was interested then came by somebody will sheriff, and he was even more explicit and said, i am talking directly i have a message straight from the top desk of out of that in no way should try to do this . uh,
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and it has to be direct the link with piano to and this need to ship on the minutes of their secret meeting and also reveal that by some other. chevy told the norwegians that if they were peace, the piano would influence the outer world to stop the boy come to visit me. it takes 2 to tango. we did not have these really sites i had meant you check. i've been before he was elected on one of my missions to uh, to his read on april 1992 in april of 92. we met about being that he came full for breakfast and then the weekend embassy. and we austin, what is your approach to the policy? is it, i am a teen to see some kind of a negotiated settlement in 1992 is really labor policy led by gets
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a company one the general election rubbing continued as well as policy of settlement in public. he spoke optimistic programs in the peace negotiations. it would be possible to reach an agreement was the other thing in the ligation about the establishment of autonomy. what will be the 1st and most important task for you and your colleagues? to renew the peach process and the red straight ahead into the implementation . she montez was appointed photo administer. you'll see balance here on the left was it pointed, his deputy or the soviet on the right there, general manager bayman was given the green light to start the secret direct negotiations with the piano norway. the point
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developmentally was because no way was out of the u. e had independent foreign policy. we had meetings, week daily, a 1000, which is people. then we had many, many, many meetings but very little came out of it. but i then started to understand much about the mindset of both punches they lean, actually told the, the we just that it's good that they wouldn't make contact with his friend. later i joined in order to facilitate in order to let you know that you would have liked to and yours to non governmental title. this was the, the and we met. you should match a loss and before i met him, a prison later, we found the brother in a way and many things very similar to our way of thinking. his wife was the head of the office of the minister and his deputy. and 2nd is the minister and the deputy live close friends of law, some of them from the legal party or,
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or defense me still sort of wonderful in minnesota. i knew him very well. and they, he was very, very interesting about the pro says the self by them it seem impaired, it's about the minutes. so find the festivities for that. and then in new york, get to all things though, there shouldn't be a family in september and in the on the basis on those contexts of follow up contexts the the total of salt bay, the assessment voss, the to it is time. well said i to follow the suggestion to me so out of our products, the p o on our fonts, where exactly we used enough. so this was exactly the time that these read it should choose to start negotiating with p l outside p. a new
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before us that was almost dead. this phone was strong power of a strong decided protocol to love to talk to tons of the negotiations. they told no way that nobody could like it or dislike it. they could do as if so said, say, or go home, a new and self confident is really government. and a p l o still cost us outside or is by the one of the community that we're now on the secret road to the opposite of what courts. but much would need to happen before the diplomatic finale on the white house, little unique perspective. everything is political, you can not stay out of college, and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life is a,
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connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's right here. and right now, the stream on out to the around, i asked like a narrative from africans. perspective. nature has always been there some way my child to show documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at from what is key a is that it's part of our history that coupled from nigeria and we writing libraries from canyon africa direct on. i'll just be around the uh we're approaching the seasonal. no, no, for origin tina. and for you to go. this thing here remains of a, of an old cold front,
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still producing sun to stones don't particularly big in the southeast of brazil and across the bits. and no, valentina paragraph, but everything to the safe and has been cools down the sun side for the most part. it's windy in patagonia, that's not a big surprise. but generally speaking, testers where they should be north of all this, the seasonal right into your quite heavy in french china knowles, and brazil, across the equitable half or do some funding recently, particularly in ecuador. and they could do the same in southern that is where all parts of columbia this is seasonally normal, it's just maybe a bit more intense and you might be used to the kind of being fairly quiet now, the breezes, fairly steady, debbie shouted becoming lighter. the concentration is more likely to be panama pots of columbia are again, on this old code from that came out of the us as didn't housing child over the bahamas. or the cube of this is fridays, full cost, and back towards home. judas and guatemala. behind it was working fine, but as it went through its top hand, that went through the eastern seaboard and still wrapped around his co dad,
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the potential for so little stuff still that would have to be operations, but it's eastern canada and the rockies that i've noticed the of these are the mythologies on the drum as they used to march 3 d o t. before dawn box with an increase is rated military precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrives at, austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the street a full clinic costs. images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will or is the city often defies the federal suite use of the law on the street. right now look, it's easy to move around. the law could be different and exploring. going to change
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the situation in nablus. we had 70 percent more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasize with those hungry and suffering in, gone to the the, you're watching the news, our live from headquarters, and del i'm getting up. okay, so here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes is really middle teresa as a killing of 7. 8 workers and gaza was a grave mistake. the world central kitchen age groups as the admission is cold comforts for the victims, families to aid roots into gaza. or to be opened by israel after president joe


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