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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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more business people here say the higher the month is even more significant this year, a foster and besides with those hungry and suffering and gone to the the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters. and so i'm getting you navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes is really military size. the killing of $78.00 workers and gaza was a grave mistake. the world's central kitchen aid groups as the admission is cold comforts for the victims, families, to aid routes into gaza, or to be opened by israel after president joe biden. also warrens benjamin netanyahu to reach a ceasefire or face the consequences. the un human rights council calls for israel
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to be held accountable for possible war crimes on frames against humanity in dos of power, blackouts, tough, fatal consequences and gunners, public hospitals, safety electricity company struggles to stay afloat. i'm trying to get real sco with the sports is left over tons of the top of the premier league and drummer spencer bridge is chelsea school to go deep and stop his time to be much to united full free the hello, almost 6 months into israel's. we're on gaza and with a more than 33000 palestinians kills israel is facing mounting international pressure triggered in part by the killing of foreign aid workers. on monday. the is
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really military has not concluded its internal investigation into the air strike on the world. central kitchen convoys. it admits the strike was a grave mistake. besides, the officers involved were convinced they were targeting him us. the roll. central kitchen says that refreshed practice represents cold comforts for the victims, families for the us presidential biden said at the time that he was outraged by the incident on 3rd is a he spoke to the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu warning him to prevent civilian casualties. and to increase aid hours later, israel said it will temporarily open new aid routes. the air is crossing in northern garza, i mean i stopped port and southern israel will be opened for humanitarian assistance. we have our correspondence, send us some solutions. joining us now from occupied east jerusalem comes out. let me just read out part of the statement that was put out by the is really military on their own internal investigation. i will come back to you. so here's what they found is really armies of the investigations findings so that the incident should
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not have occurred and those were approved. the strike were convinced that they were targeting arm thomas offices, not w. c. k employees. the stripe on the 8 vehicles is a grave mistake to stomach from a serious failure due to a mistake and identification, an errors and decision making. and then a talk concrete to the standard operating procedures so hung up a back to you. i mean this, this particular point they make on standard operating procedure as to how are we supposed to read that or understand that, considering that 6 months into the war, 33000 palestinians have been killed as well. look, it is worth mentioning that prior to this, there hasn't been any admissions of unlawful killings by these rallies, especially when it comes to the depths of palestinians in the besieged palestinian territory. we're looking at more than 33000 palestinians who been killed as
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a result of israel's war. but in this instance, specifically, these really armies said that their investigation found that procedures were not meant that protocols were not followed. and this comes after there was an investigation and one is really newspaper that cited military officials that said that essentially military commanders and officers on the ground act. however, they see fit and often disregard any sort of protocol or sorts of procedures when it comes to strikes like this. but the reality is that all of these movements for these 8 workers who were killed were all with these really army. they knew about their whereabouts. there was a lot of coordination. they were in areas that were supposed to be deemed safe, according to the israeli army. and as a result of this pro, the army is saying that to senior commanders have been fired and a residence of the rest of the people who were involved in this mistake. they say are all being censored by these really army. and what sort are free action have we
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seen to this investigation to the, is really investigating their own failures effectively and whether they can be trusted to do so as well. the world's central kitchen has released quite a damning statements saying that these rarely army cannot be trusted to investigate their own graves mistakes. this is not the 1st time we've heard something like this from the israeli army. additionally, they did release a statement fleming. additionally, they said their apologies for the outrages killing of our colleagues represents cold comfort to the families and the world central kitchen. global family is role needs to take concrete steps to assure the safety of humanitarian aid workers. our operations remain suspended. world central kitchen is not the only humanitarian body that has suspended their operations because they feel unsafe under relentless is really bombardment and attacks. so this statement from world central kitchen is essentially asking for an independent investigation which the army says there will
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be. but when exactly that will be in when those findings will be presented is not yet no. alright, thank you so much. honda sometimes reporting from occupied eastern slim now israel has agreed to open 2 routes into gaza for a much needed needed food and humanitarian aid. the, you know, so it was made after a phone call between the is really prime minister in the us. president joe biden biden demanded an immediate cease fire and protection for civilians in gaza, victoria gate, and the reports of israel's nearly 6 month war and the besieged population of garza has pushed palestinians to the brink of famine, particularly in the northern part of the strip under pressure from the united states as rails agreed to allow desperately needed food deliveries through the air as crossing which connects to northern gauze. and it's really good news. we've been asking for weeks now for this crossing to be, i think we've used it before. and we know how important it is to get supplies into
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the northern gaza strip. is riley is also allowing shipments of a to enter through its pool. and ash told the change follows a phone call between us president and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. j biding cold for an immediate cease fire alone that us age is rarely as conditional on it taking action to boost humanitarian supplies, to gauze. and what we're looking to see in the, in the days and weeks ahead is prioritization. a surging humanitarian assistance, sustaining and getting it to people who need it across the gaza strip. there are 6 land border crossings, but since october, israel's only allowed 8 supplies to enter from the south through 2 crossings, russia and car him, abbey. so then that's despite the system, please from the united nations to open more is real security restrictions have created a backlog of trucks loaded with supplies on the chips inside of the raffle. crossing northern gauze, a distribution has been dangerous and difficult. with incidents,
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it is ready forces, foaming, and opening fire on hand up points, accusations, israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow agent fasta has led to some shipments by sea. and us is said it'll build a slating, don't to increase deliveries. a drops of will say, been used with palestinians wasting on the ground being killed as power sheets failed methods. other than land access, highlighting the failure to get enough they did to feed the starving. this is an issue of genocide. these really are committing genocide. they're committing massacres less than right, the forcibly displacing as many cousins as they can. and as long as the americans and many of the europeans keep on enabling is real in doing this international crime. then you know, all the 8 in the world is, is really not going to make that much of a difference. the international court of justice told israel in january, it couldn't continue to bombard, displace, install if the population of garza under it. so big sions to the genocide
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convention, new age roots into the strip may finally get some food to many who desperately need it. but without an immediate cease far, it's unlikely enough we'll get through to alleviate the catastrophe. victoria gave some b l g 0. let's not bring in thought about as soon as joining us from southern gaza . so thought it under pressure. israel now has agreed to open these 2 routes. what are you hearing on the grounds as to whether age has been allowed in of the world or even in fact to now as we have been told from people in the north, nothing have practically has practically inside the gaza strip from areas across thing. despite to the is by the decision to open air is a crushing in order to allow for the humanitarian, a flu sides of a to the cause. a straight back to now we have the gaza strip happening, receiving a throughout, to make crusty or to think about trophy and current upside enforcing voided. but we have been also observing a slight increase in terms of the number of the humanitarian chromeboys that are
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getting into the gaza strip from these board as well as we have been also hearing from people they have completely consent bound to the opening of this border specifically that as well as planning to innovate a rough, i means that they are trying to evacuate civilians from the areas of the fighting here in the city. which means that there's going to be a full suspension of a deliveries to the goal is to start from these board is across things. um, now it will be depending on the areas and also on the age that are getting from the another and costs of the gone to service. what exactly is happening? talking about within the past few hours as they are putting data and actual community to exec new pressure. and here's what an order to reach for, at least for you that might bring into the pricing of the store, the deterioration of the humanitarian conditions. and this trip very okay, thought it. thank you so much. part of our zoom reporting for us from going off in gaza. we cannot speak to to modify who's a spokesperson for the united nations relief and works agency. that's the winner.
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well, that's what you want. agency for palestinian refugee is joining us from online in jordan. thank you for your time with us. once again on algae 0, what are you hearing from people on the ground as to if the crossings have been open as israel has reportedly agreed to them? and um, and whether aid is going through. so we all hear the rest of the statements by the israeli government, and i have the intention to open the arrows crossing the to bring in a to through i still we are. and yet to see the overestimate lising of that decision, we have not yet for the convoys have gone in using era. it's not as a reminder, and it's is also known as the big kind of processing used to be used primarily for a few minutes area. there, so now going in and out the out of humanitarian cases like guidelines require a treatment or cancer treatment outside of the cause of no,
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it is not one of the big logistical how that would allow a huge influx or low of trust and humanitarian assistance. but at this stage, any additional leg crossing into the that a lot of really people through bringing in aid is welcome, provided it's truly open. we is really political and security cabinet has also reported to the said the ones. these crossings are opened and $358.00 trucks will be entering garza on a daily basis. i mean, what do you think? 3 of the 3 of these 350 trucks will carry and it's not even enough before the war. we know that there were 500 trucks going into garza daily from vanessa. a good day and with buckets of famine weekly spreading across the strip, especially in the besieged,
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nor nothing is enough. so even with $350.00 trucks per day considering that not all of them would be food trucks because we're going to work as a combination of food blanket medicine fuel walter, $350.00 remains way below that require a minimum of 500, which used to be the number before the war, even before the acute needs that we are witnessing now, especially in the door. and organizations like ourselves. i mean who we've spoken to on algebra 0 have said over and over again. the see, one of the big problems that you're facing and gaza now is a lot of infrastructure, of course, the lack of mechanisms in place. and it's really bureaucracy. it has been, has been a huge hindrance to allowing any age. and so if, if these roots do open, do you think that's it will be how challenging actually, is it going to be to get the age to the people who need it the most. i'm
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particularly in the north everything in this particular humanitarian operation has been challenging. and that is what has prompted the international court of justice, but also to security council, un security council resolutions to call for an increase of 8 and to the douglas trip for the organization. i represent has an additional layer of, of, of obstruction which is we have been bound now to provide food to the north of the guy. this trip. meaning that for the last 2 months, even more than that has not been allowed to take food into the north of gaza. and we are using this announcements by the israeli government about the opening of anyway this to call on the israeli government to reverse. it's bad on the rough and allow us the largest humanitarian organization and the strip to effectively carry
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out our job, which is assisting people to your question. being from structure that is the physical infrastructure in gaza is very, very severely damaged, which is an additional obstacle. however, i still have 3500 colleagues from monroe in the, in the so the strip rolling 53 shelters, distributing food and keeping medical medical services in our 7 health centers. so either way we can continue what else to continue working on reaching especially the 2 hundreds and 50000 people in the north of the strip. we only want to be allowed to do our job, and that is a call to the governments of israel, but also to the international community to continue supporting up as we navigate these really challenging kind of for the people of 1000. thank you so much to modify. thanks for speaking to us for online in jordan. alda 0 has obtained video from northern gaza showing is really soldiers opening fire on palestinians
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attempting to collect air drops of food. just a warning of disturbing images and this reports finally has an oddity killed during a. how many terry and air drop? that's the tragic fee to the public opinion. men collecting 8 in the city officers a in north eastern gaza on march 9th and airplane drops. a packages over the gaza strip, but soon it becomes evident that it doesn't come without risk. the packages lends new the boil defense in northern gaza. exclusive footage obtained by ultra 0 shows is really soldiers, deliberately targeting palestinians. as they rushed to collected. the vigil shows these really soldiers opening fire. despite none of this policy, new men posing a threat. the firing continues, even as this man leads the area, moving away from the border and the soldiers positions. as the soldiers watch dogs
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approach the wounded man and the video cuts off, highlighting the overall. lola's knows that has the can hold in the area. and you had to live to d l 0. the united nations human rights council has adopted a resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible work crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. and it's also demanding a whole to all arms sales to israel. 28 countries voted in favor 13 abstained, and 6 voted against. this is the 1st time the u. n's top rice body has taken a position on the war. jeffrey nice is a barrister and human rights lawyer. he worked with the u. n's international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia also let the prosecution of fluids on lots of it. she's joining us from canterbury over in the u. k. welcome back to elgin 0 mister. nice. so is this a good step forward or too little too late?
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i mean, this is the 1st time that the body has taken such a position in the more than 6 months of war. a good step. it's better late than never. it should have happened ages ago. so far as i'm concerned, once it became well right from the beginning, how do i should have had people put on trials if they've been shown to become involved in what was of is a criminal enterprise on the 7th of october. once it became clear that israel mary, being acting excessively like and still when it became does possible. it was genocide, it was blinding job is to venture be a trial for accountability of crimes on both sides. how much people shouldn't be sure. on on side, if there's any child, so taking them into caustic, they've them to be tried to involve standard defense. they might have, they should be tried as well. therefore this is a good step, but it should have been announced earlier. and it's unfortunate that america of standardized, but it's not surprising. we have to bear in mind that neither american or
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a united kingdom nor other countries were, wanted a trial that is independent international of these events. because their own potential comfortability either historically in the creation of the problem that we've seen or presently in the supply of arms, they would not have that examined. and that would probably dual the account ultimately to stop there being an independent trial. right. but know that this resolution has passed. what is it that happens next? i mean, and how much weight doesn't carry besides, it's just sort of gauging the temperature of public opinion. the 3 points on that festival, when you start gauging the opinion, i think you'll find the opinion of the general public to politicians. however, the concrete responsible um set of stairs. i think you'll find public opinion well, well, we'll walk this entire business, the subject of independent trial. second point the i c. c has jurisdiction. either
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know what it's doing at the moment, but this might press it to get on with it's what condition sub being subject can the way to that cable positive pressure not to press the head with its investigation and dealings with israel, cause i've managed to get along with it, but this resolution might 12 take shape in the form of other countries is not united kingdom us. and so for the conference resolving within the overall united, nice framework to say whether it's under the international criminal court or whether it's by some other independent process. this conflict in others must be the subject of a reliable trial as to criminal culpability. to what extent, i mean, you were just mentioning to us in the u. k. to what extent does this place more pressure on these countries to remind them of their international human rights legal obligations. because this resolution also pressures,
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these countries who support israel and militarily to stop doing so a hi puts a lot of pressure on them. we've seen it ending in the end and okay, but in the last few days. so governments are really going to try and find an answer . that doesn't simply say we're kind of still surprised alms to israel. and so it does put a lot of pressure on that, even if even a country like high britain, which doesn't surprise very much tom's over there, many arms to israel was to take the step. i'm saying that's it, no more arms. then the pressure on the united states will increase very dramatically, and that would of course have a not call effect in the table, encourage israel to be who might be more to be more uh, complete, and its allowance for provision of aid into gaza. it might encourage it to recognize and respect the resolution that's being made in the yeah,
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it was the security council about seizing 5 and so so yeah, this is a very good step forward. but like so much of the international action in this horrible culture. a terrible from both sides. international steps tend to be taken rather slowly, too late, and certainly too late for many of the people, thousands innocent people on really all the evidence loss that lives as a result of actions of political on other policies, but also in action. by the international community. all right, jeffrey. nice. thank you so much for speaking to us from uh, customer, thank you for the national day of mourning is being held in a ron for republican guard commanders killed and is really attacked in syria. on monday funerals have been held for 5 of the 7 military personnel who died in damascus, including a brigadier general iran supreme leader has vowed revenge for their debts. that prompted the is really military to hold all leave for combat units. door says,
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or bar it has more from to her on the warnings and threats being issued, yet again, this time by the head of we're on. so revolutionary guard major general jose, he's selling me. he delivered a speech to a wrong university as the coffins of the men who were killed in syria as a result of these rarely struck on monday and were brought to be uh, pay the people for them to pay their respects to these men who lost their lives the procession of the confidence to place from for those who square in irritant wrong over to the university of to or on where the events was marked by high ranking officials and the general delivered some remarks. and he said that israel should know that their behavior will not go on punished and that this, the stabilizing acts will only spread the conflict wider in the region. he also went on to say that israel should know what's coming and that the reading and response will be one that will be delivered for certain. now,
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what that means exactly, in terms of how it rings will respond to israel, who ways to be seen. but the general move here is one of worry, because whatever iran decides to do either directly or indirectly, via it's proxies in the region, is certainly to be met with account or response by either the americans are these rallies and what no one's here wants to see at this point is a general, a lot war between iran and the west. but this is a critical time for iran leadership, a in terms of how they decide to react. so the latest regression they've been facing. door safari out to sarah to hong in as early as soldiers of arrested h. palestinians and fires tearing gas. phil ochs almost compound and occupied east jerusalem restrictions have been imposed on the last friday. prayers are from a gone is really, authorities are only allowing palestinian men from the west bank aged over 55 years
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. and women over 50 to enter one palestinian has been killed and another is really rate in the occupied westbank for side allow yeah, was reported to be filming on his rooftop a new to show this refugee camp and to cut him when he was shot through the neck since the war on gaza began on october, the 7th. 459 palestinians have been killed in the occupied west bank. and more than 8000 arrested. israel has stopped us raising the occupied westbank since the world as i began surrounded by is really military towers on check points. many palestinians, their face an uncertain future, like face the wish was a palestinian boy who only turned 15 last week and has already twice been imprisoned by is really forces. sure. so story in his own words, studies scale has gone
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the lucky to tell him the cool one bored. you may have the latest images, especially as normal and the zone loss of that the head cause only a lunar i was interested in the how do i hire for 50 a, giving it to the and look them crime. i do show that the console now closed the de la can go to the you course of course some of the little one on the platform for me to some of them. i mean,
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you know, i can be and is there a way colorful or, and it is you're moving to the customer. skinner. so we're doing the defense decision as with asian, i on the project. why the cannot see another know speak to, to our brand new ma. my know i'm home and again with shut up with this is, you know, when that was already issued with cottage the, on the look at the date. well, the way nice, not the see of them know what, how would be the most of them. so now i'm gonna draw mobile the dates for sure. the doctor me the dish.
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sure me osha the. i've seen time for the weather. here is rob with maybe a good bye to north america's winter. so right now this may not be the last of the last significant spell. the width is just rolled through the us know, facing states and still sitting over at eastern kind of a major system. i have to say to low senses, but this is basically the extent to be done towards the appalachians, and that's where the cold has been. brill would actually write down into a job. she's northern georgia. this is all called the thoughtful snow. and the same is true, very obviously of the rock is still covered here, but that's maybe not such a big surprise. a quick focus on the eastern side, montreal, this is late. so then of course they do gets there in april. but this is quite a big dump and that was effected for the south in maine even in the state of new york, along with the no risk to which produced. so pretty vicious weather so,
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so climbing down, as you can see, but the potential of a semester exists all the way down the appalachian chain. and we've had significant stair i'm strong winds because within the waves up on the eastern side of the lakes to pittsburgh and pennsylvania full cost a couple of days of not so good weather but by the time you get to sunday, you're up to 13. that should feel more like spring. that was that improves things for the rest of do some wonderful springs there and the cold, rolling off the roof is into the central plains is going to develop a significant storm system. i will head on the house. is there a news our peruse president isn't for us to explain how she is fired from rolex watches and expensive jewelry? dozens of the cost are soft, some taiwan following the major earthquake on wednesday in the search goes on for those who are still in the same on the trip conditions of the service to come claims. one driver's car ahead of this week, guns formula,
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one japanese ground free dots coming off with joe and sports the at the one the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is options here as new series died. last futures as pain, it just closer to recognizing it. palestinian state prime minister petro sanchez, is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law . what i can tell you is that the situation on the ground, the slot acceptable as an immediate cease firing, godsa. there's an urgency to stop this terrible war until open
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a new phase of stability, the to the land, to listen to remarks by the secretary general. antonia good terrace, united nations, is i personally more with these valleys fargo and under 1200 people, including many women and children, were killed in cold bluffs, a lot sink and justify the order, at least by hamas, you know, double sevens. and then once again, not only can them the use of sexual violence, torture, enjoining and keeping that think of civilians. the finding of rockets watch cpd, the targets and the use of human shields. and that goal for the unconditional release of all the hostages, still held by a mouse and other groups until then they must be treated you mainly with visits and the systems from the international committee of the goss. i have met with many of the family members of those being held captive and event farmer.
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hostages themselves. i carry that anguish and said and sets empty and deep, vain with me. every day the members of the media. over the last 6 months, the east valley may be said he can vain as abrupt 3 land plus tests and destruction to follow stevens in gaza. we've more than 62000 people reportedly cubes, and more than 75000 injured. the vast majority, women and children lives ship that respect what international humanitarian law is in texas. during my visit to the doctor crossing 10 days ago, i met the veteran united teddy. and so told me categorically that the could i is isn't suffering, giving jobs. that is n like in the they have ever seen. meanwhile, as i saw on my way to the crossings,
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long lines of trucks literally the minute that even the age continue to face obstacle of the obstacle. when the gates to pay that closed the doors through, starvation opens martin and also the population. over the 1000000 people are facing catastrophic and us. the children got upset to the dying for lack of foods. and lots of these easy even comprehensible and then finally advisable. nothing can justify the collect these punishments of the palestinian people. i'm also deeply troubled by the bar that these early militaries, bone being campaign, includes artificial intelligence as to eating in the identification of targets. particularly in densely populated residential areas, resulting in the high level of civilian casualties. know, product of life and death decisions which impact inside of families should be
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delegated to the cold calculation evolve. when i was for many years of the dangers of weapon i is ation not sufficiently intelligence and reducing the central role of human agency. i shall be used as a 1st floor to go to bed if he was not too comfortable twitching war on an industrial level loading accountability. any speeds, scale, and nearby in federal city. what in gods these, the devil? yes, this call. it's for civilians. for what goods for general is what else, what goes and for all colleagues? some 196, you manufacturing a what goes including more than one other the 75 members of our own, you and stuff and being cubes. vast majority was said he only uh, the backbone of all really its efforts even go. so i,
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this includes colleagues from the world also going to ization world food program as well as humanitarian is from doctors with all the board of that, that have crescent. and just a few days ago, wells, central kitchen and information water is added to the settlement of scooting fits and shifting blame. as denying special generalise entity into gaza is allowing busy information and false negatives to flush the hot, not only but it's a didn't work cause we have been killed in these conflicts and blanche to remember that commitments and sacrifice following these weeks appalling killing of 70 meditated workers from wealth, central kitchen, these are only government does acknowledge mistakes and then also some disciplinary measures. but the central problem is not only made the mistakes, it is the military strategy and procedures in place that the law for those mistakes
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to multiply by time and time again. fixing those failures required as independent investigations and meaningful and measurable changes on the goals. in the after months of use that as of the united nations was also informed by these early governments ebc intention to allow a substantially easy to maybe tell you may be simple to even go. so i sincerely hope that these an honest intentions are effectively and weakly materialize because of the situation. gaza is absolutely desperate that it methink you meditate in conditions. the quiet and quantum leaps in the delivery of life saving gates at to better diag shipped. i repeat to my urgent that people started, they may have this, you may decide to cease fires the and conditional release of hostages, the protection of civilians. and i mean be the delivery of humanitarian nights. last week, the simplistic also called suggest that i need to send,
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but the costs will be amended like so that i think, does it leave any of life saving gave that to you? when making these all these, the men's must be implemented? failure would be end forgivable 6 months on we are at the beginning of must satisfaction of regional configuration of a total loss of face in global standards. and not it is time to step back from the bidding to silence. the guns too is the audible suffering. and to stop the potential fat mean before the peaceful night. thank you. thank you. thank you miss the secretary general. you've said there shouldn't be an independent investigation . what kinds of united nations do to promote such an investigation? well, it is obviously for the governments of israel to accept the possibilities of that
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independent investigation because of the investigation can only work with the cooperation of these valuable 40 to specify. so the question is not these only specific incidents? what ended 96? you maybe 30 and what could have been cubes. and we want to know why each one of them was cute. thank you mr. secretary general gabriel alexander from algeria english. uh sir, that is really government seemed to indicate that they would only open the air is crossing temporarily. are you satisfied with that? and we don't know yet what kinds of measures will be announced to it. and finally, it is often of use that as i sense it's not enough to have skeptic measures, we need a bit of biking shift, we will see if it's guns and the the after that we will but, and also assaults. hello. thank your thought of hash, with a lot of the
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a list of 60 general. we have been going to custom to straight talk with us funeral favor in this united nation of antonio. the terrace, on the 25th of march, 12728, was endorsed by the console without the session of villa states. we heard statements from high officials in the united states, including the national security council in the white house. that's it's, this resolution is number binding resolution. this really concerns thousands and i say millions of people in my region. can you put the metro to, to late a and please clarify to us what the, the security council resolutions are binding or non binding. and then another point quickly today as well as far as to a little lower level offices and rep remind you some high offices for the
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bombing of the work central kitchen. is that enough as well? first of all, the secretaries generally is guided by the justice and the chapter to is clear, not equal 25. please read the article 25 and you will be perfectly aware of the nature of the resolutions of the security goals. and the, the 2nd, the 2nd, the, as i said, the question is not only to know if for some mistakes that could meet its ends, who could meet that? the question is the system that allows those mistakes to happen, type and side again. and this is the change of depth system that is required, which implies a change in the strategy and the procedures that the media teddy are using in gaza . thank you very much. thank you. all right,
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so that is me. one second in general. he was speaking out of the united nations antonia terrace, making remarks about the cause of war. because sunday, of course, mark 6 months since the start of this war, he did make an appeal to all party to step back from the brink. he also set the b is really a military campaign, has brought relentless death and destruction and that nothing can justify the collective punishment of the palestinian people. mister good, harris, calling on her mouse and other groups as well to release all the is really hostages . and once again, appealing for a humanitarian cease fire. the the we will turn our attention to some other news and peruse presidency. annabelle the warranty has arrived in court to answer questions surrounding her ownership of
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luxury watches. she was spared impeachment on thursday when congress twice voted against the beginning the formal process. conservative politicians have said they want to avoid a political crisis and that they will be supporting her. brianna sanchez is joining us now from lima. so marianna, by the warranty has arrived at the attorney general's office. what's her defense said so far as well? she has arrived after the attorney general some of her and ask her to bring at least 3 of the watches that are in question. there are many more also she will have to explain it to the attorney general about the jewelry that she's been seen wearing in the past few weeks or months that have the estimated in half a $1000000.00. also, she will have to explain about some bank transfers that have been estimating about $400000.00. but what the page is more focused here apart from the precedent is,
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is a regional governor, governor. oh, we did a little study my from i a food show who went on the president's pay to the store that is authorized to sell it and to sell religious. he bought a roll. it's exactly the same model as the one that the person was seen wearing a few things later. and she and she visited it. he bought the watch and he visited the her, it as a potential palace on her birthday. we also know that he's under some uh, corruption investigations and that he has received by orders of the executive branch of a transfer of about $30000000.00 to build the stadium in his region. well, that's all under investigation. she was yesterday also at the attorney general's office of said to justify the president said before that she had worked that
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she had worked for a to be able to buy in these watches. so we'll see what, what else she's up to date. so could she be austin for this investigation for elicit enrichment, as has been the case with other perfume presidents as well. there were 2 motions, as you mentioned before, yesterday, after the congress that were rejected by the political right. the allies of, uh, you know, a lot of people said it would be very damage in for the country if she would be impeached. and it's very unlikely that you would be because she was not impeached and ousted after her. the beginning of her government. that the. busy there were a piece 49 peruvians that were killed by security forces. she was, uh, she went through a process and she was having peach then. so it's very unlikely that she will be on cd for this now. all right, thank you so much, bye honest nonsense. thanks for that. they've from lima. the death toll from the
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taiwan earthquake has risen to at least 12 at least 10 others remain missing. following the quake on wednesday, more than $600.00 are waiting to be evacuated. chesko washington reports from lilian. that's a city nearest the epicenter. it's a school day in taiwan, but it's too dangerous for pupils of this school in han, in to return to cloth repairs needed here could cost more than $6000000.00. and this is just one of thousands of public buildings damaged by an earthquake on wednesday. politicians say the government is working to was rebuilding infrastructure and supporting small businesses when the dfcs accommodates by parties and everyone like work on the 8. i see how the week was due. i think that's showing the spirit, they'll probably want some of the loved ones. if those who don't this week held a visual at a funeral home and just least 200 people who lost their homes of staying and emergency shelters, and working out what to do next. the terrifying for sure,
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terrifying. our 1st i'm seeing uh, experiencing this kind of a quick yeah. the, the secuity south told me that it's the same side of the, publish that little boy anymore. despite the $7.00 magnitude strings of the us quake, the damage is relatively contained. ex would say that's thanks to taiwan, is disaster preparedness, including its strict building codes, but some residential buildings on damaged beyond repair, excess of fuel assessing the earthquake damage. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before a completely collect hotels. are also affected by the disaster. tourism is a major contributor to the local economy. uh the hotel is across from the collapsing building. we were fully booked for the holiday, but because of the earthquake, we had a refund, all the guests. and we don't yet know the damage to the hotel itself. search and rescue workers are still trying to find some missing people. believe to be on
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a hiking trail who haven't been heard from since the earthquake. they also evacuating hundreds of stranded people, most are now in a hotel of some in a church. and a school. presidents of this building are unsure whether they will be able to return home, follow the beans in columns of this building are severely cracked. these building is monitors dangerous. inspectors said it was safe and also residents to briefly enter to collect some belongings. the task feel unprecedented and in normally, but if you break into a small set, everything i can handle to retrieve some documents and a blanket soon by her grandfather. no, she can only way to find out whether her home will have to be demolished. jessica washington, which is 0 quantity and gone to state owens electricity company is cutting off customers who haven't paid their bills,
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including government institutions. public hospitals are among those now facing power outages and the effects are devastating. herman's house that has more proceed to eval becca is l traumatized. she says she gets it at a public hospital in gone, his capital across her baby had trouble breathing and was put on oxygen. told me to. so i went to check on him in the evening. there was no electricity in the morning, the doctor told him which all was dead, because the power never came back on. the health officials say the child's death had nothing to do with paul codes or hospital equipment, not functioning. but the tragedy has again shown how rowing power outages are frustrating. meaning the government has more than a $1000000000.00 to independent pop reduces. it's a lot of money in the country suffering. it's west economic crisis. can a generation to have a situation where to be we have power deficit to extend
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a lot of money as i don't get impala is definitely not because we don't know how to do it. in class, but what we do not have is that we do not have money to really finance please use of these utilities politicians. hope a recent $3000000000.00 i m is spelled out, will help solve some of the countries economic problems. but other challenges, including unpaid utility bills, age infrastructure, and corruption, me electricity problems may not be resolved quickly. what this is, wait until the problem is colleagues and then to try to fix it in a crisis mode. so what we have cnn chiron is a deficit in generation and deficit occasion by in our ability to procure fuel uh for the available pipelines. the general election is in december gone as image of crisis will be a priority for voters already struggling with the high cost of living installation and tax increases our my task out of the still ahead on the i was a,
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there it is. our a wonder go from this origin, tammy and roll top winner house, but never pool on top of the primarily coming up in sports. the news
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the, [000:00:00;00] the functions of sports is 1st jo, during thank you. chelsea head coach, but it's the opportunity now has praise the incredible impact of coal, palma. he scored his best career had tricked to help his side to complete a remarkable lake come back to beat, munch so united in a premier li,
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classic german nash. how's the action look what it means? chelsea's head coach hasn't had much to celebrate this season, but he certainly enjoyed this moment off to his side school, the latest when a in premier league history to beach manchester united for 3. it's a very good to the scene that's come in today and should be totally important for us to you know, the team trust on the, on the funds on the 1st test, on the, on the team. and those types of forces were on the feet just for a minute since the game with united as kind of gallagher i gave them an at least chelsea had a chance to increase their advantage when they were given a penalty. co palmer had sold all of his vote, kicks of chelsea, and he wasn't going to miss this one. as he made it, no thoughts united once giving up a mistake from louise's cry. se day was pounced on by out a 100. gone out, chase and pulled one back for every 10 hawks team. 5,
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and it's nice that they were level united is kept in brittany fernandez, heading in to make it to united. took the lead. so the 1st time in the match after the break going out to with his 2nd of the night united was still ahead with 99 minutes. i'm 17 seconds on the clock that chelsea was given and lifeline. dallas gave way of penalty, which there was only one man, so the jump at palm and keeping up his 100 percent record from the penalties, thoughts to the drama didn't. and that's as calm as dyslexic effort in the 100 and some minutes completed. an extraordinary turnaround, the because and then was of course, the more than that because, you know, when the game like these 3.4, that's really important. because most of my screen games, we wanted to reduce the, the gap in between the team that started with us as he was so so, so important, i don't know what it is,
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but of what it is is that you have to do your job. and they know that jobs, and then you have to make the right decisions. and you didn't make that decision. there was, we didn't react quick enough to avoid the situation united most now pick themselves up for a huge game on sunday. against this arrivals, even geminus out, is there a while live, who will go into that united game full of confidence of to be seen shepherds united 31 to attend to the top of the premier league. they went ahead 17 minutes in. so when union assembled, it for putting pressure listing goes into effect, benefits. aside, went into the the right to the window, leads separately, united, equalizing, the 2nd hospitable. take here, talk to a little to defend the corner, rob lane, going straight through the keep his legs, the full we took the leap, st. so right, so from alice, this mcallister. how does he in well, when i make it to one,
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to 2 minutes less code to get close to said to round off the wind up side of 2 points. clear of also a 3 at a. msc 41 now and the car and drive at oscar p. s. street has set the pace in friday practice of the japanese. go on. pre insta. zuka yo straight in. who tens, 23 during fascinates qualifying, came out on top of the rain effected 2nd practice session yesterday. who finished that at last is rice. with ahead of the say it is louis hamilton. triple. well, chapping max, the stipend and his ripple teammate, sergio perez didn't come out for the 2nd practice session in the high preserving the tires and tricky conditions. and one man who found out 1st time just how tricky the conditions was, was logan sergeant and he crushed out during 1st practice for losing control of his williams call. luckily, he wasn't injured, but the williams team will have that. what content to put the call box together in time for qualifying a tennis miami open champion, danielle collins has continued
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a winning run this time in charleston as she beat the writing champion on stoopa collins. so her streak of 17 straight set and one number to see triple level things up in the 2nd. the america buying by cecile a 3 set when color is then went on to play a 2nd match on the same day to catch up for rain to light these and slain stevens to extend her window straight to 10 in the right. she'll face at least a buttons in the course of finals next to the issue of phone ship. uh the last a head for less than a week from the 1st major of the men's gold seats. and the most is that will gusta and former champion jordan space has been given a boost for he has to georgia. this was the 3 time major went out on the 16th hole at the texas open. you had an up and down day, but this was definitely the highlight, an ace to on the tall 3 having missed the cuts and his last 2 events, this home and one thing since his chances of making it to the weekend. and finally,
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the show followed by mohammed ali and his famous through the in manila fight against joe frazier. route for auction in new york, the legendary bounce took place in the philippines in 1975. it was the 3rd fight between the 2 books and rivals. at least victory that night meant he left the head to head to one. the shots assigned by alley, the highest bid for them so far is $3800000.00. and the online auction is open until the 12th of april. all right, that is all useful for now. what with pizza latest? 3. so thank you so much. well, before we go the f b, i is investigating how steve stalls, $30000000.00 in cash over the easter weekend. the match to break through the roof of the cash storage and handling facility in los angeles without setting off any alarms and the buildings owners didn't even realize that the money was gone until they opened the volts on monday. detectives over in the us are saying that this break and has all the heart hallmarks of
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a professional ice. that's it for the news hour on alpha 0. we'll take a short break and we'll be back right after we much more of today's is the searching is own from the root went in genocide, the same as remembered school bone in honor of the, of the 800000 lives that perished with mass graves still being from a many ruined and still displaced to reconcile is the nation. the anniversary of the rwandan genocide on out to sierra. why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line that they want the average person
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to know what the truth was. scientists dismissed as profits of do, we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to much in this area, which is here as new series died. last futures. now let me tell you about safari valley, the cool result, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon, occupied right now able to practice what the now be used, only elected very close here, like common here, sits on within large stairs, faced with a look in my private now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal,
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resorted in gun on counting. the costs to india is economy is on the vines for the nations. 12 gap is whitening us is spending millions of dollars to clean up its industrial facilities. costs millions of uses around the world will now have to buy microsoft office without counting the cost on al jazeera, the phase or the military size, the killing of $78.00 workers and gaza was a grave mistake. the world central kitchen, a group. so as the admission is cold, come for us for the victims, families, the you're watching all to 0 life for my headquarters in del hi. i'm telling you, navigate to also ahead. israel promises to open temporary aid roots into garza


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