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tv   The Stream Doctors on Strike - Global Healthcare Crisis  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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to the government was more than a $1000000000.00 to independent poplar juices. it's a lot of money in the country. suffering is, was economic crisis. can a generation to have a situation where to be we have power deficit to extend a lot of money as i don't get impala is definitely not because we don't know how to do it in class. but what we do not have is that we do not have money to really finance. please use of these utilities. politicians hope a recent $3000000000.00 is spelled out will help. so some of the countries economic problems. but other challenges, including unpaid utility bills, age infrastructure, and corruption, me electricity problems may not be resolved quickly. well, this is wait until the following this colleagues and then to try to fix it in a crisis mode. so what we have cnn chiron is a deficit in generation and deficit occasion by in our ability to procure a few uh for the available options. the general election is in december
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gone, is image of crisis will be a priority for voters already struggling with the high cost of living inflation and tax increases. our, my task out is that the former us president donald trump has suffered setbacks and 2 criminal cases against him. a judge and florida refused to dismiss the charges of mishandling classified documents. trumps lawyers. had argued that he was protected by a presidential records law in georgia. on the judge overseeing the election to fear his case rejected trumps argument that the indictment criminalizes political speech protected by the 1st amendment. the us president is due in baltimore to meet the relatives of workers who were killed in last week's bridge collapse. 6 repairman were killed when a container ship lost power and ram. the bridge u. s. army engineers expect to open a new channel to the port by the end of the month and restore full capacity by the
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end of may of the f. b. i is investigating how thieves stole $30000000.00 in cash over the eastern weekends. they managed to break through the roof of a cash shortage in handling facility in los angeles. without setting off any alarms, the buildings owners didn't realize that the money was done until they opened the vault on monday. detective say the break and has all the hallmarks of a professional heist fits it for me for the time being. thanks for watching. i'll just see where i'm coming up next. it's the streets by the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen?
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this is the most important one, so if you're going to and bushy poles, unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out of there, have you ever had trouble seeing a doctor? well, it's a global issue with the w right. so estimating the deficit of health care professionals to be in the many and to solve this problem in some countries have come up with plans to expand also alternatives to medical university, but not old offices are happy about it. so there is nothing enough to have access to health care. what is really going on and is our health in space. i'm mary, impossible, and this is the street the by 2050 the wealth population of people age 60 and i will double and will bring with
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it double buttons to national health systems as well. health care needs increase. government is trying to find ways to address this new main crisis in south korea, the government has proposed increasing the enrollment caps and the u. k. has introduced applying for a paid apprenticeship that would result in the same qualification of traditional medical schools. controversial, many young doctors certainly thanks for. joining us to discuss this, all adults is from across the world delta alice tongue and internal medicine specialist. joining us from sole and nairobi, kenya is don't say that he busy, i'll follow from national secretary general m. c. a of the kenya medical practitioners to pharmacists and dentists union. and doctor have be that of mine, a cardiology registrar, joining us from london and welcome to you all. now this is a global problem with multiple routes to it's. so what is going on?
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i spoke with dr. lou zane, i look forward, many president of the well medical association about the state of health care. the world today is still missing about 10000000 health care professionals. but did you know that for the same time there is a growing unemployment rate among younger physicians and other health professionals due to fragile health care systems? so the problem is not just, we are missing the number of positions that you need to have more and more medical students who graduation medical schools. we really need to address those causes and the health care systems. and as i said before, is the having a um, a safe working environment, having policies that protect the safety of health care professionals provide them what they need with the development opportunities having an equal therapy. so all of these factors needs to be considered just not just about, let's just increase the number and let's have more and more doctors and already week unsustainable and fragile health care system. dr. heavy but of mine,
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a junior doctors in the k all striking full of attend this time and they're ongoing dispute with the governments. what is going on in the u. k? well, i would say um, it's best frame does a about a struggle for democracy in the u. k. already i. that's the best thing, which i think 8 should be find the doctors a work has to. and that has been increasing the democratic action from work as it relates to the guy from various different sections. and we just happen to be one of them. and, and what exactly all the grounds of the dispute gives us a sense for those who are unfamiliar with the situation in the u. k. as well as it since the mid to thousands. we've had a freeze and all pay which as everyone knows to pay for ease of some fee and. ready word for pay costs because it means that you'll pay is not much to inflation. so the suggestion that we're actually offering for
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a pay wise is kind of some the misconstrued if the whole, the, the, the facts of the matter. but simply awesome for our pay to be restored to what it was back in the mid to thousands. i'm to try and address the need some more doses. the u. k. government has introduced alternative pathways into the profession. check this out. in the future, we're gonna have doctors, he have to differentiate doctors who have come to university to study menacing the traditional way. and the doctors have come to medical school. the traditional way will have that some student loans to pay by wants to talk to stop going through that friendship rates will be that phrase why, what it wants to want to do to transitional medical degree in the future. if they can do the friendship degrades the current medical students up again to question my life decisions because they don't go to medical school too heavy. i could've waited a couple of years. i'm studying for free up for the the aim of the cost is why didn't access infestation and to make missing whatevers. but the practicalities of
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the course is so controversial. i'm basically so many question, though to be of the back of what we've just seen. do you have any specific concerns about some of the changes being proposed by the government in terms of bodies oversee the situation to doctors, but also the cat that patients might be receiving? what once again does not the decay i live in harry's from whence all these decisions are rising? it's sunny not coming from the medical profession, and it's not coming from the british people. these decisions are being made by politicians and careerist. you know that there are, there's always going to be a country of career wrist. you know, often we've academic interests who, who decided a natural 5 days, puffy, i paid on because the profession that has been that to serve to produce people for centuries. the coal issue i would say is why is that the doctors don't get to have
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a site and any of this me what i'm so that something the yes i see your fellow panelist and nothing bad. well, it seems like there is a general sense of doctor's note feeling like that. what is being valued. and dr. beller says, i'm a doctor and i am living in a house with a leaking roof, a kitchen with no radiator and the bathrooms, which is basically an outdoor shed. and i can't afford to live anywhere else. don't tell me. i'm greedy. she is a british doctor, but i wanted to ask you don't throw a tele, is this an issue that kenyan doctors might also recognize is actually the same scenario, independence context, the sounds. but we realize that we have the new gadgets interns who need to be posted for that he does jeep and the in the government decided to use those salaries by 91 percent with o staples edition. and these was contributing an existing collective bargaining agreements that reside, assigned to the government,
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the purpose of it. and therefore, we realize that there is no, any of adults, so any consultants would be safe. and that was the genesis of the industrial action that commenced on the 10th of this month. yeah, so i was saying you'll, you'll back so striking off the, what was a 100, a strike right back in 2017. so give us a sense of how much we may be, how little has changed for you within the profession to this is looking for the uh, on the be side recommends in december 2016 and ended march 2017 . was for the uh, government accept have you been police about getting agreements with the adult. ready and studied was the fault the lies that was acquired at that address, right? but of that type. but then somebody has lives up, the government has not implemented a demand, particularly the basic 70 components of this particular cb it up to date. so. ready we, i've been having conversations and engagements,
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but still they do not implemented. instead of come into a freeze or the deals of pay benefits that you already at the beginning of each. and therefore there's no money that has improved. in fact, for the, for the, for the as ups, we have seen that about 6 years now, they go to my, to employment of doctors to different public facilities of abuse. so he is, we have a shortage of about $50000.00 doctors that need to be employed at the same time. we have about 4000 employees. so our us some kind of deal with that. most of those are doing with a strict that's got on is to demand that the government must employ the unemployed doctors at the same time. the government must not, you're not somebody to do is your wages that i've been, i've been begins in collective bargaining agreement. so today is the day putting all that on a shutdown of all the public schools in the country, but even having engagements with government or getting bucks. so we said we may not need to go to a 100 days,
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but you lots of allow you to fill out and we'd already existing collective bargaining agreement. we need to get the wages bits up date and took up the website in the installation instead of them bigger it progressive as the government's proposed proposing. hm, well pay is clear, essential tear this. this tip top see this take talk seems to count to the mood among some physicians in kenya. right now. the doctor, it's how i want to ask you of the back of that overseas. you much to tell make an important point that but what are some of the challenges which these dr shortages powers to patient care for? you and your colleagues. one thing is that the waiting time for the patients in the probably cost between takes quite long. it's up to about 12 to 54 hours. so it definitely it becomes very difficult to for the,
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for the public to access the cast expected. so that's one of the big issues. then secondly, we would that 1st because we had looked at exist, but then that was supported with the requirement that we did acquired the items or they did it the made seems i was actually in the service provision. so most so we believe that when you assigned to cbs, then the doctors would be fine services window supported. not just to being in the hospital, it's just revise the depths. but then that we realize that for government to do a bit of budgets or try to get enough funds for a service for and get set up, we actually have to do something. we have to make the most the 1st thing to do it because we have seen the budget us, we're actually going down in the same care. now. it's almost like a do what we have when governments. yes, but we have almost 47 counties. that is, each one of them managed differently. so we're trying to push the government. so i certainly look for
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a national standard. you might need me to give me the time i want to bring you in now all way just part of the issue. why don't says all striking in south korea right now, the wages are part of the issue. but another major issue is, as you mentioned, south korean government has decided to increase the medical school admission quoted by 2000 students, which is almost a 70 percent increase in the number of medical schools students who would be admitted. i am a timeline for this is to get this implemented in less than one year and many people in the medical community here in south korea. we acknowledge that there is a physicians shortage in our country. but simply raising the admission code up by 2000 does not address some very important issues. namely, there is a huge discrepancy in the decision density in our country. so in the capital region, there really isn't
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a physician this deficiency. there's no shortage in the capital region. the decision density is a $3.00 to $3.00 per $1000.00 people. however, when we go into the rule and remote areas of south korea, the physician density drops down to $1.00 per $1000.00 people which indicates a shortage of doctors. but simply saying having 2000 more um medical school students and therefore 2000 more uh, graduates does not necessarily mean that they will be going into the regions where we are experiencing a shortage. also, our viewers should be aware that when we say doctor, we're talking a very about a heterogeneous profession, so you could have pediatricians. oh, be guy. any doctors, geriatrician, surgeons, physicians, people, and primary care. it's a very mixed bag of,
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of specialties here in south korea. there are certain specialties where uh, trainees are deciding they're just not going to pursue anymore. for example, um the actrix. so there there's a big shortage. and pediatric trainees in south korea. we've had a shortage of cardio thoracic doctor's going into training. programs o be guide me and so likewise having 2000 more um medical school students doesn't guarantee that the students once a graduate will go into the fields where we are experiencing shortages. and so we're very concerned about this move of the government. and also, not only will it not address, are problems it could actually met make the medical and training infrastructure an ecosystem worse. i mean, you can just imagine if we have 70 percent more students within
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a short amount of time, medical colleges simply cannot get ready in time to have this expanded pool of students. so most people will know will be familiar with anatomy classes. i think in medical school and just having seen that in movies and tv shows, i mean having a 70 percent more students who need to have di, section classes who need to look under the microscope for pathology. we just don't have the teachers. we don't have the space to accommodate this increase. and then lastly, for 2024. there were uh, 3163 residency positions altogether in our country. there were 3385 candidates. in other words, there were 222 more candidates than there were positions for residency. if we add 2000 more candidates, that's just gonna lead to a huge,
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huge ser plus. and it could really um, negatively impact the quality of medical care in our country. and then lastly, the reason why the, the young doctors right now is the doctors in training or on strikes at 10000 residents and entrance on stripe. another reason why they are on stripe or they resigned from their positions is because of the government's attitude toward health care reform. they've been very often and they've been very arrogant. they've used authoritarian tactics. they've subjected some doctors to 14 hour police interrogations. they've rated offices in homes of physicians. they threatened to suspend medical licenses of these 10000 doctors and training. these also threatened jail time. so these kinds of tactics, of course,
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are not conducive to the open dialogue that we need, the collaborative environment that we need to really tackle health care reform in our country. it's really just caused anger and a lot of disappointment among the young doctors. and so, um, i think in a nutshell that's what's going on in south korea right now. the real problem though is not only do we have the 10 yeah. training and the professors are, be going on strike as well. so 2000 senior attending physicians. i have started to attend to their resignations as of this morning. okay. well, i mean, i think adults are, i tell them i also share some views concerning some of the how should tactics that process so will processes have been met by you have your own story on this issue. i believe dr. atalla, that is, i think i like fluids of any sort career because it really means that on to do the
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quality of care. and also the way that government is reacting to that to them when you're having the demonstration of the process to, to create a trend of additions to different governments. i think on the 29th of february, the governments uh through the police ups really to get it done, the sort of my head on the printer side. i don't think i had some to do the a much on my and also a credit on folks. and it was because the trying to set down the, the changes that were bringing and they wanted to stop the, the data, what you a judging for. but i think they came to realize that it's not really me as the issue is just the oil look up i tied into because when the gets me on for tonight and then i did routine oil is an old scan actually. now you have, i noticed that there would be a strike effective the next week, and i being stuff from uh uh, from there from day to date. there has not been any due to
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a doctor and due to the country. so i think we have come to a point then we realize that we have to really inspired for this change. we have to fight for these dignity. otherwise this us us with the invitation would actually make them embroidered it. now to the point that i think you last week on past day, we meant to read the public service. and tomorrow we have seen the president. instead of coming with the table to my discussion, you know, why we, i just didn't want this. this is what we have money, it was ok. maybe the most the most visuals. yeah. most of it gives you the antenna . well, one of the challenges faced globally, of course, is of the brain drain of doctors. let's take a look at this. when your help i need to achieve that is very selfish, and that does not care about the people when you have people losing interest in their country. and this is what happens as we can see. so we are having a migration of the tests from junior to there with 2 other countries in the
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outside of the country. so i'm aware that the issue of the brain drain of doctors affects many countries. um, i want to 1st ask you, doctor, have even of mine because you case the 6 wealthiest economy in the world and yet is struggling to retain some of it. stokes is how is that happening? well uh, you know, to put it in a nutshell, it's because the medical workforce has been shown devalued by the, by the british government for such a long time. it's not a surprise that i talk to the suv. what for such a long time, both in the u. k. and i was trying the road if it gives an offer to look elsewhere and get given it back to deal to working conditions, specify that they will leave. so there's plenty of doctors in the u. k. trying to maybe even born and raised here who decide to leave for the us. so for the, for, for north america flush australasia, me and some. ready lee,
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we be see a brain drain occurring from uh, yeah, for can countries um, in the middle east, south asia to the u. k. as well. yeah. what i wanted to pick up on that with you don't to tell it because i understand that kenya, news is many doctors and this is to the u. k. each. yea. and this is actually part of the government agreement. is it not? can you tell us about that? yeah, i think we have the domains or domains domains. we have u k where the little nice is that i'd be living, i think for the last. so the last 23 years about about 30 percent of domestic population. they'd rather be in the country. i've left u k. i think major leads because of the wages and we just and also the unemployment of the country. and as i said earlier before, 2016. the doped as well. good you. it's united way immediately gets employed. but now that little frustrations that are coming up with the government because of the
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different those 2 dimensions that i've brought, you realize that you dental of this study delays tend to of, to fight overboard and strikes will promotions. you have to keep them for keep on following so many of the specific doctors actually leaving for you. okay. most of them do you okay. and to, to you is, but you can bring the, the dismissal for my daughter, 2 of them. and mostly it's not, they don't, you know, because mostly the ones are really specialized. i believe it comes. so to be honest, it's been the concern. i remember last tier told me it was time to come up with a policy that would prevent the trust from a good thing to leave the country. what do you ask the government that interests you can employ them or give competitive uh wages or are you doing to point out the agreement that somebody has no otherwise, but to me that's talk solutions. this guy has a proposal. what do we think? so what if i said there's a simple solution that will give doctors moment each take home and the government
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will not have to pay a single penny extra. it sounds amazing, right? we will lose that talk some doctors that if you don't type stuff to his doctors will go home with a bigger paycheck. and at the same time the government doesn't have to pay an extra penny more now. yes, they will receive slightly less income. the government because stuff is not paid tax, but the money they are missing out $1.00 is still less than the money that they would have to use from given to more doctors know sort of mind. could this be part of the solution? yeah, i think is it great i do. um, but the, the, the reason why i think it's unlikely to be instituted is because, you know, we will know that this isn't an issue about money. there's plenty of money available. the government gives it away in chief credit to big business all the time. and you know that this is basically an issue of whether or not it wishes to gave the british people what they're asking for. and that starts the,
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the sticking point down to the, the, it's not, as i said earlier, it's not something that it's just affecting the medical set to. it's affecting the so many sectors in u. k. not just the public sector goes out as time i went to ask you about solutions . of course, south and south korea is also facing an issue of aging population which we heard about. i mean, how. * how, you know, how is that meant to be address? do you have proposals as doctors for how to try and address that new main problem? all right, so you asked about, um seas in the financial aspect of what's going on. so i think coming up with a rational fair reimbursement scheme that incentivizes doctors to go into primary care so that we can take care of are increasing aging population makes sense, right now for example, pediatrics. there are no young doctors who want to become communications because of
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the amount of money that you can make seeing $1.00 patient as a pediatric doctor comes out to about $8.00 per patient. and so it costs more to get your hair cut then for you to go and see your doctor and take your your child to see a pediatrician and south korea. it's really a shame. and so looking for reimbursement scheme that makes sense, that encourages doctors to go into the primary care fields that will address our aging population, i think makes sense. and also dealing with the medical legal issues, we need tort law farm and south korea so that doctors are not facing huge financial risks when they pursue certain fields such as emergency medicine that have a high risk of, of medical, legal ramifications. understood. we'll look, thank you so much to you all alice divers um have beam of goals. thank you for
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watching. if you have a comment about also talk to us on social media, and if you have a conversation that you would like to flag for us, this is also your show. use a hash tag all the handle aka stream and we will look into it. take care and i'll see you soon. the there is no channel that covers world views like we do as a rolling correspondence. i am constantly on the goals, covering topics from politics to environmental issues like nothing you've ever seen. what we want to know is how does these things affect people we revisit places day even when they're no international headlines. houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege as a journalist. devastating strikes followed by through what we christine
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because that's 1st responders. know the mission could be the last but until then the humanity drives one day with because the civil defense witness rescue mission because on a jersey in a world full of douglas hope was so scarce. you donated we delivered in ramadan, said bryce. we've touched lives in you, in this holy month, the power of kindness grant, in the joy of breaking falls and the footprint. we remember the blessings we all meant to share. for that, do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be the
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. ready ready the hello until mccrae. this is the news our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes . these riley miller trees. there's the killing of 7. i work. isn't gaza was a grave mistake. the world central kitchen age groups is that's called come said to the victims, families as well promises to open a temporary ad version to gaza. ours off to a warning from us presidential bind in the human human rights council adults. the resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity and cancer and the national die of morning and iraq.


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