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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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so what they do, let's say critically, is now your duty to fulfill all that can possibly be the . ready ready the hello until mccrae. this is the news our line from coming off in the next 60 minutes. these ready me latrice is the killing of 7 i work. isn't gaza was a grave mistake. the world central kitchen age groups is that's called comes that sold the victims families as well promises to open a temporary ad version to gaza. ours off to a warning from us presidential bind in the human human rights council adults. the resolution calling for israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes and
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crimes against humanity and cancer. and the national die of morning and iraq for public and gods who were killed in and as for any attack and syria, a given the heroes farewell. and on peace of statements with your schools live approve, attend to the top of the premium league and trauma. extensive bridge is chelsea school 2 goals, deepen stuff. it's time to be manchester united for food, the to nearly 6 months into the world and gaza. israel is facing mounting international pressure triggered in pop by the killing of for an ide. work is on monday. the is there any military has admitted that the strike on the world central kitchen complaint was a grave mistake. it says it's investigation found that the officers involved were convinced they were targeting him off. the chair, he says, the finding is cold comfort for the victims, families,
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you as president to abide instead of the time he was outraged and on suicide he spoke to is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, wanting him to prevent civilian casualties and increase. i was like a israel said it was temporarily open and you add roots. there is crossing in northern garza and the national pulls in. southern is why allowed to be open to let and humanitarian assistance in a statement about this investigation into the depths of those i would because these rarely um, he says, the incident should not have a could. those who approve the strike were convinced that they were targeting and how modest operatives and not to w c k employees. the strike on the ide vehicles as a great mistake stemming from a serious failure to, to mistaken identification and areas in decision making. and then the tech country to the standard operating procedures. okay, honda salute has more on the is ready um its investigation from the bodies tourism
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. prior to this, there hasn't been any admissions of unlawful killings by these rallies, especially when it comes to the depths of palestinians in the besieged palestinian territory. we're looking at more than 33000 palestinians who have been killed as a result of israel's war. but in this instance, specifically, these really army said that their investigation found that procedures were not met . that protocols were not followed. and this comes after there was an investigation . and one is really newspaper that cited military officials that said that essentially military commanders and officers on the ground act however, they see fit and often disregard any sort of protocol or sorts of procedures when it comes to strikes like this. but the reality is that all of these movements for these 8 workers who were killed were all with these really army. they knew about their whereabouts. there was a lot of coordination. they were in areas that were supposed to be deemed safe, according to these really army. and as a result of this pro,
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the army is saying that to senior commanders have been fired and a rest of the rest of the people who were involved in this mistake, they say are all being censored by these really army. for the world central kitchen, sit there apologies for the outrages killing of our colleagues, represent cold comfort. it's cold comfort for the victims, families and w. c. k is global family. this rattle needs to take concrete steps to ensure the safety of humanitarian aid. we're cuz i'll operations remain suspended. the un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, says major changes and needed to protect aid work as in gaza. following these weeks appalling killing of 70 meditating workers from wealth, central kitchen. these are the only government doesn't acknowledge mistakes and then also some disciplinary measures this, but the central problem is not only made the mistakes,
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it is the military strategy and procedures in place that to allow for those mistakes to multiply by. and by again, fixing those failures required as even dependency investigations and meaningful and measurable changes on the go get some more of this is hits to the united nations and speak to gabriel ellis on the and again, i know you were there at that briefing. and gutierrez spike uh also about as well, or picking up this other crossing. what exactly did he say about uh, the ability to get more items, a garza well, a couple of things. it's clear, a big picture from the secretary general's remarks is that he thinks that enough is enough and that this war needs to end and then it should have ended up earlier. that's the big picture. he's had pretty sharp remarks in those regards. but in
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terms of aide, he clearly is viewing the is early announcement of opening up. this really is as crossing favorably, but clearly it's a matter of how much a gets in how quickly and then how it can get distributed. the u. n. has said all along that it's not a matter of the a trucks getting into the board in 2 guys it but then it's getting a distributed as well. and that's why he again called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire because he said that is really the only way to guarantee the safety that the aide will reach the people that need it the most. particularly those in the north of gas or indeed and get this also the united nations security council meeting on the way. what exactly they discussing of the yeah, there's a security council meeting underway right now. it was called the by l. jerry, a guiana in slovenia. and they're discussing the situation in guys, and particularly on hunger issues and as well as the threats to humanitarian
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workers. we heard from the office of team coordination of humanitarian affairs, top official in geneva, who painted a very bleak picture of the situation, talking about how in the north of gaza, they've only been able to reach 4 percent of the palestinian people there in terms of trying to get some aid to them, you also talked about how the situation is so bad that some children are starving and so mouth nourished, that they are having even a hard time crying. he again called on for more humanitarian aid to get in. but clearly the situation is very, very bad on the ground. he also mentioned that, remember, uh, april 1st is when these really military pulled out of their siege about chief a hospital. the north he said today was the 1st day that the u. n. was able to get
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any sort of a staff members to, to get a look at the situation after being denied by several repressed by these really military to get in there earlier. he said the situation it out. she is devastating . and the effects for that health, situated health system and gods are incalculable. i have thank so much for that. it's gabrielle alexander for us at the united nations. those are al has agreed to open a new versions of guys or for food and humanitarian aid. the announcement was made up phone call between these ready prime minister and us presidents that you would find to demand an immediate c spot in protection for civilians in the strip. victoria guy, somebody has more of israel's nearly 6 month war, and the besieged population of gaza has pushed palestinians to the brink of famine, particularly in the northern part of the strip under pressure from the united states as rails agreed to allow desperately needed food deliveries through the airs crossing which connects to northern gauze, and it's really good news we've been asking for weeks now for this crossing to be,
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i've been, we've used it before and we know how important it is to get supplies into the northern guys district. israel is also allowing shipments of a to enter through its pool to national. the change follows the thing who between the us president and his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. j, biting cold for an immediate cease fire. and the usa to israel is conditional on it taking action to boost humanitarian supplies to gaza. what we're looking to see in the, in the days and weeks ahead is prioritization. surging humanitarian assistance, sustaining and moving gaza. a distribution has been dangerous and difficult with incidents. so this reinforces bombing and opening fire on hand out points, accusations, israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow aging fasta has led to some shipments by sea. and the us is said just to build a floating dough to increase deliveries. at drops,
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it will say being use the palestinians wasting on the ground has been killed. this power sheets failed. these relays are committing genocide. they're committing massacres, left and right. the forcibly displacing as many cousins as they can. and as long as the americans and many of the europeans keep on enabling, is really doing this international crime, then you know, all the 8 in the world is, is really not going to make that much of a difference in the international court of justice told as well, in january that it couldn't continue to bombard, displace, and stop the population of cause under it. so like ations to the genocide convention and you age, reach into the strip may finally get some food to many who desperately need it. bought without an immediate cease fire. it's unlikely enough we'll get through to leave you the catastrophe. victoria gates and b l g 0. as to what honey must mood as lie for us now in rough or in southern does or in honey, what's been the reaction the a to the is rarely decision to offend or is crossing just how much difference is
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this actually going to make for people in northern cal, so here's what we use to put things in context. tom, how is the new across the god? the survey is giving them many times false and misleading. narrow it is by the is rated, military just puts people here to the point where it's not a trustee is really military any more just from evacuation don't are not save at all the constant, bonnie, the denying of its attack in public health care facilities and residential i'm all of this, just a health formulating dis, a wide is for the opinion of not trusting these really monitor buttons. theory. the decision sounds significant. it would allow for the increase of humanitarian aid, the flowing through the gods are particularly at this hard time. where is the an acute fan and it's spreading and causing already the death of more than 30 the children of the because of the in,
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for the hydration and as far vision. but what's really, really need to be cleared up is the, the, the, the practical side of it, things on the ground so far on the other side of the board of mazda, of the trucks have not been allowed to enter gauze, or the ongoing obstruction, the restriction on the ground, the constant attacks on aid workers at an age seeker, then law enforcement, securing the a delivery due to palestinian or a much desperate need of it right now. all of this combined they had been culminated with the attack from the w. c. k. employees within the past the 3 days just make it very difficult to believe that there's really money there is really interested in providing or at least making it easy and smooth, efficient delivery of a to a much needed desperate part collision right now as people are not starving, they are being as 5 as we seem the patterns of, of what's going on. there is
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a whole that is actually going to do something is stop the 5 minute from the spreading. but i get where we need to see things on the ground just to be sure it is actually effective, not just bunch of talks that leading to nothing and data. thank you so much, honey, honey. mike mood for us here in rafa of tomorrow, i'll revise a spokesperson for the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees. she says, organization is ready to distribute. if israel keeps its would to open in euro's that, we all hear the rest of the statements by the is really governmental at the get intention to open the air. it's crossing to, to bring in a to through i should or we are. and yet to see the overestimate lising of that decision, we have not yet for the convoys have gone in using era. it's now as a reminder, and it's is also known as the big kind of processing used to be used primarily for
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a few minutes area. there so now going in the humanitarian cases like guidelines were required treatment or cancer treatment outside the cause of no, it is not one of the big logistical hubs that would allow a huge influx or low of trucks and humanitarian assistance. but at this stage, any additional leg crossing into gaza, that's a lot of the really people through bringing in aid is welcome provide as it's truly open and with pockets of famine quickly spreading across the strip, especially in the besieged nor nothing is enough. so even with $350.00 trucks per day considering that not all of them would be food trucks because we're gonna have to work out the combination of food, blankets, medicines, fuel, water, $350.00 remains way below the require
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a minimum of 500 which used to be the number before the war, even before the accused needs that we are witnessing now, especially in the north to the need. some wide has been highlighted by video that al jazeera has obtained from northern garza. the chose is ready soldiers opening fire on palestinians as i tried to click a drops of food in the morning. somebody was my funds images and this report by me how to allow me to the standing killed during the humanitarian air drop. that's the tragic fee to repel as pinion men collecting $8.00 in the city of shoes a in north eastern gaza. on march 9th, an airplane drops, a packages over the gaza strip, but soon it becomes evident that it doesn't come without risk. the packages lends new the boldest fence in northern gaza. exclusive footage obtained by all to 0 shows is really soldiers,
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deliberately targeting palestinians. as they rushed to collected. the vigil shows is really soldiers opening fire. despite none of this policy new men posing a threat. the firing continues, even as this man leads the area, moving away from the border and the soldiers positions. as the soldiers watch dogs approached the wounded men and the video cuts off highlighting the overall, i'm low, listen, those that has the can hold in the area. you had to live to d l 0 of the 3 crossings into gaza, but since october the 7th, as well as only allowed aid supplies to enter from the south. crum, i've assigned them is located where the borders of egypt garza and is right maze. israel says it will now allow increase to a dining aid through this crossing. and also in the south is the prophet crossing
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from egypt before the war. 850 trucks would enter the strip every day through both of these crossings. just $350.00 a day will be able to enter according to the is ready statement issued on friday. the risk crossing is in the north where the shortage of food is edits most acute. this will now be reopened. it has remained closed since being damaged on october. the 7th trucks have struggled to get into northern causal because is rarely it strikes have left the roads logically impossible. okay, well some more on this. joining us from los angeles is shon carroll. he is president and ceo of an era, the american there is refugee a group. thank you very much for being here on to 0. this what, what do you make all this decision by as well, is this going to be anywhere near enough? it's getting through especially to northern cancer as well. have to see the air. everything helps. i mean, we have been putting pressure on international ideas have been been putting
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pressure on the un governments have been putting pressure on, on these are only ag, encouraging and controlling them to open up more crossings to allow more trucks coming in to a coming in by truck remains the most efficient cost effective way. there are hundreds of thousands, even of trucks that are waiting at rafa or in cairo or in the mom. and so opening up a new crossing is a welcome development because everything is needed and particularly in the, in the north. and as you're, as your correspondence pictures of that pointed out of the obstacles, the barriers, the challenges, difficulties are, all right, mass. and they're at every, and they're at every point and around every corner. and so anything we can do to provide some more options and we will continue to push. we will continue to say, thank you. this is a good development, but it's not enough. and as you pointed out, we're, we're nowhere near the amount of a but it's necessary. i think people forget for that, for the 1st 2 weeks of the war the, it, the enclave was completely cut off. and so working to catch up to what was brought
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in before the war, or even if we were getting to 500 trucks a day we, we still wouldn't be catching up. and then we have this acute amount of nutrition and famine ranking them. the n word is, is too late for, for many people. and we're going to see those numbers spike and we have to get more food in as quickly and is at that scale as possible. now the other thing is that we in other organizations, world central kitchen project told and we have suspended our operations. we passed our operations in the wake of the, of the killings of, of the world. central gibson, the mandatory named worker. because we need more assurance is that we can deliver aid safely and for the 1st time in 6 months, and there are a staff, all of them palestinians working in, in the communities a bigger up in a. it said we can't, we can't do this. we need no cost, so we're working to get more assurance that coordination and the confliction
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mechanism work that there will be yes, there will be protection. ok. i've, we've, we've seen uh, you know, in the last 6 months, a lot of pictures, a lot of information about rough across things. but what can you tell us about the air is crossing. i know it was damaged on october. the 7th has been closed ever since. can you just explain the safe out there in terms of security and how quickly uh they'll be able to get these trucks and aiden once it is items? yeah, and then i don't know because i don't know the extent of the damage, but we were given that as a reason early on for why that crossing couldn't be open. we also know that it was because there or there was that was not support among the israeli population for providing a to, to gaza. and that's obviously coming from these early side. so the optics of that, i find, i would like to believe that that one reason it's opening now is that the public opinion is beginning to shift. but that also it wasn't used as a crossing for goods in recent years and any great scale. so uh,
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so there are there, there are barriers there and it's not going to allow for a huge increase. the big increase continues to be the possibility for big increase continues to be allowing more trucks across, at a faster pace in through rafa. and to look them up shalom uh crossing but uh, as we mentioned and as, as you have said, uh, getting them in as, as one thing, getting those trucks that i into guys are, is one thing. it's another to distribute it to those most a need. how difficult is that and will it continues to be? it was, is difficult because of the roads because you have to pass through is rarely check points. but if we have some assurances and a recognition and i, i have always felt this would come because for everyone's safety and security, there needs to be more humanitarian aid, less starvation, fewer people dying needlessly. because that doesn't serve any one's purposes. it will just grow, it will grow more desperation,
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which goes violence. it will grow resentment and radicalization in the future. and so the hope is band that people would recognize that for everyone's sake. first and foremost, obviously, palestinians. there needs to be more a coming in a narrow it, and others have capacity on the inside. there are trucks and there is fuel. if we have the coordination in the assurance of, of security, if we're allowed to pass, we have on hindered access. we do have distribution centers and can and can rent more. uh, we would like to see trucks go from point of origin, whether it's a mine or a cairo, or israel all the way into gaza. you may not, it may be they can deliver all the way to the distribution centers. but if we can have one truck going all the way to the guys are customers yard and then another truck inside guys are delivering, at least we've reduced from, from the current 4 or 5 trucks down to 2 drivers. and that could speed as well. so
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we're doing everything we can, we look forward for to, to assurance uh for help and delivering more, a more quickly, more, safely. okay. thank you so much. we really do appreciate your time. it is showing a carol president and see i have it in the american near east refugee. i thanks so much for being with us. thank you for having me. as well as ready soldiers have the fund take as at the logs the most compound and occupied east jerusalem arrests were made as restrictions were imposed for the final friday prison from the town is ready, gods only allow pellets to the middle of the age of 55 and women above 50, into the compounds to prey capella, sidney, and has been killed in the light. this is randy right in the occupied with bank of the cells in the bank while reportedly filming from his rooftop in the north shelves. refugee camp until current 459 palestinians had
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been killed in the occupied with bank and around 8 settles and the rest. and since the war on gaza began in october, the the to attain a noun, teachers and government workers who have lost their jobs have joins the latest round of protest demonstrating against president harvey and allies economic reforms . he says the changes necessary to help the economy, but critics, i'm the count backs have fullest poverty to so what's in nearly 60 percent. so they support reports from portal scientists, students, professors and employees. stage a one day swipe against the public education policies of libertarian precedents. have you had any leg? one professor on the front line says he believes argentina's public education system is at risk of a name of a come from the university that allowed the son or
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a daughter of a worker to easily make it to university. and today we see how this is slowly being destroyed. they're not trying to improve it, but they're taking the funds away. the government has suspended an incentive fund for teachers salaries. but it's not just universities or challenging the current government. probably i'm able to raise against time. he has done everything. he said that he's the comics that we didn't. tina has had over 250 percent inflation in the past 2 years. even though it has started to go down with a governmental stair. we plan many say they cannot make ends meet in. okay, well, we gotta know how the, the government is reducing costs by reducing teachers salaries. we're not only affected by inflation, but the government does this deliberately, the hosting public education. we made the badge,
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we did the currency last december to try to solve exchange rate disparities. so he also lifted subsidies of gas and electricity and laid off over $15000.00 state employees saying they were hired for political reasons. in the past days, they had been calling for more protests across the country. after years of exchange rate controls and regulations really says he's trying to open up the economy unit at the same. okay. and at least say that mulay has made argentina more attractive to following invest, or inflation is forwarding fast. they range in the dollar. country risk is going down. people from all over the world, looking at odds and to, you know, with interest. but many say nice policies have been tested in the past and field. that's why they value to continue resisting the policies they think would hurt them
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very so as to see to when aside for more on this. so we're joined by ellen, cymbals, who is an economist who joins us from brutal studies. now, thank you very much. so for being with us, 1020. as we heard in the story that we just ran, the light has promised these was 30 minutes as we'll jump start the economy there. do you think that they will and if so, when it is really quite doubtful that the boss, 30 measures will jumpstart the economy. part of gina has a long history of austerity measures that potentially, that is true. very substantial economic crisis is the reason why it is doubtful that this kind of work is these are starting measures are essentially taking income of the profits of many workers and retirees, which means they're taking money out of the economics of which is consumption. and
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so the consumption drops then featured all my god, activity drops, it's difficult to see jumpstart economy. not only that, but of course we cannot make activity for they also means the government, the revenue is falling. and so they're gonna have to bend ever increasing the spending calls to meet their stated objective, all the 0. right, so. busy it is very frustrating to work this time when it is never worth the cost. okay. who do you agree? yeah, but it isn't inflation starting to go down there now to well, that's also interesting because when the president of the president delay took office in december and the values to kind of see very substantially. and also if you regulate the most part of the economy, inflation job to the highest point of the previous problem.
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so even though it has started to go down, since you guys 1st office, it is still higher than it was the previous government. yeah, so that is a bit of a city of a true statement by what the out on this there is not clear well for population but take especially given that we are expected to have a very high. busy percent increases in many of the in terms of the rise. ringback rates, gas, electricity, water, when she was a daughter, they being transferred to prices if somebody spends. so it is not clear that. ringback is actually the same, so he's kind of like activity as dropped very substantial. and so part of the draw inflation is due to
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a very profound recession that was right. so if you chose the economy, yes, to be able to try, show me what would happen if because i got to be. busy starts to recover, right. weight is uh, price at the same time doesn't rely on the really carrying out what he promised to do on the campaign trail. i mean, the strict to economic performance of basically what he campaigned on. so account really come as a surprise of these following through on that and you're absolutely right. yes. uh, the billing policies. uh, the interesting thing about that is that when bar tours, uh, people who. busy the land stated in. busy is that they were going to boat for in general . they either didn't believe that she would actually follow through or they thought that the lies spending cuts was good, no checks wrong. the positive. ready me and not working people and retired people.
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so now they are finding that actually, the latest spending cause is against parts of the population. and that is why you are beginning to see a draw in support even though not as dramatic a drop as one would expect a given the, the level. ringback increases in poverty decreases in salary and there's nothing going on. so okay, we'll have to leave it there, but we really do appreciate your time and your insight into this is ellen. civil is economist, going to side is thank you. thank you. this was still a hit here on l, just there, a risk you will persians continue until i want to dies up to imagine is quite more than 10 people are still missing and the tricky conditions are, cuz we can't claim one driver's power ahead of us. we can simulate one japanese comp that's coming on the other place takes valves and, and supposed to say reading and everybody on the,
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the latest news as it breaks around on a given a cause that people come out in law. but they're galvanized public to the board with detailed coverage, but the recent prices and the realization that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residence to the brain. from around the world. people have told us the circumstances even more important than usual, to come together to share what they feel they have in the biggest global electron jada in history, the world's biggest democracy, both its own epic showdown. join me see new asking jan on a new full pot cd, focusing on india in this episode, either on my own experiences agenda that you examined. alarming dropped off the freedoms in india and the future of india and fabulous independent media. being the
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other for foxley on those is either the the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the salad, the israeli military has concluded its own investigation is the killing of 78, where it is in kansas by missing it was a grave mistake, the world central kitchen aid group says that's called comfort for the victims, families, and is demanding an independent investigation. you in chief attorney or gutierrez, has a so called for an independent investigation into the killings of foreign aid workers and gaza. meanwhile, the un security council, this meeting to discuss food and security and getting the strip and why the security concerns in the middle east. and israel has agreed to temporarily open
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a new versions of casa. the announcement was made out was up to a phone call between us presidential adviser and speaking to his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, demanding an immediate c spot and protection for civilians. can we want to bring you some breaking news now out of the united states and it is quite with an initial magnitude of full point ice as it's new york state, according to the us geological survey, it says the quite could at a depth of 10 kilometers north of living on in new jersey. okay, well for more on this, we're going to go straight to kristen salumi, who joins us now from new york and chris. and can you just tell us exactly what i felt like there and how much damage if any of this is quite has done? yes. well, officially, we have heard from new york city officials who put out an alert that it was a 4.7 magnitude registered here in the city. the epicenter of that being about 80
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kilometers away from here west of new york city. they say that they have no reports of damages as yet, but they are advising people to stay inside while they assess the extent of damages . because 4.7 is pretty substantial. i can tell you that i had no idea i was at my desk staring at my computer. i. i felt something but it, it, i was on the 18th floor of an office building. it's felt like a construction going on, but zillow or nearby, i didn't think anything of it till i started getting tags. that said it has been filled all over new york and many people were very concerned. i walked down the hall for my office. everybody noticed that things had shaken, there was over so quickly 30 to 45 seconds. but it did shake buildings uh. cam. a person that i'm working with today spoke to his wife, who's
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a school teacher. she was on the 3rd floor of a public school building with 910 and 11 year old children. they all felt it and were quite scared when it happened. a very unsettling experience, but the good news is no major reports of damage yet. but as i said, it is still very much under investigation. i local news reporting that one of the tunnels into the city has been close while they give it to an inspection to make sure that it's okay. pauses at local airports as well. while they assess the situation, the subway system here in new york, however, still functioning. uh, but we do expect updates in the coming hours from city and state officials as they get more information about how wide spread. uh, the, the impact was from this 4.7 magnitude quick. okay, chris, and thanks so much we'll come back to usaa and when we get that information, kristin salumi for us, the new york as well. funerals had been held and around for some of the revolution
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regards who were killed in and is very striking, syria on monday, around. supremely that has vowed revenge. for the depths, the funerals coincides with could stay this the annual celebration to palestinian solidarity on the final friday of ramadan dosage. a battery of reports from toronto . the day of national morning, as the coffins made their way through the streets of to hong, and the heroes for well for 5 of the 7 men killed in syria. all were revolutionary guards, including one of our owns highest ranking officers, brigadier general mohammed, the rest of us all had in charge of her on sports forces in lebanon, and syria. as the public procession ceremony was held alongside annual foot stay events, it's been house every year. since these logic revolution in 1979 on the final friday of from a down to show solidarity with the posting and people mondays attack and damascus
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is being seen as a major blow to the guards. they've suffered 18 losses so far in syria alone. since the war and also began in october, the bombing of the constable of section of the reigning embassy and damascus marks a new stage and what's described as a shadow war between iran and israel. there's a massage, only speak, design is raised. he must know it con, to chief security by carrying out destabilizing action design. this regime will be punished. it knows what will happen and is within our reach flash drive and memo from down on iran. supreme leader set a final prayer over the coffins on thursday evening and found a honda about the oil for both my congratulations and condolences to the families of these motives. i hooked the gold crumbs of patients to the mother's father's wife and children of these monitors. the latest attack on high ranking members of the revolutionary guards is seen by many as
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a test for the leadership here. how they respond could determine if israel will continue his campaign of assassinations in the region. during the past 6 months on groups backed by iran have used drones and ms solves to target israel, as well as shipping in the red sea. and us forces in the region while iran launched ballistic missiles at a target in our bill and northern iraq in january. the really military has not yet directly targeted israel, but after vowing revenge fall in damascus strikes that could soon change. creating a tense atmosphere here for many doors, the divorce out to 0 to home for his president during the but a lot a is in the office of the attorney general to answer questions about who ownership of undeclared luxury watches. she was spared impingement on thursday when congress voted twice against starting the process. conservative politicians have said they want to avoid a political crisis and will support him for more. and this maria and associates
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joins us live now from lima and through and to what our prosecutors expecting now. that's right, tom there's, there's a very small focus. we are outside of the prosecutor's office, the attorney general's office, of opponents of you know, a lot of big is, is very small. they are, they are a supporters of a former president pedro castillo, and inside the continues to be speaking. we think with the attorney general, she of course has the right to remain silent, but prosecutors are expecting for her to explain. where did she get those watches? where did she get the jewelry? how was she able to pay for the watches for the jewelry? that is estimated, it's amounts to about half a $1000000.00 and also why didn't see declare some bank transfers. we understand that the strategy of, uh, the uh, was this one of the lawyers will be that she will say that those watches weren't
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going to try that. she already gave them back end of the story. we will see if the attorney general was by that because we it, because contradicts the initial story. of course we didn't know about the what she said a few weeks ago that she had worked since she was 18 to buy, to buy luxury goods. i guess how will this scandal affect to her government a well she, she has a weak government and a. busy just yesterday, there were 2 motions of impeachment that were rejected in kind of way as well. it's because we are lies that she has in tongue with, with the, uh, uh, control this government. they control her. she's nearly a puppet of these congressional uh majority in the interest and uh, just uh on. uh,
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wednesday is she just missed 6 of her minutes for us in the middle of the scandals . we understand this is a full talk about the progression of the political parties. so wanted to get more. 7 power beyond the congress into the executive branch, and that's why she was not impeached, and that's why she may remain in office until 2026. because if she's in peach, then they have to call for new elections general election. and that means she goes and everybody else, all the congressmen also have to go. okay, thank you for that. that is maria, essentially from us in lima. thank you. russian forces have into this of the chest of yacht and you friends, don't it? screech invest, according to russian stage media. the city is about 10 kilometers west of block moved. it's been a staging point for the ukranian ami. ukraine has always one of its largest overnight trying to tax on russia in weeks. officials say they destroyed at least 6
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military plans and advice, and the southern russ stuff region must go says that repelled the attack by downing 53 drugs. while the death toll from the time one is clark has risen to 12 at least 10 others remain missing. following the quite on wednesday. well then 600 people away seems to be evacuated, which is good. washington reports from who names the city nearest the epicenter. or it's a school day in taiwan, but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in hong, in to return to cloth repair as needed here could cost more than $6000000.00. and this is just one of thousands of public buildings damaged by an earthquake on wednesday. politicians say the government is working to was rebuilding infrastructure and supporting small businesses when the dfcs accommodates by parties and everyone like work on the 8th and see how the we could do. i think that's showing the spirit, they'll probably one some of the loved ones. if those who don't this week held
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a visual at a funeral home and at least 200 people who lost the homes of staying in emergency shelters and working out what to do next. the terrifying for sure, terrifying. our 1st i'm seeing uh, experiencing this kind of a quick. yeah. the, the secuity spouse told me that it's safe to go back now to uh, breaking news. weird. it's clark has said, new york and new jersey will listen to now to katie hutchins, the governor of new york state case with the white house. they reached out to us the deputy of homeland homeland security adviser who's actually with president biden right now serving the damage in baltimore called us and i believe they felt the effects even in baltimore. so it's been a rather unsettling day to see. don't see the leaves, but the white house offered any assistance a senator schumer reached out offered any assistance. so right now it's most important that we have our structural teams out there are engineering teams serving our bridges are rows any area. there could be
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a fault line that is not easily detectable and make sure that passengers on our rails as well as our commuters are safe assessing all state roads commission domingos is taking lead on that, making sure our state roads are safe, major transmission lines of dams because you don't always see the effects of a small crack that actually could develop into a real major problem. and we're also encouraging all the municipalities throughout the state of new york to assess for any structural integrity concerns. at this point, uh you are heading into an hour and a half after the effects. we've not identified any life threatening situations. but we are certainly asking our local law enforcement and emergency services teams to be on guard for that as well. but again, we're going to be reviewing all potentially vulnerable infrastructure state sites throughout the state of new york that is critically important in the aftermath of a, of an event like this. now again, i have a few safety tips because yorkers are not accustomed to having earthquakes in our
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state. and everyone should continue to take this seriously. if there is an aftershock, people are encouraged to drop and to cover and to hold on dropped to the floor, cover your neck and hold on to something that is sturdy. take caution. there are any damage buildings, again, we don't have reports of damage buildings at this time. it is very early in the assessment process. but you know, if there is an after effect, please stay away from building say, especially or high rises. if you hear shifting or any noise is unusual, noises, leave your home, go outside, you are safe for there than a building that could be crumbling around. you. inspect your home for damage, check walls, floors, doors, windows staircases. and if you see any damage at all, you may need to relocate a while the event is going on. again, check your own gas lines and waterlines to make sure that your family is safe. so stay connected and informed. i will say this, especially with all the national news about what happened in taiwan with the deadly
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earthquake. just this past week, i think there's a high level of anxiety around there's quakes, the mega to which katherine garcia and the commissioner brain will explain that. that was a 7.4 magnitude in taiwan. again, we are 4.8 and they'll explain the difference. but that's why we're going to continue to take this very seriously and make sure that we continue to update all new yorkers. so katherine garcia are head of state operations. you'll hear from 1st and then commissioner jackie bray, head of homeland security a. thank you. thank you, governor. i want to reiterate that we have no reports of damage at this time. and then immediately, all of the infrastructure 8 that was the governor of new york who was explaining uh, the after effects of that 4.9 magnitude. it was quite that hit a short time ago. so there was no life threatening situations at this stage. and they don't believe that there are any damage buildings, but they will be reviewing old, critical infrastructure in the state of new york is gone,
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is stayed on. the electricity company is counting those customers who haven't paid their bills, including government institutions. public hospitals are among those now facing power outages and the fix davis dicing having the task that has more risky to abu becca is l traumatized. she says she gets it at a public hospital in gone, his capital across her baby had trouble breathing and was put on oxygen to to. so i went to check on him in the evening. there was no electricity in the morning, the doctor told him which all was dead because the power never came back on. health officials say the child's death had nothing to do with pockets or hospital equipment, not functioning. but the tragedy has, again shown how rolling power outages, a frustrating meaning. the government has more than a $1000000000.00 to independent pos which uses. it's a lot of money in
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a country suffering. it's was economic crisis, can a generation to have a situation where to be we have power deficit. to extend the i know they've done is i don't get impala is definitely not because we do not have the generative class, but what we do not have is that we do not have money to really finance the appraisers of these utilities. politicians hopeful recent $3000000000.00 i m is spelled out, will help. so some of the countries we cannot make problems, but other challenges, including unpaid utility bills, age infrastructure, and corruption, me electricity problems may not be resolved quickly. well, this is wait until the problem is colleagues and then to try to fix it in a crisis mode. so what we have cnn chiron is a deficit in generation and deficit occasion by not related to procure few for the available for plants. the general election is in december gone as energy
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crisis will be a priority for vitus already struggling with the high cost of living. inflation and tax increases out of matessa out of there. for face a touch this coffee bu is a consultant of the situation and gynecologist uses the wisdom and power outages, interrupting the delivery of a central medical surfaces i think to be sent k directly. you know, i t, i to, in the high dependency units in the intensive care unit and then the new time because of k units. uh, this is up machines that depend on how constantly and when the power fluctuates or goes off, then the delivery of these services becomes a challenge. we also have a difficult assets in our electronic medical records because the government recently introduced electronic medical records and most government hospitals. and that these are leading to long waiting times with patients unable to access direct quotes as well as health care, which is not able to access the requests of patients. they also concerned about
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coaching suspense, the maintenance or 5 vaccines. and if, because the and most recently to, for my suit, the car companies have complete, also about the manufacturing processes because the power piece and bar cuts are frequent. the only scheduled the unpredictable. and this has happened in mission what. yeah, i think is really gone. where's in the recent few months, there's been challenging, but it looks like in the past months, it's really, really gotten where it's and because the government is unable to procure enough well to pay a lot the at the time my plans as well as the plans that are probably by guys and is defending a lot more on the hydro system. this is coupled with increasing swell prizes. so hospitals that give you and have generators spending lots to get well to power these generally just as time for support. now his patient sound. thank you very much. chelsea head coach murray to punch it so you know,
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has praise the incredible impacts of coal, palma, east, 45th street, patrick, to help we saw incomplete. a remarkable late come back to be manchester united in a premium. the classic jim and that she has the action a rate 068 chelsea's head coach hasn't had much to celebrate this season, but he certainly enjoyed this moment off to his side school. the latest when a in premier league history to beach manchester united for 3. it's a very good uh, seeing that the cup in today and should be totally important for us to you know, the team trust on the, on the funds on the 1st test on the, on the team types of forces were on their feet just for a minute send to the game with united as kind of gallagher i gave them a nice chelsea had a chance to increase their advantage when they were given a penalty. co palmer had sold all of his vote, kicks with chelsea, and he wasn't going to miss this one. as he made it now thought to
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united wants giving up a mistake for boys is guy said i was pounced on by out of 100 gone up. i pulled one back for every 10 hawkes team. 5 and it's nice that they were level united is captain british fernandez heading in to make it to united took the lead. so the 1st time in the match after the break on actually with his 2nd night united was still ahead with 99 minutes. i'm 17 seconds on the clock that chelsea was given and lifeline dallas gave way of penalty which there was only one man. so the job upon a keeping up is 100 percent record from the penalties, thoughts, the drama didn't, and that's as calm as dyslexic. so it's been the 100 and some minutes completed. an extraordinary turnaround. the because and then was of course, the more than that because, you know, when the game like these 3.4,
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that's really important. because most of my screen game, we wanted to reduce the gap in between the team to try to rush i see was so so, so important. i don't know what it is, but what it is is that you have to do your job. and they know that jobs, and then you have to make the right decisions. and you didn't make that decision. there was, we didn't react quick enough to avoid this situation. united must now pick themselves up for a huge game on sunday. against this arrivals, even geminus out of their live approval, go into that united again, full of confidence of the beating sheffield, united 31 to return to the top of the premier league. them who went ahead. 17 minutes in dogwood pneumonia is rewarded. putting pressure on presence in goalkeeper, eva good bit. chevy side went into the bank for the one, the lead ship of united, equalized in the 2nd hospitable. taking a touch of living will defend the corner. bradley and going straight to the big 2
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weeks of lead to a great goal from alexis mcallister. the origin sign woke up when i'm making it to one with 14 minutes left to get to school. it's around the for when you can top side are 3 points here of also and 3 ahead of interest to city for me to one know and the parent dr. oscar p asked reset the pacing friday practice at the japanese growing pre in suca. the australia and new to ins. 23 during sensitized qualifying came out on top of the ran effective 2nd practice session foster yesterday, who finished the fluid last is raising overhead, like mercedes, numerous hamil functions. triple walls happen next for something and these resolute teammates. sergio perez didn't come out for the 2nd practice session in the hope of reserving the tires in tricky condition of the south preprocess effort and whatnot . and found out just how tricky those foundations were. first hand was logan sergeant to press down the doing 1st practice of police in control of these williams. com. luckily he wasn't injured,
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but the williams team will have they would come out to put the call back together in time for qualifying to tennis. and miami opened champion, danielle collins as continued who, winning run this time in charleston. as she beat the reigning champion on strip a calling. so his streak of 17 straight seats and when number 2 feet above level things up in the 2nd, much better americans came back to c. o, a 3 states. when collins been waiting so long to play a 2nd match on the same day to catch up for a rain delay, meeting st. stevens, another to explain who wins 3 to 10 in a row, to face any say, minutes in this, in the quote to find this next phone ship a top. see jessica. the girl also reach the quote, the final for the wind of opponents. magdalen, it's the 5 winning 6 to 6 to to set up a meeting with victoria as of income with less than a week out from the 1st major of the main goals season. the most is, as well gusta and former champ and jordan space has been given
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a boost before he hits the georgia. this was the 3 time major went out on the 16 home of the texas open. had them up and down day. but this was basically the highlights, an ice on the fall, 3 having missed the cap and he goes to events, the sony ones, things and making it to the weekend. my mouth was shocking incidents in super rugby pacific in the melbourne riddles. $4120.00 win over the fiji and drew a rebels lock. josh academy found himself on the wrong side of a rock and front amani to kick fiction in by the finishing. i'm surprised. i need to do a scrum also same so for that elbow sort of back of the head. and it would be another read called later replacement. prop shown a quarter is do a do a often to hate about his opponents and sure enough, or if he had no option with a certain limit. and that's what the supposed to use for. now, i'll have more later on. thanks so much pay to table that. so for this use out,
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but i will be back in just a moments with more of the days you stay with us. we are actually going to stay on it. we're going to go back to the united nations security council with re admin sore is speaking, the palestinian and best of the to the you in. let's listen in one to express our appreciation to your area. uh, going on uh and slovenia for convening this important meeting today. and they want also to, to express our appreciation to the unanimous decision by the auto group yesterday requesting through our representative invested little bit of julia to us for this meeting. and those are the 2 other countries going on and slovenia for joining
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in this endeavor. i want also to uh, thank the to believe to be the 1st from osha and save the children. mr. roger, send them. and my them sorta sorta took for the briefings with them president allow me to address you today. not only in new capacity as diplomats preserving those that are presenting your states. but as parents and grandparents as daughters and sons as members of families that you love. and cherish last night about a cdn father sat powerless by the bedside of his 2 month old baby. watching
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him die slowly or bung. after searching for hours and days for baby, for them and in northern guys to know of their mother had to leave had children in their home for their safety wide. she went out to try and find flow. she had allowed them bottom. and as she at each the streets gardener rushed back with no flow of only to find her home destroyed. and the kids could we speak of this terrifying assault against life and gaza in days and months. $180.00 days, 6 months. but parents calculate in hours.


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