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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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2 month old baby watching him die slowly or bundle. after searching for hours and days for baby, for them and in northern guys to know of their mother had to leave her children in their home for their safety wide. she went out to try and find flow. she had allowed them bottom and as she had each this 3 score rushed back with the no flow of only to find her home destroyed. and their kids, can we speak of this terrifying assault against life and guys in days and months? 180 days, 6 months. but parents calculate in hours agonized in
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minutes and seconds. and they wonder how much longer, what do they have to wait? how much longer can they present shreds of life before them to the uh, the product to how many children, what do they have to bid? and it tell them that the federal is or how many children, what do they leave behind the to punish? is it a, it has destroyed the homes, get an entire family. these displays the entire population, demolished the hospitals, and made every effort to ensure to head it could be to have to to ensure no head could reach our people. it is killing those who he's
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those who are to rescue or those who provide a and relief those who feed those ready for being a palace team in is enough to because trying to had to had a palace, damian's log of this brave woman and the organization is enough to be killed you so it's over 2 weeks and i ship a hospital. what is it a, is somebody gonna leave, execute the people that i stood and thought of them including the wounded and the sick and medical better. so not without feeling the need to provide much explanation or any evidence. then,
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then down the most important hospital in the, in the guys as through continuing to bring the health system to its knees at the time it is most needed to save lives. we present a lot of deepest condolences to the families of medical better so not of rescued themes, numbers and of over 200. it was who have been killed and express our admit ation to all the here. if you money to arians who are pursuing their sacred mission of the pattern of their lives. they should not be abandoned, but rather supported, unprotected looking over a door code is from the wood. central kitchen is not an isolated incidents.
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it is conformation of what you all knew for months. now. it is a, it is not a good thing. those that the lows award, well established to protect is it a new very was who it was targeting, hitting 3 cards and 3 locations. despite the fact that they were identifiable and had gotten coordinated with is a in the delivery of 8. it says it's suspected one person, so it could money. never mind distinction precautions, proportionality, protected status. never mind, human decency. it is unfortunate that it took the killing of foreign
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nationals for some to fully acknowledge the fit reserved to palestinians for $180.00 days. now, as the lord sent them kitchen c, e o, eloquently said on the coat, this is not on the attack against w. c. k. this is an attack on humanitarian organizations showing up in the most dire of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. this is, i'm sort of give up in the quotation. it is even more unforgivable. that is, an as occupying power is the one with the responsibility in ensuring that the civilian population is not tom or starved. and instead it is not on
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the inflicting such on and start of ation, but also killing those. trying to alleviate this is a, is the entire civilian population and any one helping them and, and the entire civilian infrastructures are legitimate thought of it's, it's enough to call them quote unquote collateral damage. express grief and move on to completing the next crime. is the best. leslie argued that the problem was in the organization, deliberating, live, saving humanitarian assistance, under whose it all is fundamental, and who is doing it all week, work on the ground. now even the n g o, those who have worked in the worst possible circumstances around the world are
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saying that they cannot operate in gaza because of the environment created by as dr . my down president is a l y julie, with its bombs and bullets over 52000 palestinians and naming over 72000 palestinians have also made sure to create a man made funding the worst of its kind. affecting over 2000000 people, be seized and starved with tons of assistance by a few kilometers away. who can still speak of shared values with is the is that is permitting such crimes without being the work developed by shame. this concept finally demanded an immediate cease fire,
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leading to a lasting, unsuspecting, i've been, sees via ignore this demand. the resolution $2728.00 must be implemented. it is the responsibility of this concept and all the states to ensure that it is a pent the i c j, or that is an twice in the last 2 months to undertake. my job is to prevent that in an imminent threat of genocide, including to take own necessity, an effective measures to ensure without delay in furden cooperation with the united nations, the un hender provision at scale of urgently needed basic services and do many teddy and assistance to palestinians for out does that,
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but is it a breach? the problem is not that the council adopted the resolutions or that the i c j or the religion or the magic or that too many. he has elaborated the rules that lead the u. n. bodies to adopt these positions and which should be, or jeff, the problem is that is the gun violate these rules the minds and or those in for impunity? no one showed on, or she'd those committing atrocities. no one, no country should on or she those committing atrocities. they must be held accountable. or these crimes will continue
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phase to have such outrage for it's at that on for the nations from the center of the kitchen. this is what it is do. it says my just dismissing to see me on offices and that it pretty minding for the others. that is the punishment for the commission of war crimes that is outragious and who will be held accountable for all the 10s of thousands of palestinian civilian skin is all our lives. not worthy of holding accountability, those who mer to that us and kill us in large numbers by them president his 30 will remember that is a little bit continued to be present within these walls. was trying to bring
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down that you and, and the international know, based or that this organization, this organization stands for this throwing and displacing an entire people and denying the light, the existence and that state and checked and unhinged, why it listed to palestine committed to the international law and to the just and lasting peace has yet to become a member of these united nations. this is only one more injustice, the which a lot of people is being subjected to. one more contradictions between the clarity of the statements and the do with the of certain actions that are no, no once is know if son bots,
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no justifications for what it is during non let me repeat that, are no nuances. no, ifs and buts. no justification of what is right and is doing not so and there is no justification for the continued deny, and overall are lied to settle, determination and to freedom and dignity in our line. when you know, when you all knew what was coming 6 months ago, we new a new new is the n word resort to mass and indiscriminate killing. the total destruction and devastation that the famine was on the way this genocide was announced by is there any leaders?
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it was perpetrated in broad daylight. it was displayed on your own screens. it was discussed in your meetings, many of you where to mobilize the stop it, but there are still twos that we have not used, not even consider one day. as for other genocides, a lot will be said about these failures. but we kind of twit action is needed now at every level with every means possible. i caught a new individually and collect collectively to do more now to figure out a way to stop these massacres. and this for the pre med
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deviated, meditated killing of children. and women and men i calling you to bring immediate relief to desperate veterans who have witnessed what no parent should in do, and children who have suffered what no children should suffer for 260000 minutes now 426-0000 minutes. now, a lot of fat failures mean that that should be reason enough for us to do a blessing and i'll look forward to bring this strategy the go on and thank you my them present. i signed the representative of the family that i kind of coming up to of, of the, of the state of palestine. so his stay spent time out of the flow. so the
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representative of israel thank you. my them president. i wish to begin by expressing is red sorrow over the tragic incident which claimed the lives of the world central, the kitchen employees in gaza. we had stress our deepest condolences in our hearts go out to the families there countries and the word central kitchen. this was a tragic mistake. is there a never targets civilian civilians? deliberately never let alone aid worker is carrying? god crucial work is there and holds the critical support of 8 workers in the highest regard, and we will continue to coordinate with them and secure them in their missions. this incident has been thoroughly investigated and the findings show that this
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strike was carried out due to a mr. identification at night during the war under very complex conditions. the incident was investigated by an independent expert body and was completed last night. the findings were presented both to his riley leadership and w. c. k. officials before being released to the public. this is the results to senior military of officers have already been dismissed from their post is read, has coordinated a distribution with the international organization that organizations thousands of times. i repeat thousands of times since the start of this war and there is no question that this event was not deliberate. the military standard of upgrading procedure was violated, but it was the result of a tragic mistake made due to come much as senior model. so per on the to exploit
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civilian infrastructure and vehicles is right and will learn from this investigation and take every effort to ensure that such a tragedy is not to repeat. the council members is rallies in the midst of a defensive war. fought in unprecedented conditions. i guess an enemy that fights from underground tunnels and hospitals and deliberately uses civilians as human shields. we did not start this war and we did not want this war. we were attacked, massacred by ruthless terrorists that are committed to repeat domestic or how much chose to fight from. we've been civilian population centers in gaza. and as heart wrenching as it is tragic to mistakes can happen, every country that fought a war in dense urban conditions understands it. this. due to the
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complexity of the battlefield in gaza, tragedies that took the lives of our own people have occurred. idea of soldiers. our soldiers have fallen from friendly fire and is rarely hostages. our hostages have been mistakenly killed by our soldiers, and these are all tragedies. but the reality is that the loss of innocent lives during the war is sometimes unavoidable. despite all the efforts that is read goes above and beyond to take. this is why the world must not forget for one moment why this war began is rather by that strictly by the laws of war. and these rare defense forces have implemented more precautions to meet the gates severely unharmed in any other military in history is
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red dropped 7000000 flyers warning civilians to evacuate. 13000000 text messages have been sent. military maps were even distributed outlining safe areas and evacuation routes. these measures are unprecedented and i don't know any other military that meets these standards our enemy. on the other hand, i'm us cares nothing for the wellbeing of civilians and trenching itself and trenches itself among civilian population, all in order to maximize deliberately maximize the number of civilian fatalities in gaza. this is their goal. do you have anything to say about how, how much turn she for hospital into a terror base over the past we've hundreds of terry through a neutralized and arrested on inside
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a hospital. does this council have nothing anything to say about it? this is look how much is an enemy that takes every effort to maximize civilian casualties. this is the script that they have written for you so that you can pressure is really into a cease fire and save them a freezer and every loss of life is a tragedy. yet, for from us, the death of civilians is their strategy. we were the ones who were butchered and we are now fighting to not be butchered again. if i must have darrell capabilities are not to obliterate that they will re, i'm regroup, and re commit to a trusted cheese. a guest is rarely until they and i let us, that is exactly what they have been doing for the last 18 years since we evacuated and this engaged from garza colleagues know country wishes this war to end.
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more than israel. it is our children who are fighting doesn't making the ultimate sacrifice, but we have no other choice. the formula for an immediate cease fire. it's clear how must must turn themselves in and release all the hostages. if this is done, the work can and to day 182 days have passed and this council still have not even condemn from us. instead, you have demanded the ceasefire with no strings attached a ceasefire that isn't conditioned on the return of the hostages. this is a free pass for barbarism and sadistic violence. any sees fire that insurance come muscle. survival is a green light for many more october 7th. you know that there can be no solution to the conflict between these rallies and palestinians in our region as long as come us continues to roll in gaza. but some members here prefer to ignore how much the
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general seidel i'm dishes. it's in their chart there, by the way. is discount so showed come us the tear is not tolerated and increased the pressure on them by, for example, designated come us is a terror organization. this war could and faster. a council member not only is come most responsible for every casual team does a they're also responsible for the humanitarian situation in gaza is around facilitates the constant entry of humanitarian aid into guys of $19008.00 drugs have already entered. does the since the start of the war carrying over 3 150000 tons of aid, including 250000 tons of food field and floating hospitals have been established and no limits. no limits are placed on the amount of aid that can enter
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guys, no limits. the only reason that the aid does not always reach the civilian population is because how much lutes it and the u. n is incapable of handling the capacity of supplies being brought in. at any given moment, there are hundreds, yes, hundreds of trucks held up on the guards inside of the kingdom shall own crossing, waiting to be received and distributed by 8 agencies. the you on agencies failed to establish an effective distribution mechanism, but rather than taking responsibility, they blame is red. never the less, despite the lies is rarely is committed to making every effort to facilitate a yesterday. as was pointed out by the mother, i'm president, is red security cabinet decided to ramp up the amount of 8 entering garza more ports and crossings are opening and we are taking measures that no other country at
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war has ever taken. colleagues, while the u. n. was quick to forget the horrors of october 7th and choose as to focus only on the situation in gaza as we speak here. now, there are over 100000. these rallies displaced from their homes for more, more than 6 months. with their children. over 12000 rockets have been fired. that is read from gaza. in more than 3500 rockets and me solves, have been fired. that is read from our north and board. the from lab and on millions of these red, well that was the, is really invested in the united nations. get at it on speaking at the security council meeting that he expressed as well. sorry, and condolences to the families of those that were killed in the world. the central kitchen attack and gaza, he said it was a tragic mistake and his relative target civilians deliberately leave me alone. i was trying to carry out support him in response to the pep of sending and best of
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the who spoke earlier. we're going to go now to gabriel, alexander, who is standing by at the united nations and has been listening. and can you just give us a little bit of context here? why was uh, the united nations security council meeting in the 1st place while this was a meeting, it was called by out, jerry, a guiana and slovenia all 3 of non permanent members of the security council. and this meeting was about to discuss the issue of hunger in gaza and also the threats that are faced on humanitarians. there we heard from several different uh, council members speaking. they also got a briefing from the top representative from the office of command, a coordination of humanitarian affairs, and also top official from save the children who all painted a very, very dark and grim picture of the amount of palestinians in gaza that are
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suffering tennis essentially. being starved to death, that sort of the picture that was painted by the debris 1st that we heard from we're now towards the end of this meeting and that's why we heard from the palestinian and pastor and just there the is really a master to the us as well, i must say these early on best or give out or done made some comments that quite frankly, need to be corrected. he said this is important, and these are his words that israel would never target humanitarian workers. that is just simply incorrect. 220 humanitarian workers have been killed because of his rarely bombardment in gaza in the last 6 months, including a 179 un staff members for humanitarian workers. most of them working for under uh uh,
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the united nations relief and work agency that provides primarily humanitarian aid . so the fact that he said that to israel was never targeted to monetary and is just simply false. he also said that, uh uh, israel provides no limits on the amount of aid that goes into casa, that also factually incorrect. they do limit the amount of aid that goes into guys, and they do it in various different ways. so several things here that he said, quite frankly, just are not factually correct. yeah. and uh, guides this meeting. it comes just an hour or so off to antonio gutierrez, spoke about the major changes that are actually needed to protect gatewood. because in guys that can you just outline exactly of what he said earlier? well, he's repeated calls that the aid workers must be protected, but he's been saying that for weeks, if not months now, quite frankly, but what you got from the secretary general and his remarks just
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a short time ago was a sense that he feels that enough is enough and that this conflict needs to stop and needs to stop immediately because there are so many people in a guy said that are on the brink of starvation. as we heard from some council members, they say they're not. on the brink of starvation, it has entered a stage of starvation and fam, and according to their many council members that we heard from antonio gutierrez, certainly is happy that israel's announced that they would open up the eyebrows crossing for more aid. but when i asked him, are you satisfied? because his real is only saying they're open, it temporarily. he basically said will be watching closely to see how long is real will open that up for. but he said there must be impeded, and unrestricted aid flows in the guys, particularly in the north, where we heard from a top you unofficial. that said, only 4 percent of the aid. the gibson to guys are, which is,
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which is not much to begin with, reaches the north, which is essentially nothing at this stage. ok, thanks so much gab gabriella l. as on the, for us at the united nations. okay, every is like has been found to new york and surrounding cities. the full point 8 magnitude quite occurred at a depth of 10 kilometers and was centered snare living on in new jersey. oh kristen silly me joins us now from new york and kristen, can you just uh give us a bit more detail uh about if have any damage has been found. uh, since it is quite uh about an hour or so ago as well, city and state officials are still assessing the damages and warning local residents to be aware of potential aftershocks, the governor of new york. kathy hoco called this earthquake of 4.8 magnitude, one of the largest to hit the east coast in this century. it was centered about 80
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kilometers west of manhattan and in the state of new jersey. it happened really just about 2 hours ago, however, so really the damages are still being looked at and nothing major reported so far. but officials are saying that they need to look at infrastructure bridges, tunnels, pipelines, gas pipelines, and so on. before they can say for sure that no serious damage has been done. the reaction people here have to boost earthquake depends on who you speak to and where they were when it happened. again, it was just about 2 hours ago that it shipped the city and surrounding communities . some people reported being terrified, seeing the wall shake. others had no idea. it even happened. people like me thought it was construction or maybe a subway nearby shaking the building. but it was over very, very quickly that said the potential for damage still out there.


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