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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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else who respects international humanitarian law, what i can tell you is that the situation and the grinding sort acceptable as an immediate cease firing god. so there's an urgency to stop disturbing war and to open a new phase of stability piece for space in the region. the spanish prime minister talks to algebra the the is riley miller trace is the killing of 7. i'd work, isn't. garza was a grave mistake. the wealth central kitchen age group says that's cold comfort for the victims, families, the ultimate cried. this is i will just say or live from also coming up. this world promises to open a temporary, i'd root him to gaza, hours off to a warning from us president joe biden, a national day of mourning in iran, republican guns, who were killed in and as for any attack and syria be given the heroes farewell.
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plus. i am harsh him on the bottom of him not to worship us, have congregated to commend the rates as loans. how many is nights? the israel is facing mounting international pressure triggered. it didn't pop by the killing of simmons for an aide where, cuz the israeli military has concluded its internal investigation into the restaurant carrying the world, the central kitchen stuff. it admits the strike was a grave mistake and says offices involved failed to follow procedures. total comes the home to salute has the latest from occupied east jerusalem. as a prior to this, there hasn't been any admissions of unlawful killings by these relatives, especially when it comes to the depths of palestinians in the besieged palestinian territory. we're looking at more than 33000 palestinians who have been killed as
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a result of israel's war. but in this instance, specifically, these really army said that their investigation found that procedures were not meant that protocols were not followed. and this comes after there was an investigation and one is really newspaper that cited military officials that said that essentially military commanders and officers on the ground act. however, they see fit and off and disregard any sort of protocol or sorts of procedures when it comes to strikes like this. but the reality is that all of these movements for these 8 workers who were killed were all with these really army. they knew about their whereabouts. there was a lot of coordination. they were in areas that were supposed to be deemed safe, according to these rarely army. and as a result of this pro with the army is saying that to senior commanders have been fired and a rest of the rest of the people who were involved in this mistake, they say are all being censored by these really army? well, the central kitchen has responded by demanding an independent investigation. the
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group released the statement saying the apologies for the outrages killing of our colleagues were present. cold comfort. it went on to say is rattle, needs to take concrete steps to assure the safety of humanitarian aid where, cuz and said it has suspended operations or admin. so the palestinian and best of the to the you in has been addressing the un security council. he says, israel should be held accountable for the killing of world central kitchen. i will, cuz no one, no country should on or she those committing atrocities they must be held accountable. or these crimes will continue, are phased with such outrage for it's at that on for the nations from the center of the kitchen is what i took, it's fast managers dismissing to see me other offices. and that it pretty
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minding for the others. that is the punishment for the commission of war crimes. that is outragious golardo down the is ready and best of the to the you in has apologize for the killing of the world central kitchen aid work. as we express our deepest condolences in our hearts, go out to the families, there countries and the word central kitchen. this was a tragic mistake. is there a never targets civilian civilians? deliberately never let alone aid worker is carrying. god crucial work is ready to hold the critic of support of 8 workers in the highest regard and we will continue to coordinate with them and secure them in their missions to sign with a story. let's go to the united nations and speak to gabriel ellis on the now and
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go can just give us a little bit of context here. why was the un security council meeting in the 1st place? sure this was a meeting that was called by all jerry, a gun in slovenia, 3 non permanent members of the security council. and the meeting was to deal with 2 urgent matters. quite frankly. number one is the hunger situation in guys where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are going hungry and the humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate. that meeting was also focused, as well, about the threat to humanitarian workers aid workers in recent days and weeks and months, quite frankly. and they heard a briefing from a top official from the office of the coordination for humanitarian affairs who gave a very dark and quite frankly, depressing view of how many palestinians, particularly children,
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are going hungry because not enough a can get in and reach them. we also heard from the top official from save the children, non governmental organization who brief of the council as well. who also said that the time for this to end is now and that there are children in gaza right now that are dying because of mountain nutrition. and lack of food, so that was the bigger context of this. but of course we have for her was very powerful words from the palestinian ambassador. we augment sewer as well as the uh, it's rarely ambassador who said, and i should in fact check there. that is real, does not target humanitarian workers. i should actually say that that's not true. there been 220 humanitarian aid workers killed in gaza, just in the 6 months of those a 179 being un staff members in k,
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but alia. antonia gutierrez spoke about the major changes that he believes and needed to actually protect those i work as in god. so can you just outlined exactly what he said? well, 1st and foremost, the secretary general reaffirmed what he's been saying for weeks, if not months. now that an immediate cease fire is the primary thing that needs to happen in order to get a distributed that is number one and he repeated that again. but beyond that, he said that is real, must change how it conducts its war in gaza. so, so humanitarians and innocent civilians are not harmed, injured or killed. as we have been seeing, he said that the time is now to uh to silence the guns. clearly he is a welcomes the news of his real announcing that it would open the air as crossing
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for more a to come in for what i asked. the secretary general, his response to the fact that israel is saying they're only gonna open that border crossing in the north temporarily. he said he'll be watching it closely and make a more comments on this in the coming days. once he gets to see if that is indeed true, but clearly the secretary general, his overall theme of his remarks here, outside of the security council chambers was you got a sense that he felt that enough is enough. it's time for this conflict to end and a cease fire to be implemented immediately. ok, thanks for all of that guides that is gabriel ellis on to for us the at the united nations assign with this, we're going to go to uh, white house correspondent, kimberly how cats who joins us now from there and to. kimberly, how is the white house reacted to? is ralph's admission of the so called era as well the white house has taken a decidedly stronger and more as to adam in tone in terms of the behavior it's
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expecting from israel. in the last 20 for 48 hours, you recall that there was a very, very 10 telephone call that took place on thursday between these rarely prime minister and the us president joe, by the will on the heels of that. what we now have is the white house saying that they are now we're viewing the investigation that has been conducted by b is rarely into the depths of both worlds. central kitchen aid workers that were killed in just recent days. and what they're doing is essentially reviewing that, but what they're also doing is rejecting the call. 1 of of the founder of growth, central kitchen for a 3rd party independent investigation. and that is likely to be disappointed. who, who is the address, given the fact that he has a really causes of question, whether or not israel's capable of an independent investigation?
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because he is feeling that there needs to be a transparent investigation. because often what has happened in the past has been israel investigates itself, it often finds itself not to be comfortable. so what the white house is saying right now is that there are no plans for 3rd party investigation, given the fact that they believe that they want to reserve judgment on the investigation conducted by israel. they say that right now that israel has taken steps to ensure the safety of civilians on the ground, including aid workers. and so that age, organizations can operate safely. they also say the united states, but israel has allowed for trucks to get humanitarian aid in up to 300 trucks daily . and they are also taking the initial steps to increase humanitarian a, a. so given the fact that the white house leaves israel is making steps in order to
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increase civilian safety and increase humanitarian aid, the white house says for now there will be no 3rd party investigation into the death of the world. central kitchen aid workers. ok, thanks. so much kimberly, kimberly, how could there for us at the white house was complete was saying israel has agreed to open a new route into gaza for food and humanitarian eyes. the announcement was made up phone call between these ready prime minister and you as president, the joint button demanded an immediate c spot and protection forced opinions in this trip. victoria guy, somebody has more. israel's nearly 6 months on the besieged population of gaza has pushed palestinians to the brink of famine, particularly in the northern part of the strip under pressure from the united states. as rails agreed to allow, desperately needed food deliveries through the airs. crossing which connects to northern gauze and it's really good news we've been asking for weeks now for this crossing to be, i think we've used it before and we know how important it is to get supplies into
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the northern guides district. israel is also allowing shipments of a to enter through its pool to national. the change follows the thing who between the us president and his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. j biden called for an immediate cease fire. and the usa to israel is conditional on it taking action to boost humanitarian supplies to gaza. what we're looking to see in the, in the days and weeks ahead is prioritization. a surgeon, humanitarian assistance sustaining it in moving gauze at a distribution has been dangerous and difficult with incidents that is really full, says bombing and opening fire on hand out points. accusations, israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow aging. fasta has led to some shipments by sea, and the us is said just to build a floating dough to increase deliveries. at drops it will say being use the palestinians waiting on the ground to being killed. this power sheets fails. these
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relays are committing jenise. they're committing massacres, left and right, the forcibly displacing as many cousins as they can. and as long as the americans and many of the europeans keep on enabling, is really and doing this international crime. then you know all the aid and the world is, is really not going to make that much of a difference. the international court of justice told israel in january that it couldn't continue to bombard, display since stopped the population of cause under it. so black ations to the genocide convention and new age region to the strip may finally get some food to many who desperately need it. but without an immediate cease fire, it's unlikely enough we'll get through to alleviate the catastrophe. victoria gates and b l g 0. the need for more aide has been highlighted by video that al jazeera has obtained from northern garza. the chose is ready soldiers opening file and palestinians as they tried to click a drops of food in the morning. somebody was my find images in this report by the how that
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a lot of the disturbing killed during the humanitarian air drop. that's the tragic fee to repel as pinion men collecting $8.00 in the city of shoes a in north eastern gaza. on march 9th, an airplane drops, a packages over the gaza strip, but soon it becomes evident that it doesn't come without risk. the packages lends new the boldest fence in northern garza. an exclusive footage obtained by all to 0 shows is really soldiers, deliberately targeting palestinians. as they rushed to collected, the vigil shows these really soldiers opening fire. despite none of this policy new men posing the threats the firing continues, even as this man leads the area, moving away from the border and the soldiers positions. as the soldiers watch dogs approach the wounded man and the video cuts off highlighting the overall. lola's
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knows that has the can hold in the area and you had to live to d. l 0 was still a hit here on l g 0 risk you oppressions continue in taiwan to dies off to imagine is quite pulled in 10 people. a still missing the at the, on the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency? air is outages here as new series died. last futures over 30 years of to the same. you also see the world tells the behind the
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scenes the story of nor wasteful, and the oslo accords. they wanted to have what they phrased deniability and reveals how the secret negotiations skewed the strong decided protocol. but to talk the terms of the negotiations and why they're still far from delivering and forth was the price of awesome analogies. here examining the headlines, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience explorer and abundance of world class programming. on alex's era, the,
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you're watching, i'll just say a reminder of how top stores, the se, riley military has concluded its own investigation into the killing and 7 i work as in gallons of 5 missing. it was a grave mistake. the world central kitchen age group is demanding an independent investigation. due in chief, antonio and gutierrez has also called for an independent investigation into the killings of for an aide which isn't causing the un security council as well. so i meant to discuss food and security in this trip. and why does security concerns in the middle east? and israel has agreed to temporarily open a new age regions. guys are the roots, this thing is really quotes ash don't open alongside the or is crossing the re, let's quake has been felt unusual. can surrounding cities, the full point i magnitude quite, you could at a depth of 10 kilometers and was sent to the 11 on new jersey and the death toll
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from the taiwanda, if quite has risen to 12 at least 10 others remain missing. following the quake on wednesday. well then 600 people are waiting to be evacuated. jessica washington is this report from hughley, or it's a school day in taiwan, but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in hong, in to return to cloth repair as needed here could cost more than 6000000 dollars. and this is just one of thousands of public buildings damaged by an earthquake on wednesday. politicians say the government is working to was rebuilding infrastructure and supporting small businesses when the dfcs accommodates by parties and everyone like work on the 8th and see how the we could do. i think that's showing the spirit, they'll probably one some of the loved ones. if those who don't this week held a visual at a funeral home and at least 200 people who lost the homes of staying in emergency shelters and working out what to do next. the terrifying for sure,
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terrifying. our 1st i'm seeing uh, experiencing this kind of a quick yeah. the, the secuity spouse told me that it's the same side of the, publish that little boy anymore. despite the $7.00 magnitude strings of the earth quake, the damage is relatively contained. x would say that's thanks to taiwan, is disaster preparedness, including its strict building codes, but some residential buildings on damaged beyond repair, excess of fuel assessing the earthquake damage. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before a completely collab. hotels are also affected by the disaster. tourism is a major contributor to the local economy. these are the hotel is across from the collapsing building. we were fully booked for the holiday, but because of the earthquake, we had a refund, all the guests. and we don't yet know the damage to the hotel itself. search and
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rescue workers are still trying to find some missing people. believe to be on a hiking trail who haven't been heard from since the earthquake. they also evacuating hundreds of stranded people, most are now in a hotel and some in a church. and a school. residents of this building are unsure whether they will be able to return home, follow the beams in columns of this building are severely cracked. this building is monitors dangerous. inspectors said it was safe and also residents to briefly enter to collect some belongings. the task feel unprecedented and in no much but if you break into a small set everything i can't handle, she retrieved some documents and a blanket soon by her grandfather. no, she can only way to find out whether her home will have to be demolished. jessica washington, which is 0, quantity and funerals have been held and around for 5 of the 7 revolution
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regardless, killed in, and is really striking syria on monday, around. supremely, that has found revenge for this tool. since you've already has moved from tara a j of nashville morning, as the coffins may through way through the streets of to hong, and the heroes for well for 5 of the 7 men killed in syria. all were revolutionary guards, including one of our owns highest ranking officers, brigadier general mohammed, the rest of us all had in charge of her on scots forces in lebanon and syria. the public procession ceremony was held alongside annual foot stay events. it's been health every year since these navic revolution in 1979. on the final friday i from a down to show solidarity with the palestinian people mondays attack and damascus has been seen as a major blow to the guards. they've suffered 18 losses so far in syria alone since the war, and also began in october. the bombing of the constables section of the reigning
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embassy in damascus marks a new stage in what's described as a shadow war between iran and israel. there's a messiah, you only speak, design is raised, he must know it con to chief security by carrying out the stabilizing action design . this regime will be punished. it knows what will happen and is within a reach flash drive on will come down on iran supreme leader set a final prayer over the coffins on thursday evening, and then they love the oil for both my congratulations and condolences to the families of these monitors. i hope the gold crowns patients to the mother's father's wives and children of these monsters. the latest attack on high ranking members of the revolutionary guards is seen by many as a test for the leadership here. how they respond could determine if israel will continue. is campaign of assassinations in the region during the past 6 months,
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or groups backed by iran have used drones and resolves to target israel as well as shipping in the red sea and us forces in the region? well, around launched ballistic missiles at a target in our bill and northern iraq in january. the really military has not yet directly targeted israel, but after vowing revenge fall in damascus strikes that could soon change. creating a tense atmosphere. here for many doors, the divorce out to 0 to home. we're going to stay home. the electricity company is causing those customers who haven't paid their bills. public hospitals are among those affected and they can be devastating. hiring the tulsa has more proceed above becca is l traumatized. she says she gets it at a public hospital in gone, his capital across her baby had trouble breathing and was put on oxygen. so for me, for if i went to check on him in the evening, there was no electricity in the morning,
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the doctor told him which all was dead because the power never came back on health officials say the child's death had nothing to do with pockets or hospital equipment, not functioning, but the tragedy has again shown how rolling power outages a frustrating meaning. the government has more than a $1000000000.00 to independent pop, which uses it's a lot of money in a country. suffering is, was economic crisis, can a generation to have a situation where to be we have power deficit. to extend the i know they've done is i don't get impala is definitely not because we do not have to do it in class. but what we do not have is that we do not have money to really finance the appraisers of these utilities. politicians hopeful recent 3000000000 dollar i m s spelled out were help. so some of the countries economic problems. but other challenges, including unpaid utility bills, age infrastructure and corruption, me electricity problems may not be resolved quickly. while this is wait until the
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problem is colleagues and then to try to fix it in a crisis mode. so what we have cnn chiron is a deficit in generation and deficit occasion by not related to procure few uh for the available offline. the general election is in december gone is energy crisis will be a priority for vitus already struggling with the high cost of living, inflation and tax increases out of matessa out of there. around 3000000 muslims have made the pilgrimage to mecca. the final friday of ramadan coincides with the holy as nice and as long as the nice of decree is when muslims believe the crown was revealed to the prophet mohammed hush him. l bar of reports from saudi arabia, i yes is the 8 because from friends has joined the video is making the big image. demeka says the trip is crucial for him. and his family
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saw somebody, the p. it's moment the symbolizes piece, and unity less. this is from a done and it's friday. where else in the one who would be better than he has on his wife's, our ones that door to i have to be part of the journey. all the plans is to play in advance to be able to visit the house of god and show my daughter the beauty around policemen and hopping deployed seas. early morning as clouds of worship is gone, the full fly day brands. the solid deal was told with these unexpected, almost 3 medium worship is what the school, the 9th of degree is the highlights over a month on and as the sun sets and to begin as long as healthy as night worship is, we'd be devoted to prayers and so since inflation almost lungs from all of, of the, well, it's a rad privilege being here. then those say to replace the journey is
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bought from over as well. ship is with them the entire day and night here. pray, remembering loved ones, and hoping once this is over, there was get a chance to start a new life. just the unity of people on the divest, see on how everyone's all together is the higher ups of those papers with the same amount. but as one of the comes to a close in a few days, the glades take a few moments between the prize to buy gifts and 70, as i'm to highlight, has been selling the fuel for 40 years. he hopes for more customers this year. i am looking for precious gift for my kids in it's in and my parents and no julia. i'm sure they will love it. the areas around the hot on his arms most sacred side. i've packed all the lice, an optional pilgrimage, but over the last few decades, the number of muslims traveling to mac, i during ramadan,
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has prison hash about bonds is 0. that's it. somebody told me cry for the moment where there is next. then inside story looks at the diplomatic tensions between somebody and ethiopia over the break away region of smiley lives. that's coming up next to stay with us the the now it's been lovely and warm and a good part of southern turkey and, and also cyprus last few days that won't is being pushed to a little bit by increasing the breeze or potential of shells in cyprus, and along the south coast with turkey and possibly into 11 and maybe bits to sit here as well. but generally speaking it's fine with you whether your stuff is what was it was the actual breeze gives you the clue into alexandria about 22 degrees here. generally speaking, fine weather exist through rock to water on the pot from these obvious charles and
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the something coaxes in georgia and maybe pots if you're around. i mean, i'm picking details here because it's fine looking weather going south. so this is also a change on the face that looks fine and quite, quite on the south a day bath is not good to stay that way. sunday season increasing contracts. therefore, the increase in the breeze, the potential for shelves resounded, radiate through to buffering. possibly even those and kept her and this increase embrace suggests it does still signed, will be in the atmosphere in both writing and possibly in the rock as well with developing showers south of that. the proper writing, seasonal rain, is showing itself in kenya, uganda in ethiopia, somalia, any country can think of in this part of africa late, but well come on show sciences that is welcome right and kind of get into some mozambique with every donation given with every hearts that cancel,
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we are changing lives in palestine showing that love days. you donated we delivered upon the ship, we'll be in bringing you husband love to palestine for all to see said donates with confidence. knights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts that's time a deal between if you, if you're in the break away region of somebody land in building a new naval base. this further west and zip masked relations at somalia. its government is furious at the agreement which would give land locked ethiopia access to the scene. why is this dispute listening? and because of the why the consequences, this is inside story, the .


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