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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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d 91, doing life saving what your generosity town presides slowly to support to those west effected because he met dr. stella your mercy, showing his brightest, gave mercy. now tonight today the israel's military admits the killing of aid workers and astro. i can gone so it was a grave mistake, the low on money in sight. this is all. and is there a night or so coming out as real promises to open a temporary, a brute into is also also a warning from you as president joe, by the national day of mourning in iran, republican gods, who would kill the name, is really a talking syria a given
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a heroes farewell. i am. how shall worship others have congregated to commend the rate as long as healthy as nights the israel is facing mounting international pressure of its will in gaza, triggered in ponds by the killing of 7 for an aid. work is, is really ministry has concluded, it's internal investigation into the asteroid carrying the wells, central kitchen stuff. it admits the strike was a grave mistake and says offices involves fail to follow procedures. i'm the seller which has the latest for multi party sources. i'm. so there's a prior to this, there hasn't been any admissions of unlawful killings by these really is especially when it comes to the depths of palestinians in the besieged palestinian territory. we're looking at more than 33000 palestinians who have been killed as
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a result of israel's war. but in this instance, specifically, these really armies said that their investigation found that procedures were not met. that protocols were not followed. and this comes after there was an investigation and one is really newspaper that cited military officials that said that essentially military commanders and officers on the ground act. however, they see fit and often disregard any sort of protocol or sorts of procedures when it comes to strikes like this. but the reality is that all of these movements for these 8 workers who were killed were all with these really army. they knew about their whereabouts. there was a lot of coordination. they were in areas that were supposed to be deemed safe, according to these really army. and as a result of this pro, the army is saying that to senior commanders have been fired and a rest of the rest of the people who were involved in this mistake they say are all being censored by these really army wells. central kitchen has responded by
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demanding an independent investigation. the group released the statement saying that apologies for the outrages killing of fall colleagues represent cold comforts . went on to say as ro, needs to take concrete steps to a show of the safety. a few military and aid workers said it has suspended operations. we had months or the palestinian ambassador to the un has been addressing the un security council. he says, israel should be held accountable for killing the aid workers. no one, no country should on or she, those committing atrocities. they must be held accountable. or these crimes will continue a phased with such outrage for it's at that on for the nations from the center of the kitchen is what i took,
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it's fast managers dismissing to see me other offices. and that it pretty minding for the others. that is the punishment for the commission of war crimes. that is outrages. we express our deepest condolences in our hearts. go out to the families, there countries and the word central kitchen. this was a tragic mistake. is there a never targets civilian civilians? deliberately never let alone aid worker is carrying god crucial work. this is where it holds the critical supports of 8 workers in the highest regard, and we will continue to coordinate with them and secure them in their missions all desire as gabriel. that is on the has moved from un headquarters in new york. this meeting by the security council was called by algeria, guiana,
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and slovenia. 3 of the non permanent members of the council. they called this meeting to deal with 2 critical issues. number one, the safety of humanitarian workers in gaza, which continues to be incredibly difficult, especially on the heels of the 7 aid workers from world central kitchen. they were killed during his rarely strike a meeting. also, that was meant to deal with the increasingly difficult situation or catastrophic situation is a better way to put it on food in security for palestinians in gaza as well. the council heard from a top official from the office for the cube coordination of humanitarian affairs, who painted a very grim picture on the humanitarian situation. saying that of the very limited amount of 8 getting into guys that less than 5 percent is actually making it to the north of the besieged guys a strip which is essentially no 8 getting their counsel also heard from the head of
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save the children and non governmental organization, who said that children are dying and or at risk of dying from malnutrition in gaza. she called on all parties involved to do what ever is possible to save the children that are suffering so terribly and gossip have a for the meeting, started un secretary general. antonio gutierrez, made some remarks here outside the council chambers. and among other things, he called for again, as he has been for many weeks and months now, an immediate cease fire. he says that that's the only way they can start to get a distributed to people that need it. the most. gabriel. so i don't, i would just say that at the united nations in new york, israel has agreed to open a new route into gaza for food on humanitarian aid. the announcement was made off
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to sign cold between these riley prime minister on the us president joe biden demanded an immediate cease fire and protection for civilians in the strip. victoria gave some of the asthma israels nearly 6 months for on the besieged population of gaza has pushed palestinians to the brink of famine, particularly in the northern part of the strip under pressure from the united states as rails agreed to allow desperately needed food deliveries through the airs crossing which connects to northern gauze, and it's really good news we've been asking for weeks now for this crossing to be, i've been, we've used it before and we know how important have you to get supplies into the northern gods district. israel is also allowing shipments of a to enter through its pool to national. the change follows the thing who between the us president and his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. j biden cold for an immediate cease fire. and the usa to israel is conditional on it taking action to boost humanitarian supplies to gaza. what we're looking to see in the,
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in the days and weeks ahead is prioritization. a surgeon, humanitarian assistance sustaining it in moving gauze at a distribution has been dangerous and difficult with incidents that is really forces booming and opening fire on hand out points. accusations, israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow aging fasta has led to some shipments by sea. and the us is said just to build a floating, don't include deliveries at drops, it will say being use the palestinians waiting on the ground to being killed. this power sheets fails. these really are committing genocide. they're committing massacres, left and right, the forcibly displacing as many cousins as they can. and as long as the americans and many of the europeans keep on enabling israel and doing this international crime, then you know all the aid and the world is, is really not going to make that much of a difference. the international court of justice told israel in january that it
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couldn't continue to bombard, displace, and stop the population of cause under it. so locations to the genocide convention and you age region to the strip may finally get some food to many who desperately need it. but without and immediate cease fire, it's unlikely enough we'll get through to alleviate the catastrophe. victoria gates and b l g 0. when now learning more about what israel has said, it will do to ease the aid crisis. u. k. $4.16, david cameron says israel has committed to increasing the total number of 8 trucks to at least $500.00 a day as well. says they will expand the capacity through the jordan land quarter to a 100 trucks a day. they will also prove more types of aid, including fuel, to enable more bakeries to open and hospitals to function us and israel will activate the the child also wants a pipeline to northern gauze at once or pass all completed shown carol is the
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president of the c a f, narrow american net east refugee aid, he says a from the arrest crossing and gauze was know would be enough to alleviate the famine. we have been putting pressure on international ideas have been been putting pressure on the un governments have been putting pressure on. i'm is really ag, encouraging and controlling them to open up more crossings to allow more trucks coming in to a coming in by truck remains the most efficient cost effective way. there are hundreds of thousands, even of trucks that are waiting at rough or, or in cairo or in the mom. so opening up a new crossing is a welcome development because everything is needed, particularly in the, in the north, the obstacles, the barriers, the challenges, difficulties are, all right, mass. and they're at every, they're at every point and around every corner. and so anything we can do to provide some more options and we will continue to push, we will continue to say, thank you. this is a good development, but if it's not enough,
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and as you pointed out we're, we're nowhere near the amount of a but it's necessary. i think people forget that for the 1st 2 weeks of the war the, it, the enclave was completely cut off. and so a warranty to catch up to what was brought in before the war, even if we were getting to 500 trucks a day we, we still wouldn't be catching up. and we have this acute amount nutrition and, and famine ranking them. and we're, it's, it's too late for, for many people and we're going to see the summer spike, and we have to get more food in as quickly. and is that that scale is possible? the funerals have been held in iran says 5 of the 7 revenues, 3 gods killed in an is ready strongly can syria on monday a wrong supreme. lita has vowed revenge the bad that's the funerals coincide with could stay. that's the annual celebration of palestinian solidarity on the final friday of ramadan. do
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a search bar reports from to her on the day of national morning as the coffins made their way through the streets of to hong and the heroes for well for 5 of the 7 men killed in syria. all were revolutionary guards, including one of our owns highest ranking officers, brigadier general mohammed, the rest of us all had in charge of her on scots forces in lebanon, and syria. in the public procession ceremony was held alongside annual foot stay events. its been health every year since these dominic revolution in 1979 on the final friday of rama down to show solidarity with the palestinian people mondays attack and damascus has been seen as a major blow to the guards. they've suffered a t last of so far in syria alone since the war and gaza began in october, the bombing of the constable, the section of the reigning embassy and damascus marks a new stage in what's described as a shadow war between iran and israel. there's
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a messiah, you only speak, design is raised. he must know it con to chief security by carrying out destabilizing action design. this regime will be punished. it knows what will happen and is within our reach flash drive on will come down on iran supreme leader set a final prayer over the coffins on thursday evening and found a honda about the oil for both my congratulations and condolences to the families of these monitors. i hope the gold crowns patients to the mothers, father's wives and children of these monsters. the latest attack on high ranking members of the revolutionary guards is seen by many as a test for the leadership here. how they respond to determine if israel will continue his campaign of assassinations in the region during the past 6 months on groups backed by iran, have use drones and ms solves to target israel as well as shipping in the red sea.
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and us forces in the region while iran launched ballistic missiles at a target in our bill in northern iraq in january. the really military has not yet directly targeted israel, but after vowing revenge following damascus strikes that could soon change. creating a tense atmosphere here for many doors have to worry out to 0 to home the the us president joe biden is in baltimore visiting the size of the collapse. francis scott key bridge for more on this. let's join chaper town. see who was in baltimore for us. so you have, it's about a week ago that the bridge collapse. tragically kidding. 6 people remind us where we are in terms of the investigation as well as the clean up and what we're expecting now from biden's visit of the investigation at
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a very early stage. the closer to the black box is being looked tab, but that could take years. what we have told various theories that are being discussed. perhaps even you are contaminated fuel that might have divers, the generator which made the make the, the ship lose power. but we just have no idea, i could tell you, is it just simply the timelines that are being mentioned? forgetting the polls of baltimore reopened are relatively swift to them or they've already, they've already created 2 channels to bypass the wreckage. but that relatively charlotte of f, a tug birds adverb barges, but i think that they can, they can remove enough of the debris to rear. but a deeper child, a channel, uh by the end of april. and then the latest estimate is they can get the affordable, doable um regular traffic, up and running by the end of may, which is causing a certain amount of skepticism around or where most of the people we've been talking to. but that's, that's what that's sacked by the jew to speak at any moment. he's already had of as you say, the burial tour of the wreckage. he still defies. respond as he's told the unified
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command that's federal and state officials in charge of the operation. he's going to talk to families of the bereaved 66 that as you, as he mentioned, the full body still under the water because the weather conditions have been terrible. and over the last week. and just because of the day reassert extensive onto the water line and so mangles, that's too dangerous for divers. there's another reason why i think this, i'm skepticism about this timeline, but yeah, they're, they're saying that they're, but potentially the portal will reopen to normal. afraid traffic, by the end of may, we'll have to say, what about reconstruction of the bridge itself? a doctor to yes, it is estimated by costs between $3.00 and $5000000000.00 already of that little tough was happening and congress has to, who's gonna, who's gonna foot for the bill, but that's a long way, a long way away. i think what is interesting that when we talk about a future bridge is that we're already learning about all the mistakes about the last bridge. so often the case of for may drugs. if it turns out they've been
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warning for years or something like this could happen from insurance companies from local officials who say, look in the rush to attract major freight business for mega, mega ships. the local administration have a governor of the time and others were spending ultra tax spend money on building facilities for the freight companies, which i'll give you the freight companies should have built themselves, but was spending any of the tax spending money on the old vs upgrades. to for example, the francis scott key bridge that should have been made to make sure that the tank is the relevant record based container shows, possibly underneath it that could do so safely. they just didn't do that. it's one of their old stories about the deregulation taxpayer money going into the prioritization of process and the, the but yeah, the, the public sector is on the hook for law. so that's very much what appears to have happened here once, once again. so one would at least hope that those basements, thanks and have a not for all of us. it is, you know, other quotes, new, new jersey, for example. they raise the bridge is expensive,
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but spent the money to do that. they did not do that here. okay, thank you for that shepherd time. see that for us in baltimore is so heads on alex's era of how blackouts have face so consequences and gone as public hospitals as the states, electricity companies struggles to stay a flight of quite shakes buildings from downtown, new york, new jersey for some 2 main efforts to ground, like the mild and wet weather over denmark's heading knolls chasing away the snow. that's full. and recently in southern sweden, this is all part of spring typing north in europe that from nice of europe, spring tire is represented in the next few days. at least by raw, the war may not hold sunshine. so the picture instructor and then from 4 degrees
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this morning, maintenance has the day to 14 or 15. what about the average? by the time you get to the end of the weekend, the picture in paris is far more representative of most of your, at the moment have to say 26 degrees. dropping down admittedly, during sunday is this cold front come through this line here. but it's still above average. i'm just good way from the record has been halted before. so there's a line on sunday that's bringing right into spain to the middle. the from baby low country's bit of germany. and his chase still came up to about 40 degrees. this no, not in finland, and betsy nowhere else and mislead everywhere as well and sunshine and parts of greece and turkey. this bit of a breeze and there are a few showers and the bits of a breezes who could be exaggerated to ross for a loss of a wind bringing in no faster, particularly algeria sandstone potential is still hoffman's the hell, but it's being tempted to increasing me by showers, further inland of the
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african narratives from africans perspective, nature has always been this some way. my child to short documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at what is key is that it's part of our history that couple from nigeria and re writing libraries from africa direct on. i'll just be around the watching out. is there a mind at the top stories this our,
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the is riley military has concluded its own investigation into the killing of 78 workers in gaza. 5 missing it was a grave mistake. wells central kitchen, a group says that as cold complex and the families of victims you and chief, i'm telling you the terrace has also called for an independent investigation. its beginnings, the foreign aid workers. the security council has met to discuss food and security on the strip on why that security can sense in the middle. israel has agreed to temporarily reopen the risk of thing to allow aid into an open concept to say as being a nearby ports to accept international rates for you. and human rights council has adopted a resolution cooling for israel to be held accountable for possible will crimes and crimes against humanity and gauze that 28 countries voted in favor of 13,
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abstained, and 66 apologies voted against the reservation. sonya giggle has more or a cold for accountability as israel faces growing pressure over it's conducting gaza and the growing number of civilian deaths i hold for the vote on it's the 1st time the u. n's top human rights party has taken the position on the wall over the past 6 months. the occupying father has it or don't know for the sick new chapter in the 75 year old tragedy of the palestinian people to drop the resolution has been updated with the aim of responding to the aggregate as human rights violations facing us and occupied by the same, especially the possessor, the united nations human rights council resolution calls, but israel to be held accountable for possible will crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. it's also demanding a hotel on sales to israel. 28 countries voted in favor 13, abstained, and 6 voted against a result condemned quite as well as you and i'm bassett,
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a to accuse the un of and to use really bias this council that has long abandoned reason and has long abandoned the human rights of these relatives injuries and today's vote was a very dark day in the history of this council. and also at the united nation, the western countries remained divided. but despite voting against the resolution, the u. s. is growing on ease of israel's conduct, was voiced by it some past. due united states has repeatedly urged israel to the conflict of military operations against the moss, with humanitarian operations, in order to avoid civilian casualties. and to ensure humanitarian actors can carry out their essential mission in safety. that has not happened. and in just 6 months, more humanitarians have been killed in this conflict. then in any war of the modern
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era, the resolution may not be binding, but it's a sign of growing pressure is well over its actions. once it became clear that israel maybe not king excessively late and still when it became does possible, it was genocide. it was blind in europe, is the fisher be a trial for accountability of crimes on both sides as the us and of a western allies continue to talk about pressure rising is well to change its tactics. for those trapped in the middle of the conflicting gaza is there appears to be no end in sight. sonya jago elders era. a rat as quite ache, has been felt in new york and surrounding cities. the full point 8, magnitude quaker could at a depth of 10 kilometers um was sent to me 11 on new jersey. let's go to kristen slim me, who joins us in new christian. tell us what happened. well,
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i can tell you that this earthquake gave many new yorkers pause. people here liked to think they've seen and heard it all in such a big city. but earthquakes are pretty rare on the east coast and nothing like this has happened in new york since 1884 of 4.8. magnitude earthquakes striking as you mentioned, about 80 kilometers outside of the city. here many people didn't realize what was happening until it was over, but people definitely felt the earth shake the wall shape. and we're taking it back by such a such a thing to happen here in new york. as soon as it happens very shortly after city and state officials put out an alert and send out teams to assess the damages, no major damages reported at this time, certainly no depths, but there is concern about infrastructure. and so that's what's being looked at right now. as we speak, bridges and tunnels, in particular,
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the holland tunnel which connects the state of new jersey to manhattan was shut down for some time. so inspectors could have a look there. there are still delays to local airports one here in new york city, one in new jersey also shut down for some time they have since reopened. but again, the concern of course, being damage that can't be seen perhaps to pipelines and gas infrastructure and things of that sort. so far, nothing of concerned to report. but this causes attention to a study that was done not too long ago by columbia university that warned a more serious earthquake that had been previously experienced in new york could be in the future here. right, i think here me to get in doors. it's incredibly windy way. you all. thank you for that. kristen sling me that for us in new york in russia has lawrence to 5 missiles on ukraine,
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southern city of his operation. kidding. at least 2 people and injuring 6 of those, including a 9 year old boy. the attacks damaged several residential buildings and an industrial facility. earlier russian officials accused ukraine of attacking the zachary's your nuclear power plants. the ukranian authorities denies that both sides have previously accused each of the of targeting applause in the ongoing conflict going to stay turned electricity. companies costing off customers who haven't paid the bills, including government institutions. public hospitals are among those now facing power outages and the effects all devastating power. matessa has received it. i will becca is l traumatized. she says she gets it at a public hospital in gone. his capital across her baby had trouble breathing and was put on oxygen to to so i went to check on him in the evening. there was no
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electricity in the morning, the doctor told him which all was dead. because the power never came back on health officials say the child's death had nothing to do with pockets or hospital equipment, not functioning. but the tragedy has again shown how rolling power outages a frustrating meaning. the government has more than a $1000000000.00 to independent pos which uses it's a lot of money in a country suffering. it's was economic crisis in a generation to have a situation where to be we have power deficit. to extend the i know they've done is i don't get impala is definitely not because we do not have the generative class, but what we do not have is that we do not have money to really find those pieces of these utilities. politicians hopeful, recent $3000000000.00 i am a spell out will help. so some of the countries economic problems. but other challenges, including unpaid utility bills, age infrastructure and corruption,
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me electricity problems may not be resolved quickly. while this is wait until the problem is coming. and then to try to fix it in a crisis mode. so what we see in a car, in as a deficit in generation and deficit occasion by in our ability to procure fuel for the available pipelines. the general election is in december gone as energy prices will be a priority for voters already struggling with the high cost of living. inflation and tax increases out of matessa out of their raise president dina ballasa has been in course answering questions about her own. the ship is on the clad luxury watches she respond impeachment on thursday when congress face of twice against the process is opposite. politicians have said they want to avoid a political crisis and will support the f. b, i is investigating how fee, stoles does $8000000.00 in cash over the easter weekend in los angeles,
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a minus to break through the roof of a cash storage and handling facility without assessing of any alarms, the buildings owners didn't realize the money was gone until they opened the vote on monday us around $3000000.00 muslims have made the pilgrimage to mecca. the final friday of ramadan coincides with the whole, is night in islam. the night of decree is when wisdom is believe, the crown was revealed to the prophet and how that had been bought out reports now from mecca. yes, is the 8 book come from friends, hasn't joined. the video is making the big image. demeka says the trip is crucial for him and his family without somebody to be. it's moment that symbolizes peace. and unity as this is from a done, and it's friday. where else in the one who would be better than he has on his
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wife's, our ones that georgia i a.


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