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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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suffering traps in 3 to complex, devastating disasters and abject poverty. to make use a cat to human appeal now to help save lives on transform communities. the as well as on the mid spring kenning is a what is and, and as striking dollars a was a mistake and could have been avoided. no one showed on . or she those who me thing across the my money inside this is out. is there a life or so coming up as well? promises to open a temporary avery into gaza,
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also wanting to view as president joe biden. un human rights council adults, the resolution cooling as well to be held accountable for possible crimes and crimes against humanity. garza, i'm outside the people sure. the we begin with the mounting pressure on israel as new as schools for its military to ensure the safety of aid workers and prioritize the cx. 5. it follows the killing of 6 for an aid workers and targeted as strikes on monday as wells on the missing fold saying the attack on the well central kitchen stuff was a grave mistake. so, you know, it's a nation's x. the general has condemned the 6 month long will for bringing
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relentless death and destruction to the gaza strip. over $33000.00 palestinians have been killed now since the war began in october. we have months or the palestinian and busted to the un address the security council. he said. busy israel should be held accountable for killing the aid workers. no one, no country should on or she, those committing atrocities. they must be held accountable. or these crimes will continue phased with such outrage for it's at that on for the nations from the center of the kitchen is what i took, it's fast managers dismissing to see me other offices and that it pretty minding 3 of us. that is the punishment for the commission of war crimes
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that is outraged as well as roles and busta to the un get lot done has apologize for the killing of the wells. central kitchen aid workers. we express our deepest condolences in our hearts. go out to the families, there are countries and the word central kitchen. this was a tragic mistake. is there a never targets civilian civilians? deliberately never let alone aid worker is carrying. god crucial work is ready to hold the critic of support of 8 workers in the highest regard and we will continue to coordinate with them and secure them in their missions or i'll just there is gabriel alexander. it has moved from un headquarters in york. this meeting by the security council was called by algeria, guiana, and slovenia. 3 of the non permanent members of the council. they called this
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meeting to deal with 2 critical issues. number one, the safety of humanitarian workers in gaza, which continues to be incredibly difficult, especially on the heels of the 7 aid workers from world central kitchen. they were killed during his riley strike a meeting. also that was meant to deal with the increasingly difficult situation or catastrophic situation is a better way to put it on food in security for palestinians in gaza as well. the counsel heard from a top official from the office for the to coordination of humanitarian affairs who painted a very grim picture on the humanitarian situation. saying that of the very limited amount of aid getting into guys a less than 5 percent is actually making it to the north of the besieged guys a strip which is essentially no a getting there. council also heard from the head of save the children and non
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governmental organization, who said that shoulder and are dying and or at risk of dying from malnutrition in gaza. she called on all parties involved to do what ever is possible to save the children that are suffering so terribly and gossip. before the meeting started, un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, made some remarks here outside the council chambers. and among other things, he called for again, as he has been for many weeks and months now and immediate cease fire, he says that's the only way they can start to get a distributed to people that needed the most. gabriel. so i don't, i would just say to at united nations in new york, i'm here as more as won't be un secretary general until new guitars have to say the following, these weeks, the following, keeling of 70 meditating workers from wealth central kitchen. these are the only
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government doesn't acknowledge mistakes and then also some disciplinary measures. but the central problem is not owned by the mistakes. it is the military strategy and procedures in place that the law for those mistakes to multiply by and by again fixing those failures required is independent investigations and meaningful and measurable changes on the goals. and the statement about his investigation into the depths of those 8 workers, b as riley on the says, the incident should not have occurred. those who approve the strike were convinced that they were targeting on how much the operatives not w u. c. k. employees. the strike on the vehicles is a grave mistake, stemming from a serious failure due to a mistake and, and then it identification an errors in decision making and an attack country to the standard operating procedures as goes on to salute. she joins us live from
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occupied east jerusalem have the it is red and the, the israel admits to making a mistake. tell us more about the explanation that they gave to what happened to those workers. the quite a rare admission of wrongdoing from these rarely army who said that procedures and protocol was not fired. they are claiming that those in charge said that they were going to target. how much the operatives, but the reality on the ground is that these a groups have their movements coordinated with these really armies so that they're convoys of vehicles can go from point a to point b to deliver that life. saving a, b is rarely armies spokesperson, as well as the army. chief of staff. had been saying that this was a mistake that it was merely miscalculated, but the rest of the world is calling for more answers on. how exactly does happen now that this a group is pausing their operations and several others have followed suit saying
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that they simply do not feel safe in the circumstances. now as a result, these really army is saying, but to senior officers have been fired and that several other top officials will be censured. but i want to also a point to one investigation done by these really newspaper hearts, but found that throughout the entirety of this war is really army commanders have been operating as they please on the ground, often not following protocols and procedure. not going through the proper chains of command when it comes to certain strikes on certain areas. and we have seen this in the relentless bombardment campaign that has killed more than 33000 palestinians. and what sort of reaction has they've been to what israel has admitted today? i mean, do you think the response is going to satisfy those who have been holding for an independent investigation a well, let's begin with the w. c. k is response themselves who have said that they cannot
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trust israel to investigate their own failures. often times when these really army does investigate any sort of wrong doing that they are accused of. they absolve themselves of any blame in their investigation. findings among those calling for an independent investigation is the united states who say that they are going to review the findings that have been brought forth by these really military. but there needs to be some sort of other independent investigation to find exactly how this happened. the united states has also said they can confirm if it was us weapons that were fired on this aid con void, killing the 7 workers. but these really army is going to have a lot of different places and people to answer to, especially now that the 8 situation has slowed down. and the united states is saying that israel needs to implement more types of strategies on the ground so that this can not happen. it's been quite a point of contention between the 2 allies that israel doesn't have a strategic plan for how they're going to prosecute this war. that is now and it's
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6 months. it is indeed. okay, thank you for that. honda sellers that for as long as they don't to parties, jerusalem or israel has today agreed to open a new route into gaza for food and humanitarian aid. the announcement was made just off the phone call between the israeli prime minister and the us president joe biden. demanded an immediate cease fire protection for the civilians in the strip victoria gates, and he has more. this is rosemary, 6 month war and the besieged population of garza has pushed palestinians to the brink of famine, particularly in the northern part of the strip under pressure from the united states. as rails agreed to allow, desperately needed food deliveries through the airs crossing which connects to northern gauze. and it's really good news we've been asking for weeks now for this crossing to be. i think we've used it before. and we know how important it is to get supplies into the northern guides district. israel is also allowing shipments
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of a to enter through its pool to national. the change follows the thing who between the us president and his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. j biden. cold for an immediate cease fire, and the usa to israel is conditional on it taking action to boost humanitarian supplies to gaza. what we're looking to see in the, in the days and weeks ahead is prioritization. surging humanitarian assistance. sustaining and moving goal is that a distribution has been dangerous and difficult with incidents. so this reinforces bombing and opening fire on hand out points. accusations, israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow aging fasta has led to some shipments by sea. and the us is said just to build a floating dope to increase deliveries. at drops, it will say being use the palestinians waiting on the ground to being killed. this power sheets failed. these relays are committing genocide. they're committing
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massacres, left and right. the forcibly displacing as many cousins as they can. and as long as the americans and many of the europeans keep on enabling, is really doing this international crime. then you know, all the 8 in the world is, is really not going to make that much of a difference in the international court of justice. told israel in january that it couldn't continue to bombard, displace, and stop the population of cause under it. so locations to the genocide convention and you age, reach into the strip, may finally get some food to many who desperately need it, bought without an immediate cease fire. it's unlikely enough we'll get through to alleviate the catastrophe. victoria gates and b l g 0. the funeral set been held in iran for some of the revolutionary gods. killed and is right, he's try can syria on monday around supreme. lita has vowed revenge. the funerals
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come inside with couldn't stay. that's the annual celebration of palestinian solidarity. on the final day of ramadan, joyce did you buy it reports from tyrone a day of national morning as the coffins made their way through the streets of to hong and the heroes for well for 5 of the 7 men killed in syria. all revolutionary guards, including one of our owns, highest ranking officers, brigadier general mohammed the result in charge of her own scots forces in lebanon and syria. the public procession ceremony was held alongside annual foot stay events. it's been health every year since these navic revolution in 1979. on the final friday i from a down to show solidarity with the palestinian people mondays attack and damascus has been seen as a major blow to the guards. they've suffered 18 losses so far in syria alone since
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the war, and also began in october. the bombing of the constables section of the reigning embassy in damascus marks a new stage in what's described as a shadow war between iran and israel. there's a messiah, you only speak, design is raised, he must know it con to chief security by carrying out the stabilizing action design . this regime will be punished. it knows what will happen and is within oh reach flash. i've done some of the iran supreme leader said final prayer over the coffins on thursday evening, and then they love the oil for both my congratulations and condolences to the families of these monitors. i hooked the cold ground patients to the mother's father's wives and children of these monsters. the latest attack on high ranking members of the revolutionary guards is seen by many as a test for the leadership here. how they respond could determine if israel will continue. is campaign of assassinations in the region during the past 6 months,
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or groups backed by iran, have use drones and resolves to target israel as well as shipping in the red sea and us forces in the region? well, around launched ballistic missiles at a target in our bill and northern iraq in january. the really military has not yet directly targeted israel, but after vowing revenge fall in damascus strikes that could soon change. creating a tense atmosphere. here for many doors, the divorce out to 0 to home in origin. tina teachers on government workers who have lost the jobs have joined the latest round of protests demonstrating against president harvey and malays economic reforms. and he says the changes all necessary to help economy. but critics say the cutbacks of force poverty in the country to sol theresa by reports now from when is aires? so i the
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on this thing the, the nation. right. but they do not catch up with inflation. and that's why many are saying that there's probably another channel. there is a turn to the right. we're being convinced and then the culture of speech, the old previous government were wrong. and we have this, those are far right. that has been tested 5 times in the past, and they're always ending in a bad way. i'm not sure why this time would be different.
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he says that he's administration is aligned with united states, the current southern comanche argentina. he's also on with the international monetary fund that is on the right track, track, good information on the quotes from economic reforms, but there needs to be electric on an economic consensus in this country. so farming a failed to find video position has to be able to match. unfortunately, the legislative agenda and of course there is tension on the r b as people are struggling to cope with an economic crisis. very simple. i just see that one on site is still a head on out. is there a flights of 2 main efforts in the u. s. states of new york in new jersey. the grounds and briefly will explain why the
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now the implication of this simpler picture of i can confirm it was grind. information is miserable, was renew southfield including in sydney. but the full cost is an improving $1.00 for you, at least in typically there's still a bit of a breeze, admittedly, but the sun should come up and there was, there was going down through new south for us, the eastern victoria by the west. i mean it on show breeze tried on the system, right. the result has been flooding into south wales and the still, the potential for more big generals in tropical queens than most of australia is still fine and dry. that stretches back to pass. the thirty's, the picture for sunday is just a steady, steady improvement. the new south wales, not much in victoria, but no real change in queens with the new zealand. it's will me up 17 degrees in process on sunday, but the new week will give you the low twenty's. we still have the potential for flooding from big sun to storms in any one small place in indonesia. we see it
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already in, for example, body and the sink risk is still there for born here and something sumatra from malaysia, and from me in my kind on most this part of se, ation problem. if you wouldn't mind, charles, you still have some studies shumate. and it's been unusually, went in southern china, i'm not reading continue through saturday and sunday with flooding, but quite likely the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even have this is most important, which of these are going to and bushy polls? unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out of the
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the working out is there a mind at the top stories this hour is ready, ministry has concluded as so an investigation into the killing of $78.00 workers in johnson pod missing that it was a grave mistake wells central kitchen, a group says it's cold, come said so the families of those fixed you and chief on sony. the terrace is all cycles for an independent investigation into the kennings or an aid workers. the un security council has met to discuss food insecurity, restrict why to secure some consent in the middle east. israel has agreed to temporarily reopen the error as crossing to allow aid and to move from johnson
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to say, opening a nearby port to accept international deliveries. view and human rights council has adopted a resolution, cooling israel, to be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza . 28 countries voted in favor of the teen upstate and 6 was against the resolution. sonya gabriel explained that with a cold for accountability as israel faces growing pressure over its conducting garza and the growing number of civilian deaths. i hold for the vote on it's the 1st time the us top human rights party has taken the position on the wall over the past 6 months. the occupying father has it or don't know for the sick new chapter in the 75 year old tragedy of the palestinian people to drop the resolution has been updated with the aim of responding to the aggregate of human rights violations facing us and occupied by the same especially for as us or the united nations human
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rights council resolution calls, but israel to be held accountable for possible will crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. it's also demanding a hotel on sales to israel. 28 countries voted in favor 13, abstained, and 6 voted against a result condemned quite as well as you and i'm bassett, a to accuse the un of and to use really bias this council that has long abandoned reason and has long abandoned the human rights of these various injuries and today's vote was a very dark day in the history of this council. and also at the united nation, the western countries remained divided. but despite voting against the resolution, the u. s. is growing on ease of israel's conduct, was voiced by it some past. due united states has repeatedly urged israel to the
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conflict military operations against tomas, with humanitarian operations in order to avoid civilian casualties. and to ensure humanitarian actors can carry out their essential mission in safety. that has not happened. and in just 6 months, more humanitarians have been killed in this conflict. then in any war of the modern era, the resolution may not be binding, but it's a sign of growing pressure is well over its actions. once it became clear that israel maybe not getting excessively late to school when it became does possible, it was genocide. it was blind in europe, is the fisher be a trial for accountability of crimes on both sides as the us and of a western allies continue to talk about pressure, rising israel to change its tactics? for those trapped in the middle of the conflicting gaza? is there appears to be no end in sight. sonya jago elders era. columbia has all
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the international courts of justice to allow to join in south africa's genocide case against israel and its application, columbia cold on the u. s. high school to ensure the safety and very existence of the palestinian people. last week i c. j judges ordered as well to take all necessary action to ensure basic food supplies. and to garza lloyd is israel have rejected south africa's case and accused of abusing the genocide convention as took mounts throughout his underground parity is long for us in the ball. got to what is colombia hoping to achieve with this request? you think as well, my name's the columbia is seeking to actively intervene in the process supporting south africa. it's hoping to offer a tangible supports to the policy and cause what also sending a message to israel that it cannot continue with its actions in gaza. and this is
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not a surprising stance, giving what we've heard from the president of columbia. it was have a bit of a sense the start of the war in many ways. this is a way for president to pay through at to put his money. where is spouse has been since the start of the war. he has denounced the israel from the start. you as the 1st america is helped american president, to, uh, to talk about the genocide the, uh, denouncing the actions. uh, uh, in guys up by, uh, israel, as you said in it, in the, in its a statement, columbia, as, as the core to ensure the safety of the palestinians and indeed their very existence. and this was expected, given the fact that the colombian government in past days of valid so called on all countries that are part is to the un convention against a genocide to do the same to interviews, to intervene and this process. alexander, can you tell us a little bit about the history between the 2 countries which would perhaps slain
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this move by columbia today? yes, columbia necessarily have long been votes, commercial and military partners by that relationship as the as started to sour since the president federal took office a year and a half ago, had named park station or change the size of the war and got so that's because spent the rest of long been a supporter of the palestinian cause is always been extremely open about it to and just last week beth rowe said that and threatened to cut all ties with israel asked israel didn't comply with the un security council resolution that the demand that an immediate cease fire in a gas that you also call than other nations, to do the same back in february, a cut of military purchases from israel,
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even against the advice of the highest military commanders here in columbia. from what we're being told from sources inside the government, because uh, columbia depends on the military support from israel for is internal conflict despite all that has support for this by staying in co out cause is more important for the country for the president. thank you for that. i was entered on pity. the 1st and bold into russia has launched 5 miss solves on ukraine southern the city of operation killing at least 2 people and injuring 19 all those including a 9 year old boy. the attacks of diamonds, several residential buildings and an industrial facility. leah, russian officials accuse ukraine of attacking these operation nuclear power plants . you coordinate authorities denied it. i saw as of previously accused, each of the targeting. the plots of quake has been felt in new
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york and the surrounding cities. the 4.8 magnitude quake incentive. net 11 on new jersey kristin to lead me hassle as well. i can tell you that this earthquake gave many new yorkers pause. people here like to think they've seen and heard it all in such a big city, but earthquakes are pretty rare on the east coast and nothing like this has happened in new york since 18. $84.00, a $4.00, magnitude earthquake striking about 80 kilometers outside of the city. here many people didn't realize what was happening until it was over, but people definitely felt the earth shape the wall shape and were taken aback by such a such a thing to happen here in new york. as soon as it happened very shortly after city and state officials put out an alert and sent out teams to assess the damages. no
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major damages reported at this time, certainly no doubts. but there is concern about infrastructure. and so that's what's being looked at right now. as we speak, bridges and tunnels, in particular, the holland tunnel which connects the state of new jersey to manhattan was shut down for some time. so inspectors could have a look there. they're still delays to local airports. one here in new york city, one in new jersey also shut down for some time they have since reopened. but again, the concern, of course, being damage that can be seen perhaps to pipelines and gas infrastructure and things of that sort. it's as widely sold as all preventing tens of thousands of palestinian muslims from praying of the said holy is sites in the slum. many being stopped from going to the alex that most as laura con reports from the calendar year border crossing this checkpoint and colombia refugee
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camp is the only access to those palestinians to an ox bosque. on the final friday, the holy month of ramadan. this area would normally be bustling with tens of thousands of people. this year only does the here and some of it being turned back . those of it and some of the i'll also show you, i need the one to put them in front of me. i'm 72 years old. what do i need to put up much for? we are coming to overhaul the site to worship. they don't respect the religion supposed to be it. listens, believe layla's arcada or the nice decree is the highest night of ramadan. it's an important time to visit alexa was an 8 me to hi will stands in the way, promising and routinely thoughts from traveling from here in the occupied west by 2 awesome often occupied is to reason. but this here is ready. authorities were imposing much time to restrictions the only posting and fill out in a man over the age of $55.00.


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