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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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the business latest is free to you believe i guess is my on one of your just makes modern plates. the of the hello i my name's sight. this is a new sound life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's all me admits the killing of a work is in an astro. i can bell is a, was a grave mistake and could have been avoided as well. promises to open a temporary, a brute into an open gauze that off to a warning from us president joe biden, to you and human rights council adults,
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the resolution pointing as well to be held accountable for possible will crimes and crimes against humanity in goss plus i am how shall worshippers have congregated to commend the rate as long tony as nights and on peace systems with your schools africa's most successful 12 i'll see all closing in on the face and mcafee champions, week semi finals and one side who have consumed a spot in the final full ability some downs will bring you the best of the action rates of this and the hello welcome to the program. we begin with the mounting pressure on israel as the us cools, where it's military to ensure the safety of aid workers and prioritize the ceasefire . it follows the killing of 6 for an aid work is in targeted as strikes on monday,
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as well as ami has a message the phone saying the attack on the will central kitchen stuff was a grave mistake. for you on 60 general condemned the 6 month long war from bringing relentless death and destruction to the goss. this trip over $33000.00 palestinians have now been killed since will begun. back in october. we have them on swords, the palestinian and busted to the united nations. he's been addressing the un security council. he says israel should be held accountable for the killing of the wells. central kitchen aid work is or no one no country should on or she, those committing atrocities. they must be held accountable. or these crimes would continue phased with such outrage for it's at that one for the nation ends from the word center of the kitchen is what i took,
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it's fast managers dismissing to see me other offices and that it pretty minding for the others. that is the punishment for the commission of war crimes. that is outrages. we express our deepest condolences in our hearts. go out to the families, the countries and the word central kitchen. this was a tragic mistake. is there a never targets civilian civilians? deliberately never let alone aid worker is carrying. god crucial work is there and holds the critical support of 8 workers in the highest regard and we will continue to coordinate with them and secure them in their missions. we've also been hearing from the un secretary general antonia gutierrez, he says, major changes are needed to protect the aid workers in gaza following these weeks
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appalling killing of 70 meditating workers from world central kitchen. these are only government does acknowledge mistakes and then also some disciplinary measures . but the central problem is not only made the mistakes, it is the military strategy and procedures in place that to allow for those mistakes to multiply by and by the game. fixing those failures required as even dependency investigations and meaningful and measurable changes on the go. how does there is gabriel alexander has more from you and had courses in new york? this meeting by the security council was called by algeria guiana, in slovenia. 3 of the non permanent members of the council, they called this meeting to deal with 2 critical issues. number one, the safety of humanitarian workers in gaza,
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which continues to be incredibly difficult, especially on the heels of the 7 aid workers from world central kitchen. they were killed during his riley strike a meeting also that was meant to deal with the increasingly difficult situation or catastrophic situation is a better way to put it on food in security for palestinians in gaza as well. the council heard from a top official from the office for the cube coordination of humanitarian affairs who painted a very grim picture on the humanitarian situation. saying that of the very limited amount of aid getting into guys a less than 5 percent is actually making it to the north of the besieged guys of strip, which is essentially no 8 getting their counsel also heard from the head of save the children and non governmental organization, who said that children are dying and or at risk of dying from malnutrition in
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gaza. she called on all parties involved to do what ever is possible to save the children that are suffering so terribly and gossip have a for the meeting, started un secretary general. antonio gutierrez, made some remarks here outside the council chambers. and among other things, he called for again, as he has been for many weeks and months now and immediate cease fire, he says that's the only way they can start to get a distributed to people. they need it the most. gabriel. so i don't. how does it at united nations in new york or the is there any military submission? no fits, mistake comes a day off to a telephone call between us president joe biden and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i'm the salut isn't occupied east jerusalem with me on the investigation . a rare admission of wrong doing might use rarely, military commanders say on air strike on
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a convoy and carrying humanitarian workers was a serious mistake and violation of operating procedures. an internal is rarely army investigation, found the attack that killed 7, a personnel from the world. central kitchen, or w. c. k, was ordered despite a low level of confidence about the intended target. the investigations findings indicate that the incident should not have occurred. those who approve the strike were convinced that they were targeting arm thomas operatives and not w c. k employees. the strike on the 8 vehicles is a grave mistake, stemming from a serious failure due to a mistaken identification errors and decision making and then attack. contrary to the standard operating procedures. the army says to senior officers will be fired and several other senior commanders formerly censured the united states says
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civilians in dogs must be protected as israel pursues any military operations against from us. it has to prioritize the protection of civilians. it has to make that job number one, to many people have been caught in this crossfire of a mazda is making children, women, man, losing their lives. their safety has to be a priority of military operations, needs to be designed around their protection. but world central kitchen says these really army cannot credibly investigate its own failures and it deployed deadly force without regard to its own protocol chain, demand. emily goals of engagement, their apologies for the outrages killing of our colleagues, represent cold comfort. israel needs to take concrete steps to assure the safety of humanitarian aid workers. our operations remain suspended after nearly 6 months of
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war is really forces to have killed more than 33000 people in the besieged cause a strip. the army has still not admitted to any unlawful killings from the central woods as ito occupied east jerusalem. well, israel has agreed to open a new routes into gauls of the food on humanitarian aid. it's off to j bought and demanded an immediate cease fire protection for civilians in the strip. victoria gave somebody has wellness. israel's nearly 6 months for on the besieged population of gaza has pushed palestinians to the brink of famine, particularly in the northern part of the strip on depression from the united states . as rails agreed to allow, desperately needed food deliveries through the airs crossing, which connects to northern gauze. and it's really good news we've been asking for weeks now for this crossing to be. i think we've used it before. and we know how important it is to get supplies into the northern gods district. israel is also
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allowing shipments of a to enter through its pull to national. the change follows the thing who between the us president and his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, joe biden called for an immediate cease fire. and the usa to israel is conditional on it taking action to boost humanitarian supplies to gaza. what we're looking to see in the, in the days and weeks ahead is prioritization. a surgeon, humanitarian assistance sustaining it in moving gauze at a distribution has been dangerous and difficult with incidents that is really full, says bombing and opening fire on hand out points. accusations, israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow aging. fasta has led to some shipments by sea, and the us is said just to build a floating don't to include deliveries. at drops, it will say being use the palestinians waiting on the ground to being killed. this power sheets failed. these realities are committing jenise. they're committing
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massacres, left and right, the forcibly displacing as many cousins as they can. and as long as the americans and many of the europeans keep on enabling, is really doing this international crime. then you know, all the 8 in the world is, is really not going to make that much of a difference. the international court of justice told is rarely in january that it couldn't continue to bombard, displaced and stop the population of cause under it. so like ations to the genocide convention, and you h reach into the strip may finally get some food to many who desperately need it, bought without an immediate cease fire. it's unlikely enough we'll get through to leave you the catastrophe. victoria gates and b l g 0. okay, let's go to honey mountain mood. he's like for us and rough and southern guns. a honey good to see you. so tell us a bit more about the air is crossing. what's the reaction been the 2 d is ready decision to open this particular crossing. how much difference is actually going to make to the people in northern garza?
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and yes, knowing well within the past a few wait weeks, people have been a voicing concern and, and the frustration of the fact that the uh whether it's the americans or other i've been. busy parties interested in providing humanitarian is resorting to all the trend is like era dropping and constructing a temporary peer. the criticism was. busy or the fact that there are land crossings that are available, but they have been virtually shut down by these really a military. so theoretically speaking, when this decision is, is implemented, we're going to see a significant increase in deaf loving humanitarian aid. but so far and the problem is with the practical side of this decision, how is it going to be implemented? and is it going to be implemented properly or not the, the past month, the talks about it just limited amount of a trucks carrying food, supplies,
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and essentials and survival life. and i'd be very limited and we talk about a trickle amount of food aid. the other food a and the other part of the board or the other side of the board is where there are miles of a trucks that have been blocked from entering the gaza strip bed. and in addition to 5 more land, the crossings that have been virtually a close by these really military. on top of that, there is the ongoing or obstruction of a flaw of aid, the restrictions on the ground, the constant attack on, on a workers a seekers and law enforcement, securing the protecting the delivery of it. so from the practical point of view, people are still a skeptical about its implementation because uh, quite honestly, there has been a great deal of this trust and the, uh, the is really narrative. so far as starting from a misleading is vague and large. the contradictory evacuation,
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a safe zones for displays, families, window of being killed and these evacuation is also there isn't really much to believe a listening concrete happening on the ground on the fact that it is happening right . a, a close to 6 months of already 6 months of this genocide, those war. there was plenty of time in the past to avoid the threat of famine. but these really military decided not to allow any efficient and smooth a flow of human to 3 and it just causing acute famine to spread. and the death of the close to 30 children dying of from in for is the hydration. and it's our vision . there's still a lot of question mark, what does decision didn't we know there was a meeting earlier this evening between these really military an organization 8 organization as here at the crossing, just the northern part of the gaza strip right at the entrance of the city of bates
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handling uh, we don't know what exactly in that meeting entails, but one element of it, it was the, the joint effort between these very military and these uh, organization 8 organization to ensure the flow of humanitarian aid. the talks. 2 about close to 300 trucks coming in, and that is, is still not enough, not nearly enough in the face of the growing family and, and the greater needs of the larger desperate population data. so just to drop in the ocean as we keep hearing. okay, thank you for that honey. my. maybe that for us in rafa as well, we are learning a bit more about what israel has promised. in terms of easing the aid crisis. according to u. k. 4 and century david cameron, israel has committed to increasing the total number of aid trucks to at least $500.00 a day. they also say that they will expand the capacity through the jordan land card or to a 100 trucks. today, they have also approve more types of aid,
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including fuel enabled move, bakery ste, open, and hospitals to function. and israel will also activate the the child also was a pipeline to northern gauze at once. rapacious, all completes, it was showing carol is the president, an seo of an arrow. that's the american near east refugee aide organization. he says, a from the arrest crossing in dogs has no just won't be enough. we have been putting pressure on international ideas have been been putting pressure on the un governments have been putting pressure on i'm is really ag, encouraging and controlling them to open up more crossings to allow more trucks coming in to a coming in by truck remains the most efficient cost effective way, there are hundreds of thousands, even of trucks that are waiting at rafa or in cairo or in the mom. so opening up a new crossing is a welcome development because everything is made in particularly in the,
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in the north, the obstacles, the barriers, the challenges, difficulties are, all right, mass. and they're at every, they're at every point and around every corner. and so anything we can do to provide some more options and we will continue to books, we will continue to say thank you. this is a good development, but it's not enough. and as you pointed out, we're, we're nowhere near the amount of a but it's necessary. i think people forget that for the 1st 2 weeks of the war the, it, the enclave was completely cut off. and so working to catch up to what was brought in before the war, even if we were getting to 500 trucks a day we, we still wouldn't be catching up. and then we have this acute amount, nutrition and, and famine ranking them the and we're, it's, it's too late for, for many people. and we're going to see those numbers spike and we have to get more food in as quickly and as a, that scale as possible. i of okay, let's bring it into america. most easiest system prophecy,
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professor of public policy at the deadlines cheap for graduate studies. good to see again time or let's begin with this admission of guilt by the is rarely is, the army says it was a case of mistaken identity that caused them to shoot this convoy of international aid workers. and the 5 to a uh, army offices that they say were responsible. do you think this explanation is going to be nough to satisfy the huge international course of criticism that we've been hearing and recent days since the incident took place money. and if we live in a fair world, of course, it should not be enough. first of all, this would be an independent investigation. and also there should be accountability . i mean, funding is nothing off. i mean, this is a crime. i mean, 7 victims have lost their lives for this and addition to the hundreds of other victims, but a scene and local aid workers whose no one is uh, shitting light on the subsidy and suffering and the loss of, of life as well. so,
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uh, id. yes, i mean, it would be, would have been much better to have an independent investigation to see the i see active again the national criminal court which has been so absent and been locked in to do any important move. so no, i don't think it's enough and i think it's up for the families of this because of, of these victims to pursue justice from the end. i mean, there's so many kind isms, international thinking isms, and the governments will get comfortable as with the government to our if, if the accept with this, with that the findings of this is bailey, is this, that's what's pretty critical to this. so the fact that these with a international west and aid workers the dies, i mean the reality, as you pointed out, is this has no sense in isolated incident. this has happened many, many times. but for the 1st time, we had these west and aid workers who died. and that was the 1st time these rarely started to investigate it and came out and apologized. yes, of course. i mean,
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i mean, i mean, what's the message? i've been trying to sit here or are this sort of noodles of engagement with let's say west and 8, what goes out of the front or special then you look in a book, is it any other conflicts? is this what is this something that's on him that, that i know is this, what's the world about support, unity and for the other thing, i mean, if that's the case, then the what has lots of so humanity. and we can see these up in the standards applied everywhere, and it should not happen to be on this. i mean the, i still believe that that's the national system methods. but, but the test to be enforced equally. and this will not be any the sentence, but sadly a bit. it has been different when it comes to the southern, because it is what it has been treated as a country or it is a state above international because of the protection at the seems from its own. a nice, let's talk about the opening of the air is crossing. i mean, it's indicative really, isn't it all the influence, the united states has a israel, and that we now he is suddenly off to 6 months from these, right?
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he's the big time. now open this particular crossing. so what, what does that tell you? the fact that we are finding, seeing that sort of pressure from the united states. well, it's, it's clear that the us has leverage. and whenever it's, it's use us to use this live that has been things happen. i mean, it is what i mean if the, uh, the spawns and collects it's behavior. so, do you guys have so many questions to answer here? the minute of us to end this war from, from the 1st week. so for the 1st days of it is clear not at all but the sub to the us on the solutions. i have often not to do this. and again, and i mean on an old, i mean we weren't come any increase of 8 amounts, but like in the states, most so far so week, i mean, you'll have systems coming from the u. s. spokesman and, and they say they talk about it and use seeing the suffering of but esteem is left
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ending the suffering for this thing is as if all these thousands of civilians. i have been master code. this inside the board is not enough. so that's number one, and this is what i notice from the side as well. the clear about them part of the i just missed the talking about many things have to spend a minute until that you've the goals and this one. so again, yes, it's welcomed, but it's not enough at what, what, what the medical should be focus on is really big. this worked on ends and also on the national event accountability, accountability, and the isis, isis. he also has to really stop investigating all these cards. it's time to bring this, the international justice you know, on enforcing. thank you for that time i come over to assistant professor public policy at the don't institute for freshman starting of now columbia has off the international course of justice to allow to join in south africa's genocide case against israel and its application colombia, called on the us high school to ensure the safety and very existence of the
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palestinian people. last week, the i, c. j judges ordered israel to take all necessary action to ensure that basic food supplies and tim gauze, the lawyers for israel have rejected south africa's case have accused of abusing the genocide convention. ok, let's talk to, i was under, i'm petty's line for us in boca to. so what is it that columbia is hoping to achieve? what this request them as office a my name columbia is trying to actively intervene in the case a to support south africa to show tangible supports to the policy and cause them to send another message to israel that it needs to stop its actions in guys that this is also way for the president of columbia gustavo pay through uh to put its money where his mouth has been since the beginning of the war paper has been incessantly
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. then now seeing is ray of actions in gaza. they was the he was the 1st south american president to use the word the genocide and i spoke to a source inside the colombian government, who was telling me that besides or in addition to columbia, as government supports up there, published in cause columbia's international stance on human rights is enough to justify its intervention in this case, but we also understand that columbus going further than that and is actively promoting the larger front in latin america. that same source told me that in coming days there are expecting a similar declarations of intervention coming from other less than american country any particular from brazil, sheila, i believe. yeah. and mexico and they're expecting statements very close. similar to the ones colombia has presented today. others under tell us
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a little bit about the relationship between columbia and israel as tell us some context that would explain this move that is being made by them today to many is it a long has a very close, a very strong both commercial and military relationship but that relationship has been souring since the start of the war, again, per se, then pay through as open lead denounces the real from this starts. he has been attacked by the israeli government for his stay. and so just last week, days, rarely for administer of his accused pay throw of being a supporter of a mass. uh and they said that a stance is a disgrace. this case for the columbia in people. and this is coming after a number of incidents last week. president pedro has a trip in to cut all ties with the israel. if israel does not comply with
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the security council's, a un security council resolution at demanding an immediate cease fire in gaza back in february when there was that into a, into a when more than a 100 palestinians were killed when they were trying to reach the 8th trucks, a 5th row cuts, all military purchases from israel, even if that's impacting the columbia military in its fight against i'm groups and the country. so what we're seeing here is that the governments of the columbia is adamant and continuing to support the pasting and cause is not afraid to going against these drill, even if it is sometimes goes against its own interest. okay, thank you for that. i was on the rem p a t that 1st in ok and funerals have been held in a runs of 5 of the 7 revenue stream gods killed and is riding strongly can syria on
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monday around supreme lita has vowed revenge for the depths. funerals coincide with couldn't stay. that is the annual celebration of public opinion solidarity on the final day of final friday of ramadan, dosage of ours once a day of national morning, as the coffins made their way through the streets of to hong. and the heroes for well, for 5 of the 7 men killed in syria. all were revolutionary guards, including one of our owns highest ranking officers, brigadier general mohammed the result in charge of her own sports forces in lebanon and syria. the public procession ceremony was held alongside annual foot stay events. its been health every year since these dominic revolution in 1979 on the final friday of rama, down to show solidarity with the posting and people mondays attack and damascus is
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being seen as a major blow to the guards. they've suffered 18 losses so far in syria alone since the war, and also began in october. the bombing of the constables section of the reigning embassy in damascus marks a new stage in what's described as a shadow war between iran and israel. this is a messiah. you only speak, design is raised. he must know it con to chief security by carrying out the stabilizing action design. this regime will be punished. it knows what will happen and is within oh, reach flash drive. and i'm, i'm, i've done on iran supreme leader said final prayer over the coffins on thursday evening, and then they love the oil for both my congratulations and condolences to the families of these monitors. i hooked the cold ground patients to the mother's father's wives and children of these monsters. the latest attack on high ranking members of the revolutionary guards is seen by many as a test for the leadership here. how they respond could determine if israel will
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continue. is campaign of assassinations in the region during the past 6 months, or groups backed by iran, have use drones and resolves to target israel as well as shipping in the red sea and us forces in the region? well, around launched ballistic missiles at a target in our bill and northern iraq in january. the really military has not yet directly targeted israel, but after vowing revenge following damascus strikes that could soon change. creating a tense atmosphere here for many doors, the divorce out to 0 to home still ahead on out is there a hell of blackouts of fatal consequences been gone as public hospitals as a state select just because they struggles to state slaves and a red s way shakes, buildings in downtown, new york in new jersey, forced into main efforts temporarily to ground and support liberal and james,
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something that has made a big decision regarding his future sounds. coming up in the now that miles and wed rather be denmark's heading knowles, chasing away the snow. that's full. and recently, in southern sweden, this is all part of spring type in north and europe, that from nice of europe, spring tire is represented in the next few days, at least by raw, the wall, me not hold sunshine. so the picture in stock or, and then from 4 degrees was morning maintenance half the day to 14 or 15. what about the average? by the time you get to the end of the weekend, the picture in paris is from a representative of most of your after moved have to say 26 degrees. dropping down, admittedly, during sunday is this cold front come through this line here,
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but it's still above average. i'm just good way from the record has been halted before. so there's a line on sunday that's bringing right into spain to the middle, the from baby lo countries, but of germany. and it's chase stuff came up to about 40 degrees this no, not in finland on foot. she nowhere else, especially though everywhere as well. and sunshine and parts of greece and turkey, a bit of a breeze, and there are a few showers and the bits of a breezes and could be exaggerated to ross for a lot of a wind bringing in north africa. particularly algeria sandstone potential is to hoffman this a hell, but his being tempted to increasing me by showers further in that the, the life of the 9 year old under was really bombardment. trauma center is safe, displaced in scarcity. and
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the moments where childhood still shines through a child of cuz on a jersey families and gaza facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving lack. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met doggy style at your mercy showing the brightest, gave mercy, now donate today. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the washing out. is there a mind that thought top stories? this is really military has concluded its own investigation into the killing of 78 workers in gaza. 5 missing that it was a grave mistake. well, central kitchen, a group says that as cold comfort for the families of the victims you and chief on sonya terrace as well. so hold for an independent investigation into the kennings for an aid workers. un security council has met to discuss food insecurity in the strip and wireless security concerns. in the middle east. israel has agreed to temporarily reopen the error as pressing to allow 8 and schools in the office on servicing in nearby. to accept international
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the u. n. human rights council has adopted a resolution, cooling israel, to be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity. in johnson, 28 countries voted in favor of searching, abstained, and 6 was against the resolution. sonya gave expense a cold for accountability as israel face is growing pressure over its conducting garza and the growing number of civilian deaths. i hold photo vote on it's the 1st time the us top human rights party has taken the position on the wall over the past . 6 months, the occupying father has it or done no for the sick, new chapter in the 75 year old tragedy of the palestinian people to drop the resolution has been updated with the aim of responding to the aggregate as human rights violations facing us and occupied by the same, especially the mazda 3, the united nations human rights council resolution calls, but israel to be held accountable for possible will crimes and crimes against
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humanity in gaza. it's also demanding a hold to, um, sales to israel. 28 countries voted in favor. so a teen abstained, and 6 voted against a result condemned quite as well as you and i'm bassett, a to accuse the un of and to use really bias this council that has long abandoned reason and has long abandoned the human rights of these various injuries. and today's vote was a very dark day in the history of this council. and also at the united nation western countries remain divided. but despite voting against the resolution, the u. s. is growing on the use of israel's conduct was voiced by it some past. due united states has repeatedly urged israel to the conflict, the military operations against him, us with humanitarian operations, in order to avoid civilian casualties. and to ensure humanitarian actors can carry
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out their essential mission in safety. that has not happened. and in just 6 months, more humanitarians have been killed in this conflict. then in any war of the modern era, the resolution may not be binding, but it's a sign of growing pressure is well over its actions. once it became clear that israel mary, being acting excessively late and still when it became just possible, it was genocide. it was blind in europe. is the fisher be a trial for accountability of crimes on both sides as the us and all the western allies continue to talk about pressure, rising israel to change its tactics? for those trapped in the middle of the conflicting gaza, there appears to be no end insight. sonya guy ego, i'll just sarah. russia has launched 5 missiles on ukraine, southern city of separation, killing at least 2 people, and injuring 19 others, including
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a 9 year old boy earlier russia keys cave of attacking this operation nuclear power plants. ukraine denied that russian state media claims that russian forces have also entered a suburb of chests. if yeah, and you cranes don't yet screech in the cities about 10 kilometers west of fox news and has been a staging point for the ukranian on me. child stratford has moved from keith. the ukrainian military is doing rushes claims, the russian full series of into the outskirts of the small town of chests. if you all trust, if you all sit, sit around 10 kilometers west of buff moved a bunch of larger cities. of course, russia took control of in my last year, just if you all are, is that a high l evaluation? and that's one of the reasons why speculate, and it's taken russian full season so long to potentially if indeed these claim is true. get anywhere near that town we visited on numerous occasions last year and
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already the majority of the pre was $12000.00 people. but if the had already left, but it wouldn't be a total, the inconceivable that many have either refused to leave all cattle to get out. meanwhile, the russians also claiming that they have taken full control of the village of the year, which is west of, of the washing policies. took control of that vehicle in february again after a fist fight. and they have been making increment to games in that area. and a numerous other areas along the front line ever since the ukrainians will tell you that one of the reasons is because they are suffering such a massive deficit in weaponry. waiting for that money to be released. hopefully they say by congress in the us and for these problems weapons to start arriving from european nations. there's also been another rocket attack on the city of zach for risha. the governor of the regional governor of separation saying at least 2
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people were killed and those attacks 6 people injured, including a 9 year old boy, charles profit algebra, keith, a us president joe biden has arrived in baltimore, maryland to visit the size of a collapse bridge and has been free fathers working to reopen one of the nation's main shipping lanes. the francisco key bridge was destroyed off to congress ship lost power and run into its bottom is also due to meet with the families of 6 construction workers who died in the accident shepherd time. she has moved on the clean up from baltimore interesting the timelines that are being mentioned. forgetting the poles of baltimore reopened a relatively swift to them or they've already. they've already created 2 channels to bypass the wreckage. but that relatively charlotte f. a tug boats as a budget, but they think that they can, they can remove enough of the debris to reopen
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a deeper child channel by the end of april. and then the latest estimate is they can get the affordable people and regular traffic up and running by the end of may, which is causing a certain amount of skepticism around or well, most of the people we've been talking to, but that's, that's what that's saying by the he's already had of, as you said, a burial tour of the wreckage. he stooped fast, respond as he stopped the unified command. that's federal and state officials in charge of the operation. he's going to talk to families of the bereaved 66 dad. as you, as he mentioned, the full body still under the water because the weather conditions have been terrible. and over the last week, i just because of the day reassert status of under the water line and so mangled that's too dangerous for divers. there's another reason why i think this some skepticism about this timeline, but yeah, they're, they're saying that they're, but potentially the portal will reopen to normal freight traffic by the end of may . it's a red s quake has been filed in new york um, surrounding cities. the full point, 8 magnitude quaker could have
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a depth of 10 kilometers on was sent his name 11 on new jersey christians. lemay has moved from new york. well, i can tell you that this earthquake gave many new yorkers pause. people here liked to think they've seen and heard it all in such a big city. but earthquakes are pretty rare on the east coast and nothing like this has happened in new york since 18. $84.00, a $4.00, magnitude earthquake striking about 80 kilometers outside of the city. here many people didn't realize what was happening until it was over, but people definitely felt the earth shape the wall shape. and we're taking it back by such a such a thing to happen here in new york. as soon as it happened very shortly after city and state officials put out an alert and sent out teams to assess the damages. no major damages reported at this time, certainly no depths,
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but there is concern about infrastructure. and so that's what's being looked at right now. as we speak, bridges and tunnels, in particular, the holland tunnel which connects the state of new jersey to manhattan was shut down for some time. so inspectors could have a look there. they're still delays to local airports. one here in new york city, one in new jersey also shut down for some time they have since reopened. but again, the concern, of course, being damage that can't be seen perhaps to pipelines and gas, uh, infrastructure and things of that sort. a don estate owned electricity company is causing all customers who haven't paid the bills, including government institutions, public hospitals, among those now facing power outages of the effects of devastating home. it also has more proceed to i will, becca is l traumatized. she says she gets it at
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a public hospital in gone is capital across. her baby had trouble breathing and was put on oxygen to. so i went to check on him in the evening. there was no electricity in the morning, the doctor told him which all was dead, because the power never came back on. health officials say the child's death had nothing to do is talk, cuts or hospital equipment, not functioning. but the tragedy has again shown how rolling power outages are frustrating, meaning the government has more than a $1000000000.00 to independent pos which uses it's a lot of money in the country suffering. it's west economic crisis. going to generation to have a situation where to be we have power deficit to extend a lot of money as i don't get impala is definitely not because we do not have to generate implants, but what we do not have is that we do not have money to really finance, please use of these utilities politicians hope
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a recent 3000000000 dollar i m. s sell out will help solve some of the countries economic problems. but other challenges, including unpaid utility bills, age infrastructure and corruption, me electricity problems may not be resolved quickly. while this is wait until the problem is colleagues and then to try to fix it in a crisis mode. so what we have cnn chiron is a deficit in generation and deficit occasion by an opportunity to procure few uh for the available offline. the general election is in december gone. his image of crisis will be a priority for vitus already struggling with the high cost of living installation and the tax increases out of my task out of their this is already sold as all preventing tens of thousands. it published a new muslims from praying at the said hardly a slice in a song. anything stopped from leaving the occupied west, spying to travel to occupy the stewardess them to visit the ox and mosque. as
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though account reports from the county of border crossing types of restrictions have been imposed during the holy month of ramadan. this checkpoint and columbia refugee camp is the only access the most palestinians to an ox mosque on the final friday, the holy month of ramadan. this area would normally be bustling with tens of thousands of people this year. only does this da here and somebody being turned back to savannah suddenly, i'll also show you, i need the one to put them in front of me. i'm 72 years old. what do i need to pay that much for? we are coming so i would have these sites to worship a, but they don't respect the religion. possibly it listens, believe layla's arcada or the 9th decree is the highest night of ramadan. it's an important time to visit alexa was an 8 meter high will stands in the way, promising and are routinely followed from traveling from here in the tide west by 2
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oxen most can occupied is to reason. but this year he's right. it's always he's, we're imposing much time to restrictions, the only policy and fill out in a man over the age of $55.00 women over the age of 50. the type pot hiding that the check point here in columbia and that overlooked by its way, the soldiers. and you can see many of them standing up on the hills above us. on top of the h restrictions, policies must apply for permits and electronic tags via phone up. but many of the strongly before we schedule different, i've tried to come here and apply for the permit with my move out from the application, but it seems faulty. so i've come to us people to help you since the war and golf as starts in october, this being an increase in check points and the tax for these ready minute treat. and settlers making travel more difficult and dangerous. one legal adviser tells us of israel consider results why these truths love its suffering territory that is recognized by the united nations. since 1967 is right,
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is violating international humanitarian law, but antics in jerusalem and preventing philistines from reaching it. especially during the holy month of ramadan and especially young people. so they, it's ready to check for you to say, hey, behind me, there are many women who are as of the age of 50 who haven't been able to enter through that to reach out to them off. so i'm going to speak to one of them out of how the aisles could, why she wasn't able to attend to equity night. they told me i don't have a permit and i told them i applied but was refused. they changed the game and i asked for one on the spot. they told me to go home. palestinians here say the atmosphere as the most subdued betsy in 20 years. they blame, increasingly aggressive is ready policies the retention your patients of separating them from this sacred site. marathon out to 0, colombia in the hope supplied westbank. this head on out. is there
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a huge 6 here to help? the sun rises, hydra bonds, victory indian premier league action coming out with the this business uptake this voltage by the state bank growth partner of on the dash before he is
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the this business uptake. he's going to try this exact proton of on the dashboard to use the time for his pizza funding. thank you very much. melody sundown has made their way into the african champions, big semi finals, but they needed a penalty shoots out to do so against young. the lions before the match moment of silence was held in honor of nuclear is the defense the who represents in south
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africa at the tokyo and them fix was shot until it a call hijacking on wednesday. give it away. sundance dominated play, but just could not find a way through. instead, it was the visitors who had perhaps best chances to break the deadlock, but just like, and doris alone last saturday. it's finished dulles. south africa's f goncal keeping here run with william saved 2 spot cakes. and when the abraham hama mist for young africans had concealed on those place in the semi finals to make the se, and the last, we are not long away. now from joining sundown, it's in the final thoughts and also up against it tends to be in the opposition in some, but i'll say eventually found the breakthrough of 47 minutes through i'm it also, lia africa's most successful type. now i hate to know them, advocates, thanks to that strikes live approved return to the top of the premium. you're going thursday, but focus has already to into they match against mattress, the united on sunday. you can top side all 2 points clear of also at the top of the
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manager says that they've very much up for the fights. but most of the time i tied raises and it looks like a tied race. and so if it's a tied raising the best place you can be using it and we are in it. so that's cool, that's good. and now let's keep fighting that's, that's how it is. so, and obviously the next one is a big one. and there are 10 hog needs to replace mattress, the lighted side off of a dramatic light to feed to chelsea. but he'll take confidence from the fact that they be livable just over 2 weeks ago in the f. a caught we have seen it gets difficult. we can beat car with the best we can beat the best themes independently. and so when you beat them in the family, you can do it across you. so we have to step up and we have to make better decisions individually. and that's a 2 the same, the ip, the sun rises, hydra, but have seen of the channel. i see the king's by 6 wickets. she went to bed tops,
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code full chain. i was 45, but the businesses could only must 165 for 5. the may 20 i have is 8 in markham, then scored exactly 50 the highest score of the match that was enough to help the home. so get close. for mrs. cooper already finish that off with the $611.00 bowls to see both teams. now i have 12 from 4 to sure that is brittany james, the son of n b a grape labrono. james has announced that he will in till the 2024 in the i dropped. they spend a year off to suffering a cardiac arrest. the 19 year old son. vive the health skate in july last year. well, training with these university of southern california team. he was given the green light to rejoin his team 4 months later, he saw the and full time in be a champion abroad. new place for the at a lake has, has previously expressed things desire to play alongside the sun before we close the main to east korea. the draft will be held in late june for me to one now and
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with that and dr. oscar p street said the pacing friday practice at the japanese growing prius zuka. you'll start in newton's 23 during send. today's qualify. came out on top of the rain effect and 2nd practice session vs street who finished it at last. his race was the hate of necessities as louis hamilton triple will champion next to stop him and he's right. both he made such a pay raise didn't come out for the 2nd practice session in the hope of preserving the tires and tricky conditions. and what manner found out 1st and just how tricky the conditions with was logan sergeant's. he crashed out during 1st practice of the losing control of his williams cobb. luckily wasn't injured, but the williams team will have they were cut out to put the call back together in time for qualifying. i must say a bit as he has reached the semifinals of the ground, pretty house on the 2nd of the beat fellow italian lorenzo soniega in straight sets . the last meeting was at wimbledon last year, which better to any one. and he had the face of all these countryman and good
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friend here to winning the 1st 663. it's been an injury, plague 7 months full, better tv slipping as low as $150.00 in the world. but he showed glimpses of his old self care as he won the 2nd phase in the time break to reach the final full square root is one step closer to defending is still open. so i'd love to be most inclusive, which in straight fits, you know, region already has a to a type of things name this year, and it looks good for any for another one in the future. these riviera, 16362, you'll now face the unseated spaniard, pedro martinez for a place in the final victory. yes, it is less than a week out from the 1st major of the meetings goals season. the most is that will gustin and form a champion. jordan speith has been given a booth before he heads to georgia. this was the 3 time major went out on the 16th home of the texas open. he had him up and down day, but this was definitely the highlight. an ace on the pol 3 i now to
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a shocking incidence in super rugby pacific in the melvin riddle was 4120 went over the g and drew rebels a lot. josh tenant found himself on the wrong side of a wreck in frank lamont. he took exception in fine and fashion, and surprisingly, the to us come home for the same. so for that alba to the back of the head. and it would be another rate called late to replace and prep toenail cut or do and do a up to to head. but he's opponents and sure enough the rectory had no option but to send the humans to well that's what the school needs for tonight. money. thanks . pizza. hello, around 3000000 muslims have made the pilgrimage to mecca final friday of ramadan. coincides with the whole is nice in his long nights of decree is when wisdom is believed, the koran was revealed to the prophet and how that awesome l bought our reports back. the yes is it because from friends hasn't joined,
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the video is making the big image. demeka says the trip is crucial for him and his family without somebody to be. it's moment that symbolizes peace. and unity as this is from a done and it's friday. where else in the one who would be better than he has all his wife's, our ones that georgia, i a to be part of the journey. all the plans is to play in advance to be able to visit the house of god and show my daughter the beauty around policemen and hopping deployed seas. early morning, as clouds of worship is gone, the full fly de brands facade you is sold with these unexpected, almost 3 medium worship is what the school, the 9th of degree is the highlights, overall, not done. and as the sun sets, and to begin as long as healthy as night worship is we'd be devoted to prayers as defense, intonation, homeless loans from all of, of the well, it's
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a rad privilege being here in america. then those say to replace the journey is bought from over as bush you pose with them the entire day and night here. pray, remembering loved ones and hoping once this is over, there was get a chance to start a new life. just the unity of people and the diversity and how everyone's all together is the higher ups of those papers with the same amount. but as one of the comes to a close in a few days, did grooms take a few moments between the prize to buy gifts and souvenirs until her luck has been sending the few for 40 years. he hopes for more customers this year. i am looking for a precious gift for my kids in it's in and my parents and no julia. i'm sure they will love it. the areas of on the head on his arms most sacred side, i've packed all my life, an optional pilgrimage. but over the last few decades,
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the number of muslims traveling to mac, uh, during ramadan has been pushed about, but on 0. okay, that's right. for me, this news, i'll be back there in just a moment. more today's the thing it turner, this is a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have been found out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make the
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other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us than divides us in the biggest global election. yet in history, the world's biggest democracy, both its own, epic showed on this final episode of speaking the port. finally off the prime minister and the movie elevated in the global baez's file. 4th will be take a long room under the microscope with them, and how much is facts and how much is the picture to be in the book box for? oh, no. does he done with the dentist investigations? they give compelling insights into toes to from asia and the pacific one. 0 one east. on out. just sierra in a world full of darkness. hope was so scarce donated. we deliver it in remedies and breaks. we've touched lives in you,
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in this holy month. the power of kindness, gray, in the joy of breaking falls and the footprint we remember the blessings we all meant to share. for that do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be the the why not insight? this is the news on life. so coming up in the next 60 minutes as well, fine as to senior military offices for the talkative killing of 78 workers in golf, and that is the punishment for the commission of war crimes.


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