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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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let's also show you, we'll deliver it to the donates with confidence, donates without care. foundation. with every packed of 19, with every press will bring it to light, a little love in palestine. we share the when the gates today that closed the doors through starvation opens. the un secretary general describes the situation and gaza is absolutely desperate. and just as realtors rapidly increase the flow of humanitarian aid, the alarm and then put on them and this is allergies even live from door hot. so coming up, israel's army says the killing of aid was an air strikes and gaza was
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a grave mistake. could have been avoided, the ecuadorian police told him the mexican embassy in quito. the resting ecuador was formalized president, who taken refuge. they have since assembled. plus, i am. how shall worshippers have congregated to commend the rate. as long tony as nights, the pressure was mounting on as round as a magically increase the flow of food and supplies into gaza. after i had promised to open a new vote for the delivery of humanitarian aid, as well as pledge to open the air as crossing came off through a phone call with us president joe biden was on the ground in gauze of their skepticism. was of whether these plans will bring adequate relief to those in desperate need. they have the day reports everywhere in russia, in southern gaza,
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display specialist in use have to queue for toilets for drinking water to try to get a piece of bread. these make shift scans are set to provide besides, the schools were most displaced, people in gaza, shelter the place is over crowded, and more people arrive every day, monday to solve them, have 7 of them of got into the schools. and now very of the crowded like, don't want to receive us, so we have to get some of wood and we set up this testament on demand. sometimes we're not even able to get any walks them and for the toilet. so they going out to have my wife and my daughters go to the schools in order to use that service. um, we don't have any toilets and for us, the man, and we're not even allowed to use the bathrooms at the school and she forced to leave the homes. they put to get the flimsy tens using separate co plastic sheets which provide very little protection, causing many to become ill. below and have the lead, which is the good the. my daughter has been ill since the war began. the
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unsanitary conditions here with sewage and animals nearby have made her vulnerable to illness. she suffers from frequent bouts of flu and fever. and with limited medical health and overcrowded living spaces, there is an immune and the rest of epidemics. diseases you spread easily, making it tough for families to stay healthy in crumbs tends notated when coming on this. so should we came to con eunice in life is extremely difficult. there are 8 of us living in this tiny tent and my daughters are getting sick because of the unsanitary conditions. we have no other options. this is the only place my phone. so i should a more than 1500000 palestinians. the vast majority displaced from the notes of the gaza strip are trapped in rough by 63 square kilometers food and all the essential supplies are scarce due to the is really restrictions on age entering into gaza.
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and often nearly 6 months of israel's will and gaza getting basic needs remains the daily challenge. he has a liability which is 0. the un secretary general says he hopes as well as cook to open new aid. colorado was cooling the situation and gaza, absolutely desperate. antonio lieutenant edge says long lines of a trucks remain stock on the egypt and side of it, off the crossing, having the entry to gaza restricted when the gates today that closed the doors through starvation. that opens martin and also the population over the 1000000 people are facing catastrophic tongue of children. go to the out of dying for lack of foods and lots of these easy, comprehensible and then finally advisable. nothing can justify the collect these punishments of the palestinian people. the european union's foreign policy chief joseph, but it has commented on plans for more adverbs and
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a twigs he said, following widespread condemnation of the killing of 7 will of central kitchen stuff is by the ideas and mounting international pressure is there any government will open some call it over for humanitarian aid, though he says it's not enough to prevent starvation in gaza, but a goes on to demand his role immediately implement the un security council resolution demanding the cx 5, which was adopted maybe 2 weeks ago. i mean the whole, this is alpha and southern gaza with more on how the announcement for additional age votes as being perceived within the past few wait weeks, people have been voicing concern and the frustration of the fact that the uh, whether it's the americans or other involved parties interested into providing him a 3 and it's resorting to alternatives like aaron dropping and constructing a temporary peer. the criticism was over the fact that there are land crossings that are available, but they have been virtually shut down by this really military. so theoretically
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speaking, when this decision is, is implemented, we're going to see a significant increase in deaf loving human atoria in it, but so far. and the problem is with the practical side of this decision, how is it going to be implemented? and is it going to be implemented properly or not? we know there was a meeting earlier this evening between these really military and organization 8 organization as here at the crossing. just the northern part of the gaza strip right at the entrance of the city of $800.00. we don't know what exactly in that meeting entails, but one element of it, it was the, the joint effort between these very military and these uh, organization 8 organization to ensure the flow of human at 3 and need to talk so far about close to 300 trucks coming in and that is, is still not enough, not nearly enough in the face of the growing family and, and the greater need of
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a larger desperate population as well as mandatory says it's dismissed to offices, hands as rep from ongoing 3, all those of the attacks on monday, which co, 7 for an aid worth is a dasa, the killings cause global outrage, including among israel's top allies. the armies of mission that it carried out, those drawings consist, joe biden says, future us support for israel will depend on it, doing more to protect civilians and aid workers. i'm the fellow who has moved from occupied east jerusalem on the investigation. and the reaction to israel's findings, a rare admission of wrong doing, might use rarely, military commanders say on air strike on a convoy and carrying humanitarian workers. was a serious mistake in violation of operating procedures. an internal is rarely army investigation, found the attack that killed 7, a personnel from the world. central kitchen, or w. c. k, was ordered despite
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a low level of confidence about the intended target. the investigations findings indicate that the incident should not have occurred. those who approve the strike were convinced that they were targeting arm thomas operatives and not w c. k employees. the strike on the 8 vehicles is a grave mistake, stemming from a serious failure due to a mistaken identification errors and decision making and then attack. contrary to the standard operating procedures. the army says to senior officers will be fired and several other senior commanders formerly censured the united states says civilians in dogs must be protected as israel pursues any military operations against from us. it has to prioritize the protection of civilians. it has to make that job. number one, too many people have been caught in this cross fire of
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a mazda is making children, women, man losing their lives. their safety has to be a priority of military operations, needs to be designed around their protection. but the world central kitchen says these really army cannot credibly investigate its own failures, and it deployed deadly force without regard to its own protocol chain of command emily's, of engagement. their apologies for the outrages killing of our colleagues represent cold comfort. israel needs to take concrete steps to assure the safety of humanitarian aid workers. our operations remain suspended after nearly 6 months of war is really forces that have killed more than 33000 people in the besieged calls the strip. the army has still not admitted to any unlawful killings from the central woods as ito occupied east jerusalem. you are an expert to one of the
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security council that waiting for famine to be declared and gaza officer. what happens is indefensible. it was possible an emergency amazing on the increasing risk of famine and gaza. and the targeting of aid was trying to ease the suffering caused by israel's war, gave it. and he's under reports from the un headquarters in new york. the un secretary general said it's not enough for israel to admit to killing 7 international aid workers with world central kitchen. the central problem is not only made the mistakes, it is the military strategy and procedures in place that to allow for those mistakes to multiply by and by the gate. at an emergency security council meeting to address threats to aid workers and increasing levels of hunger in gaza. the palestinian envoys rejected israel's claims. the strike on a convoy was a mistake. it is thought a good thing. those that the laws of war will establish to protect,
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save the children who preached the council on the experiences of humanitarians trying to prevent famine, rejected israel's claims they are trying to protect civilians. still pretending the protection of civilians is prioritize here. as we are overwhelmed with impediments, human life is not being prioritize, not the lives of civilians of children, and certainly not the lives of humanitarians. some council members said israel's practices leading to star vision are intentional. the strategy of collective punishment that is being inflicted on the palestinian people has incorporated starvation as a method of warfare. one un official suggested military support to israel should be conditioned on their compliance with international humanitarian law. and all the states must use delivered to prevent, stop populations of international law to diplomatic. i need to know the pressure
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conditioning problems that supports in compliance with the rules of below the rules of all of corporation and come back in chemistry. no action was taken at this meeting. that wasn't its intent. instead, council members unanimously agreed that those who provide humanitarian relief to those starving and armed conflict deserve to be protected and not targeted gabriel's on don't. how does either at united nations in new york, us president joe biden has sent lessons to the leaders of casa in egypt, urging them to press him off for a deed with his ro, my kind of has moved from washington dc. the president biden is reported to have sent letters to the leaders of kata and egypt, asking them to bring pressure to bed on her most to agree to an immediate cease fire to allow for humanitarian aid to get into gaza. and also to allow for the
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exchange of captives being held in gaza along with palestinian prisoners being held in as well. now this follows on to a conversation that the president had with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, in whom you also press to agree to a cease fire. now all of this is coming to a head at a meeting in cairo on sunday, when among others, the director of the c i, a william burns will be representing the us, as well as intelligence leaders from other parties to this ongoing crisis. they will be discussing the possibility of a cease fire along with ways in which to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into gaza. so this is a critical point, but very clearly the united states is now in box on a multi pronged way of attempt to get agreement on a ceasefire among all the parties. and this is something that did hopes will be
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achieved on sunday in cairo. now the us has made very clear that in order to get to mandatory an 8 into gaza, to alleviate the absolute crisis, the it is actually essential that a cease fire be put in place by kind of, i'll just sarah washington. the impression is now in mexico, as president says, his country will break diplomatic ties with a equitable this comes off to police in key to arrested form of weiss president hold hey, gloss was being seeking refuge in the mexican embassy offices, stone, the embassy on friday, taking blossom to custody. the re took place, hours off the mexican government to go on just him, assign him, deepened intentions, between the countries. very important there's. how was it the criminals, right in the mexican embassy in ecuador, this is not possible account, but it's madness. i think they took the form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed. there is no basis to do it. let's go to our correspondent
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model load apo. he's joining us on the phone from mexico says a many. what are you hearing about what happened at the embassy? a. hello, elizabeth, i just want to give you one quick update. you've already mentioned it there in your introduction, but the latest that we're hearing here in mexico is that the government of mexico will sever diplomatic ties with equity to work. this is certainly a dramatic development in would, you know, was already a tense 24 hours outside of mexico's embassy and keep the car the ecuadorian police on friday for simply broke into the, the mexican embassy where former ecuadorian president, jorge eyeglass, has been a beating arrest. since december hicks, as his is twice convicted and is accused of of, of corruption. she is the former vice president of former ecuadorian presidents, rafael, korea. and uh for, for his part he has sort of, uh, the defended his uh,
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his case the, the been uh, seeking diplomat diplomatic um, protection from mexico in the key bill since december. but he was only granted that uh, just days ago, the images that we've seen do appear to still be tense as follows again, but it was already attends 24 hours. what happened did catch many of us off guard, especially those who have been following the story at mexico's president, you know, had suggested that is an administration was considering bringing former vice president gloves to mexico. um, but again, i don't think anyone was expecting the police to forcibly break into the mexican embassy and 3 go to forcibly remove the former vice president of from that building is again, this is, this is sovereign territory. something that can very well have serious implications . yes. certainly a rationing of, of tensions 90. this is happening a day off to equitable expelled the mexican investor. the off to commons by
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president over the what about the election in ecuador last year? it is a fast moving story. there are different strands, give us the background. it is still a developing story, but several things have happened over the course of the last 24 hours. that sort of the brought us to where we are right now. as you mentioned on thursday, authorities and ecuador had previously ordered the expulsion of mexican and bassett, or like institute, that raid taking place. just hours after the mexican government had granted a former ecuadorian vice president who would take less political asylum i, i want to read you a statement published within the last hour on social media by a mexican president lopez of another who after he was informed of the forcible entry into the embassy, he says, this is a flagrant violation of international law and the sovereignty of mexico. which is why i have instructed our chancellor to issue a statement regarding this author word,
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terry and the act proceed legally and immediately declared the suspension of diplomatic relations with the government of mexico ecuador. so again, elizabeth, this is a developing story, but once again, when that certainly carries the potential a very serious implications body. thank you very much for that. that is uh mexico correspondents manuel apo joining us on the phone from mexico city. thank you. still ahead on our 0, russia makes gains deeper into ukraine as keeps as it's suffering from lack of weapons and military aid. the the to once again, if you look back from space, you'll see clouds shrinking across the raving peninsula. but he's basically saying highest because it doesn't really indicate generation of any showers. and indeed if
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you look at the forecast society, there are very few, the higher drive or west than you have been inside. you might generate, went through and they all stretching across towards re agile notice. and the something on the eastern side or took care of running into a room. but these are light shelves and nothing spectacular. otherwise, the client looking picture attempt is rising and $35.00 and q right $36.00 in baghdad. but it wouldn't stay that way about time. we get to sunday, there's a generation of winds, either the sand to the dust or pick up the potential for the sandstone, maybe in something the rock of q, right? temperatures will be about the same, but it's done to generate showers. now these blue blogs, and that's true, also sad to you, i'd be across to a spot right. possibly and cut that as well. sounds of that looks generally fine or month enjoying yourself, and maybe tropical pulse of africa would expect long range environment. that's what they call the seasonal range, moving slowly north, and certainly that right extends into you see a few bits and some of the, the heavy stuff is d r c again has to be expected. but for the size where we've had
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a failure at the seasonal range, they're coming back to mos on beacon. if you're lucky, zimbabwe. the north question, why happened? like the disk to areas where the foundation the the
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you're watching all just bear with me elizabeth put on inventory of mind to of, on top stories, the solid pressure is mounting on his route to deliver on trauma as an, as a new roots into gaza for food and humanitarian aid, as well as pledge to open the air as costly and came off for a phone call from us president george vida and un secretary general montoya gutierrez says that needs to happen quickly. one of the situation in gaza desperate latasha isn't so cold for an independent investigation into the kennings of 7 foreign aid workers by as well. some industry on monday, the un security council has met to discuss food and security in this trip. and why that security concerns in the middle east and the mexico as president and says his country with the brakes diplomatic ties with equitable comes off the police and key show arrested for my wife's president will take laws who had been seeking refuge in the mexican embassy office of storm, the embassy on friday,
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taking gloss to custody. russia has launched 5 miss falls on your claim, cousins, city of south asia, killing at least 2 people, and enjoying 19 others, including a 9 year old boy. the attacks damaged several residential buildings and an industrial facility. earlier russia accused cave of attacking these operation nuclear power plants, but ukraine denied at both sides of previously. it used each other of targeting the plant. a new client has launched one of his largest enrollment attacks on russia and weeks. officials say they've destroyed at least 6 military planes as an ebay, so the southern roster region must close as it repelled the attack by downing $53.00 drones child. stratford has moved from case you currently, miller trees dealing rushes claims. the russian full series of into the outskirts of the small town of chests. if you all a chest, if you all sit, sit around 10 kilometers west of buff moved
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a much larger cities. the coast of russia took control over in my last year. just if you all are, is it a high l evaluation? and that's one of the reasons why speculate it, it's taken russian full, sees so long to potentially if indeed this claim is true. get anywhere near that town we visited on numerous occasions last year and already the majority of the pre roll. $12000.00 people that live that had already left, but it wouldn't be a total inconceivable that many have either refused to leave all cattle to get out . meanwhile, the russians also claiming that they have taken full control of the village of the which is west of, of the washing forces took control of the vehicle in february again after a fist fight. and they have been making increment to games in that area. and a numerous other areas along the front line ever since the ukrainians will tell you that one of the reasons is because they have suffering such
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a massive deficit in weaponry, waiting for that money to be released. hopefully they say by congress in the us and for these promised weapons to start arriving from european nations. there's also been another rocket attack on the city of zach for risha. the governor of the regional governor of separation saying at least 2 people were killed in those attacks. 6 people injured, including a 9 year old boy child stop it. i'll just keep the thousands of protest is gathered in the rocky capital marked on could stay this the annual celebration of palestinian solidarity on the final friday of ramadan. what demonstrations reiterate of this solid, actually with the people of palestine. i'm condemnation of israeli occupation level that the law has reports from baghdad. the. 6
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the last, the friday obama, the who, the month of busting for muslims, marks the eclipse day of jerusalem day. this is an annual. okay. he's going to show solidarity with the people of science and to condemn these really occupation of the city and lance here in palestine street in the capital about about this street is his name, the palestine. these protested say they have civilized, got messages today. because on the iraqi government to spend diplomatic ties with the countries supporting is really the only to pay on the other nations to boycott products from the countries support thing isn't because you out my mind is a shame on the hypocrite international community, which takes part and murdering innocent women and children, all my old vicious means of killing and brutality silence about that is the worst
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crime they also hold on the international community to intervene. to put an end to the genocide. again, the people. c who say that i want to take this opportunity to g, social and sort of data with own nations is privately including dependence and for liberating deadlines. what is so special about this year's day is that it comes up to 6. 7 months of the state and committed to make them paid by as well. again, it does this with us and say that they blame some of redeem, still not doing enough to protect the people of was in fact they blame some out. i mean, as far as they say, collaborating with as well, in tightening of the siege, against the people of the size of the city. with this,
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i mean up to about limitation. fortunately, there hasn't been enough arrow support for guys us since a tobar 7th video, especially from jordanian and egyptian authorities who share borders with co sign. iraq has been one of the fittest countries in the world to rise up against the ministry campaigned by as well, against that as a. and these protests will say that they will continue protesting every friday until the minutes we campaign against the people of was stops. the u. s. president has pledge to have the force of baltimore reopened by the end of next month to live in spring to see the skate of the task ahead to rebuild the bridge. which collapse last week when it was rammed by a container ship from the she how baton z reports. president biden took an aerial tour of a site of the collision was briefed on recovery efforts and met with the families of a 6 construction workers killed. full bodies remain missing, such as the tangle of debris under the surface of the top. sco river divers have
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been unable to reach them. are 1st, as i have tried to reopen, the port is one of the nation's largest shipping hubs. as a top port in america both and then for the next porting of cars, light trucks, the number one simply put, the tractor has a significant impact everywhere. up and down the coast and around the country. falls of tons of michael still remain lodge and the water blockage. just moving in and out of the harbor to shallow travels have been established along some belgians and tugged boots to bypass the records in and out of the port of baltimore. authorities hope to have cleared enough debris to open a deeper trouble by the end of april and for normal for the operations, the resume by the end of may, some locals are skeptical that i think people here definitely bracing for a much longer shut down that paintwork is accounts for up to 30 percent of daily business, which i'm going to duck is a seafood restaurant. well, national and global supply chains of lodge, we've been unaffected by the full disclosure. the local economy is going to take
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a major hit with over a $150000.00 drugs, estimated to be dependent on the pulse operations in one way or another. it's pretty catastrophic, honestly. there's no way to say their code. it is really the backbone of the region, similar to steel workers and pennsylvania, coal miners and west virginia. i don't think there's a family in the region that doesn't have somebody that directly works in a port related position or job. more than 50 percent of imports into baltimore, destined for all the problems of us multiple local region. and the fear is that a prolonged pleasure of the poor for mean import is darn return. having a stablish will title to supply rates. the white house hasn't received assurances from several manufacturers that they will come back, but ultimately that will depend on whether this board does swiftly reopen. shepherd has the alger 0 multiple around 3000000 muslims have a depend, drawbridge to mecca,
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and saudi arabia to celebrate the holy as nice. and as long as the final friday of ramadan coincided with what's called the 9th of decree, cachimba who bought a explained significance yes, is the 8 because from friends has joined the video is making the big image. demeka says the truth is crucial for him. and his family as well somebody the d. it's moment the symbolizes peace. and unity as this is from a done. and it's friday. where else in the one who would be better than he has on his wife's, our ones that georgia i a to be part of the journey. all the plans is to play in advance to be able to visit the house of god and show my daughter the beauty around policeman and have been deployed sees early morning as crowds of worship.


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