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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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which is shined lights, that it's out and they move away, but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food. and the medicine never forgets the hello. this is in use our analogies here. i'm 40 back people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. much needed food is dropped into guys that but humanitarian agencies call on israel to open a land border crossing immediately to increase the flow of age 5 volts. mexico breaks off diplomatic relations with ecuador after police on the mexican embassy in quito to arrest. the former vice president convicted of corruption. also the salary
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targeting ukraine. second largest city will have the latest some khaki as midsize home, and again, i am. how should i let him know? worship is how congregated to commend the rate as long as holy as nights the . so thank you very much for joining is international pressure is mounting on israel to dramatically increase the flow of aid into gaza. 24 hours after pledging to open an alternative aid road will add drops have just been made. but agency say they are nowhere near enough to stop people from stopping. yvonne space to open israel's private place, opened the arrows of land crossing into northern guys that came after our phone call with us president joe biden. and guys of his skepticism over whether the plans will bring adequate relief to palestinians in desperate need. let's go live to our
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correspondents on the ground, honey. my mode who has live from a rafa. so israel had said it would open the arrows crossing into northern guys i what's the latest on that honey, and how much aid has gone in in the last few days the, the fall. it will so that what we're looking at is more of the fox, the and then more of that, the radically things are going to get better, hopefully within the company. the button in the, in terms of practicality, nothing on the ground is significant. nothing has a change within the past few days, and it's the fact that we're still seeing people are struggling on daily basis. theater over crowded southern part of this trip to find basic supplies, food supplies, and survival items is just an indication that nothing significant happened within the past week. then the fact that it was only uh, its regular amount of,
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of paid has been allowed so far. and the demise of attracts on the other side of the motor is just make it very difficult for people to coldwell with the would be very difficult living conditions are created by the ongoing, intense bombing campaign and along with the restrictions on the ground that has so far prevented aid workers of from doing their job and delivering, delivering much needed items and food supply. so large the best for it's a population in, in the northern part of golf is it is the, the situations are, are far worse than and just right now despite the fox and the, the alternative to propose they either by here dropping off. busy or, or it's constructing a, the temporary peer to provide more, it's people are still suffering from a spread of acute spam. and that so far has, has caused the death of a 30 children of the enforce dehydration and is part of ation. now everything
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sounds really nice then and it's slower in theory, but the problem is on the ground, we're talking about situations that are described as it's an emergency. that is a, it's a crime that is above the emergency level. that has been the byproduct direct me created by the intense bombing campaign in terms of logistics. it's impossible to be doing any of aids at food at delivery in the northern part and got to the day until there is a complete ceasefire and insurance. all right, safety for aid work or is that an aide seekers to receive a bunch of needed items so no changes when it comes to the humanitarian situation. what about the fighting, honey? what's the latest on that? and i am bold. the fighting continues in the air, air raids continue and there's tried 15 pound across the sent from the area and,
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and the city of pioneer and then the northern part and got the city out it's, it's directly linked to what's going on. more airstrikes, more attacks are leading to more of struction, of a human to turn in a, the whole a chain of events have lived into these catastrophic situations. and now with the shattered sense of, of safety and security. and right after the attacks on the w. c. k employees, a lot of people and donors and the volunteers at 8 workers undergrad are very discouraged unless there is a shortens of safety for them to continue working. the one that as long as we have it more air rates continued to happen and not nothing is going to change. more people are being injured that for the pressure on hospitals in the central area, for example, we have only one health facility that is the my operational right now. and the fact that it has turned into more of a refuge. you can because of the 1000 of people's filtering inside and has been but within the past few days as a side of a tax as well. where in journalist and, and,
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and patients and injures were killed inside the courtyard of the hospital on top of that date. and sufficient medical staff, but it just making it very difficult. the more bombings, the more we're seeing, difficult conditions are created on the ground that's going to prevent anything meaningful to change the course of people's life across the gaza strip. yeah. difficult conditions for the people of gas. i know that thank you so much, honey for the update that sanchez here is honey. my more to live in a rough on and me had a baby has more now on the desperate situation facing hundreds of thousands of palestinians in gus, off everywhere in rafa, in southern gaza display spell as the news have to cue for toilets for drinking water to try to get a piece of bread. these make shift scans are set to provide besides law schools, where most this place people in gaza, shelter the place is overcrowded and more people arise every day. monday to solve
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them. i 7 of them of the garden of the schools and now very over crowded like, don't want to receive us. so we have to get some of wood and we set up this tend to been optimized. sometimes we're not even able to get any water them and for the toilet. so they going out to have my wife and my daughters go to the schools in order to use that service. um, we don't have any toilets and for us the minutes because we're not even allowed to use the bathrooms, that the school is forced to leave their homes. they put together flimsy tens using separate plastic sheets which provide very little protection, causing many to become ill. the below and the head of the lead, which is the good the my daughter has been ill since the war began. the unsanitary conditions here with sewage and animals nearby have made her vulnerable to illness. she suffers from frequent bouts of flu and fever, and with limited medical health, an overcrowded living spaces, there is an immune and the rest of epidemics. diseases use spread easily,
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making it tough for families to stay healthy. incleanse tends notated when coming on this. so should we came to con eunice in life here is extremely difficult. there are 8 of us living in this tiny tent and my daughters are getting sick because of the unsanitary conditions. we have no other option. so this is the only place my found tyson feed more than 1500000 palestinians. the vast majority displaced from the north of the causal strip are trapped in rough, 563 square kilometers food and all the essential supplies i'll sketches due to the is really restrictions on age entering into gaza. and often nearly 6 months of israel's vote and gaza getting basic needs remains a day. the challenge he has a liability was a 0. the united nations secretary general says he helps his rallies quick to open. you 84 doors calling the situation in gaza. absolutely desperate. antonia gutierrez
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says, loan lines of 8 tracks, remain stuck on egypt. sions, side of the rafa crossing, having their entry to guys are restricted when the gates today that closed the doors through. starvation opens modeling off of the population. over to 1000000 people are facing catastrophic and children go to the dying for lack of foods and lots of these easy, comprehensible. and then finally, available. nothing can justify the collect these punishments of the palestinian people. the european union's foreign policy should. chief joseph for royal has commented on plans for more aid rhodes, in a tweet he said, following widespread condemnation of the killing of 7 wells central kitchen staff is by these really ami. and mounting international pressure is really government will open some core doors for humanitarian age. though he says it's not enough to prevent starvation and gossip around goes on to demand. israel immediately
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implemented the un security council resolution demanding a ceasefire, which was adopted nearly 2 weeks ago. and there was increasing domestic pressure on us president joe biden to hold weapons transfers to israel. ki ally and former house speaker nancy pelosi is among those of signed a letter from dozens of congressional democrats. the letter says in light of the recent strike against aid workers and the ever worsening humanitarian crisis, we believe it is unjustifiable to approve these weapons transfer. the letter goes on to say, if it's found that this strikes violated us or international law, those responsible must be held accountable. australias for administer, penny wong, has called for food accountability from israel for the heating or for an aide workers. and gosh, you certainly government has make see our expectations we expect full accountability for her, this and full that does the policy of her, the wealth,
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central kitchen colleagues who also perished with her. we believe these dates are awfully inexcusable. and clear practical action is needed to ensure all these tragedies never repeat. we have nicely of to we will liberally braced so that we have not yet received sufficient information to satisfy our expectations . the deputy prime minister and i wrote to our account of pots and not to raise right to strike these expectations. and opponents foreign minister has criticized these really investigations saying it falls short of assigning criminal liability for the death of a fully shaved worker in augusta. at 1st tested on the polar side is the protesting of given to these ready and pass. it says demands that the preliminary findings we now see be turns into criminal liability. and this case is so outrages. it is an exceptional case and the history of more than one. yeah. and the faith of thousands of people and helping others in various conflicts around the world will depends on
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the way this is so kind of as i'm bringing, i'll just here as well. the challenge in occupied is chosen bro, a growing international pressure as we heard the on israel to increase a and for accountability over the killings of the wealth, central kitchen aid workers. how are these really is responding to all this pressure coming from from all directions? 3, the above full. i think these riley is the higher things that, that investigation, the apology, that dismissals. and that permits that this will not happen again that they will learn from their mistakes. what allowed them to draw a line onto this incident, but that doesn't seem to be happening. yeah. now that the rest of the white house is that it is going to be watching very closely to make sure that he is round the lives up to its floods, vindicating the whole that is all happy. it would like to move on to but said elsewhere. there is still a huge amount of criticism coming in and the general feeling bad and is really
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internal military investigation falls and is ready, minute treat. incidents is not independent stuff that is not sufficient. sorry, with that. well, that's from the house. democrats is saying that this was a shopping lead, unacceptable mistake. and as we heard that these democrats, uh, taking bite into launch is our white house investigation into the instance with a wealth central kitchen. he's saying he wants for the moment, the lesser is almost always saying that he said withhold arms transfers to his route until certain conditions a mess. now, most of the democrats who sign this letter off to the left of the policy, but nancy pelosi is a big name, a big hits. i'm not suggest that the disposition is guiding something mainstream traction within the positive post right here. as we add that old side is saying that he's, he's got into a points,
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especially advise that's what with these raise to make sure that that investigation was done in a proper way. but essentially that i say that you don't like this. i don't think that this is sufficient enough and they want to see concrete steps. i want tables, lots of woods coming up the site, but at a moment's very little same pressure in terms of the actual measurable actions taken by these governments that is pushing pressure on israel, of interest, the criticism and israel really on a night over is of any rainy and retaliation after the attack on, on our, the reading consulate in damascus earlier this week. what's the general mood in the country about another possible front opening up of the well, i think the, the, the feeling and his route is that something is coming out. it could be significant and it's going to be something that will be coming most likely from iran itself. now, iran has permits to risk heavy. it's a couple of days ago,
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israel cold up at defense for service. i'm cancelled leave for combat units. i've started jamming gps in the countries that haven't been any public messages taken since then, but the general mood is one of anxious expectations. the head of the military intelligence out on leave and said that he was not sure that the west is behind us . i think the feeling of the moments in his routes is something like or have activities all that period off there. october the 7th where everyone was on edge and everyone was worried about what was going to happen next week. if it's your message is to stay calm, don't go out in panic fights done guarantee that i feel cough with gas that i'm buying most people on doing those things. but still, they're worried about what's going to be coming next. but looking at us reports sizing us military intelligence, fax it wrong, could be putting some sort of
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a big fire on shift shot head trojans in cruise, missiles like the russians doings in ukraine. so everyone is, is waiting really rolling. thank you very much for the latest the from occupied east jerusalem. let's discuss not all these developments with hass on very professor of international affairs at cottage university here and do have good to have you with us again house on on. i'll just hear, let's start with this pressure coming from all sides on israel to increase 8 into gaza for accountability of the killing of the wealth. central kitchen staffers. we've had this letter from congressional democrats. uh, we're calling for a suspension of a, of military, a transfer to israel also in the u. k. going and calls for uh, the suspension of on sales. so is routes. do you think this pressure is genuine and, and will these western countries actually change their policy towards israel? if israel doesn't change, the contact is contact on the ground and the task that was thankful that i think it
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is genuine for shows these days. and given what is what it has been doing, but at the same time we have to remember that the international community has been complicated with all these is really a mess that goes on genocide, war against together. and so by actually keep the keep repeating the mantra, that is a has the right to self defense is what has been can and give you one food in those work. i. so, i mean, those work that actually out of the, the victims of the kind of, in the international community comp, is it with this lady policies? is one point. the 2nd one, this is a change in him or i can see these days and you know when and that's the pro through and sign this letter a she is not like to the left leaning can politicians in the democratic party, which means that probably, uh, the whole political party is democratic party is moving a little bit into adopting disposition, so it doesn't become a mainstream position is not on the left leaning got groups in,
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in the default digital mr. by then needs to take this into account simply because he's going to let him in and the few months to come. and, and other than that development is the international committee now is saying, how tells you that they don't trust whatever and nothing else is going to do. so all of these investigation and that prop into the, into the accident will not be taken seriously as back in credibility and transparency. so they know that that's anyhow is and not listening to it to any one particular they're making, you know, they tell him, you know, you need to do this and you need to do that. you need to have to take care of, you need to take care of the material process. and he's, he's just not listening. he's continue. he continues the, what is it going to take? you think to make him list? i think what the volt and that is very important that if the condition supplying is level with what kinds of munition and that would would it be in the bathroom problem? i think this is the only thing that would probably pushing it anyhow to uh,
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to change course. and nathaniel, i just sent only the cost benefit on a um for me to. uh, so a fee heres old people criticizing him and no one is. uh, pacing the price tag on his policy that he will, he will not. so when i change that, we have also, uh today the c i a director william burns. i re, fortunately heading back to cairo, along with the heads of most sided should be negotiators from ca, top, egypt to engage in another round of ceasefire talks. do you see any movement on that front with everything that's happened this way? do you think it'll put more pressure on both sides? not just these ratings, but also how much? because we've heard by them, save that. uh, mazda also needs to agree to the terms of a sci fi is a more urgency. now for, for this to happen, i think, i think so, i think it, i mean, the 1st impression i would say same or similar because every time they me, they talk about, you know, changing position, but they continue business as usual. and then at the end of the data to assign the
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data. and now there's an international pressure in particular from the united states and both sides of you said correctly. he asked the media tells of the egyptian and because i used to put a lot of pressure on that house and he himself, who he talked. and if any of you said there shouldn't be a need for us, he's probably out in order to allow for him to turn in a so the whole comes with now hasn't become until his human attorney and chrisy that everyone wants to solve. yeah, regardless of what is talking about is 57, the defense and, and they need to dismantle how much and they need to release the how to no one is still kind of all of these things. now everyone, everyone sees guys as the rank of of a v and we look at best. ok. and everyone is also good, concerned about another front opening up with the fuse that yvonne will retaliate after the strike on its conflict in damascus earlier this week. fears in israel itself, which shows raise it to that level of the radiance until now have managed to
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distance themselves from this conflict. how do you think they might respond? because they have to respond right? how. what will be the extent of the response when both, both sides have been into a kind of a war between wars. i mean, the targeting each other. the using proxy is, i mean, the ratings have been using and who is the and has relying on to, to your us as well. and in order to annoy as well, they've been doing this even for october 7. i mean, we've had it below. and the question here that this is the 1st time that these writers attack is directly and iranian, i will say different watch the premises. and there any leaders understand that they need to tell you because if they fail to do that, and this will force a different question for them, they will have half time to onset. internally. i really can to predict where they're going to do, but if they should be on your end and retaliation maybe takes the proxies and do
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something. but this will not satisfy the uranium and the public. and i think of this time they will look for a target, maybe they will uh, talk insight as well. okay, pass on. always get good to get your analysis on the situation in gaza and elsewhere. thank you very much. hi, son. very professional international relations at katara university. or is there any soldiers have been preventing tens of thousands of palestinian muslims from praying at the 3rd holy a site in islam many a being stopped from leaving the occupied westbank to travel to occupied east jerusalem for ramadan. laura con reports this checkpoint and columbia refugee camp is the only access to those palestinians to an ox of bosque. on the final friday, the holy month of ramadan. this area would normally be bustling with tens of thousands of people this year. only does this da here and somebody being tons back
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those of it and send you. i'll also show you, i need the one to put them in front of me and they're kind of 72 years old. what do i need to pay that much for the upcoming? so i would have the site to worship a, but they don't respect the religion. possibly it listens, believe layla's arcada or the 9th decree is the who, the as night of ramadan, it's an important time to visit alexa was an 8 me to hi will stands in the way promising is our routine lead thoughts from traveling from here in the occupied west side to ok, the most can occupied is teresa. but this here is regulatory caesar and posing much tied to restrictions the only policy and fill out in a man over the age of $55.00 women over the age of 50. the type pot hiding that the check point here in columbia and that overlooked by x rays. so just so you can see many of them standing up on the hills above. on top of the age restrictions, policies must apply for permits and electronic tax via phone up. but many of the
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strongly before we schedule different, i've tried to come here and apply for the permit with my mobile from the application, but it seems faulty. so i've come to us people to help you. since the warrant golf has started in october, that's been an increase in check points and the tax for these ready minute treat. and settlers making travel more difficult and dangerous. one legal adviser tells us of israel consider results why these truths love, it's suffering territory that is recognized by the united nations. since 1967 is right, is violating international humanitarian law, but antics in jerusalem and preventing philistines from reaching it. especially during the holy month of ramadan and especially young people. so the, it's ready to check for you to say, to have a high me, there are many women who are above the age of 50 who haven't been able to enter through that to reach out to them off. so i'm going to speak to one of them out of how the miles could, why she wasn't able to attend to equity night. they told me i don't have
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a permit and i told them i applied but was refused. they changed the game and i asked for one on the spot. they told me to go home. palestinians here say the atmosphere as the most subdued betsy in 20 years. they blame increasingly aggressive is where the policies, the retention, the occupation of separating them from this sacred psych, north han, out to 0, colombia in the hope supplied westbank. the not to have a lot of news in mexico has cut diplomatic ties with ecuador. after police storm did send the scene, the capital quito, and arrested a form of vice president of a glass had been evading a rest in the mexican embassy since december is twice been convicted of corruption, but says he is the victim of political persecution. the embassy rate follows increasing tension between the countries and happened hours after the mexican
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government granted glass asylum. very important, there's how was it that criminals, right at the mexican embassy in ecuador, this is not possible economy. it's madness. i think i took the form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed. there's no basis to do it. i'll just here as manuel rap a little has more from mexico city. what happened on friday certainly did catch many of us off guard. earlier on friday, i had just finished filing a story regarding how mexico's president was considering a flight to bring glass from ecuador to mexico, waiting for authorization on that. i think many of us were, or are still quite shocked that things have escalated as much as, as they should. we should remember that for a country to forcibly make its way into the embassy. uh, its embassy, and another country. it is, uh, it is certainly a violation of international law,
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and this is something that could have a very serious implications moving forward. despite the, the, the delayed hours here, it's on this side of the world. we have already heard from mexico's president who has called this a flagrant violation. we've also heard from alicia, but as soon as she's the minister of foreign affairs here in mexico, who's speaking to reporters just moments ago saying that echo doors. government will have to assess what type of representation it will leave in mexico after the mexican government now has a separate diplomatic ties with ecuador, she added that mexico currently is not considering the expulsion of ecuadorian officials from mexico. but again, we're paying very close attention to what happens next. this is still a very a story that continues to develop. and again, the confusion is exactly what this means and what's coming next. let's speak to adrian. perez salazar about this is an attorney and a car. political columnist, attic window is largest daily newspaper and universe. so his joining us from black,
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you know, thank you for your time. so let's establish of what the law says for his present lopez open the door, says ecuador, violated mexico, sovereignty and international law. by storming the embassy and key to is that the case? what does international law say about us? and i think that, that, that is a case international is, is very clear that the embassies are, are not to be touched. and the, regardless of whatever justifications they put her in government that might have, which, which is we'll get to that. it is true that no, it is a case where the, the answers are not just just by that means. what about a doors argument that mexico was violating political asylum agreements by, by sheltering the form of vice president? right, i mean, so this is this, it, but i think it's a very clear that the vice president to do it. i mean, he's
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a convicted felon. he was being investigated for actual corruption and the in for, for many for door as if some like a mockery of justice. the, that he was a granted asylum in the, in the embassy, the glass and the locals. or are they wanting to go to, oh, i said in the ideological connection there and how well the cells that this was this was our way of, of making us, oh, allowing that somebody that has committed the crimes and it has to be convicted by or the just the system to be rented to solve them and give the message that being said, what, what the government has done. it is a violation of international law. the fact that the. busy is, does grievance, does not fall, at least under, joshua does not justify the forceful branch into an embassy. let's, let's just take a step back and remind our international audience of how we got to this point.
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jorge glass, the former vice president, i said he's being persecuted by echo doors. attorney general. can you remind us about this case and was this case against in fair? i mean, there, there is some debate, but the fact is that he was convicted. she was convicted for the corruption char as a relate to the rich. busy president, company and she, she was been investigated it down to order for up some charters. and even though some political sympathisers, having said that the trial was not fair. the point is that the, at least for the majority of it, the door as we do believe that she was a she is guilty and we do believe that she has to answer or in surprise. and so shortly, it really felt for a lot of the doors like his life in the face when it would mexico,
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when the mexican embassy allowed last to to, to stay there indefinitely. however, i must stress once i, once again the fact that it. busy is these disagreements which i believe to be legitimate to does not justify. the great thing, i'll think that our final and breaking in let's see what briefly why does this leave relations between mexico and act like or a would it get worse? do you think they, i don't think it's probably going to get worse. it's very hard to say right now it's, it is all developing very fast. so i will have to see you in the upcoming days. but to insert it, i mean, what has happened? it is very serious, it is something that is, i believe, unprecedented in, in, in, that's an american uh, a partial part, i think. so it gets going to be it, does this fairly very dire consequences? probably. yeah. it'll be interesting to see how this develops in the next few days in week. thank you very much for speaking to us. i adrian perez, such as a political columnist setup for doors, launches daily,
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newspaper and universe. so thank you for your time. a thank you very much, i'm still ahead on this. i'll just there and use our stranded on the shore in iraq . how fisherman say that being what out of work because of a territorial dispute with nathan the the, the miles and where, where the river, denmark's heading knolls chasing away the snow. that's full. and recently, in southern sweden, this is all part of spring typing north and you're definitely nice if your spring tire is represented in the next few days, at least by raw. the wall may not hold sunshine. so the picture instructor and then from 4 degrees this morning, maintenance has the day to 14 or 15. what about the average? by the time you get to the end of the weekend,
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the picture in paris is far more representative of most of your, at the moment have to say 26 degrees. dropping down admittedly, during sunday is this cold front come through this line here. but it's still above average. i'm just good way from the record has been out to you before. so there's a line on sunday that's bringing right into spain to the middle, the from baby low countries, but of germany. and his chase still came up to about 14 degrees this no, not intended on foot, she nowhere else, at least they don't everywhere, as warm sunshine and pots of greece and turkey. this bit of a breeze and there are a few showers and the bits of a breezes and could be exaggerated to rock for a loss of a wind bringing in north africa, particularly algeria sandstone potential is still hoffman as a hill, but it's being tempted to increasing me by showers further induct the this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive,
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sustainable tourism program in partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country holding small beauties that just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. examining the headline is there is felicity for flaws of life and unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a labor audience, only create it welts for women, come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility era. the, the
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the, you're watching the news, our on out you 0 reminder about the top stories much needed food has been dropped into guys i have by too many terry and agencies are calling on these route to open a line for the crossing immediately to increase the flow of a by road on thursday is rel, announced it will open. the areas for the crossing into northern guys are following pressure from us presidential bide in australia and pulling into accounting for full accountability from israel for the beginning of 78 workers in gaza. australian and tony square, cuz were among those kids when that convoy was targeted. israel as said be a time, was a great mistake. and in avenues mexico has caught diplomatic ties. we've ecuador after
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police, storm dates, embassy in quito, and arrested. a former vice president for my last was twice been convicted of corruption has been in the embassy since december evading right now, united nations expos have one to the security council that waiting for funding to be declared in gaza after it happens is indefensible. it was bought of an emergency meeting on the increasing risk of funding in gaza. and the targeting of aid work is trying to is a suffering caused by israel as will give a zone to re, for some un headquarters in new york in the un secretary general said it's not enough for israel to admit to killing 7 international aid workers with world central kitchen, the central problem is not only made the mistakes, it is the military strategy and procedures in place that allow for those mistakes to multiply by him and by the gate. at an emergency security council meeting to
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address threats to aid workers and increasing levels of hunger and gaza. the palestinian envoys rejected israel's claims. the strike on a convoy was a mistake. is the it is thought of getting those. the laws of war will establish to protect, save the children who preached the council on the experiences of humanitarians trying to prevent famine, rejected israel's claims they are trying to protect civilians. still pretending the protection of civilians is prioritize here. as we are overwhelmed with impediments, human life is not being prioritize, not the lives of civilians of children, and certainly not the lives of humanitarian. some council members said israel's practices leading to star vision are intentional. the strategy of collective punishment that is being inflicted on the palestinian people has incorporated starvation as a method of warfare. one un official suggested military support to israel should be
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conditioned under compliance with international humanitarian law. and all the states must use delivered to provide a lot of issues of international law to different methods. i need to know big picture conditioning problems expo. so in compliance with the rules of below the rules of all of corporation, you come back in chemistry. no action was taken at this meeting. that wasn't its intent. instead, council members unanimously agreed that those who provide humanitarian relief to those starving and armed conflict deserve to be protected and not targeted gabriel's on don't. how does either at united nations in new york, columbia has asks to join south africa as genocide case against israel. i've been joshua court of justice, columbia called on the us highest score to ensure the safety and very existence of
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the policy and people. last week i, c, j judges ordered israel to take all necessary actions to ensure basic food supplies, reach casa noise, or israel reject south africa's case and say, the genocide convention is being abused. it's about a simian couple. has been describing how they manage to flee the war in gaza and get to to kit seen him go see who has this story from his stumble layer and my mother gave us uni, were reunited with their son, her son, and his stumble. last february. they have been trapped in gaza after the war broke out on october 7th. speaking about their old deal is still paying for the people of the city. but i could not make any things to go to go this to be the physical done the physical to pick. everything's
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mohammed was the former chief officer at gauze, us biggest hospital of sofa, which became the focus of freelance. this is riley attacks. so which of those are good? because the, the, the hoses vista, the elbows soon as were forced to leave their home and bade her known in northern garza and stayed in a clinic. they used to run in gaza city where they also hosted those of other displaced people. and what kind of come on my, you know, add number to my yeah, there was no water and no gas. we burned our clinics furniture to have something to cook on. my husband is sick. he needs medicine. oh, sure. aaliyah and mohammed had been during most citizens since 2011. the oldest son lloyd, who is a space engineer in the us, got help from the turkish authorities to evacuate them up until that point. he said he felt helpless. you know, i mean, since i mean something wrong, so why you know,
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and that is, i cannot use the water to my parents. while the human rights groups are demanding to know why they is really, it has not opened more crossings into gaza palestinians who evacuate to say the ones left behind have few means to survive. we're not on the model, so we're on the roads. this is the, it's web based, so that is them see despite having escape the war, the soonest they, these thoughts and prayers are still with their full of palestinians. in garza who continues to suffer. seen up to solo elders who were stumbling the war and ukraine . now in russian drone and miss sol strikes have killed 6 people in ukraine, 2nd largest city. others were injured in khaki residential areas where hit along with administrative buildings and a petrol station. i'll just here is sean stratford. his monitoring developments from the ukrainian capital case is not allowed. scarlet type by russian forces
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concentrated on ukraine, 2nd largest city, color cave. you kinda know socrates a saying that the russians, 532 shaheed kind of caused the drones and 6 missiles at the city. they managed to intercept the 28th of those drawings and 3 of the missiles, but they're also saying that at least 6 people have been killed in these attacks and 11 others injured. we fully expect potentially, for that death toll to rise in the coming hours. you current and those are just saying that at least 9 a high rise buildings will hit and these attacks will ensure as to whether it was the intersections the folding debris that caused the casualties. it's very difficult to say the stage, but we have seen photographs on area of car cave over night to the buildings in these photographs completely destroyed. as emergency workers try to put out the blaze and rescue. we understand people trapped inside. now, let's just say this is just the latest important. it's become,
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frankly unlikely. nike attacks by russian for just concentrating on car cave, 2nd largest city in ukraine. now the credit and it says what it's trying to do is create what it describes as a safety zone around that border area around the russian city of belgrade. where you, cranium, we understand power, military is a being launching attacks in sides of rush here. it says that the russian was saying that these are revenge attacks for those assaults with most of them in the last couple of days and an announcement by the kremlin that they was going to be and evacuation of thousands of children in that area. meanwhile, as i say, these are now unlikely attacks on the car keys, no sign of any kind of risk spite whatsoever. although we've seen the tax and the last couple of weeks, right, the way across you cried very much so talk if now being focused on so we can fully expect a more tag, some potentially more civilian casualties in potentially even be ours. and at least days to come, travel stuff which is 0. keith. all right, we want to show you know,
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some nice pictures from context on where so use caps was just return from the international space station. it's carrying astronaut laurel, or hire cosmonaut or leg novit ski, and marina valley best kaya of bed of whose international space station still sees corporation between the united states and russia despite tension over ukraine. the 1st model of the i assess was launch in 1998. it says as an over to a laboratory providing a unique environment for scientific studies that cannot be replicated on. so i head on algae 0, unveiling the wells newest, karen, see, but can the zig rescues in 5 ways from the economic chaos the these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of coal bleaching in
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the great barrier reef bleaching a true spring moment ocean temperatures and pollution 1st call to expel the algae to get the color range of color at extreme or in his wife. over an extended period of time means some structures have been severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full, a mass bleaching event. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months, warming sea surface temperatures have caused bleaching events in the northern hemisphere and the and then your conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist, jody rama, says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an organ assigned to the biggest cro system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it the
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. the welcome back now to the contested waters between kuwait yvonne and iraq finale 20 is the rocky fisherman has been running into trouble with kuwait and a brand new and patrol boats and many have lost their jobs as my mood. after a while i had re for storm pastor so the rise in this, although you walk you see of bus law is when fishermen at l file harbor unload the catch. the holes are small of these days. the result over huge no matter the time dispute an increasing number of fishermen, a looking for other work on a hardy and my job,
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i quit because iranian and created cost cut that shows with beating us, you know, shooting at us and smashing. i'll both learn for some of my colleagues are still suffering from the injured with. this job is not safe in the bottle. fewer boats, me less proud use for c. that's market. traders say it business used to be booming, is now at a new standard still to send me a. so a ton of said, i've worked here for almost 20 years. we used to receive between 25 and 30 tons of fisher day. that's dropped to about $10.00 to $15.00 times in september, iraq, supreme court, i'm all of a decade old agreement was quite on sharing the hold of the low want to way the 2 countries only maritime linked to the goal of tension surrounding the shuttle out up river between iran and iraq, which we get across to the war in the 1980s, also posed a threat. a fisherman here say they used to fish all across the gulf
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and beyond. but increasing aggression. an interception by grady and iranian coast to go to the vessels aforesaid, hundreds of boats out of service. the dispute would begin after the fall of saddam hussein in 2003 and has worse and, and reason to use that as a model. the number of fishing bites has dropped from nearly 4000 to only a few 100. hundreds of fishermen have quit and no official has bothered to come and ask about the problems with facing the land border between a rock and wage was deem located by the united nations in 1993. but the amount of time boundaries remain unresolved. and with them, the future of many, fisher mean would have to do, i just see it on a bus at all. southern iraq the us present has place to have the
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port of baltimore reopened. by the end of next month, joe biden has been to see the scale of the task ahead of a rebuild. i had to rebuild the bridge, which collapse last week when it was rammed by a container ship shepherd tons. 8 reports. president biden took an aerial tour of a site of the collision was brief during recovery efforts and met with the families of the 6 construction workers killed. full bodies remain missing, such as the tangle of debris under the surface of the top. sco river divers have been unable to reach them, or 1st is that prior to reopen, the port is one of the nation's largest shipping hubs. and it's a top port in america both and import and export, and the cars light trucks, the number one simply put the impact here as a significant impact everywhere. up and down the coast and around the country. a thousands of tons of michael still remain lodge and the water blocking shifting, moving in and out of the harbor to shallow channels have been established among
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some boulders and tugged words to bypass the records in and out of the port of baltimore authorities hope to have cleared enough debris to open a deeper trouble by the end of april and for normal for the operations, the resume by the end of may. some locals are skeptical though i think people here definitely bracing for a much longer shut down that paintwork is accounts for up to 30 percent of daily business, which i'm going to doc is a seafood restaurant. while national and global supply chains of large, we've been on affected by the ports closure, the local economy is going to take a major hit with over a 150000 drugs. estimated to be dependent on the pulse operations in one way or another. it's pretty catastrophic, honestly. there's no way to say to code it is really the backbone of the region. similar to steel workers and pennsylvania coal miners in west virginia. i don't think there's a family in the region that doesn't have somebody that directly works in a port related position or job more than 50 percent of inputs into baltimore
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destined for all the problems of us, not the local region. and the fear is that a prolonged pleasure of the food for me import is during real time having a stablish alternative supply rates. the white house hasn't received assurances from several manufacturers that they will come back, but ultimately that will depend on whether this board does swiftly reopen. shepherd has the al jazeera, both in new york and other cities in the northeastern. united states have been shaken by a red earthquake. no major damage was reported by millions of americans felt its effects. christian slow me rifles. a 4.8 magnitude. earthquake gave me yorkers paws on friday morning. i felt my bad shape. that's new lately. um . i mean, i was just laying in bed and suddenly i like it pushing me to the side. and i, i, oh my god. i was scared. i've never felt one before because i grew up in new york
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and we don't really have them often. so i thought it was a train personally, and then it just kept going. the city that considers itself the crossroads of the world, just 80 kilometers east of its epa center. here in new jersey where these coffee shop customers decided to take it to go. and then i started getting text from my friends i did you send me? yeah. the earthquake wasn't enough to stop in emergency security council meeting on gaza then it present. i'm ok to continue. what city and state official spring into action warning of possible aftershocks. this is one of the largest earthquakes on the east coast occur in the last century. so i immediately directed my emergency management team. the 2nd we received word of this to start doing damage assessments . any life in danger. the holland tunnel under the hudson river into manhattan was
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closed for inspection and air travel at local airports was briefly grounded. but no major damages reported. earthquakes here on the east coast are relatively rare. the last time there was something comparable, was 1884 when a 5.2 magnitude quick struck the city. that said a recent study by columbia university warns that even greater magnitude quakes are more possible here in new york than scientist previously thought. christian salumi al jazeera new york on the walls newest guarantee has been unveiled in zimbabwe. the zig, which is a short name for as in baldwin. gold replaces, is in baldwin donna, its last around 75 percent of his found you this year. as innovation stores and decades of economic crisis worsens, which costs every for somehow daddy. people have just heard the news and by way now
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has a new car and see another one. and this one is called zoom gold. or zig that i g. people have 21 days to change these notes to the new knows that will be coming soon and every time there's a new car and see change in zimbabwe, people get another, then use the cutting z. as for me, for now i don't really know how he's going to help us in the future, or is, does it, do you ition or for how we're be next we didn't define it. just tell you in this country. i don't know if it's going to help us the good for us officials as a central bank, hope that this new car and see it will help stabilize the markets in rain in inflation for the big question is, is it going to what it could work? the short term or lease they maintain discipline and they stay away from printing and they need to also guarantee um couldn't visibility between that and us dollars . um it might not work because they yes, dollar balance is a very small, 90 percent is on your sd. so 10 percent really everyone is looking for us the so
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that will not stop the demand for us dollars above and have been here before prior to changes every couple of years. and when the car to change is sold as a name, for example, they used to be such a thing called special ed gro tech, and then they moved to be called barricade for the implied notes in ocoee, j, 6 cetera, etc. and now when these new notes come to 60 days from the signal most and bob was to try and change them to install it before they get hit by installation. costs out of their to around $3000000.00 muslims have visited, mccain's, found you rape yet to celebrate the whole year's night in islam. the final friday of ramadan coincides with what's called the night of decree. hashim, i have bars there and explains its significance. yes. is the 8 because from friends hasn't joined the video is making the big image to my guy says the trip is
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crucial for him. and his family saw some of these d. it's moment the symbolizes piece. and unity as this is from a done and it's friday. where else in the one who would be better than he has all his wife's, our ones that georgia, i a to be part of the journey. all the plans is to play in advance to be able to visit the house of god and show my daughter the beauty around policeman and have been deployed seized early morning. as clouds of worship is gone, the full fly day brands facade you is sold with these unexpected. almost 3000000 worship is what the school, the 9th of degree is the highlights, overall, not done. and as the sun sets and to begin as long as healthy as night worship is we'd be devoted to prayers and suspense inflation, almost loans from all over the well, it's a rat privilege being here in america. then those say to replace the journey is
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bought from over as bush depots. we spend the entire day a night here, pray, remembering loved ones and hoping once this is over, there was get a chance to start a new life. just the unity of people and the diversity and how everyone's will together is the higher ups of those papers with the same amount. but as one of the comes to a close in a few days, did grooms take a few moments between the prize to buy gifts and souvenirs of delilah has been selling the fuel for 40 years. he hopes for more customers this year. i am looking for a precious gift for my kids in it's in and my parents and no julia. i'm sure they will love it. the areas around the heart of them is lambs, most sacred side. i packed all my life, an optional pilgrimage. but over the last few decades,
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the number of muslims traveling to mac uh, during ramadan has been pushed about about on 0 back. and that is a news for now on algae 0, but do stay with us. i'll be back in just a few minutes with more on today's top stories. thanks a lot. on counting, the cost is economy is on the vines, but the nation's wealth gap is whitening us as spending millions of dollars to clean up its industrial facilities. plus millions of uses around the world will now have to buy microsoft office without counting the cost on out of the era. why have american evangelicals become his real strongest backer? is us president joe find the right to stand with this real with no red line? as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real simple on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's
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like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand in a simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated. most of those people actually let me have these days at the will. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland, best produces the best spaces and those of the people to ireland in order to be able to get that message out to the world with every donation given with every hearts that cancel, we are changing lives in palestine showing that's loved the days you donated. we delivered upon the ship. we'll be in bringing you husband loves to palestine for all to see said donate with confidence. knights with outcast foundation,
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we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts, that's time the much needed food is dropped into guys, but humanitarian agencies call on israel to open a border crossing immediate leads. we increase the delivery of age by boat. the you're watching allergies here, life from don't have with me for the back. people also coming up pressure grows on western ice to stop sending more weapons to israel after the killing of 7. a to work is not.


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