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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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sides of the on the you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters and they'll find teddy navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. much needed food. aid is dropped into gaza, but humanitarian agencies call on israel to open a land border crossing immediately to increase the flow of age by roads. pressure in grows on western allies to stop sending more weapons to israel after the killing of foreign aid workers. mexico cuts diplomatic ties with ecuador after police storm the mexican embassy in quito to arrest. the former vice president's convicted of corruption. at least 6 people are killed in the latest russian stray called the
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ukrainian city of car keys in support. next step and makes it full polls for full races in formula one, the 3 time world champion goes quickest apps, added sundays of japanese comp rate. the international pressure is mounting on israel to dramatically increase the flow of food and to go. so after a pledge to open an alternative aid routes or more, a drops have been made on saturday. but 8 agencies say they're nowhere near enough to stop people from starving israel's plants to open the air. as land crossing into northern garza followed a phone call between prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the us president joe biden. but in gaza, many are skeptical. the plans will bring adequate release to palestinians who are
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in desperate need planning before the joining us not from deaf with an update. so israel says that it's committed to opening these aid routes. but what's happening on the grounds? have you seen or heard that any aid has been coming in through these roots? the, the yes very well, not only it's not an adequate amount of food aid for putting the human to do it. trucks are being allowed into the gas or but the fact that where there is ongoing artillery selling and air strikes, sticking and play, it's mainly in the central area. and the northern part, the very particular area. there are talks about opening atlanta crossings or from the northern part that's at the entrance of a new and city. it's hard to imagine how this is going to be implemented on the ground. and for the majority of people whom we, we talked to get their reaction is just b, believe it's a distraction by these really monetary it's all the talk to the media that they are committed to the operating atlanta crossing. and in short,
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the smooth globe and human it turned in a but the same time thinking of all that on a predictable fall in bonds and the ongoing air strikes in the central area and the eastern part of the city, the northern part of this trip, the question remains here in terms of the mechanism that has been largely broken when it comes to the letter varying, ate too much needed. desperate population right now, so not only just a little amount of food since the beginning of this genocide award, but right now the practicality on the ground. it just doesn't make really a lot of sense to people here. why? so you got the same time the ongoing, restrictive, because more bonds on the ground means there are restrictions. there is 0 safety guarantee for 8 workers. there is 0 guarantee safety for the aid seekers to get at distribution points and receive this where people are expressing here the frustration is unless there is an actual immediate and we'll see inspire the whole talk about humanitarian aid and food supplies. getting to people who are struggling
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with permits, it is not going to happen any time soon. honey. look, you were mentioning that the ongoing bombing across different areas of the gaza strip. tell us a little bit more about that and, and the aftermath of this bombing, the will, all of there is none. stop. there is ongoing non stop constant artillery selling of the eastern part of the gods for that is part of from the northern part where the, the crossing is area the crossing and the northern part of the city of baton on all the way to the southern part of the gaza strip and we're looking at is tragedy and efforts to establish of the buffer zone. and that has reduced at one kilometer depth. and the gauze and strip eating got about 16 percent of the total area of the goss. i'm just making it very difficult on this buffer zone is going to get rid of
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all the land, the crossing at 4 of them or including the high crossing into further foot. but all the east or across that because they're going to be virtually close with this buffer zone, just further increase the difficulty and the impossibility of getting it into the ground. this is couple with ongoing ears, right? in defense from area, mainly directv comes into western parts of the gulf in the wizard of essentially and the fight out right. you got the eastern part of the areas by safety and area, particularly designated as the area since the beginning of the war for people to evacuate to the good as it is. they've had been targeted for out of the eastern part of the city where people literally, for the past few weeks been running for the like the one neighborhood to another lee in the fall in bonds and the air strikes the end up being killed in these residential homes that they are is filtering in their reports of many people ending up in the hospital, it with the various injuries,
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but there is the risk of them losing their life and coming to their ones because of the absence of the proper adequate medical intervention. and the acute shortage of medical supplies and these health facility. okay, honey, thank you for that update from alpha in gaza. he knew how to lie, but he has more on the desperate situation. hundreds of thousands of palestinians are facing and gaza everywhere in rough or in southern gaza, displace palestinians have to cue for toilets for drinking water to try to get a piece of bread. these make shift scans are set to provide besides, the schools were most displaced. people in gaza, shelter the place is overcrowded and more people arise every day. monday, to solve them, have 7 of them of got into the schools and now very of the crowd, and they don't want to receive us. so we have to get some of wood and we set up this tend to been optimized. sometimes we're not even able to get any more time and
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for the toilet. so they go without my wife and my daughters go to the schools in order to use that service. um we don't have any toilets and for us the minutes because we're not even allowed to use the bathrooms, that the school is forced to leave their homes. facebook to get the flimsy tens using separate co plastic sheets which provide fairly little protection, causing many to become ill. the low on the head of the lead, which is the good, the, my daughter has been ill since the war began. the unsanitary conditions here with sewage and animals nearby have made her vulnerable to illness. she suffers from frequent bouts of flu and fever. and with limited medical health and overcrowded living spaces, there was an immune and the rest of epidemics. diseases use spread easily, making it tough for families to stay healthy. incleanse tends notated when coming on this, so we have no other options. this is the only place we found. we surrounded by
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sewage and animals, and it's affecting our health. my younger daughter has been sick since we arrived here and i can hear the more than 1500000 palestinians. the vast majority displaced from the notes of the causal strip are trapped in rough by 63 square kilometers food and all the essential supplies are scarce due to the is really restrictions on age entering into gaza. and often nearly 6 months of israel's will and gaza getting basic needs remains the daily challenge. he has a liability was the 0. the un secretary general says that he hopes israel will quickly open new aid. cory doors calling the situation and gaza. absolutely desperate. on trying to get terrace as long lines of a trucks remain stuck on the egyptian side of philadelphia crossing when the gates today that closed the doors through starvation at opens martin and also the
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population over to 1000000 people are facing. get this cut off the tongue of children got upset to the dying for lack of foods and lots of these easy comprehensible. and then finally available. nothing can justify the collect these punishments of the palestinian people. the european union's foreign policy changed. joseph burrell says, plans for more aid roots don't go far enough in a tweets. he said, following widespread condemnation of the killing of 7 world central kitchen stuff or is by the is really army. and mounting international pressure is really government's will open some court orders for him mandatory to aid, but he says it's not enough to prevent starvation in gauze though. we're all goes on to demand. israel immediate the implement a un security council resolution demanding a ceasefire. that was adopted nearly 2 weeks ago, while domestic pressure is increasing our president joe biden to stop the weapons
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being sent from the us to israel. she ally on former house speaker announced below c, as among those who signed a letter from dozens of congressional democrats. the letter says this in light of the recent strike against aid workers and the ever worsening humanitarian crisis. we believe it's unjustifiable to approve these weapons transfers. it goes on to say, if it is found, the district violated us or international law, those responsible must be held accountable. well, australia is for administer. penny wong has called on israel to respond with full accountability for the killings of, for an aide, workers and gaza. an australia national was among those who was killed. you certainly government has make see our expectations. we expect full accountability for her, this and full that does the policy of her, the wealth, central kitchen colleagues who will side parish with her. we believe these dates
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are awfully and exclusive and clear practical action is needed to ensure all these tragedies never repeat that. we have made clear of to we will liberally braced that we have not yet received sufficient information to satisfy our expectations, the deputy prime minister and i ride to our account to pots, either not to raise right to strategies, expectations on poland. foreign ministry has criticized b. is really investigation saying it falls short of assigning criminal liability for the death of a polish aid worker in gaza. is at 1st tested on the polar side. is the protests? no given to these ready and pass, it says demands that the preliminary findings we now see be turns into criminal liability. and this case is so outrages it is an exceptional case in the history of more than one. yeah. and the faith of thousands of people in helping others in various conflicts around the world will depends on the way this is. so let's cross over to occupy the service, live and speak to our correspondent role. each house are worried. as we're hearing
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. there are a growing international calls on israel, not only to increase age, but also for accountability over the killings of the, for an aide, workers, any sign about this is pressuring the is released at all the well, i mean, we have heard from these fridays during the day all going to wiping off this new a car door from ash dogs through the air as crossing into gaza. but apart from that, so i think these right, these are thing that's with the investigations, ministry, ones that are apologies, that dismissals. and that promise that they will not unless these, from this i think the whole thing that i can draw online onto the w. c. k. incidence of the people that i see that white i now i basically we do have the white house saying that they are going to make sure i keep watching uh make sure that his route is uh good. so its what's that implies, i think that the white house, although it's upset, so those angry with these routes would also like to move on. but lots of other
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people die once again. this is less than that. we've had from congressional democrats in the us, basically saying that the w. c. k incident was as a for the internet to a shockingly unaccessible mistake. they want the white house to investigate that, incidents. somebody divide this at the y d s. they also want to withhold the, the supply of homes to israel, dependent on certain conditions that that is where i would have to meet certain obligations for home supplies and starts off again. and then we also have uh this, uh sorry, i just want that so that the nancy pelosi is a big name in the united states. big name and the democratic policies. so she's an ally of j 5 each. and that suggests that this less the rates sort of the 5 for the position investors becoming a more mainstream position with demographics. australia is saying that the ones
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that especially advise that to work with the is ready is to make sure that the investigation they've done in minutes for investigations is not whitewashed. how does being done transpired is that they're not happy with the events at the moment though. these are kind of what it's really and, and so we do see conditionality, seats puts on the supply weapon rates. all right, so it's ralph. and so we see any problem the sanctions on the as well. i think benjamin netanyahu think that he can drop this one frame. right. okay. and rory, we know that there was a new round of negotiations taking place in cairo soon. or what are you hearing from your end? yeah, another rounds isn't because we had one fairly recently last week it broke off with no real progress being made at the how mass position. as far as of understand it was that these rates proposal hadn't changed from previous ones. and they didn't really see any particular needs to give it a full response, but the americans and the chip sions,
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and the categories wants to keep the momentum going sides. we, on the spams fast c, i a direct said shouldn't backs at most side representatives. i came back to the car, arrives for more tools, but the how much position is that the is right is being in transcripts. these ready position is that how much is making delusional demands that we can guide you through what those positions are and see why that side firefox environments. how much, what's a full withdrawal if it's ready for us to cause a once a permanency spots, there wants to be a ton of displace patterson needs to northern concepts. it was an increase substantial increase in a, in the rebuilding of the state. and it wants to release. ringback of an unspecified number of palestinian prisoners for miss ray details in exchange for a $130.00 plus is right. is that how much is still holding in god? nothing. you know who dies says that the war will not stop? what is the spot of what will continue the white race quotes on quite spot is ready, consent is to be terrorists. and israel, i'm sorry, and the minute truth is no one's civilians was heading to the north,
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just the so you can see how far apart these 2 positions off a why these tools haven't yet produce any significant breakthrough. okay, well we thank you so much for that update from occupied is tourism as well. now i'm bringing how somebody who's a professor for international affairs at katara at university. welcome back to elgin 0. how will these developments that we're seeing the international pressure on benjamin netanyahu, as well as biden's phone call to him, affects the cease fire talks that are going to take place. we're on a fill this moment during we can talk about samuel samuel because every time they me, they talk about the progress. and then all of a sudden, you know, is really, is pulled out and say, how much is the and change and what they call delusional. demand so i think but there's and new development here which is the intent. and then like out with the, with the letter was sent by some congressman including nancy pelosi, which is,
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you know, she was at least because of the, the, over the congress and the, and the past. so she has, has a hair on status with an american politics and the criticizing binding because of, of who's supposed to teneo. i'm check support. so she wants to kind of consider conditionality. and because you understand that any on defense, only the language of the cost and benefit, but does this actually pressure president biden? because up until this point, he's resisted these calls from his democratic party. i understand, but the cold now becomes a kind of mainstream. and prior to that, it was seen as the lift cleaning demand by the left part of the democratic party, but now was not see that it was this tipping. and i think this probably change the dynamics within america. but again, you know, a binding is more concerned about his re election and in a few months to come in november. and so he might change course. i'm just saying that he might. right, yeah, yeah, you might like sans again, just as well. but he will of think he would be more how harsh with his right is.
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okay. so are you saying that the more that biting this pressure and then in turn, the more in that time? yeah. who is pressure? the case is by then condition providing is low with diminishing and working with was nothing he has compliance with the american demand. i think it's in the i will change course because nothing is known as someone who's only, you know, talking as appearing as he is in defiance. but if there is a price tag here would you would, given why doesn't take the desk of for an aid workers for all these international condemnations and growing pressure on, on nothing else. i think it was building up. i mean is not only the floor workers or the 7, whatever it was building up over the last month. we've seen a lot of international critique on his rent for not taking care of the material and the mention of the fives and those of the civilians. because now and nothing else is spending to invades off behind, everybody's sending him back. you know,
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we have probably 11.3 or 4000000 people. you have to take care of with that. and he is not providing any plans to everyone is afraid of anything you all might move in and evaluate is that sort of way and that's so it was building up. but there's one thing down, and i want to mention that to you for the 4 people, the 488 work as well with the field. and 8 workers said there were 71 with palestinian 6 or 4 and it was killed by these ways. but there was, it's actually the outcome of the international companies. it was none and nothing else because there was no pressure enough for him to stop the war from the very beginning from the get go. and it kept cutting. they've had a scene and then cutting thousands and thousands and thousands and so he feels those people. so i think the international community is, is profit and this crime against those at 8 o'clock. okay. somebody. thank you so much. i the israeli police or fire to your gas at palestinians praying at the ups on mosque and as long as holy as night's
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worshippers allowed access to the compound had gathered to pray through the night to mark the last friday of almost done at least one palestinian man is reported to have been injured in scuffles with the police, and another 16 palestinians were arrested outside the compounds and is really or striking to hit the town off out of noon in southern lebanon. there are no reports of casualties over the past 24 hours, 7 fighters from hezbollah on their allies. the amount of movement were killed and is really, or strikes has been the have also launched several attacks into israel since friday, including firing a rocket into the gallery and targeting is really soldiers on the border. the in other news, mexico has cut diplomatic ties with ecuador, the softer police in ecuador rated the mexican embassy, and they arrested ecuador,
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his former vice president horse, a gloss who had been evading detention in the mexican embassy since december. he's twice been convicted of corruption. he says he's the victim of political persecution. li, obviously rate follows increasing tension between the countries and happened hours after the mexican government grant of gloss asylum music. a movie of them being in mexico analysis, the immediate suspension of diplomatic relations with ecuador, in this sense, mexican diplomatic personnel, and that would, or will leave the country immediately. mexico expects ecuador to offer the necessary guarantees for the parting mexican personnel. mexico will appeal to the international court of justice to hold ecuador accountable for violations of international law. might of apollo has more from mexico city of what happened on friday certainly did catch many of us off guard. earlier on friday,
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i had just finished filing a story regarding how mexico's president was considering a flight to bring glass from ecuador to mexico, waiting for authorization on that. i think many of us were, or are still quite shock that things have escalated as much as, as they should. we should remember that for a country to forcibly make its way into the embassy. uh, its embassy, and another country. it is, uh, it is certainly a violation of international law, and this is something that could have a very serious implications moving forward despite the, the delayed hours here it on this side of the world. we have already heard from mexico's president who has called this a flagrant violation. we've also heard from alicia, but as soon as she's the minister of foreign affairs here in mexico, who's speaking to reporters just moments ago saying that echo doors. government will have to assess what type of representation it will leave in mexico after the mexican government now has a separate diplomatic ties with ecuador,
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she added that mexico currently is not considering the expulsion of ecuador and officials from mexico. but again, we're paying very close attention to what happens next. this is still a very, a story that continues to develop. and again, the confusion is exactly what this means and what's coming next. let's asked me to be on long as a senior fellow at the center for economic and policy research. he also served as eco doors, foreign affairs minister with the raphael tornado, administer career administration. joining us live from b i, it's in france. welcome to alger 0, sir. i mean, you know, i'm sure you've seen the pictures, the storming of an embassy, a convoy of black cars breaking down the front gates of the embassy. how unprecedented as this yeah, thanks for the invitation. it's a very, very serious violation of international law. it's completely unprecedented. there is no other case really in the history of latin america, of a state storming an embassy of a country,
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a demo diplomatic mission and its own country, your 5 non state actors, sometimes, you know, breaching the rules of industries and so on and so forth. but this is a state, a swat team of police operations storming and embassy been afraid in violation of international law. we're already seeing that it's going to have the trained to the precautions, the president of slacks, dramatic estimate on your brother who was already, you know, sort of cried file and, and called this a violation of international law that happened in the middle of the night. and the western hemisphere is only waking up well in the next few hours. so we'll have to see what the next reactions are from other presidents of the region. you know, obviously the reaction of blue light is going to be in imposing to president of brazil. but also net bring columbia, frankly, other countries in the region. yeah, i think it's an unprecedented crisis. it's a very, very, a serious violation of international law. what about the doors? arguments are quite door saying that mexico is violating political asylum
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agreements by sheltering glass and saying that mexico had abused the immunity and privileges. it's embassy enjoyed. yeah, so a political asylum is a very institutionalized issue in latin america. it's a lot of work has a long tradition of giving political decide of mexico has actually has a long tradition of political asylum and other people throughout that american history being given political asylum. when states have considered that the risk of best to keep the political persecution which mexico following international law on the 1954 could, i guess convention confident called asylum, decided that they was a risk of political persecution, of court k glass. this goes back to the fact that a number of people, if that equitable in the last few years to confirm the political last format. collaborators of the career government, verify career himself, enjoys political asylum, not prompted by mexico. the granted by belgium, belgium grunted. palmer president, practical the asylum because he was being politically prosecuted into paul denied 3
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or 4 arrest warrants against cor, because he was being politically persecuted. and so, in this case, the mexican state considered that in the case of the trials of the show trials month, one might say that were being held against the glass. it was a risk of political persecution. and just a few hours before the storming of the embassy considered that it was warranted to go out in the side, right. whether that vehicle to and the state agrees with this or disagrees with this, there is no clause an international that enables you to storm an embassy and violate the sovereignty of another country. you know, this is, you know, in the history this has been, uh, you know, cast, suspended you right. this is very, very serious, violation of sovereignty. so was to be able to think, so what can be the implications of all of this? i mean, i know that you said you're keeping an eye out on, on the regional reaction that will come through. we think probably in the next few hours, but, but then what, well, i mean the immediate reaction of the mexican government, which was to be expected and i think that's one of the 1st of all the several
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reactions was to cups diplomatic ties. so for the 1st time in ecuador and mexico's history, both countries have no more diplomatic ties. they've said that the diplomatic relations, which is very serious, given that they had very close history, very close, tied very historic ties of friendship. the mexican government is also already sort of announcing its preliminary announcements that is going to take equity into the i c, j to the international court of justice for violating international law and sovereignty of its uh, diplomatic mission. now i imagine the next few hours and days, you're going to have a regional organizations meeting. the said i committed to the organization of american states. the only has, you know, sort of raising this issue. and i imagine you're going to have resolutions being proposed. i imagine ecuador is going to be very heavily condemned by the international community just doing this for us. total, meghan embassy. um, yeah, it's really an unprecedented route, which i think is,
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is very surprising on behalf of the ward ministration. i don't think you can expect much international sympathy for that, so we will have to sit in the next few hours. what happens? but imagine there's going to be strong, international reactions. i think the crucial thing is when international bodies needs to deal with an issue and particularly regional buddies. right. so in latin america, this means the organization of american states when i sort of and all this, i'm sorry to say like, and other such, right? it's okay, we'll leave it there. thank you. dan. long. thanks for speaking to us from france. i also had on the i was there and was our hers president of the question by prosecutors over her luxury, rolex and jewelry collection, stranded on the shore in iraq. how fishermen say they're being put out of work because of the territorial disputes with neighbors. and we'll show you which teams have made it into the semi finals of african champions when that's coming up a little later in sports. which of the,
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the, from space you think it's an awful lot of times over europe. so it's probably gloomy, but if you're almost both fits wrong in obtrusive and the result is that this big area here is rather boring. my son's being the dominant feature that k, that's not true everywhere, and you're definitely probably all to focus briefly on the still stormy bit, which is going to be all in stoughton rails. and eventually even very strong winds . the warning lights this gulf into particular, and that same system will bring a bit more snow to south norway eventually to expand and take rain into knolls and crowns and into space. but to be honest, apart from that, which does dump and things down by a few degrees, volts is the story and it still spreads up towards sweden with stuff across the teen. contrast with these for when it was night a couple of days ago. pick something in the middle and this is this middle bit which is really warm. near the knock you on the doors of reco,
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it's one small was aggregate for example, up to about 30 degrees by monday. the record is $31.00 for april. the average is 40, you're well above average. and that's for the case throughout this the hell as well with after we've had a reco breaking temperatures, incentive gold's of molly. they're probably still about the same sort of level. and when warnings, potential sand storm analogy area, but the share was moving slowly, further inland in west africa, the over 30 years of to the assignment. also 0 was tells the behind the scenes, the story of norway se will, and the oslo accords. they wanted to have what the price do not have been, let's see, and reveals how the secret negotiations skewed a strong decided, quote to folks love to talk the terms of the negotiations and why they're still far from delivering. and 4th was the price of holes on,
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on to 0. the latest news as it breaks. during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city to have various dates on the grounds. the grades for the overt gauze and now from the house of the story, $1.00 and $3.00 it's children, is suffering from a cue of mountain nutrition. and health officials are saying around $60000.00 of pregnant women are suffering to for the hydration on the here's a reminder of the top stories on the i'll just say run news. our much needed food
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has been dropped into gauze zone, but humanitarian agencies are calling on israel to open a land border crossing immediately to increase the flow of a to 5 roads on thursday is really down. so would open the arrows border, crossing into a northern gauze, off following pressure from the us. presidents jo, bite and australia and poland are calling for full accountability from israel for the killing of 78 workers in gaza, australian until the citizens were among those killed when their convoy was targeted. israel has sent the attack was to grange the states. mexico has cut diplomatic ties of ecuador after police storms, its embassy in quito, and arrested. a former vice president for hey, gloss, has twice been convicted of. corruption had been in the embassy since december evading arrest. perused president dina, by the warranty has testified over on declared luxury goods and bank transfers as part of an investigation into
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a legit elicit enrichment. up until friday the president had stayed silent about the scandal by the honest sanchez reports from lima. some owned by the attorney general's proceed in the level a lot of this is she answered every question. during 5 hours. it was sort of cool. but if she had remained silent for a week about her possession of luxury watches, jewelry worth tens of thousands of dollars. and on the cleared bank to infection circuit was that is the standard. there's only one truth. i have to acknowledge it was a mistake to accept the watches lend to me by my friend governor. we'd settle or squeeze him. uh, i have return to them and because they were not mine, i was not obliged to declare them. was good. he met a regional governor, had bought a rolex on her birthday and visited the presidential palace that same day the president had initially said she worked since she was 18 to buy her watches. a contradiction with her deposition on friday. instead,
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she dismissed the case as sexist and discriminatory harassment from the press box that is a good or it's time to se dirty games against the country. they don't benefit anyone and the damage the country's image symposium, safer. what this display of which is, is in, in so people need to wake up. the president has so many watches. she's taking out money. well, the poor people are hungry. the scandal as rolex gate picked after police and prosecutors forced their way into one of those residents looking for evidence. and it cost a ser, i meant the government and some legislators who demanded her resignation. 6 ministers left. what about this cabinet this week? critics say the replacements were selected as a reward for political allies in congress. rejected a recent impeachment motion. congressional leaders said an impeachment for this
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candle would be stabilize the country. but critics say legislators have only one thing in mind. he's still going to be associated with the protecting savory counter reform supported by the government with no objections from the constitutional court that allows the and keep the post until 2026. the changing the rules are not for the country stability, but for the is going through our will be, i don't know both testers in the center of the capital called for her resignation without an impeachment, she stays until 2026. for now, she asked peruvians to turn the page at the investigation, continues many in the center suggesting that the man the russian throne and miss all strikes of kill 6 people in ukraine. second largest city, others were injured and car keys. residential areas were hit along with administrative buildings as well as a petrol station. alda zeros charles stratford, his monitor should monitoring developments for us from ukraine's capital keys is
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not allowed. scarlet type by russian forces concentrated on ukraine, 2nd largest city, color cave. you kinda know socrates a saying that the russians, 532 shaheed kind of caused the drones and 6 missiles at the city. they managed to intercept the 28th of those drains. and 3 of the missiles, but they're also saying that at least 6 people have been killed in these attacks and 11 others injured. we fully expect potentially for that def, told to rise in the coming hours your current in those or just saying that at least 9 a high rise buildings will hit in these attacks will ensure as to whether it was the intersections the folding debris that caused the casualties, it's very difficult to say the stage, but we have seen photographs of an area of car cave over night to the buildings in these photographs completely destroyed. as emergency workers try to put out the blaze and rescue. we understand people trapped inside. now, let's just say this is just the latest important is become frankly unlikely. not
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the attacks by russian for just concentrating on car cave, 2nd largest city in ukraine. now the credit and it says what it's trying to do is create what it describes as a safety zone around that border area around the russian city of belgrade, where ukrainians, we understand power military is a being launching attacks in sides of russia. it says that the russian was saying that these are revenge attacks for those assaults with most of a i mean the last couple of days and an announcement by the drumming that they was going to be and evacuation of thousands of children in that area. but meanwhile, as i say, these are now unlikely attacks on the car keys, no sign of any kind of rush flight whatsoever. although we've seen the tax and the last couple of weeks, right, the way across you cried very much so talk you've now being focused on so we can fully expect the more tech, some potentially more civilian casualties in potentially even be hours. and at least days to come to stop at which is 0. give support to ukraine is
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a major election issue in slovakia, that's where a run off vote to decide on the next president is underway, the former for administer and pro e u candidate ivan court chocolate. the 1st round, and he's facing peter pelligrini, the speaker of parliament, pelligrini as an ally of the prime minister who was elected last year on a russia friendly platform. he stopped military a to ukraine after taking office. the us presidents has plans to have the port of baltimore reopened by the end of next month. joe biden has been to see the scale of the task ahead to rebuild that bridge, which collapse last week when it was round by a container ship from there. so you have your time, see reports, president biden took an aerial tour of the size of the collision was reached on recovery efforts and met with the families of the 6 construction workers killed. full bodies remained missing, such as a tangle of debris under the surface of the top sco river divers have been unable
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to reach them. our 1st is our prior to reopen. the port is one of the nation's largest shipping hubs. as a top port in america at both an important export and the cars, light trucks, the number one simply put the tractor as a significant in fact, everywhere. up and down the coast and around the country. falls of tons of michael still remain lodge and the water blockage just moving in and out of the harbor. to shallow travels have been established among some boulders and tugged boots to bypass the records in and out of the port of baltimore. authorities have to have cleared enough debris turban, a deeper channel by the end of april, and for normal for operations, the resume by the end of may. some locals are skeptical that i think people here definitely bracing for a much longer shut down. that paperwork is accounts for up to 30 percent of daily business, which i'm going to duck is a seafood restaurant. well, national and global supply chains of large. we've been on the affected by the foreclosure. the local economy is going to take a major hit with over
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a $150000.00 drugs, estimated to be dependent on the pulse operations in one way or another. it's pretty catastrophic, honestly. there's no way to say their code. it is really the backbone of the region and similar to steelworkers and pennsylvania coal miners and west virginia. i don't think there's a family in the region that doesn't have somebody with directly works in a port related position or job more than 50 percent of imports into baltimore destined for all the problems of us, not the local region. and the fear is that a prolonged pleasure of the poor for mean importance during return, having established all titles of supply routes, the white house hasn't received assurances from several manufacturers that they will come back. but ultimately, that will depend on whether this board does swiftly reopen. shepherd has the algebra both of the new york and other cities in the northeastern united states
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have been shaken by a rare earthquake. no major damage was reported, but millions of americans felt its effects. christmas allowing the reports a 4.8 magnitude. earthquake gave me yorkers pause on friday morning. i felt my bad shape that's new lately. um i mean i was just laughing and then suddenly like pushing me to the side. and i thought, oh my god, i was scared, i've never felt one before because i grew up in new york and we don't really have them often. so i thought was the train personally and then it just kept going. the city that considers itself the crossroads of the world, just 80 kilometers east of its epa center here in new jersey where these coffee shop customers decided to take it to go. and then i started getting texts from my friends. i did you
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send me? yeah. the earthquake wasn't enough to stop an emergency security council meeting on gaza then at present. i'm ok to continue. what city and state official spring into action warning of possible aftershocks. this is one of the largest earthquakes on the east coast occur in the last century. so i immediately directed my emergency management team. the 2nd we received word of this to start doing damage assessments . any life in danger? the holland tunnel under the hudson river into manhattan was closed for inspection and air travel at local airports was briefly grounded. but no major damages reported. earthquakes here on the east coast are relatively rare. the last time there was something comparable, was 1884 when a 5.2 magnitude quick struck the city. that said a recent study by columbia university warns that even greater magnitude quakes are
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more possible here in new york than scientist previously thought. christian salumi al jazeera new york flooded war. things have been issued in australia, new south wales, and parts of queensland have been drenched in heavy rain. more than a months worth of rain fell around sydney, a boat to go to the rescue of a farmer who became trapped in his tractor. emergency services have reported around a 150 floods, rescues and 4000 call outs, whether experts or warning if the worst is yet to come. the world's newest currency has been unveiled in some bob way the sink, which is the short name for us, and by weight. gold replaces the zimbabwe and dollar. it's lost around 75 percent of its value this year as inflation swords. how much also reports in the capital, her rory, the people have just heard the news and by way now has a new tire and see another one. and this one is called zoom gold. or zig that i g.
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people have 21 days to change these notes to the new notes that will be coming soon and every time there's a new car and see change the ends involved way. people get another and then use the cutting z. as for me, for now i don't really know how he's going to help us in the future, or is just the equity you ation or for how we're be. next we didn't define it. just tell you in this country. i don't know if it's going to help us the good for us officials as a central bank hope of this new car and see it will help stabilize the markets in rain in inflation for the big question is, is it going to what it could work in the short term or lease they maintain discipline and they stay away from printing and they need to also guarantee um couldn't visibility between that and us dollars. um it might not work because they yes, dollar balance is a very small, 90 percent is on your sd. so 10 percent really everyone is looking for us. this is actually not stop the demand for us dollars above and have been here before prior
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to changes every couple of years. and when the car to change is sold as a name, for example, they used to be such a thing called special ed gro, text, and then they moved to because they're a change of implied notes in ocoee, j, 6 cetera, etc. and now when these new notes come to 60 days and the signal modes and bothers to try and change them to install it before they get hit, by installation ssl does, they're still ahead on the all. does it renews our in major league baseball, the boston red sox and eli angels put on a show to find out who came on top and sports with the these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of coal, bleaching in the great value range bleaching occurs by moment. ocean temperatures
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and pollution force call to expel the algae to get the color range of color at extreme marine wise for an extended period of time. maybe some structures have been severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full a mass bleaching event. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months warming sea surface temperatures have caused bleaching events in the northern hemisphere. and the only near conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist, jodi rama says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an oven assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it. the
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hello again. time for the sports is here is 23, and thank you max. the step in is made it full pole positions for full races. so fall this for me to one season off the clenching the front row spots for the japanese cone pre the 3 time. well, champion was fastest and qualifying us to see pets at a rental teammate sergio perez by just 66, many seconds in the clarence lender. norris inside the staff will be looking for us . the straight twin in japan in sunday's race was quite close to the end. i think overall, you know, this rick is very sensitive with the tires, you know, with the timing being really aggressive. and when you really want to go to the limit, it doesn't always work out um, but nevertheless, i think, you know, most important is due to be on hold. of course you want every left to be perfect
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that around a track like this, that's not always the case, but yeah, overall, very good. a good starting position for, for tomorrow. and of course, the more is where the guns actually has moved a step closer to defending that african champ, his lead title off to securing that place in the semi finals. they were up against townsend inside at simba in the what's the final 2nd? like i likely took the lead early in the 2nd hall through i'm at as so yeah, the symbol gave away a penalty deep in stoppage time. mackwood, corrales desktop and scroll to make it so you know, on the 9th, 3, know when i get the objections into the last folder manager to know on the 9th through email on it. finish go, let's just email the lady some downs on young african. so the game with penalties south africa's us go on, go keeping here, run one way and say 2 spoke kicks to put some downs in control. me a me, i'm yet. in fact, a put away his penalty as to some downs when to 3 to up in the shootout. and when
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ever him, how much miss full young africans, it can phone some downs places in the semi finals supposedly to make this much associated. also a both in action on site today will look to keep the pressure on live a pool in the premier league title, rice city a 1st up against crystal palace pet cordial aside on beach and in 15 lea games winning 11 of those matches of the victory it so has pock, we'll move some level and points with leaders livable, who play much so united on sunday dependent link is proof, prove a lot. i mean, some integrity of, of the teams. you know, there be there all the time for many, many use for me personally. for me, maybe my education tomo would have words to be every day us to do the best. so that means a lot to us to meet person is also a way, right. and in the late k costs, mchale, i'll touch a side, we'll retake top spot from lift pole if they get the 3 points. also have 19. if i lost 10 lake matches that come up against the bright inside who are on beach within
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the last 14 home games in competitions. i'd be willing, allowed to from, from the past, especially from difficult moments or from lessons that you have to take in and, and is a different situation. we're in a different moment, but we've gone through that already, you know, and in that experience. so, so a lot and we are trying to use in the right way seems there's no stopping out loud the sound. the team of extended the weld record winning streak to 32 matches the lights of victory coming against our lead in the saudi pro. need our allow will gifted that open our author mistake from the opposition keeper sherry besides put the chance away l, who i went to and i said just before have time. thanks to present in forward malcolm. he scored again off to the break and they added another in stoppage time. is it finished one for the lead leaders? oh, hello, a 12 points clear of al nasa,
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for my munches city to send the america ports heading in messes, went up against a mac and stuff each time. as christina rinaldo side made it fully victories in a right. it was like tiger woods is set to play at the most is next week. the 15 time major golf champion has added the tournament to his schedule on his official website, which last pipe competitively at the genesis invitational in february, where he was forced to withdrawal midway through the 2nd round with flu. if he does in detail final gusto on thursday, it will be his $26.00, the parents at the opening major of the season, which he's $15.00 times. the current mazda assumption don't roam is when we got for his title, defense, idle ghost about playing the latest lift gulf events in miami is funny. it is a 3 on the power of the around one is 2 shots behind jointly, the soldier garcia, who's playing with the pots that he used 25 years ago. it's been refurbished and it looks to be doing the trick sofa top st. jessica apple. google is through to the
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semi finals with the charleston opened off the boxing cost to time australian open champion victoria as a rank of the girl at school and at full match points. when she went 54 up in the sunset effect, quotes the final. she then saved for much points in the tiebreaker to clinch the wind in just over 2 and a half hours. the wellness of 5 was now one 6th of hello 7 matches. so fast that it cuts up tina on saturday for placing the final the cbs that could be moved into the last 4 in charleston with a straight sets when of a run for all the cuts, cut them metal. the she now face is one of her toughest opponents to see a semi final against danielle collins. the american is on a hot street right now, having 111 straight match on friday between the belgians lease a buttons in straight sets to the fonts to have 15th career tool level. semi collins is also coming off a title when at the miami opened last week. funny james, the son of and be a great labrono. james will enter the 2024 and be
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a draft less than a year of to suffering a contact arrest. the 19 year old have the health sca in july last j. well training with the university of southern california. he rejoined his team 4 months later on his father and full time and be a champion. the bron her place of the lake has, has previously said he wants to play alongside his son before he retires. the draft will be held in late j a. so he had tony, got a home run for the judges for the 2nd straight game, but it wasn't enough for them to beat the chicago cubs. wasn't all the japanese players say a suzuki who told me nicely to that because we have 3 all the eyes is the comes 197 for the 5th straight victory. some constellation for autonomy and the judges is the $700000000.00 assigning. it is 2 run homer and his 1st career games. actually, d fields. the boston red sox startles to a blistering sol, as against the angels, with 3 home runs in the 2nd inning. but they blew a full run lead with some mist catches allowing the angels logan healthy to tie the
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game at 5 a piece in the 6 ending with his 1st career runtime for the angels, geron durham, and then hit a tie breaking home run into the red sox and the 8 ending that was that 5th of the game. also securing is 8 to 6, waiting for the 5th straight 63. i'll have more for support for you later, but does that mean? thank you so much. i will see you later on. well now, so the contested water is between weight iran and iraq. for nearly 20 years it rocky fishermen have been running into trouble with katy and iranian patrol boats many have lost their jobs as well. most often why had reports from busta so on the rise in this and although you walk you through to your bus, y is when for sure. mean at l file harbor unload the catch the, the whole is that a small of these days? the resales over the age, no matter the time dispute an increasing number of fishermen. a looking for other
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work on a hardy in my job, i quit because iranian inquiry to costco patrols with beating us, you know, shooting at us and smashing. i'll both land for some of my colleagues are still suffering from the injured with. this job is not safe and the fewer boats me less proud use for c. that's market traders say the business that used to be booming is now at 10 years dentist tells me i feel a ton of i've worked here for almost 20 years. we used to receive between 25 and 30 tons of fisher day. that's dropped to about 10 to 15 tons in september, iraq supreme court, i'm all of a decayed old agreement with quaid on sharing the hold of the lowest away. the 2 countries only maritime linked to the goal of tension surrounding the shuttle, out up river between either one and the lock which we get a close to the war in the 1980s. also pose a threat,
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a fisherman here say they used to fish all across the gulf and beyond, but increasing aggression an interception by weight. and they range in cost to go to the vessels a force it hundreds of boats out of service. the dispute began after the fall of saddam hussein in 2003 and has worse. and in recent years, the model, the number of fishing boats has dropped from nearly 4000 to only a few 100 hundreds of fishermen of quit. and no official has bothered to come and ask about the problems with facing the land border between iraq and kuwait, was demarcated by the united nations in 1993 by the amount of time boundaries remain unresolved. and with them, the future of maybe fisher mean. what do i just eat on a bus at all?
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southern iraq. the 1st space women from belarus is back on earth. along with another female astronaut, who is american under russian man. they're so used capsule touch down in kazakhstan after a trip to the international space station. marina best leave sky up was a cabin crew attendance and flight instructor for bella, russian airline, before going up in the world, by winning a competition to go into space. now the risk is a military ally of russia, which still cooperates with nah, side, despite tensions over ukraine and take a look at mount s. now it's captivating visitors to southern italy with a display of volcanic vortex rings. there they are. the natural phenomenon only appears when there are a specific conditions, along with a constant release of vapors and gases of okay, you know, is this liam? it's more vortex rings, then any other, thanks for watching all those 0 follies with you in a moment with more and it was by for now the
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now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even half. this is most important. which of these are going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just awesome upfront on out of there and the
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the group it for them to search for clues. this dusk falls in eastern time in the targets a. how does a suppose then you might think these are the other symptoms. wild elephants here have adapted, hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites, joel, in the mountains of the forest, and on to phones while they trying to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet, the result can be disastrous. my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and couldn't get away in time. the elephant ended up stopping him to death in a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community. this m o imaging drained, takes off 2 distinct shapes. the elephants were just a 150 meters down the track and we could have them still a thing in the darkness. as the volunteers showing the lights that attend them, they move away. but they'll be back,
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they frequently return to places they know they'll find food, an analysis that's against the limited amounts of a to enter the areas crossing into northern guys after pressure bills on israel to increase the flow of age by road. the you're watching l g 0 life from bill. how with me for the back to go also ahead despite calls for restraint. israel isn't stopping it's mass getting of civilians in the guys. i'm more than 33000 people about it. in other news, mexico across the diplomatic ties of the record or after police told me send the same key to, to erase that form of vice president, convicted of corruption.


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