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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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150 meters down the track. we can have them store things in the darkness. as the volunteers showing lights that attend them, they move away. but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food, and the medicine never forgets the limited amounts of a to enter the areas crossing into northern guys are after pressure bills on israel to increase the flow of age by road. the you're watching l g 0 at night from del, how with me for the back to go also ahead despite calls for restraint. israel is in stopping it's mass getting of civilians in the guys. i'm more than 33000 people about it. in other news,
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mexico across diplomatic ties of ecuador, after police told me send the same key to, to erase that form of vice president, convicted of corruption and targeting ukraine. second largest city will have the latest i'm concave, as miss side's home. and again, the thank you for joining us. these relatives finally allowing some limited counted ease of 8 into a northern guys that's often mounting international outrage over funding conditions and attacks on aid work is video as the nature of 3 trucks entering the air is often agency state farm or ages needed is rather open the crossing after criticism from the us president, let's go live to honey. my whole correspondent in guys i, he's in the south and rafa. so a few a trucks have entered the air is crossing into northern guys the honey. what more can you tell us, and what difference is going to make for the people of northern gas to
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just follow the way we did see it within the past hour or 2 or 3 trucks and 3, the northern part of the gauze. and for that matter, that makes one track of the fuel and to other it's rocks with the cardboard box. is that what it looks like to be medical supply? then bring into the northern parts and all the city, just the 3 trucks and the total number. and of course, the, the 3 trucks were accompanied by a you and, and it's a clearly, you can see it in the, in the video. that is, is going right as the spreading right now. and social media, do you and cars with visible signs in a flag of the united nations a be vehicles on the ground, a securing these a 3 trucks coming into the gaza strip government into gauze and city and the northern part of this trip. just when we looked at the number right now it's,
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it is the expectation, right after the, uh, the uh, the pressure applied by the, uh, the you, as the president and the pressure worldwide as bill's been building up for quite some time to increase the flow of a human atoria at 8, but what we also did see is improve that auto after making a request, as the only body on the ground that has the capabilities and have the infrastructure and the capacity to secure and deliver it human. if you're a, we did see that in the video with these 2 cars that belong to on or was it the number this still a trickle amount in, in the face of the growing fabbing in, in the know the part and godson, city. just reminder it to our view or that so far the acute fabbing and spreading in the northern part and gaza city has already been the cause of death of 30 children who died of the enforce dehydrated dehydration, an a star vision. and within, for the past month,
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these really military has virtually, they've been put, was the blockade on all these land crossings. and with the exception of a robot crossing that, that was only open a day or 2 days a week. and the way we, we went, we went through some time where it was completely shut for the entire week. so again, we're looking at a small amount of raid and it is the expectations of everyone here to see this number of a trucks right now. that is going to increase within the coming days. however, and i just point out that while we're seeing the trucks are, are getting in so far as 3 of them, these really military still continue with would it's air strikes in pounding and the artillery selling of major parts of the guthrie, including the eastern part and the central area. yes indeed, the strikes continue and we're just hearing now, honey. have mice confirming that a delegation mass delegation will head to cairo on sunday for a cease fire talks?
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what more can you tell us about this? and what could this signal the is this particular moment they, everybody here is again hopeful, but they are very cautious about their optimism because the pods a few months and within the past week they're more talked about a possible potential deal that could be reached. but people were laid down horribly . and to the point where do you do not really care much about whether there is a delegation going uh to meeting cairo or adult. however, anywhere as long as there isn't a solid announcement that there are the practical steps on the ground, particularly because for a lot of people to hear the thought of going into a potential of these bar. but the same trying to have to endure and bear the relentless attacks and the acute fab and it's printing. another part is just,
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she doesn't really sound right to people. the, what do we do? look at is in one hand, there are these parks and of the potential deal. i talked about increasing a, but at the same time, they were looking at more people are still dying. the record number is there is a sheer level of destruction because it's a beer. people are very care of careful right down after the many times a do work. disappointed largely by the failure of reaching a big potential sees fire deals right now. they're very careful in their response and their reaction to it. so very cautious optimists. and then as a new rando sees 5 talks, i guess on the way in cairo, egypt. honey, thank you very much for that tiny, my old live that in rough. and he had, obviously, has more on the desperate situation. hundreds of thousands of policy needs are facing and gas everywhere in rough or in 1000, gaza, displace palestinians have to queue for toilets for drinking water to try to get
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a piece of bread. these make shift scans are set to provide besides law schools were most displaced. people in gaza, shelter the place is overcrowded and more people arrive every day. that is salvo my 7 of them, of the garden of the schools are now very of the crowded, and they don't want to receive us. so we have to get some of wood and we set up this testament on demand. sometimes we're not even able to get any walks them and for the toilet. so they going to have my wife and my daughters go to the schools in order to use that service. um, we don't have any toilets and for us, the man, and we're not even allowed to use the bathrooms, that the school is forced to leave their homes. they put together flimsy tents using separate plastic sheets which provide very little protection, causing many to become ill. the below and the head of the lead, which is the good the my daughter has been ill since the war began. the
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unsanitary conditions here with sewage and animals nearby have made her vulnerable to illness. she suffers from frequent bouts of flu and fever. and with limited medical health and overcrowded living spaces, there was an immune and the rest of epidemics. diseases use spread easily, making it tough for families to stay healthy. incleanse tends notated when coming on this. so we have no other options. this is the only place we found. we surrounded by sewage and animals and it's affecting our health. my younger daughter has been sick on since we arrived here. and i can hear the more than 1500000 palestinians. the vast majority displaced from the north of the causal strip are trapped in rough, 563 square kilometers food and all the essential supplies are scarce due to the is really restrictions on age entering into gaza. and often nearly 6 months of israel's will and gaza getting basic needs remains the daily challenge. he has
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a lot of d, was a 0 in the us domestic pressure is increasing on president joe biden to stop sending weapons to israel. ki ally and former house speaker nancy pelosi is among those of signed a letter from dozens of congressional democrats. it says in light of the recent strike against aid workers and the of worsening humanitarian crisis, we believe it is unjustifiable to approve these weapons transfers. the letter goes on to say, if it's found that destroyed, violated us or international law, those responsible must be held accountable. australias for administer, penny wong, has called for is around the to respond with full accountability. following the killing a for an aide work is in garza and australia. national was among you. certainly government has make see our expectations we expect full accountability, the hood this and full that does the policy of how the road, central kitchen colleagues who will side parish with her. we believe these dates
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are awfully and exclusive and clear, practical action is needed to ensure all these tragedies never repeat that we have nicely of to we will liberally braced so that we have not yet received sufficient information to satisfy our expectations. the deputy prime minister and i wrote to our account of pops either not to raise right to strike these expectations. and poland is foreign ministry has criticizes these really investigation said fall short of assigning criminal liability for the death of a poli, shade worker in gaza. at 1st tested on the polar side is the protesting of given to these ready and pass. it says the month that the preliminary findings we now see be turns into criminal liability. and this case is so outrages. it is an exceptional case in the history of more than one. yeah. and the faith of thousands of people in helping others in various conflicts around the world will depend on the way this is so live to hum this out. who do you know if you buy these jewels,
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lend forest honda? any sign that this growing international pressure is getting to these release full of this pressure has been mounting on these really is for months that didn't just occur when these deadly strike targeting the world central kitchen employees happen. the americans have been putting this pressure on me is really saying that not enough humanitarian aid is going in to gaza. but after this strikes occurred, israel's defense minister and go up the launch said that they were working on not only new mechanisms to bring aid into the besieged housing and territory, but also to improve the ones that are already in place earlier today. video footage showing a number of trucks going through the arrows at border crossing that has been closed since the beginning of the war. but we don't have a confirmation on how many trucks exactly are in have gone through the arrows crossing to the gaza strip. now it's also a new type of pressure on these really is because
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a groups have now paused their operations on the ground after they strike targeted to 17 minutes, harry and 8 employees. a lot of other age groups have said that after 6 months of relentless is really bombardment and flagrant violations of international law, they no longer feel safe operating in the territory. and we're hearing him dead that the is really military has recovered the body of another captive was held in gaza houses being out domestically of the will. the family of this 47 year old man has posted on social media calling the government, quote, howard we saying that it took way too long for something like this to happen. there's been a lot of pressure on his roles. government to bring back the remaining is really captives who are held in gaza. these really prime minister has maintained that military pressure is the only way to bring them back. but you can see it in is really society. the protests against as roles government of calling for the release
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of the captive are much more angry. they're much more aggressive and they say, but nathaniel, who needs to be removed from office because of these policies that have not brought back. the remaining is rarely captive. how do i thank you very much for the best. so i'll just hear some that sound o 314. they live from occupied east through space and is really a strike is hit me at a ton of, i've known in 711 on no casualties have been reported in the last 24 hours, 75 years from has put a lot and its allies, the amount of movement have been killed in these early strikes, as well as also launch several attacks injuries, routes in friday. they include firing a rocket into the gallery, la, reaching and targeting is really soldiers on the border. a balancing in capital has been describing how they managed to flee the war in gaza and get to turkey. correspondents in impulsivity last the story from the simple layer and my mother gave us, uni, were reunited with their son, her son,
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and assemble last february. they have been trapped in gaza after the war broke out on october 7th. speaking about their old deal is still painful the people of the city. but i could not make other things to go to go this to be the cause of the physical to take everything. mohammed was the former chief officer to where it goes. us biggest hospital of sci fi, which became the focus of freelance. this is riley attacks. so which of those are good? because the, the, the phones is based on the elbow as soon as were forced to leave their home and bade her known in northern garza and stayed in a clinic. they used to run in gaza city where they also hosted those of other displaced people. and what kind of come on my, you know, i the number to my yeah,
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there was no water and no gas. we burned our clinics. furniture to have something to cook on. my husband is sick. he needs medicine. oh sure. aaliyah and mohammed had been during most citizens since 2011, their oldest son lloyd, who is a space engineer in the us, got help from the turkish authorities to evacuate them up until that point. he said he felt helpless. you know me, is this. i mean, something drawn to mars, you know, and that is, i cannot even say water to my parents while the human rights groups are demanding to know why they is really, it has not opened more crossings into gaza. hello sr. who is that for me to say the ones left behind have few means to survive? we're on, on the mileage, we're on the roads. this is the, it's web based. so that is them see despite having escape the war, the soonest they, these thoughts and prayers are still with their full of palestinians. in garza who
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continues to suffer scene of coastal elders who are stumbling head on algiers, 0 stranded on the shore in a rock. how fisherman say that being put out of work because of a territorial dispute with neighbors. the a political, the bank, pony farmers are angry. people have starving and we actually have to exports a whole while good because we've money to buy informed athenians. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians with the often in the highest level they've been using games for the policy when they come out to implement dave and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera. this is took, took years, the 1st country in the world to develop
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a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program in partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes village life here retains that strong remedial is like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the, the old just the the
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welcome back you watching l g 0 ally from do a recap of that top stories. israel is allowing limited quantities of 18 to northern gas that through the air is crossing a soft, a mounting international outrage over the farm and conditions and attacks on aid where it goes to mountains. hearing agencies say samo aid is needed, australia and pulling into accounting to full accountability from israel for the killing of 78 work as in gaza. australian and polish workers were among those killed when that conflict was target is israel, as said, the attack was a grave mistake and how mosse has confirmed it will attend the ceasefire at talk to a new front of sci fi talk set to resuming fiber on sunday u. s, as in joe biden, is reported to have sent letters to mediators and cotton egypt, urging pressure on her mazda accept a deal. after months of negotiations. and neither was news, russian drone and miss hi strikes have killed 6 people in ukraine,
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2nd largest city. others were injured in khaki. residential areas were head along with administrative buildings and petrol station. ours is johns rochefort. his mom is ring developments from the capital key. is not allowed scarlet type by russian forces concentrated on ukraine, 2nd largest city, color cave. you kinda know socrates a saying that the russians, 532 shaheed kind of caused the drones and 6 missiles at the city. they managed to intercept the 28th of those drawings and 3 of the missiles. but they're also saying that at least 6 people have been killed in these attacks. and 11 others injured. we fully expect, potentially for that desk told to rise in the coming hours. you currently, those are just saying that at least 9 a high rise buildings will hit and these attacks will ensure as to whether it was the intersections the folding debris that caused the casualties. it's very difficult to say the stage, but we have seen photographs on area of car cave over night to the buildings in
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these photographs completely destroyed. as emergency workers try to put out the blaze and rescue. we understand people trapped inside. now, let's just say this is just the latest important is become frankly unlikely. not the attacks by russian for just concentrating on car cave, 2nd largest city in ukraine. now the credit and it says what it's trying to do is create what it describes as a safety zone around that border area around the russian city of belgrade, where ukrainian, we understand power military is a being launching attacks in sides of rush here. it says that the russian was saying that these are revenge attacks for those assaults with those of i mean the last couple of days and an announcement by the kremlin that they was going to be and evacuation of thousands of children in that area. meanwhile, as i say, these are now unlikely attacks on the car keys, no sign of any kind of risk white whatsoever. although we've seen the tax and the last couple of weeks, right, the way across you cried very much so talk if now being focused on so we can fully
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expect more tech, some potentially more civilian casualties in potentially even be hours and at least days to come to i will stop it, i will just 0, give to mexico has got different logic ties. we've had core door after police raided the mexican embassy in quito. the arrested ecuador swarm, a vice president, jorge eyeglass, who had been evading detention in the mexican embassy since december. cassiano passed already on, has more police store mexico's embassy to arrest echo doors, former vice president. the raid came hours after mexico announced who, with a grand toe take less political asylum, and urged ecuador to offer him safe passage to leave the country. very important, there's how can these criminals rate the mexican embassy in ecuador? it's not possible. it can't be. it's madness. yes. they've arrested
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a form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed dental kits in ecuador, as former vice president had been reading or arrest and staying in mexico some of the see since december. he was arguably his country's most wanted philip convicted twice for corruption. the 54 year old was suspended from his duties in 2017 after being charged for allegedly receiving millions of dollars in bribes. more accusations are being investigated for medical dory is like a mockery of justice. the that he was a granted asylum in the, in the embassy and glass and the locals are what. busy are they wanting to go to, oh, i said in the address of the ideological connection there, and how little, like what dorians felt that this was, this was our way of, of making. glass has repeatedly said he's a victim of political persecution. a lot of the why the president on that is
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mentally lopez talking about has to spend the diplomatic ties with ecuador, maybe a, maybe of the mexican diplomatic person on an equitable will leave the country immediately . and mexico will appeal to the international court of justice to hold up for to accountable for violations of international law. ties between mexico in ecuador were under strain. well before the arrest. now they've reached a new low in a case that's ignited an international political crisis. castillo official, again, which is here. the wiles and us guarantee has been unveiled in zimbabwe. this a replaces in by when donald, which last around 75 percent of its value this year. as inflation source, algae 0 is higher, would cost of a force on the capital high, right. the people have just heard the news and by way now has a new tire and see another one. and this one is called zoom gold. or zig that i g.
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people have 21 days to change these notes to the new knows that will be coming soon and every time there's a new car and see change, the ends involve way people get another and then use it as for me, for now i don't really know how it's going to help us in the future, or is, does it, do you wish and, or for how we're being exceeded your printer just telling you in this country. i don't know if it's going to help us be good for us. officials at the central bank hope that this new car and see it will help stabilize the markets in rain in inflation. but the big question is, is it going to what it could work in the short term or leave. they maintain discipline and they stay away from printing and they need to also guarantee um, convince ability between that and us dollars. um it might not work because they use dollar balance is a very small 90 percent is on your sd. so 10 percent really everyone is looking for us the so that tool not stop the demand for us dollars above and have been here
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before prior to changes every couple of years. and when the car to change is sold as a name, for example, they used to be such a thing called special ed, gro tech, and then they move to because they're a change, so they know it's in ocoee, j, 6, cetera, etc. and now when these new knows conversations big notes, most of all those who try and change them to install it before they get hit by installation costs out of there. now to the contest, the water is between kuwait, iraq and iran for nearly 20 years. the rocky fisherman has been running into trouble with great and the rainy and patrol boats, and many have lost ed. john, besides my mood that day, why had reports from boston is on the rise in this although you walk you see of bus law is when for sure. mean at l file harbor unload the catch. the
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holes are small of these days, the result over the huge, you know, mary, time dispute an increasing number of fishermen, a looking for other work on a how did my job i quit because iranian, and created cost cutting patrols with beating us, you know, shooting at us and smashing all both the land for some of my colleagues is still suffering from the injured was the, this job is not safe in the book that a little fewer boats me less proud use for see that to market traders say the business used to be booming is now at the news dentist tells me i feel a ton of said i've worked here for almost 20 years. we used to receive between 25 and 30 tons of fish a day that's dropped to about 10 to 15 times in september, iraq, supreme court, i'm old, a decayed old agreement was quiet on sharing the hold i below want to weigh the 2 countries only maritime linked to the gulf tension surrounding the shuttle out up
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river between either one on a rock which is really good across to the war in the 1980s. also pose a threat. a fisherman here say they used to fish all across the gulf and beyond. but increasing aggression, an interception by weight and a rainy and coast to go to the vessels aforesaid, hundreds of boats out of service. the dispute began after the fall of saddam hussein in 2003 and has worse and in recent years. now the model, the number of fishing boats has dropped from really 4000 to only a few 100 hundreds of fishermen of quit. and no official has bothered to come and ask about the problems with facing the land border between iraq and kuwait was deem located by the united nations in 1993. but the amount of time boundaries remain on resolved. and with them the future of many,
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fisher mean would up do i just eat on. ready bus at all, southern iraq, us as the new. so now analogy is 0 and that set for me for the back to go. the weather is next. and then inside story looks at the tensions between somebody a n d t of gas fitness. the in southern china, the rug and recently the last several days has been enough to cause funding anything up to a month with sometimes more in a day. i'm surprised in the still what he's asking gwen, don't any of these deep showers could produce yet to move funding a significant thunderstorms in the line. the racket extends across the ty, wrong, actions the rest, the pacific north of it is generally speaking. you find a woman time, she has all flattery rising, as you might expect to know the april and the shelves themselves, the thunderstorms become a little sooner during monday. the line moves of its size,
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which doesn't increase the risk of significant rain over the center of the recent earthquake in taiwan and also brings that heavy right just up into the south coast of the main japanese islands. the reward is also actually developing sound. the stones in sick cube here, and there's a line, obviously a flu that runs through india. now that's a developing line to probably the front of the stones, but run through a dish of, for example. otherwise, the story isn't one of witness, as you might expect, is increasing heat. and for almost all of india, unless you're underneath the thunderstorms, the temperatures are higher than you might expect. and the warnings of likely high temperatures evening juicing heat, started in many, many states. and including southern pakistan, african narratives from africans perspective,
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nature has always been there some way. my child to short documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at from what is key a is that is part of our history that couple from nigeria. and we writing libraries from africa direct on algebra a deal between if you, if you're in the break away region of somebody land involving a new naval base as further west and diplomatic relations with some of the government is curiousity agreements, which would give landlocked access to the see why is this dispute listening and because of the why the consequences this is inside stored the .


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