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tv   Witness Skies Above Hebron  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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what we'd sites as follows, the stories, the good, the bad allergies, the people allow us into their lives, dignity into money. she asked me to tell this story is the, this is also a 0. i'm telling you, navigate that with a check on your world headlines. israel is finally allowing limited quantities of 8 into northern garza through the air is crossing and that's after mounting international outrage over the farm and conditions experienced by palestinians. agencies say far more age is needed, honeywell, who has more from it off to read the rocks, is a total number. and of course, these are 3 drugs. were a common by a you and, and it's a clearly, you can see it in the, in the video. that is,
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is going right as the spreading right now. in social media, do you and cars with a visible signs and a flag of the united nations of the vehicles on the ground, a securing these a 3 trucks. the numbers this still a trickle amount in, in the face of the growing famine and in the northern part and got the city just reminder it to our viewer that so far the acute, fragmented spring and the northern part and god, the city has already been the cause of death of 30 children who died of the enforce dehydrated dehydration and a star vision all talks on a cease fire and gauze are expected to resume in cairo. us president joe biden is reported to have sent letters to mediators and katara and egypt, urging pressure on him us to accept a deal after months of negotiations. alda 0 understands that her mass delegation is heading to the egyptian capital. on sunday. mexico has cut diplomatic ties with
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ecuador after police storm. this embassy in quito interested a former vice president port, hey gloss, whose twice been convicted of corruption, had been in the embassy since december evading arrest. manuel rob, hello, has more from mexico city. what happened on friday certainly did catch many of us off guard. earlier on friday, i had just finished filing a story regarding how mexico's president was considering a flight to bring glass from ecuador to mexico, waiting for authorization on that. i think many of us were, or are still quite shocked that things have escalated as much as, as they should. we should remember that for a country to forcibly make its way into the embassy. uh, its embassy in another country. it is, uh, it is certainly a violation of bitter echelon. this is something that could have a very serious implications building for, despite the, the, the delayed hours here on this side of the world. we have already heard from
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mexico's president who has called this a flagrant violation. we've also heard from alicia, but as soon as she's the minister of foreign affairs here in mexico, who's speaking to reporters just moments ago saying that equity doors government will have to assess what type of representation it will leave in mexico after the mexican government now has a separate diplomatic ties with ecuador, she added that mexico currently is not considering the expulsion of ecuadorian officials from mexico. but again, we're paying very close attention to what happens next. this is still a very a story that continues to develop. and again, the confusion is exactly what this means and what's coming next. russians, ronan michel strikes, have killed 6 people in ukraine, 2nd largest city. others were injured and car keys. residential areas were hit along with administrative buildings as well as a petrol station. mounts at now is captivating visitors to southern italy with a display of volcanic vortex rings. so the natural phenomenon only appears when
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there are a specific conditions, along with a constant release of vapors and gases. mount etna in sicily and it's more vortex rings than any other volcano. in the 1st space, women from bella. ruth is back on earth. along with another female astronaut, who is american under russian man. they're so used caps, who will touch down in kazakhstan, after a trip to the international space station. marina best and left sky out was a cabin crew attendance and flight instructor for a boat bella, russian airline. before waiting your competition to go into space, brothers is a military ally of russia, which still cooperates with. nah, so despite tensions over ukraine, those are the headlines on al jazeera coming up next. it's witness skies above the hyper on the
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. ready ready on the, on to the applicant today, and then i had put on a complaint on the ends of it. her name is mckenzie. sperry must need to shut down the facility and see for the c team. medina, the ones that are that's when they asked us to die them or something. i saw the thing the shuttle collision of the most expensive shad themselves. room for the house.
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the the, the nothing that he hasn't done anything i was there. we were going to try to come over here because the village of up to the women showed them today. now from the. ready
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rather than, instead of the one shot at the boy, 2 boys, i liked the the buses, the whole event, the
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leading medina with the hey my, i see her in a sort of thing. so in math was spoken. it's about alia. down on the bottom of the know for the amount equal the home. i know my, i have this on the, i know my, the shuttle body was going to be sure i showed that little solar lenses, the edge of an album and the positive dease, what was your original minimum? and i left optimization is the most opening it on a never hungry the
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date of birth balls? got an apple dash the issue with the sale. how long is your most recent version? so the 1st one i showed you do would be the best on either cash. read the book,
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the in stoughton is the field on humans in all of the salvation. and then put the ends in the mission to this. let me know if you have a follow see the message to the media to sleep. ok.
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accords. they wanted to have what they froze deniability and reveals how the secret negotiations skewed his phone decided to call back to talk the terms of the negotiations and why they're still far from delivering and forth was the price of holes on, on to 0. i've gotten around no, says have family was one of the last to leave neighborhood nancy dunn's capital cost to because they couldn't afford to leave earlier when the will reached us. the web them shows everywhere, getting more than 20 of my neighbors each day. people here come nice to full health services, a close to that comfortable from the hoping to fax a lot destination transit can in the town to bring new coal says he was shots in his stomach more than 2 months ago. he's joined. he's been getting for months it's been receiving south sea, denise, which are nice, like neil,
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the u. n. refugee agency built it for about 3000. now there are more than 5 times that it's not a, you know what we are receiving. we have lots of number of 20100 that you would need assistance, but our capacity and funds are very limited. the . this is all just there. i'm data, you navigate over the track on your world headlines. israel is finally allowing limited quantities of 8 into a northern garza through the air is crossing not softer mountains and international outrage over the farm and conditions experienced by palestinians. agencies say far more aid is needed, honey, which has more from the to read trucks is
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a total number. and of course, these are 3 trucks. were a common buy a you and, and it's a clearly, you can see it in the, in the video. that is, is going right as the spreading right now. in social media, do you and cars with a visible signs and a flag of the united nations and the vehicles on the ground a securing these a 3 trucks. the numbers this still a trickle amount in, in the face of the growing famine and in the northern part and garden city. just reminder it to our viewer that so far the acute, fragmented spring and the northern part and gauze and city has already been the cause. the of of death of 30 children who died of the enforce dehydrated dehydration and its star vision will talks on a ceasefire. and gaza are expected to resume in cairo. us president joe biden is reported to have sent letters to mediators in cats are on egypt urging pressure on him us to accept
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a deal after months of negotiations of 0 understand. but how much delegation is heading to the egyptian capital on sunday. mount etna is captivating visitors to southern italy with a display of volcanic and for tex rings, the natural phenomenon when there is a rapid release of vapors and gases that are shaped by the crates are of okay, no mounts at not in sicily, and it's more vortex rings than any other volcano. for the 1st space women from bella, ruth was back on earth, along with another female astern off, who was american and the russian man. their story was capsule touch down and cossacks done after a trip to the international space station. marina vassal of sky out was a cabin crew attendance and flight instructor for by the russian airline. before winning a competition to go into space. brothers is a military ally of russia would still cooperate with not so despite tensions over
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ukraine, there was of headlines. it's back to witness next on all to 0 as the me the buyer to shoot me a call. i'm the only one that has all
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the lot so to see if we have been out of obviously maybe we should be those love it as a whole lot on this because the house of all the look at
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the same,
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she had the of the the general bed. what
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a deal should i'm just glad to see what the head them shipped to you tomorrow, the shopkeeper. okay . the design, the with the not one of the, not all the top is leah hit
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a lot of the bypass of set out
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a lot of fun. yeah. and then the the so
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the the this model uh, this model, some of the the dish, the dish to see on the see on the machine.
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those are still in i see the bottom left of on on the beach 3 the sauce the
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the, the reason the the oh i the only oh, how do we oh oh, i don't know. so no the most of the, most of the,
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most of the most of the photo you on a certain amount of meaning sunday and on account of that. and i missed the lesson loans that are the whole is ish. but let me see, i don't wish to clear the say, i mean, no matter how them though, as you deem for the month of the be i do. there are bunch of the and then for leading to the bedroom, selena venice. yes. yes. we would love she so a issue. so the,
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the . 2 2 2 2 2 2
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the shop the course option for sure. what was your quick question with the the the, the
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the name of the oh well the the oh sure. sure. who actually in the, in the quoted,
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you the, the the let me know this issue is of the law. i remember that the
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whole nation now let me share and have a simply share of each other. they have to rush the voucher. so it shouldn't change front of they shouldn't have to
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leave. so with the be shy that beautiful, i only have to do the
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uh the on
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the the life of the 9 year old under is ready, bombardment trauma center is displaced in scarcity. and the moments where childhood still shines through a child of because on a jersey to the colleges, when the now it looks like most places south of patrick why are enjoying fairly often
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whether or not in south america. admittedly that off to sharon was developing over this path of origin, tina. and they can produce significant tale beyond about temperature where they should be maybe a little on the high side. if you're in luck, we have to enjoy sunshine throughout the day, which you probably will be in most of options in the southern chile snow showing up on the south ninety's once again, it's fairly windy and wet, but that's not unusual. the next hour is likely to be of rain rubbing. anything else through the northern part numbers though, catching something. that is why they are suffering columbia and equitable findings potentials here. but it sees no rain land slides that are risk as well. it looks like we might get an increase in the amount of rain in cost to recur. nicaragua, trade winds object, the strong, very few shafts, i think in small laws of the kind of being. but there are lots of showing up in his mind the order, for example, eastern cuba and even jamaica. and it wasn't generally a dry looking picture. contrasting temperatures in the us will come to something now it's been cold in the northeast east and kind of the natural stay with this old
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woman, yet a being able to slowly. but this induced flyer up through the plate and stays with kodak coming off the rockies will produce a significant storm system later. the gotten around know, says have family was one of the last to leave neighborhood nancy dunn's capital cost to because they couldn't afford to leave earlier when the will reached us. the web them shows everywhere, getting more than 20 of my neighbors each day. people here come nice to full health services, a close to that comes off from the back. the lock destination transit can in the town to bring your call says he was shots in his stomach more than 2 months ago. he's joined. he's been getting for months it's been receiving south sudanese
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which are nice like neil, the u. n. rush agency built it for about 3000. now there are more than 5 times that it's not a, you know what we are receiving. we have massive number of attorney under could you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited. the the, you're watching the news, our live from headquarters and del finder. you navigate the here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. limited amounts of aid enter,
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the air is crossing into northern gauze all after pressure builds on israel to increase the flow of aid by roads is ro isn't stopping it's mass killing of civilians in gauze,


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