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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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and you know what we are receiving, we have must have number of the 300 that you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our live from headquarters and del finder. you navigate the, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. limited amounts of aid enter. the air is crossing into northern gauze all after pressure builds on israel to increase the flow of aid by roads
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is ro isn't stopping it's mass killing of civilians in gauze, despite calls for restraints. more than 33000 palestinians are now dead. mexico cuts diplomatic ties with ecuador after police storm its embassy and chito, to arrest a former vice president's convicted of corruption. the stranded on the shore in a rock co fishermen say they are being put out of work because of a territorial disputes with neighbors and sport also. and men just says he look to keep the pressure on in the premier li, title, vice city or inaction, right? now gives crystal palace and they lead full one a when will see the move level points with latest livable the welcome to the news. our israel is finally allowing limited quantities of aid into
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northern garza. and that's after mounting international outrage over farm and conditions. and the tax on aid workers video has emerged of 3 trucks entering the areas. crossing agencies say far more aid as needed. israel open the crossing after criticism from the us president joe biden will not speak to him off and especially which he's joining us from. come out loud one hospital docs in the north of gaza. last to tell us how much is actually getting through on what type of aid has come through. this is the uh yes, uh today the uh it could be the occupation forces allowed for 2 trucks to enter the, to the not front of the brother. it does have to uh, the edit crossing to more than how for a year or besieging, nothing of the strip. so the allowed for 2 trucks of medicine and got to the guys
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uh, exactly, to come out of the hospital. a d at to the truck contain read, this is and met through all the new vehicles in davis. and uh uh you have to be here. he had been in the basement and people, uh, you have to see their faces. eh, and there had been a, by the deadline on the a did you me to turn in a, the, a, to the come on, i don't know, but that's also a from his bought a the, the, the brand symbol. and the kids cannot have done this without actually the purchase of somebody at the breast. his, at his habit is to idolize the trucks to the came out of the house without a mazda in the north of the gaza strip, is where we're hearing. there are real simon like condition. so just for clarity, what you're saying is to trucks have entered from the arrest crossing and they contain only medications. has any sort of food
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a been allowed in or is the expectation that any food a will be coming in? actually people here are talking about the delivery food stops to the box. nothing. yes. so what we got here, only 2 trucks. so, medicine that was to come out of the you. okay. mazda talking to thank you so much for that reporting for us from uh to my landline hospital in the gaza strip . lets, uh, bring in our corresponds and tiny my fluids. he's joining us are from a 190. so as we keep an eye out on the situation in the north of the gaza strip, in terms of the aid that's coming through the limited a, that is just 1st tell us about the latest air strikes on the gaza strip under
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rafter mass. because we understand the 10s of people have been killed very well more as tries across the central area. and the northern part of this trip in the northern part right now is supposed to be a safe place for it to ensure the smooth delivery and efficient pop. think of a human at 3, but it's not the case as usual years, right? targeting low residential homes in the central area, including undivided right refuge account states and part of their velocity. but maybe with them, the worst of what happened so far today is an attack on a residential block in eastern part of gauze. and cindy, that's the, she's a neighborhood, once a densely populated neighborhood just been cleared from the vast majority of all the residential building. there's still people under the rubble, the red dots, the aftermath that we're seeing after each area strikes the trap, didn't miss thing got larger, they'd be coming the season after a few, if after the time passing by. but what we're looking at right now is more of a,
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the past 24 hours the before a tri city is committed across the central area. and the northern part of the strip, at least the 65 people have been killed according to reported by the government media office that was just released. then more people are still missing and a trapped under the revolution with literally equipment and proper machinery. it's hard to help those who might have survived these relentless attacks under the rebels and honey on the sort of political friends we're now hearing. that's how this has confirmed that it's heading to another round to cease fire talks. and kyra, what more do you know? mm. hm, yes, well there is a delegation that is already in cairo. and if i'm ready, arriving in cairo for a to resume talks for a potential sees fire. but what we're hearing, confirm all those bites. how moto officials is the fact that they're going there,
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but they have their list of conditions that no deal is going to be reach on told there is a full withdrawal and there is a ceasefire. complete the seeds fire. and along with the withdrawal of these really monetary from the areas that it has taken over within the past week, then since the beginning of the word that is something that the it is really prime minister made the repeatedly denounced. then think that there is no way the is really military would pull out of from the northern part doing and gaza city. and one element that has been the core issue of detox is the return off of displays, families, the 1500000 palestinians who are here and over crowded southern part of the gaza strip that will be experiencing very difficult living conditions to living in the in in the streets on the side, roads is setting up towns that are not protect them, they're not saving them separate, struggling daily basis. and it's the core issue of the talks. and how much is
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making it clear that without the return of all displays how affinity and there is no deal possible at any time soon? and we know this is the disagreement. uh, a large disagreement between the is really another story that repeatedly rejected the idea of allowing people who have been displaced to go back to the northern parts and gauze as it, it'll be interesting to see the coming dollars. what are they entailing, what we're going to be seeing if there is more pressure applied by the americans or the allied, the, those who are have a states in what's going on, including the mediators to see what's going to happen. okay? honey will keep us across this development. thank you so much for the time. being a honeymoon from reporting somebody from does aut well, australia. as for a minister, penny wong has called for full accountability from israel for the killings of, for an aide, workers and gaza on monday. and australian citizen was among those killed in an is
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really strike on an age convoy. you certainly government has make see our expectations we expect full accountability for her, this and full that does the policy of her, the wealth, central kitchen colleagues who will side parish with her. we believe these dates are awfully an excuse of a clear practical action is needed to ensure all these tragedies never repeated. we have night clear after we will liberally braced that we have not yet received sufficient information to satisfy our expectations, the deputy prime minister and i write to our accounts of thoughts either not to raise right to strike these expectations components. foreign ministry has criticized but is really investigation saying that it falls shorts of assigning criminal liability for the death of oppose aid worker in gaza. at 1st tested on the polar side, is the protests now given to these ready and pass, it says the month that the preliminary findings we now see be turns into criminal
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liability. and this case is so outrages. it is an exceptional case in the history of more than one. yeah. on the faith of thousands of people and helping others and various conflicts around the world will depends on the way this is so we have from the central. joining us now from occupied is through some so come down. i mean there's this growing international pressure on israel to not only increase aids, but also for accountability over the killings of the, for an aid workers. any sign that this is pressuring is released at all of the will. there has been pressure. that's been mounting on me is rarely used, but it's actually been for months from the american saying that not enough of aid is going into gonzo as more than 2000000 people are facing fam. and these really is that have said that they are looking into new mechanisms to distribute aid into the gaza strip and that the mechanisms that are already in place, strengthening those chains of command so that there can be more aided, flowing through gaza. now since the world is central kitchen,
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staff members and humanitarian aid workers were targeted and killed in that strike several other age groups have pause their operations and gaza, saying that after 6 months of flagrant violations of international law and relentless is really bombardment, they can no longer operate in the besieged territory, and it is worth mentioning that all of their movements were coordinated with these really armies. so the fear of c as of no safety from these 2 monetary and aid workers to something that is further adding the pressure on these release. the also be is really military is now saying that it's recovered the body of another captive in gaza. how is this playing out domestically as well? the family of this 47 year old captive whose body was retrieved. these really army says in southern a garza particularly in hon. eunice, whose family releasing a post on social media, calling the government, quote cowardly,
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saying that there were videos of these captive that were released by palestinian hispanic to has in which he was alive and not. this is the government's fault for not entering a deal to release the remaining is really captive sooner. and now there has been a lot of pressure domestically on espanol and his government to bring back the remaining is really captives and to enter a deal, whatever the other side wants to demonstrate or say is what should be offered in order to bring the remaining concepts back vanessa and young maintains that military pressure is the only way to bring them back. okay, thank you hon. this summer. and thanks for that update from occupied east jerusalem . all domestic pressure is increasing on presidential bite and to stop weapons being sent from the us to israel. the key outlined former house speaker nancy pelosi is among those who now signed a letter from dozens of congressional democrats. the letter says this in light of the recent strike against aid workers and the ever worst things humanitarian crisis, we believe it's on justifiable to approve these weapons transfers. it goes on to
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say, if it is found that this strikes violated us or international law, and those responsible must be held accountable. we have seen advertising now joining us from washington dc. so she have, you know, for some time, biden has resisted sort of the growing calls within his democratic comp to limit weapons shipments to israel. so does this letter any sign that it's going to make a difference? you know, and even many of the signature is also at alaska are quite happy then to put that they would store that in like less and then but yes, when it comes to the appropriations for more weapons, for as well sir, we have to be very careful as to what is being done and whether this is positioning here. that was a really interesting all the go, i think was nbc last week who spoke to the administration official and he said squared. if this goes bad, we want to be able to point to our past statements. we've switched over to the ministration. doesn't think it's already going badly, but we see a lot of positioning now as the full scale apparently took the wealth,
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central kitchen kings to get this through to washington. also the slaughter and goals are the positioning here that they were actually oh, we are on the right side, bob side of it. maybe they worried about being accused of being present in, in genocide. but really in the ad we've got to see whether these on shipments are still waived, wave through, and there's no indication of like blinking that others have been very crab. that's not good. that happens on collab. he's been right to it. that's not gonna happen. the on the shipments will continue and actually, you know, that phone call last week between biden and yahoo were getting more information about just how confused everyone was. because if you remember that was that headlines. bugging calls for immediate, halting the fighting. even the is really, is weren't quite sure what he meant was he d linking was indeed linking seems far from the hostages. and because he wasn't, it was just by them being bite. and i guess everyone being a bit confused, but they're ever on the white house there once they've done a nice business as usual si, fi still linked to the the release of hostages, which again just means business as usual. yeah, i mean i wanted to ask you specifically about that phone call,
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see how and how it's been going down sort of in, in washington dc and in the us a yeah, it was a headlines, the ones that he's, we have. yeah, there's tens, high temperature tool containing the news that spite and is now something less as to the mayor of katara and the egyptian leader is trying to show a look on time trying to pressure everyone. but yeah, there's no, there's no evidence there that the french off on specified sanctions. if israel doesn't take on specified steps in an unspecified timeframe is actually meeting anything. i mean, clearly we don't even, you know, say, yeah, i mean we're, it's yet to be seen as always, what we do know is about foreign policy blog even establishment. think is, you know, richard has for, you know, try one of the counsel of our relations, or even he's talking about conditionality. you know, even he's not talking about weakness. the biting continually saying he's so angry with nothing you know and doesn't yahoo!
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ignoring him, it shows even though it was about a week this on, but in that sense of how it looks, how it looks for biting. i'd still know that empathy for the slaughter and the washington destruction and gaza. this is about how america looks as always here in washington, as opposed to just how just how morally reprehensible what we've seen over the last 6 months has been. okay, sure. yeah, thank you so much for that. so from washington, let's not bring an alta 0, senior political on list one of the charter. he's running us here in the studio, a high model on. so look, i mean, she had was just telling us how that phone call between pressing bite and nothing. yeah. who went down and in the us there seems to be some sort of pressure coming from vitamin on netanyahu. how do you think that's going to affect the cease fire talks? if that, if it will at all, we know that cease fire negotiations are expected to take place this week and how much that location is heading to cairo. this is the 1st time you're going to hear
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it from me. i think it will effect. i think there's some some dynamic now taking off. so i think whatever triggered this new energy, this new movement in washington, i think it's going to have some effects entitled now. i agree, totally with that, which you have a skepticism that there's a lot of this is hot air, this public relations. it's confused statements. it's speaking of both sides of their mouth, especially kirby on what exactly went down in the conversation and what exactly are the consequences. and yet that is something new happening. and it's not because present by then simply changed his mind. it's because there is a gathering momentum. there is an israel fatigue in the united states and that on the world there's and from this nothing yeah,
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fatigue in the by didn't ministration. and that's what the, that you know, people just getting tired of more of the same is there a lies more of the same is rarely crimes. more of the same as ready, just if occasions that is pushing the administration to do something. but this meant there's some kind of appearance, but it is serious about doing something. and we don't this that a soon as some form of leverage was you was the aides did increase. so was the by the administration and the government. but they were lying. but let me say that they weren't telling us that the choose the it wasn't going in to guys or not because of some technical issues or some encryption issues is because is what i did not want it to get in. right. i'm not going and doing everything possible in order to protect civilian lives and, and help get
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a didn't know it was not because when he does, it does increase. this is a force also suggest milan. that's right. and there's, according to us, me to the president biden has also written to the category and injection officials to, of course, are the mediators. and these talks asking them to pressure him, us into a deal. so there seems to be pressure all around. yes. so he's pressure and goes right, right. and he basically as uh, some reports not from the are, so it's not coming. got the right telling us that there's a, it is worth taking a box and now it's taking a back. nothing else age, especially that by then was not connecting me gets he's fired with the issue of the captive seat or of the issues of negotiations in cairo. he was saying it means that sci fi. so clearly there is a pressure on his read at the not to say, just putting pressure on cup out and in egypt to put pressure pressure on how much no, what does it just wouldn't lead to an immediate, comprehensive way out. i doubt it, but it might lead to some kind of an intermediate way outright. now why is that
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important? that's important is because we must now after the, uh, the world since the kitchen after, you know, the terrible uh, escalation and the desk. and now you have the numbers, you were citing 33000 something but i guess, but there's one number by the way, i think it's not important as the 30000, you know, by stretch. but it's the $47000.00. so curious about what the 47247000 number i think our, our viewers around the world, the problem that was here was, aren't in america. i probably should remember carefully. this is the number of the people who went to the porting station in wisconsin and halted uncommitted. mm hm. 47000. now, the movement against 3, electing by then was aiming 420000. why 20000? because 20000 was by what you know,
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it was by that much. but why didn't one over trump in 2014? so instead of 20000 and we've got 47000 uncommitted water is going to the funding station. i'm saying in the primaries, we're not committing we're, we're actually putting out by that on not just finishing, is it the michigan it was 100000. so that's kind of a movement in the swing states of michigan, wisconsin, ohio, pennsylvania, florida, that's kind of a movement is from that to the rattling the binding campaign. right? i think it's a little she goes, unfortunately not the 3030000 killed in gaza. that's probably, you know, getting some movement in wash. what about this letter that we were also discussing with she had a moments ago, democratic senators including nancy pelosi writing to biden and urging a hole to weapons transfers to israel. i mean, is the significance in the grand scheme of things now 6 months into the war. again,
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i agree with his skepticism, but there's too late. if there's too little, if there's more of a movement around administration and then the administration itself by dentist and committed suicide, it's a brush staking for me to repeat the kind of things that by then just committed to those right. as you know, sense is more of a 55 fight. there's a more sophisticated american jet fighters, 800 a kid or 2000 pounds bombs and 500 pound bombs and so on. so for this is just disgusting. that kind of things that i might have committed to is right now in terms of next 5 years of on pressure. but the moment around it in washington is very important. you know why just because when i hear some of the names, i know as a student of american politics, i say follow the unfortunate portraits are changing sides. it's a great sign that the politics in america is slowly, but surely changing. and that's all portrait as to the particular portions fee does
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it see that enhanced? they are jumping, not jumping ship, but certainly changing their tone. and i think that 2nd be shows that there is some serious change in america. in general, the intro to fatigue is definitely heading home. okay, thank you so much for allowing me to shut off. well, it's really airstrikes and southern lebanon have killed 7 fighters from has been the and it's, i'm a allies in the past 24 hours. has been the has also launched several attacks into israel. they include fire and your rocket into the gallon. the region and targeting is really soldiers on the border. we have our correspond, snotty hash and who's joining us now from the south of lebanon, with the very latest. so on the after these attacks and also a fiery speech by the husband, the leader on friday. what is the mood like in the self as well? in fact are enough, the few days of dense call them if that's right to say yes. so they started with
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the several of these really strikes as will i think is really ministry positions. on 7 occasions. i please, 7, has the law and i'm on the movement fight. those were killed yesterday today that they started also is several is ready. as for i see i look what are we all there was one there. strike then all to notify also to the east from here to how to for there was an air strike height the shot which is completely destroyed. it's a town here in the centralized 2nd to install a soft level. this phone is completely destroyed and also has, will locked in responsibility over the past. so as for 5 attacks, including, i'm a talk on the metric position behind me. call july line also on the fluid on industry post and hitting the my, the key of minutes. the post to what's the east with the ms side, and also in order to attack. so it's kind of quite tense and it's all related also
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to the situation which has also has been tense for the past 67 months, also to the us as a nation of the range in general and, and in damascus on the preparations for what the, what's gonna happen after, uh the, uh, iranian retaliation, whether that is going to be on your ring, your re evaluation that for the situation is 10. 71 is where you think on on dissipation, right? on a hash, and thank you so much for that reporting from knuckle as a palestinian capital. have been describing how they manage to flee the war and gauze and get you through to you sooner because of all glue has their story from a stumble. like aaliyah and the mother of us unit were reunited with their son, her son, and his stumble. last february, they have been trapped in gaza after the war broke out on october 7th. speaking about their old deal is still painful. the people of the city,
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but i couldn't make other things to go to go this to be very cool done. this is going to take, everything's well, how much was the former chief of surgery? goes us biggest hospital of sofa which became the focus of for land. this is riley attacks. so 2 of those are good because the 2 barriers, so good, very good. those guys are phones is, is this the, the elbow as soon as were forced to leave their home and bade her known in northern garza and stayed in a clinic. they used to run in gaza city where they also hosted those of other displaced people. and what kind of come on my, you know, add number 2 more. yeah, there was no water and no gas. we burned our clinics. furniture to have something to cook on. my husband is sick. he needs medicine. i should aaliyah and mohammad had been durham of citizen since 2011. the oldest son lloyd, who is
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a space engineer in the us, got help from the turkish authorities to evacuate them up until that point. he said he felt helpless. you know me, is this, i mean something drunk to walk, you know, and that is, i cannot even say water to my parents while the human rights groups are demanding to know why they is really, it has not opened more crossings into gaza. hello, sr. who evacuate? to say the ones left behind have few means to survive. we're not on the mileage, we're on the roads. there is, there is, what is that is see despite having escape the war, the soonest they, these thoughts and prayers are still with their full of palestinians. in garza who continues to suffer seen up to solar elders who are stumbling
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the temperature from the weather. and here's rob with the floods in australia so that you wouldn't have wants to be in new south wales or the last couple of days. well, probably not anyway. and this massive clad covers what was really conventional right. i didn't produce some funding that mislead by street was rivers that reflected the bangs. it wasn't too damaging, but it was that all the same, every group on these as well, some more and gone across the sydney as these pictures share. that was typically about a month's worth of rain folding in 24 hours. think of that as you fix. have you ready for that over there? well, and i've been wherever it is, particularly heavy. it's moved south of new south warehouse. it's gone lot through victoria in our winds itself up to be nothing like as heavy these are the current conditions of that she as it happens. now, if i take you a head to 24 hours, that rain fades away from victoria. definitely time kind of has made. yeah. it's still there in new south wales over the gold coast. it's up towards queens and as
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well where i suspect that could be some pretty heavy di impulse. but beyond natural studies, looking reasonably fine except off the west coast. now older, a tropical side code has developed just recently, but will almost certainly stay agencies that might brush the cases warranty sheriff . otherwise it is fine. as indeed by this time does new south wales still ahead on the, i'll just it renews our prosecutors and peru interrogate the president's about why she has so many expensive watches will have the latest on the so called rolex gates, scandal, and sport formula one world chunk and match for self and makes it a 4th position in a row. this time for the japanese, the over 30 years of to the sewing. also 0 world tells the behind the scenes, the story of norway se will,
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and the oslo accords. they wanted to have what the prize gene i ability and reveals how the secret negotiations were skewed. a strong decided quote to folks, but to talk the terms of the negotiations and why those still follow from delivering and forth was the price of what was on, on the latest news. as it breaks, during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city. they have very good data on the grounds. the grades for the overt gauze and now from the house of the story, $1.00 and $3.00 it's children is suffering from acute mountain nutrition. and health officials are saying around $60000.00 pregnant women are suffering to be hydration. the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the reminder of the top stories on the, i'll just say reduces our israel has allowed 3 a trucks into northern garza, through the air is crossing not softer. mounting international outrage over the farm and conditions and the tax on aid workers. humanitarian agencies say far more age is needed. australia and poland are calling for full accountability from israel for the killing of 7 age were 1st in gauze. australian and polish workers were among those killed when their convoy was targeted. israel of a sudden the attack was a grave mistake. thomas has confirmed that will attend cease fire talk set to
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resume in cairo on sunday. he was presidential by. it is reported to have sent letters to mediators encounter and egypt urging pressure on him us to accept a deal. after months of negotiations. columbia is asked to join south africa's genocide case against israel at the international court of justice. and it's application, columbia called on the us highest court to ensure the safety and very existence of the palestinian people. last week, the i c j judge has ordered israel to take all necessary actions to ensure basic food supplies and true causal lawyers for israel. i've rejected south africa's case and accused of abusing the genocide convention on the sand room. catchy has more on this from bulger top, the columbia seeking to actively intervene in the case to support south africa to offer tangible support for the palestinian cause. well, also sending another message to
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a thrill that it needs to stop its actions in gaza. it's also a way for the president of columbia. i left this gustavo pay through to put its money where its mouth has been since the beginning of the war. he has incessantly denounced the israel's actions in a gas that he was the 1st health american president to talk about the genocide. so this intervention was that in many ways, expected that i spoke to a source inside the columbia and government who told me that in addition to the colombian government supports of the pet i've seen in the cause. also a columbia international stance on human rights justifies at a center bench. and in this case with columbus going even further that trying to convince other countries to participate. and, and this source told me that the expectation is that in coming days we'll see other latin american countries doing the same in particular brazil, mexico, sheila,
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and believe you sort of creating a larger front in south america in support of south africa's case against the israel. a mexico has cut the diplomatic ties with ecuador, and that's after police raise at the mexican embassy and tito. they arrested ecuador as former vice president, jorge gloss. we've been evading detention since december, katya lopez. what i on has more police store, mexico's embassy to arrest. echo doors, former vice president. the raid came hours after mexico announced who, with a grand total pick last political asylum, and urged ecuador to offer him safe passage to leave the country. very important, there's how can these criminals rate the mexican embassy in ecuador? it's not possible, it can't be it's madness. yes. they've arrested
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a form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed dental kits in ecuador, his former vice president had been reading a rest and staying in mexico some of the see since december. he was arguably his country's most wanted philip convicted twice for corruption. the 54 year old was suspended from his duties in 2017 after being charged for allegedly receiving millions of dollars in bribes. more accusations are being investigated for medical dory is like a mockery of justice. the that he was the a grant that the asylum in the, in the embassy, a glass and the locals. or laura, are they wanted to go? oh, i said in the address of the ideological connection, they're like, well, dorians felt that this was, this was our way of, of making us glass has repeatedly said he's a victim of political persecution. a lot of the, by the president on that,
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his mind way. lopez talking about has to spend the diplomatic ties with ecuador, maybe a, maybe of the mexican diplomatic person on an equitable will leave the country. immediate lee and mexico will appeal to the international court of justice to hold up for to a kind of will for violations of international ties between mexico in ecuador were under strain. well before the arrest. now they've reached a new low in a case that's ignited an international political crisis. castillo official again, which is here to roost, president xena by the world. so it has testified about on declared luxury goods and bank transfers. it's all part of an investigation into a legit elicit enrichment. up until friday the president had stayed silence about the scandal. our correspondence body on a sanchez report from lima. some owned by the attorney general proceed. indeed a whole lot of this is she answered every question. during 5 hours,
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it was the movie she had remained silent for a week about her possession of luxury watches, jewelry worth tens of thousands of dollars and undeclared bank to infection sick. i will say it is a standard. there's only one truth. i have to acknowledge it. was a mistake to accept the launch is led to me by my friend governor. we'd faddle or screwed him a. i have returned to them and because they were not mine, i was not obliged to declare them. was good. he met a regional governor, had bought a rolex on her birthday and visited the presidential palace that same day the president had initially said she worked since she was 18 to buy her watches. a contradiction with her deposition on friday. instead, she dismissed the case as sexist and discriminatory harassment from the press box that is a good or bad. it's time to stop is dirty games against the country, but they don't benefit anyone and the damage the country's image. symposium safer
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and what this display of which is, is an insult. people need to wake up. the president has so many watches. she's taking out money while the poor people are hungry on the scandal as well. looks gate picked up to police and prosecutors forced their way into beloved his residence, looking for evidence, and it cost a stir amid the government. and some legislators who demanded her resignation. 6 ministers left about this cabinet this week. critics say the replacements were selected as a reward for political allies in congress. rejected a recent impeachment motion. congressional leaders said an impeachment for this candle would be stabilize the country. but critics say legislators have only one thing in mind is still going to be associated with the protecting saver and counter reform, supported by the government with no objections from the constitutional court that allows to keep the posts until 2026. the changing the rules are not for the country
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stability, but for the is going through our will be, i don't know. both testers in the center of the capital called for her resignation . without any peach men, she stays until 2026. for now, she asked peruvians to turn the page, but the investigation continues. many in the center suggesting denby ma freshman drone and miss all strikes have killed 6 people in ukraine, 2nd largest city, others were injures and car keys. residential areas were hit along with administrative buildings, as well as the petrol station houses zeros charles stratford, as monitoring developments from ukraine's capital keys is not allowed. scarlet type by russian forces concentrated on ukraine, 2nd largest city, color cave. you kinda know, socrates a saying that the russians, 532 shaheed kind of caused the drones and 6 missiles at the city. they managed to
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intercept the 28th of those drawings and 3 of the missiles. but they're also saying that at least 6 people have been killed in these attacks and 11 others injured. we fully expect potentially for that desk told to rise in the coming hours. you current in those or just saying that at least 9 a high rise buildings will hit in these attacks will ensure as to whether it was the intersections the folding debris that caused the casualties. it's very difficult to say the stage, but we have seen photographs on area of car cave over night. the buildings in these photographs completely destroyed as emergency workers try to put out the blaze and rescue. we understand people trapped inside. now, let's just say this is just the latest important is become frankly unlikely, not the attacks by russian for just concentrating on car cave, 2nd largest city in ukraine. now the credit and it says what it's trying to do is create what it describes as a safety zone around that border area around the russian city of belgrade, where ukrainian, we understand power military is
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a being launching attacks in sides of russia. it says that the russian was saying that these are revenge attacks for those assaults. we've also heard, i mean the last couple of days and an announcement by the kremlin that they was going to be an evacuation of thousands of children in that area. but meanwhile, as i say, these are now unlikely attacks on the car keys, no sign of any kind of risk spite whatsoever. although we've seen the tax and the last couple of weeks, right, the way across you cried very much so talk you've now being focused on so we can fully expect the more tags and potentially more civilian casualties in potentially even be hours. and at least days to come to a stop, it will just 0 keys now to the contestant waters between weight iran and iraq. for nearly 20 years. iraq, the fishermen had been running into trouble with the lady and rainy and patrol boats, and many have lost their jobs as much more the head reports from busted off. so in
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the rise in this, although you walk you see of bus law is when fishermen at l file harbor unload the catch. the holes are a small of these days the result over the huge no matter the time dispute an increasing number of fishermen. a looking for other work on a hardy and my job, i quit because iranian, and created cost cutting patrols with beating us, you know, shooting at us and smashing. i'll both learn for some of my colleagues are still suffering from the injured with. this job is not safe in the bottle. fewer boats, me less proud use for see that's market traders say it business used to be booming is now at a new standard still to send me a. so a ton of time. i've worked here for almost 20 years. we used to receive between 25 and 30 tons of fish a day that's dropped to about 10 to 15 tons in september,
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iraq supreme court, i'm all of a decade old agreement was quite on sharing the hold. i below want to weigh the 2 countries only maritime link to the gulf tension surrounding the shuttle out up river between either one on a rock which we get a close to the war in the 1980s. also pose a threat. a fisherman here say they used to fish all across the gulf and beyond, but increasing aggression. an interception by weight and a rainy and coast to go to the vessels aforesaid, hundreds of boats out of service. the dispute began after the fall of saddam hussein in 2003 and has worse and in recent years. now, the model, the number of fishing boats has dropped from really 4000 to only a few 100 hundreds of fishermen of quit. and no official has bothered to come and
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ask about the problems with facing the land border between iraq and kuwait was deem located by the united nations in 1993. but the amount of time boundaries remain on resolved. and with them, the future of many, fisher mean would up, do i just get off the bus at all? southern a rock aflame of rememberance is due to be lit. and we're wanting to on sunday to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the start of the genocide. there, in just a 100 days and 1994 who to fighters killed more than 800000 of the tootsie minority, as well as the who to his political opponents. that was triggered by the assassination of the who to president juvenile how b r mano, the hutus, blaine, the tooth, c rebel group, the rwandan patriotic friends for shooting his plane down the rpm denies involvements. and between the april and july, with 2 militias and soldiers within that were wanted army systematically
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slaughtered truancies. the killings finally stopped on july. the 4th when the r p. s. back by your gun, those army capture the rwandan capital k got the a misery johan. his mother was a tootsie and his father was a 4 to. he was 30 years old when he says he was forced to kill truancies by who 2 forces. he was jailed for 15 years by local courts. got set off after the genocide to serve justice in local communities. here's his story. genius, one is the one we will do. what do we mean by and it's been, it's been a well 3 to the library where you but everyone with inches a mom and we'll take that kind of a new, a lot of them and we're not. and you need you to, when you, that what you want me to know
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the me was it, we're not food. we're running in the morning. but he's on the th, by each in the, on the other for were for almost the the technical issue. hold on one moment. let me take a to learn industry pacific georgia the well of on the color. i cheat old ones. everytime you don't even even use the book with the,
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with the welcome, without the new court, if you read were, you know, what we're to a, what do you quoted me previously that um i did is uh i can make it as a credit or more know my check, i didn't have to go with the course of need is in local stuff, which you run a 100 and to show how good i am. i do want to i mean by was one that i recognize you have right now. we're not the kind of and here's what's coming up on the news. our unveiling the world's newest currency, but canons inc, rescues and bob williams. from there you can on accounts and we'll show you which teams have made it into the semi finals for contract and sweet lots coming up and
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supports which of the following in this limits weeks. so the
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total no content the other again time for the sports insurance do during thank you much. does he have gone level on points of premier league leaders live to pull off the beating crystal palace? thomas went in from 12 to 3 minutes, sitting back 10 minutes later. kevin to going in with a right strike to equalize the manage of pep squad. ellis suddenly enjoyed that one says he didn't waste any time off to the brace, retired louis making it to one less than 2 minutes since the 2nd hall. says you got
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a 3rd when the boy in his cross was much like earning holland 1st to see a goal of the season going to school his 2nd is the gainesville city. full and all that was the belgians, $100.00 go for the premier league champions. kind of full go back is it finished a flow to city the above also into seconds. thoughts also can go back above sits e and retake top spot from living full if they be bryson in the late kickoff. also have 19. if they lost 10 leak matches, but come up against a bright inside who and beaten in the last 14 home games in old competitions. uh, he will learn a lot from, from the past, especially from difficult moments or from, from lessons that you have to take in and, and is a different situation. we're in a different moment by way, gone through that already, you know, and having that experience. so a lot and we are trying to use in the right way. i'll actually have for you to step
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closer defending that african champions league, title of the securing the place in the semi finals. they were off against tons of inside of simba in the course of final 2nd, like i last, they took the lead in the early, early in the 2nd all through. i'm at a sonia soon, but gave away a penalty. the pin stoppage time quite with carrabas tip top and school to make it to nail in the night. 3 know one i can get egypt. sions into the last full finish goal is between melody, some downs and young africans. so the game went to penalties. south africa's ask on gold keeping here one when williams say to spoil take, so put some down in control. your mamma. in fact, a put away his penalty as the sun downs winter, the 3 to up in the shoes townsley that was when abraham, how much to miss for young africans and can find some down place in the semi finals because it seems as nice doping out loud the saudi team of extended the world
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record winning street to 32 matches that like to speak tree coming against our leech and the saudi pro late hello will give to the open. i offer mistake from the opposition. cape ha. sallow chevy? was that to put the chunks away in our oh, hold on, went to went up just before health time. thanks to visiting for malcolm. he schooled again off to the break and they added another stop each time as it finished for one to the latest likes to stop and just made it full pole positions from full races. so fall this formula, one season of the changing the front row. i spoke to the japanese going pre, the 3 time world champion was false in qualifying zuka. had a rental teammate such a power as well. just 66000000 seconds. we've mccullin's landowner since the the stop and we'll be looking for a foot straight when in japan in sunday's race far was uh, quite close to the end. i think overall, you know, district is very sensitive with the tires, you know, with the atomic being really aggressive. and when you really want to go to the limit, it doesn't always work out. but nevertheless, i think, you know,
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most importantly is due to being full. of course, you want every left to be perfect that around a track like this. that's always the case, but yeah, overall, very good. a good starting position full for tomorrow, and of course tomorrow's what the, what comes looks like tiger woods, a sense of play at the mazda is next week. the 15 time major champion is added the tournament to his schedule on his official website with the last place competitively of a ginge genesis invitational in february, where he was forced to withdrawal midway through the 2nd round with flu. if he does in detail fido guster on, says that it will be his $26.00, the parents at the opening major of the season, which is $15.00 times current mazda his jumping. john rob is when we got for his title defense, it'll costa by playing the lightest lift girlfriend in miami is funny. it is it 3 on the power of the around one. he's 2 shots behind jointly to sergio garcia, who's playing with a pox a he used 25 years ago. it's been refurbished and it looks to be doing the trick
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side. saw topsy, jessica bueller's through the semi finals. the charleston opened off to bottling posts, to time australian open champion victoria as a rank the girl a splendid full match points. when she went 5 full opposite the sent. if that was the final, she then saved full match points in the tiebreaker to claim. so when in just over 2 and a half hours, she'll face w cuts up quino on stock today for placing the final the seed, maria suck, removed into the last full in charleston with a straight sits when of veronica who to ment of a she now face is one of her toughest opponents. they see a semi final against danielle collins. shayhu tiny go to high run for the dog just for the 2nd straight game, but it wasn't enough for them to beat the chicago cubs was another japanese class. so yes is the key here dominated for the comes. have 3, i'll be honest, is the, comes $19.00 to $7.00 for the 5th straight victory. some consolation for tiny,
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the judges is best $700000000.00, assigning it to run high man. his 1st career game at ricky field and the boston red sox cut off to a blistering sauce against the angels with 3 high runs. and the 2nd a light blue with full run lead with some list caps is allowing angels logan or helped me to tie the game at 5 a piece. and the 6 ending with his 1st career runs line for the angels darren jerome and then a, a time breaking home run for the red sox and the h. any that was the face of the game. both was tearing an 8 to 6 when the 5th straight to victory. and that is all useful. so now pizza will have more feel later . it's about to $30.00. thank you so much for the time being. well, the world's newest currency has been unveiled and zimbabwe. so the say, which is the short name for the above with goals, replaces the zimbabwe and dollar. it's lost around 75 percent of its value this
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year as inflation stores. harriman's also reports from a capital rory that people have just heard the news and by way now has a new tire and see another one. and this one is called zoom gold. or zig that i g. people have 21 days to change these notes to the new knows that will be coming soon and every time there's a new car and see change, the ends involve way people get another and then use it color as for me, for now i don't really know always been to help us in the future, or is just a new issue of how we're going to create a new printer just trying to use in this country. i don't know if it's going to help us be good for us. officials at the central bank hope that this new car and see it will help stabilize the markets in rain in inflation. but the big question is, is it going to what it could work in the short term, or least they maintain discipline and they stay away from printing. and they need to also guarantee um, convince ability between that and us dollars. um it might not work because they use
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dollar balance is a very small 90 percent is on your sd. so 10 percent really everyone is looking for us the so that will not stop the demand for us dollars above and have been here before prior to changes every couple of years. and when the car to change is sold as a name, for example, they used to be such a thing called special ed gro tech, and then they move to because they're a change. so they brought notes in ocoee, j, 6, cetera, etc. and now when these new notes come to 60 days from the signal, most of all those who try and change them to install it before they get hit by installation. costs out of their as nonsense now as captivate as a thing. visitors to southern italy with a display of whole, conic for tex rings. so that natural phenomenon occurs when there is
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a rapid release of vapors and gases that are shaped by the rates are off of ok, no mt at not in sicily, and it's more vortex rings. then any other volcano, we'll take a short break around to 0 and we'll be back in just a moment. with much more of today's news on the latest headlines, the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even happen? this is most important, which if you're going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on, out to the system, a little boat is a mechanic or even that self driving train the vehicle. but android today can be
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really human, only robots like me, will be everywhere else. is here a documentary, which to the lead on the weird and wonderful world of global learn, think and even trust. i feel like i'm a life, but i know i am a machine. origin of this is are these officers solutions that gives us no for a future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on the. don't think that has a number, think about it as a person and yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want, we want the education, we want to go great. because the women in my country, they're not sweet to come out to us. we are not. and neither ology, we are human beings,
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and this has to be trees and the coins. we are walking in the footsteps, our ancestors, whatever has been done before, can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the 3 trucks of fuel and medical aid are seen in northern gaza. but there's still no sign of food for the thousands of starving palestinians. the, you're watching out a 0 live from a headquarters in del hi. i'm telling you navigate the also ahead.
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israel isn't stopping it's mass killing of civilians in gauze despite calls for


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