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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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that has been done before to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the 3 trucks of fuel and medical aid are seen in northern gaza. but there's still no sign of food for the thousands of starving palestinians. the you're watching out a 0 live from headquarters in del hi, i'm terry. you navigate the also ahead israel isn't stopping it's mass killing of civilians in garza, despite calls for restraints. more than 33000 palestinians are now dead.
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thomas confirms it will attend cease fire, talk set to resume in cairo and says that it will back down on its course demands also a heads. mexico cuts diplomatic ties with ecuador after police storm, its embassy in chito to arrest a former vice presidents convicted of corruption. the so there's still no sign of the food aid required for thousands of starving palestinians in northern garza. that's despite mounting international outrage over farm and conditions, the tax on aid workers under promised by israel to open the air as crossing video though, hasn't merged of 3. a truck's heading to the command on nah, dwan hospital. however,
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it came from the south. so let's get an update from our correspondence in gaza in a moment to speak to thought about zoom was joining us from it off, but 1st to the north of the gaza strip and we have with us i'm offering to fluid. so last, tell us what you've seen in terms of age and whether any age has crossed in from the arrows crossing. yes, the nose to garza today with here's a variety of all those 2 trucks, a contain medicines. so that's arrived to that came out of the hospital, which is the 1st incident to, if it's a con for more than haul for you precision north of garza. so these 2 trucks contain medicines and no series for the babies. and, and you would need those a, these 2 trucks didn't come from the edge of the crossing is there are too many news talking about the areas in a drama single,
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the albany angles and there's nothing as entered north of the guys are from a, is from there was a crossing, they came from and they can waited around about so 2, uh, uh, 2 uh, the trucks have arrived to they came out of the us because, uh, today, uh, these trucks contains uh medicines and not series for the unit also. so, okay. mazda, and just to be very clear. uh, well you are reporting that's no age came through areas and it was in fact, these trucks that have come from the south. so thank you for that clarification. just give us a sense of what the situation is like in the north where you are because we hear reports of famine like can't conditions where, how the citizens are essentially starving and come again, please give us a sense of what it,
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what you're seeing in the north of the gaza strip off oh yeah, they did. yes. the the, the guys, the trip is indeed the here. no, no. got it. as indeed the human to turn the crisis even before the war broke out. and the oil came just to just lie, beeble and civil is here north of gaza. the there is no food people after using the the animals. so does it for the, for humans. now there is no any for the, for them to use as, as you say is this is there is no, uh, any kind of, uh over any human to try. yeah. just one second. yes. so uh, so no to the thing and precedents, hardship, uh for more than how so yeah, no food, no water sewage in the streets. uh,
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no electricity is totally destroyed than trust structure. and so all of this is sliding, these civilians especially now low sides. it'd be the bump shooting it comes from the is why it is okay. thank you so much. my awesome gosh, no, thank you for that update from big la here in the north of the golf. as for from the north we go down to the south. we have thought of as one who's joining us, not from what i've thought it. so we're hearing that there had been more deadly airstrikes across the gaza strip in the past few hours. tell us about those and they are their aftermath. the yes, the reason, in fact, as every day on a daily basis, is there any minute to resolve the scaling? it's military strikes and all the people bottom into course, many areas because of strep. now, within the past few hours would have been recording. i'm hearing also loud explosions in the southern parts of the city all caught you in a spot, according to is very immediate report saying that there is a serious security incident has been taking place in the eastern part of the city
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off quite new. and as while from the gaza strip here, the administrator how much has been facing that they have managed to attract at this very point was operating in the you know, that parts of a sudden the area where they have killed 6 is made a sewage as well. the is by the military till now did not provide further information about the incident, but yes, mobil apartments and attacks have been carried out also on the middle area, where the costs and trace of it is ready. attacks have been a, has been widely on the, on the other and part of a mr. rock refugee camp um its on stop and also the bottom that's for the central neighborhoods in golf is city where i should say, yeah, neighborhood. the number of residential houses had been completely destroyed and all these areas, mainly, these body forces have 3 operators, again, since the beginning of the conflicts, while the confrontations and the battles are still raging. that will, while gauze as health ministry has been stating that at least 46 palestinians have been killed. within the past 24 hours that she disruption being caused for areas
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that had been bombarded, unplug it says, in the past 24 hours, the read and thought it, of course it is a dire humanitarian situation from what we witness and what we report particularly and enough where you are, where there are more than one and a half 1000000, displace palestinians. yes, that's exactly what to these bolts. patterson, of the unit step has been saying that at least 600000 palestinian child here and rough off or suffering a from hung up on also the from field where they are expected to die at any moment . and that is this talk really speak here on the ground that people are still receiving a, a, from a current mobile sign in and drop off of course thing. but without any remarkable increase in terms of the capacity of a humanitarian 10 voice where they have been distributed throughout the united nation distribution center. but that's also not sufficient for me to match. the
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admin needs all the disparate costs and see it ends itself in lights of the ongoing repeats of the statements. and threats being released by the is what the prime minister benjamin to send you out about an anticipated attack here on the card and agent to ruffle district, which is a sparking move fee is among palestinians of boswell next to go to suppress specifically that the majority of areas that they might be evacuated to suffer. please also show which is a full supplies on the battery that your rating uh, infrastructure that won't be really helpful for them to, to with the situation on the ground. um, its ongoing pulls up by the by, by didn't administration also by the international community for as well to increase the capacity of humanitarian chromeboys and the witness to day. that's at least 3 cool boys had 3 trucks out into the front. there was crossing, they one was loaded with a few, 2 others with medical supplies being transferred to come on at one hospital despite it gives me the reports that settings that is we will increase the numbers over
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here, monetary and trucks to reach at least 500 you monitor and trucks will get into the know other parts of the golf district on daily basis. so the situation both in the news and the south still die out without any talk, tribute change in the humanitarian situation. so now the read. okay, thank you so much thought i was and thank you for that update from what i found in the gaza strip will now go to occupied east jerusalem. our correspond to tons of something which is joining us from there. and how does so now we know that the cairo, the pardon me, the ceasefire. negotiations are set to resume in cairo. and the how much delegation will be on the way there. do we expect any breakthrough? well, it's not even known quite yet. if it is really delegation will head to b. c, sire negotiations in cairo, we do know that the us c i a director bill burns will be in attendance. the united states has been quite an optimistic meteor throughout the entirety of these negotiations, even though largely they have failed. there are sticking points from both sides
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that aren't seeming to go away, but they don't want to compromise on how much as it wants a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning an end to the war. a complete withdrawal of is really forces from the gaza strip while these really say that even if there is a pause in the fighting, that will be secured. the war after that will resume until all of the goals and objectives that israel set out to achieve. when the war began, are met some what sorts of pressure as though um, there's nothing you know under to make a deal are these really prime minister is under immense pressure domestically the protests against his governance and against the fact that he has not brought a deal to bring back, the remaining is really captive, are growing and both size and scale and it's an addition frequency. these is rarely as are saying, but too much time has gone by these really prime minister is not asking in
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a way that best suits them. additionally, we have these really are me who said that they were covered, the body of one is really captive, and the family members of that man are saying that too much time had gone by. if there was a deal sooner, he could have been brought back a live. so increasing frustration, mounting on these really prime minister, and israel's war cabinet as these really public says too much time has passed. all right, thank you hon. this one who thank you for that update from occupied east jerusalem . what we have with us, i'll just say we're a senior political analyst on one side of joining us here in the studio. so if we'd 1st talk about bases for our negotiations, went to take place in cairo to expect the breakthrough. so someone says, i expect a big through, but i think the circumstances today, 6 months after the war started and you know, with the fatigues, that is both in israel and the united states. exactly, with the station and gaza, with the political pressure building up on the now government. there is more and
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more ment, them towards one. the problem is that there's still a big gap is between mazda and is that how much still it says on the fundamentals, if you will, of what it takes for the effects of a ceasefire, or to release the captives as it were. and is that of course insist that all of these 3 or 4 funded mental principles are not acceptable to apply such as ending the war, for example, right? making sure that this is twice per minutes or so on, so forth. so the gap is big. the momentum is building, there's some serious intentions on the part of, i think, call to reach some kind of a deal. perhaps it's not the comprehensive did some. is it possible? if i say sort of the ball isn't, who's courts at this point, the clearly it's not as far as each party, the court, the board isn't the other part is course, right. so have i said look i on on,
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on march 14, i gave you my red lines. i haven't heard anything back from you that is in any way into the staying or satisfy these right is said, nonsense. all of these conditions are not acceptable. in fact, the delusion of the united states that it's the problem, not the american problem. but we see now as more or more of leverage venue is by the, by the administration. that, that does create the momentum. some of it is a public relations appearances, but some of it is also serious. and we can see that from the increase of 8, that goes into costs. okay, my last time by for a moment because we're going to get the view points of time us and then i'll come back to you. we have with us by some value. he's a senior member of how much just political bureau joining us on the telephone. mr. 9, thank you for your time with us on alda 0. uh, 1st of all, can you confirm if i'm asked delegation is heading to cairo after an egyptian invitation to discuss the developments of a cease fire agreement. a yes,
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we have the see you the an offer should invitation from the leadership in cable. uh for all of that addition to head towards uh, cable um, after long discussions about the goal and the content, the content and the context of these the for negotiations. the negation is arriving tomorrow or sunday on the incredible we've heard from the political leader from us as valued honey. yeah. who said that thomas would not retreat from any if it's conditions that it's set out in the past. so when he makes such a statement, then are we to believe that are we to expect that there couldn't be some sort of breakthrough has he has promised his position changed on anything at all i think, or what we are calling for should not be part of i mean the confusions because when we are negotiating fuel for a piece fail, it means that we,
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we are the heading to with a seats phase one. we all knew, we should think, as he said, it means that the troops, the tubes which invaded, goes after october 7th, has to leave go to when we talk about this a ceasefire agreement, it has to, it has to mean that the people of, of the few set agreements have to move freely inside because a slip we cannot accept of total if he's fail agreement little bit so he didn't have the right to launch the aggression again at any time. to have the tool insight . it goes up totally to buy, goes to begin or to but event 1300000 multiple opinions to, to 10 back to their houses or to move freely before we, i'm not talking about condition, the sort of the expected outcome of funding to try giving it to what we can expect from this negotiations is that of to achieving all these demands is to have a serious of,
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in the prison of dean between the 2 about this so that we can change the present. all right, so that's in the construction goes to look, this is something that israel has not agreed to in the past though, and particularly the issue of how most asking for people to displace people to return to the north of gaza. and even that, that's how the prime minister earlier this week said that this is something is real, hasn't agreed to yet. so is this something that you are willing and you are willing to buy drawn we cannot accept. i'm a condition from any party to the right of the thing is to move. so really within the area of that goes to after that she probably shouldn't. cuz he said, this is the gene one right to any part of seeing him to attend back to his home. that's the only for those who has been dismissed of the 7. we are fighting and struggling for millions of while athenians bisman international law have been
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displaced. 4th, 2019 quote to you to return back to their home. do you expect to accept? no. well, for those who has been displaced, october, october 7th, to be able to print it from the tenant back to their homes. i think this is not acceptable to have you been sent any updated proposals as claimed by the as release. know we have the assisted phone or we are taking a to our point on which has been sent to the mediators on march 14th of the us. president joe biden has also reportedly sent a letter urging the mediators. and that is egypt and katara to pressure your organization, how much to agree to cease fire, as well as a hostage deal ahead of these upcoming talks and kyra. so mr. 9 can, how may i ask, continue to, to stand? it's ground this way when there seems to be pressure all around now for some sort of deal. so far we have a accept it uh uh,
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this invitation based on our willingness for each of each trip. we have already be offered a daughter, but then put them on a proposal, which is the clearly talking about reaching cuz he said on the one on the exchange, the americans themselves on the, on that day they have said that this is very reasonable, very constructive. and weak would be a good start. and the same thing we have here from the egyptians as it is, therefore, again, the board is not all in our cold, yet. it is on the other side who is insisting on the continuous accumulation of what does it fit the continuous firing on all are people on the talking dog people and the preventing or people to obtain back to that house is what are your red lines going into this round of negotiations, again, i would love to the total withdrawal of the, to the, the, the se, so forces,
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maybe this could be having on stages of up to we have to, to know from the one that we are heading to it. if he's failed to come by, who says he's fam, maybe in stages of the tooth and withdrawal of the 8 of forces and the free movement of our people inside because of sip of total till the 7th. when you say in stages, can you elaborate a little bit more on that? i think that's the one. some are the best in the 5th page 15, the video could be a, it was a to a withdrawal for a deployment or the forces. the to the board, the outside the tv, but maybe they populated areas, but not preventing the people from the free movement until still planning on the we have said yes with this could be accept the vin. if we law from day one that, that sometime these forces will tend to leave that goes to them, and we will,
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we will have each a tooth and comprehensive detail. just the final thoughts from you, mr. now, i am. do you believe that there will be some sort of breakthrough this time around? we hope so, because the are still following the people. it is very use, very big. we are looking to stop this declaration against all the people, and we hope is us one of the sort of we can reach us. he's failed, but again, it depends on the pressure on the slide is to offer a reasonable and acceptable proposal to for this. he said, okay, mr. best 9. thank you for speaking to us on how to 0 is we'll go back to him. i want to show that he's with us here in the studio. so, i mean, he answered the question that i had asked you about the ball is in who's course and mr. 9, just as well. it's and they is really scored. what do you make of, what do you have to say? i think the last point that you uh, photos up on i think it's probably the most important one. and we know that from
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a i thought of the record or the history of negotiations in the mid least idea of stages and phases. unfreezes within stages. right. i mean that's what the hostile process is all about. so i think here the, the logic has been, is that they will agree with that the principles are shifting guidelines are set in framework. and then each, each party the have, my son is at present it to ideas and some of its red lines or whatever. and then they will be put on a calendar on the schedule. now the i, the, the basic, the basic challenges, whole guarantees that these steps would happen either consequentially or in final, in or at a certain time and so on, so forth. if the united states. so that's why bill barnes isn't any questions to be able to give guarantees for bridging. right? the 2 sides on us are, i think calendar. so the stage is key to these sorts of things. that's why it's not that is going to meet how much condition is not, but how much is going to be?
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is this condition? the gap is too big. it's whether the united states was step paying on fact to bridge some of those ideas on a longer period of time. so as mr. knight said, it's, they accept them. they wanted the mind. ready i thought that is really withdrawal was, but when tomorrow, next month, the month after that by summer and so on, so forth right now to be clear now a bit about the dynamics going in. so nothing else on that. a lot of pressure me. and he is lost something most a lot more, a lot of popularity, although he's getting a bit now, how much is far more popular done by then and that then you know, in their society, in the country, i mean how much flux out of stuff like 70 percent think us which is probably part of books, eco, the people who you guys are suffering, but how much just for practice i, a lot of it's fighters have been killed. a lot of it support system has been destroyed. although some of his most of us leaders did, in fact, they insist that they simply cannot waste all of that stuff. thing that happened
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the past 6 months and not get into what a mr. named sides an honorable deal. right. which something that they can say face with. so it's so although they are popular in and guys are still despite all the destruction they are in a much more sensitive position that nothing. yeah. or by that. because if they don't get a serious good deal, everyone's going to be asking the question, what the, how do you got us in this for? right. you really didn't know what the consequences are, or you couldn't manage the outcome. is there the political will do you think from all parties to reach a deal at this stage? i mean, sunday mark 6 months since the war and guys have begun. so there's a suspect we've been discussing over the past few days and weeks. there's a number of things now that i did the price, the last of which is beginning of the international edge workers, right? they're starting to get a lot of countries, australia pool and the united states involved right?
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there is the, you know, the effect of 3000 figure, right, kills us on so forth. there is id, i know that i think would be getting more month than the i generate to target things that mr. gutierrez, just to go to general the admissions thinking about the idea that this whole notion that, that uh, you know, got how much hides behind civilians. that's old. yeah. humbug, by the end of the day is just as is a 2nd civilian period, regardless of where they are, how they are, and so on, so forth. and then of course, there is the, is there a fatigue in the united states and around the world right now? it was a bit of last nowadays, right? mean 6 months later, yes. you destroyed guys. he's not able to defeat how much leaders, he's not able to destroy the network. clearly they are sitting in commanding, gaza. the is ready to put managers on the south end of north remain displaced, right? he's not able to secure is, are of secure at the midst of security as he is called 5. he's not exactly gaining in the pools. there's really economies not get and so on, so forth as there's
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a lot of reasons why i wanna mention should get to that. but then there's, there's the counter as you, i lot me just nothing. yeah. busy is interested in a prolonged war conflict. he's not interested in a swift because he wants to come up as a war hero. his allies also would like to stay in power so they might want to compromise, but not too much. otherwise they lose that popularity being such as of fanatics as well. so, i mean, we'll see which might work sort of mandates. his delegation has to negotiate. so, but we'll have to leave it for another one. but sort of thank you so much. it's really our starts and southern 11 on have killed 7 fighters from his bundle and i'm on allies in the past 24 hours because of all that has also launched several attacks into israel, and they include firing a rocket into the gallery, the region, and targeting is really sold hers on the border hash, him has more from southern lebanon, the extension has been intensifying between federal law and as well here in south and i've been on as run last several airstrikes. yeah. and what all are we all
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there wasn't as frank sounds on the author of to let it shows hey, the vicinity of the tunnel. so instead of how to talk to the east and i the shop found us almost completely destroyed on the news is really wound up also during the day has been locked in responsibility for several attacks that are on 51. yeah, not quote. on charlotte island, mitre force, then all the on the not pulled off a naval base and a talk on monday. the military base decides all the attacks nice at dice comes aft us also and day yesterday that was full of is really our strikes 7 as well on i'm on the movement of 5 does where it goes and also has the last day and responsibility for several of the tax on is really ministry 1st. what's here now is just part of the context of what we've been resisting for the past 6 months. however, it's also connected to the tension that is escalating day after day following the
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killing gulf in the ring and down the road. and the boss goes from the court or something they've been on, on the hash. and i just, you know, mexico has cut diplomatic ties with ecuador, and that's after police rated the mexican embassy in kito. they arrested ecuador as former vice president, jorge gloss, who had been invading detention since december. katya lopez already on has more a police store, mexico's embassy to arrest eco doors, former vice president. the raid came hours after mexico announced who, with a grand toe take less political asylum, and urged ecuador to offer him safe passage to leave the country. very important, there's how can these criminals rate the mexican embassy in ecuador? it's not possible. it can't be. it's madness. yes. they've arrested a form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed dental kits in
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ecuador, as former vice president had been reading or wrist and staying in mexico, some of the see since december. he was arguably his country's most wanted philip convicted twice for corruption. the 54 year old was suspended from his duties in 2017 after being charged for allegedly receiving millions of dollars in bribes. more accusations are being investigated for medical dory is like a mockery of justice. the that he was a granted to asylum in the, in the embassy and glass, and the locals. or laura, are they wanted to go? oh, i said in the address of the ideological connection there and like what dorians felt that this was, this was our way of, of making us glass has repeatedly said he's a victim of political persecution. a lot of the why the president on that is mind way. lopez silverado, it has to spend the diplomatic ties with packwood or maybe
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a maybe of the mexican diplomatic person on an equitable will leave the country immediately. and mexico will appeal to the international court of justice to hold up for to accountable for violations of international law. ties between mexico in ecuador were under strain, well before the arrest. now they've reached the new lo and case that's ignited an international political crisis. castillo official again. how does your freshman drone in missile strikes? i've killed 6 people in ukraine, 2nd largest city. others were injured and car keys. residential areas were hit along with administrative buildings, as well as a petrol station out to zeros. charles stratford, his monitoring developments from ukraine's capital, keeps another large scale attacked by russian forces concentrated on ukraine. second largest city, car cave, you kinda know sort use a saying that the russians, fives, 32 shaheed kind of kazi drones and 6 missiles at the city. they managed to intercept
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the 28th of those drains and 3 of the missiles. but they're also saying that at least 6 people have been killed in these attacks and 11 others injured. we fully expect potentially, for that death toll to rise in the coming hours. you kinda know sort just saying that at least 9 a high rise buildings will hit in these attacks while i'm sure as to whether it was the interceptions, the folding debris that caused the casualties. it's very difficult to say the stage, but we have seen photographs of an area of khaki over night to the buildings in these photographs completely destroyed. as emergency workers try to put out the blaze and rescue. we understand people trapped inside. now, let's just say there's just just the latest important is become frankly unlikely. nike attacks by russian for just concentrating on car cave, 2nd largest city in ukraine. now the credit and it says what it's trying to do is create what it describes.


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