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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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she is slowly elected very close by common. he sits on to play with a large 3rd space with a little kitten. my privacy me now thinks royal. i can also somebody probably equal, resorted in gonna the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this is the new sound line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. i'm us confirms that will attend sconces. these 5 talks it to resume in colorado, but it says it would back down on it's called the mines is where i live in stopping its mass killing of civilians and gaza despite calls for
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restraint. for the $33000.00 amounted mexico accounts, diplomatic ties with acreage to off to police storm, its embassy in quito to risk. the former vice president facing corruption allegations and stranded on the show and iraq, how fishermen sides are being put out of work because of a territorial disputes with neighbors and on piece of statements with your schools mattress. the said he had gone level on points with premium. the lead as livable fit for the other side. be crystal palace full too, but also can with sense of itself when they say sprites and relate the we begin this use with if it's to reach a ceasefire in garza almost 6 months out as well, began its attacks on the strip. israel has forcibly displace millions of palestinians and has restricted the entry of food and medicine,
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leaving many on the brink of starvation, a mouse is sending a delegation, the car right to the latest round, the totes, that are due to begin on sunday. it is unclear if is right, we'll attends those talks. now they come in the wake of growing pressure from washington up to is ready drones strikes, killing on the safe and i work is including an american. honda salutes has moved from occupied east jerusalem and is really delegation will head to a ceasefire negotiations in cairo. we do know that the us c i a director bill burns will be in attendance. the united states has been quite an optimistic media throughout the entirety of these negotiations, even though largely they have failed. there are sticking points from both sides that aren't seeming to go away, that they don't want to compromise on how much as it wants a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning an end to the war. a complete withdrawal of israeli forces from the gaza strip while these really say that even if there is a pause in the fighting,
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that will be secured. the war after that will resume until all of the goals and objectives that israel set out to achieve. when the war began, are met la, we spoke to best and then he is a senior member on from us his political bureau. he says some us will not deviate from his demands for permanency spot at the talks. and kyra, what we are calling for should not be part of any legal she issues because when we are negotiating fuel for us, he's fail. it means that we, we are the heading to with, if he's failed, when we are legal shifting because he said it means that the troops, the tulips which invaded, goes after october 7th, has to leave. because of the, when we talk about this a ceasefire agreement, it has to, it has to mean that the people of the few fell agreements have to move pretty. they interpret goodness, we cannot accept of total if he's fail agreement that they either have the right to
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launch the aggression again at any time to have the tool insight. it goes up to date. if you buy goods to begin or to but event 1300000 multiple opinions to, to 10 back to their houses or to more freely. therefore we, i'm not talking about condition, the sort of the expected outcome of entities felt like giving the, to what we can expect to from this negotiations is after achieving all these uh, the demand is to have a serious up in the prison of dean between the 2 parties so that we can exchange the present notes and then then launch the concession goes to domestic pressure is increasing on presidential bonding to stop the weapons being sent from the us to is ro key l i informed a how speaker nancy pelosi is among those who have signed a list of, from thousands of congressional democrats. but the reason says this in light of the recent strike against iraq is and the if it wasn't and commended terry in crisis.
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we believe it is, i'm justifiable to approve these with ins transfers. now it goes on to say, if it is found that destroyed, violated us or international law, those responsible must be held accountable. for more on this, we're going to go now to chaper tenancy, who is in washington dc for us. and as we know for some time, barton has resisted these goals to start with ins, shipments as well as a and e, so on this later was actually going to make any difference. at this point. i know you have strong copy of the white house on friday, says 2 things related to this letter. i suppose it well known, the letters cooling for u. s. investigation into what happened today, as well as the central kitchen aid where it goes cubby's side. there's no problems for any kind of us investigation and there's very pounds for any curtailment off of weapons, a weapons transfers out at the moment. so yeah, i mean, the problem with this letter is, yeah,
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this is all very well. it is significant. nancy for literacy. i mean, really, there was a sharp intake of breath and we saw her name on, on this. now that there i did. if she would even use the dress conditionality for, for, for on the surface. even though that is actually the us. that is the us lower the lady, the circled lady low, which means that you called the ship weapons to someone is abusing human rights. another less than having a name was significant given the power of use really low b and so on. but that's the kind of, or else in this matter or else watts. so they go back, my name is on the line now they've signed, but this letter, i don't, sorry. okay, if you don't do that, then we're going to do this. i mean, one way of testing how significant this was, this is, is, if well, a number of these, these, these, these members of congress did actually vote for further arm shipments for as well. sir, if they withhold the vote, that would be something. but now we know for the body to administration is bypassing congress to send weapons to is wrong. it's using accounting techniques. it's, it's, it's shipping weapons up to the threshold that congress has to approve,
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well weapons ship and says, unlike that they will be tested now. so yeah, it's, it's, it's, i'm tell you what it was before, which is clearly as you say, they all feeling pressure from that local constituents. but what are they going to do about it other than right or less, or that's what we have to fit into it. and she have the we're getting the phone call between button and then. yeah. how is that being received within the us? has there been any reaction or full out from that is binding continues to, i guess outwardly, put more pressure on netanyahu, so i don't know why that's called the headlines of one turns. that's yeah, a bite and is now is not putting the pressure until he is rather sub, you know, it's going to allow some shipments and i mean the pregnant for bite and there was that just proved to everyone just how weak he's been or whether i mean they raised more questions because it suggested that by didn't, could have done this at any point that there was no need for children to die of starvation by them could have, could have done this out of that. so that was some sort of blue background because we have the, the, the is really the pro rated all these this and you know,
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you're putting too much pressure on as well. so of course, we're seeing the wolf backs. now we're seeing the less as being sent the content on egypt by the wife. as soon as i flip with, with pressure, little sides in the, in the, in the negotiations. and then the 1st interesting story, i think, was even his writings were a bit confused by some of the headlines. and what, by the settlement franko, the question was, was by d d linking the issue off the hosted release from some sort of in egypt, temporary cease fire. even these areas, we're confused by what bite and was saying. and immediately the next day, i was a little back by the way, i was like, no, no, no, no. we are in new york. where are they talking about a seized by in the context of the release of the hostages. if that had been the link that wouldn't be very, very significant. it turns out that it was more biting. this thanks much to the relief of these writers who i have to ask for power vacation themselves. okay, thank you so much. she have she ever tennessee there for us in washington dc. cool, i'll just say or send you political analysts mail them to charlotte joins us again . thanks very much for being here. mon is we heard via from she how he said that
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there are no consequences to that. lisa, what do you make of that aspect of it? even though clearly there was pressure ramping up on the job bottom. so that's it. i mean, it's new wants this getting to be complicated for the by the administration. that doesn't mean this wouldn't matter. could leads to a decisive action on the part of the american president. but pressure is building up. pressure is bringing up internationally originally. but also domestically in the united states. and i think uh, just looking at some of the, uh, you know, signatories and, and looking at how things are dropping off in washington. my philosophy has always been if you want to know how or where things are going, follow the fortune just me and clearly things are changing and washington and the united states and why that's why a lot of people are jump in shape or changing directions because they understand
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that at, at least in the democratic party, and i want independence, there is an is read fatigue. there's anthony alpha key core. sure. the number i have been looking at closely is not the 33000 people who died in gaza and not the 20 plus 1000 children women who were killed in gaza. although this is the most important of all numbers. but the, by the end assertion is looking at the number $47000.00 and that is the number of risk on sonia is the democrats went to the primaries. the actually in a full day got off, went to the pointing station and voted. uncommitted me, this is part of the unpaid by the campaign that says we're going to put the president on notice. they're going west $20000.00 uncommitted. they've got 47000. now wisconsin like michigan that had 100000 uncommitted foresters like ohio,
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like florida, like north carolina, pennsylvania. these are the what, the called swing states. this is where the president biden one and my, and 2020, with a very small margin. the newest confidence was 20000 now. yeah, 47000 uncommitted. so the pressure is building up in the democratic, then democratic party and in, at, in the united states. and so by then i. so the one of 2 things i thought he has to maintain the usual keeping up appearances of doing something without really doing anything. meaning the ice cream diplomacy or even the phone call diplomacy. or he gets serious and does some see it is diplomacy? because we've seen just from the phone calls and the things are changing somewhat and is red and on the part of these are the government. so imagine if it's real weight that's being put in his right. okay, so yeah, there's the option that he could get serious or can get more serious. what would that look like? what would he need to say?
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and i guess more importantly what, what do you need to do if some of the things that uh, for example, should have, has mentioned that democrats are asking for. he needs to do them. for example, he says, no more weapons, we are freezing all shipments or weapons. even the things that we agreed to before or this week. we are not shipping. no more munitions, no more, 2000 pounds bomb, no more certifies, right. so i think you guys talked with the military, then you can go into other forms of aids. then you can simply put this other. notice that we do not say it's going to be completed and walk on board in genocide or what have you. and these are not action yet. i don't have time for you and for your games stop lying to us. so when we put pressure on you before you said no, no, it's technicality. that's why we kind of get to a den. no, it's not that can ecology. it's political and it's racist. and it's in a humane to stop that people who does that. it's a war crime. it's
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a general side. the war crime to start is that people don't guys are so now within 48 hours, we're seeing that the, the, the amount of trucks are multiplying that are going to guys also, in fact, there was no technical problem. there was a political problem. so you can see just by a, me a phone call and by the way it's, it's fast. anything, right? the past 72 hours, i think 48000 we've all been hanging our hands on the down phone call and it's just a phone call. right? imagine if he is by the inconvenience, his, his cabinet and fix some serious decisions i'm really puts is, are not says, if you don't do 1234, we gotta do 1234. you know, we, judging from the phone call that the, the sky doesn't fall in washington. if america administration uses this leverage with is right. in fact, it becomes more popular. i told you, all right. so clearly there's now a pressure that just in recent memory,
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where by the american president can use his, his influence, his power, his leverage on it is really government and change things. and guys, it's unfortunate that he didn't for the past 6 months, but as one has one, as one use paper did all realize it's may be a bit too late, but it doesn't have to be too little. yes, america can use some serious pressure to get some serious results because enough is enough. right. and go so okay, will like to live with david, thanks as a small amount of the shy senior political is that. thank you. it's kind of scale the, the view from on the ground in the concert room, which would now by tact but assuming to teracon. just tell us a little bit about the light just the strikes if it does trip because we understand that thousands of more people have been killed in the last 12 hours or so. yes, that's right. so according to god's is health ministry,
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at least for the 6 palestinians have been killed within the past 24 hours as there was new tool now in the late topping seats in terms of the fighting, known as strikes. of course, different areas and the goal is a stripe, as we can clearly have seen the how the explosions were really overhead. and the southern parts of the city of con, you are just as we can clearly feel it to be the peroration from our location here . right now, in a rough on its own, going back to the consultations are states taking place on mount thing in the eastern part of the city, of con eunice, between from all spices and the is what it. so we just bought the strikes, impact have been bouncing on the middle areas of the territories. specifically in the i'm a say ross refugee campbell, multiple areas, residential houses including also i bought 2 loans have been hits in the past few hours. as those of andrews have to report that i'm being transferred to the hospital for medical treatment. but yeah, the talk reality that, that there's 2 people stuck on the russell where civil defense crews are facing new
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to move difficulty to recover them from under the dip raise of the tugs of houses due to the lack of civil equipment that will be really useful and helpful to recover those entries, but also a holding toilet. and it says from the ground show yeah, neighborhood has been widely hits in the past few hours where it is very minute treat that has operated before, but they have been full. so again, targeting areas and destroying residential houses, one offset ayala as the gauze is health minister has been quoting for an edge and an immediate humanitarian intervention just to risk you to stop the deterioration of a humanitarian conditions in gaza. okay, thank you so much for the update tara was in there for us and southern gaza. the kevin israel has allowed the united nations to deliver a small amount of fuel and medical supplies, but there's still no sign of the food i'd required to thousands of staffing palestinians. this comes up the mounting international outrage of famine conditions
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and attacks on aid where cuz video has imaged of 3 trunks, caring supplies, arriving in northern gaza. agencies say far more i just need is most of colored has moved from bad law. here in northern garza, the nose to garza today with here's a variety of all of the 2 trucks, a contain medicines to that's arrived to that came out of the hospital, which is the 1st incident. so if it's con for more than haul for you precision north of garza, so these 2 trucks contain medicines and no series for the babies. and, and you need those a, these 2 trucks didn't come from the edge of the crossing is there are too many news talking about the areas in a drama single. the opening of it is but nothing has entered. and also because of from a is from there was a crossing, they came from and they can waited around about the guys of the trip. as indeed the
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northern godaddy is, as indeed the human to turn the crisis even before the war broke out. and the oil came just to just lie beeble and civilians. here north of gaza, there is no food people after using the animals. so those are for the, for humans. now there is no any further for them to use for more of that and also yeah, no food, no water sewage in the streets. uh, no electricity is totally destroyed the infrastructure. and so all of this is sliding. these civilians, especially the low side, the, the, the, the wall and the bump shooting it comes from that is why it is its all food and medicine shortages and goals are leaving the people. they are in a desperate situation. they had a baby has been a, has more on the daily struggle faced by hundreds of thousands palestinians and gaza everywhere in rough or in southern gaza. displace palestinians have to cue for
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toilets for drinking water to try to get a piece of bread. these make shift scans are set to provide besides law schools were most displaced. people in gaza, shelter the place is over crowded, and more people arise every day. monday to solve them, have 7 of them of got into the schools and now very of the crowd, and they don't want to receive us. so we have to get some of wood and we set up. this tends to be optimized. sometimes we not even able to get any water and for the toilet, so they going to have to have my wife and my daughters go to the schools in order to use that service. um, we don't have any toilets and for us, the man, and we're not even allowed to use the bathrooms if the school is forced to leave their homes. facebook to get the flimsy tens using separate plastic sheets which provides very little protection, causing many to become ill. the below and the head of the lead,
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which is the good the my daughter has been ill since the war began. the unsanitary conditions here with sewage and animals nearby have made her vulnerable to illness. she suffers from frequent bouts of flu and fever, and with limited medical health, an overcrowded living spaces, there is an immune and the rest of epidemics. diseases use spread easily, making it tough for families to stay healthy. incleanse tends notated when coming on this. so we have no other options. this is the only place we found. we surrounded by sewage and animals and it's affecting our health. my younger daughter has been sick on since we arrived here. and i can hear the more than 1500000 palestinians. the vast majority displaced from the north of the causal strip are trapped in rough, 563 square kilometers food and all the essential supplies are scarce due to the is really restrictions on age entering into gaza. and often nearly 6 months of israel's will and gaza getting basic needs remains the daily challenge. he has
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a lot of d as a 0 is really strikes himself and living on have killed 75 is from his belie and its allies in just the past 24 hours. his blog has also long several attacks and as ro, they include firing rockets into the gallery region and targeting is rarely sold just on the border of the house and tells us more from southern living on the sanction has been intensifying between federal law and is red here in south lebanon as runs laws, several airstrikes. yeah. and what all are we all there wasn't as frank central author of to let it shows, hey, the vicinity of the tunnel. so instead of how to talk to the east and i the shop, found us almost completely destroyed on the lebanese, is really wound up also during the day has well luck named responsibility for several attacks that are on 51. yeah, not put on jeanette island, mitre force, then all the on the not pulled off a naval base and a let's talk a menu key,
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a miniature base decides all the attacks. nice at dice comes after also and day yesterday. that was full of is really our strikes 7 has will on i'm on the movements uh 5 does where it goes and also has the last thing responsibility for several of the tax on is really ministry 1st. what's here now is just part of the context of what we've been with this thing for the past 6 months. however, it's also connected to the tension that is escalating day after day following the killing gulf in the ring and down the road. and the boss goes from the court or something i've been on, on the hash, and i just, you know, the mexico has kind of diplomatic ties with ecuador, that's up to police right in the mix that can embassy in kito. and the rest of the equity was for the vice president who i gloss, who had been inviting detention for months because he liked his hold of young has
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more, a police store, mexico's embassy to arrest eco doors, former vice president. the raid came hours after mexico announced who would grant, who'd take less political asylum, and urged ecuador to offer him the safe passage to leave the country. very important. there's how can these criminals rate the mexican embassy in ecuador? it's not possible. it can't be it's madness. yes, they've arrested a form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed dental kits in ecuador, his former vice president had been evading arrest and staying in mexico some of the see since december. he was arguably his country's most wanted felon convicted twice for corruption. the 54 year old was suspended from his duties in 2017 after being charged for allegedly receiving millions of dollars in bribes. more
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accusations are being investigated for medical dory is like a mockery of justice. the that he was a grant that the asylum in the, in the embassy, a glass and the locals or the, or are they want to go to? oh, i said in the address of the ideological connection there and how little like was always felt that this was, this was our way of making us class has repeatedly said he's a victim of political persecution. a lot of the why the president on that is mentally lopez silverado. it has to spend the diplomatic ties with that good. or maybe a, maybe of the mexican diplomatic person on an equitable will leave the country immediately. and mexico would appeal to the international court of justice to hold up for to accountable for violations of international law. ties between mexico in ecuador were under strain, well before the arrest. now they've reached
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a new low and case that's ignited an international political crisis. castillo official, again, which is here. for more on this, we joined now by jeffrey robinson, who is an international lawyer and a full legal advisor to julian hassan. she joins us live now from london, and it's very good to have you here with us on the al jazeera 1st of all, how about right just is this move by equity, or what's it basically storming the of the say, you know, risk someone that has just been granted political asylum and it's very outbreak just. it's a clear breach of the vienna convention, which could text diplomats of old countries if their embassy can be rushed into by local police. but to complete rejection of the protection that has been a code to them by one of the most solar and international convention.
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ecuadorian was, has been, prosecute, should the jail time. and now the os, or to using a crudo want to prosecute, to make in mexico as look closely to cakes and determines that he's being persecuted. and it's given him most silent in the tennessee and the ecuadorian, the 2nd grade, greek chevy, international law. ever since the police in knocking over is few diplomats while they're asking to arrest you. this is just all done. i mean, you remember when julian saw the guy wrong, it was a meet a crude, oregon embassy in london. the police wanted to arrest him, but they did a cross. the border said he would lead out of the window to address his supporters
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and the police were there. who can he pull over into the street where on the international law, he had then be in england and he could be arrested but they never did. so it just on that point. no. yeah, sorry to interrupt, but just on that point, how surprised i, you know, given your, your knowledge of the ecuadorian working with julian assange that the door is, we'll go ahead and do something like this. well, they're a pretty lousy come government. they betray this out and having almost him refuge, they then decided to throw him out for the fact invited the police into a risk. and so they're at, as i say, they're a bad guy and, and i think so, i think other countries will, yeah, they certainly should. if they want to support the vienna convention, they should clinton's their embassies. they should stop a to a career door,
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and they should true. well to put dorian diplomats, who have embassies in the countries, unless this kind of replies or is it yes, then it will appear to others. the convention can be reached and pretty much yeah. beyond say, the whole basis solve international relations. those will be under mine and they do it. there's obviously going to be, you know, political and diplomatic full out here. but what about the legal consequences legally, can mix the code to what makes it go, can go to the international court of justice to ask for condemnation of a court order and compensation. indeed, you remember america did that back in 1979 when the
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state back students in the age of the american embassy in iran. and they the international court of justice condemned reaction to be around in no uncertain to. so the last is still the leading case upholding. so i would accept, i would expect mexico to succeed. the meat claimed in the international court of justice, that 4 door had gravely breached the vienna convention. we'll have to leave it there, but we really do appreciate your time and insight into this jeffrey robinson international lawyer and from a legal advisor to julian assad's. thank you so much for being here on notice here a cable. so he's here on notice here on stephanie decker in wonder where the country is getting ready to commemorate 13 years since the
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genocide mass graves continue to be found to have that story coming and in support from the other one world champion next through stuff and takes a full full position in front of it, this time to jeff and in the 2nd time frame the now it looks like most places south of patrick why are enjoying fairly often with him having south america. admittedly that off to sharon was developing over this path of origin, tina, and they can produce significant title beyond about temperature where they should be maybe a little on the high side. if you're in the have to enjoy sunshine throughout the day, which you probably will be in most of options in the southern chile snow showing up on the south ninety's once again, it's fairly windy and wet, but that's not unusual. now shares likely to be of rain rather than you know, through the northern part number 0,
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catching something that is why they're suffering columbia and equitable findings potentials here. but it sees no rain land slides that are risk as well. it looks like we might get an increase in the amount of rain in cost to recur. nicaragua, trade winds object, the strong, very few shafts, i think in small allows the counter being. but there are well to showing up in his family or for example, eastern cuba and even jamaica. and it wasn't generally a dry looking picture has come crossing temperatures to us will come to something now it's been cold in the northeast and east and kind of the natural stay with this old woman. yet they being able to slowly. but this induced fly route through the plane stays with kodak coming off the rockies will produce a significant storm system later. the system, a little boat is a mechanical or even that self driving train. the vehicle down towards today can be
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dealing with human robots, like me, will be everywhere else. is there a documentary list of the lead on the weird and wonderful world of global learn? think and even trust. i feel like i'm alive, but i know i on the machine origins of this is the latest news as it breaks around, han has given a cause that people have just come out and not but galvanized public to the board with detailed coverage. but the reason prices and the reality is that things are likely to get much worse before they get better describing some residents to the brain from around the world. people have told us the circumstances, it even more important than usual to come together to share what they have of
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the the to watching images here, a reminder about top stores here. the cell a mouse has confirmed that will attend c spawn towards that to resume in cairo on sunday. who is president? show a bonded this reported to have sent this as a media isn't cosigned egypt urging pressure on her mouse to accepted the left a months of negotiations. meanwhile, as ready as trunks have killed at least 45 people in the last 24 hours civilians have been targeted. right across sconces. the total number of people killed now stands holding 33000, including 14000 children. israel has allowed the united nations to deliver a small amount of fuel and medical supplies to northern causes, but there's still no sign of the food i required to thousands of stopping palestinians. this comes up to bouncing international outright. you have
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a feminine conditions and attacks on 8, which is russian drug and missile strikes have killed at least 7 people and you cry and 2nd largest city. others were interested in hockey's residential areas where hits along with administrative buildings and the petrol station houses . there is child stress, it is monitoring developments for us from ukraine's capital case, or another large scale attacked by russian forces concentrated on ukraine. second largest city, car cave. you kinda know sort use of saying that the russian spots 32 shaheed kind of kazi drones and 6 missiles at the city. they managed to intercept the 28th of those joins and 3 of the missiles. but they're also saying that at least 6 people have been killed in these attacks and 11 others injured. we fully expect potentially for that death toll to rise in the coming hours. you kinda know sort use the saying that at least 9
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a high rise buildings will hit in these attacks. well, i'm sure as to whether it was the interceptions, the folding debris that caused the casualties. it's very difficult to say the stage, but we have seen photographs, ordinary or car came over night to the buildings in these photographs completely destroyed. as emergency workers try to put out the blaze and rescue. we understand people trapped inside. now, let's just say it is just just the latest important. it's become, frankly unlikely. nike attacks by russian for just concentrating on car cave, 2nd largest city in ukraine. now the credit and it says what it's trying to do is create what it describes as a safety zone around that border area around the russian city of belgrade, where ukrainian, we understand paramilitaries have been launching attacks in sides of russia. it says that the russian was saying that these are revenge attacks for those assaults with most of them in the last couple days in an announcement by the kremlin, that there was going to be an evacuation of thousands of children in that area.
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meanwhile, as i say, these are now unlikely attacks on the car keys, no sign of any kind of respite whatsoever. although we've seen the tax in the last couple of weeks, right? the way across you cried very much so talk you've now being focused on so we can fully expect the more tech, some potentially more civilian casualties in potentially even be ours. and at least days to come to a stop, it will just 0. you know, to the contest, it was between quite a run and a rock. for nearly 20 years, a rocky fisherman had been running into trouble was quite easy and rainy and patrol boats and many have lost the jobs is more fluid of the way he to reports from past, right? so on the rise in this, although you walk you see of bus law is when fishermen at l file harbor unload the catch the holes are small of these days. the result of the huge you know mary time
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dispute an increasing number of fishermen. a looking for other work on a how the logic i quit because iranian, and create to cost cutting patrols with beating us, you know, shooting at us and smashing all both the land for some of my colleagues is still suffering from the injured was the, this job is not safe in the bottle. fewer boats, me less proud use for c. that's market. traders say a business used to be booming is now at a new stand is to defend me. i feel a ton of said, i've worked here for almost 20 years. we used to receive between 25 and 30 tons of fish a day that's dropped to about 10 to 15 times in september, iraq, supreme court, i'm old, a decayed old agreement was quiet on sharing the hold i below want to weigh the 2 countries only maritime linked to the gulf tension surrounding the shuttle out of river between iran and iraq, which we get across to the war. in the 1980s,
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also posed a threat. a fisherman here say they used to fish all across the gulf and beyond. but increasing aggression. an interception by grady and iranian coast guard the vessels aforesaid, hundreds of boats out of service. the dispute would begin after the fall of saddam hussein in 2003 and has worse and, and reason to use that as a model. the number of fishing boats has dropped from nearly 4000 to only a few 100. hundreds of fishermen have quit and no official has bothered to come and ask about the problems with facing the land border between iraq and wage was deem located by the united nations in 1993. but the amount of time boundaries remain unresolved. and with them, the future of many, fisher mean, what do i just get on the bus at all?
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southern iraq, as for as president of otherwise i has testified a balance. i'm declared luxury goods and bank transfers is part of an investigation into alleged elicit enrichment until friday, the president had stayed silent about the scandal. marianne essentials reports from lena some owned by the attorney general. proceed indiana who loved this as she answered every question during 5 hours. it was sort of cool. but if she had remained silent for a week about her possession of luxury watches, jewelry worth tens of thousands of dollars. and undeclared bank to infection circuit was that is the standard. there's only one truth. i have to acknowledge it was a mistake to accept the watches lend to me by my friend governor. we'd faddle or school e mail. i have return to them. and because they were not mine, i was not obliged to declare them, was good e mail. a regional governor had bought a rolex on her birthday and visited the presidential palace that same day the
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president had initially said she worked since she was 18 to buy her watches, contradiction with her deposition on friday. instead, she dismissed the case as sexist and discriminatory harassment from the press box that is a good or bad. it's time to se dirty games against the country. they don't benefit anyone and the damage the country's image. symposium se forgot this display of riches isn't in. so people need to wake up. the president has so many watches, she's taking your money while the poor people are hungry. this candle, as rolex gate, picked after police and prosecutors forced their way into beloved his residence, looking for evidence, and it cost a stir. i meant the government and some legislators who demanded her resignation. 6 ministers left. what about this cabinet this week? critics say the replacements were selected as
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a reward for political allies in congress. rejected a recent its impeachment motion. congressional leaders said on impeachment for this candle would be stabilize the country. but critics say legislators have only one thing in mind. he's still going to be associated with the protecting savory counter reform supported by the government with no objections from the constitutional court that allows the and keep the post until 2026. the changing the rules are not for the country stability, but for this and the controller will be, i don't know, both testers in the center of the capital called for her resignation without any peach me, and she stays until 2026. for now, she asked peruvians to turn the page at the investigation, continues many in the center suggesting that it's been 30 years since of genocide and we're ones of that. so 800000 ethnic tootsie kills by who to find has
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3 decades on mess. scribes. a still being discovered specifically decor reports from who yet, and rwanda. in a tranquil corner of the rwandan hills, the dead are being disturbed. despite never having found peace rooms done. i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets, we found so many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago under homes and farm land. 30 years after they were one to genocide. identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing, items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface, along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here has been identified. what is left of the name is victims is taken shore, drive away an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoy the most on
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imaginable of death. a surround 800000 tootsie and some moderate hutus were most chevy to death by some 2 fighters. what they were then hangs heavily hoping to be identified. this was intimate, close up slaughter. we always ca, survivor, if with such a painful cost there can ever be forgiveness. but we're going to throw everyone to we've been reconciled by the government. they call on us they teach is about reconciliation. there is no way to turn us back. a government is in charge. president pull cook, i'm a runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then. and today any inquiries about someone's ethnicity is illegal. for those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. i am not, i am not much. what happened is that we're history and it has to live with us as the young generation. we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again,
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but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places, but do not select via forties. those who lived here are believe to have known about and concealed the mass grave. 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now on earth. but their names whose off of them, who misses them, would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain without pleasure . stephanie decker, all g 0. who you who wonder misery is your honda is mother was a tootsie and just found the was a who to. he was 30 years old when he says who 2 forces made him co took face. he was child for 15 years by local codes that were form to serve justice and local communities off to the genocide. a genius one is the one we
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do. what do we mean by binding? been in vinegar 3 to 5 by evaluating everyone with inches to mom. and we'll take that from kind of really well water. well, most of them were non g need g. so when you that we're going to know what the me was, it, we're not fluid it, we're running in the morning, but he's on the th, by each part of the fluid for almost
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a moment. let me take a cool 9 digit pacific, georgia, the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, the color i cheat. oh, it was a great time. you don't even even use that book with them. well, we're going to work on with the new quote. if you were, you know what we're to work or what do you quote and just be pretty sure that i'm i did is i can make it as a credit or more know my check i didn't have to go with the course of need isn't local stuff. we keep on, hey, how are you? sure i got i am. i do want to have your name by phone that i recognize you have right now. we're not the
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kind of it was still a hit here on al jazeera and major league bicycles. the boston red sox, and like angels put on the shows to be filed, to find out who came out on top. which faces the scene of the leaves that shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out a move from their natural habitat. family groups are separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from their mother's ad. it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated. they are how complex they are. and yet to put them into a gauge doctor, we should like the and keep them all their lives. he also believes that science
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isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking, that if i have a degree, if i look in the research institution or a university, i'm best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we don't continue with animal experimentation, so let's be aware of the impact. so 5 actions. let us don't claim that we don't harm. we don't tucked we do. we exploit the palestinian capital. have been describing how they flipped the war and gone. so they managed to get to, to kia s, and of course, the only reports from the sample alia, and the mother of us uni,
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were reunited with their son, her son, and his stumble last wherever they have been trapped in gaza after the war broke out on october 7th, speaking about their old deal is still painful. the people of the city, but i couldn't make other things to go to go this to be very cool. done. this is going to take, everything's well. how much was the former chief of surgery? goes us biggest hospital o c 5, which became the focus of for land. this is riley attacks. so 2 of those are good because the to the, the good, the phones is the star, the elbow as soon as were forced to leave their home and bates had known in northern garza and stayed in a clinic. they used to run in gaza city where they also hosted those of other
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displaced people. and what kind of come on my, you know, add number 2 more. yeah, there was no water and no gas. we burned our clinics furniture to have something to cook on. my husband is sick, he needs medicine and it should aaliyah and mohammad had been durham of citizens since 2011. the oldest son lloyd, who is a space engineer in the us, got help from the turkish authorities to evacuate them up until that point. he said he felt helpless. you know me, is this. i mean, something drawn to more, you know, and that is, i cannot use the water to my parents. while the human rights groups are demanding to know why they is really, it has not opened more crossings into gaza. hello, sr. who evacuate? to say the ones left behind have few means to survive. we're on, on the mileage. and the 3 on buddy, the roads, there is there is web page, so that is them see despite having escape the war, the soonest they,
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these thoughts and prayers are still with their full of palestinians. in garza who continues to suffer, seen up to solar elders who are stumbling cassandra support now his patient tom, thank you so much match. the said he has gone level on points with premium. the lead is level pool, also beaten crystal palace. how does one in front of the 3 minutes, but so the head back 10 minutes later. kevin bruno with a great strength and just pick audio. certainly enjoy that one. so if you didn't waste any time, i'll take a break. richard lewis makes me a to one less than 2 minutes into the section. huh. so he got a food when the boy in his class has made floating holland for his feet. it's actually a scale of this is the square, the 2nd up against saw one. after that it was to thousands of what the goals of primitive champions i was supposed to go back over to the city guy. but also this is the 2nd but also can go back above city and reach
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a top spot from little pool if they be bryson emulates kickoff. also have 19 and they lost 10 lead matches, but come up against the bryant's inside. well, i'm beaten and they lost 14 home games, an old competition. we learn a lot from, from the past, especially from difficult moments or from, from lessons that you have to take in and, and is a different situation. we're in a different moment by way, gone through that already, you know, and having that experience. so a lot, and we are trying to use in the right way. as it seems, there is no stopping all hello. the saudi team have extended, they will record winning street to 52 matches. they laces. victory coming against all her liege in the saudi pro league. all hell will get through there. open. i often mistake from the opposition cheaper. so they all shitty dates put the wrong so way. ok, well when to one up just before have time to present in fluid milk in the school to
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gain off to the right can they added another and stuff. it's time is it finished the one to the leaves? oh, hello or 12 points clear of i'll not the full the men just the city defendant, emerick, laporte heating, you know, this is winter again, stomach in stuff it's time is for stealing over. now the assignment is to leave victories in a row. next for stuff and this made it full po, positions from full races. so for this, for me to one season, i'll punching the front row spot for the japanese growing pre 3. so i will attempt it was fastest in qualifying as soon as you can. i have labeled teammates and your pair is by just 66000000 2nd corporate veterans land and all are seeing the type of stuff. and we'll be looking for seeds. franklin in japan in sunday's race was uh, quite closer then i think overall, you know, district is very sensitive with the tires, you know, with the timing being really aggressive. and when you really want to go to the limit, it doesn't always work out um, but nevertheless, i think, you know,
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most important is due to be on hold. of course you want every left to be perfect that the around the track like this that's not always the case, but yeah, overall, very good. a good signing position full for tomorrow and have customers what the, what comes it looks like tiger woods is set to play at the most is next week. the 15 time major champion has added the tournament to reschedule on these official websites with loss paid competitively at the genesis invitational in february, where he was forced to withdrawal midway through the 2nd hall for flu. if he does indeed to your federal gusta, on thursday, it will be his 26th appearance at the opening major of the season, which is $15.00 times. so i'm catalan's most as champion john rome is well me up for his title, defense, federal gusta. i think the latest live gulf events in miami, the spaniard is at 3 and a part of the around one institutional. it's behind joint liter, sergio garcia, who was staying with the parts that he used 25 years ago. it's been refurbished and
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it looks to be doing the tricks on top. see jessica mckayla is 3 to the semi finals of the charleston opened off the battery and talked to tom with straightening open champion, victoria as a ring to the gullet squandered full match points when she went 5 full up in the 3rd phase of a quote, a final, she then saved full match points in the tiebreaker to clinch the wind in just over 2 and a half hours. the world of a 5 is now 16 of her last 7 matches your face study. acosta tina in san today's 75. 30 maria. so can you move into the last 4 in charleston with the straight sets we know the veronica crude, a method of a c. now face is one of the toughest dependents this. yeah, semi final again, spaniel columns. the american is on a hot street right now. having $111.00 straight match on friday, beating belgium is the lease a minutes and is in straight sets to advance to the 15th korea, to
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a level semi colons is also coming off of title. when that the miami opened last show, hey o tony, go to home, run for the dodges for the 2nd strike game, but it wasn't enough for them to beat the chicago cubs. it was another japanese plant, say, a suitcase who dominated for the caps. he had 3 or the eyes as the cubs 197 for the 5th straight wind, some consolation for autonomy on the judges. i say $700000000.00, assigning it to 191st free again at the beginning. and the boston red sox go to a blistering star against the angels with 3 home runs and the sick and leaving. but they blew a full run lead with some mister texas, allowing the angels hoping to tie the game of 5 a piece in this, explaining that his 1st period grand slams would be angels, geron, duran, then hit a tie, breaking home run for the red sauce city it's ending as a 5th of the game, boston securing an $86.00 win for
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a foot straight to victory. i'll be here again later with another school to these updates. ok, thanks so much patience. well, the 1st space fill in from bella. ruth is back on this along with another female estrin. what's, who's american? and a russian man. the story is casual, touch down and catholics done. after a trip to the international space station arena investigative sky, it was a kevin cru, attendance in flight instructed for a bell of russian, a line full going up in the world by when a competition to go into spice fellers as a military ally of russia. if that's still a co op writes with nasa, despite tensions of a new crime, amount is captivating, visit is to southern is leave with a display of volcanic volt, takes rings of a natural phenomena occurs when vipers and gas is a release, rapidly and shaped by the chrysler of a volcano, mount in sicily,
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and it's more of these rings than any other volcano. says, offer me a, tell me the price for this news out, but i'll be back in just a moment, but much more of the dice and you stay with us. the devastating strikes followed by here will weak rescue because that's 1st responders know the mission could be their loss. but until then, the humanity drives one day with because the civil defense witness rescue mission. because on a jersey, the african narratives from african perspective. nature has always been this some way, my child to short documentary spine,
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african filmmakers looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at. what is key is that is part of our history. back couple from nigeria and rewriting libraries from africa direct on i'll just gotten around. no, says have family was one of the last to leave a neighborhood, nancy dunn's capital cost to because they couldn't afford to leave earlier when the will reached us. the web them shows every way can in more than 20 for my neighbors each day. people here come full health services, a close to that comes off from the fact that lock the destination transit can in the town to bring new york i call says he was shot in his stomach more than 2 months ago. he's jenny's be getting for months it's been receiving south see denise, which are nice, like milk,
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the u. n. rush agency built it for about 3000. now the remote and 5 times that it's not. you know, what we are receiving? we have must have number of 300 that you would need a system that's our capacity and funds are very limited. the the most concerns that will it tend to kansas these 5 totes it to resume in cairo. been says it would bank down on it's called the mines the . hello until mccrae. this is hell. just here. live from the also coming up. israel isn't stuffing it's mass killing of civilians and gone. so despite cools for
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a strange mill strikes that the strip killing. 46 in the past 24 hours, the question forces target you credit. the 2nd largest city will have the latest


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