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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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150 meters down the track. we can have them store things in the darkness. as the volunteers showing the lights that attend them, they move away. but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food, and the medicine never forgets the purchases in his royal coal for the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the, until mccrae, this is all just there a lot from time. also coming up the most concerns and will attends kansas 65 talks it to resume in colorado, which is one back down on this quote, the moms this royal isn't stopping it. smith's killing of civilians and guns at this by close for restraint will
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strikes that the strip killing 46 in the past 24 hours. russian forces targets you credit. the 2nd largest city will have slices from hi keith. as missiles claimed more lines, the anti government protest currently taking place until the phase thousands of demonstrations, the cooling for the resignation of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is really government is facing increasing pressure at home and abroad. i wore on garza to purchase com at a time we negotiations to secure a ceasefire and cancer due to resume on sunday in car. right. let's go live now to and we're on con, who is that these protests and television and run clearly another huge turn out there. how much pressure is making you come missing the outer coming on to run them ways coming under surrender, smell of price, uh,
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from a to different sections of society. now let me just show you where i am before i explain the i mean the whole square. now normally this place would be absolutely packed, but bring them back. campaign has been very clear in bringing people to this square and putting pressure on the prime minister to get the hostages released. but last week, in a very dramatic movement, they didn't. the lights on the square and they told people to go join the anti government protests to go to their streets. that's a significant development because the bring them back campaign has generally been quite a political, but 6 months old and those hostages haven't been released. people are getting very frustrated and then laying the blame squarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu store saying that he is actually storing on a deal that could have been done a very long time ago. so the protest as on now joining those anti government protested. and that's what you'll see in the hours to come the 40 several 1000
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people on the streets of a tel aviv will be that just in the next hour. but i want it to show you the contrast. and we see between what it was like last week it was like this week, people are now on the streets and they're putting pressure on the probably minister to either resign or do more to bring that people back. and when this isn't happening, is talks a set to begin in cairo on sunday, mazda is concerned that it will be attending. do we know if israel will have a present? said to of the, well, what we're hearing is the, is there any government is waiting to see if a mouse is willing to compromise on some of the 2 months. i must already been very clear about this. they segment over to compromise on any cool demands. but there may be some issues that they were all willing to do. so if that happens, then the head of my side will travel to colorado to take part in those tools. it will be a significant sign. but if he does go to the may, will be some move,
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but in cairo on sunday. okay, thanks so much him run and run. come there for us and tell her face as we say to mazda is expected to send a delegation to these talks and conroy earlier. we spoke to best name is send you a mean. the off, the mouse is political bureau. he says the crib wouldn't deviate from its demands for permanency is fine. what we are calling for should not be part of any legal she issues because when we are negotiating feel for us, he's fail. it means that we, we are the heading to with a ceasefire. when we are legal shifting because he said it means that the troops, the tubes which invaded, goes after october 7th has to leave. cuz i said, when we talk about this a ceasefire agreement, it has to, it has to mean that the people of, of the few fell agreements have to pretty they interpret goodness we cannot accept
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after a piece fail agreement that they either have the right to launch the aggression again at any time to have the tool insight. it goes out today if you'd like us to begin or to but event $1300000.00 multiple opinions to, to 10 back to their houses or to move freely. therefore, we, i'm not talking about condition the solve, the expected outcome of entities felt like giving the, to what we can expect from this negotiations is that of to achieving all these demands is to have a serious up in the prison of dean between the 2 parties so that we can exchange the prisoner and then then launch the construction process . what the basic pressure was increasing on president showed by them to stop weapons being sent from the us to israel, key l i. and for my house speaking, nancy pelosi is among those who have signed a letter from thousands of congressional democrats. now believe this is this in
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light of the recent strike against a we're cause and the if a listening humanitarian crisis, we believe it is justifiable to approve these weapons transfers. now the link, it goes on to say if it is found that destroyed, violated us or international law, those responsible must be held accountable. but she hung pretends he has moved from washington dc on the calls for the used to hold with ins, transfers as well. you know, and even many of the signature is also a lot less. there are quite happy then to put the name store that it like this. and then vert, yes, when it comes to the appropriations for more weapons, for as well. sir, we have to be very careful as to what is being done. the weather is positioning here. that was really interesting. all the go, i think was nbc last week who spoke to the administration, official who said, quite if this goes bad, we want to be able to point to our past statements were supposed to go to the ministration. doesn't think it's already going badly, but we see a lot of positioning now as the full scale apparently took the wealth,
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central kitchen killings, to get this through to washington. also the slaughter in gauze as the positioning here that they were actually oh, we are on the right side perhaps. i don't know. maybe they worried about being accused of being present in, in genocide. but really in the ad we've got to see whether these on shipments are still waived, wave through. and there's no indication of like blinking that others have been very cab. that's not good. that happens on cubby's been right. so that's not gonna have to be on the shipments will continue and actually, you know, that phone call last week between bite and yahoo. we're getting more information about just how confused everyone was. because if you remember that was that headline, biking calls for immediate halting the fights and even the x rays weren't quite sure what he meant was he, the linking was he d, linking seems far from the hostages. and because he wasn't, it was just bite and being bite, and i guess everyone being a bit confused. but there everyone in the white house there was a done a nice business as usual spot still linked to the the release of hostages, which again just means business as usual. israel has continued it strikes across
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the gaza strip despite growing international calls for restraint to erica bozer and has the license from rougher and self in casa for the 6 palestinians have been killed within the past 24 hours as there was new till now. in the lake topping seats in terms of the fighting, known as strikes. of course, different areas in the comments as cheap as we can clearly have seen how the explosions were really overhead. and the southern part of the city of con, you are just as we can clearly feel it through the peroration from our location here right now in a rough on its own going back tools and consultations are states taking place on mount thing in the eastern part of the city of con, you just between from us spices and the is really so we just bought the strikes in fact have been mount thing on the middle areas of the territories. specifically in america, i'm gonna say ross refugee campbell, multiple areas of residential houses including also i be taught to loans have been hits in the past few hours as those of injuries have to report as i'm being
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transferred to the hospital for medical treatment. but yet these talk reality the, that there's 2 people stuck on the russell where civil defense crews are facing new to move difficulties to recover them from under the deep rays of the targeted houses due to the lack of civil equipment that will be really useful. and helpful to recover those injuries, but also according to our witnesses on the ground show, your neighborhood has been widely hits in the past few hours where it is very minute treat that has operated before, but they have been full. so again, targeting areas and destroying residential houses, one officer ayala as the gauze was health minister has been quoting for an edge and an immediate humanitarian intervention. just to risk you to stop the deterioration of a humanitarian condition in garza, a. this rattle has allowed the united nations to deliver 3 truck loads of fuel and medical supplies to northern cancer. but this to loss on all the food i'd required
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for tens of thousands of styling palestinians. this comes off the mounting international outrage of a feminine conditions and attacks on i'd work as hyde agency. so i find more i is need is of food and medicine, shortages and costs are leaving the people there in a desperate situation. they had a lot of the has more on the dining struggled face by hundreds of thousands of palestinians and cancer. everywhere in rough or in solving gaza, displace palestinians have to queue for toilets for drinking water to try to get a piece of bread. these make shift scans are set to provide besides, law schools were most displaced. people in gaza, shelter the place is over crowded, and more people arrived every day, monday to solve them, have 7 of them of got into the schools and now very of the crowd, and they don't want to receive us. so we have to get some of wood and we set up. this tends to be optimized. sometimes we're not even able to get any water and for
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the toilet. so they going to have to have my wife and my daughters go to the schools in order to use that service. um, we don't have any toilets and for us, the man, and we're not even allowed to use the bathrooms, that the school is forced to leave their homes. they put together flimsy tents using separate plastic sheets, which provide very little protection, causing many to become ill. below and have the lead, which is the most my daughter has been ill since the war began. the unsanitary conditions here with sewage and animals nearby have made her vulnerable to illness. she suffers from frequent bouts of flu and fever, and, and which limited medical health and overcrowded living spaces. there was an immune and the rest of epidemics. diseases use spread easily, making it tough for families to stay healthy. incleanse tends notated when coming
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to us. we have no other options. this is the only place we found. we surrounded by sewage and animals, and it's affecting our health. my younger daughter has been sick since we arrived here and i can hear the more than 1500000 palestinians. the vast majority displaced from the notes of the gaza strip are trapped in rough by 63 square kilometers food and all the essential supplies are scarce due to the is really restrictions on age entering into gaza. and often nearly 6 months of israel's will and gaza getting basic needs remains the daily challenge. he has a liability was a 0. can we have more now on the pre shown as well as governments we were in drop a pool is a political commentator and it was like a cool hebrew language news sign. he joins us from tell of a thank you very much for being with us here. on al jazeera, the, as we mentioned earlier in the program, a sushi ki democrats, including uh for my house speaker, nancy pelosi have signed lisa and uh,
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basically trying to push it through an end to the humanitarian crisis. and in lines of the killing of i'd, we're cuz i mean, it seems that even some of the israel staunchest supporters in the us and now really piling the pressure on a bite and as well. what's the response being there? a hi, britney good. um though he is, uh there is going prints. uh, uh, in the so uh for this uh, deterioration of the relationship that especially with the us but uh, no problem. the we here also voice is in uh, in the okay. in uh, calling to find about going on save to you. so i think there is going concern. uh, even with the in the government, even with the in the company, i was advised not, not only in the a position but uh at the moment it doesn't seem that changes the position
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offer and let them know and so on and off his government. um they uh, we asked to the student talking about the necessity to take the fast to, to, to invaded off and their unwillingness for a cease fire. and we lost his fire. so we don't see really a change in the policy domain policy, i think so. okay, well we have cigna and recent sized box and really set up the pressure on israel. we know that towards us it to begin in cairo on sunday. what is the feeling there in tele, face about these talks is realizing confirmed that it's even going yes. of the again from using 0 side. uh, there's no change of position here though, so close to him as to
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a plane that's from us to the mountains unacceptable. and that from i see. so raising the obstacles, but i think in these are the public opinion, things are changing. today we've heard about him that the foster, that he's the about, the me, it was, it was uh, taken out from a garza and 5 units. and the all we have found is bobby. and so he was killed while and connectivity. it's not clear by whom exactly. uh, but anyway, he was like last night and the videos, are you really still in january? so it's clear that he wants to live only 2 or 3 months ago. uh so uh yes, i think the pressure is mounting. the families of the hostages of completing losing patients. i think some parts of these early public are also losing patients
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won't abuse. no, no. to that they don't speak openly, that's a b now means the ceasefire or token ceasefire. but it's quite clear that we don't have a ceasefire. if we look at a deal to use even some of the hostages and have a 45 a day. is this for it's clipping to begin to go for longer one? yeah. we've heard from him us and the last couple of hours and i've said that the, this round of negotiations has to start with the basis of a permanent c 5. that's nothing you did of so that pretty much the whole way along . i mean is a really any point and even holding these talks, if that is not on the table at the very least from these writers, oh yes, it seems that this is unbelievable. this get back to maybe i don't know, i'm just guessing here may be something about
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a compromise. could be found that the will be a 1st stage, a release, a deal. truly, some of the hostages has have 45 days at 65, and then a 2nd deal to release of the soldiers about 20 or 25, or nobody knows the exact number of soldiers that in the 2nd uh, deal, the 2nd stage and then uh, it will be to a um, a ceasefire permanency file. if i could be, uh, if there's no say a compromise like this. it's really the very, very hard to get used to, to, to bridge this gap intake. thank you very much. we'll have to leave it there. we really do appreciate your time and your insight in there and wrap up pull political commentator and editor of the local cool hebrew language, new site. thank you. thank you. this table still
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a hit here on al jazeera strand to on the show. we're going to rock health insurance side that being put out of work because of a territorial dispute with neighbors, the critical debate. punish farmers are angry. people of starving, and we actually have to experts all good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians and made the ultimate of the highest level have been using games for the political economy service doing. and course the rivals inside story on al jazeera. why have american evangelicals become? is real strong, his background is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line as long as us
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support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line with every donation given. with every hearts that cancel, we are changing lives in palestine showing that love days. you donated we deliver to a partnership we'll be in bringing you husband love to palestine for all to see, so donates, with confidence, donates with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one hawks, that's the time the, [000:00:00;00] the you're watching,
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you'll just say right. a reminder of our top story is the cell. demonstrate is gathered once again and tell the faith coolants of these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign the protest. com as the israeli government is facing increasing discontent at home and abroad of the handling of its 4 own guns. a mouse has consent. it will attend the spot towards the sick to resume in cairo on sunday . you, as president joe biden is reported to have sent letters to mediators and cosign egypt, urging them to put more pressure on her mazda to accept a deal of the months of negotiations. meanwhile, is riley, it strikes have killed, at least, 45 people. in the last 24 hours civilians have been targeted across garza, the total number of people killed now stands more than $33000.00 and including $14000.00 children. this mexico has con diplomatic ties with ecuador, that's off the police right at the mexican embassy in quito and arrested equity was
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full of vice presidents for high gloss, who'd been inviting detention for months, because he looked as hold of young has more police store, mexico's embassy to arrest ecuador, former vice president. the raid came hours after mexico announced who would grant, who'd take less political asylum, and urged ecuador to offer him the safe passage to leave the country. very important, there's, how can these criminals rate the mexican embassy in ecuador? it's not possible, it can't be it's madness. yes. they've arrested a form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed dental kits in ecuador, his former vice president had been evading arrest and staying in mexico some of the see since december. he was arguably his country's most wanted felon convicted twice for corruption. the 54 year old was suspended from his duties in 2017 after
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being charged for allegedly receiving millions of dollars in bribes. more accusations are being investigated for medical dory is like a mockery of justice. the that he was a grant that the asylum in the, in the embassy and glass and the locals or laura, are they want to go? oh, i said in the address of the ideological connection, they're like, well, dorians felt that this wasn't, this was our way of, of making us glass has repeatedly said he's a victim of political persecution. a lot of the why the president on that is my own way. lopez silverado, it has to spend the diplomatic ties with that good, or maybe a, maybe of the mexican diplomatic personnel and equitable will leave the country immediately . and mexico with appeal to the international court of justice to hold up for to accountable for violations of international ties. between mexico in ecuador were
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under strain. well before the arrest. now they've reached a new low in a case that's ignited an international political crisis. castillo official, again, which is here. russia has struck the ukrainian city of high cave twice and just a few well is killing at least 8 people and injuring 10 minutes is residential areas with targeted hurry, faucet reports. russia is intensifying its attacks on ukraine, 2nd largest city, just 40 kilometers from the border. hockey if it's come under increasing fire in recent weeks, just off to midnight. another residential area struck from the new shopping center destroyed 9 to pop and buildings damaged just for i got the coach and i was sleeping. i was walking by the explosion. the fuel station was on fire. they yelled at me, get out. i stood there and stared, only later i walked out and there was another explosion and everything started
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falling. the strike followed one on thursday that killed 4 people. a senior ukrainian official, as well as the hockey would be the likeliest target of any summer offensive by russia. ukraine's military commander says, russian forces are on the attack along the front lines, day and nights. so the people who call caves little to do but try to repair the damage in the knowledge. more is 2nd to come. my stay with doing everything we can to bowed up the damage windows. according to our motors calculations, there was 3600 broken windows and 9 apartment blocks between me latrice as it destroyed 28 of 32 drones. and 3, a 6 missiles that russia launched over night. those that got through the did the work more desk will damage more fear harry for will sit out. his ear canal to the contests of water is between quite around and of rock finale 20 he is
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a rocky fisherman had been running into trouble with k y c. in a rainy and patrol bites and many have lost their jobs. as mike moved up to why he'd reports from best buy so on the rise in this, although you walk you see of bus ross is when for sure mean at l file harbor unload the catch. the holes are a small of these days. the result of what do you do you know, mary, time dispute an increasing number of fishermen, a looking for other work on a hardy, at my job i quit because iranian, and create a cost cut that shows with beating us, you know, shooting at us and smashing all both the land for some of my colleagues are still suffering from the injured was the, this job is not safe in the bottle. fewer boats, me less proud use for see that's market traders say the business used to be booming is now at 10 years dentist tells me i feel
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a ton of i've worked here for almost 20 years. we used to receive between 25 and 30 tons of fisher day. that's dropped to about $10.00 to $15.00 times. in september, iraq supreme court, an old, a decayed old agreement, was quite on sharing the hold up below. want to weigh the 2 countries only maritime linked to the gulf. tension surrounding the shuttle out of river between either one on a lock which we get across to the war. in the 1980s also posed a threat. a fisherman here say they used to fish all across the gulf and beyond. but increasing aggression an interception by waiting on a rainy and coast to go to the vessels aforesaid, hundreds of boats out of service. the dispute began after the fall of saddam hussein in 2003 and as worse, and in recent years, the other model, the number of fishing bites has dropped from nearly 4000 to only
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a few 100. hundreds of fishermen of quit. and no official has bothered to come and ask about the problems with facing the land border between iraq and kuwait was demarcated by the united nations in 1993. but the amount of time boundaries remain unresolved. and with them, the future of many, fisher mean would up do i just eat on the bus at all? southern iraq, the 1st space of women from belarus is back on this marina vessel of sky one, a competition to go into space alongside of female american, esther north, and the russian men. the story is casual, touch down, and catholics don, after a trip to the international space station. bellows is a military ally of russia that still cooperates vanessa. this my intentions are you crying. mount edna is captivating because it is to stop in this leave with a display of volcanic, a vortex rings,
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the natural phenomena that occurs when vipers and gas is released rapidly, and shaped by the chrysler. it was a volcano, and now the in the in sicily. and it's more of the rings than any other volcano. the we have is up next and inside story looks at the growing pressure on israel with even the us joining the global chorus of condemnation. stay with us, the bit of a change in the weather type. know for the g and the eastern that the winds pick time, it's good to bring with it some rain. so through eastern bullet 30 degrees, it could be a pretty miserable sunday for you, for most of the turkey is generally fine. but you know, there's an increase in the share of it that on show breeze it hits egypt also brings showers with it more or less from gauze in north with through 11 that i make much progress in there. and they do go over the tough of
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a serial probably into the western side of iran, but otherwise it's a dry looking picture. but it's obviously something going on for this house if you dropped down to the right place. so i'm just almost up last week i've been pretty big and savvy, i think that'd be repeated start way. but there was your life balance here. and then i also hit eastern side of iraq. the increase wind does suggest to be a dusty atmosphere, troubling those sandstone p, cuz the dried has had rain fairly recently. and the picture on monday improves not point of view temperature system the way up 35 inches in k, right. that's, that's to impact that throughout equitorial africa, the seasonal rains are pretty heavy. you know, certainly this pretty, i've enjoyed the iep and how does the catching some of the, the concentration more in the see where the earlier writings had failed in mos on big zimbabwe. they're back again. i'm with the vengeance now in south africa, the spain, it just closer to recognizing it,
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palestinian state prime minister pedro sanchez, is that the forefront calling for israel to respect to international humanitarian law. what i can tell you is that the situation will be gladly sought acceptable as an immediate cease firing. garza, there's an urgency to stop this terrible war until open a new phase of stability. peace precipitating the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l. g 0 in the shop, his criticism, yes, of israel's actions in gaza with even the us joining the global course of condemnation of to more than 33000 policy invest israel's killing of 7 international aid workers triggered the west most furious response to date. so how is events this week effect to israel's international stand? this is inside of
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the hello there on james bays for palestinians in gauze. there's not be much change and


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