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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 6, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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acted because the mad dog is stella, your mercy, showing this brightest, gave mercy, now donate today. the . the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming off in the next 60 minutes hanging as rile about the government's handling of the war on guns. a protest is wanting to deal on the hostages being held in the strip. a mouse is killed, 14 is riley soldiers in southern kansas. a day before the 65 toll existed to resume and conroy. you cried, and 2nd largest city hockey is targeted by several russians. strikes. and mexico
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accounts, diplomatic ties with ecuador up to police tournaments. embassy increase or to a risk to form a vice president convicted of corruption and on peace of statements with your sports by naval truism. no one went away from winning. they 1st have a book to see the title, and the latest or most, most game against price, and we're a when we'll send the gunners back to the top of the print news . we begin this news with hopes that a new round of negotiations will bring some respond to the people if gaza, the latest round of talks is it to resume in cairo on sunday and is writing the delegation is expected to attend time off. has also said it will say and representatives amazon group is also said it has killed 14 is rarely sold just during fighting and con eunice in southern gaza, up to almost 6 months of all these really, governments is facing growing anger and discontent from it. citizens,
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large crowds have gathered in tell of a cooling for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. but we'll get more on the ambush. all these ready soldiers shortly with terracon, a bu assume, who was and rough before us. the 1st, let's go through and we're on ton, who is in television and run, and another huge turnouts via this evening. just how much pressure is missing. yeah . who coming on to right now of the way is coming under a tremendous amount. surprised nobody's was pointing out that his coalition is still holding. and that means he's still in power with a significant to but let me just show you where i am. this is the, at present to all the protest movement a straight to about 3 or 4 miles down that way. um, submitted to cover my, my deal just pick out the fires the procedures here. i've been a little firing then, but it happened in previous warrant due to openly personalizing at yahoo now saying
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he's simply not doing enough to bring the hostages back home and he's actually stolen. a lot of the size, the size is ro is completely off the rails right now because of one appointment as such as well. as i mentioned, this is just to bring them back home kind of by the people who are advertising, but also to just about to join this movement as well. to bring them home campaign was an, a political move and up until last week, when in frustration. but the also just haven't been though, i saw 6 months, i've decided to join this group, but in run uh, on top of all of this, the tools to us it to begin in colorado, on sunday, mazda is confirmed. it will be attending. we believe it is right, it will be there to of the well is all has actually confirmed. it's the attendance to those tools as well as say,
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is that they are waiting for a response from a mess. they want some key compromises from asked. i'm not so back, she said they're not willing to compromise or any of that for the month. if the head of the most thought goes to the results in colorado on sundays, the men is likely that there is some progress that has been made, such as the course of. let's wait and see what his role goes. whether it does send a delegation. today's car, right? so. okay, thanks so much for that and run and run con uh for us, the intel of a, this phase we mentioned to mazda is um, doing the customer guide says it has killed 14 is riley soldiers during confrontations, and con eunice and southern guns that i think were on the cisco live to terika boone and he joins us from profit and southern kaiser. and what more information have you been able to find out about this? so i just round of funding and con eunice yes,
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told me in fact to admit it to winkle thomas has sent you to this. it has stated that they have killed 9 is what it is to do seen as that in the neighborhood, which is a pull the area that is adjacent to these what the food is in which the is very minute 3 has a 3 you said in the beginning of the minute you're encouraging for the city or quad eunice in which it was completely destroyed, where the majority of houses had been reduced to the roof of but yes, off to a more than 5 months of the complex on the ground. fighting and battles have renewed again in that area where it's a military um push had been prepared by the minute by the so we just had a fight as of the military angles. how much alongside with and the attacks that had been carried out of the neighborhood attracting 5 years maybe. so just now the attack has been carried out by using i'm to tack messiah that hit 3 mark of our tags from the east valley side. as 3 is very, you can call this happened on that in the eastern part of the city of han units in order to evacuate the engine people. but yet we did not receive or any confirmation
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or any statements released by the is very mandatory regarding that to enter the but generally the bombardment continues indistinct upon us. this specifically in the eastern part following the operations that had been that has been carried out. but um its another compartment has taken place also in the separate part of the city is specifically, you know, most the area where a drug attack has been carried out the um, its unstoppable attacks. also it could be carried thought that was carried out in the northern parts of the gaza strip, specifically on the big tunnel in town and about the refuge account of the past hour. i thank you so much for all of that. so that's terrible was in for us there. in the rougher some name is a send you a member of a mazda as political bureau. util, they'll just arrow, the mouse will not back down from its demands. for permanency 5 talks in colorado. what we are calling for should not be part of any legal she issues because when we
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are negotiating fuel for us, he said it means that we, we are heading to with a seat faith when we are negotiating because he said it means that the troops, the tubes which invaded goes after october 7th has to leave because of that, when we talk about this a ceasefire agreement, it has to, it has to mean that the people off of the he said agreements have to move freely inside. because a slip, we cannot accept after a piece fail agreement that so either have the right to launch the aggression again at any time to have the tool insight. because i totally, if you'd like us to begin or to but event 1300000 multiple opinions to, to 10 back to their houses or to more freely inform you, i'm not talking about conditions. the sort of the expected outcome of entities felt like giving that to what we can expect from this negotiations is after achieving
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all these uh, the demand is to have a serious up in the prison of dean between the 2 parties so that we can exchange the prisoner and then then launch the construction process as the domestic pressure was increasing on president joe biden, to stop with him. it's being sent from the us to israel t l i n for my house. beacon nancy pelosi is among those who have signed a laser from thousands of congressional democrats believe this is this in line of the recent strike against i'd work is and the if a listening to mandatory and crisis, we believe it is justifiable to approve these weapons transfers it goes on to say, if it is found that the strike violated us or international little those responsible must be held accountable for more on this, doug, depend out joins us now. he is a senior fellow at decatur institute and a former special assistant to prisons. ronald reagan, he joins us from washington,
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dc. thank you very much for being here with us on al jazeera. first of all, how much is in regards to this lisa, st by the democrats? how much of this is about losing support at the election light of this year, and how much is it? but actually trying to help people who are dying and stopping and gowns of right now? i think it's primarily political. this is probably the 1st time that many of these politicians have ever criticized. he is rarely government. they feel extraordinary pressure from members of their own party progressives as well as arrow but americans. some of these are concentrated, important states like michigan in a very close selection of these people don't vote democratic president binding might lose. so i think this is very much political. it is by the unlikely to listen to the senior democrats a well bite and so far as that he doesn't want to stop harm shipments.
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nevertheless, he clearly feels pushed very hard on this as well. of course, you know, the depths of thousands of palestinians matters less in the us and the west and the death of western or so you know, if it's americans and brits and others who are dying. that really has brought this home to democrats. that this is an issue the well beyond palestine is an issue that goes to the west as well. so he has to re, yeah. and we see him pushing and talking much tougher than he has in the past. and the button has become increasingly internationally isolated as we have saying now there's a slight pressure coming from within his own policy within the united states. i mean, what will this mean that you think that he could potentially push back against netanyahu, and as well, even hotter than we have seen over the last several days? it's possible. it's still, this is
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a man who said that he is the most pro israel president, ever. this is someone who has long been very strongly supported by pro is rarely interest. and this is someone who until now has said he would not apply a red line to israel and would continue providing weapons. nevertheless, we do seem to be seeing changes. he's under an awful lot of pressure. we, we saw in the primaries, i guess, a protest vote for many people and some of the swing states against biden. how big an issue is this within the united states and how big an issue if this war does continue? will it be come november in the election as well? the danger for him is that he will lose some of the most active people in the democratic party. i have spoken to students, for example, were not palestinians who said they will not vote for him. the protest vote in
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michigan was about 15 percent of people who voted uncommitted, you know where he was effectively unopposed. that's extraordinary. if he would lose 15 percent of the democratic vote in november, he probably will lose that state to donald trump. so this matter is a lot to him, he can't afford to have the most active, the most dedicated democrats walking away from him and the democratic party. okay, we'll have to leave today, but we really do appreciate your insight into this. that is doug bender, senior fellow at the cato institute. thank you. thank you. found this really strong, some southern living on have killed a 7 find his from his belie and it's a mile allies in the past 24 hours. his blog has also loaded several attacks and as ro, they include firing a rock is into the gallery of region and targeting is riley soldiers on the boat of the hush and tells us more from southern living on a sanction has been intensifying between his will and as red. yeah. in south
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lebanon as well as laws, several airstrikes. yeah. and what are we on the wasn't as frank several authors often that he shows, hey, the vicinity of the tunnel. so in that, how do i talk to the east and i, the shop is found that's almost completely destroyed onto the minis is really wound up also during the day it has well luck named responsibility for several attacks that are on 51. yeah, not quote. on charlotte island metric, post and all the on the cool it off a naval base and a, an attack on menu key, a miniature base. the size of attacks. nice attacks comes up the also a day yesterday that was full of is really as try 7 has will on i'm on the movements uh 5 does where it goes and also has the last same responsibility for several attacks on is really ministry 1st. what's here now is just part of the context. that's what we've been with testing for the past 6 months. however,
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it's also connected to the tension that is escalating day after day following the killing gulf and the ring. and john, the rose and the boss goes from the court ourselves, and they've been on, on the hash. and i just, you know, the hotel, the news now and russia has struck the ukrainian city of hockey twice. and just a few hours killing at least 8 people and injuring 10. the man says residential areas with target, very full. so it has more. russia is intensifying its attacks on ukraine, 2nd largest city, just 40 kilometers from the border. hockey, if it's come under increasing fire in recent weeks, just after midnight. another residential area struck from the new shopping centers that destroyed 9 to pop and buildings damaged. just for those folks i was sleeping . i was walking by the explosions. the fuel station was on fire, they yelled at me,
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get out. i stood there and stared. only later i walked out and there was another explosion and everything started falling. strikes, followed one on thursday that killed people. a senior ukrainian official as well in the hockey would be the likely as target of any summer offensive by russia. ukraine's military commander says, russian forces are on the attack along the front lines, day and nights. so the people have khaki, little to do, but trying to repair the damage in the knowledge more is 2nd to come. my stay with doing everything we can to bowed up the damage windows. according to our modest calculations, there was 3600 broken windows and 9 department blocks. the grange meet latrice as it destroyed 28th of 32 drones. and 3 or 6 missiles that russian launched over night. those that got through the did the work, more desk will damage more here. how are you?
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close it out to 0. at least 3 people have died and i have a 2000 evacuated officer, a dan broke in the russian city of august. the flooded hesitate to more than 4000 times and about 11000 people in the region. official side of them has been breached to to pull maintenance. the criminal case has been opened, thrushes the wrong mountain are in the region, which includes also has been hit by flooding and recent days, the state of emergency has been declared which you don't, you don't want us to deck yesterday. we do the things that it would be like this. we hoped it was some help us by in the morning we woke up and saw that the water was over at any deep to mexico has count diplomatic ties with the equity. one that's off to police, right, of the mixer can embassy in quito and arrested equity was full of vice president who high gloss who had been evading detention for months. that early on said that he was transferred from the prosecutor's office. the schools had by
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a security convoy class was convicted twice of corruption and sort political asylum at the embassy in december. now the right half of dallas off in the mix can government grunted his request because he lost his hold of young has more, a police store, mexico's embassy to arrest input doors, former vice president. the raid came hours after mexico announced who, with a grand total pick last political asylum, and urged ecuador to offer him safe passage to leave the country. very important, there's how can these criminals rate the mexican embassy in ecuador? it's not possible. it can't be it's madness. yes, they've arrested a form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed dental kits in ecuador. as former vice president had been evading arrest and staying in mexico, some of the see since december. he was arguably his country's most wanted philip
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convicted twice for corruption. the 54 year old was suspended from his duties in 2017 after being charged for allegedly receiving millions of dollars in bribes. more accusations are being investigated for medical dorians. he still looked like a mockery of justice, the, that he was a grant, that the asylum in the, in the embassy and glass and the locus or laura, are they want to go to, oh, i said in the address of the ideological connection there and like, was always felt that this was, this was our way of, of making us glass has repeatedly said he's a victim of political persecution. a lot of the why the president on that is manuel salgado. it has to spend the diplomatic ties with ecuador, maybe a, maybe of the mexican diplomatic person on an equitable will leave the country immediately. and mexico will appeal to the international court of justice to hold
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up for to accountable for violations of international law. ties between mexico in ecuador were under strain. well before the arrest, now they've reached the new, lo, in a case that's ignited an international political crisis. castillo official. again, i'll just here, we're going to start with a story and john home and joins us now from mexico city angel. what is the latest on the, the fallout from this diplomatic around what it meant. so that's being close for a protest outside of the ecuadorian embassy, but the mexican government has all these people not to go to that and has said that they don't approve of any violence being. and so i said, not just to me, it's converting policy, but also the opposition of come together at to conducting the stage of presidential campaign on the way in both kinds of it's for me. but this was right. what's
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happened? what happened with the, with during police erupt thing into the mexican and they, in terms of the man who's at the center who was based at the ecuador and x vice president jorge gust. he's now been transferred to a place called the rock, which is a maximum security prison. that's how this all met. they couldn't. people out look at looks like we're having some technical issues they withdrawing. we will try and get that connection back up uh shortly. but same with the storage jeffrey robinson is an international lawyer and a full, a legal advisor to julian massage from london. he says, the embassy right is a clear violation of international law and it's very outbreak just. it's a clear breach of the vienna convention, which could text diplomats of old country if they're embassy to
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be run into by live to police. that sic complete rejection of the protection that has been accorded to them by one of the most solar and international conventions. is this, it could dorian was, has been, prosecute, should the jail time. and now the or to using a crude or want to prosecute to make in mexico as look closely as the case to determines which is being persecuted. and it, given him was silent in the timber seat. and the ecuadorian, this engraved greek, should have been to match the rule of sent the police in knocking over a few diplomats while they wrapped it to a risk. if this is just not done, i mean, you remember when julia saw guy wrong, it was a beach, a crude,
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dorian embassy in london, the priest offered to arrest him, but they couldn't get there across the board to say he would lean out of the window to address his supporters and the police were there hoping he'd pull over into the street where under international law, he then be in england and he could be arrested but they never did because they a little like i will going to go back to our correspondence on home and who is in mexico city and that's on the we were interrupted earlier. but can you just explain what the reaction has been from other countries out there in south america? a condemnation. and that's pretty much across the board from the right populist. a government of heavy, a malay intelligent tina to the left based government's whether or not for the
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allies of president and today's manual, nope, is over the door of mexico of cuba, venezuela on. so the biggest player in the region, brazil. so this is something that's so highly unusual that it seems to have brought, skipped the desperate strands in the region to say, no, this can't be done. a police call guy storming an a, an, an embassy. so at the moment done, you'll know, boy, who is the president of ecuador, he's 35 years old. so he's the youngest elective president in ecuador is history. he's only going to be in power for 18 months, and he was army elected after a snap elections. he's popular in the country because he's taken tough measures against equity. those gang lead academic violence that but this decision seems to have been sort of by those in the region of the governments as something that's not right. it's something that's perhaps lacking a little bit of political maturity and knowing the rules of the political game. okay, thanks so much john, john, home. and for us, the in mexico city hope for is present in about
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a lot that has testified about and declared luxury goods and bank transfers. it's part of an investigation into alleged elicit enrichment, the up until front of the president had side silence about the scandal. marianne essentials has more from lima for someone to by the attorney general, president, dean of a lot of places. she answered every question. during 5 hours. it was sort of moving . she had remained silent for a week about her possession of luxury watches, jewelry worth tens of thousands of dollars and undeclared bank transaction circuit was that is a standard. there's only one true. i have to acknowledge it was a mistake to accept the watches lend to me by my friend governor. we'd faddle or squeeze him a. i have return to them and because they were not mine, i was not obliged to declare them. was good. he met a regional governor, had bought a rolex on her birthday and visited the presidential palace that same day the president had initially said she worked since she was 18 to buy her watches,
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contradiction with her deposition on friday. instead, she dismissed the case as sexist and discriminatory harassment from the press box that is a good or bad. it's time to stop is dirty games against the country. they don't benefit anyone and the damage the country's image. symposium se forgot this display of which is is an in so people need to wake up. the president has so many watches. she's taking your money while the poor people are hungry. the scandal as rolex gate picked after police and prosecutors forced their way into beloved as residents looking for evidence. and it cost a ser, i meant the government and some legislators who demanded her resignation. 6 ministers left about this cabinet this week. critics say the replacements were selected as a reward for political allies, and congress rejected
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a recent impeachment motion. congressional leaders said, an impeachment for this candle would be stabilize the country. but critics say legislators have only one thing in mind. he's still going to be associated with the protecting savory counter reform supported by the and with no objections from the constitutional court that allows the and keep the post until 2026. the changing the rules are not for the countries stability. but for this in the controller will be, i don't know both testers in the center of the capital called for her resignation without any peach me, and she stays until 2026. for now, she asked peruvians to turn the page at the investigation, continues. many in the center suggesting denver of this point is still a hit hit on al jazeera, including find stephanie decker in wonder where the country is getting ready to come memories, 13 years since the genocide mass graves continue to be found to have that story
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coming up and if it goes and still haven't boss decision action on the way, the a bit of a change in the weather type now for the ga and then the eastern that the winds pick time, it's going to bring with it some rain. so through eastern bullet 30 degrees, it could be pretty miserable. sunday for you for busted turkey is generally fine, but you know, there's an increase in the shall see that on show breeze that hits egypt also brings showers with it more or less from 1000 northwood through 11. and they don't make much progress in land. they do go over top of a sylvia probably in to west inside every round, but otherwise it's a dry looking picture, but it's obviously something going on for this house if you drop down to the right place. so i'm just almost up the last week of him pretty big and sadie,
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i don't think that'd be repeated that way. but there are quite a few like ones here. and then i also hit the eastern side of the rock. the increased wind does suggest it'll be a dusty atmosphere, troubling those sandstone period, cuz the dryer has had rain fairly recently. and the picture on monday improves not point of view, attempted to send the way up to 35 inches in k, right. that's, that's to impact that throughout equitorial africa, the seasonal rains are pretty heavy. you know, certainly this pretty up until the if you, if you and how does that catching some of the, the concentrated more in the see where the earlier right instead failed in mos on big zimbabwe the back again, i'm with the vengeance now in south africa. the latest news as it breaks. during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the
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hospital. in garza city. they have very fit date on the grounds. the grades for the overt gauze are not from the house of the story, one and 3 it's children is suffering from a cue of mountain nutrition. and health officials are saying around $60000.00 of pregnant women are suffering to for the hydration families and gaza facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. so direct is a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dog estella. you'll see showing the brightest, gave mercy, now donate today the
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you're watching. i'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the south demonstrate isn't tel aviv calling for the is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign these process come as the government sizes increasing, angry at home and abroad. i've it's handling of the world counseling beyond doing it from us because um okay, it's is it just killed? 14 is ready. so i'll just try and find thing in con eunice and southern cancer, and it's ready spokesman has confirmed this, been a be fine thing in the city, but this be no confirmation of casualties. and mazda has content, it will attend sci fi tools to resume and kyra on sunday us prison job by them. supposedly simply as the media isn't casa, as well as agents aging pressure on him, us to accept it till after months of negotiations. for more on this stuff and by
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the code, joins us now professor of public policy at a month and click the university. thanks again for being here. most of all these talks in colorado on sunday. what chance do you give them this time with, with everything where it is sitting right now? what chance to give them this being successful? well, i think they have slightly better chance than before in the sense that now ceasefire has become my main agenda. even with the coastal finalize to toys out. so united states talking about to cease fire the u. k. and the wake of getting these aid workers everyone i was talking about the need for a ceasefire. however, the details i think that may be difficult to work out will be 2 things. one is as far as objection for people's return to the north, they still would like to leave the north as security is on its own mt of population and trying to encourage the policy is to settle as much as possible around draft. and that's, of course antics of not acceptable to thomas and the other is the number of
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prisoners is right, is willing to release in return for the release of the captives. how much has made it very clear they're willing to release in 1st way. all the women soldiers alongside the couple of elderly people they're holding in return, they've given a detailed list of prisoners. many of them as well sees as high political targets that they cannot afford to release this by the end of this month. and at the same time though, there is increased pressure coming on both the mouse and as well from the united states via the media isn't counts our in agents to actually finally get something done, even if it's not. i guess we're looking at every thing at this point in time to at least get one step in this process. the closer to the very different positions. now, how much has been ended, some to lose. i mean is around the way they went after with their war. the filter destruction of the gaza strip has really left her mouth with very little to lose if
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they were to stick to, to that position at the moment. on the other hand is right, has much more to do is that the money is become a prior state. its allies are turning against the tide is turning over all globally against the war. so uh, i think would be interesting to see over the coming few days. yeah. what comes out . well, you say him, us doesn't have much to lose, has very little to lose. but the people in does not have a lot to lose their lives. the, the, the, the staffing at this point in time. so is that not putting extra pressure on her mazda to come to the table and get us these bonds. so they can at least get more items while they must, must have a degree of pressure and how much that but time us with this type of voice, clear who's closing. this is no time. us who was behind it is not how much was responsible for it. and as you can see from the images that they both because now they're already organizing themselves, they clearing the streets of travel, they're allowing people to keep a little bit of a mobility and the greater of the needs grow the grid to the number of
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international aid workers come in and the great to the for change of the policy is to contact the outside world. so from an is there any perspective? i think it's much better for them to not call for us. he's for then to wait for a few more weeks and just on a separate issue in the last arrow. so customer guides. uh, as soon as codes. uh, 14 sold isn't con eunice. i mean, what does that prove that up to 6 months of this more that the so, and effective fighting force despite that as well. declaring that they were going to want lots. i sort of the, i think that's and yeah, it was a young that to achieve total victory is just not going to happen. it clearly the how much the still organized this kind of a by total with these varieties on the law. so for so many soldiers, which happened into waves, it does look like it's, it's quite organized, controlled from a central command, and just from the sort of hazard street fighters that takes place usually,
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and this kind of conditions. okay, thank you. so myself and we really do appreciate your insight into all of this, and we will talk to you again a very shortly. no doubt. thank you. it's a to other use. now in this there are many and we're one the on sunday will knock this 30th anniversary on the start of the 1994 genocide, which is 100 dies, who 2 musicians killed more than 800000 of the tootsie minority and political opponents of the who to it began with the assassination of the who to president shrivel, how the remodel, which was blamed the tennessee river group, there were ones in patriarch front of the shooting, down his plane. the opposite denied involvement between april and july, who to malicious and elements within the real ones. and me slows of tutsis and the killings finally stopped on july. the 4th, when the p, if backed by, you can design a caption, durable engine, capital kick. golly, stephanie dick, it has more from who yeah. in rolanda. in
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a tranquil corner of the rwandan hills. the dead are being disturbed despite never having found peace rooms done. i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets, we found so many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago under homes and farm land. 30 years after the rwandan genocide, identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing, items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface, along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here has been identified. what is left of the name is victims is taken a short drive away, an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoyed the most on imaginable of death. surround 800000, to see in some moderate hutus from
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a chevy to death by some 2 fighters. what they were then times heavily hoping to be identified. this was intimate, close up slaughter. we also survivor, if with such a painful cost there can ever be forgiveness. what we're going to throw for everyone to we've been reconciled by the government, they call on us they teach is about reconciliation. there is no way to turn us back . a government is in charge. president polk i've gotten it runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then. and today any inquiries about someone's ethnicity is illegal. for those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. yeah, i am not, i am not much there. what happened is that what history and it has to live with us as the young generation, we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again, but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places, but do not send out via forties,
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those who lived here are believed to have known about and concealed the mass grave . 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now on earth. but their names who loved them, who misses them, would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain without pleasure . stephanie decker all g 0. who yeah, for one to mount. edna is captivating, visit is to southern italy with a display of volcanic and vortex rings scientists. i recent activity created the right conditions for the re, a phenomenon. barbara and gulf of explains the people here are renaming europe's largest volcano and the lady of rings that soft to mount. aetna began blowing, smoke rings and drawer and crowds to stop. and it's a need to witness the raft. phenomenon, vortex rings. the created by
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a rapid release of gas, and the change in the shape of the volcano is great to can you a new 5th grade has been for months, a few days ago into the south east freight the fraser in front of us. uh it does a 3rd 3rd perfect cycle mode. so uh, coming out seller of the county board fix rings is, is a special phenomena. we cannot see something like this every day. the appearance of the south coast changes as a rise, sometimes smoky black. all the time spending on, but as a catch the light despite the exciting activity now and is expecting the volcano to erupt any time soon. the last figure optional was on december 1st, 2023. the crazy guy is quiet now and there, and we are working every day,
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enjoying every single moments with hundreds of people here and it's not working. it isn't clear how long not at now. we'll continue puffing it smoke rings. bucks from now visit, as a rule struck barbara and go out to 0 of more on this. don't fuss a joins us. he's a vote. can ologist and geologists, he joins us live from athens. thank you very much for being with us on al jazeera. i mean physical base really to look at incredible and otherworldly, but is this just a precursor of potentially with to come as well? uh no, it, it, this is uh, previously says, the company lucky combination of many factors that um just trades this uh, these rings which are an expression of the normal, the guessing of the volcano property that generates by deep seated explosives. so
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it gives insight to candidate gases are being released by both explode of gas. that's great pressure waves, the travel up to come to it, and if the condo, it has the right good geometry if um the pressure is just right. you could upgrade these wonderful baltics is, but the underlying process is the normally the, the guessing of the my, my in the country lead, which is happening all the time. it's not because it is one of the few will cannot send a bill. that is, it has basically open con, rates of the connection from the surface to the storage levels of mine, the insights open it. it means it really it routes. it's nice. so you have constantly interruption every few months for all that for and now the has a boss of several months of these the ring subsets don't tell anything about when
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the next option would be it is just something really to it might have to. um, of course all to appreciate how in fact, i guess from a broken ologist point of view, i mean like you say these are extremely rare. what can you learn from this? well i'm, i guess you can learn a lot about flu dynamics and both the for studying how will look fascinates me for x. somebody is how, how stable that can be. i've, i've read this many uh, so sweet things, nothing discount episodes, but every few years. or maybe on the you have some valuable cable dusted, meetings, conditions of just right. and, but it's still, it's of being amazing to watch so they can stay stable for minute streaming, for several kilometers, reach and all the sizes. and i know that sicily is obviously one of the more
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popular tourist destinations, and it's really what would you be telling people that would want to go in and view these uh, let's go. it's a, it's the best time to see something that is really ran to see. oh, you need an active o panel. you need the right conditions. it's not, it's okay. no cation and we don't know, but, and it stops, it can even to coordinate the balance of the corner to collapse the, the some rock falls. so it doesn't mind the other options. it can easily just disappear me. so it's a good time to visit now. and day for sure. yeah. and, and amazing. so i thank you so much at home 5 football can ologist and geologist. thanks for joining us here. announce is there you're welcome. bye. a. give also a hit here on al jazeera, jo, spotless goals, and match winning op al century patient will have full that action in school.
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the . these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of coal. bleaching in the great value range. bleaching occurs by movement ocean temperatures and pollution. first call to expel the algae to get the color range of color at extreme or a wife over an extended period of time. maybe some structures have been severely damaged . scientists have declared 2020 full a mass bleaching event. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months warming sea surface temperatures have cause bleaching events in the northern hemisphere. and the only near conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist, jody rama, says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an organ assigned to the biggest cro system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many
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years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it the good. so at this point now his face, you sound, thank you so much. let's start with the premium being tied to the race and also have are to into the top. often they'd be bright and 3 new victory full mattress. the so the earlier meant that miguel all types of side needed to when they times gave me an 11 to move from food to top. and they were given an opportunity to do so when gabrielle jestus was fouled in the box. because the 2nd stepping up to take the penalty for his 14th go of the season,
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the habits made it to be full for the price and then the under. it's also a nature of victory with the sides that lifts them up, points above level. it's a big game and a hand against mentions to united on sunday. and that victory full man said he earlier on said today put the middle on points with the livable of the beating crystal palace full to how this went in front of the 3 minutes. but sitting here back 10 minutes later, given the boy now with a great strike manager pay for the 15 to at that one says he didn't waste any time off to the break regardless, making it to one less than 2 minutes into the 2nd hall. so the school, the food, when the brewing has cost with me funding holland police said to you, going to the season. the bonus for the 2nd of the game to put city full one up. and that was the belgians, $100.00 goals for the premium. the champions had us pull the go back of the finish for 2, but said he remaining 3rd with one point separating the top 3 getting
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when the game. so in the sample based on time sheets and time is early, send them as well. yeah. and sometimes you know that people upfront and then to they can make a without the guests to a new and they'll be able to in. so when we talk about tactics that i'll let the managers and talk about. gimme gimme play of like like like caving in the sky. don't get into the a file a decrease so not just one game away from winning the bundle and he gets idled for the 1st time in the history as may be union. but then to remain on beach on this season, while it was a string of events that got labor crews and in friends from goose and was showing a sick and yellow cohen for a poor tackle nathan taylor. the results in free tape then lead to a hand hole in the panels. the area from christopher promo. tori inverts making no mistake from the spot. think them to stuff it's time of the 1st 12. that's now an incredible $41.00 games. i'm be simple. chevy alonzo. side, 5 minutes,
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loss of 3 to the height of 9. meaning that leave the case of a window type if they be true to braving next sunday 5. so i'm african champions, leave windows teepee mozambie or through to the see a semi finals up for the 21 when i would, i'd like to go pick for levels the home side actually took with lead against the company's giants or i just want them to grow showing great control and an impressive turn for the opening goal of the game. but the 17 times and golden champions were picked back for the can zoom be with b, e come on as a. so that wouldn't be enough to go through on the way goals, but then see if the muslim bates bleed. joelle bass, scrolling in the 6 minute of added time to same t p mozambie into the final for india is cricket, superstar we don't have totally scored a century but could not prevent these royal challenges being delivered from an automobile the feats. so the rug just found royal's code is 113 came of 72 boys ever turned out his tongue. is the joints slowest in the history of the indian
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premium league bingley replacing 193 for 3 in may. 20 of is. it wasn't good enough as it turned out, just buckling power, the non b century of his own. but to me to 6 to reach his tongue. and he did so of what would be the last full of the matches registered and secured victory by 6 wickets. the 5 boys to spade the royal's move to the top of the standings next for stuff and is made of full pole positions from full races. so for this, for me to one season upper changing the front row spot for the japanese growing pre, the 3 time world champion was fastest and qualifying at zuka, had to reboot, teammate, search a pay, raise bunch of 66 so many seconds with, with aaron's lando, norris institute for stuff and we'll be looking for 3rd straight when in japan in sunday's race was uh, quite closer then i think overall, you know, district is very sensitive with the tires, you know, with the atomic being really aggressive. and when you really want to go to the
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limit, it doesn't always work out um, but nevertheless, i think, you know, most importantly is due to be on hold. of course you want every lab to be perfect, but to run a check like this, that's not always the case, but yeah, overall, very good. a good signing position full for tomorrow and of course tomorrow is what the, what comes too much. i bet it's amy has reached easiest atp to a finding to use a free defeated money on a vote, and a at the matter cash open. these had in is working his way back from an injury played 7 months. and it looks like he's well on his way. he lost the 1st state against the 7 see the origin time, but responded in the 2nd. and 3rd, the form of wimbledon finalist is ranked as low as $135.00 in the world. but you'll be looking to win these 1st title since queens in june 2022. you'll be up against the defending champion. roberto come pious. diana, it looks like tiger woods is set to play at the most is next week. the 15 time major champion is added the tournament, so he said you will learn he's official website. we're drafted competitively at the
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genesis invitational in february where he was forced to withdrawal midway through the 2nd round with flu. if he does indeed. so you'll federal gusta, on thursday it will be he's 26th appearance at the opening major of the season, which is $15.00 times show hey tony got a home run for the dodges for the sick and straight game, but it wasn't enough for them to beat the chicago cubs. there's another japanese lab set susie key, who dominated for the cubs. you had 3 all the i singles us the cubs 1974 bay, but straight victory. some consolation for o to on the, on the judges. as they $700000000.00, assigning it to run home and he's 1st career game at wrigley field and the boston red sox. it's got a sub list reinstalled against the l. a angels with 3 home runs in the secondary, but they do a full round lead with some mist catches allowing the los angeles logan helping the
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time. the game, if 5 a piece in the 6th, any with the 1st 3, a grandson to the angels, geron, duran, they need a tie breaking. i run for the red sox in the 8th inning. that is a 5th of the game, boston securing an $86.00 waiting for the 5th straight victory. okay, i'll be here again in a couple of hours with most sports needs to pretty much see you then. thanks so much, patience. lapel, a send in couple that was forced to flee by thing and guns that has been describing their experience. so them clearly was in this sample, she meant the pair who managed to get to, to kia aliya and the mother of us uni, were reunited with their son, her son, and his stumble. last february. they have been trapped in gaza after the war broke out on october 7th. speaking about their old deal is still painful the people of the city,
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but i could not make everything to go to go just to be the cause of the physical to take everything. well, how much was the former chief officer to where it goes? i was biggest hospital of sci fi, which became the focus of for land. this is riley attacks. so 2 of those are good because the to the, the phones is, is this the, the elbow as soon as were forced to leave their home and bade her known in northern garza and stayed in a clinics they used to run in gaza city where they also hosted those of other displaced people and what kind of come on my yeah, i remember doing well yeah, there was no water and no gas. we burned our clinics. furniture to have something to cook on. my husband is sick. he needs medicine. oh sure. aaliyah and mohammed had been german citizen since 2011. the oldest son lawyer who's
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a space engineer in the us got help from the turkish authorities to evacuate them up on to that point. he said he felt helpless. you know, i mean, since, i mean i said the dongle was, you know, and that is i cannot even say water to my parents while the human rights groups are demanding to know why they is really a, has not opened more crossings into gaza. hello sr. who is that for me to say the ones left behind have few means to survive? we're on, on the model. so we are the 3 on buddy. yeah, i remember the, this is the, this web page. so that is the m. c. despite having escape the war, the soonest they, these thoughts and prayers are still with their full of palestinians, and garza who continues to suffer scene of coastal elders who are stumbling now to the contested voices between quite a ron and a rock for nearly 20 years. a rocky fishermen had been running into trouble was
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quite easy and rainy and patrol boats and many has lost their jobs. is mike moved up to why he'd reports from best buy a the on the rise in this, although you walk you see of bus law is when fishermen at l file harbor unload the catch. the holes are a small of these days. the result of the huge no matter the time dispute an increasing number of fishermen, a looking for other work on a hardy and logic, i quit because iranian, and created coast guard patrols with beating us, you know, shooting at us and smashing. i'll both learn for some of my colleagues are still suffering from the injured with. this job is not safe in the book that a little fewer boats me less proud use for see that's market traders say it business used to be booming is now at a new stand is to defend me. i sell a ton. i said,
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i've worked here for almost 20 years. we used to receive between 25 and 30 tons of fish a day that's dropped to about 10 to 15 times. in september, iraq, supreme court, i'm old. a decayed old agreement was quiet on sharing the hold of the low water way . the 2 countries only maritime linked to the gulf tension surrounding the shuttle out of river between the one on a rock which is really good across to the war in the 1980s. also pose a threat, a fisherman here say they used to fish all across the gulf and beyond. but increasing aggression, an interception by weight and iranian coast to go to the vessels aforesaid, hundreds of boats out of service. the dispute begin after the fall of saddam hussein in 2003 and has worse and, and reason to use that as a model, the number of fishing boats has dropped from really full 1000 to only
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a few 100 hundreds of fishermen have quit and no official has bothered to come and ask about the problems with facing the land border between iraq and kuwait was deem located by the united nations in 1993. but the amount of time boundaries remain unresolved. and with them, the future of many, fisher mean would have to do, i just eat on a bus at all, southern iraq, all the, for the spell, the russian women to go to spice is back on this along with another female estrin old who is american. and a russian man, this story is casual touch down in causing stun. after a trip to the international space station arena a vessel sky, it was a cabin crew attendant in flight instructor for bella, rushing a line before going off in the world. by winning a competition to go into space fellers as a military ally of russia that still cooperates with ness of the spies tensions of a you try for that. so for me,
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for this and use them on lean site is and mix with much more of the guys news, the the biggest, the over the next. and yet in history, the was biggest democracy, both its own, epic showed on this final episode of speaking the port finally off the prime minister in the movie elevated in the global b. this i look forward smoothies decade long. under the microscope, we examine how much is facts and how much is fiction to be in the port fox for? oh, no. does he does. this is the 1st to decide that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. gotten around, no, says have family was one of the last to leave a neighborhood, nancy dunn's capital cost to because they couldn't afford to leave earlier when the will reached us. the web them shows every way, getting more than 20 of my neighbors each day. people here come full health services, a close that comes off from the fact that lock the destination transit can in the town to bring new york i call says he was shots in his stomach more than 2 months ago. he's joined. he's been getting for months it's been receiving south sea, denise, which are nice, like milk, the u. n. rush agency built it for about 3000. now there are more than 5 times that
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it's not a, you know, what we are receiving. we have must have number of 350. you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited. the anger on the streets of tel aviv thousands cool for the resignation of israel's prime minister on a deal to bring the stages of the hello. i'm of the inside of this island, is there a life from the also coming up? how much says it's killed? 14 is riley soldiers in an ambush and southern gauze a day before feast far tools to set to begin in. all right. process.


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