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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the the wrong money inside the news line from coming up in the next 60 minutes and get on the streets of tel aviv tens of thousands, cool for the resignation of israel's prime minister out of deals and bring the hostages. i have not says it's killed. 14 is riley soldiers in an ambush in southern gaza, a day before the seaside tools set to resume and car for us to talk and see crane 2nd largest physical cave with a series of strikes on residential buildings,
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plus stephanie decker in wonder where the country is getting ready to commemorate 13 years since the genocide mass graves continue to be found, you'll have that story coming up and on piece of statements with your school find labor to. so no one went away from getting their 1st step appears to be a good title, and also all back at the top of the printing off to they the price of the hello welcome to the program. we begin this news uh with hopes that a new round of negotiations will bring some rust bind to the people have gone to the snakes. his round of tools is set to begin in. kyra on sunday and his writing delegation is expected to attend. homeless has confirmed it will send representatives. this comes as homeless ministry way and says it's killed. 14 is
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riley soldiers during heavy fights again. hon eunice and something dollars a and also almost 6 months of will. they is right. and government is facing growing anger and discontent. huge crowds have been protesting on the streets of tel aviv cooling for the resignation of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. in wrong con was there, he sent us this report. this is a far larger process that we've seen in recent weeks. it stretches at least 2 miles in that direction. there are thousands of people on the street and they all have one message. the problem is that things have been that yahoo! it should bring the hostages, and that would bring them back homepage as actually joined the anti government protest in a move that they say is a reason for that frustration against the prime minister. he's not doing enough to bring them back. campaign was a political and now it's very much political. this reaches the way,
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hearing incredibly firing. they're talking about what do you want me, what made you need regular people that weren't full. this is going on all ceasefire tools in car, a massive combine that attendance. israel still have to attend this. well, they're looking for is some in session. well, i'm not from us is that they don't get a compromise on that quote involved. however, it will be a t, sorry, if that headed the most out does go to fly, right? for those tools, it does mean that if that happens, that happens a move and they both are out. is there a telling me well, how much is on the wing? the cas, i'm brigade say it has killed 14. is there any soldiers during confrontations in con units and southern gaza and is ready? spokesman has confirmed that that has been heavy fighting in the city, but there's been no consummation on casualties. our military is still in gauge just
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in the gaza strip, and southern guys were dates. 98 is engaged in con eunice, particularly at the amount of neighborhood. modest their soldiers that are engaged in brutal and fierce combat from close range. and we are also conducting very old strikes against con eunice in order to destroy a terrorist and press structure in the city. and currently we are finalizing the destruction of 3 tunnels that are used for attack purposes, one of which should traverses the border and to israel. all 3 tunnels were in the con units. so the tunnels were actually discovered by the military as they were establishing check points in the area. okay, let's go on to tar cowboys. who me is, and ross on the southern goals are for us talk. what moon can you tell us about this fighting in con eunice? a yes. 1000000 in the facts on the ground,
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the incline eunice is that this area is considered to be one of the hardest areas that he has been admitted to he has operated in this since the beginning of this conflict in october, specifically that way these but the ministry has been working that for months right now, as they did not take full control over that very densely populated area, as, according to the military wing of i'm also because i'm brigade that and one of the statements to help relate they have been releasing saying that they have killed at least the knowing is, but you're still just in the as the need for who is one of the both the areas that is adjacent to board. as with israel, it's a very, a previously provided ministry. i'm push that has been widely attacking a group of is very soon, just a we're operating the. the statement also is a and besides the fact that they have been using multiple weapons including onto tact, marseilles, and also explosive devices that talk targeted to 3 mac about tags in that area in
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which it's considered to be one of the closest areas to is really boat isn't of the same time these very minutes we had operates at an early days of the ministry, included in the city of connie was bought in the other parts of the city. it was an i'm a laborer who would make confrontations happen raging between almost fighters and the is very minute to where at least 5 is very so we just the being killed according to the military when the from us of to some brigade spot to now the is very minutes, we did not provide any official information about the confirmation of casualties a day from this operation part. this is the, have been saying that at least 3 is what is being called to have landed in the eastern part of the city of pod units in order to evacuate. victims bought every single time when they are high rates of bottles in the city of cartoonists. usually it has, it could, could, could be completely floated by mass button and campaigned by the is very forces in different areas in the city as we have been hearing within the past, a few hours. a 1000000 in fact,
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which is one of the main approaches that the is what the military has been using and it's minutes. we complain on that city. okay, thank you for that update topic. other than that, for us and rough and southern guns, a, the boss of name is a senior member of how much does political bureau. he says the degree when deviate from its demands for opponents. these 5, when those talks are held in cairo on sunday, what we are calling for should not be part of any legal she issues because when we are negotiating fuel for a piece fail, it means that we, we are the heading to with these files. when we are legal should think as he said, it means that the troops, the tulips which invade it, goes after october 7th has to leave. because of that, when we talk about this, if he's failed agreement, it has to, it has to mean that the people of the fees fell. agreements have to move freely inside because a slip we cannot accept of
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a piece. fail agreement that so either have the right to launch the aggression again at any time to have the tool insight. it goes up totally if you'd like us to begin or to but event $1300000.00, multiple athenians to, to 10 back to their houses or to move freely. therefore we, i'm not talking about conditions. the sort of the expected outcome of entities felt like getting that to what we can expect from this negotiations is after achieving all these uh, the demand is to have a serious up in the prison of dean between the 2 parties so that we can exchange the present notes and then then launch the confession goes to, to domestic pressure is increasing on president joe biden, to stop weapons being sent from the us to israel, ki ally, and for my house speaker, nancy pelosi is among those who signed
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a less it from thousands of congressional democrats, the less it says, in light of the recent strike against a workers on the, as a listening humanitarian crisis, we believe it is justifiable to improve these weapon transfers. and then goes on to say if it is found that this strong violation us or international lu, those responsible must be held accountable. let's go live to my account always in washington for us. mike, what else can you tell us about this less, less a. and how is it being viewed in washington for the letter was sent friday and its significance. is that the for my house beaker, nancy pelosi added her signature to the doesn't. this of democrats who signed that letter was sent to the secretary of state and president, finding himself what does indicates is that the concern about israel's actions in gaza is going mainstream. initially, it was the so called progressives in congress,
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who expressing concern about the way in which israel was waging as well. but now when you go to figure like nancy pelosi joining the expressions of concern, then it certainly does. so a shift within as a belief of congressional democrats, at least the colds now for us to make a, to israel conditional, growing stronger and stronger. now, president biden is holding out hopes for some form of sci fi, also sation know, positive possibilities, and coming days, he's sending his direct up the c i, a to cairo, for those talks taking place to the us scenes. this is particularly critical in terms of relieving the humanitarian crisis within casa, but also in terms of getting those captives being held in gaza out in route to unfold the release of palestinian prisoners being held by as well. so there's a lot at stake for the bite and administration for those folks taking place in cairo, particularly as this domestic pressure is mounting on the president and his administration
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. okay, thank you for that, mike. how that for us in washington in the studio, we have souls and bar cassie's, professor of public policy time. i've been khalifa university. i wanted to start with this plus the last, what do you make of it? is this a genuine move by some us politicians to stop selling weapons to as well? was this whole political upholstery? i think it's a mix of both. i mean, if you look at the names are assigned to lots of, there's some who are genuinely cutting for a cease fire and have been from the very beginning of the, of the war. but there are some of, i think, congress men and women who are a bit opportunistic now trying to balance the challenges of the elections in their own communities and their own states versus what's going on in, in washington. but overall, it's good to have a united voice to put some pressure on by then to admit searching who are on to not using executive orders to bypass the congress and supplying weapons to, to as ro i,
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it's turned into it strengthens present in buttons, hand doesn't it when it, when it comes to putting him putting pressure on nursing. yeah. yeah. so you would have something to justify himself on the front of nothing. you know, assuming that he needs to justify himself, but also the details of the weapons. they're asking him to hold back is very interesting. some of, i think there was the 20 a f 35 fighters. these fighters not really meant 4 guys. they're not useful guys. are, these are wrong turn around that range bombers and so on. and i think uh nothing, yeah. who is aiming to engaged to the americans with the right. and so he's building up his arson in preparation for the confrontation with the space for 5 talks a resume this weekend in. kyra, to help to mistake argue that anything is going to come out of this particular this round of talks. i mean we've, we've been here many, many times before. do you feel that the 2nd stance is that the last few days,
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the killing of those overseas a where? cuz it doesn't, doesn't give you some optimism that this time around things can meet if i think so . i mean, some of the issues that used to be um on the tables before have really kind of worked themselves out. for example, the cold for us, he's far, is not as a novel, as it used to be a few weeks ago, particularly after the united nations security council resolution that has made it binding on israel and how much to go for a cease fire. the cold for an increase the amount of a into guys a that the following the killing of the aid workers now a to be really reckless of nothing. yahoo not to allow more aid. and so some of these issues have kind of resolve themselves. there are other issues that are going to remain a difficult result, particularly i think the return of palestinians into north of gas. so these are, these are objecting to the policy is very unlikely to accept any deal that doesn't
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employ the ceasefire to allow people to go to a degree of normality. and also to make sure that they preempt any attempt to permanently displace them from the know whether for security or for reset them and by is really a by jewish communities. so this is a, a key issue and the other is a, has to do with the number of prisoners that have the past he has, are asking for. and i suspect the profile of some of those prisoners that is right . it has to release and return for the captives when it comes to negotiating. who do you feel has more to lose at this point? who is more likely to come from us? and i think at this stage probably as well. i mean, nothing. yahoo is made a big mistake, not to compromise, just to fall around the button and use the model, the out, the more around the prospecting and i'm a dining. the most comes in data to give the guys a population to rest by doing the dining. it was a major mistake. now he has to,
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to climb down quite a bit. how mass has much less to lose. i mean, they have to come get the more devastated to come get the guys a strip more devastated than what you, when you could actually you could, you could have the invasion of rafa for example, while i don't, i think this is very unlike, you know, after what has happened with the aid workers? i am the, the, the international tide is working very much against was things i've turned around now. but what the, what would be, uh, i think forwarding is the, the fact that nothing yahoo, this is very important that he is still, is trying to frame it now more as a war with iran, rather than just from us. and i think his talk with the congress, many women on the very same day that he talked to abide in with the republicans, is trying to frame it more as a conflict with the are on the 3. all have to worry that how much is on the, to like, has the lives on. and that i think it will be
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a major concern for us. and in terms of the us how, how do you think that they are the same as this upholstering from, from israel when it comes to around what, what was the guys doing their best also to avoid a confrontation with that on particularly in the elections year. but the nothing now is very skillful, you can really get them, you know, and a slippery slope somehow with the radians we saw that last few weeks is attacking in damascus. and by ruth estimation is continue the tax on has beloved provoking as for law to retaliate. they right. and is also are very keen not to retaliate for his well enough to retaliate pocket because whatever has well, a has of missed sizes and rockets stuck filed. they said as a guitar as well, and as i understand very well that if they were to attack, iran has but lower the attack fact. so both sides are avoid doing desperately confrontation. but there will be a time when you know,
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i mistake is made and i think this is what nothing you always banking one is going to continue to raise the temperature of baltimore or more. and so far he's been kind of successful in distracting attention. a little bit, but uh we hope that he's not successful in getting them into that a confrontation, so sound bar kept burning. good to get your perspective professor of public policy at home. i've been coming for university. thank you, ma'am. now israel has allowed the united nations to deliver a small amount of fuel and medical supplies to northern gaza. video has a much to 3 trunks carrying supplies, but there's still no sign of the food needed to feed thousands of stone living products of experience. loss out colored centers, this update from the come all ad one hospital in northern gaza on the nose to goes up to day with here's a variety of all those 2 trucks, a contain medicines that's arrived to that came out of the hospital,
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which is the 1st incident, so if it's con for more than haul for you precision north of garza, so these 2 trucks contain medicines and no series for the babies. and, and you need those a, these 2 trucks didn't come from the edge of the crossing is there are too many news talking about the areas in a drama single, the albany angles. it is, but nothing has entered. and also because of from a is from there was a crossing, they came from and they can way through around about the guys of the trip. as indeed the northern godaddy is, as indeed the human to turn the crisis even before the war broke out. and the oil came just to uh, just lie, beeble and civilians. here north of garza, uh, there is no food bill after using the, the animals. so those are for the, for humans. now there is no any further for them to use for more of that and also
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yeah, no food, no water sewage in the streets. uh, no electricity is totally destroyed the infrastructure. and so all of this is sliding, these civilians, especially low sides, it'd be the, the war and the bump shooting it comes from that is why it is and they had l. a body has more now on the daily struggle faced by hundreds of thousands of palestinians in garza everywhere in rough or in southern gaza. display specialist in use have to queue for toilets for drinking water to try to get a piece of bread. this makes shift scans are set to provide besides, the schools were most displaced, people in gaza, shelter the place is over crowded, and more people arise every day. monday to solve my 7 of them, of the garden of the schools are now very of the crowd and they don't want to receive us. so we have to get some of wood and we set up this tend to been optimized. sometimes we're not even able to get any more time and for the toilet.
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so they going out to have my wife and my daughters go to the schools in order to use that service. um, we don't have any toilets and for us the minutes because we're not even allowed to use the bathrooms of the school and forced to leave their homes. facebook to get the flimsy tens using separate plastic sheets, which provide fairly little protection, causing many to become ill. below and have the lead, which is the idea of the the, my daughter has been ill since the war began. the unsanitary conditions here with sewage and animals nearby have made her vulnerable to illness. she suffers from frequent bouts of flu and fever. and with limited medical health, an overcrowded living spaces, there was an immune and the rest of epidemics. diseases you spread easily, making it tough for families to stay healthy. incleanse tends notated when coming on this,
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so we have no other options. this is the only place we found. we surrounded by sewage and animals, and it's affecting our health. my younger daughter has been sick since we arrived here and i can hear the more than 1500000 palestinians. the vast majority displaced from the notes of the gaza strip are trapped in rough by 63 square kilometers food and all the essential supplies are scarce due to the is really restrictions on age entering into gaza. and often nearly 6 months of israel's will and gaza getting basic needs remains the daily challenge. he has a lot of d, a 0. the a ceremony in wanda on sunday will long see says he if anniversary the stones of the 1994 genocide in just a 100 days who, who to munitions killed over 800000 of the tootsie minority. i'm political opponents of the who to it began with the assassination of the who to president
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juvenile heavier. remind you to his blame the tootsie rebel group, the one that is how to of take from for shooting down his plane. they all p. f denied involvement. a between april and july, who's who militias on the elements within the run ami slaughtered the tutsis. the cuttings finally stopped on july. the 4th. when the ps backed by uganda's army captured the winding kept. okay. golly, now stephanie deck had now reports from her. yet in one that must graze, all still being discovered in a tranquil corner of the rwandan hills. the dead are being disturbed. despite never having found peace is done, i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets, we found so many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago under homes and farm land. 30 years after the one day genocide,
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identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing, items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface, along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here has been identified. what is left of the name is victims is taken shore, drive away an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoyed the most un, imaginable of death around 800000, to see in some moderate hutus from a chevy to death by some 2 fighters what they were then hangs heavily hoping to be identified. this was intimate, close up slaughter. are we always to survivor if with such a painful cost, there can ever be forgiveness, randa throws everyone to we've been reconciled by the government. they call on us.
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they teach is about reconciliation. there is no way to turn us back. a government is in charge. president polk i've gotten it runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then. and today any inquiries about someone's ethnicity is illegal. for those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. i am not, i am not much like what happened is our history and it has to live with us as the young generation. we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again, but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places, but do not select, vio, forties. those who lived here are believed to have known about and concealed the mass grave. 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now one ernest. but their names who loved them to mrs. them would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain
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without pleasure. stephanie decker all g 0. who? ya? luanda. timothy longman is associate dean of the potty school at boston university on the ofa s memory and justice and post genocide one day joins us now from boston . thank you so much for joining the program. i believe you were a field was such a new one to just before the genocide happened with his signs, a tool of what was to come. i was there in 1992 in 1993 left about 11 months before the killing started. and i basically watched the country move towards the genocide and fall apart. there were small mass squares that took place in various places and the country was becoming more and more polarized. so i wouldn't have predicted genocide, but i left the country very worried about what was going to happen and convinced that if the international community didn't ask that there would be violence. so what was your experience when you did? finally with ton i went back in 1995 as the head of
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a human rights watch officer that was researching how the genocide took place. and it was devastating. it was, as you mentioned, intimate violence and it was often neighbors who killed neighbors or sometimes even people within the family. i spent a year doing research on this and also found out what happened to people that i knew some of the people i knew well were killed. and in some cases they were killed by other people that i knew. so many of the people were left with very little of their family life. i have one friend who lost 200 members of her family. she lost her parents, spend her grand parents and uncles, and aunts and brothers and sisters. in her entire extended family. she only had 2 2nd cousins who were left, and that was the case with just so many of the survivors. so it was devastating. and how does she feel says he is on today. she, like many rwandans has shown incredible bravery. many of the survivors have picked up their lives and tried to, to rebuild, which is which is hard without much family left. so i think there is still fear
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that you know this, this could happen again if the society doesn't change. but i think a lot of people have found new ways to create lives, but for them, commemoration is often really important. how far do you think uh, the country has come in, bringing the 2 sides. the 2 tribes close it together as well. there's a lot of good things that have happened and the countries peaceful and they have done some great things, like promoting women's rights so that rolanda has more women and it's part of a higher percentage of women that's permanent than any country in the world. there's been a lot of economic development, the governments well run, but it's also very authoritarian. and there has been really justice only on one side that the dentist that was, was terrible and absolutely needed to have have cases brought up and needed to be
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adjudicated. but the ip, yes, when they took control and after a committed a number of atrocities of their own. and there's never been justice for that. but because the countries authoritarian, you can't really talk much about it. and so i worry sometimes the reconciliation really is on the surface and the people still carry a lot of resentments underneath which there was more freedom of speech and freedom of the press that could allow people to air their grievances and actually appreciated the great changes that have been made in the country. do you think enough less than this happens from the london genocide? i mean, when you look into bodies that we have today, like the icpc or the united nations at all, they adequate. do you think when it comes to preventing another genocide a for a period after a rolanda and after the violence informing you the slot view and the failure in somalia, the international community really tried to take some of this seriously. they
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developed the concept of the responsibility to protect which said sovereignty can't be used to justify atrocities. and they developed early warning systems, and there was a period, you know, with the creation of the international criminal court. we have a lot of hope that the international community might actually be taking action to take the seriously. but over the past decade, i think we've taken many steps back on this. there's been a growth of nationalism in many countries across the globe. and people are focused much more on their own populations and not carrying as much about what happens in people in places like rolanda. so i'm concerned that we took some good 1st steps, but then we stopped and have move backward. we need to think again about how, when terrible things happen in other parts of the world, it matters to those of us, even in the west, in europe and in other parts of ask if they need to care about what's happening when people are dying. because the violence disrupt so many things and effects, many innocent civilians. but it also has reverberations and countries around and
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continues and continues unless we act. okay, appreciate your time and your perspective timothy long and associate dean of the potty school at boston university. thank you for speaking with me. a set of hands on al jazeera and mexico. counts diplomatic ties with equitable off to any students embassy and to tell you to arrest the former vice president via live act as in still haven't lost the season action is on the way news the yet to another rather, active storm is on its way across the british, as you can see very clearly from this i have line seen from space that's a storm is pretty, is warnings for the strength of the way to profile and scoffing wells. and then you
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will probably join in the whole lot goes up towards the western side. it's kind of a big business. there's no white box, it's induced volts for the rest of your, of the admittedly, we are going to see rain heading down through farms and not in terms of the back a little bit. but for the most part, time for the for they should be czar. drive is an example where the average is 14, the record is 31. you might even get close to it on monday, in quiet sunshine with for every additional breeze. a toll think is much the same for everybody else from the european problem, with the exception increasing move from spain and portugal without rain is edging in your let's just okay on the snow a couple days it goes up to 15 degrees now jump exhaust north africa has been suffering really high temperatures the quite a while, not particularly in san a goal. and some molly, i think throughout this i had, it would still be pretty much on my outside as normal with strong winds, picking up the dust and the sand in algeria. but the showers in west africa, which are seasonally making the way in land and making quite good jumps,
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which reduces the temperature for most the biggest over the next. and yet in his say, the world's biggest democracy, both its own epic showdown in this final episode of speaking the port finally off the prime minister and the movie elevated in the global baez's file. the 4th will be that katie long room under the microscope. examine how much is fact and how much is fiction being the port fox sports? oh no. it does ita family using gaza, facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is the strongest defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because
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he met dulcie stella, your mercy, showing this brightest d. c. now donate today the the watching out. is there a mind a thought top stories this our large crowds of demonstrates as of gathered on the streets of tel aviv coding for the resignation of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the purchased come with a government facing increased on get at home on board of its handling of the warn gossip beyond wing of how much the customer gave say it has killed 14 is running soldiers during fighting and come eunice and southern gaza training spokesman has
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confirmed that's been heavy fighting in the city, but there's no confirmation on casualties. thomas says it will attends these far tubes set to museum in colorado on sunday us president joe biden, reports of me sent less is so mediators in council on egypt, edging pressure on how much to accept to deal often months, negotiations the world health organization says that even restoring basic functionality to gauze as long as hospital anytime soon, seems implausible. i'll see if it was all but destroyed. following a series of raids finds really forces since october, the 7th. sorry, yes, shot of which is a spokes person at the w h. o. he describes what remains the facility, the most of the buildings. i have seen, extensive damage. everything's basically reduced to rubble. and what's the, what's even more disturbing use that they have seen bodies lying around with the
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smell of all that bodies. so it was really difficult to imagine new future at this hospital could be revised all the efforts that we have within the last 6 months to bring supplies to, to revive some of the services. and i'll keep up. now i simply lost. so this is really the systematic, dismantling of the health system of java. and again, it's, it's really difficult to, to be in a position now to see how, how things that can improve when the 2 most important hospitals i'll, she find out. oh no sir. i'm no longer functional, i'll see if i had the more than 700 beds, 1026, a search computer as you had 32 invested care rooms. so all of that is gone. now people will need dialysis at the top heavy. so there is a,
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there's almost no more laboratory services available for people with chronic diseases, pregnant women. then people have infectious diseases that as pretty, can no longer get the care. they need only 10 out of $36.00 hospitals. but you guys are only partially functional and what's even worse is that us up to it. there is no mutual and others we, uh, possibly be got a uh, spacing ups because while trying to get to, to, to, to dos of those to provide whatever we have more than a half of the request, 3 instruct, those being denied. we are seeing 2 ways that the check points people are being detained or we have to postpone the distance. so we don't have that too many there in space that we should have of trying to bring assistance. the
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russian drone missile strikes and killed at least 7 people in ukraine. second largest city of us were injured when the strikes hit, buildings in call kings residential areas were targeted along with administrative buildings on a patrol station tall and stuff. it has moved from concave. were one of the strikes sites in northern, the car cave, a residential area with thousands of people. if you see this call here, we understand that at least one person was killed. in this call, you pan off and have a look at some of the houses here as well. the flats people trying to repair as much as they can or at least blocks the broken windows before nightfall, its own clear as to what kind of project. so this was certainly the security services here. i know it's telling us, but this hole in the ground here, we understand to be the impact site. quite a small hole in relation to the extent of the damage is if you look up at the
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buildings here, you can see obviously not a single window has remain complete viable for quite a while. there was a massive explosion. the shockwave was so great that it threw me from one room to another in my house. this is a huge tragedy for ukraine. in the last few weeks, the situation has gotten worse because the showing a so random. yeah, but their school it was, she was basically, i studied at the school my daughter to and i work here is an absolute hara. why are they doing this? this is our beloved school. we have spend all our life here and they come at these months for zach so now i can't find words to describe pollutant. and the criminal says these attacks are revenged but what they say, all ukrainian attacks being carried out across the border inside russia. the border is already around, so if you come home, it says from here, but it's safe to say that these attacks are growing,
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posting frequency and intensity. virtually every day. there's no noticeable military or strategic target in this area. this seems at least on the surface to be a purely residential neighborhood. there are thousands of people who live here who will be going to bed tonight. afraid again, child stuff alger 0 khaki to make a rug what has caught diplomatic ties with equitable off to the mexico did the same police rated the mexican embassy and quito, and arrested equity was full of vice president george of glass, whose been evading detention some months earlier on sauce vague loss was transferred from the prosecutor's office. the rain came hours of to the mexican government, had granted his request for political asylum. katya lopez heard a young, has more police store mexico's embassy to arrest ecuador, former vice president. the raid came hours after mexico announced who would grant,
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who'd take less political asylum, and urged ecuador to offer him the safe passage to leave the country. very important. there's how can these criminals rate the mexican embassy in ecuador? it's not possible. it can't be it's madness. yes, they've arrested a form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed dental kits in ecuador, his former vice president had been evading arrest and staying in mexico some of the see since december. he was arguably his country's most wanted felon convicted twice for corruption. the 54 year old was suspended from his duties in 2017 after being charged for allegedly receiving millions of dollars in bribes. more accusations are being investigated for medical dory is like a mockery of justice. the that he was a grant that the asylum in the,
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in the embassy and glass and the locals. or laura, are they want to go? oh, likes the ideological connection there. and how little like what dorians felt that this was, this was our way of, of making us glass has repeatedly said he's a victim of political persecution. a lot of the why the wordpress didn't on that as mentally lopez, the lord has to spend the diplomatic ties with that good. or maybe a, maybe of the mexican diplomatic personnel and equitable will leave the country immediately . and mexico would appeal to the international court of justice to hold up for to accountable for violations of international ties between mexico in ecuador were under strain. well before the arrest. now they've reached a new low in a case that's ignited an international political crisis. castillo official again. i'll just here. are sending now to run. does we marks the 30th anniversary of the
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stones of the genocide music we a you, honda is mother was a to see his father was a who to is a ray was 30 years old when he said he was forced to kill, to seize by who 2 forces he spent 15 years in jail. this is his story. a genius one is the one we do. what do we mean by and it's been, it's been a while about $3.00 to $5.00. right. evaluate what are we doing with inches to mama, which is kind of really well what i'm assuming we're not and you need you to when you that what you're going to know through the was it, we're not food. we're running in the, on the but he's on the th,
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by each other on the other for that for almost it can take or to learn industry, pacific georgia, the blah, blah, blah blah blah blah, the color i cheat. oh, it was a great time. you don't even even use that, we should talk with them. well, we're going to work on with the new quote, if you would, you know what we're to look for for the quote and just be pretty sure that i'm,
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i did is i can make it as a credit or more number change. i didn't have to go with the course of need isn't local stuff. we keep on a 100 and to show our gratitude i'm. i do want to have your name by the one that i recognize you have right now. we're not the kind of so hes on al jazeera stranded on the shores of a ross, we finished fisherman thing, put out of business over dispute with naples, plus just populous photos. and that's winning. i feel century piece that will have all the while i have american evangelicals become,
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his real strongest factor. is us president joe finding right to stand with his real, with no red line, as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. as the sunsets individuals within the occupied westbank, but as long as the family is getting the dinner table ready to break their dainty fast. but the buzz around the table is missing, the woman who used to put it all together ended. but lucy was the rest of the week before the start is read. you officials have not given their reason yet for detaining her during 8 of the home. a few kilometers away in drama. look as a has one is not missing 12, or even see members of his property 5 in the occupied west bank, at least 9000 listed in families are missing at least one loved one at the start table. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the arrears president dana bloss is testified about on the clad luxury goods and fine transfers, so parts of investigation into alleged elicit enrichment. up until friday, the president had stated to silence about the scandal. money on his son, chest has moved from lina. sum owned by the attorney general proceed indeed, a whole lot of business. she answered every question during 5 hours, it was out of school. but if she had remained silent for a week about her possession of luxury watches, jewelry worth tens of thousands of dollars and undeclared bank to infection circuit
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was that is the standard. there's only one truth. i have to acknowledge it was a mistake to accept the watches lend to me by my friend governor. we'd faddle or school e mail. i have return to them and because they were not mine, i was not obliged to declare them. was good. he met a regional governor, had bought a rolex on her birthday and visited the presidential palace that same day the president had initially said she worked since she was 18 to buy her watches, contradiction with her deposition on friday. instead, she dismissed the case as sexist and discriminatory harassment from the press box that is a good or bad. it's time to se dirty games against the country. they don't benefit anyone and the damage the country's image. symposium se forgot this display of which is is uninstalled. the people need to wake up. the president has so many watches, she's taking your money while the poor people are hungry. the scandal as roland
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gate picked after police and prosecutors forced their way into one of those residents looking for evidence. and it cost a ser, i meant the government and some legislators who demanded her resignation. 6 ministers left about this cabinet this week. critics say the replacements were selected as a reward for political allies in congress. rejected a recent impeachment motion. congressional leaders said on impeachment for this candle would be stabilize the country. but critics say legislators, only one thing in mind is still going to be associated with the protecting savory counter reform supported by the government, with no objections from the constitutional court that allows the and keep the post until 2026. the changing the rules are not for the country stability, but for the controller will be, i don't know. both testers in the center of the capital called for her resignation
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without any peach me, and she stays until 2026. for now, she asked peruvians to turn the page at the investigation, continues many in the center suggesting denby. mm. okay, so i have the sports, he has beta while he thank you very much. we'll start at the pray meeting titled race and also have returned to the top of that. they'd be bright and 3 know victory format just to city earlier meant that make a lot fits aside. needed to when they times gave me an 11 to move from food to 1st . and they were given an opportunity to do so. and gabrielle jesse was filed in the box because of seca stepping up to take the penalty for the 14th goal of the season . habits made it to before the form of bryce and manly end or trust or make sure victory with the sides food that lifts them. a point above level pools and say they gave me the hand against manchester united on sunday and that victory for mattress to sit here earlier on said today, put them level on points with the little pool of the beating crystal palace for 2
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pedals. swinson from 12 to 3 minutes federal studying head back 10 minutes late to kevin, the boy now with the great strikes to equalize success manager, victoria and sydney enjoyed that one said he did not waste any time after the break, regardless of making it to one less than 2 minutes into the 2nd call. so he got a 3rd wind. the boat in his costs was made for earning haul invoice. that he has to go with the season. the going to school the 2nd of the game to put so the full one up that was the belgians, 100 go for the premium. the champions had a supposed to go back as it finished for 2 seconds, remaining food with one point separating the top 3 getting when the game. so this type of basement obviously is and time is early, send them as well. yeah. and sometimes you know that people up from and to they kevin to make without catch to a new and they'll be able to in. so when we talk about tactics about all the
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managers and talking about gimme gimme play of like really like having in this kind of game by later to so not just one game away from winning the book, this legal title for the 1st time in the history of the baby union building to remain and beaten the season while it was a spring of events that got lazy to some in friends from groceries was showing us taking the yellow car for a foot eco on nathan taylor, results and free kick, then lead to a handful in the penalty area from kristof the criminal glory inverts making no mistake from the spot deep into stuff. it's time of the 1st task. that's now an incredible 41 games on these and 4 chevy alonso side by may next loss of 3 goals to 2 against height and on means labor cruise and will when the talk least they be true to breyman mixed sunday. meanwhile, in front getting a bump, i came up with bench to help spade lead. lead is passenger mans black shoes. they were training one know, looking for some of the table, cam owns. how be kate the with the go. but above
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a provides an easy fix minute assistance. full gonzalo ramos to ensure 11 rule in the fresh capital to the african champions to the cause of finals. it's called the goal is between aspect me moses and e s t eunice. while a little earlier, 5 time continental kings, tp mozambie progressed with a to one when over directly took a picture of layoffs that inside actually took the lead against the company's giant's. jonathan tours showing great control and an impressive turn to the opening go of the game. but the 17 times and golden champions were paid back, so they can soon be with the equalizer. that wouldn't be enough to go through on the way goals have been keeping mozambie took the lead to joel back schooling in the 6 minutes at a time to send the businesses into the final full heading to the survey. india's cricket superstore figure out coldly school to century but
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could not prevent these real challenges being delivered from an appeal. the fee to the rep just found royal was tony's $13760.00. this hesitating doubt, he's telling me, is the joints lowest in the history of the indian pretty singularly refreshing, the 18? the 3, the may 20 of is, but it was not enough. just spec, less power than on the century of his own, but still needed a 6 to reach the century. he did so what would be the last 4 of the matches registered and secured victory by 6 wickets? the 5 days to spade the oil is new to the top of the standings. mix the stuff and is made of full pole positions for the full race. and so for this, for me to one season of the painting, the front row spot for the japanese growing pre, the 3 time we'll jump it was fastest in california as soon as you can hit original t made. sergio perry is by just 66 milliseconds with concerns glendora institute
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for stuff and we'll be looking for 3rd straight when in japan in sunday's race. my tell you, i bet it's amy has reached the 1st atp 2 a finally 2 years after the defeated mariano november night at the metro cash open . these had in his working his way back from an injury, plague 7 months and it looks like he's well on his way. you lost the 1st say it against the 7. see the origin time, but responded in the 2nd. and 3rd, the former wimbledon fine list is ranked as low as 165 in the world. but he'll be looking to when he said his title since queens in june 2022. he'll be up against the defending champion. roberto cut about us to buy enough oh sweet. defending a stool opened shaven cast, the root is missed out on a place in the fine loki was beaten and seated splendid. pedro martinez in a 3 hour epic martinez won the 1st 50 for read, responded the usual disruption to the match of the dreaded circle above ruth. hey,
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during the 2nd safe play was stopped as he took methods into his own hands. most likely though, as the on part eventually contact to be able to read say, 3 match points, but it was most he needs to see how he's 1st emma victory against the top 10 opponents and reach a 3rd a t p to a final where he will face to but heard catch or so that's what was most useful to knock money. banks paid to now to be contested, worse as between coates, iran and iraq finale 20 years. the wrong k fishermen have been running into trouble with gracie and a rainy and patrol birds. many have lost their livelihoods as my mood, but why? he'd reports from vows right and something wrong. so in the rise in this, although you walk you city of bus y is when for sure mean at l file harbor unload the catch. the holes are small of these days. the result of what do you do? you know, mary, time dispute an increasing number of fishermen,
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a looking for other work on a hardy in my job i quit because iranian and create to costco patrols with beating us you know, shooting at us and smashing all both the land for some of my colleagues are still suffering from the injured was the, this job is not safe in the bottle. fewer boats, me less proud use for c. that's market traders say the business used to be booming is now at a new standard still to send me a. so a ton of said, i've worked here for almost 20 years. we used to receive between 25 and 30 tons of fisher day. that's dropped to about $10.00 to $15.00 times in september iraq supreme court, i'm all of a decade old agreement was quiet on sharing the hold i below want to weigh the 2 countries only maritime linked to the goal of tension surrounding the shuttle out up river between either one and the lock which we get across to the war in the 1980s, also posed
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a threat. a fisherman here say they used to fish all across the gulf and beyond. but increasing aggression, an interception by weight and a rainy and coast to go to the vessels aforesaid, hundreds of boats out of service. the dispute began after the fall of saddam hussein in 2003 and has worse and in recent years. now the model, the number of fishing boats has dropped from really full 1000 to only a few 100 hundreds of fishermen of quit. and no official has bothered to come and ask about the problems with facing the land border between iraq and kuwait was demarcated by the united nations in 1993. but the amount of time boundaries remain on resolved. and with them the future of many, fisher mean would up do i just eat on. ready bus at all,
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southern iraq. okay, that's it for me. not inside the sneeze out. i'll be back there in just a moment. it's much more of today's use, please stay with us. the this is the 1st genocide that we see real time is the victims themselves long before there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the life of the 9 year old under is really bombardment. trauma center is
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displaced in scarcity. and the moments were childhood, student shyness, through the child of cuz on a jersey examining the headlines, is there any is hopefully today for the forms of life and god's unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create wealth for women, come and feel niche. it relates to trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility. around in the line. the style hope is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with okay,
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foundation. you donated with kindness. you showed you ok. now let's also show you. we'll deliver it. so done the nights with confidence donates without kat foundation . with every pack done 19 with every press will bring it to light, a little love in palestine. we share the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on monday inside. this is a new sound life coming up in the next 60 minutes. and instead of even tens of thousands go for the resignation of israel's prime minister on a deal to bring the countess home heavy fighting in southern gaza,


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