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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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to help save lives and transform communities the time go in until the you've tens of thousands full will, the resignation of israel's prime minister and the deal to bring the captives home the deluxe to hold robin, you're watching out of their life. my headquarters in the also coming up, this is what used to be the emergency department. and as you can see, it's totally destroyed. officials from the world health organization get a 1st time look at the scale of as well as destructive cj and causes. i'll ship a hospital pulse with nick around you. it becomes the latest country to cut the diplomatic ties. beck little as to please don't. mexico's embassy in quito to
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arrest a form of vice president. plus, i'm stephanie decker in wander where the country is getting ready to commemorate 13 years since the genocide that mass graves continue to be found will have that story coming up. the welcome to the fact that we begin it is running away up to 6 months of ongoing. as of the government is facing growing and getting discontent. tens of thousands of his riley is of taken to the streets of ton of a demanding early elections and accusing the government of dragging out the will. that will be in the scuffle between police and protest is at least 8 people have been arrested in hall. so yet, more than 33000 to palestinians have been killed in garza, and about 100 is right in captives remain the same. on con,
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i said this report this is a far larger process that we've said in, in recent weeks. it stretches at least 2 miles in that direction. there are thousands of people on the street and they all have one message. the problem is that things have been that yahoo! it's bring the hostages and that will bring them back homepage as actually joined the anti government protest in a mood that they say is a reason for that frustration against the problem is that he's not doing enough to bring them back. campaign was a political and now it's very much political. this reaches the way, hearing incredibly firing. they're talking about what do you want me? what made you need regular people that weren't full. this is going on all ceasefire tools in colorado, a massive combine that attendance. israel still hasn't been attended. well, they're looking for is some concession. well,
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i'm not so i must have said they're not going to compromise them. include them all . however, it will be a key. so if the head of the most out does go to try, right, for those tools, it does mean that if that happens, that has been something, but they're both on. how does they're telling me how much is all i'm doing? because some of the guide says that it's killed. 14 is why the soldiers during confrontations in con units and southern gaza with the fighting was centered around the amal and olives on our neighborhoods. and is very spokesman has confirmed as being heavy fighting of the city. but that still be no confirmation of the casualties. our military is still engaged and the guys us trip and southern guys brigade, $98.00 is engaged in con eunice, particularly at the i, i'm out of the neighborhood. modest their soldiers that are engaged in brutal and fierce combat from close range. and we are also conducting very old strikes against
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con eunice in order to destroy a terrorist and press structure in these city. and currently we are finalizing the destruction of 3 tunnels that are used for attack purposes. one of which ship traverses the border into israel. all 3 tunnels were in the con eunice, the tunnels were actually discovered by the military, as they were establishing check points in the area. to cover a resume has moved from rossa in southern garza. the facts on the ground, the incline here and is that this area is considered to be one of the hardest areas that he has been emitted tree has operated in this since the beginning of this conflict in october. specifically that way these, but the ministry has been working the for months right now, as they did not take full control over at that very densely populated area, as, according to the military wing of i'm also because i'm per gate that and one of the statements that have really they have been releasing saying that they have killed,
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at least knowing it's various to just in the as then the need for who it's one of the, both the areas that is adjacent to boot is with israel fucking the other part of the city. you know, and then i'm a laborer who would make confrontations happen. raging between almost flight is and the is wait a minute to where at least 5 is very so we just the being killed according to the military when the from us of to some brigade spot to now the is very minutes. we did not provide any official information about the confirmation of casualties a day from this operation part. and this is the have been saying that's not the least. the 3 is what he's been called to have landed in the eastern part of the city of claudio. just in order to evacuate victims bought every single time when they are high rates of bottles in the city of cartoonists. usually it has, it could, could, could be completely floated by mass button and campaigned by the is very forces in different areas in the city as we have been hearing within the past a few hours. and the latest on the see saw negotiations is that to resume entire on
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sunday. and his way the delegation is expected to attend. and who else has confirmed? it's sending representatives by some name is a senior member of from us as political be a. he says the group, when deviate from its demands for a permanent sci fi, and there's tools held in kyra on sunday. what we are calling for should not be part of any legal she issues because when we are negotiating fuel for a piece fail, it means that we, we are heading to with seats faith when we are legal should think as he said, it means that the troops the tubes which invaded goes after october 7th has to leave because of that, when we talk about this, if he said i agreement, it has to, it has to mean that the people of the seas said agreements have to move freely inside. because a slip, we cannot accept of a piece fail agreement that so either have the right to launch the solution again
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at any time to have the tool inside. it goes up totally if you like us to begin or to but event 1300000 multiple opinions to, to 10 back to their houses or to move freely before we, i'm not talking about conditions. the sort of the expected outcome of entities felt like getting that to what we can expect from this negotiations is after achieving all these uh, the demand is to have a serious of in the prison of dean between the 2 about this so that we can exchange the present notes and then then launch the concession goes to domestic pressure is increasing on present j biden, to stop weapons being sent from the us to israel t ally and form a house speaker. nancy pelosi is amongst those who signed a letter from dozens of congressional democrats. the letter says, we quote, in light of the recent strike against state workers and the ever was thinking about
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it's heavy and crisis. we believe it is unjustifiable to approve these weapon transfers. it goes on say, if it is found that this strike violated us or international, those responsible must be held accountable process j recovery any is a former us ambassador, as egypt done took you earlier. he told my colleague, molly, inside the israel's relationship with washington, isn't a great impression as we have in it. and nathan, yahoo of israel, someone who has made strategic blunder after a strategic blunder. whether in the conduct of their score or in his domestic managing of his domestic problems, which were huge before october 7th, and now finally, weight amazingly real strategic blunder in his dealings with the united states. he is one who was able to brag or did brag, but he, he could do what he wanted,
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and an american. any american president would not dare to defy him. and he is a outspoken way, and with contempt and outright disrespect. set aside american advice as to the conduct of the war, humanitarian concern for the palestinians, and so forth. and he shoved that aside to the extent that one politician after another in the united states had spoken out against the against netanyahu. and the as really right wing the is rarely rejection, is kept in a way no one has seen before. right? so here we are at this moment. what next? i mean we have these, these far towards that resuming tiro, this weekend. what will these developments going to mean for these talks? i mean, we finally going to see something change. what's not discount the impact of israeli military pressure died as clearly what is helping to bring from us to the table. on
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the one hand, hamas has no way out, and i'm sure the egyptians and the categories are, are talking sense to them and helping them understand they have no way out. on the other hand, natania who really has no way out at this point, of course, of american voices finally concluding with the administration and leading democrats, or calling for a cease fire. a real seized fire, and one without conditions any more. so weeks though, as well as the other 3 covered upgrades on dogs is out of shift the hospital, causing extensive damage to what was once the strips largest medical complex, the troops withdrawal monday, a world health organization team is incentive. the facility to assess the devastation they had a baby has more an empty show with human grief. that's how the world health organization describe the state of,
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of she for hospital one scholars of the largest and most vast medical complex w h o staff managed to get access to the site of font partially buried bodies and the smell of the composition. they see most of us chief of buildings now lie in ruins, and much of this equipment has been reduced to ashes. the team concluded that getting even basic functionality back in the short term seems implausible. this is what used to be the emergency department. and as you can see, it's totally destroyed. you can see the total destruction everywhere. and the most important is there is a smell of um, sewage and the whole thing bodies around it is usually forces we do for my she for hospitalization, gaza city on monday, following a 2 week military operation targeting would be described as homeless spite those who had regroup day, but the easily army has been accused of recklessly endangering civilians with this
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and all the devastating effects on galls of health sector, which is already overwhelmed with thousands of injured i'll experience a lot of them know. so look at it. the health situation is tragic and disastrous in the gaza strip, gaza city and northern garza. we call on everyone to support the health sector in all of the gaza strip about 6 months into the war. when we send out of the 36 main hospitals in garza, are still partially operational according to the w h o. bob in rough or in south in gaza, we're more than 1500000 displays. people are trapped below use of another hospital is overwhelmed by patients. job doctors say the lack of medicines and fuel due to age restrictions and all that come out there for thought on. elizabeth, the hospital is over crowded. the doctors are exhausted. our medical stuff and nurses are unable to deal with the cases, given the large number of and just people and to patients. and after a 183 days,
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none of the doctors or medical stuff having also strength left the despite rolling international pressure on israel to do more, to avoid civilian casualties is being continuing to attack gaza from north to south indiscriminately. the w h or says from an looms, disease outbreak spread and trauma injuries increase, cause those remaining health facilities must be given immediate protection. and he has a lot of d, l 0. the spring of the days of the news, the nick, your i q a has joined mexico in cutting diplomatic ties that i could do. it's a respondents to rate, but ecuadorian police on the mexican embassy in tito security forces arrested the form of vice president george gloss, who sold political assign him in the embassy since december. the rage came out,
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was up to the mexican government, said that they would grant his request, blast had been convicted twice of corruption and was transferred to a mexican maximum security prison on site today. and i feel like this whole time has more, a police store, mexico's embassy to arrest input doors, former vice president. the raid came hours after mexico announced who, with a grand, who'd take less political asylum, and urged ecuador to offer him safe passage to leave the country. very important, there's how can these criminals rate the mexican embassy in ecuador? it's not possible. it can't be it's madness. yes, they've arrested a form of vice president. i'm very worried because he can be killed. the cats in ecuador, his former vice president, had been evading arrest and staying in mexico some of the see since december. he was arguably his country's most wanted philip convicted twice for corruption. the
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54 year old was suspended from his duties in 2017 after being charged for allegedly receiving millions of dollars in bribes. more accusations are being investigated for many reasons. if so, what like a mockery of justice, the, that he was a grant that the asylum in the, in the embassy and glass and the locus or laura, are they want to go to, oh, i said in the ideological connection there. and i was like what the felt that this was, this was our way of, of smoking class has repeatedly said he's a victim of political persecution, of the by the president on that is mentally lopez silverado. it has to spend the diplomatic ties with that would, or maybe a, maybe of the mexican diplomatic person on an equitable will leave the country immediately. and mexico will appeal to the international court of justice to hold
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up for to accountable for violations of international law. ties between mexico in ecuador were under strain, well before the arrest. now they've reached the new lo and case that's ignited an international political crisis. castillo official, again. i'll just here. let's close over to our correspondence, all the home and the a starting by for us in mexico city and john the to say that mexico is furious is an understatement. i mean, what more is coming out from the you might say the card goals of power while you were obviously you heard that from cuts his pace at the for a minute. the president, obviously pretty unhappy, but it's even spread to the campaign tra, we're in a presidential campaign season here in mexico and both of the candidates, one from the ruling policy, but also wants meal position policy a by said no, this is a red line. this con, happened to accommodate the storming of our embassy as well. so i smoke protest
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right now. that's in front of the ecuadorian embassy in mexico city. will there be authorities of said, please don't use violence and have that to be honest, people not to attend that protest, but this is wider than just mexico. countries from the left. we just talked about nicaragua, the but also from the right in this region have come out and said that this is a red lines of evidence against international law and have condemned the fact the ecuadorian please stormed the embassy. it's actually difficult in recent history, even with the dictates of ships. the excess is the military role that we've had and left in america to find examples of when embassies happen. storm, that's generally been something that's respected in the region. so i think now we have to see what's going to happen to ecuador, and so the ecuadorian government and president, he's around for about 18 months longer. it's my security transitional government until 2025. is this going to affect him any?
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see, going to be isolated as a result with this indeed, delegates hours ahead. we'll keep in touch with you as it happens, a townhome in that no, still a head here. all the houses that will tell you what's causing this rad phenomena of the skies. it's really the that things are improving in the northeastern states. the us, nissan canada. so normally pres for nova scotia on there, so that's on its way. however, what has been develop go, we'll develop this is some of this will cost is a kodak coming off the high ground is wrapping up against what's being drawn up from the gulf when we get a profit circulation here that will produce storms and down this line here through the southern states, yes, the potential for tonight is tornadoes, or because,
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and if i take you a day ahead, snow has come back down onto the plate in south dakota may be briefly to his back to rain again at the shower. look a bit more dangerous down in texas up this time there in the car, being things and nice in court. the concentration of kind of writing cost to recur . maybe and pay them on a few big charles, possible, impressive rico and back to was eastern cuba, 3 hispanic mueller for sire for america. and that was seasonal rains that run from northern brazil, across to ecuador, could produce some big dime pulse. but slides, there was a risk at this time, the more of a spread for the size, catching up with an active system which will bring some pretty big thunderstorms to this part of se, to preserve. and there are still further films develop, getting parts of options to otherwise. this is looking fine. very awesome with of the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back?
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or is us president joe finding right to stand with israel with no red line? as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the bold and i'm told stories from age and the pacific on out just sierra the the, [000:00:00;00] the look like you're watching all just bear with me. so robin, in the reminder of all the top stories, tens of thousands in israel hood riley,
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the gates, the government talked to 6 months of war, and garza, according to the elections of the deal to bring. is there any captives back home mold and 33000 palestinians in garza, have been killed in haul. a year from us is um, doing says it's killed. 14 is 80. so just during compensation to con units in southern garza, these raving army has not confirmed the casualties ariel for me is escalated in the city. and they connect you with this join mexico and cutting diplomatic ties with that. it's in response to equity and please rating the mix. can embassy pieces. with the rest of the form of vice president joe's gloss, he'd been seeking political asylum the since december the, the number of people killed in a russian grade in miss all striking car key was not risen to 8. both ortiz, a residential areas and
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a high rise buildings in ukraine. the 2nd largest city would talk to 10 others are also injured in the strikes on site. today. troll stratford has moved from cocky were one of the strikes sites here in northern the car keys, a residential area with thousands of people. if you see this call here, we understand that at least one person was killed. in this call. you pan off and have a look at some of the houses here as well, the flats people trying to repair as much as they can or at least blocks the broken windows before nightfall. it's on clear as to what kind of project. so this was certainly the security services here, not telling us, but this hole in the ground here, we understand to be the impact site. quite a small hole in relation to the extent of the damage is if you look up at the buildings here, you can see obviously not
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a single window has remain complete viable for quite a while. there was a massive explosion. the shockwave was so great that it threw me from one room to another in my house. this is a huge tragedy for ukraine. in the last few weeks, the situation has gotten worse because they're showing a so random. yeah, but their school, it, which he was basically i studied at the school, my daughter to and i work here is an absolute hara. why are they doing this? this is our beloved school. we have spend all our life here and they come at these months for zack's and i can't find words to describe pollutants as well. the criminal says these attacks all revenge, but what they say, all ukrainian attacks being carried out across the board inside russia. the border is already around, so if you columbus is from here, but it's safe to say that these attacks are growing, posting frequency and intensity virtually every day. there's no noticeable military or strategic target in this area. the seems,
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at least on the surface to be a purely residential neighborhood. there are thousands of people who live here who will be going to bed tonight. afraid again, child stop it out to 0 khaki. at least 3 people have died and over 2000 evacuated after i done breach in the russian city vols. the flood has affected more than 4000 times on the balance. 11000 people in the region. officials say that that was breached you to pull maintenance, which you don't, you don't want us to deck yesterday. we do the things that it would be like this. we hoped it was some help us by in the morning we woke up and saw that the water was over at any deep a ceremony in lawanda on sunday will not be 30th on the vestry of the stalls of the 1994 genocide in just 100 days, hooting, village is killed, move, and 8800000. and pardon me? of the tootsie minority and political opponents of the who to it began with the
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assassination of the who to president is human. that'll have the weight. my height features claimed it's at sea level. good. that one didn't petri optic fun for shooting down is plain the op yes. denies involvement. 12 between april and july, who to malicious and elements within the one that army slows that took place. the coming finally stopped on july the falls when the ops us backed by you gun design, me captured the run to the capital kick. golly and stephanie deca, now reports from clay in the other one. the bus greys all still being discovered is in a tranquil corner of the rwandan hills. the dead are being disturbed, despite never having found peace ready when it's done. i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets, we found to so many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago under homes and farm land,
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30 years up to the ones in genocide. identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing, items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface, along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here has been identified. what is left of the name as victims is taken shore drive away an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoyed the most on imaginable of death, around 800000, to see in some moderate hutus from a chevy to death by some 2 fighters what they were then hangs heavily hoping to be identified. this was intimate, close up slaughter. are we always to survivor? if with such a painful cost, there can ever be forgiveness run to throw everyone to we've been reconciled by the government. they call on us. they teach is about reconciliation. there is no way to
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turn us back. a government is in charge. president polk i've gotten it runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then. and today any inquiries about someone's ethnicity is illegal. for those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. i am not, i am not much. i think what happened is that we're history and it has to live with us as the young generation. we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again, but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places, but do not select via forties. those who lived here are believe to have known about and concealed the mass grave. 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now one ernest. but their names whose off of them, who misses them, would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain without pleasure
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. stephanie decker, all g 0 who you for one to prove present dina, belong to is testified about under glad luxury goods and bank transfers. it's all part of an investigation and to alleged, eliciting richmond's money on a sanchez as moved from lima, summoned by the attorney general, proceed indeed of a lot of places. she answered every question during 5 hours. it was out of school, but she had remained silent for a week about her possession of luxury watches, jewellery worth tens of thousands of dollars and undeclared bank. transaction circuit was dated for standards. there's only one true. i have to acknowledge it was a mistake to accept the watches lend to me by my friend governor. we'd faddle or school e mail. i have return to them and because they were not mine, i was not obliged to declare them. was good email, a regional governor had bought a rolex on her birthday and visited the presidential palace that same day the president had initially said she worked since she was 18 to buy her watches. a
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contradiction with her deposition on friday. instead, she dismissed the case as sexist and discriminatory harassment from the press box that is a good or it's time to se dirty games against the country. they don't benefit anyone and the damage the countries image symposium safer. but this display of which is, is an insult. people need to wake up. the president has so many watches. she's taking on money while the poor people are hungry. this candle dumped as rolex gait picked after police and prosecutors forced their way into one loved his residence, looking for evidence, and it cost a stir amid the government. and some legislators who demanded her resignation. 6 ministers left. what about this cabinet this week? critics say the replacements were selected as a reward for political allies in congress. rejected
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a recent impeachment motion. congressional leaders said an impeachment for this candle would be stabilized the country. but critics say legislators have only one thing in mind. you still going to be associated with the protecting savory counter reform supported by the government with no objections from the constitutional court that allows to keep their posts until 2026. the changing the rules are not for the country stability, but for the is going through our will be, i don't know both testers in the center of the capital called for her resignation. without any peach men, she stays until 2026. for now, she asked peruvians to turn the page at the investigation, continues many in the center suggesting denby, me, but there is come today. thing visitors to supplement today with the display of all coming voltages, rings, signed to say, recent activity,


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