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tv   Witness Skies Above Hebron  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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site w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the you'll what you'll just bear with me. so robin and i'll remind to of, i'll tell you stories. tens of thousands in israel has rallied against the government up to 6 months of war, and garza bank holding for early elections. and the deal to bring is very captives, home mold and $33000.00 palestinians, and garza having killed since october. how about his own thing? says that it's killed, 14 is why the soldiers during confrontations and con eunice and southern gaza. these really ami has not confirmed the casualties. ariel bombing has escalated in the city time. and capitalism is in rafa with more and then i'm a neighborhood. more confrontations happen. rating between almost flight is and the is very minute to where at least 5 is very so we just the being killed according to the military when the from us of december gates bought to now the is very military
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did not provide any official information about the confirmation of casualties, and the from this operation part, this is the, have been saying that at least the 3 is what is being called to have landed in the eastern part of the city of con units in order to evacuate victims. but every single time when they are high rates of bottles in the city of calling you this huge what it has, it could could, could be completely fluid by mass button and campaign by the is very forces in different areas in the city. as we have been hearing within the past few hours, see they just drawn to see signed negotiations. is that to resume and title on sunday and is really delegation is expected to attend. and my son's confirm that sending representatives to, or domestic pressure is increasing on presence a button to stop weapons being sent from the us to israel ki, i long and full my house speak. and then supervisee is amongst those who signed the letter from dozens of congressional democrats, the coal,
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the approval of this transfers unjustifiable might kinda as move from washington dc . the letter was signed by dozens of democrat congressional members. it was sent to the secretary of state as well as to president biden himself, but among the signatories was the former speak of the house, nancy pelosi. and this is deeply significant because it indicates that the concern about israel's actions in gaza is now going for homo mainstream. pelosi is a close confidant of president biden, and is someone who has a significant status within the democratic party. so certainly put, adding her name to the submit to has a major import in terms of the public view of the byte in administration policy towards israel. now, president biden himself is buying the meeting, taking place and coming out in cairo that will be attended by his director of the c
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i, a william burns. now this is viewed by the, by the end of ministration as a critical meeting in terms of achieving a c spy, in terms of him getting more humanitarian aid into gaza. and in terms of affecting a release of the captives being held in gaza in return for the release of palestinian prisoners any as well. they come out here has joined mexico and causing diplomatic ties with the equitable it's in response to ecuadorian, plays writing the mexican embassy in kito, where they rested the form of vice president george floss have been seeking political asylum the since december or the number of people killed in the russian veteran and miss armstrong, kentucky was no reason to h all forward. he say residential areas and high rise buildings in ukraine, 2nd largest city with a target at least 3 people have died and over 2000 evacuated. dr. damn, was breached in the russian city of us. the flood has affected more than 4000 times
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and about 11000 people in the region. officials say that that was breached you to pull maintenance the city of anchorage in the us state of alaska, or is inches away from assessing a new state full record. just about 130 inches of snow has been recorded for the coming to into season for higher seasonal reco. it is a $134.00 inches, which was set to in 2012 bounce. aetna is calculating visitors to supplements leave with a display of volcanic bottex rings, the natural phenomena cuz when there is a rapid release of vapors and gases with a shaped crater off the volcano, these were the headlines about the bone use in hoffman. now we continue with witness here on, i'll just the
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on the on cuz i got to come today and then i had to click on a consent and they had said that her name is in the can you read spirit must need shut down the so the if the sort of c t medina, the ones that are that you know when asked us to dive or something, i saw the language on the collision of the most expensive she had on the cell phone for the house. the
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[000:00:00;00] the nothing that he hasn't done anything i was there. we were paying the village of up to maybe show them today in the night. okay. yeah. the brother,
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the one i like to post. i like the nothing special to the buses, the shape you know to speed on the bed,
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the leading medina with the ice. you have a sort of thing. so in math, most stokeland is about alia, down on the bottom of the know for the moment on the home. i know my, i have a sound good. the other one is shovel. i do us going, who do i have? i saw the little solar lenses, you have an album and the positive dease. what was your vision now, ma'am? and i left supplements in and she had the most opening it on
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a fellow never hungry. the head the so the so it should a miss to use the shuttle. the whole issue is in solar wind only the good news. yeah. good news in the got the large boxes, the the, uh
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the bosom. this is the most of the new ball. yeah. when i pulled up, the adams schafer as long as you have them. so you have any hobbies you've mcgee and jennifer c. spell your po,
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book balls. john apple dash up to be the issue with the sale along the yellow solution. so i don't want you the 1st one i showed you do would be the other. i don't come on to do the best on either cash. read the book, the shipment is oh yeah, yeah. the palm beach center
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issue the x of issue. and then obviously you have to tell that single senior choose a national. so let's move to the stage where i had to invest me to how to use the the over 30 years after the sewing elder 0 was tell us the behind the scenes story of nor waynesville. and the also, of course, they wanted to have what the phrase united abilities and reveals how the secret negotiations skewed is from decided to talk the terms of the negotiations and why those still follow from delivering and forth was the
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price of what was on notice here the examining the headlines is or is hopefully today for the forms of life and god's unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel naturally released the trauma and creates explore
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an abundance of world class programming on eligibility around the and so many of what jane alters ever in the home, a reminder of all the top new stories, tens of thousands in israel, who rallied against the government after 6 months of war and cause i called is and again, actions and the deal to bring is very captives home. more than 33000 palestinians in guns that have been killed since october. how most is ongoing, say that it's killed. 14 is why the soldiers during confrontations and con, units in southern gaza, is where the army has not confirmed the casualties that real bombing has escalated in the city. selects this round, does it say sign? the graduations are set to resume entire on sunday, and is mainly delegation is expected to attend, and thomas has confirmed,
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it's sending representatives. domestic pressure is increasing on president tre, button stopped weapons being sent from the us to israel. ki, i live and the form of house speaker nancy pelosi, as amongst those who signed a letter from dozens of congressional democrats, the coal, the approval of transfers unjustifiable nick around here, has joined to mexico and cutting diplomatic ties of that coil. it's, it responds to ecuadorian police, raising the mexican embassy in quito, where they arrested the form of vice president george class. he'd been seeking political asylum the since december. the number of people killed in a russian drain and miss armstrong can itself keep as not risen to 8 all forward. he's a residential areas and high rise buildings in ukraine. second largest city with targeted 10 of us were also interested in the strikes on site today. at least 3 people have died to and over 2000 evacuated after dime was breached in the russian
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city of us. the flood has effected moles in full 1000 times and about 11000 people in the region. officials say that them was breach due to pull maintenance, the city of anchorage in new york state. the velasco is inches away from setting a new snow full rack cold. just over 130 inches of snow has been recorded for the coming winter season. the highest seasonal record is a 134.5 inches, which was set in the winter of 2012. montagna is captivating visitors to southern italy with the display of volcanic voltage springs and actual phenomenal because when there is a vapid release of vaporizing gases, the shape by the crates of the volcano, that's it for that ammonia use in half. now to stay with sail on,
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i'll just say on the, on the all the shoot down the slow course of the has over the was the, the,
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lot so to see if. busy we have been out of ice maybe some of it as a whole lot on this because the heart of all the i'll look at the
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same. she had the
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of the the surgeon general bed wondering what the deal should let me see
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what the hell them ship to them all dim shopkeeper. okay . the the with the not the not all the i or i'm tired of this. leah hit. i'm a lot of the bypass of set out
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a lot of fun. yeah. and then the
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the so the the this model uh, this model,
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some of the the the dish to see on the see on the machine. those are still in i see.
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so the last one on the beach, 3 the sauce the the, the
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reason the the oh i the only oh, how do we oh oh, i don't know. so the, the but most of the, most of the, most of the most up to about a minute suddenly on a certain amount of meaning sunday and on account of that and i am still left us alone says a whole is ish. but let me see, i don't wish to leave us say,
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i mean no matter how them though, as you dean for the month of the be i do there are bunch of the and then for leading to the bathroom. selena venice. yes. dish view about she so a issue solving the . 2 2 2 2 2
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the, the course action for sure was session with the with the the the
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i oh, well the sure sure. who actually in the, in the quoted you the . ringback the you
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the let me know this issue is, i assume the law i remember that the whole nation. now let me share and have a simply share value of each other than to rush
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volunteer because we're concerned with the change from the judge shouldn't have to be shy that beautiful. i only have to do
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every family carries its was those and 6 if i can take a nice time to hear a young the rocky dutch crowd encourages these families to finally discuss their costs in the hope of sparing youth youngstown by breaking the cycle. intergenerational trauma, my father new and died. a witness documentary on elegy, sierra officer, a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from i'm into the how to rubik language world wide shaped come out award for translation . and international understanding of non c is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the that things are improving in the northeastern states,
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the us niece in canada. so normally breeze from nova scotia on there, so that's on its way. however, what has been develop go, we'll develop this is sunday, school cost is a call to come are of the high ground is wrapping up against what's being drawn up from the gulf when we get a profit circulation here that will produce storms and down this line here through the southern states, yes, the potential for tonight is tornadoes, or because, and if i take you a day ahead, snow has come back down onto the plate and south dakota may be briefly to his back to rain again at the sheriff's, look a bit more dangerous than in texas at this time, there in the car, being things nice in court, the concentration of kind of writing, costa rica and maybe in panama and a few big charles of possible impressive rico and back to all this in cuba. 3 hispanic mueller for, sorry, for america. and that was seasonal range, set, run from northern brazil, across to ecuador, could produce some big di impulse, but slides or was a risk at this time the. there's more of a spread for the size,
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catching up with an active system which will bring some pretty big thunderstorms to this part of se, to preserve their self assaults, develop getting parts of option to, to otherwise, this is looking fine. very autumn with the must be in their own words, 3 of your 0 journalists described working and survived through his realtors. so of course a lot of mine that was i was calling and especially as much as i know. so with journalism under genocide on a just so you know, you want to report, but the same time you want to feed your company. you also want to stay alive. while you have american evangelicals become, is real strong. as backer is us president joe, find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support
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continues. is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the tango intensity of tens of thousands, cool for the resignation of his rose prime minister and the deal to bring the captives home bugs the whole rom and you're watching of. is there a lot of headquarters here in the also coming up? this is what used to be the emergency department. and as you can see,


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