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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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this is our s 10. you see negotiations being even. this is most important. which of these are going to negotiate? polls unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome. upfront. on out, the 10s of thousands of protests is riley and tennessee demanding early elections and the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the de put on. and this is alger 0 life from the. so coming out, this is what used to be the emergency department. and as you can see, it's totally destroyed. officials from the world health organization get a 1st had looked at the skein of as well, seizures glosses. i'll ship
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a whole specialist and it cannot go on becomes the basis country to cotton, diplomatic ties with the exit door off to police to mexico, as embassy. and he taught to arrest a form of vice president plus stephanie decker. and we wonder where the country is getting ready to come memories, 13 years since the genocide that mosse grades continue to be found, we'll have that story coming up. the beginning as well with the government is facing growing anger and discontent. tens of thousands of people protested on the streets of pennsylvania, demanding early elections and accusing the government of dragging out the one gaza . that was scuffles between police and for testers. and at least 8 people have been arrested. around a 130 full captains as writers and for nationals still being held in gaza and long congress at those demonstrations and of this update. this is
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a far larger process that we've seen in recent weeks. it stretches at least 2 miles in that direction. there are thousands of people on the streets and they all have one message. the problem is that things have been that yahoo, it should bring the hostages, and that will bring them back homepage as actually join. 2 the on to government protests in a move that they say is a reason for the frustration against the problem is that he's don't doing enough to bring them back. campaign was a political and now it's very much political. this reaches the way of hearing incredibly firing. they're talking about what do you want me? what made you need regular people that weren't full? this is going on all ceasefire tools in colorado. a massive combined the attendance . israel still have to attend this. well, they're looking for is some in session. well,
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i'm not file must have said they don't get a compromise on that quote involved. however, it will be a key. so if the head of the most out does go to fly, right, for those tools, it does mean that if that happens, that has been something but they both are out. is there a telling me? meanwhile, one person has been arrested officer. they call him for testers. at that demonstration in front of the video footage shows the draws in a consultation with people near the vehicle before it springs off. 5 people injured, one of them seriously and the post on social media platform, hicks is really opposition me. the pain describes the incident as a direct result of incitement. coming from the government, the in southern gaza, the i'm doing the from us as killed 14 is where the soldiers, june confrontations and con eunice. the fighting was centered around the auto mall . and alls on, on neighborhoods, that is where any army has confirmed and these are 4 of its troops were killed in southern gaza. is almost 2 over the same bush moment. and with our military is
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still engaged in the gaza strip and southern gaza brigade. 98 is engaged in con eunice, particularly in the all amal neighborhood. their soldiers are engaged in brutal and fierce combat from close range. we also are conducting aerial strikes and con eunice in order to destruct on terrorist infrastructure. currently, we are finalizing the destruction of 3 tunnels being used in the tax, one of which traverses into israel. the tunnels were discovered by these really military knew as they were establishing check points in the area. thought a couple as a has more from the alpha and southern gaza as the facts on the ground, the incognito. this is that this area is considered to be one of the hardest areas that he has been emitted tree has operated in this since the beginning of this conflict in october. specifically that way these, but the ministry has been working the for months right now. as they did not take full control over at that very densely populated area, as, according to the military wing of i'm also because i'm per gate that and one of the
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statements they have really, they have been releasing, saying that they have killed, at least knowing is vegas to just in the, as the need for who it's one of the, both the areas that is adjacent to board as with israel, but in the other part of the city, you know, and then i'm a laborer who would make confrontations happen raging between almost flight is and the is very minute to where at least 5 is very so we just the being killed according to the military. when the foremost of december gates bought to now the is very military did not provide any official information about the confirmation of casualties a day from this operation. part. this is the, have been saying that least the 3 is what has been called to have landed in the eastern part of the city of con units in order to evacuate. victims bought every single time when they are high rates of bottles in the city of cartoonists. usually it has, it could, could, could be completely floated by mass button. and campaign by the is very forces in different areas in the city. as we have been hearing within the past few hours,
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there's really military besieged. i'll ship a hospital in gaza city for 2 weeks. the troops cost extensive damage to what was the strips largest medical complex. they withdrew on monday and now the team from the world health organization has entered the facility to assess the scale of the devastation. and he has a lot that they reports an empty shell with human grief, or that's how the world health organization describe the state of a chief, a hospital, one scholars of the largest and most vast medical complex w h o staff managed to get access to the site of font partially buried bodies, and the smell of decomposition. they see most of us chief of buildings now lie in ruins. and much of this equipment has been reduced to ashes. the team concluded that getting even basic functionality back in the short term seems implausible.
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this is what used to be the emergency department. and as you can see, it's totally destroyed. you can see the total destruction everywhere and the most important there was a smell of um, sewage end of the broken bodies around it is usually forces, withdrew from us chief, a hospital in gaza city on monday, following a 2 week military operation targeting would be described as homeless by those who had recruit se, but the easily army has been accused of recklessly endangering civilians with this and all the devastating effects and goals of health sector, which is already overwhelmed with thousands of injured i'll experience a lot of them know. so look at it, the health situation is tragic and disastrous in the gaza strip. guys, the city and northern guys are we calling everyone to support the health sick to in all of the guys this trip with about 6 months into the war. when we send out of the 2 to 6 main hospitals in garza, are still partially operational according to the w. h of bad in rough and south in
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gaza. we're more than 1500000 displays. people are trapped. we use of another hospital is overwhelmed by patients. job doctors say the lack of medicines and fuel due to age restrictions and all that come out there for thought on. elizabeth, the hospital is over crowded. the doctors are exhausted. our medical stuff and nurses are unable to deal with the cases given the large number of and just people and patients. and after a 183 days, none of the doctors or medical stuff having also strength left despite growling international pressure on israel to do more, to avoid civilian casualties. it's been continuing to attack gaza from north to south, indiscriminately. the w h o says from in looms, disease outbreak spread and trauma injuries increase cause has remaining health facilities must be given immediate protection. and he has a lot of d as
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a 0 is where it is showing has destroyed and un building where the space palestinians have been seeking shelter and gaza city. it was located near all ship a hospital which is 0 is a smile on google is from the damage having them again. dozens of families sought shelter here, just like the families that sought refuge at the l. she for medical complex since these sites are meant to be safe under international protection. however, just as they did at all, she for the is really are me shields this you and building. i completely burned 6 floors with rockets and incendiary munitions that a little bit the so you had the on it. i was surprised to see a building such as this one being targeted. if this building is targeted and that means we have targets, we able we are waiting. there's no place where we can seek shelter and save this place in the safe notifies is safe in the gaza strip. today we are civilians. we do not take sides and we are here to seek shelter. we came to this you in building because we need to speak with them to to get them in any way. i mean, i know,
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not for sure, but the building was hit with a show and a fire erupted. and once the fire started, we weren't able to leave. people started grabbing their belongings and leaving the building and they left us here alone in this corner. we stayed here for over 15 days, 3 of which we spent without food and water. these relays were running, quad carpenters over the building, and whenever they saw anything move even a cat, there quad copters would swoop in and shoot at the area. they targeted the entire building and bullets even went into our bed room. there was no where we could hide . one of the nudges we came to this building looking for safe shelter, and we thought that being an, an international building it must be protected. and however, when the israelis are involved, there is no such thing as international covenants or safety. as you can see, we're trying to recover our belongings from under the rubble. we have no time left to live our lives. there was
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a water tank out in the yard where we all used to go to collect water, but the crowd copters opened fire on us and it towards the shred subject coming up . some of us tried to go over to the palms to collect water, and we were shelved, they simply will not allow civilians to live their lives. domestic pressure is increasing on us president joe biden, to stop sending weapons to israel for the house speaker. nancy pelosi is among those who find a letter from thousands of congressional democrats. it says and launch the reason strike against aid workers and the ever was things for mandatory and crisis. we believe is unjustifiable to approve these weapons transfers. it goes on to say if it's found that the strike violators us over international, those responsible must be held accountable for fonts as j, ricardo, and as a former us ambassador to egypt and to q. and earlier he told my colleague money in science that as well as relationship with washington is on the strength as we have in it. and nathan, yahoo of israel,
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someone who has made strategic blunder after a strategic blunder. whether in the conduct of their score or in his domestic managing of his domestic problems, which were huge before october 7th, and now finally, weight amazingly real strategic blunder in his dealings with the united states. he is one who was able to brag or did brag, but he, he could do what he wanted, and an american. any american president would not dare to defy him. and he is a outspoken way, and with contempt and outright disrespect. set aside american advice as to the conduct of the war, humanitarian concern for the palestinians, and so forth. and he shoved that aside to the extent that one politician after another and the united states has spoken out against the dead against netanyahu.
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and the as really right wing the is rarely rejection, is kept in a way no one has seen before. right? so here we are at this moment. what next? i mean we have these, these far towards that resuming tiro, this weekend. what it will these developments going to mean for these tools? i mean, are we finally going to see something change? what's not discount the impact of israeli military pressure guide is clearly what is helping to bring from us to the table. on the one hand, hamas has no way out. i'm sure the egyptians and the categories are, are talking sense to them and helping them understand they have no way out. on the other hand, natania who really has no way out if there's point a course of american voices. finally, concluding with the administration and leading democrats are calling for a cease fire. a real seized fire, and one without conditions any more. as rarely as strikes of strong 7 locations and
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11 on the call valley, the area is deep and sides leaven on fall from the border region with most of the violence has been taking place. no casualties have been reported separately. hezbollah says it down to miss riley drawer, and lebanese tower tree $75.00, and something code and is really a tax. and the past 24 hours. the liquid algo has joined to mexico and causing diplomatic ties with the exit. all. it's in response to a raid by echo during police on the mexican embassy in chico security forces arrested former vice president ford. hey gloss, who sold from the consignment, the embassy in december, john, home and reports from mexico city. it was the last leg of the journey. it's ruptured relations between mexico, next door. totally glass vehicle during exploits president being taken to the rook,
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a maximum security prison make white cube. in december, he's doing the begun with a visit to the mexican embassy to us for a sign of the full months of being held up. the next could find the ground to the on friday, and then it could during play storm, the embassy roughed up some diplomatic stuff and to gloss away it was an incredibly unusual step. even in this turbulent region. i think it's very difficult to find the president over the storming of 40 embassy letting america it is grossing a red line, which has been various strongly respected even for a different date. there seems seem great in the reason. so it is a, a very serious violation of international role class it twice been convicted of corruption. the ecuadorian authorities have been in fact take the mexico. shouldn't protect too many num, amanda,
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whether there's no way that he can be seen as politically, religiously or ethnically persecuted, mexico contravene? clearly the principle of no intervention in the internal affairs of another country . ecuador told mexico several times to not grant the last asylum of the latin american governments. on the less. i'm right. some results. watson tina condemned the embassy invasion. there was smooth protests outside the ecuadorian embassy in mexico city. as the mexican stuff in kito made their way home, the equipment by the mexico expects ecuador to offer the necessary guarantees for our departing diplomatic personnel. mexico appealed to the international court of justice to hold ecuador accountable for violations of international law. but it's unclear, the appeal to the quotes will have any tons of really impact. and that's the thing about this, the storming of another countries embassy has always been seen a sorry to boot. that's actually quite rare to find recent examples of it happening
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. now the question is, what's the still public countries doing the same? the ripples from equity, those actions could be felt for a fail been just here in mexico. don't home and i would just say to mexico, city as to the head allowances era, wayne hay in oakland where we take a look at the supermarket, you won't believe both here and in australia and how the prices are affecting customers in these difficult economic times. the us pain, it just closer to recognizing it palestinian state prime minister pedro sanchez, is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law . what i can tell you is that the situation on the ground is flexible. as an immediate cease firing, garza, there's an urgency to stop this terrible war and to open
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a new phase of stability. peace precipitating the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l. g 0. the real people for the stories place to hire him for so essential, not unknown around the well, groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on how to say era. the do not question why it happens, like when denise is area and when the foundation the
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you watching college they are out of me. elizabeth put on and don't ha rolanda of on top stories. the saw tens of thousands of his rarities have rallied against the government and tennessee. they quoting for early elections the day and to bring is there any captain's home from casa? a mazda is ongoing, says it's killed. 14 is really sold, which is june confrontations and con. eunice and southern gaza is randy on the has confirmed these 4 of its soldiers have been killed then. it's being 30 years since the genocide in rwanda. that so $800000.00 ethnic to it. see killed by who to 5 says 3 decades on mass graves are still being discovered. a stephanie deck and now reports from who. yeah. and the wanda is in
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a tranquil corner of the rwandan hills. the dead are being disturbed, despite never having found peace ready when it's done. i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets. we found to so many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago under homes and farm land. 30 years after the one to in genocide identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing, items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface, along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here has been identified. what is left of the name of the victims is taken shore drive away an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoyed the most on imaginable of death,
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around 800000 tootsie and some moderate hutus from a chevy to death by some 2 fighters what they were then hangs heavily hoping to be identified. this was intimate, close up slaughter. we always ca, survivor, if with such a painful cost there can ever be forgiveness. but we're going to throw everyone to we've been reconciled by the government. they call on us. they teach is about reconciliation. there is no way to turn us back. a government is in charge. president polk, i got me runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then. and today any inquiries about someone's ethnicity is illegal to. so those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. i am not, i am not much. what happened is our history and it has to live with us as the young generation. we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again, but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places,
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but do not select via forties. those who lived here are believe to have known about and concealed the mass grave. 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now on earth. but their names whose off of them, who misses them, would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain without pleasure . stephanie decker, all g 0, who you, who wonder hundreds of painful in east and what kind of fossil have rallied against violence and security in the region. the demonstrations took place into full profit as well. at least 7 to 3 people killed them and attacked by the group. a week ago for testers have been monitoring the government deploy security for this to the area. to me on the over, the military government has lost control of a vital bought of town. most of me on las trade with thailand passes through me on what a, the net correct national union says,
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hundreds of government troops got in the town, have surrendered and published flesh has of celebrations and weapons that seized co and sizes. and all the anti military forces have made significant gains in recent weeks against me on laws, military regime wished a pallet and a co 3 years ago. and the number of people killed in the russian drone and missile russian drawing and missile strikes and concave has risen to 8 authorities, a residential areas in high rise buildings and ukraine. second largest associated with targeted child stratford has moved from cape from concave. were one of the strikes sites here in northern the car key of a residential area with thousands of people. if you see this call here, we understand that at least one person was killed. in this call, you pan off and have a look at some of the houses here as well. the flats people trying to repair. as much as they can or at least blocks the broken windows before nightfall. it's on
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clear as to what kind of projects all this was certainly the security services here, not telling us, but this whole in the ground. hey, we understand to be the impact site. quite a small hole in relation to the extent of the damage is if you look up at the buildings here, you can see obviously not a single window has remain complete viable for quite a while. there was a massive explosion. the shockwave was so great that it threw me from one room to another in my house. this is a huge tragedy for ukraine. in the last few weeks, the situation has gotten worse because the shelling is so random. yeah, but their school in which she was basically i studied at the school my daughter to and i work here is an absolute hara. why are they doing this? this is our beloved school. we have spend all our life here and they come at these months for that. so now i can't find words to describe pollutant. so the criminal
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says these attacks all revenge for what they say. all ukrainian attacks being carried out across the border inside russia. the border is already around, so if you kilometers from here, but it's safe to say that these attacks are growing, posting frequency and intensity virtually every day. there's no noticeable military or strategic target in this area. this seems at least on the surface to be a purely residential neighborhood. there are thousands of people who live here who will be going to bed tonight. afraid again, child stuff alger 0 khaki. pellegrini has one flock. is presidential election vinyl basing for you candidates on the form of foreign minister? yvonne cause chalk pelligrini is the con speaker of parliament and a close ally prime minister rome it fits. so who's implemented a number of pro russian policies? the presidential position has limited powers, but it can be to our nose and nominates constitutional court judges. supermarkets
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and several countries are coming on the increasing scrutiny for the price of the checkout. and australia, government inquiry into the grocery sex that has been launched while the new zealand shop is paying some of the highest prices in the world. winhaven ports of the easy land is interest section money is tied to so many and more than any with that's being felt in the supermarkets. there were just 2 major grocery companies in new zealand, which control 80 percent of the markets, squeezing consumers and supplies. on the same time, i only have one or 2 magistrates markets to sell to. i don't feel like they're able to put a lovely rest, and i will say drug safety. the 10s that i've given from us. let me delegate sions, of price gouging at anti competitive behavior. last year, the government introduced amended tree code of conduct for the grocery companies.
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there being many complaints, again, supermarkets, both here and in australia, including advertising, special discounted price is on products. would you like to have found to be more expensive than the original price or combo deals on items which it cheapest is bought individually. in australia, 2 companies have 65 percent of the markets and the being criticized using inflation as an excuse to keep increasing prices. neither agreed to be interviewed by l g 0. but the government is investigating the industry. we heard that these inquiries will not only encourage supermarkets to do better by consumers, but encourage the government to introduce strong the laws and protections for consumers. there's more competition in places like great person in the united states, but in the us, food prices have increased 25 percent in the last 4 years. the new zealand and australian markets a smaller and therefore less attractive to foreign companies to into it's the
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consumers itself is perhaps now more than ever. wayne, hey, al jazeera oakland are on that set familiar, elizabeth put on them for this half hour of news. you can find more information on all the stories we're covering on our website. our 0 dot com, talk to algebra is coming off next. the. well, the last a significant. glad it seems. scott interesting, mom, here. there is more coming into eastern turkey, and that's will produce a few light sheriff cutting route through northern syria. it's still cold enough if it's not on the tops of mountains admittedly. but the main change i think will be this breeze coming out. the g and dental was no major, doesn't cool things down a lot, but it does tend to pick up the shares. so anywhere from more or less to sign i, northwoods to cyprus in more or less beyond the eastern turkey
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a shower was it like that liked to be honest. this the big winds up in iraq here that circulation suggest to be some big thunderstorms here. possibly just even signed and yeah, but it quite designed to some degree during monday the seasonal rains in tropical africa, really picking up now the stretching up into south sudan across into each european somalia, across the i'll see, i'm gonna go to that for many. this would be welcome for some not so and dropping size, weather millions appear to have failed so far in zimbabwe and mozambique. well, this certainly widespread light is rain here, but look what happens a bit to the west through botswana and then through the central good palm or south africa, a significant line to potentially damaging thunderstorms on monday of the, examining the headlines is there is a release today for the close of life and unflinching journalism. awesome.
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every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel niche, it released that trauma and create explorer and abundance of world class programming on which is era. the space prime minister petro sanchez ends his latest middle east tour and cats a but the crucial time for the wider reach him. the goal state has hosted several thoughts and ending israel's war on cause a prime minister sanchez calls for c spa and for israel to respect. international law resonated world wide while he strongly condemned the october the 7th attack sanchez's also demanded. the protection of civilians co top in israel as more on
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gaza. as the desk toll now stands at around $33000.00 springs voices growing louder in the international arena.


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