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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the center. i bet you didn't have the the so i'm for the batch of where you're watching the news hour on. ouch. is your life from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. somber commemorations in one day to mock 30 years since the 1994 genocide, nearly 1000000 men, women and children were killed in one of the darkest episodes of the late 20th
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century. i'm stephanie decker lines integrated where they come and ration to mark search a year. and since the genocide is about to get underway, the around of si size talks on java is used to get underway. as pressure mounts on these readings government to secure the release of also this our more setbacks to me on mars. military rebels, faith control of an important town on the border with china and anger in mexico. after ecuadorian security forces storm the embassy in quito and detain its former vice president. the thank you for joining us. we begin in one that way and memorial is you to be held
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to mock for 2 years since the 1994 genocide in just 100 days, who 2 militias killed more than 800000 people, mostly from the ethnic to see my knowledge as well. as what to moderates, illustrated by the assassination of the who to president, they not have a humana, which was accused towards the rebels on the one den patriotic front of shooting down his plane. the group denied involvement between april and july, who to malicious and elements within the wand and ami slotted tutsis and political opponents. the killing finally stopped on july the 4th when the london patriotic front batch by the ugandan army captured the capital galle. let's go live to i'll just here is stephanie deca who is in wanda, is capital kigali for us for this summer anniversary. stephanie, it's been 30 years since one of the fastest mass killings in history. how are people in wanda commemorating today in the yes, well,
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the arena really are spinning off the germany is going to start here just about an hour from now. so to you will probably start seeing pictures from the causality genocide memorial. this is where it's going to open if you will, through one's in present, pul, cuz it will be lighting the flame of remembrance, remembering around 800000 people a quarter of a 1000000 people are buried at memorial. he is accompanied by our entries, heads of state presidents, the present prime minister, the vice president of kenya, and uganda. he's also joined by former us president bill clinton. bill clinton, of course, was the us president in 1994 when the world watched in horror. what unfolded here, but did nothing, bill clinton saying that the failure to intervene was that the biggest failure and regret of his career. so what's going to happen just briefly where we are going to have the dickey teresa roy?
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they will be speeches. there will be a performance as well. there will be a video shown which is incredibly powerful showing of course, funny, you know, people, the entire family members and their children left to the mothers, lots of children, parents, it is unimaginable what people have gone through here at the ceremony here is going to be the ones that present giving us 14000000 people will listen to what he has to say. the coloration. not only happening on this scale into godaddy, it is being marked in every district down to every but they will sit together, discuss the genocide and also just check in with survivors. and this is in line with this government's policy. that is every one dentist responsibility to remember to commemorate and to make sure it never happens again. yeah, it's a tragic and painful history for, for the small country. no doubt. stephanie, i know you've been there for a few days now talking to people to both survivors and also perpetrators of the genocide in the lead. up to this side of
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a 3. what have they been telling you and what's the general mode among the population on the that's how they started to years, even though it might sound like a long time when it comes to this amount of pain and horace, it's very difficult to digest. that is really only a flat because you still have families as we were mentioning that completely destined age of disappeared. one moment saying that you know septic kit, family separation. uh, that's to know many of them what people are saying. we spoke to one perpetrator, he's just been released from prison. he said he was forced to do it. she was forced by uh who 2 questions. he came into his home to go his niece, because his mother was a tootsie broken down stairs. when we spoke to him, we spoke to another survivor and i officer, you know, with such a painful pause and you'll see this in our package. how can you, how can i be forgiveness? and she said, well,
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the government has implemented funding very much reconciliation programs from the beginning and also in schools. and i think also there's the question of international community, and i just want to read you briefly before we throw to our package on the calendar you want to monitor on that on the ground at the time and attendance. general romeo dillard, he wrote on x from a notice to a just a few days ago because he is the time cold for foreign intervention. he called for more troops supposed to be when i could do something to stop the amalgamation of farms on the ground, it'll fell on deaf ears. so this is what he had to say just a few days ago. he said, genocide should match or we should mind, but no nation wanted to provide us with the resources to stop the blog bass. apparently some humans are simply not worthy of saving. and he goes on to say we want is indifference. the world's indifference to rwanda. had been sealed, it's fate, have been sealed a long time ago before the world tried to save it, which of course, it didn't. so i think lessons to be learned are certainly being applied to other
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conflicts that have gone on since then. but i think again, as we mentioned mass grades, so the file is pretty much, almost on a yearly basis. and this is all report from one of them in a tranquil corner of the rwandan hills. the dead are being disturbed, despite never having found peace ready when it's done. i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets. we found to so many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago under homes and farm land, 30 years up to the ones in genocide. identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing, items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface, along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here has been identified. what is left of the name as victims
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is taken a short drive away, an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoyed the most on imaginable of death. around 800000 tootsie and some moderate hutus were most chevy to death by 22 fighters. what they were then hangs heavily hoping to be identified. this was intimate, close up slaughter. we also survivor if with such a painful post, there can ever be forgiveness. we're going to throw everyone to we've been reconciled by the government. they call on us they teach is about reconciliation. there is no way to turn us back. a government is in charge. president pool cook, i'm a runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then . and today any inquiries about someone's ethnicity is illegal. for those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. i am not,
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i am not much like what happened is that what history and it has to live with us as the young generation. we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again, but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places, but do not select via forties. those who lived here are believe to have known about and concealed the mass grave. 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now on earth. but their names whose off of them, who misses them, would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain without pleasure . stephanie decker, ultra 0, who you who wonder needs in your honda is mother was a to to see. and his father was a hotel. he was for 2 years old when he says who 2 forces made him killed to seize is area was jail for 15 years. by grass was course formed to serve justice in local
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communities after the genocide is his story, in his own words and a warning, it contains some distressing images. a genius one is the one we do we do we mean by and it's been it's been about 3 to the library where you take everyone with inches a mama which is kind of a new a lot of them. most of them were non you lose g. so when you that we run into our service to the me was it will not flew to run them in the morning. but he's on the th, by which we had on the orange wheeler for were for on this
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the the general going to take her to play industry pacific georgia the while of on the color. i cheat old ones. everytime you don't even even use that, we should look with them. well, we're going to work on the report. if you read were, you know, we're to what you quoted me previously to them i did is uh, i can make it as a credit or more know, my check i didn't have to go with the course of need isn't local. so i'll put you on a 100 and to show how good i am,
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i do want to have your name by phone that i recognize you have right now. we're not in the story. that's certainly what kind of joining us now analogy 0 is me, right? a baby who's a wanda in genocide survivor. her father was one of the 1st victims. she is live from edmonton in canada. mary, thank you so much for joining us on out to 0 you. which is 12 years old when the genocide started. and your father, as we mentioned, was one of the 1st victims on april 7th. what is your most vivid memory on that day and how do you feel today? oh, thank you so much for asking. um, obviously it has been 30 years since that date and uh, when i looked at the time right now it was uh around this timing. wonder when my
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dad was taken away. my daughter was only 42 years old. the same age diana today. and uh, so today came as a very important it's, i tell my kids all the time. that's all i really signed. got to have made it 43 years old, especially. haven't got that. who was out there. she was a professional soccer player who was young. she was full of life and he was taken home not the that the memory that i remember most is how my dad used to where i told him around his wits and a daisy how to do soc phone. and he had the 31st that would call woodrow, which i don't understand how to put on his thoughts and sort of those. and i remember that they, when they were coming and asking everyone at home, who was 18 years and over close to what the wants of the identity card. and
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i do not think that will be the day that i will no longer see my dog and day until today has has always been difficult. but again, it hasn't been 30 years old. there's so many other things that happened within those 3 months that really hate more because on the day, not my dad passed away with it and i have whether any designs, were there any signs that all of what was to come? the worst times my dad had been beaten so many times my dad was not pointing one guy who was won in body. so that was almost thumping on his head, actually was a to see other than his looks, of course. and because of thought she was big so many times simply because he was a to see and on when so given february of the year they have been, i'm for some that was killed. and when he was a hood to that,
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they said that it was killed by the r p a for the time his name was with china. so when was china was killed, 3 came to my house and they were calling my dad and i called coach and they pick him up. so he knew right away when that plan had when they update him on a plan. um wouldn't, wouldn't have the most is why if he knew right away when everybody was that was being happy, celebrating the, to celebrating the model was they'd, my done was like, i don't have a good thing because in coming for us, i remember that pointing that same morning came and telling everybody, does it say they're coming for us? and it showed that on the same day is the day that he was killed. that had what happened. as you said, that the following 3 months, what was just unimaginable. we saw the pictures, we heard the stories, but was there
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a moment of hope for you that you witness during those dark days of the genocide? unfortunately not. there was no day of hold until the day that i remember i was born in richmond, kelly and we lift gates go to get towed might in a place called couple i. e. and that's where the, our peer founders. i don't even cold the days out. i don't think i know the dates, but i remember the clue in the story is that what told we knew what they were, they weren't born. they are military was it was different, right? for what saw one the other time. it was way. so i remember when i sold them, even though i was 12 years old, i knew who they were, and they started smiling. i knew that they said here it is. what i felt with the saviors were there at the time. and that is the only movement of that i had in
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those 3 months, me and a, when you hear from perpetrators like needs to be a home we just heard and in our report to our soul remorseful and so broken, bye bye, very experience of being on the perpetrators side, do you forget this? i my journey also gives me started a way to early, and i don't know if from any one of them's house full of the teaching of 2 men. one was cold and the human government and the other one. it was called because you told me people, those 2 men have told me what bill reconciliation is. so i just heard about the month and a sort of about these 30, or if we leave some to those 2 minutes who were younger than i was at the time those 2 men were all supposed to vote. they were also born in 1981 like me. so this will give them this and recall somebody is from the what teaching is way better, the one that you spoke so. so one that was to,
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it's almost like forceful. it's almost like politics. it has nothing to do with the arrow to disagree versus re 19 and also thinking in the tool that. ringback go, she was asking, would you rather have a doctor like combined penal few lines? would you rather have a doctor who's in prison? and i remember myself asking myself, how do those kids feel right now? those kids, not when we're, when we have them to conduct journey or forgiveness this the, we're not even right now. the one that does not have it to be groups of they say. but there's a way that would achieve that men and the women who are in those groups started the tools the to, to this. and i wonder if we have taken right, that pop up forgiveness stuff and you will go and cause it to talked about sound a lot in this whole way. would we really be able to answer the question that you asked? i have forgiven
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a 100 percent and i wish that i would many people in wanda that really takes about forgiveness instead of taking a digital sign of just the upload to size. is that yeah. hey, thank you so much for talking to us and sharing your experience with us. maybe a day we have one didn't genocide survivor joining us there from edmonton, canada. thank you so much. i a thank you the and now to an active, plausible genocide, according to the international court of justice. it's 6 months and the seizure of launches war on guys. and there's still no end in sight to the bloodshed. the soul began soon after him off the top southern israel on october 7th, getting more than $1100.00 people since then is around. so environment of the strip has scales more than $33000.00 palestinians,
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nearly half of them children. most of the population around 1700000 people has been displaced. the latest rando, c sign that goes to ations is set to resume in cairo in the coming hours. and he's really delegation is expected to attend and how mouse has confirmed. it's also sending representatives 9, some of the latest fighting on the ground to be um, doing of how much the cost some brigades says, is fighters killed $14.00 these really soldiers during compensations. and con eunice in southern gaza. the bottles was centered around a mile and zanna neighborhoods. these really ami has confirmed, at least 4 of his soldiers were killed in 7 gossip is almost 2 over the same bush moment. and with our military is still engaged in the gaza strip and southern gaza brigade. 98 is engaged in con eunice, particularly in the all amal neighborhood. there are soldiers are engaged in brutal and fierce combat from close range. we also are conducting aerial strikes and con eunice in order to destruct on terrorist infrastructure. currently,
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we are finalizing the destruction of 3 tunnels being used in the tax, one of which traverses into israel. the tunnels were discovered by these really military use as they were establishing check points in the area of as get an update on the situation in gaza and speak to out there is honey, my hold was in a raffle for is so 6 months on honey. the fighting rages on. what more can you tell us 1st about this sam bush on is really soldiers in southern cost. the. the yes, we're looking at a $180.00 days since the beginning of the genocide of war and the support that within the israeli society still exists. that no, nathan, you know, is, is still in charge of the war. and most, the vast majority of his work cabinets are not showing signs of slowing down the genocidal act across the gaza strip in that statement made by how much military wing go to stated that the having bush, the 3 mark,
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how the tanks and the as the area that's the eastern part of hon. you and a city and area that has been on there to be an extreme bombardment on artillery, selling that along with ground invasion for the past month that appoint people who managed to get to the area. and to inspect this, your level of destruction at sea reported the close to 95 percent of residential homes and infrastructure and public facility had been completely destroyed. not severely that'd be back, completely destroyed in a not area. and that's work. how much of a military links it, n bush, these a trailer cabinet and killed 9 soldiers in a separate attacks for more where it killed. now there's really military issued a statement saying that only 4 of its soldiers were killed across the gas for in the fighting. going on. meanwhile, these really military still operating in the western part of hon. you in a city merely at the most neighborhood and within the vicinity of the hospital
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talking about extreme fighting going on between these really another 3 and palestinian finding group on the ground. but judging from what we've heard of from permit x and civil events that cool and those eyewitnesses are still trapped in, in the area they talk about the, these really military statement is one way to just defy the ongoing distractions and, and mass going. and that's the rest of people in the area. their reports about the is intense at finding going on. but it's dominated by these really military, with its efforts on the ground to make the plays the quite a livable in over night attacks and dropped off to the residential homeless targeted and several injuries were reported to and the job at hospital honey. thank you for the update that so i'll just here is honey. my more the reporting that live from a rough on and joining us now here in the studio is my job is very uh from the doha side goal studies center contact university. thank you very much. mind you for being with us. uh, as honey mentioned, there,
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the fighting goes on. there's no let up reading these really strikes. but at the same time today we have a new round of talks resuming in cairo. these really is having said who they will be sending, but they were reporting the media on saturday that the heads of most side engine bates would go to cairo. how mazda is confirmed, its sending a delegation, the americans possibly sending the c. i a director. what does that signal to you? do you expect any movement in light of this growing, domestic and international pressure we've seen on israel this past week. what i see is that within your whole government, so i'm not sure this enough for 2 reasons. number one. but there's, there is a, a condition that there will be there not be sending the, that edition team until they receive a positive response from us. so basically they are subjecting sending the team until they get onset for how much, how much send that also last night. saying the base of the discussion is the
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withdrawal from because uh i and number one and also allowing people to go to the north federal guys. so basically if this, if the onset they have it. so we assume that they should send that regardless what, what, what is this answer is about number 2. there is that is a huge, you know, a, i was a question mark about. the problem is missing, you a whole have made to, to, to, by the, about the 8 to get into the of that is, is being said as being as being open. but i haven't seen any signs on the sign of that. so basically, those are 2 doubts about the, the level of seriousness of within the whole government. but you want to, you know, with all the pressure best being on israel this past week, international pressure from key allies like the us, australia, the u. k. they're going calls for countries like that. you gave us some um sales. so israel after the, the, the killing of these a workers, you would think that with that growing pressure internationally. and also domestically we saw these huge protests intel aviv on saturday that the national government would be in
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a position today where they have to compromise on on something that's exactly what everyone expects. but everyone knows the yahoo as a prime minister. he has the ability to, i would say, to go around the promises and to try to diffuse the pressure on himself. if you, if you look at the intent of the pressure on him yesterday, that is more room is about targeting him personally as anything him personally. and basically try to personalize the whole thing that then looking at the whole picture of what's happening is like number 2, he believes that he could or he was, he wouldn't be able to put a lot of pressure on him by then it through the groups who are linked as writers within the american product is and, and there is a, there was somebody 1st talking about, you know, he's a friends and watch something different division. and then i can say they try to actually to both put more pressure was invited to change, then the tone
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a goes to. so he's, he's trying his best to use the, the minimum that they live in with the price on him. so he can continue to what have asked, meanwhile, not budging on its key demand of a permanent ceasefire in gaza. they're still, however, sending a delegation to cairo. where do you think they're likely to, to compromise on, on, on one of the demands? to be honest, i don't see, i don't see any, any indicates that they want to come from us. you know, to the 7th of october, 6 months of this. what i don't see, i don't see the that is the reason to do this for wonder. for one most important, they have mass believed that they have done a lot of flexibility and they live it off and the people killed them because the end the casualties should not be just for good to and gibbon. walker move not being vain for services. yeah. so that's is that's, i think what has driven how much not to compromise more. they have given a very detailed the foundation that is visited enough if nothing. you know how serious. thank you very much. my job. always good to hear your analysis. my job is
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very, a director of the goals study center at cats. i invested in thank you and more details i emerging about the scale of the destruction caused by israel seizure about chief a hospital in guys, a city, a world health organization team visited the medical facility and says, restoring operations is unprofitable, is ready. troops made see to the facility for 2 weeks before withdrawing on monday . we had a, a baby report an empty show with you and grief. that's how the world health organization describe the state of a she for hospital one scholars of the largest and most vast medical complex w h o staff managed to get access to the site of fund partially buried bodies, and the smell of the composition. they see most of us chief of the buildings now lie in ruins,
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and much of its equipment has been reduced to ashes. the team concluded that getting even basic functionality back in the short term seems implausible. this is what used to be the emergency department. and as you can see, it's totally destroyed, you can see the total destruction everywhere. and the most important is there is a smell of a sewage end of the whole thing. bodies around it is usually for us as we do for my she for hospitality in gaza city on monday, following a 2 week military operation targeting would be described as homeless by those who had recruit se, but the easily army has been accused of recklessly endangering civilians with this and all the devastating effects and goals of health sector, which is already overwhelmed with thousands of injured i'll experience a lot of them a so look at it. the health situation is tragic and disastrous in the gaza strip. guys, the city and northern guys are we calling everyone to support the health sector in
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all of the gaza strip. about 6 months into the war. let me send out of the 2 to 6 main hospitals in garza are still partially operational, according to the w. h. o, bob in rough installs in gaza, we're more than 1500000 displays. people are trapped. we use of another hospital is overwhelmed by patients. job doctors say the lack of medicines and fuel due to age restrictions and all that come out there for thought on. elizabeth, the hospital is over crowded. the doctors are exhausted. our medical stuff and nurses are unable to deal with the cases. given the large number of and just people and patients, and after a 183 days, none of the doctors or medical stuff having also strength left. despite rolling international pressure on israel to do more, to avoid civilian casualties is been continuing to attack gaza from north to south indiscriminately. the w h o says some in looms, disease outbreak spread and trauma injuries increase cause has remaining health
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facilities must be given an immediate protection. and he has a liability as a 0. these are in the government is facing mounting ongoing, public pressure, tens of thousands of people protested on the streets of tel aviv saturday, demanding early elections and accusing the government of dragging out the war in gaza. there was scuffles between police and protest is, and at least 8 people have been arrested in non con, was that those demonstrations and has this update? this is a far larger process that we've seen in recent weeks. it stretches at least 2 miles in that direction. there are thousands of people on the street and they all have one message. the problem is that things have been that yahoo, it should bring the hostages and that will bring them back homepage. as i actually joined. 2 the anti government protest in a move that they say is a reason for that frustration against the problem is that he's not doing enough to
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bring them back. campaign was a political and now it's very much political. this reaches the way, hearing incredibly firing. they're talking about what do you want? that's really what made you need regular people back. now. one full. this is going on all ceasefire tools in colorado. a massive combine that attendance. israel still hasn't been attended. what they're looking for is some concession amount for almost a said they don't get a compromise in the quoted amount. however, it will be a key, sorry, if the headed the most out does go to try, right. for those tools, it does mean that if that happens, that has been something but they both are and how does they're telling me to head on out to 0? russia targets ukraine, 2nd largest city, talking with a series of strikes on residential building.
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the the yeah. to another rather, active storm is on its way across the british. as you can see very clearly from this outline, seen from space. that's a storm that's pretty, is warnings for the strength of the way to profile and scoffing to wells. and then you will probably join in the whole lot goes up towards the west side is kind of maybe a bringing business. there's no way that it's induced rooms for the rest of your, of the admittedly, we are going to see rain heading down through farms and look in terms of the back a little bit. but for the most part, time for the, for they should be zag. drive is an example where the average is 14, the record is 31. you might even get close to it on monday, in quiet sunshine with, for every additional breeze. a tool thinks is much the same for everybody else from the european problem, with the exception. increasing move from spain and portugal without rain is edging in your let's just stuck on the snow a couple days. it goes up to 15 degrees,
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now jump exhaust north africa has been suffering really high temperatures a quarter while not particularly in san a goal. and some molly, i think, throughout the so how that would still be pretty much on the health side as normal, with strong winds to hear the dust and the sand in algeria. but the showers in west africa, which are seasonally making their way in land and making quite good jumps, which reduces the temperature for most the delightful. the 9 year old under is really bombardment, trauma into displacements, scarcity and the moments where childhood still shines through a child because on
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a jersey to the us is always of interest to people around the world. this has been going on for a number, but you see the report 34 and it's an active perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important to impact the lives at the height of the storm to high by hey, this is an important part of the world, people pay attention to this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the the and watching the news, our analogies 0 with me sending back to go. i reminder of our top stories,
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66 months tendencies where our launch is more on guys, and there's no end in sight to the blood shit. within 33000 palestinians have been killed. most of the population of on 1700000 people have been displaced. the latest rhonda c, sign a go see sions on guys. i can get on the way in cairo, in the coming hours and he's really delegation is expected to attend. and how much has confirmed itself. so sending representative and a ceremony is soon getting on the way in or one that to mock 30 years since the 1994 genocide present call for gummies leading that immoral meetings and former head. so states from several countries are attending all the mass killings of 1994 in one day i have had a long lasting effect on the region around 2000000 wanda and sled to democratic republic of congo. they include members of the hotel militia are responsible for the genocide. one does government lead by president polk. a guy may has frequently
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sent armed forces into d, r. c, supposedly to pursue who to rebels, the congolese as well as the u. n. n. the us accuse wanda of supporting the m 23 alms group in eastern d. r. c. allow walk. connie reports from go. my niece cindy r c a day is off the general side. that's what to do with shopping label. the one that you have for 1994 was exported to one of the neighboring 4 bits of love, people in the department of side of the time. and today the democratic republic of congo. after this moment to hear the dental retreats, many local post by to in majority will stop by you want on. i mean, according to the storage is goes to serial 30. so it has a lot of people and caught onto it even sit on the district of wilma, why defy things still going on between the 2 sides? what would it put on top, put in the most recent thrown thought the for us congo is it's not 30 years after the genocide in rwanda was 30 years of genocide in the d. r. c. we have suffered
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more atrocities than what rwandan suffered in 3 months. with the desk of women, children and others in our country since 1994. it is on fact on the book. it was a serious mistake on the part of our thought of jesus by opening a board at the rinse request is not allowing the seduce ent of a d, r c. and unfortunately they arrived at guns munition and as a meet equipment which continued to cut off. people in the region to this day to day is a lot of this continues active corporate to individuals or would you force them to meet on people, to flee their homes, including women and children. many of those killed we this time since all the most in the same process of moving onto the some shelters without much solely shown on an icon in the 0 goma. the democratic republic of south africa has highlighted the wanda in genocide during its case against israel. at the international court of justice, it says the international community failed to prevent the atrocities from being
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committed back in 1994 and warrants history should not be repeated. victoria gave them be reports the genocide in rwanda and folded in full view to belgium. peacekeepers with torches, murders on the 1st day of the kelly, things and appeal for reinforcements was denied. and does the number of those killed increased the united nations security council condemned domestic cuz that refused on the insistence of the us and the u. k. to use the term genocide, us president bill clinton admitted require it when he visited were when the in 1998 . we did not act quickly enough. after the killing began. we should not have allowed the refugee camps to become safe havens for the killers. we did not immediately call these crimes by their rightful name,
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genocide report published by one to in 2021, found friends for a significant responsibility for not stopping the mess because despite prior knowledge they were being planned, some estimates put the number of debt at around 800000 friends was accused of covering off its role and even protecting some perpetrators. a french inquiry, blame the government for not for seeing the slaughter and said it more serious and overwhelming responsibility, boston to absolve the french government of direct complicity. or did you just count the monkey the killers who sold the swamps, the hills, the touches did not have the face of france. france was not an accomplice. budget. the company's south africa has filed a case against israel at the international court of justice accusing as of carrying out genocide in garza and says, history should not be repeated. the one that's been out as a segments. they've got
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a group for all of us for giving food for, for the international coming, giving food to prevent it from hip. and that does not have it live with the same but a grid when it comes to palestine. the international criminal tribunal for when the based intends and the convicted. 61 people for that role in the killings. hundreds of thousands more, her face trial and community quotes. and we're one to so to use on many see the failings that led to that genocide as a time the less. and i'm on this never seem to more relevant. victoria gates and b l g 0. hundreds of people in eastern booking of fossil have right against violence and in security. the demonstrations took place in capital a province where at least 73 people they can find onto a week ago. protest is want the government to destroy security forces to the area, the county for more food and medicine, and the restoration of phone and electricity networks to me on more now where the
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military government has lost control of a vital border town. most of the country's trade with thailand passes through me. i want to the ethnic, karen national union says hundreds of government troops guarding the town has to rented and publish photos of celebrations and weapons. it says where seized can fighters in other on time military groups have made significant gains against agent and recent weeks. they seize territories and kitchen states in the north chain in the west and mon in the south. meanwhile, the highlighted regions below where one's under full military control. but the strong since the core 3 years ago. well, joining us now for more on the situation. yeah. and more is fail robinson, who's deputy director for asia with human rights swatches. lie from bank of good to have you with us on challenges 0. so another big the feat for me on my military, on the east and border with ty 9. how serious is this late to step back in to what
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do you attribute the series of crushing defeats? well, this is a major blow them in our military hotel. this is the largest most important of the 6 official type burma border crossings. give you an idea of the perspective between april 20, 2023 and march 2024 over a 1000000000 us dollars. and bilateral trade was conducted through this check point during peace time. uh that figure was twice as high. so, i mean, it's quite clear that this is a major, major blow to them. yeah. more military. and with the fall of that account in maya, why the much of the ethnic run state is now liberated from any sort of control by the me and mark military. so it is a very big deal. this is something that is surprising and how fast it fell. and it shows a real of debilitation by the, you know, more military's forces, particularly in the rural areas in the, in the periphery of the country. right? so they, they have suffered a series of defense in these past few months to what do you attribute bad,
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what are the factors that have led to, to the ami losing so much ground in territory as well. there is very clearly a renewed purpose amongst the ethnic organizations working with people's defense forces. these are the militias that were created by people after the military coup and 2021. they have been working with the ethnic groups. they're working together. they're stretching the military very staying across the country. they're, they're, the military is being forced to find on multiple fronts. and i think that there's are a real decline of popular support in the military and the difficulty in recruiting new people. that's why they've now imposed a new mandatory conscription law where they're going to start drafting people against their will into the military, starting in april later this month. so it is, it is a situation where they, the military is really backed itself into a corner waging
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a very unpopular war against the people of myanmar who refused to go back to the military dictatorship and all the abuses that entails, you say, a decline of popular support in the armoire field robinson. what about outside support? does the military still have that the backing of china, for example, as well. certainly it has the backing of russia, which is supplying the arms, and particularly the aircraft and the helicopters, which are conducting uh, wanting the attacks against the civilian. so i mean, we're seeing air strikes using russian military equipment that is hitting everything up churches to schools, to ordinary people's homes. they also have some support from china, but china is now starting to get really hedge. it's better because it realizes that the military is increasingly losing. and the interesting thing will be now what will thailand, because thailand's military has traditionally been close to them. yeah. more military,
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but they may also start to reconsider. given the fact that it looks like they, me, i'm, or military is losing this war. very interesting to talk to you about this. thank you so much for joining us. phil robinson, deputy director for asia with human rights watch live air in bank. com. thank you for your time. thank you. the us treasury secretary says the ability to hold frank talks with china has put relations on a more stable paff, janet yelling made the comments that are meeting with the premier leak young in badging. lee said the 2 countries need to respect each other and should be partners, not adversaries. we have more to do. i believe that over the past year, we've put our bilateral relationship on a more stable funding. this is not meant during our differences or avoiding tough conversations. it has meant understanding that we can only make progress if we directly and openly communicate with one another. a nick onqua has joined
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mexico in cutting diplomatic ties. we have ecuador, it's in response to the raid by ecuador in police, on the mexican embassy in kito security forces arrested for my vice president. jorge eyeglass would sought political asylum at the embassy in december, john, home, and re for some mexico city. it was the last leg of the journey. it's ruptured relations between mexico next door, pulled her glass vehicle during exploits president being taken to the rook, a maximum security prison make white cube. in december, he's doing the begun with a visit to the mexican embassy to us for a sign of the full months of being hold up. the next could find the ground to the on friday and then it could during please student, the embassy roughed up some diplomatic stuff and to gloss away it was an incredibly unusual step. even in this turbulent region. i think it's very difficult to find
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the president over the storming of 40 embassy, letting americans it is grossing a red line, which has been various strongly respected even for a different date. there seems seem great in the reason. so it is a, a very serious violation of international role class at twice been convicted of corruption. the ecuadorian authorities have been in fact take the mexico, shouldn't protect too many, num, amanda, whether there's no way that he can be seen as politically, religiously or ethnically persecuted, mexico contravene? clearly the principle of no intervention in the internal affairs of another country . ecuador told mexico several times, not grant last asylum of the latin american governments on the less. i'm right. some results. watson tina condemned the embassy invasion. there was smooth
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protests outside the ecuadorian embassy in mexico city. as the mexican stuff in kito made their way home by the mexico, expect ecuador to offer the necessary guarantees for our departing diplomatic personnel. mexico appealed to the international court of justice to hold ecuador accountable for violations of international law. it is unclear to appeal to the quotes will have any time to believe impact. and that's the thing about this, the storming of another countries embassy has always been seen a sorry to boot, the thought to be quite rare to find recent examples of it happening. now the question is, what's the still public countries doing the same? the ripples from equity, those actions could be felt for a fail been just here in mexico. don't home. and i would just say to mexico, city authorities in ukraine say the number of people killed in russian. joan and miss sized strikes on concave has reason to 8 residential areas and high rise
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buildings with targeted attacks on ukraine. second largest city have search in recent months. john stratford has more from khaki. we're one of the strikes sites here in northern the car cave, a residential area with thousands of people. if you see this call here, we understand that at least one person was killed in this call, see pan off and have a look at some of the houses here as well. the flats people trying to repair. as much as they can or at least blocks the broken windows before nightfall. it's on clear as to what kind of project. so this was certainly the security services here, not telling us, but this whole in the ground, hey, we understand to be the impact site. quite a small hole in relation to the extent of the damage is if you look up at the buildings here, you can see obviously not a single window has remained complete viable for quite a while. there was
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a massive explosion. the shockwave was so great that it threw me from one room to another in my house. this is a huge tragedy for ukraine. in the last few weeks, the situation has gotten worse because the showing is so random. yeah, but the school in which he lives, basically i studied at the school my daughter to and i work here does an absolute hara. why are they doing this? this is our beloved school. we have spent all our life here and they come at these months for zack's and i can't find words to describe pollutants as well. he's the criminal says these attacks are revenged, but what they say, all ukrainian attacks being carried out across the border inside russia. the border is already around, so if you kill them, which is from here, but it's safe to say that these attacks are growing, posting frequency and intensity. virtually every day. there's no noticeable military or strategic target in this area. the seems, at least on the surface to be
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a purely residential neighborhood. there are thousands of people who live here who will be going to bed tonight. afraid again, child stuff alger 0 khaki, still ahead on algae 0. i'm wayne hay in oakland where we take a look at the supermarket. you won't believe both here and in australia and how their prices are affecting customers in these difficult economic times the the cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number, think about it as a person, person yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life and all the stages we want we want to break because the
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women and my country deadlocks we become about to on we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be truth and equally we are walking in the footsteps, our ancestors, whatever has been done before, can be done as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you of the welcome back. supermarkets in several countries are coming under increasing
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scrutiny over the prices they charge at their checkouts. in australia. government inquiry has been launched. any new zealand shop is paying some of the highest prices in the world. when he reports easy land is in the recession. money is tight for many, and more than any with that's being felt in the supermarkets. there were just 2 major grocery companies in new zealand, which control 80 percent of the markets, squeezing consumers and supplies. on the same time, i only have one or 2 magistrates markets to sell to. i don't feel like they're able to put a library book at rest, and i will say 6 the times that i give them from the site and the designation of price gouging at anti competitive behavior. last year, the government introduced amended 3 code of conduct for the grocery companies. there being many complaints against supermarkets, both here and in australia, including advertising, special discounted price is on products,
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which you'd like to have found to be more expensive than the original price or combo deals on items which it cheapest is bored individually. in australia to companies have 65 percent of the markets and not being criticized, be using inflation as an excuse to keep increasing prices. neither agreed to be interviewed by l g 0. but the government is investigating the industry. we hope that these inquiries will not only encourage supermarkets to do better by consume is but inc, irish, the government to introduce strong the laws and protection. so it can seem as there's more competition in places like great person and the united states. but in the us, food prices have increased 25 percent in the last 4 years. the new zealand and australian markets a smaller and therefore less attractive to foreign companies to in to it's the consumer. the itself is perhaps now more than ever. wayne, hey l g 0,
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oakland. and now some spectacular pictures from iceland showcasing 2 of nature's most greatest events happening simultaneously and a rocketing volcano and the northern lights. it's a 2nd time in as many weeks that people are nice and has seen the spectacle. and in southern italy, mount at night is dazzling visitors with a display of volcanic vortex rings. scientists say recent activity created the right conditions for the wrath phenomenon. barbara and go by explains people here are renaming europe's largest volcano and the lady of rings that soft to mount. aetna began blowing, smoke rings and drawer and crowds to stop. and it's a need to witness the raft. phenomenon, vortex rings. the created by a rapid release of gas, and the change in the shape of the volcano is creates a new, a new 5th grade has been for months,
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a few days ago into the south east flight the fraser in front of us. uh it does a 3rd 3rd perfect cycle mode. so uh, coming out seller of the county board fix rings is, is a special phenomena. we cannot see something like this every day. the appearance of the south coast changes as a rise, sometimes smoky black. all the time spending on, but as a catch the light or despite the exciting activity now and is expecting the volcano to erupt any time soon. the last figure optional was on december 1st, 2023. the crazy guy is quiet now and there, and we are working every day, enjoying every single moments with hundreds of people here and it's not working. it has been clear how long months at now we'll continue puffing it smoke rings. blocks
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from now. visitors are all struck barbara and go out to 0. amazing pictures and that's 7 use for now. and i'll just here, but do say with this, i'll be back with another wrong using just the system. a little boat is a mechanical or even that self driving train the vehicle. but android today can be really human, only robots like me, will be everywhere else. a 0 documentary, which to the lead on the weird and wonderful world of global loan thing for you. and even trust, i feel like on the line, but i know i on the machine origins of was on a with every donation given with every hawks that cancel,
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we are changing lives in palestine showing that's loved as you donated. we delivered upon the ship. we'll be in bringing you home and love to palestine for all to see said donated with confidence. knights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts, that's time. these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of co bleaching in the great value range. bleaching occurs when moment ocean temperatures and pollution 1st call to expel the algae to get the color range of color at extreme or in his wife. over an extended period of time means some structures to been severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full a mass bleaching events. what's happening here on the great fire roof is also happening on roof around the world. or the last 12 months warming sea surface temperatures have cause bleaching events in the northern hemisphere. and the only
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near conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. marine biologist, jodi rama says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an organ assigned to the biggest cro system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it. the another round of talks 2 and 6 months of war on guys i do to get underway as pressure. mountains on these really government to negotiate the release of captives the play you're watching l g 0 live from bill. how with me funding back. people also
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coming up sound but commemorations in one that's


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