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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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that are right, never seen before, and that's all been assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef means many years to recover from these heat waves, and it's just not getting it. the, the, another round of talks 2 and 6 months of war on guys do to get underway as pressure mounts on these really government to negotiate the release of captives the play you're watching l g 0 live from to have with me for the back. people also coming up some but commemorations in one that's a mock 30 years since the 1994 genocide in which more than 800000 men, women and children were killed. most setbacks on the on mars military rebels take
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control of an important town on the border with timelines and angry mexico. after ecuadorian security forces during the embassy in kito and detain the former vice president. the thank you for joining us. it's 6 months since israel launch it's war on guys in what the international court of justice regards. as a plausible case of genocide, it began after how minus attack southern these read on october, the 7th. getting more than 1100 people. since then is ras one bob meant up a strip of scales more than 33000 palestinians, nearly half of them children, most of the population around 1700000 people has been displaced, another rhonda sees finally, those issues is set to resume in 5 or in the coming hours and he's ready,
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delegation is expected to attend and her mouse has confirmed. it's also sending representatives in some of the latest fighting on the ground to the armed wing of her mouth. the gas on brigade say is they have killed, a fighter is 14, is really soldiers rabbit. during confrontations in con eunice, in southern gaza, the battle is was centered around a mile and as on the neighborhoods, these really ami has confirmed, at least 4 of its soldiers were killed in 7 gas. it's almost 2 hours without the same pitch moment. some of our military is still engaged in the gaza strip and southern gaza brigade. 98 is engaged in con eunice, particularly in the all amal neighborhood. there are soldiers are engaged in brutal and fierce combat from close range. we also are conducting aerial strikes and con eunice in order to disrupt on terrorist infrastructure. currently, we are finalizing the destruction of 3 tunnels being used in attacks, one of which traverses into israel. the tunnels were discovered by these really military knew as they were establishing check points in the area of life,
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not to address areas honey. my mode in of office those 6 months on and the fighting rages on honey bring us up to speed for the latest, including the sound bush on his ready soldiers instead of gas. the right, well 6 months into this genocide of the war, there is a silly, great support for his among his relays. and if anyhow, sullivan shars and no signs of slowing down the genocide, the last time the atrocities in the mouth arrested mass going across the gauze. and so just over a night attack, so continue on over, i try to drop by city where the road people are where critically injured, transferred to an already exhausted a almost at the brink of collapse health facility that the doctor hospital in the central area. we're looking at more attacks happening at the western part of the central area, mainly on refuge account. but perhaps the worst of what's happening right now is in
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fun unit city. on this, remind our viewer, there's really a manager has been operating on the ground aggressively. as for the past 4 months in the city of con units, mainly destroying a close to 90 percent of its the residential buildings public facilities as well. 8 as the the infrastructure and in driving the population out into further southern parts or the central area, making them that displaced the people right now at the eastern part of the city mainly. and then the area where, according to the civil defense, the crew and, and, and the, an eye witnesses who managed to get to the area to inspect the, the shared level of the structure report about shocking level of destruction, of all means of life including schools, health facilities, any clinics and residential homes and infrastructure organ, and that's where an ambush, according to
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a statement released by how much military you wouldn't go to cosign. forget the d ambush to 3 of our cabinet tanks in the area of the face and parts of the city and has been getting under bombardment for the past weeks. and since the big think of the word and how much reported the military when of how much reported in this statement, the 9 people were killed in the ambush. and in a separate attack, the 3 more that brings the total into into 13 people who have been at fort other to look at that bring the to the into for people who have been killed. meanwhile, in the western part of hon, unit is really military still, i'm a neighborhood that's where i'm a health facility. a lot of hospitals is located operate at aggressively. the military issued a statement saying that it is working on dismantling terrorist infrastructure and running stream fight on the ground. but according to eye witness is really military is, continues to just defy the killing and the destruction of largest ability and population
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on the ground. and how many, where do things stand as far as more a getting into gaza? israel had said it would open, the air is crossing into northern guys has that happened at all? not at all. we don't see any signs of any significant change in terms of the flow of the human at 3 and 8 on food supply is the truck's been to the gaza strip. the fact that we were seeing that there miles on, on the other side of the board, as we're mazda, of a truck that be to prevent that and, and land the crossing can be virtually close. been in front of the human interior. and it's kind of from the northern part, we know after the phone call that was described as a very tough phone call that we invited. and nathan, yeah. busy and that is really military announced new majors on the ground to allow more human to turn in. but it has been by almost a 48 hours since the announcement of these major measures about non nothing is
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happening on the ground. nothing has changed significantly with that. the fam and it's spreading so quickly and more people are dying. and another part of it there needs to be more swift action. 8 a to protect and save lives, and protect them from the danger of family, but on the ground. no signs of really significant change has as been visible. thank you very much for the updates. best vouchers here is honey. my modes reporting deadline from a rough as well. these are the government is facing mounting under and public pressure. tens of thousands of people protested on the streets of teller the saturday, demanding early elections and accusing the government of dragging out the war in gaza. there was scuffles between police and protests, isn't at least 8 people have been arrested in non con. was that those demonstrations and has this update? this is a far larger process that we've seen in recent weeks. it stretches at least 2 miles
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in that direction. there are thousands of people on the streets and they all have one message. the problem is that things have been that yahoo, it should bring the hostages, and that would bring them back homepage as actually join. 2 the anti government protests in a mood that they say is a reason for the frustration against the problem is that he's not doing enough to bring them back. campaign was a political and now it's very much political. this reaches the way of hearing incredibly firing. they're talking about what do you want me? what made you need regular people that weren't full? this is going on all ceasefire tools in colorado, a massive combined. the attendance. israel still hasn't been attended. well they're looking for is some concession amount from us is that they don't get a compromise, include them all. however, it will be
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a key. so if the headed the most out does go to try, right? for those tools, it does mean that if that happens, that has been something but they both are out. is there a television and one person was arrested after call hate protests is that that demonstration named tel aviv video footage shows the driver in a confrontation with people near the vehicle before it speeds off. 5 people were injured, one of them seriously. in a post on social media. these are the opposition liter. yeah. and i paid describe the incident as a direct result of incitement coming from the government. the ceremony is on the way in one day to mock the 50th anniversary of the 1994 genocide in just 100 days who to malicious scales more than 800000 people, mostly from the ethnic to see minority as well as who to monitor its it was
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triggered by the assassination of the who to president juvenile had be ramana, which was accused to see rebels from the want and patriarch front of shooting down his pain. the who denied involvement between april and july, for to munitions and elements within the one that army slotted to seize and political opponents. the killing finally stopped on july. the 4th. when the wand and patriotic front, backed by uganda is ami captured the capital k g l e got it last spring and stephanie decker was live from to valley. so 30 years since one of the fastest mass giddings in history. stephanie, how are people in wanda commemorating today? the yes, as you mentioned, that the memories being broadcast here in the arena president on the foreign victories memorial site where
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a flame of remembrance and also laying around the room here has gone the very, very quiet. they are watching that he's about to like his name. actually you probably see not to on your screens. he's joined by the president as of the south africa and by the vice president of kenya. and uganda is also joined by the for me, us president bill clinton, who of course was in charge when the genocide happened and stood by and did not say they will be speaking. there will be a performance and then they will be positive which the entire nation, the memory for the collaboration costs are $1.00 day to sit down to every single city together discussing the genocide and this when he is in the government making it the responsibility of every one to remember the genocide and to make sure it never happens again. it is
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a tragic, painful history. a no doubt as we watched these lines pictures of a ceremony the which was we've seen the form of us present bill clinton among some of the dignitaries that you've been talking, stephanie, to 2 people in one day. the past few days. both survivors and type of traits is out of the genocide in the lead up to this side of a 3. talk to us about the feelings today and, and what people have been telling you i think 30 years may sound like perhaps a long enough. but i get some people that it is still very much full and painful, particularly if you have issues like mass graves, i continue to be found. so you're on the 1st thing, the remainder on the 1st thing, the pain on, on 1st thing that history and the pain is very real and the sense that people have lost entire families. survivor as
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a witness and experience the most immeasurable in 2 main events. you know, of course, this was a genocide that wasn't carried out by military means in the sense of, you know, bullets from a distance. planes dropping bombs. this was very intimate, pending funny. it was an effect use, it was clubs. it was looking people in the eye and no one was fair. no babies, no women, not children. so it is still a nation in full mouth, but of course has been a lot of efforts that were considered nation. and that is also something that you hear when you talk to people that they have to $19.00. but that pain is very difficult to go away as you cannot see in our report in a tranquil corner of the rwandan hills, the dead are being disturbed. despite never having found peace rooms done, i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets. we found so
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many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago, under homes and farm land. 30 years after the one day genocide, identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing, items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface, along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here has been identified. what is left of the name is victims is taken a short drive away. an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoyed the most on imaginable of death. surround 800000, to see in some moderate hutus from a chevy to death by some 2 fighters or what they were then times heavily hoping to be identified. this was intimate, close up slaughter. we always could survivor if with such
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a painful cost there can ever be forgiveness. but we're going to throw everyone to we've been reconciled by the government. they call on us they teach is about reconciliation. there is no way to turn us back. a government is in charge. president polk, i got me runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then. and today any inquiries about someone's at the city is illegal. for those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. i am not, i am not much like what happened is that what history and it has to live with us as the young generation. we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again, but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places, but do not select via forties. those who lived here are believe to have known about and concealed the mass grave. 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now on earth. but their names who law for them
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to mrs. them would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain without closure. stephanie decker. old you 0, who you who wonder any i spoke to me right away. who is a wanda in genocide survivors. she says finding reconciliation is an ongoing process. and my journey also gives me a started way to early. and i don't know if from any one of them to help load the pitching of 2 men, one was cold and human government and the other one it was cold because he told me people, those 2 men have told me what vill reconciliation he's. so i just heard about the month and a sort about the 30 or if we leave some to those 2 men who are a younger i was at the time those 2 men were also 12 years old. they were also born in 1981 like me. so this will give them this and reconciliations up there with teaching is way better the one that is going through. so what wonder was to,
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it's almost like forceful. it's almost like politics. it has nothing to do with the i was just the driver's re 19 and also thinking in the tools that you would go to was asking, would you rather have a doctor like mind, you know, few lines, or would you rather have a doctor who's in prison and i remember myself asking myself, how do those kids feel right now? those kids, not when we're, when we have them to conduct journey, this will give them this, this, the, we're not even right now. the one that does not have it to make groups of they say, but there's a, we're not which that many of the women for those books that are the tools the to, to this. and i wonder if we have taken the possible forgiveness stuff. you will go and cause it to talked about sound to go to this phone. where would we really be?
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i have forgiven a 100 percent and i wish that oh, there were many people in wanda dot who really talks about forgiveness. instead of taking the digital sign of just the opposite to size, is that to say the head on algae 0 will be reporting from northeast and ukraine way of rashida stepping up a time on the city of khaki plus on wayne how you can oakland way. we take a look at the supermarket, you won't believe both here ends in australia and how their prices are affecting customers in these difficult economic times the 5 months if you will continue to enjoy some warm sunshine logically as guides for central and eastern parts. but i, which was the northwest,
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we are looking get some very heavy rain. i have some very windy weather as well. storm kathleen continues to make his way farther northwards and east was this line here. the blue line that co from will continue to just easiest way for the east was i had of that where we're picking up, but very womack. so the we waynes lifting those type of just went up into the 20. so i went to central past 26, the football team and rising as we go into the next couple of days, you can see that. so that was very much in place as we go through, choose like 28 celsius in the bell. and at that stage in the won't, there's nothing a little further east was, but the hide, it's good cool. faxed the 12 celsius, the full london, some of the temperature to full paris. as we go on into the rest of the day, we're all going to see some mole shala's just creeping the way across scandinavia. where when the weather coming into cost much off the british charles see some wet weather to coming into. that's a little them area of spade pushing across into
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a good concert, frost creeping farther east, which as we go through monday, more rain coming into the northwest. but for central policies, type form and sunny of the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on alex's here, the
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parking back a reminder of, i mean stories on alger 06 months after israel launch. it's war on guys that there's no engine side to the last change. more than $33000.00 to means has been killed. most of the population around 1700000 people has been displayed. the latest rando sees finally go stations as you get underway. and kyra, in the coming hours i'm is reading delegation is expected to attend and how miles has confirmed it's also sending representatives and ceremonies on the way in one that to mock 30 years since the 1994 genocide. president polk gummy is leading the memorial. latest and former heads of states from several countries are attending the war in ukraine now in russian forces have struck the ukrainian city of khaki overnight with drone and miss sa strikes killing at least one person. 3 people were
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injured in this rise that targeted private homes, a kindergarten and several ways. the dental buildings that reports have electricity, black house in the city, a tax on ukraine, 2nd largest city have intensified in recent weeks. that's go live to all just there is john stratford, who joins us live from khaki. tell us about where you are at the scene. i just kind of one of the thoughts, talk to us about what happened there such rightfully we are in a residential neighborhood in southern the car key, ukraine, 2nd largest city. and we understand, according certainly to the military and witnesses here, that what you see, this destruction these, these private homes that have been completely destroyed was as a result of one of the 17 drones that was 5 by russian full sees into khaki and the surrounding region. last night, all of which were intercepted. so this is the,
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the damage that has been caused by an intercepts it's drone. there was at least one is gone, the a very large me solve responding to your training last night as well. and another something called an ex $31.00 that is actually designed to do to destroy ships. but as you can see, the level of destruction here consistent with what we see right the way across car keys region these days with this increase of attacks that will at least 2 families make the elderly actually living in this particular neighborhood. and these attacks, i suppose, happen to the round about 10 o'clock last night, it was interesting. we were in a hotel, which is a move which is, was the, the, the center of car cave. and there were alarms going off pretty much every hour. i'm wondering, since we saw a trace of fall in the sky as ukrainian policies tried to take out the strong, this was a large explosion on at least one occasion where we understand that one of these
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drawings was intercepted. of course, it's not just the level of destruction like this, the private property that is closing sought traffic in ukraine, 2nd largest city called k. but it's also the effect on energy infrastructure, electricity, according to the authorities, they're all around $400000.00 households without electricity as a result of these ongoing attacks. but as i say, there doesn't seem to be anything strategically important in this area. we were in another area yesterday which we understood took a direct hit, and again, a similar scenario, there was no strategical sign of any strategical military targets. and of course, the russians didn't know either. they purposely target to civilian areas, but they all sang these attacks on call keyboard in the call, keep regional revenge for attacks the ukrainians are committing across the board inside russia, which is around so t cologne, which is from here. so what, what then, johnny are the cranes doing to better defend themselves against these attacks?
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well, it's just a big issue, and this is why we repeatedly get these calls from the current in presidents and, and the defense defense officials here, desperately needing and see a as a defense. that's a defense. that's because for the patriot missile system, what it's on shows the how many you've gotten is about already present. zalinski says he wants 25 patriot systems to basically protect all of you cry. and the interesting thing about the patriot system though, is that it cannot be used in an area like this. so military on this wheelchair loop because it's literally too close to the board. one of the big issues that the grains of dealing with is seemingly, this rejects technology that the russians are using, using old soviet lodge soviet palms and re purposing them. and making that me just like we live the palms. and these all exceptionally powerful weapons that are 5 by
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russian jets from a distance that is further in a lot of occasions and the current defense system that ukraine's of gold can reach . so that's one of the reasons why we see such a great level of destruction in an across the car keys at the moment. the big fear amongst certain members of the training military establishment and officials is that they believe that the russians may actually be preparing for some sort of concert. you push some sort of offensive that may well indeed target the car cave in the coming months. if these attacks are around, the things that go by, although it is important to recognize that such and attacked by the russians could, would take essentially hundreds of thousands of troops away from areas for the east . but of course, we also know that there was this conscription, there was a general mobilization ongoing in russia, but yeah, there was, seems like this as i say, by the way, across car cable,
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the cocky reaction virtually every day. and it was literally just 2 minutes, 2 minutes ago. so we had another arrow load, and these overloads go on throughout the day and night. johnny, thank you very much for that. that sanchez here, as john's transferred to a 14 deadline from khaki in ukraine. stu myanmar, now why the military government has lost control of the vital border town? most of the country strayed with thailand, passes through me, l y b a y d, the ethnic, our national union says hundreds of government choose guarding. the town has to rented. it publish photos or celebrations and weapons. it says where seized field robinson is deputy director of human rights watch in asia. he says me on mars military has been stretched very seen across the country and is forced to find on multiple fronts as well. this is a major blow of them. yeah, i'm our military hotel. this is the largest most important of the 6 additional type burma border crossings. give you an idea of the perspective between april 20,
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2023 and march 2024 over a 1000000000 us dollars. and bilateral trade was conducted through this check point during peace time. uh that figure was twice as high. so, i mean, it's quite clear that this is a major, major blow to them. yeah. more military. and with the fall of that account in maya, why the much of a ethnic run state is now liberated from any sort of control by the myanmar military. so it is a very big deal. this is something that is surprising and how fast it fell. and it shows a real debilitation of the military's forces, particularly in the rural areas in the, in the periphery of the country. while there is very clearly a renewed purpose amongst the ethnic organizations working with people's defense forces, these are the militias that were created by people after the military coup and 2021 . they have been working with the ethnic groups. they're working together, they're stretching the military very staying across the country. they're, they're,
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the military is being forced to fight on multiple products. and i think that there's are a real, a decline of popular support in the military and the difficulty in recruiting new people. that's why they've now imposed a new mandatory conscription law where they're going to start drafting people against their will into the military, starting in april later this month. so it is, uh, it is a situation where they, the military is really backed itself into a corner waging a very unpopular war against the people of myanmar who refused to go back to the military dictatorship and all the abuses that entails to make an odd wise joined mexico in cutting diplomatic ties with ecuador, it's in response to the raid by ecuadorian police on the mexican embassy in quito. security forces arrested former vice president jorge glass would sought political asylum at the embassy in december, john, home and 3 fourths of mexico city. it was the last leg of the journey. it's
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ruptured relations between mexico and it could to pull the glass vehicle during exploits president being taken to the rock, a maximum security prison. make why cube in december, during the begun was a visit to the mexican embassy to us for signing of the full months of being held up. the next could find the ground still in friday. and then during please stay on the embassy roughed up some diplomatic stuff and to gloss away it was an incredibly unusual step. even in this turbulent region, i think it's very difficult to find the president over the storming of 40 embassy left in america. it is grossing a red line which has been various strongly respected even for a different date. there seems seem great in the reason. so it is a, a very serious violation.


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