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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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and then a total content, the after 6 months of war is well says it's withdrawn. most ground troops from the 7 guys leaving one brigades behind the are you watching now to 0, live from to how with me for the back. people also coming up sombre commemorations in one that's a mock 30 years since the 1994 genocide in which more than 800000 people were killed. drones, rice calls have ok, and ukraine,
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2nd largest city. russia stays there in response to ukrainian attacks on his territory. lots hashem into this sense for restoration is on the way to read my old one winding trades and cultural home. thank you for joining us. these really military says it's withdrawn, most ground forces from the southern gaza strip except for one brigade. however, it's unclear why it's been 6 months since these are a launch. it's war on guys that and what the international court of justice says. easy, plausible case of genocide. it began after a mazda attack, southern israel on october, the 7th, getting more than $1100.00 people. since then is ras, one bob meant of the strip, has killed more than 33000 palestinians. nearly half of them children,
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most of the population around 1700000 people has been displaced. another rhonda c sign a ghost ations is set to resume in cairo on sunday and is really delegation is expected to attend. and her mouse has confirmed it's sending representatives. let's go live to address here as a mom con was an occupied is chosen in ron for is what more are you hearing about this is really decision to withdrawal ground troops from gaza and what sled to it. as well, they withdrawing true from the southern side of gauze fiercely. what we're being told is that this is a slightly new strategy that they're trying out. they don't need that number of troops to put this new strategy into place, which is much more the kind of wolf i would say in recent weeks old. so they want to give that is ready. so just a rush, that's what we're hearing. but if you listen to, is there any minute, 3 analysts, then you get a slightly different take on things. what we're hearing is that the x could be
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a re deployment of forces in order to get ready for a ground defense that into roof. and now the americans are dead set against a large scale ground offensive into real how they've set. does that to the is re lease, uh these ladies have said that they will go into the roof or in the way they see fit. now, if they get, if they change this kind of around and they have this read deployment of forces, it may mean a different type of strategy for right, for also if you have less troops guarding the north and not may will mean that you'll go to allow palestinians from a rough thought to go back to that homes and the know destroyed as those homes. all that's something the americans would like to see because the limits of civilian casualties in any rough operation, whether it's on the ground or any other type of operation. the is ready by the treat minds of mountain. now, one of the actually also ties into the see spot of negotiations that are taking
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place in car of israel says it's going to send a delegation. that messes already confirmed that it will be sending a delegation, one of the key sticking points, there was a message to me on the civilians, the palestinian civilians be allowed back into the north to their homes. the meanwhile, m, ron the sci fi negotiations are set to resume in cairo on sunday. i'm off as confirmed, it will be attending. what about these railways? will they be sending a delegation? well, if they all go to be sending a delegation, it will be a crucial sign that they may, will be, some may have been have these right? these have been very clear that unless a mass backs down on some of the demands there's nothing to talk about. but the fact that we are hearing that that could well be a senior level most are perhaps delegation guides. a car means that may well be some sort of a breakthrough in the negotiations, but nowhere near a ceasefire. we know this. we've seen this because they were talking about ronald's,
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he's what with natalie at the end of the whole, the month of and i'm alone and still in the safe spot. but there is clearly something to be talked about. and that seems to be a step that loved the international community. a welcoming thank you very much for that team on con, with the latest they have from occupied east jerusalem. west cross over to guys an hour and speak to honey. my motors in rafael. no let up in the fighting after 6 months of war. but are they any signs? any of these is really a troops withdrawing from 7 guys as a judge military, se of the as well. the fact that is really military is of withdrawing from an area that has been operating an aggressively and a brutally leaving a very, very, a size is your level of destruction and a kind of legacy that and nobody wants to have or you have experience with. but
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that's your level of destruction caused by the great military operating and hon. you and a city with our states been part or the, the central part of partner is on the western front, near de evacuations, on just very shocking at all levels, including the a deliberate attack on public health facilities. and i'm residential homes and infrastructure where we're talking about right now. literally hundreds of people are still missing, trapped and missing under the rubble, then largely decompose, we're talking about lat long period of time, and people permit expense, civil defense to go. we're not allowed to get to the areas that large, the drawn bite is really military as combat zones and they would be shut out regularly. what's really frustrating for people here as we do talk to people how their, their reactions are, what's going on is the fact it this way, families here in overcrowded dropbox to be, are not allowed to go back to the northern part and gaza city as part of this withdrawal apps
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a process that just took place back and the fact that there is one brigade that is still deployed as the an area better known as net 3 and junction that's. that's what they are separating southern gaza city from the central area. yeah. just causing a great deal of, of frustration and, and does the disappointment, that's a large because people are, are hoping that that withdrawal would involve them going back to their home in the northern part of the threats. it's largely also viewed by many people here as oh, oh, oh, jewels. the price for the course of the changes in cairo, meaning that these ready monetary is offering this concession by reducing the number of it's the ground soldiers on the ground. and at the same time as they are, they're interested in the talks to the other thing that people are talking about here is also that this is definitely a preparation for
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a ground defense and dropbox city. and the fact that there's a, as it is rated newspaper and started to talk about this because people are only allowed to be through the air to go back to the area and they are. 6 ideas as that, and that's the beginning of the valuations on that was designated as the area people into another part of guns they were allowed to go to honey. thank you for the updates has all just there is honey my most live in a rafa southern gaza. meanwhile, dozens of rockets have been launched from 11 on into the occupied golden heights has been left side to say they targeted and these really base and ad defense post. the attack follows is really strikes and 11 ounces, because only a 100 kilometers from the border is as military said, they were in response to the downing of one of his drawings over lebanese a space that's bringing challenges here is on the hash. him was in 711 on bring us up to speed with what's been happening at the board of a how 10 says the situation 90
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a but that's uh fully this morning with this the, the launch of several messages from leaven onto what's uh, israel. uh, just a minutes ago we had reports of, uh, uh, 3 rock rock hits launch from that. have any surgeries to watch said the central gallery now has will up claimed responsibility for the talking as you've been saying the to the to is reading the tree bases. and the goal on one is uh the law admitted to based on the 2nd one is you asked me to true base induction, retaliation to yesterday's at docs by is read on the because volley, which is quite fall from the, from the board. as this comes up to has will last announced that it has down a sophisticated is ready. drone had a mess, 900 over a little bit live on on using the antioch draft weapons. now this takes us to the situation where the tension has been escalating over the past few days. after the d
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is read, the talk in damascus, things go down on the board as you end up to as part of the anticipation. however, since a couple of days and, and so now that the situation now has been intensified and get locked off or talks a lot of exchange of files on both sides. yeah. and does, has been, is attack highly on these really military installations in the occupied golden heights. deviate from, from the established rules of engagement. is what it's clear that the, these uh, rules of engagement are being updated. uh at the moment, uh with uh, as well as talking to because this is not the 1st time by the way is run is settings and you equation. whereas any area of target, this being said that the call will be, will be targeted and brought to retaliation, as well as establishing another rule of engagement. any time besides being hit the
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goal and is, is targeted. and now we're saying is right, is kind of uh, taking the, the war a bit deep into lebanon vertically. what has the law is expanding the front? horizontally? ali, thank you very much. that challenges here is on the ashen by 14, there live from 711 on 9 to national failure to stop is are as well on guys a has parallels with the 19941. den genocide ceremonies are taking place across one that's a mock 30 years since the start of the massa, president polk, a guy may lead the flame of remembrance in kigali to honor the victims in more than a 100 days. so to munitions scales more than 800000 people, they were mostly from the ethnic to see minority as well as who to moderates as entre 0. stephanie dec every force on jolla wanda, in wanda mass graves are still being discovered in detroit and cool corner of the
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rwandan hills. the dead are being disturbed despite never having found peace rooms done. i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets. we found so many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago under homes and farm land. 30 years of to the one doing genocide. identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing. items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here, it's been identified. what is left of the name is victims is taken to shore, drive away an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoyed the most on imaginable of death. surround 800000, to see in some moderate hutus from a chevy to death by some 2 fighters. what they were then hangs heavily hoping to be
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identified. this was intimate, close up slaughter. we also survivor if with such a painful cost there can ever be forgiveness brenda, throw for everyone to we've been reconciled by the government. they call on us they teach is about reconciliation. there is no way to turn us back. a government is in charge. president polk, i've gotten it runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then. and today any inquiries about someone's ethnicity is illegal to. so those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. i am not, i am not much here. what happened is that we're history and it has to live with us as the young generation. we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again, but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places, but do not select via forties. those who lived here are believed to have known
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about and concealed the mass graves. 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now on earth. but their names who loved them, who misses them, would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain without pleasure . stephanie decker all g 0. who you, who wonder any i spoke to me at a, a big way, who is a survivor of the want in genocide, she says, finding reconciliation is an ongoing process of my journey also gives me a started way to early and i don't know if many want them to have followed the pitching of 2 men. one was cold and human go and the other one it was cold because he told me people, those 2 men have told me what vill reconciliation he's. so i just heard about the month and a sort about the 30 or if we leave some to those 2 men who are
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a younger i was at the time those 2 men were also 12 years old. they were also born in 1981 like me. so this will give them this and reconciliations up there with teaching is way better the one that is going through. so what wonder was to, it's almost like forceful. it's almost like politics. it has nothing to do with the i was just a virus read 19 and also thinking in the tools that you would go to was asking, would you rather have a doctor like mind, you know, few lines, or would you rather have a doctor who's in prison and i remember myself asking myself, how do those kids feel right now? those kids not when we're, when we haven't taken that journey, this will give you this, this, the, we're not even right now. the one that does not have it to make groups of they say, but there's a, we're not which that many of the women for those groups, the tools,
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the to, to this. and i wonder if we have taken the possible forgiveness stop, you will go and cause it to talked about sound to go to this old. where would we really be? i have forgiven a 100 percent and i wish that oh, there were many people in wanda dot who really talks about forgiveness. instead of taking a digital sign of just the opposite to size. is that still a head on algae 0 more set back. sonya mars military rebels take control of an important town on the border with thailand, the african narratives from africans perspective. nature has always been there some way my child to show documentary spine, african filmmakers. looking at the archives that we have,
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sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at from what is key a is that it's part of our history that couple from nigeria. and we writing libraries from africa direct on algebra. critical debate publish, farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to experts all good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments, politicians who may be opened in the highest level have been using games for this policy could be cut out of the service to implement aid. and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera reporting from the extra, the 3 when i'm hearing the airbag content has been removed or restricted, i'll just see who is team is across the world, bring you closer to the hosp
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the the welcome back. a recap of my top stories on algae, sierra israel says it's pulling most of its troops out of southern guys, and leaving one brigades behind is on clear what's behind the move that comes as the boy on this trip vent is at 7 months. thousands of rockets have been launched from 11 on into the occupied colon heights as well as sizes say they targeted and these really base and ad defense folks and commemorations that being held in one that to mock 30 years since the 1994 genocide present both of them is leading the
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events of the leaders and formats of states from several countries. also the one ukraine now in russian forces have launch a new wave of drone and miss side strikes on ukraine city of concave. one person was killed in 3 injured in the latest attacks, which struck kindergarten or, and residential buildings. the vin reports of widespread power cuts washer has intensified as a tax on ukraine, 2nd largest city in recent weeks. john stratford has more from khaki. well this is the 2nd impact site that we have visited this morning to my left to it's ricardo just pounds round. you'll see where what is believes to potentially be a new kind of weapon that the russians all testing out. uh that's according to certainly the military that we've spoken to hit on the car key. this is a residential area. there are no immediate signs of any strategic or uh oh, military targets here. but uh, you can see these,
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these are the buildings where people obviously have been live. we've spoken to injured people here in the last haul for now. obviously, as you can imagine, absolutely terrified with these ongoing. and as you mentioned, intensifying attacks in recent days and weeks every hour, i suppose here in car case, the alarm goes off, we get alerts on our phones. and the reason why you didn't cements emergency services you might expect to is because we just had an alarm literally 23 minutes ago. and a lot of people fled to the shelter because there was an increasing concern of cycled double tax. that's basically one strike. the russians will leave it for a while and then hit the same place again once emergency services the military arise. so the situation here is, you can imagine is very tense in the right the way across the city. there are a huge, great areas without any power supply whatsoever local solar to say to the coffee of region,
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around $400000.00 families without electricity to myanmar now where the military government has lost control of a vital border town. most of the countries trade with thailand passes through me. i want to be our de, the ethnic. karen national union says hundreds of government troops guarding the town of surrendered and published photos of celebrations and weapons. it says where sees field robertson is the deputy director for asia with human rights watch. he says man, moore's military has been stretched very thin across the country and is forced to find on multiple fonts as well. this is a major blow of them. yeah, i'm our military hotel. this is the largest most important of the 6 additional type burma border crossings. give you an idea of the perspective between april 2020, 23 and march 2024, over a 1000000000 us dollars. and bilateral trade was conducted through this check point during peacetime, uh, that figure was twice as high. so i mean, it's quite clear that this is a major,
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major blow to them. yeah. more military. and with the fall of that town of maya, why the much of a ethnic run state is now liberated from any sort of control by the myanmar military. so it is a very big deal. this is something that is surprising and how fast it fell. and it shows a real debilitation of the military's forces, particularly in the rural areas in the, in the periphery of the country. while there is very clearly a renewed purpose amongst the ethnic organizations working with people's defense forces, these are the militias that were created by people after the military coup and 2021 . they have been working with the ethnic groups. they're working together, they're stretching the military very staying across the country. they're, they're, the military is being forced to fight on multiple for us. and i think that there's are a real decline of popular support in the military and the difficulty in recruiting
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new people. that's why they've now imposed a new mandatory conscription law where they're going to start drafting people against their will into the military. uh, starting in april later this month. so uh it is, uh, it is a situation where they, the military is really backed itself into a corner waging a very unpopular war against the people of myanmar who refused to go back to the military dictatorship and all the abuses that entails us treasury secretary says the ability to hold frank talks with china has put relations on a more stable path. janet yelling, made the comments at a meeting with premier league chung and they g. lee said the 2 countries need to respect each other and should be part is not adversaries or? well, we have some work to do. i believe that over the past year we've put our bilateral relationship on a more stable funding. this is not meant during our differences or avoiding
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tough conversations. it has meant understanding that we can only make progress if we directly and openly communicate with one another. a and i, a slovakia as prime minister robert just eco has one. is presidential election run off beating pro e your candidate and for my for administer, yvonne cor costs feeder pelligrini is the current speaker of parliament is seen as a closer to people who has implemented some pro rational policy demonstrations that being held in hungary use capital against the government assignment as to victor old on the ronnie was led by peter mike, you are a lawyer who was once close to the administration. critics accused albano eroding democratic institutions and restricting media freedom outside the radio, spending billions of dollars on developing torres and one, also investing in preserving its cultural heritage. one area that's benefiting is
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the old town in the city of jetta. it's a unesco listed site known as a ballade. sham i have a bar explains how it's rich history is coming back to life. as soon as you get into the old center of jet, you find yourself lost in amazing all the ways and buildings hundreds of years. so spread over an area of just one my as better these home tools and 650 historical buildings made of portal stones. and would i have cause problems to be honest because it's a very ord, it's a nice area to take to. so the people, it's amazing. i visited many of a a rabbit countries before about what to do like this. we never meet before. so before on the see, the house is a landmark building. it was one's a temporary residence of sante radius found the king of the disease or was a 100 years ago for more than a 1000 years, muslims from africa,
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the live bones and south east asia passed through here all the way to america. turning the old city into a labyrinth cosmopolitan and culturally diverse hub for us, all these bits of exhaust heritage is crucial, not only to attracting to risk. well, so said the stands out of the city with a vibrancy of its own a man and how we has a degree in traditional artworks. she enjoys showing visitors the dedicated geometric patterns and boat is used in the architect to get in a minute and not have the can see in a minute. so yeah, visitors tell us they feel a sense of peace and tranquility when they come to the old town. and i tell them that it's because of the masons who put their love in crafting those beautiful buildings which will flush yet somehow one of the oldest most this most is one of the oldest in jet. the more that it's recently renovated open courtyard was kept
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intact. on teams and the buildings and the city district program is, is not about restoring buildings only. it's more than that. it's to revive the old town to bring back life again to the old town like it was in the past. i thought it was a c is a would call the professor that was in decline, but now things have changed and his business is booming and see, i'm a new i'm and could be there is hope for 2 years. i have trained hundreds of craftsmen. they will become, would cover themselves. manual craft gives you a great sense of satisfaction and it's a cultural value that needs to stay. 8 whose traditions of why the. 8 the most of how do i to books around beating his drum to remind people to wake up for that to kneel before the start of the month done fast. the old town also known
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as a pallet, is alive once again. hash about, about a 100 is either just that is in use or not on al jazeera and that's it from the back to stay with us. the weather is next and then inside story looks at the war on gas. thank you so much. the we've got more very heavy rain coming in across southern parts of china. low, low on the clouds, spilling out to the southeast of china, running very close to the south of japan. we'll see some what the weather. just looking its way up into southern in eastern parts of japan as we go through uh the next couple of days. and what a wants around bring to the twenty's, the for tokyo, $24.00 for so into the twenty's that to full page $1.00 to 2000 to northern side of
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it. nothing too much to speak of. still seeing that west of whether across southern areas of the country drifting a little further east, which is because through tuesday nights just out west the weather. cool weather coming back into japan at that time goes on wet weather, around the northeast of india as well. and that's going to just just a little further, eastwood's become a little more widespread, might have a desk, could catch a shower to monday, coming on in to tuesday. but for much of india it is dr. as cloud that what the weather will just temper the, the heat a little bit general i 40 celsius we have to some pretty much saying heat building here. new daddy getting up to around 38 degrees as well. he to into the array be and peninsula las you try and sunny warming up here in the hearts of around $35.00 celsius. i choose they often in the system, a little boat is a mechanical or even that self driving train. the vehicle down towards today can be
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dealing with a humanoid. robots like me, will be everywhere else. you 0 documentary, which to the lead on the weird and wonderful world of global learn. think and even trust. i feel like i'm alive, but i know i am a machine. the sharp is criticism yes. of israel's actions in gaza with even the us joining the global course of condemnation of to more than $33000.00 policy invest. israel's coming of 7 international aid workers triggered the west most furious response to date. so how is events this week effect to israel's international stand? this is insightful, the
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hello there on james bays for palestinians in gauze. there's not be much change and yet another week and israel's will.


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