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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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why those still fall from delivering and forth was probably the price of all is on . i'll just see here, there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media on how to 0. government shut off access to social media the . the other i'm nor kyle, this is the news our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes as a new round of tools begin on. the whole thing is rails 6 months ago on gone. so it withdrawals troops from an era in the south leaving only one gauge the summer memorials. and the one that
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democratizing is since the 1994 genocide in which more than 800000 people were killed during strikes cause habits and ukraine. second largest cities must go, says the response, the cleaning of the tax on less than power, train on more set box for me and most minute tre, rebels, take control of an important town on the boat with thailand and is full max. the south returns to winning ways forming one champion plains victoria at the japanese ball k to extend his lead in the championship. the beginning and goals are where the is really military has withdrawn. most of its troops from the county units area in the south. however, it has left one brigade behind as long as i have what's behind the move and come 6 months off to israel, northeast as will on the strip. and what the instructional course of justice says
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is a plausible case of genocide and felt began to to her mazda attack southern as well . on october, the 7th coming moved and 1100 people. since then, as well as from bob, went up, the strip has killed, mold them, fuzzy, free 1000 palestinians, maybe half of them children, most of the population, around 1700000 people has been displaced. another round of c swaniker associations is set to resume and kyra on sunday. and his way the delegation will attend on thomas has confirmed it is also sending representatives as bringing our correspondent and occupied to east jerusalem. now lori challenges and roy festival . let's talk about this troop withdrawal. most is israel saying about this decision . the military has already said that this decision is being implemented bots across as lots of tool, okay, in these ready media and that it minutes, resources are being used for that discussion. and was that narrative is that's the
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ministry's position, is that the operation, amy con, eunice switched the 98th division was mainly engaged in for the last few months. has, according to the ministry being satisfactory, completed by 9 cs dimensions. now needs rest and recuperation. so they all wiggling that presence on the ground down to just that one brigade is as he said that laura . now this is also bolted from the fact that i think these ready ministry believes that a slightly different model of operations is now more effective. is that going to be doing more limits? it's a targeted intelligence base rates and having that one brick a left, right in the middle of the gaza strip, basically splitting it into allows that for guys to re north and south
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into the center of the gaza strip. it stops, kind of sydney is who being displaced from the north right down to the south, from returning to the homes and essentially safe guards. this ready ministry position in garza and the course big questions. while that means that for the rafa operation which benjamin netanyahu has been promising is going to go ahead, which the international observers and israel's allies have been voting violently against which benjamin netanyahu certified release has not pulled the trigger on the minute treat side of the story now and the negotiations will re weigh hearing that the delegation from his role has been given the green light to go to car, ready for another round of tools. do we know who's in it or what we understand that the heads of most that's the buyers in it. we understand that
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the header shouldn't that the internal security organization. he's in it. we understand as a ministry representative or more in it as well as they are going to colorado and those tools we understand. i got to be beginning to nights. so eminently another interesting tape it does come out of the wall cabinet, meets a earlier on today is the that delegation is going to car right? with what is being described as an expanded mondays. now we don't know what that actually means and what that expanded man, that is. but it does gives the impression of perhaps a bit more minutes. and so these talks a bit more how that they might actually come through with some sort of fruit. because let's remind ourselves that what tools last week, which didn't go anywhere that would be many, many adults in colorado, in previous weeks and months,
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which also haven't gone anywhere. both sides. eric accusing the other side or in transitive. so we heard from netanyahu earlier on today saying that how much things that internal and international pressure will force these routes a capitulates to is extreme demands. this wouldn't happen is right, is ready for a deal is right, is not ready for surrender. the pressure coming from a broad should be says, how much to change that position. and the internal pressure is talking about the demonstrations and process against his governments. they should be directed towards how mass now, the united states really, really, really wants a deal. so it is trying to put pressure on egypt and pass off to put pressure on how much to, to the changes position side. well have to see how these towards progress. and with any of that, i mentioned match the best rates we will be watching them play slave for the moment where we challenge, thanks very much for joining us. that from occupies east jerusalem. that's cause i have a now to golf so we can speak to a correspondence that in rough, a honey,
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my fluids and honey before the withdrawal of those is really traits that was fighting for the slicing and hun units. tell us more about that. of the yes and the scenes are emerging from the city of pioneer and has done all the confirmed reports of getting of this your level of destruction on the large number of bodies that are stolen down the road or missing and trapped under the rebels are evidence of the disorder fighting and the, the intense bombing campaign that, that took place for the, the, the vast majority of time. these really military was dominating the entire city of pa, new. and it's mainly around the north of the hospital and the vicinity of it. i'm in the hospital and the eastern part of the city of new and it's mainly has been the area where the uh, the uh, the military wing of home i've had ambush to 3 more cave at a time in the area and,
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and the killed, according to the statements targeting and killing 9 is really soldiers in, on a separate us in a separate a tax. it for more soldiers were also killed in fun, eunice. but just given that the patterns of destruction on the, the, the, the shocking level of is everywhere and find new. and it shows the that in fact, there was an intense bombing campaign going on. the forces on the ground is reading military forces on the ground. it caused a great deal of damage to public facilities and an infrastructure and, and public health facilities as well. right after the news was emerging about this, this is the announcement that is relevant to military, withdrew from the city of han, you and it's a major part of the gauze. and with the exception of one a brigade, that's an area better known as mid 3. him junction that separates a than central area, city of china, and sort of behind the southern part of from the northern part of this trip that
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includes the northern part district and got a city and all of it, uh, suburban, its largest viewed as a way to put more pressure on the talks in cairo, but also viewed in a very distressing way of preparation for other ground ground defense and, and rough i've city. okay, honey, my hood to bring a slice on the ground that from the south because of strep. thanks very much honey . let's pick this up with alice's or a senior political unless mom but shy, joins us now here in the stews, yet good to have you back. why do you think is, well, has withdrawal most of its ground troops from around the connie in this area. i certainly would not quiet with dro. uh would quite a 3 deploy says we don't know what is rose up to a month from now 2 months from now. it's certainly not withdrawing from guys though, and it's not hence withdrawing from any part of guys. it's 3, deploying it's troops within an outside guys. now in the past 6 months,
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as well as done a lot of the deployment of various divisions when division gets out, gets the rest, gets 3 people in the west bank or whatever. i know that division comes in, it's normal. but at this point in time, since we are quite anxious all of us, we may be reading too much into it. maybe project think or whole, but project thing into whatever is there a does next. as a sign of whatever one's hopes that this website to do. so if you're on the, nothing the outcome you'll probably projecting or hoping that this would be to re deploy out of how do you want us in order to head off. and if you are on the sides of her mouse or the side of the people in gaza, you would be hoping that they are deploying off of kaiser. right? because there is be stocks, negotiations over hostages and captives, and possibly that there is some movement now. yesterday,
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the word in the street was that have mazda accepted to go to title, because there has been some change in the is there any position, but hops on that? i'm out of compression, and that's on 2 main fronts. one, i just thought it was relevant to answer your question is that is right. it has agreed to be deployed much or rich towards. busy but some people define nothing mediately, not in the next 40 days, prorated, but over some period of time for the few with the re deploy. and to that it's going to allow the majority of the people to go back to the north to their homes or north, nor long, but of this 50060200, none of that. so i think that there is some change and there's a position, and hence we might be reading some into whatever, nothing. and that's a little bit more into that because we're also seeing the heads of most sides now being given the green light to go to kyra, which suggests that there is some flexibility the on the homeless size according to, as well as the months. so this is the thing, right? so the cabinet just met and just decided on the, on the dispatching,
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there's rarely theme. but the big discussion has been over many, many weeks now. is, does it have the authority or does it not have the authority to negotiate the release of the captives best the because i'm us know i'm talking about these race nothing. they all dispatch them. the cabinet dispatched these riley team and took idle me in order to negotiate for the past many weeks, they could not negotiate above a certain red light. which means that negotiations could not born this one is how much that's something. and then that's basically the end of it, then you would have to go into another meeting. so the americans basically, i think by the and i finally and his conversation was on the other side, gives the guys the people who are the men, the women, the, the capacity to negotiate. because we want a ceasefire because we want a data on the captives. but we do have nothing y'all. he's saying he's ready to reach the hostage deal, but not ready to quite give into how much is extreme to mom. so it's don't worry,
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laying the groundwork for much money, fruitful discussions, is it? but that laura imagined him saying the opposite. we are ready to give grounds to how much? absolutely not. right. i mean, he would not, he would die before saving a 6 month like that. so it's normal when have asked most the past 24 to 48 hours. and we've heard that from directly and directly from voters. how much will bridges that they have? confidence has increased with the international pressure, but think up on is there a few more secure in the position of the negotiations? not only just because of international pressure, because of the domestic is where the pressure i'm because i mean look at these are the casualties just the past 24 hours in garza. and every other day there is an operation of the respect. so definitely they feel more confident that hence nothing now is pushed in order to say something. i don't you think that you're going to be working a little harder? same title, right,
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right. interesting to watch development starting car later on sunday morning. thanks very much. thank you. know international failure to stop as well as will on golf. a has power allows with the 1994 rwandan genocide. so i'm gonna use that taking place across rolanda to mux 30 years since the sauce of the masika present. polk ahmed, the flame of remembrance in the capsule kit gully to own the victims in more than 100 days who to minute she has killed more than 800000 people, mostly from the ethnic tootsie minority as well as who to moderates. that was triggered by the assassination of the who to presence juvenile, happy. a romano, who choose a cute c rebels from the real ones and pop shops in front of shooting down his plane. the group denied involvement between april and july here to malicious and elements within the runs in armies sort of took fees and political opponents. the killings finally stopped on july 4th, when the runs and for patrick fund. back spa, uganda is ami comp to the capital k. golly stephanie jekka joins us now from with
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those surveys that taking place in gully and stuff just had a little bit about how people come memorizing this holistic period and rewinds us history. yes, this is something that really is done every year and of course these milestones, 20 years, 13 years and really does government makes it a responsibility of these. we're wanting to remember what happened and to, to focus on reconciliation on dialogue so that it never happens again. you mentioned there the day started with the presence may read, sing along with the dignitaries that have come here. the foreign dignities also lighting a flame of remembrance. and then they moved here. you have performances very poignant, very emotional. at 1 point, one of the survivors told her story. 5 of her children were killed and a lot of people in the woods, tory and women, and men broke down in tears. it does open old wounds. 30 years may sound
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a long time, but when it comes to the horrors of these people experience, the survivors people will tell you it's very difficult, certainly to get away from that pain of the message here really was 2 fold. one of the resilience of the rwandan people and of course they need to continue, you know, working towards the fact that they ensure this will never happen again. and also, as you mentioned earlier in your intro to failure of the international communities, you had form us present. bill clinton here, he of course, was us present at the time the world watch these horrors and failed top channels for free. so you have these really president, you were mentioning the goals of war. their eyes are catch all here at a time when israel is facing charges of genocidal intent at the world's highest court, the international court of justice. so i think the message or certainly was that the world says never again in the wake of atrocities and somehow that never changes . now just briefly, laura, 30 years on mass grades are still being found and we went to visit one of them just
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a few days ago. in a tranquil corner of the rwandan hills. the dead are being disturbed. despite never having found peace is done, i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets. we found to so many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago under homes and farm land, 30 years of to the ones in genocide. identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing, items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface, along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here has been identified. what is left of the name as victims is taken shore drive away an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoyed the most on imaginable of death. surround 800000,
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to see in some moderate hutus from a chevy to death by some 2 fighters. what they were then hangs heavily hoping to be identified. this was intimate, close up slaughter. are we always to survivor if with such a painful cost there can ever be forgiveness? miranda throws everyone to, we've been reconciled by the government. they call on us. they teach is about reconciliation. there is no way to turn us back. a government is in charge. president polk i've gotten it runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then. and today any inquiries about someone's ethnicity is illegal. for those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. i am not, i am not much take what happened is our history and it has to live with us as the young generation. we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again,
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but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places, but do not select, vio, forties. those who lived here are believed to have known about and concealed the mass grave. 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now one ernest. but their names who loved them to mrs. them would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain without pleasure. stephanie decker all g 0. who? yeah, for wonder. well, i want to bring in our guests now. you're on makoto. she is a government uh spokesperson. um, thank you for talking to. i'll do 0. i'd like to begin by asking you such a painful pause. this government has really made it a priority. reconciliation from the top levels to the smallest villages. how have you worked? what has been the policy throughout the years? well, it started with the policy or for laurie bench. the yes. net present because i'm
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a boss stuff. the genesis and when me to call her office so proud, she was to bring one of those back together because we all have to look at this country code one and feeling countries i know where the perpetrators and the victims of how to live together up to such a devastating event as genocide it was total apocalypse here. so um, stopping with uh, building that trust between all those, including bringing back uh refugees that had been uh, that way you can come to the flat, the door held hostage by the former government army and version of the desk. the killed people here. we bought more than 2000000 randoms here and do that one is living on the hills of our country and building this country back together was made for us also to ensure that justice was done. but at the same time, try to reconcile 100 percent at the same time. so the,
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the charge of course, that's the one that came up with in, in 2002 from 2002 to $22012.00. i was the was a great achievement model in terms of ensuring justice because 2000000 cases are processed. so these courses quotes, it's a unique one, them know, just the system, but we're able to reconcile humans because truth was told about what happened here and actually helped london to to come back together again. so examples of which we thought was told for assessors where people were phone people's bodies. so finally is able to re barry the family members in, in, in dignity. and that has been happening over the years. so different stages we've, we've really shown the, the goodwill to go back the fabric of the society, those completion shots. we also offer a country the experience of genocide. we were able to abolish the death penalty in 2007. so it's been, uh, you know, 17 years,
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but we haven't had the interview. i wanna ask you about the international community . you had a wide range of foreign degrees, your heads of state, former presidents, the us present bill clinton. i'm a lot also was touched upon here also by the president about the failure of the international of community. uh, what is the position now for one of the also the president referred to the alara as well as still believing there should be justice for those that are responsible, the responsible for the genocide. what would you like to see happen? well, number one, its historical clarity of the truth of the genocide has to, to, to spend, or what happened to be sketchy happened only for 2 years ago? people are still living with the scars and it was a total failure of the international community and the multiple actual system of as we know it, this dentist said was announced the general there on january 11th, 1994, sent a fax to the you and saying that the list had been drawn up with some caches were,
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uh, all over town. so the you a knew that this was coming up the same time one to had the non permanent c to the security council. so we had to a member of the judge genesee, they're running government sitting in the security, come consult and obscuring what was happening. yeah. and he was allowed to do that . he's up there as the security council decided to retrieve peacekeepers from wanda . also the genocide happens, the only general that was left here with less than $300.00 peacekeepers. why do you think, why do you think this happens? why do you think they didn't intervene? because some lives don't matter. oh, this is what the president's was saying today. and the examples with a gauge of the lessons that we have not, is that there's different standards for different kinds of people. and this is what we, the round of a very pragmatic about our situation. and understand how international policies work. we have to take care of ourselves. we want to use with the rest of the world, part of the region. and these partners have been very useful again as the present mission today, they've been very useful, you know,
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reconstruction 1st because one of them's got together and decided to stick with the possibilities for the country. so as part of the able to come in and add value to what we're doing here, invest the resources white in the networks and so forth. so this is the kind of thing that we, we know, but ultimately responsible. so for ourselves with the principal saying also about the f d r, is that 30 years ago? this group of the 2 over a 1000000 people wonder what allowed to cross over to what has been here facilitated by the, by the french ministry. then we'll see at the time in the of awesome to call us and to have been sustained and preserved over the years by successive governments who are in the, in the d r a c. and over the years with some of the leadership in the, the, or c o, we have the we, we have worked together with us, the guessing army to go off of it. so if the last, what we want is for the company in our to be neutralized and for the security
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threat to a country to begin look, thank you so much. thank you so much for joining us. so the conversations here at the moment of pause, there will be, will also commemorating the victims from parliament to here and then later, a candle village and a vigil. sorry. and then throughout the week or so, slides will be flying at hoff most very much, you know, people reminding themselves of what happened. open discussions between themselves. as you heard there, this government very keen to keep pressing for conciliation for acceptance and to build that trust to move forward. okay, steph many thanks. and dave will join you again in the coming hours. the russian forces have launched a new wave of drone. a missile strikes on the finance if you have call have on past them is killed and full injured. and the latest attack switch struck
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a kindergarten and residential buildings. at the end, reports of widespread power cops, russia has intensified its attacks when you find 2nd largest city in recent weeks, it's all stratford has moved from khaki. so this is the 2nd impact site that we have visited this morning to my left to if ricardo just passed around. you'll see where what is believes to potentially be a new kind of weapon that the russians or testing ouch. uh that's according so suddenly the military that we've spoken to here on the car key, if this is a residential area, there are no immediate signs of any strategic or uh oh, military targets here. but uh, you can see these, these are the buildings where people obviously have been live. we've spoken to injured people here in the last haul for now. obviously, as you can imagine, absolutely terrified with these ongoing. and as you mentioned, intensifying attacks in recent days and weeks every hour,
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i suppose here in car key. if the alarm goes off, we get a looks on our phones. and the reason why you didn't cements emergency services you might expect to is because we just had an alarm literally 2 or 3 minutes ago. and a lot of people flipped to the shelter because there was an increasing concern of so called double tax. that's basically one strike. the russians will leave it for a while and then hit the same place again, once emergency services, the military arrives. so the situation here is you can imagine is very tense indeed, right? the way across the city. is there a huge, great areas without any power supply whatsoever? local authorities say to the coffee of region around $400000.00 families without electricity to demand mon now, where the military government has lost control of a key board of town. most of the countries trade with thailand passes through mail one day, the ethnic korean national union says hundreds of government troops causing the town have surrendered. it, published by today is
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a celebration is on. the weapons it says was, sees the current fight isn't all the remote troops of may significant gains against the magenta. in recent weeks. i see surgeries and catching states and the knolls sion in the west and in the south. meanwhile, the highlighted regions below. but once on the full minute tree control box, they have shrunk since the crew 3 years ago. so robinson is a deputy director of asian with human rights. what he says, man, most minute trans, being stretched to fan across the country and is forced to fight on multiple fronts . well, this is a major blow of them. yeah, i'm our military hotel. this is the largest most important of the 6 additional type burma border crossings. give you an idea of the perspective between april 20, 2023 and march 2024 over a 1000000000 us dollars and bilateral trade was conducted through this check point . during peacetime, uh that figure was twice as high. so i mean, it's quite clear that this is a major,
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major blow to them. yeah. more military. and with the fall of that town and maya, why the much of a ethnic run state is now liberated from any sort of control by the myanmar military. so it is a very big deal. this is something that is surprising and how fast it fell. and it shows a real debilitation of the military's forces, particularly in the rural areas in the, in the periphery of the country. while there is very clearly a renewed purpose amongst the ethnic organizations working with peoples defends forces, these are the militias that were created by people after the military coup and 2021 . they have been working with the ethnic groups and they're working together. they're stretching the military very staying across the country. they're, they're, the military is being forced to fight on multiple for us. and i think that there's are a real decline of popular support in the military and the difficulty in recruiting
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new people. that's why they've now imposed a new mandatory conscription law where they're going to start drafting people against their will into the military. uh, starting in april later this month. so uh it is, uh, it is a situation where they, the military is really backed itself into a corner waging a very unpopular war against the people of myanmar who refused to go back to the military dictatorship and all the abuses that entails all the weather. and his absence to hello, we have some random, a full cost full, the radium financial, a little bit of cloud clearing out of the way. moving out to of, i'm on the cloud. could just produce a shadow to, into a saudi arabia. thing here. and how we will stay fine and dry actually 29 celsius. but notice i'm sure i was just cropping up a little further west to go on and to choose the item of just picking up 35 celsius . and i'm happy early for that sort of number. still some shout was able to was the western side of saudi arabia. nature spelled in the office and what,
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what was coming into the event that is to sort of the mediterranean slide for us all away from eddie's to sort of took the up to was a cool cuz he's right down the gaza. and the rainbow watched by more heavy as we go . one is to choose to lay some really nice the weather coming in here, as we make our way into the pot middle part of this week. meanwhile, across the northern africa of it is generally try mr. destiny sat a possibility around us, a harvest still a little below. we also have one or 2 shelves to close the north, west of advocate for tuesday. good scattering. the showers, meanwhile, across southern positive west africa into the gulf of gaining and weather, actually stretches down for a central africa. i still pretty went very into south africa pushing into central policy slowly, but surely making his way further east or so it has hair on ologist era, surviving on donations. we make consultations and knowledge and tina feeling abandoned by the new government. plus, i'm wayne, how you in a way we take
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a look at the supermarket, you won't believe, but see if and in australia and how the prices are affecting customers in these difficult economic times. and in school will tell you about the spanish football clubs. that's how does one at 1st trophy, she is the spain and just closer to recognizing it, palestinian state prime minister petro sanchez, is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law . what i can tell you is that the situation on the grand newsletter acceptable as an immediate cease firing call. so there's an urgency to stop this terrible war and to open a new phase of stability. peace for space in the region. the spanish prime minister talks to algebra every family carries its wounds. but those inflicts if i or in this case, can take
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a nice time to hear. a young the rocky dutch crowd the ink cartridge, these families to finally discussed their cost. in the hope of sparing youth young son by breaking the cycle into generational trauma, my father knew and died a witness documentary on which is the era the so again, what challenges there as reminder of on top stories this hour, is there any minute tree says it's withdrawal and most of its traits from economy in this area in south of it has left one brigade behind it don't care what time the
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bus comes as the war on it on the strip ends. it's 7 months i've been having fighting between the owned wing of how my son is ready forces in con eunice. the cast and brigade says it's full, it fights has killed 14 soldiers. that is ready. army has confirmed, at least 4 of at soldiers for kills. i'm a nice round of ca, spot negotiations is due to get underway in cairo in the coming hours and is there any delegation is expected to attend and how much was confirmed? it's also sending representatives. you can't find a factory. it says support for as well is not unconditional. david cameron's comments come days off to as well north as strikes that killed $78.00 workers, including 3 persons high volts. it has moved from london. a prime minister has issued a statement mocking 6 months since what he called a tyrus outrage. on the 7th of october, he said, britain was shocked and approved by these ready attack on the wells. central kitchen comes way in which 3 as you put a great british heroes. well to talk about the hunger desperation loss of life on
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the scale inside garza calling for an end to a terrible conflict with no change to official. but his policy, which is to call for an immediate united terry and pause, as opposed to an immediate cease fire. more interesting potentially is the article by the fire and safety, david cameron, in the sunday times in which he also marks the 6 months period since the 7th of october. i say it was, it was killing a jewish people since the 2nd world war. he also says it, israel holds the blame for that. we'll central kitchen attack last week. and he says that israel's right to self defense though cannot be supported unconditionally fibers. and why that is interesting is because of the questions over british, on sales to as well. and the legal advice for the british government may have been provided on that front. there's been a letter signed by more than a 100 members of parliament saying that kind of do in other countries have changed
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the policy when it comes to on sales to israel. it, it can't be business as usual for breaking either sound as far as i could to david cameron's opposite number from the main office ocean. late the party is saying that they know cameron is dodging scrutiny over the legal advice that person may have received when it comes to aid. but it is also announcing that it is dispatching a rule may be vessels to assist in the maritime cardo from cyprus to garza. and it is committing more than $12000000.00 to that us. all right, cool. so i'll just do a lot of dozens of rockets have been notes from 11 and into the occupied go on heights as the finances say they talk to them is ready base and a defense post. it's colors is rarely strikes and loved ones by com, a valid 100 kilometers from the boulder, as well as minute chase. they were in response to the downing of one of its trains . i have 11 ease of space. we have them as in southern lebanon. now ali outside says that the border has been happening well
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today it was a bit dense with several is ready as strikes from the town of the to the east, to the town of, uh, tudor, uh, close to where we are here in the uh, in the corner until the moment the annual reports of casualties over there is really minutes. you said that it has a talk to some ministry basis for hezbollah. and of course has, will, has been, uh, issuing statements. uh today one uh that claimed responsibility for. and i talked on uh to me, the 2 bases in the golan heights one and comp you on the 2nd and kayla. and this isn't going to, it's all the ation to, as well as i thought on the because volley yesterday is red, said that these attacks on the, because of all the are also in retaliation to his beloved downing of a sophisticated drone or known as her mess. 900. now what,
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what seems to be happening is that as well as linking any targeting for ariella target's a to hitting that they call and the city of bodies back or the area surrounding it, which is around 100 kilometers deep from where we are here on the border however, as well as retaliation by expanding the front horizontally and launching rockets, sort of talking military bases to watch the golan heights, which is an area that wasn't being talked in previous was okay ali hoss and bring us the latest that from some 11. and thanks so much i the, the modern team is presidents have you, emulate, took off as promising to ends. the welfare state um says he has, but he says hes really in the economy. but while he implants his plans, people are struggling to find medications and some are even dying because they're
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not guessing what they need to raise a boat reports the past year hasn't been easy. football, the windows 10 to 15 years old and was diagnosed with leukemia in the middle of an economic crisis. in argentina, he social security benefits don't cover the medication he needs. the law says that federal government is responsible, but pablo has been struggling to get the kimball therapy that will save him his surviving on donations because his family cant afford the treatment, which costs more than a 100000 dollars. i feel better now. i was in hospital for a while and it was horrible, but my mother was able to find a donor for some chemotherapy, and i'm better now. many are blaming, have you had relate to the office promising to reduce government spending his twinge and reforms, or having an impact on poor argentines and those in need of medical help. phyllis based 31 and has to be diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma,
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a type of cancer that attacks the immune system. it can be cured if treated early. the government says that they were irregularities and the handling of the medicines, but they never stopped giving them away. they have created a list of people with the cases that they weren't taken care of for less. this case is right there, but until now she has not received the medicines that she desperately needs. the last time she received a full treatment within december. when a complaint that machine that they would, i will go run. so i can see which i repeat. she says the government department in charge of handling the medication is being audited. i'm using, responding to patients needs said the sierra and you're guessing the most that we have been assisting families for 13 years. but since december we have been getting doses of cases with people calling us crying and every hour. we don't know what else to do to helping many of those fighting to get the medicines have ended up in court. so when the government follow the latest hasn't rear crony can only take any
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mia condition, which means his red blood cells are being destroyed faster than his body can replace them a contract. i don't know though we contacted a lawyer and we made it public. so our case wasn't rejected, and that's why he has the medicine until maybe 6. after that we will have to start again. these are just some people whose lives direct risk because they rely on the state to save them. but they are in getting the help they need, at least to cancer patients have died in recent weeks. the survivors, i hoping they knew government won't forget them. some of the ladies i will, as i see that when a site is us treasury, sex race has the ability to hold. frank talks with china has put relations on a more stable pos john. if you haven't made the comment. so the meeting was premier lee chung and badging lease of the 2 countries need to respect each other and should be partners no officers. well, we have more to do. i believe that over the past year we've put our bilateral
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relationship on a more stable funding. this is not meant during our differences or avoiding tough conversations. it has meant understanding that we can only make progress if we directly and openly communicate with one another. to supermarkets in several countries are coming under increasing scripts in the over the prices they charge at the checkouts in australia and government inquiry into the groceries sector has been launched. and the new zealand shop is a paying some of the highest prices in the world. wayne, hey, reports easy island is in the recession, money is tied to so many and more than any with that's being felt in the supermarkets. there were just 2 major grocery companies in new zealand, which control 80 percent of the markets, squeezing consumers and supplies. on the same time,
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i only have one or 2 magistrates my pets to sell to. i don't feel like they're able to put a livelihood risk. and i will say he took 6, the 10s that i give them from us. look at me delegations of price gouging at anti competitive behavior. last year, the government introduced amended 3 code of conduct for the grocery companies. there been many complaints. again, supermarkets, both here and in australia, including advertising, special discounted price is on products. would you like to have found to be more expensive than the original price or combo deals on items which it cheapest is bought individually. as you know, straightly a 2 companies have 65 percent of the markets and being criticized, be using inflation as an excuse to keep increasing prices. nice. i agreed to be interviewed by l g 0. but the government is investigating the industry. we hope that these inquiries will not only encourage supermarkets to do better by consumers,
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but encourage the government to introduce strong the laws and protections for consumers. there's more competition in places like great person and the united states. but in the us, food prices have increased 25 percent in the last 4 years. the new zealand and australian markets a smaller and therefore less attractive to foreign companies to into it's the consumer that suffers perhaps now more than ever. wayne hay elgin's era, oakland to the head head on out. just sarah, how she ended this sense of what restoration is on the way to breathe life until once driving freight and cultural home and an unexpected environment for this go 1st thing at the texas open center will be head with all that action in the
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african narratives from africans perspective, nature has always been this some way. my child to short documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at from what is key a is that it's part of our history that coupled from nigeria and we writing libraries from canyon africa direct on, i'll just be examining the headline. is it or is hopefully today for the forms of life and gosh, unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a labor or do you want to create a world where women come and feel niche? it relates to trauma and creates explore an abundance of world class programming on eligibility, around who in the
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the port now what's on a thank you very much, laura. well, mexico staff and has extended these lead at the top of the form is one to drive his championship. he won the job and he's going to play ahead of his web bull teammate sergio pest. david stokes reports the fact to winning ways after his rabbit time is less time out in australia. next we stop and lead from start to finish. it says zuka, claiming the japanese growing pre for the 3rd year in a row 3 winds from for the season. i put in 13 points clear and the championship. yeah, very nice. everything just runs really well. pick something well started year thing worked out well. so could have been any better. the race had been delayed after
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a heavy crash on the new app between alex albums, williams and the up and down you ricardo. so i did that by so much doesn't hurt, but the clean up job took 30 minutes because it didn't put the stepping off though, cruising to the check and flag nearly 13 seconds ahead of his rental teammate. so do you have perez call assigned to one in australia edged out this provide the team i chose to click to complete the podium in the place. i think we need a very good raise. we some would over. thanks for being uh yeah. at one point in the race, i thought it was not going to to happen to pull your mind. but then he made us think when i put the new hard, the that i gave me a really good feeling and i could push i need on science is being replaced at the end of the season by lewis hamilton. the 7 time champion continues to struggle in his final campaign with, besides finishing down and notes in this rice. i don't know if you can take many processing. we can, i mean the, the cost finished, which is good. but we're like,
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you know, 79 process. so next step is the chinese go on pre in 2 weeks time. web should happen. well, once again, be the heavy favorites. it's hard to see anyone stuff in human. these quest when will title number for david stokes, which is ever going onto the premier league type of race. an awesome i'll have a time to the top off that they be bright and 3. now, if 3 from 9 to assist you too early and then that, and you can test as a side needed to win the tense game and 11 to move from said to top. and they were given an opportunity to do so. and deputy and jesus was filed in the box because ca stepping up to take the penalty for his full teams. that goal of the season. how can i have it made it to the full form of rights and men in drawers to a side made is charles victory, which is 5 said it lists them to point to both livable is
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a really good said yeah. is really happy. it really brought of the boys, i think they put down a big, big performance to be these great bites on site. now even though she is older son, that tells you that if you're going to of it of the task, but then i think we're going to go to your story for mattress. the city area on the fact that they put some level on points with level 4 off the beaten crystal palace to go some kevin could find a goal from lisa lewis and early had a laptop for 2 wins. city remain and says with one point separating the top 3 are, there are 7 games less will awesome all in the city, but live a full have a chance to go talk, but when they play the game and hand, it gets a long time. rivals majesty united later on sunday, you have to to find a way to cause united problems and they will try exactly the same on that level, that this opponent in the stadium that we have be better play
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a really good football game, to be honest. a lot of spanish desks available have one that says trophy in 40 years. they beat mile co for 2 and penalties to claim the culprit. delray is a $24.00 corporate title, but 1st since 1984, they have lost the previous 6 finals and also deals. i need the final to, to whom i did in 2012. bill bo, i managed to buy the ex barcelona coast, isn't this the big and also in contention for the top full finish. and lady is still on the sign that plays of law school region or those that have come to their academy because of what it looks like have some available. this title is something special. we've been chasing it for a long time and off to all those finals we've lost. it's finally here. that's why i feel disrupt means a lot for athletic. i didn't want to say anything because i didn't know what was going to happen, but yes, i can't compare this title to anything i've won before. as the game was played in
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seville, but there was a set out crowd watching a back at bill balls stadium more than 50000, gathered to watch one guy screens available on the 4th oldest spanish clump and among suite and never to have been relegated with barza enrollment which opened the united states. you know missy made has come back for into miami in the i'm a list often nearly a month out injured. he's pulled off that's coming on in the 2nd half, enroll them level against colorado rapids miami, then went ahead, but colorado minus the level which meant it finished due to other complexities. and that was a double when what we see over here at the paris mass and the cost is different to be $1.00 to the one that will be used to add the olympics in august. we'll get the amount one, the mens race and the time of 2 hours, 5 minutes and 33 seconds and it was me. so the c q with took the wind and the women's events, which was impressive as it was, has thus,
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my son is the 1st time in 5 years. i still be a, has done the double in the french capital in b a defending champion sands. and i'll get to have moved top of the western conference. that's thanks to big when over the atlanta hawks under 42 points to a 110. you could i ok to school. he's 25th, a triple double of the season and he didn't even play the full full to the mom or a school 16 points off the 7 games out with any injury then. so it will play 2nd place. minnesota temple was on once they came time decision tonight. that's been a week to the mazda is informed. a champion says you garcia has hit good phone is fine. it has a 2 shot lead at the lift or event in miami. it's been played at donald trump's course at door out or 44 year old garcia, hold 6 for these on assess the day a for a full on the past. 68 is not one and live form is yet despite being one of the 1st place to doing the serious in 2020 to fail one, the boss is in 2017. so has
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a lifetime exemption to play in the tournament. the on the pga tool, actually i if i to yeah, is the man to attach as the texas open to indian american has moved to 15 on the par overall full shots. clear of the field. if he gets his 2nd to victory, it will give him a place that the mazda is the law. that was a funny moment for sweden's lou take over. the head snapped off his driver at the 70 hole bought amazingly. you still ended up getting the ball on the green. o book has already booked his place at the masses, which will be his 1st major championship and on the women is to there's no stopping natalie corps, the at the moment, the well number one is on the course when have full form. it's in a row of to making it into the final of the match play event at las vegas and she'll be up against orleans. leona mcguire and the championship match later on
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sunday. and we'll finish with amazing the performance by host way soon. joel k. frankie dettori who won 6 races and they're all on the same day at the sunset, anita truck and california before the action started, the odds of him doing that would have been 77000 to one. so the 1st time victoria has done this back in 1996 and he rode 7th street when his f ask was 53 old talent delays were tying last year to race in the us. and that's it for me. laura found it . thanks very much. saudi arabia is spending billions of dollars on developing torres embossed, also investing and preserving as cultural heritage. one area that's beneficial, thing is the old town in the city of jetta. unesco listed sites known as al ballade shall have our explains how it's which history is coming back to life. as soon as you get into the old sense of jet that you find yourself lost in the needs of all
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the ways and buildings hundreds of years. so spread over an area of just one mind and bet it is, hold to more than $650.00 historical buildings made of gold stones and would have caused problems to be honest because it's a very ord, it's a nice area to take to. so the people, it's amazing, i revisit many of a a rabbit countries before. uh, but uh or to do like this. we never meet before. so before the seat house is a landmark building, it was ones, the temporary residence of sandy radius found the king of the disease or was a 100 years ago for more than a 1000 years, muslims from africa, the live bones and southeast asia passed through here, all the way to mca turning the old city into a labyrinth cosmopolitan and culturally diverse hub for sound is preserving bath. heritage is crucial, not only to attracting to risk,
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also said the stands out of the city with a vibrancy of its own. a man in how we has a degree in traditional artworks she enjoys showing visitors the data kit, geometric patterns, and boat is used in the architect to get the admin and those have to continue to minister. yeah, visitors tell us they feel a sense of peace and tranquility when they come to the old town. and i tell them that it's because of the masons who put their love in crafting those beautiful buildings, which will flush out somehow one of the oldest most this most is one of the oldest in jet. the more that it's recently renovated open courtyard was kept intact. on teams and the buildings within the city district program is, is not about restoring buildings only. it's more than that. it's to revive the old town to bring back life again to the old town like it was in the past.
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has ended with stacy is a would call the professor that was in decline. but now things have changed and his business is building and see i'm a new i'm and could be there is hope for 2 years. i have trained hundreds of craftsmen, they will become, would cover themselves. manual craft gives you a great sense of satisfaction. and it's a cultural value that needs to stay whose traditions of why the the most of how do i have to work around, beating his drum, to remind people to wake up for that to kneel before the start with the rama, done fast. the old town, also known as a pallet, is alive once again, patch about about a 100. so you get an office on captivating pitches from iceland, showcasing 2 of nature's most spectacular events happening simultaneously. interrupting volcano and the northern lights. that's the 2nd time in as many weeks
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that people in iceland have seen the spectacle. that's not fit for me, laura kyle: full of the seas up. i will be back in just a moment that more of the day seems boy the the latest news as it breaks during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city to have 30 days on the grounds. the grapes pulled over gauze and now from the house of the story, one in 3. its children is suffering from a cue of mountain nutrition. and health officials are saying around $60000.00 of pregnant women are suffering of the hydration. if we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk those to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly,
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the breach of peace and security. you know, it just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event. fighting for space on a jersey to these are some of the 1st images from the aerial assessment of coal bleaching in the great barrier reef. bleaching occurs by moving ocean temperatures and pollution. first call to expel the algae to get the color range of colors. at extreme or a wife over an extended period of time. maybe some structures have been severely damaged. scientists have declared 2020 full a mass bleaching event. what's happening here on the great barrier reef is also happening on race around the world. or the last 12 months warming sea surface temperatures have cause bleaching events in the northern hemisphere. and the engineer conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. for rainbows just
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jody run that says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an oven assigned to the biggest crow system in the world. we're seeing this back to back here upon year. the reef means many years to recover from these heat waves. and it's just not getting it the, the 6 months into as well as will on golf with the milk she pulls troops out of an area in the south font. one's a significant force will remain and the rest of the stress, the other them or kyle, this is alex, is there a lie from doha, also coming up some of the morals
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and the one that's a mock 30 years since the 1994 genocide.


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