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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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in the reef needs many years to recover from these heat waves, and it's just not getting it the 6 months into as well as will on gauze of the milk. she pulls troops out of an area in the south, fox williams, a significant force will remain in the rest of the stress, the kind of them or kyle, this is alex, is there a lie from doe who also coming up? somebody memorials and one that's a month 30 years since the 1994 genocide and much more than $800000.00 people were killed. i'm trying strikes cause havoc and ukraine 2nd largest city. pasco says the response to cranium attacks on the russian territory. plus how shim
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of interest as to what restoration is under way to read life. one, why being trade and cultural how we begin in gaza, where he is really military has withdrawn most of its troops from the con, at con eunice area in the south. however, it has left one brigade behind. it's on clear what's behind the move, but as we all said, a significant force would continue to operate and the rest of the strip and come 6 months off. the israel notices will on gauze around what the international court of justice says is a plausible case of genocide. the assault began off to her last attack, southern israel on october. the 7th. can we move in 1100 people since then as well as bump bump into the strip is killed modems, 33000, a simians,
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nearly half of them children. most of the population around 1700000 people has been displaced. in other round the seats, vondik ations is set to resume and kyra on sunday. and his way the delegation will attend on how must has confirmed it is also sending representatives that's bringing we'll reach out and sees an occupied to east jerusalem for us. and when we 1st with talk about this troop withdrawal, what are we hearing israel saying about the decision of the whole? basically, there is just one brigade of is ready troops left in the center of casa, the 98th division, which has been doing so much of the fighting. in con eunice, the last 4 months has been withdrawn. now, the justification is no official, but it's being talked about in the is ready meteor and essentially was the reasoning behind it is, is that these ready ministry believes that, that hon. eunice operation has to be satisfactorily completed. but 98 division
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now needs rest and recuperation and these ready minute 3 things. that's the best model for its future campaigns and missions in gaza is more small scale rates that are intelligent space and the positioning of the how the time brigade writes in the middle of cause. that means that it still splits the strip into it stops. people have been displaced from the north to the south, going back to that homes, which the is ready ministry at the moment. doesn't bought them doing. um, so it allows the minute traits do those rates north and to south, but maintain that very minimal footprint. and then gone, so what does this mean for the restful operation? well, of course it doesn't rule it out because any big cells on raffle would need to have
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a big pull it off of reserve it anyway. but it does make it more and set and, and it does perhaps push it further into the feature of benjamin netanyahu has been promising that it will still take place. but of course, he's on the significant international pressure suit that either cancel that operation or reduce it skype significant, which is saying is kind of guy that has, but he hasn't pulled the trigger on it yet. okay, and for a while we hearing about this delegation, going to kyra for another round of negotiations of the yeah, i think best buy has a sense here that there is more but men some behind this particular round of negotiations been as being for some time at least, why do we give that impression wells? it has been announced today that's a high level delegation. all is right, is going to cairo, it's leaving and it is going to be engaged in those talks later on this evening.
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it's going to be made off halls that barnett, who's the head of mos side is going to be made up of the head of shouldn't that the internal security organization and is going to be made up of minute through representatives to we understand that that engagement is going to car, right? with what is being described as an expanded mandates. what does that mean? well, this has been adults about on is ready media that's expanded, mandate means backs. this delegation has powers of negotiation. now the previous delegations that have gone to chi right has gone with a very fixed parameters that are being set by the next m, yahoo government essentially just to go to the car. right. and so listen, but not to partake in actual negotiations themselves because the negotiation that the position have been set back in is ralph. this delegation goes with more powers and previous dedications have come with. i'm not suggest that there may be
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a bedroom, immense and building behind us now that's in yahoo is saying that it is not against the deals, but it is not going to surrender to how much it says that any surrender to him. that's how i'm asked, which essentially allow for another also, but the 7th still big gaps between what the is right is think is acceptable and what, how much stakes is acceptable, but perhaps a bit more hype than in previous rounds and negotiations. okay. well, remaining sites that updates and will keep an eye on those negotiations that make it on the way in colorado. thanks very much. again, let's get a live nice tag. i would assume he's in the self installs up for us and type of folder withdrawal. if those is really troops that was best fighting and con eunice, tell us more about boss of the yes fluoride. in fact, this very minute treat today has with a drove in from the city of calling you this also whole months of fight thing unplugged. the attacks that have been carried out and that entire city turn to get
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completely to be hit with a narrative quick seemingly specifically that the majority of areas had been widely reduced to the russell yesterday of a noise or more bloody attacks have been carried out between post pots as the military we can go from us, up to start brigade has announced that the managed to push a military troop was, that was the, the rates and the eastern part of the city of new this is specifically, is then make for who would work a please, knowing is very soon we just have been killed the, as they have been attacking 3 mercury times. um its ongoing, also confrontations. and then i'm a neighborhood between almost appliances and because really sewage effect lead to the killing according to the military wing. the statement to 5 is very, so we just bought today these many military in fact have with the drove in from the majority of areas in the city of cartoonists. and they are right now are stationed in the eastern part of the city. and in the entire goal is this trip. now there are only one is very, a brigade is operating in nate's. the ring couldn't a junction which completely responsible for preventing
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a palestinian desk displaced palestinians from returning back to the houses in the north. some palestinians in particular see that step that has been taken today by the is really mandatory as a kind of further preparation for a potential military encouraging for rough i district. and also for delta dental is by the us is very immediate reports. say that this step is linked to the negotiations right now, are going on in cairo regarding to push the ability to reach for the supply agreements with most of the east bed within the coming days. but also with the ministry on the ground is waiting for the, the, the mission and decision from the is really a political leadership regarding expands and of the operations endeavored by the roof off where the is really military did not operate in since the beginning of the conflict ok to are compromise in bringing the latest that from the ground in gaza. thanks very much tag. let's pick this up now without is there a senior political analyst along the shower joins us here in the studio at law. and so we've got is ro, withdrawing most of its troops from the southern area of garza,
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the us, the same is likely just the case of west i'm re fits. would you agree with that assessment? it's one of the explanations for sure. i mean, over the past 6 months stays there, it is, did bring divisions out and built new divisions back in that's part of the normal, minnesota deployment, the conflict that is the last thing 6 months plus. right. so i think that's very normal. now we could also read into it that this is a specific to the time that we live in, where these writers are asked to wind down the water a case for the time being where they're also facing some resistance and verify. and maybe it takes time to push out if they're going to attack a, sorry, try to sign unit, so they're going to talk it off. as many explanations are possible, as sometimes as the americans would like to argue the discipline, the simplest explanation is probably the correct one. and if we look at the talks
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that were expecting to stop in cairo, again, a is right and these res integration is very, was just telling us has been, so will be sent with an expanded mandate. what do you make of that? that's exactly what you and i were just talking just an hour ago. and now there are some press reports about the fact that the cabinets meeting today when they dispatched the is there any team and it is kind of a high ranking team. when you have the heads of them beside them, they had the rush of buck, internal security. i mean, they definitely know about that, about making a deal over captivity and secure with us on so forth. then you know, some of the lackeys and these ready to cabinet. and so clearly they are more than capable, certainly more than the ministers and nothing else government to negotiate a deal. i think certainly that has come on that american pressure because they americans understood that every time they went and came back empty handed because they simply didn't have the mandate. now we've had you,
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we will see what the archive capable of if you noticed or start sort of the momentum is pushing from all the side to right. not just for the deal. i mean, i was been arguing the past 48 hours that this is the 1st time in 3 months, 4 months. i say, well, it's possible, right? it's not the deal that ends or deals. right? but there could be a deal, but it's just because of all the ducks outlined, all right, not just in terms of international pressure because of domestic. is there any pressure set than the the guys are suffering and how much lead people to provide something, but also looked at everything else to increase the resistance and the west bank and gaza. the anticipated radiant response against b is raise the gathering storm in amman, jordan around is really embassy sort of just everything coming together after around. also the attack on the uh, the, the a, the international aid team,
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right the, the international, the. ready central kitchen and what has so i think all of that pushes the momentum towards making a deal. okay, now on many thanks indeed for coming. what's going on? so international say that it's a store as well as well, and also has parallels with the 1994 london genocide. so i'm used to taking place across rolanda to mux, fussy, is since the stones of the massacre present pool cook ahmed, let the flame of remembrance and the caps, or kick or later on the victims in more than 100 days, who 2 munitions killed more than 800000 people, mostly from the ethnic tootsie minority as well as who to moderates. none of the countries are presented to yesterday also send their sons and daughters to serve. as peacekeepers in london, both sewed yes. did not fav ronda?
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it was an international equipment in which fated us as well. the genocide was triggered by the assassination of the who 2 presidents, juvenile, happier ramona, who chose a ques, took the rebels from the runs and pottery. i'll take front of shooting down his plan. the group denied involvement between april and july, who to malicious and elements within the runs and armies slow to seize and political opponents. the killings finally stopped on july 4th, and there were winds impact rustic funds backed by you guys as on the caps of the capsule. take all a let's definitely back a reports now from who in rolanda mass graves, a still being discovered in a tranquil corner of the rwandan hills. the dead are being disturbed, despite never having found peace ready when it's done. i don't know how many people we found, but there are so many. there were under these houses under the toilets. we found to
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so many people from this mass grave was discovered a few months ago under homes and farm land, 30 years up to the one to in genocide. identifying the remains is incredibly difficult. dna is in use and so they're relying on tattered pieces of clothing, items of jewelry that are sometimes found underneath the surface, along with the remains. but so far, nobody that was found here has been identified. what is left of the name as victims is taken to shore, drive away an attempt at some form of dignity for those who enjoyed the most on imaginable of death. around 800000 tootsie and some moderate hutus were most chevy to death by 22 fighters. what they were then hangs heavily hoping to be identified . this was intimate, close up slaughter. are we always to survivor if with such
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a painful cost there can ever be forgiveness run to throw everyone to we've been reconciled by the government. they call on us they teach is about reconciliation. there is no way to turn us back. a government is in charge. president polk i've gotten it runs it tightly organized country. there were local reconciliation courts back then. and today any inquiries about someone's ethnicity is illegal. for those born off to 1994, it still has a major impact. i am not, i am not much take what happened is that we're history and it has to live with us as the young generation. we'll try to do our best for it and not top and again, but it's still painful when people know there are those buried in places, but do not select via forties. those who lived here are believe to have known about and concealed the mass graves. 7 people from 2 families have been arrested, living above a secret for 30 years now one ernest. but their names whose off of them,
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who misses them, would likely never be known. and hundreds of thousands will remain without pleasure . stephanie decker, audra 0, who you who wonder. so it has hair on now is there on most set fox, the man last minute, tre. levels. take control of an important town on the border with tide on the spain. it just closer to recognizing it. palestinian state prime minister pedro sanchez is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law. what i can tell you is that the situation on the ground is slid acceptable as an immediate cease firing gaza. there's an urgency to stop this terrible war until open a new phase of stability. peace precipitating the region. the spanish prime minister talks to algebra critical debate. punish farmers are angry.
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people at starving, and we actually have to be experts all good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments pull, in addition to the highest level they've been using games for the political economy, service and course the rivals inside story. on al jazeera, the colleges. when the,
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[000:00:00;00] the 3rd annual, what challenges there has remind her of on top stories this hour is really mad at trace says it's withdrawal. most of it straight from the con eunice area and the self concepts left. one brigade behind is i'm kind of what's behind the move that comes as the hole on the strip and says it's 7 months. and i shall cease fire round of negotiations is due to get underway in cairo in the coming hours. and that's where the delegation is. expected to attend and how mazda is confirmed. it's also send a representative and collaboration to being held to and rolanda to marks, especially yes, since the 1994 genocide present. pull. com is leading the events of the latest form, the heads of state from several countries. i will say that prussian forces have launched a new wave of the drone of missile strikes on the crate in safety of car keys. one
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person was killed and full injured, and the latest attacks which struck a kindergarten and residential buildings have been reports of widespread power cups . russia has intensified its attacks on ukraine, 2nd largest city in recent weeks. john stratford has moved from concave. so this is the 2nd impact site that we have visited this morning to my left to it's ricardo just pines round. you'll see where what is believes to potentially be a new kind of weapon, the russians or testing out. uh, that's according to certainly the military that we've spoken to here on the car key . if this is a residential area, there are no immediate signs of any strategic or uh oh, military targets here. but uh, you can see these, these are the buildings where people obviously have been live. we've spoken to injured people here in the last haul for now. obviously, as you can imagine, absolutely terrified with these ongoing. and as you mentioned,
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intensifying attacks in recent days and weeks every hour, i suppose here in car case, the alarm goes off, we get alerts on our phones. and the reason why you didn't cements emergency services you might expect to is because we just had an alarm literally 23 minutes ago. and a lot of people fled to the shelter because there was an increasing concern of so called double tax. that's basically one strike. the russians will leave it for a while and then hit the same place again once emergency services the military arise. so the situation here is you can imagine is very tense in the right the way across the city. there were a huge, great areas without any power supply whatsoever local. so if you say to the coffee of region around $400000.00 families without electricity, at least 4 people have died more than full, thousands have been evacuated off to a down bus, and the russian says you have holes. many surrounding areas have been affected,
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which levels rose by nearly 30 centimeters well, far to say the situation is critical. officials are blaming negligence and pul maintenance or an ally of the back is prime minister. well, but because one it's presidential election bundle between pro e u kansas and former foreign minister even for church. peace have had a great is to come and speak a column. and he's seen as a place agent, because we've implemented some for russian have policies to this cause god has retrieved, at least the teen bodies of migrants who died in the mediterranean coast. gone, says the migrant boat sank of the coast of fox. any 2000 people are rescued with a number of separate incidents. there's been a significant increase the number of migrant bites headed to it's lead you to improve whether etc demand on now with the military government has lost control of a vital bolt of time. most of the countries trade with thailand passes through the mail warranty. the ethnic career and national union says,
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hundreds of government troops gone into town, have surrendered and published photos of celebrations on weapons. it says was seized, current fighters and the other on team minute treat groups, made significant gains against the general in recent weeks. they seized territories and catching states in the north chin in the west of long in the south. meanwhile, the highlighted regions below were once under full military control, but they have shrunk since the crew 3 years ago. bill robinson is a deputy director of asia with human rights watch. he says, man, most minute tree has been stretched to send across the country and is forced to fight on multiple fronts as well. this is a major blow them in our military hotel. this is the largest most important of the 6 additional type burma border crossings. give you an idea of the perspective between april 20, 2023 and march 2024 over a 1000000000 us dollars. and bilateral trade was conducted through this check point during peace time. uh that figure was twice as high. so, i mean,
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it's quite clear that this is a major, major blow to them. yeah. more military. and with the fall of that town and maya, why the much of a ethnic run state is now liberated from any sort of control by them in our military going to. so it is a very big deal. this is something that is surprising and how fast it fell. and. 1 it shows a real debilitation of the military's forces, particularly in the rural areas in the, in the periphery of the country. while there is very clearly a renewed purpose amongst the ethnic organizations working with people's defense forces, these are the militias that were created by people after the military coup and 2021 . they have been working with the ethnic groups. they're working together, they're stretching the military very staying across the country. they're, they're, the military is being forced to fight on multiple front. and i think that there's a,
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a real decline of popular support in the military and the difficulty in recruiting new people. that's why they've now imposed a new mandatory conscription law where they're going to start drafting people against their will into the military. uh, starting in april later this month. so uh it is, uh, it is a situation where they, the military is really backed itself into a corner waging a very unpopular war against the people of myanmar who refused to go back to the military dictatorship and all the abuses that entails to us treasury secretaries has the ability to hold frank talks with china has put relations on most stable puff. got it, got and made the comments. so the meeting, but primarily chung and badging. the set, the 2 countries need to respect to each other and should be partners. no officers. saudi arabia is spending billions of dollars on developing torres and most also investing in preserving its cultural heritage. one area that's benefit seeing is the old town and the city of jetta. actually,
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most of our explains how it's which history is coming back to life. as soon as you get into the old center of jet that you'll find yourself lost in a maze of all the ways and buildings hundreds of years. so spread over an area of just one mind as but it is home to more than $650.00 historical buildings made of gold stones and would have caused problems to be honest because it's a very ord, it's a nice area to take to. so the people, it's amazing, i revisit many of a a rabbit countries before. uh, but uh, what city like was we never meet before. so before the seat house is a landmark building, it was ones the temporary residence of sante radius found the king of the seas. or was a 100 years ago for more than a 1000 years, most lands from off because i live on and south east asia pass through here all the
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way to mca turning the old city into a labyrinth cosmopolitan and culturally diverse hub for sound is preserving bath heritage is crucial, not only to attracting to risk, also said the stands out of the city with a vibrancy of its own demand. and how we has a degree in traditional artworks she enjoys showing visitors, the dedicated geometric patterns, and boat is used in the architect to get the admin and not have to continue to minister. yeah, visitors tell us they feel a sense of peace and tranquility when they come to the old town. and i tell them that it's because of the masons who put their love in crossing those beautiful buildings, which will flush out somehow one of the oldest most this most is one of the oldest in jet. the more that it's recently renovated open courtyard was kept intact. on teams and the buildings within the city district program is,
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is not about restoring buildings only. it's more than that. it's to revive the old town to bring back life again to the old town like it was in the past. has ended with stacy is a would call the professor that was in decline. but now things have changed and his business is building and then see, i'm a new i'm and could be there is hope for 2 years. and i have trained hundreds of craftsmen. they will become, would cover themselves. manual craft gives you a great sense of satisfaction and it's a cultural value that needs to stay whose traditions of why the. 8 the most of how do i have to work around, beating his drum, to remind people to wake up for that to kneel before the start with the rama done fast. the old town also known as a pallet, is alive once again,
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especially about about a hundreds eva jet. and that's it from me, laura kyle, you can find much more on on websites, out of their adult calm. news continues with some of the crate of to 1212 to sarah the, the hello funding concerns remain in place across southern parts of china. still a fab or cloud coming out. so if you will, whether it's a go on through the next couple of days, you see this training where the system is pushes out into the north west pacific flick its way a little further north with this. we go through the next couple of days. so what's the weather also coming into southern parts of japan tissue, southern areas of honda. she was seeing some breakdown pools as we go through monday night really wraps up close at east the side of japan as we go on through tuesday to the west of that it stays warm, dry and sunny across the korean peninsula. 20 celsius. little cooler and basing
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little more cloud coming through here with some showers. still the chance of one or 2 showers down towards the south of the re starting to peek around town that stage one or 2 showers to into the philippines. but losey fine and dry here, as is the case across in the china good scattering the shows, the request bonia. it'd be as a weather heavy as ray will be able to watch the y c and still some live the shows the around job. and so much a lot of shelves continue. meanwhile, across that east, the side of india just pushing across into module dash tempe just very much on the high side for good parts of india, away from that shell shuttle i at around 40 degrees celsius. not too far off, that's in new delhi, this is a region that is likely to be developed thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflicts political upheaval. some of those we talk to elsewhere is saying that they sled update hearing that other villages
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had been a talk. what we do and all just there is try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the id tell it says it was. and he's the people allow us into their lives, dignity into minus. he asked me to tell this story or the space probably minutes, the petro sanchez ends. he's late to smooth lease, toward catch all, at a crucial time for the wider reach. and the gulf states has hosted several tops and ending israel's war on concept. prime minister sanchez calls for c spa and israel to respect. international law resonated world wide while he strongly condemned the


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