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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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or from around the world who has told us the circumstances is even more important than usual to come together to share what they feel they have the the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. because ross is pulling some troops out of kansas, con eunice area, as it sends a delegation to cairo for cx, 5 tools that comes as guides, a mock 6 months of war pulled and $53000.00 palestinians had been killed. nearly half of them children. it was the international equipment in which faded
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off 30 years since the beginning of the rwandan genocide, the country owners, the victims possible in judas rushes, tips off the tanks on you try and 2nd largest city keys. i just want let me pull up like manchester united city, what could be a decisive game and a premier, they tossed rice a wind figure consult. same at old trafford. we'll take them back to the top of the type the we begin in concert with the israeli military uses. it has withdrawn most of its troops from the con eunice area in the south. however, one brigade is to stay and this is the davis station that has been left behind. it's not clear what is behind this pull out. i would come 6 months of that as well launched. it's more on the strip and, well, the international court of justice is, is a plausible case of genocide. now,
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the assault began after him also attacked southern israel on october, the 7th killing more than a live in a 100 people and taking over $200.00 captive. well, since then, as well as bombardment of gaza has killed more than 33000 palestinians, nearly half of them the children, most of the population around 1700000 people has been displaced. now another round obviously is fine. negotiations is said to resume and car is ready, and mazda allegations are expected to attend. well, in a moment, we will speak with teracon bu assume who was standing by in reference. southern casa, the 1st at spring in forward challenges, who is an occupied east, jerusalem for us and physical void? can we talk about this a troop withdrawal from con, unice, has this rarely actually explained what is behind this decision. the bottom on the day that this will reach is the off heated mock. on the day the,
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the is ready, minute tree announce is the desk of for more is ready. soldiers killed, fighting in the con eunice the minute. she also announces the withdrawal of basically all ground troops and gaza, apart from one brigade. now an explanation for anyone who doesn't know about mid a treat divisions and brigades and battalions, etc. a brigade and these ready army is about 2 to 5000 people. now this brigade has been left in the sense of cause that basically splitting the script been to between north and south. the runny army have the site exactly why it's done this. but of course as being discussed extensively and these ready media and they using admitted resources and all that saying is that a ministry basically believes that the fine things in the hon. eunice, that operation has been satisfactorily concluded. the division that was
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doing that fighting is now being withdrawn for rest and recuperation. and the model that is going to be used for the ground forces in casa for the foreseeable future is small. the raids basically the job based on intelligence that the is already met . if he gets in the brigade that's left is going to be able to go. noise is going to be able to go south and do those more types of grades. and it's full psych going to be able to prevent the displace people from the north go now sheltering the south from going home again. that's something these ready ministry at the moment. it say that it wants to do it wants to contain that. and at the same time where it, israel's finally confident i will be sending a delegation to cairo for another round of negotiations. what more can you tell us about this a yeah, this came out so far. the lights in the day uh, off the, the settings ready won't have an amazing, but we, uh, it is fast. this delegation,
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which i've been speculated about for awhile. he's going to be gardens car, right. it's a, it's either leaving now or is already left and they will be parts. i think in those discussions to nights in colorado, it's a high level of medication. it includes the head of most that it includes the head, ocean back the internal security or falls in the agencies and includes and submitted, treat people as well. what's difference about the static ation is that it has what's be called an expanded mandates. now what we understand that some means is that this, that a guy sion is going to be going without showing the goes using power as previous study guides, instead of going from his route to call it right. the tools have basically gone with very set parameters, premises that were dictated to them by the nesting yahoo government. they couldn't do any discussions while they were that they were sent to you. that's a monitor to listen and then come back. this delegation has something different about that and that perhaps suggest of a mention is moving towards some sorts of sci fi tail,
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whatever that might look like. or we can have mentioned y'all who spoke about the, the hips feelings on these tools. sadie well, and we can just do now to can you all to do sort of some us stuff, show it in a so how mass hopes that the pressure from outside and inside will make israel surrender to these extreme demands. it will not happen. israel is ready for a deal. israel is not ready to surrender. instead of international pressure being directed at israel, which only causes him us to hot in its positions. the pressure of the international community should be directed against thomas to come up fluctuate because of where we, there's also more pressure coming on netanyahu because we are expecting another night of anti government to protest how big an effect out they actually haven't gone. yeah, just off to finish speaking. so you i'm gonna be heading down to where those prices are still going to be taking place that it's going to be outside of these ready parliament the the can assets a injury phillips. now this protest this evening is going to be a cost savings,
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families and the supporters that are kind of $2.00 strands of demonstrations that are going on. and it's right at the moment. there is the process being taken by the captives families and their supporters and their big and see government process going on as well. we saw some of the beginning of the week and 3 nights of successive process and kind of a they ended in some von installed big lots, but certainly arrests and, and heavy handed policing. what we're starting to see happening in this rather the moment is these 2 groups that protest is sometimes linking up to share that goes and, and share that, hey, is this happening? of course the nice while these chi right souls are going to be going on. the general mood amongst the campus families, of course, as it has been for ages, is that the government has not done enough to bring the caps is who it's still
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being kept in gaza, hired the time. so you government demonstrations. well, they want something of a different they want. so you essentially pharmacy benjamin. nothing you his they want him to leave office. they hold him responsible for october the 7th, and they want a new start and a new government. okay, thanks so much worry. we'll let you go to those protests and we will talk to a little later on were a challenge for us there in occupied east jerusalem. so okay, well let's go to talk about wizard who is in reference, southern guns are and so it can just give us a bit of an idea of what it is like this since the pull out of this ready trick from can you just, can you explain what is being lifted in their wake? yes, told me in fact uh they usually a military today has with the drug and from the city of con eunice. um they have pulled that troops to the eastern part of the city as they are right now. station, far as people have started to gradually and partially return to check the houses and what remains,
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that they have been describing the situation to be completely undescribable kiosk, as there is, was a great deal of destruction has been left to the entire area. as a result of the battles between almost fight isn't that use, but as soon as the unprecedented bombing campaigns that had been completely carried out by these, by the military, the entire is of the city of con, you as had been destroyed, a complete destruction of the civil infrastructure, the most residential houses as people are saying that they have nothing left that in the city of con, here in this box, the withdrawal that has been taken and carried out by the use. but the military to date could be seen as a, bringing a different, strategical dimensions for the spend a minute to reflect on the ground. one is that it will allow for the is very minute tree to strategically carry out the main points and also precise deceptive. militarization of similar to what happened domestic a hospital offset. it is really what the trouble does. and also it will help people to return back to the houses in con you, in
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a city after that with the trouble. and also which in turn will facilitate the process of evacuation for residency. and roughly if there is going to be any potential military incursion for the city. and it's also will help the military to precisely carry out a pointed strides to eliminate how much the operative on the ground, the so similarly right now, what has to be left in con units is completely she just ok since the new sign of living docs for people and with complete change of the milestone of living for the majority of the people in the city of hon. you and your talk, we've just been watching pictures of con, use in the allison's is there any troops have left and it really does seem, as you say, like nothing has been lift. that's just advise you. now as we know, it is 6 months since the war began. can you just give us a sense of what it is like and gaza to that? if people use that to take stock of what has happened and, and everything that has been lost and that time of
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the well, i'm exhausted palestinians who are completely right now being on the unwilling thing for abutment for at least 6 months of the work are right. now, tired and exhausted, they are no longer able to cope with the situation on the ground. a specifically that they use very military, had destroyed the majority of areas they have been operating and we're talking about more than 2 sides of goals and population being just placed on with more than 2 sides of garza's presidential house system of infrastructure. and also talking about educational facilities being destroyed, we have been talking to people in the north showing and describing the situation for us. they are saying that nothing of the milestone of living has been existing anymore. they have destroyed the majority of electricity and for us drug test of interest, talk to them side that they have been also destroying the water at wells that were a fee thing and providing people with water services. so generally the milestone of living in gauze i have completely changes people only right now looking forward for
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ceasefire. that will help them to respond back again to the houses in the north. and that kind of guaranteed a full sustain should've military as on the ground just to let peacefully without any further compartment or casualties among civil uses, specifically within the $33000.00 policy and have been killed since october, the 7th, with more than $75000.00. others being on the till now. okay, thanks so much terry. tell composing a forest in ruffin southern gaza. so i was just there a senior political analyst smell, and the shower joins us again as a tech was explaining, moving, as we saw in the pictures these rarely trips of basically live nothing lifting, con eunice. what do you think is behind the withdrawal? it could be any number of reasons. i don't think we need to be too much into it. i don't think we need to project too much into it. it could be as the americans,
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and some of these guys are saying the question of re shuffling us when brigade has to go out and dress, then another one is replaced. that's been happening over them us. but it could also be a 3 deployment in the north part of guys or to the east of guys a been for production as the is very to say to uh, and eventually. but also how sensitive is that part of a psychological warfare to put pressure on how much in the negotiations or are these right? is in fact preparing for such a thing that to me 30 why this is really important that them and ology is regardless of whether we know or we don't know why, but in case i'm moving i've been ongoing for a while that for by then this is the beginning of the end of this for 6 months later, too long, it needs to wind down just the beginning of the end. for the now, it's still the end of the beginning. this is the stage where
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the destruction has taken place, the nearly ation of macho garza and a lot of its population and so on, so forth. but now need things to be pacific ation of cost. neutralization and sort of destruction of how much is presence in the fabric of the guys a society needs to be an occupation. and then that is of the attack, which now is of books about turning the defensive into one offensive and up and on . right? so for, for nothing you know, and his government, this is just the end of the beginning. and hence, we're going to see a lot of movements back and forth for the time being. it's clear that's for nothing, you know, the gathering of the store, even the perfect storm of over his golfing. i mean, in terms of the attack on the international aid in terms of the radian vowing revenge in terms of domestic pressure in terms of huge american momentum towards
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pressure in terms of world fatigue with is read in terms of resistance. and garza is a gathering store, so i think nothing. now what would love to with the storm, at least for a number of weeks and a deal with help him do that 3, deploying out of the hop areas. and guys would also help him do that. so does that put more pressure on him and these rarely delegation that is going to car right? to try and negotiate something just to that more put more pressure on the is released to actually come away with something solid here. some anything it no matter how small, it's like a 1st step. and so what's something further? so the thing is, is that the gap between is right and how much until $48.00. it was quite huge. and have us probably didn't want to go to god to guide all unless there's
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a change in america and is ready to position. and i find that there is some change and these are the position. but this, you know, just from how much the statements like this, maybe i'm, maybe i'm reading too much into it. i think there is a bit of a change of how much is the collection of the past 24 hours, for example, they're used to say on the condition that is or withdrawals from all of gods. now the sit on the basis of me on the basis of is the basis of god's uh, the space and the solves moving back to that homes and then or so there's, there's a bit of change of excellence, a bit of change of emphasis. but clearly there is an intention to get to something that's even if it's intermediates whereby they can show results, the successful or, or the success of any such endeavor in title would depend and far on the categories and dejection, but mostly on the americans that have to put a and use leverage with is read. i'm tied to our eyes bridging solutions we had
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from where we challenge a correspondence the end as well. it basically saying that this has rarely delegation. is she going to colorado with a lot more power than previous iterations? have been in terms of being actually able to negotiate what, what did you make of that? that was one of biden's main demands in his conversation on the phone with nothing. you know, it's amazing how much we can hang on that down. yeah. phone calls. but if these or apparently it was one of the things that by the month there's nothing you know, because he knew nothing, i was going to pay just game again and again and again. so the idea was you couldn't get the results unless the negotiating team has coverage, has a space to an over right, has the capacity or thought of the to, to reach a deal. now, the location is quite high ranking when you have the, the head of internal security and the head of the, beside the exterior security. right? i mean that's it, there's nothing else you can have in terms of reaching the deal. they don't need an
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attorney all on his lackey's back in the v of to reach of the, of the idea that this is an expanded a product here. now for that addition means that there is a better chance. but let's always remember that the situation is dieting. guys, so the gap between is on how much is huge, but there is interest and there is a momentum of bridging the gap switching of the even if it's an interim one. okay, thank you so much milan. as always, we really do appreciate it. i it's well as, as well continues, it's for ongoing so which the i c j has is a plausible case of genocide for one of the is mocking food. he is since the 1994 genocide this prison polk academy has used the occasion to point out the failures of the international community that has drawing parallels to the gaza strip. academic was joined by 37, the heads of state as he looked the flame of remembrance at the memorial in the capital of
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a galley commemorations that taking place across the country to remember the 800000 people who were messages over the course of a 100 day killing spree, who to malicious laws and people from the ethnic tootsie minority as well as coaching motor. it's none of the accounts. these are presented yet. they also send their sons and daughters to serve as peacekeepers in london, both sides. yes. did not fav wanda it was an international record minute which faded us on the genocide was triggered by the assassination of the who to president sheriff and l. have you ever ramada hutus accuse tootsie variables from the red ones in a trio like front of shooting down his plane? the group denied involvement between april and july through 2 militias and elements
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within the real ones and ami mastic until the season political opponents. the killings finally stopped on july. the 4th when there were ones in patriarch front, backed by uganda and the cab should the capital. golly marilla obviously was only 12 years old when she last have found the end of her one's in genocide. she reflects on had you any reconciliation, a sleigh. donald was only 42 years old, the same age the today. and so today came as a very important, so i told my kids all the time, the top i really got to have made it 43 years old, especially having a dog who was out there who was a professional. so complete area who was young, who was full of life and he was taken home, not the i have forgiven 100 percent. and i wish that there were many people in wanda that could really piece about forgiveness. instead of taking the
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digital sign of just the opposite to size, is that so the africa has highlighted, there were one to genocides during its case against is where i left the international court of justice. is this the international community failed to prevent the atrocities from being committed back in 1994 in one's history should not be repeated. victoria can be, has more the genocide in rwanda unfolded in food views to belgium, peacekeepers with torches, murders on the 1st day of the killings. an appeal for reinforcements was denied and does the number of those killed increased the united nations security council condemned domestic has. but refused on the insistence of the u. s. and the u. k. to use the term genocide, us president bill clinton admitted to require it when he visited rwanda in 1998. we did not act quickly enough after the killing began. we should not have allowed the
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refugee camps to become safe havens for the killer. we did not immediately call these crimes by their rightful name genocide. a report published by one to in 2021 found friends pool a significant responsibility for not stopping the mask because despite prior knowledge they were being planned, some estimates put the number of debt at around 800000 friends was accused of covering up its role and even protecting some perpetrators, a french inquiry, blame the government for not forcing the slaughter and said it more serious and overwhelming responsibility bought to absolve the french government of direct complicity. did you just count the money, the killers who stole the swamps, the hills? the touches did not have the face of france. france was not an accomplice. budget.
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the company's south africa has filed the case against israel at the international court of justice. accusing as of carrying out genocide in garza and says, history should not be repeated. the one that's been out of the statements, they've got a group to all of us for having food for, for the international coming, giving food to prevent it from hip. and that does not have it live with the similar to grid when it comes to published by the international criminal tribunal for when the based intends in the convicted 61 people for that role in the killings. hundreds of thousands more. her face trial and community quotes in rewind. so 2 years on many see the failings that led to that genocide as a time the less and i'm one that never seemed to more relevant. victoria gates and b l g 0. the mass killings of 1994 have had a long lasting effect on the region. around 2000000 vermont and split to the
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democratic public is called guides. they include members of the who team unless you're responsible for the genocide, that were one of this government slate by president pool kick ami has frequently sent um forces into the d. c. supposedly, to this you who to ripples the congolese as well as the you went into the united states accuse we're one of the, of supporting the in 23 to great lands like honey reports from going to an eastern democratic republic of congo. but a, it was off the general side, that's what did you which should label the one that you have for 1994 was exported to one of the neighboring forties of loved people and the department of side of the time. and today, the democratic republic of congo after this moment to hear the m 23. many local post by to in majority will stop by one on, on, according to the, the storage is go to see the status of his loved people and constantly even see the visits of wilma. why defy things still going on between the 2 sides?
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what would they put on top and they must have this in front of the for us congress . it's not 30 years after the genocide in rwanda was 30 years of genocide in the d . r. c. we have suffered more atrocities than what rwandan suffered in 3 months. with the desk of women, children and others in our country since 1994 is unplugged. on the day of the book, it was a serious mistake on the part of our started to use our opening of a board as the readings requested, allowing messages to enter the d r c. and unfortunately they arrived at the guns munition and as it meet you to equipment which continued to cut off, people in the region to this day to day is locked up. this continues active corporate team building to allows or would force them to meet on people, to flee their homes, including women and children. many of those killed who this time since most in the same process of living under the same shelters, without too much solar sure. like on any of those that are going on the democratic republic of congo, but which is more increase is a project to,
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to follow the great lakes with international across the screen, joins us now live from paris. thank you very much for being here with us. all know to 0, 1st of all 30 is on it. we're going to seems far more stable internally than many of its neighbors and the great lakes region. what do you think that that can be put down to? or what is the largest of these things? overlander is a, is a stable come to this now. fighting going on in the run, this borders which is, you know, many races degrades achievement given what happened during the 1990s. the main reason for that to start in 1994 um what was happening when the genocide took place is that the op ex had invaded rolanda from the newest nazi from that basis in uganda. and then push south into the country. and then the perpetrators, i swear a hearing on some advice trace the punch bridge to the genocide, mainly slide into the outcomes of into neighboring del cover effectively. they
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committed to genocide, but my last we, i think that's very important because what they did he say to allow him to pull down a in the office here to take total control of it for one and since 1994 in the corporate ave. and the p s have complete clicked on the night to go on to politics, and they have saves themselves that they've been determined to make sure that i need financing with vargas who commit to genocide. pull those who still have an extremist ideology will not take place on the random. so, and that's what they were when the leadership says. and that's why they send a proxy fighters for that road on a increased. and they all see, or at least is one of the reasons why they do, but it also explains why rolanda has managed to remain a stable country. i'm both very serious concerns about political rights symbols.
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but the domination of paul could always opt. you ask for so loud, it's kind of a nice saying for a terry and stability loss that to years and kick out me at the ceremony earlier today, we'll fix it on the failings of the international community to prevent the genocide . what lessons if any, do you think you've actually been learned from this as well? if these actions are very difficult, what really happened is that the many people did reflect in a very sincere way about how it is actually like just stall massachusetts, the part. it's not just a genocide but more broadly and that's the trusty bonnet. but unfortunately, we've seen that continue on with not just around the world, but also in particular in the great lakes region in the co go and the neighboring countries, such as bring the recei monstrosity volumes in the last 30 years. one of the major elements of the international response to the supply ups and the 1990. what is the
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set top large complex un peacekeeping missions? i quit to not certainly with sol, which is uh, the famous blue helmets, but also with human rights offices. atrocity prevention teams and so forth. but it seems that preventing the trustees in large areas in very complex complex situations is very difficult to do. an ultimately, the best way to prevent a trustee bothers really is to work to prevent civil rule. and of course, working to prevent the civil war means in a very good active conflict prevention diplomacy. and that is in very short supply, not just in the great lakes but around the world. yeah, i guess on that point, as we saw before, we spoke to you in a, in the package there and they bring to the see, especially in the eastern region, this obviously incredibly unstable at this point in time. what,
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how do you think that that is going to play out? and obviously we will, you think academy will continue to, to back in 23 is as has been alleged and the others, the guidance and others as well. have typed back proxy on groups are owners and the dmc, but they even support to ever since the 1990s. this has been a permanent feature of a nice and he's been d r. c, despite the full actually go to the war in 2003 full despite success, they've done across a key elected governments in the congo. i've been groups, i'm roaming around, i know probates, it's already proven. sound people, probably it's many, you know, to, but many of whom are backed by neighboring countries. rwanda, but also as i say, other countries not being true, right. talk to now at the moment um, there are landed security parking the $23.00,
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which is wreaking havoc across no problems. never went to says more or less likely in private to remind the sites. the reason for backing the empty tray is to counter the seattle group, which is a group led by people who were guilty of the genocide, 2 pages of the back to don't committed to genocide in 1994 so that we sent you the links and the history is present today, many probably suspect the one that has all the motivations, but never the nice this history of all the roles through the decades. unfortunately, while of the population of the people providence in the company i, i suffer the consequences. okay, thanks so much. richard, we'll have to leave a day, but we really do appreciate your time and your insight into all of us that is richard moncrief. from the international crisis group, which you have also a hit here on the al jazeera of the
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anger in mexico out the equitorial security forces still in the embassy in kito and the time the full of vice presidents and leisure and support. we tell you about the spanish football club that has won his 1st trophy in 40 years the the, i, the writing klaus gabrey wants to get into the se, offer so then slot systems around the river plate pushing across the uruguay. this weather system will produce some very live the showers as we go on through the remainder of sunday, then could cool some flash flooding. here's it, not you this way. by the northwoods and east was on the side of that temperature getting up to run $2627.00 celsius the service and also for a rad janera rear will warm up as we go through monday. the west, the weather,
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just using a little further north was at that stage. shy was continuing cause central of western post office sale using either towards equitable cease in lobby's house to into columbia. fine, and try that. you noticed for good past all the vendors, white up a guy and i had also a for sure and find a try for good positive carry pain. but some what's the weather is gathering around . the grapes around 2 is just pushing across to was his spawn yoda that went to where the more widespread easing down towards the a good parts of puerto rico. as we go on through monday, one or 2 shouts, 2 to 7 past of central america. now we got smo spelling across the rockies as we make our way into north america here. line of west a weather, just using across the plains, pushing for the race was warming up to the sit back the the biggest over the next. and yet in history, the world's biggest democracy,
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both its own epic showdown. in this final episode of speaking the port finally of prime minister and the movie elevated in the global b. this will be keyed long room under the microscope. examine how much is facts and how much is fiction to be in the port box for? oh, no. does he done? now let me tell you about the code result the past of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon, occupied right now able to practice what the now be used only and look just very close here. like common here, sits on to play with a large tires basically. but look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal resulted in gun the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the you're watching out. is there a reminder of our top stores? the seller is charles miller. trees is withdrawal. and most of its troops from con eunice, and southern cause of the heavy fighting israel has consent. the 4 of its soldiers died in an ambush in the city of mos is 14. what counts and it's 6 months since, as well as rouse war on guns began more than 33000 palestinians have been killed. nearly half of them children on you round of tulips on a safe spot is 2 to begin and car memorization of being held and for one to 2 months through these years since the start of the 1994 genocide who 2 forces killed
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more than 800000 tutsis and motor tutors present pool cook county has been joined. finally, 40 world leaders at a remembrance of and thank you. got it. with thousands of rockets, happy notes from living on into the occupied golden heights. his beloved sizes, say they targeted in his ready face and a defense post. the tag follows is riley strikes and living on the back of valley. 100 kilometers from the border across the board of fi has been common since the war on guns began and early on sunday, as well as military sit. it has completed another phase of preparations for possible for a lot of people with living on and syria. how he hush him has moved from the corner and someone living on a while to day. it was a bit tense with several is ready as strikes from the town of the um, to the east, to the town of uh, to uh, close to where we are here in the uh, in the corner. until the moment though,
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i know reports of casualties over there is really minutes. we have said that it has a talked to some military bases for hezbollah and of course hes blogs, been issuing statements today. one that claimed responsibility for an attack on uh to me, the 2 bases in the golan heights one in comp you off on the 2nd and killer. and this isn't going to, it's all the ation to, as well as i thought on the, because of all yesterday is red, said that these attacks on the, because of all the are also in retaliation to physical laws. downing off a sophisticated drone nor known as her mess, 900. now what, what seems to be happening is that as well is linking any targeting for ariella target's a to hitting the recall and the city of bali back or the surrounding it, which is around 100 kilometers deep from where we are here on the border. however,
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as well as retaliation by expanding the front target essentially, and launching rockets, sort of talking military bases to watch the golan heights, which is an area that wasn't being talked in previous was the contingency of the coast guard has recovered the bodies of at least 13 people, they were found off the coast of cx, with the boat sank. the number of migrants heading from tennessee to the italian coast has increased significantly as winter tends to spring and mid attorney and voice has become com. the russian forces have launched a new wave of the drone and missile strikes on the ukrainian city of hockey. have at least 4 people have been injured in the licensed attacks that struck a kindergarten and residential buildings. widespread power accounts are reported. no rush, it hasn't been defined as a tax on your credit. the 2nd largest city in recent weeks,
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child stratford has more from hockey. weird and impact site just outside central car kids. so you can see emergency services here. sifting through the rubble. i'll show you the impact site here. we're unsure as to exactly what the projectile was, but there are 2 very large explosions about half an hour ago as we were filming at another site where a drone has a need to set to destroy policies in that area. so she is off of here, so it was truly terrifying. there were 2 explosions. the 1st blue, all the windows out and it was thrown to the floor by the shockwave. i was slightly can cost. i think now it's time to leave the city. police attacks by russia are increasing frequency and intensity in the time. and of course, as you can imagine, they're having a massive impact on electricity. surprise as well. many of these strikes would be targeting electricity infrastructures,
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believe around $400000.00 households in the car, keep region all without tricity and a re arrow. so there is another alarm which more often than not, is quickly accompanied by a large block of $65.00. another is floating either another impact or another intersection. there are a growing phase here in khaki, if ukraine's 2nd largest city. this could well be a pretty to some sort of lodge of full scale operation by russian forces that we know a situation just be on the border around 30 kilometers from here. tell us drop it off to 0 concave. it's when you find in president the load him is zalinski has said his country will lose the war against russia, or if it doesn't get military hide from the us. if she'll get asked that the problem was ok, if the congress does not help you, crane ukraine will lose the war if you green loses the war, other states will be attacked. and this is a fact, right?
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you will seen the coming weeks that russia will be more and more persistent and will involve nuclear weapons in this question. only from the nuclear weapons they can put pressure on the other in the 2 countries, including the united states on society. so the society is afraid and then they will react to their leaders. i mean here we have some pressure to send to be involved and talks to reach a prisoner exchange white house national security advisor jake sullivan says the administration maintains regular contact with senior rational thursdays for a possible deal. eulley, a shop of all of a reports from mosca. russia believes prison exchanges with the us, our effects we've only agreed to behind closed doors. were you and you in june 2021 in geneva was russian and us intelligence surfaces created the channel to negotiate prison exchanges. and it was agreed to effectively operate confidentially in 2022 to successful slopes took place. pilots,
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constant senior russian cars freed in exchange for marine veteran trevor read and on the living to beat to basketball. pled briefly the lineup. now washington is eager to bring home another form of marine for wheeling. and wall street journal report to evan gosh, call bitch. russia keys, the willing, a career intelligence officer of trying to recruit adrian's from the security service and defense ministry. he's subbing a 16 yet time and a high security prison gosh called, which was also arrested on charges of espionage. he's in pre trial detention, facing up to 20 years behind foss with the difficulties because it's too often people can be used to collect intelligence without knowing it. this is standard practice for any and eloquent service that a person can collect information. sincerely believing that he's gathering material for an article. and honestly, it must be understood that any journalist and goods can, which is a journalist and a russian speaking person. willingness in our environment could cause great damage during an interview with us media presence, wedding a piece,
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and revealed discussions about the deal involved and gosh, coverage for in progress to initiative on play. hold on one second. i would also like him to go home eventually. i see the sincerely or are they beat the diagnoses on going the movie publicized things like this, the more difficult at the store to solve them. they both street journal denies the reports. he's a spy and maintains piece and is building up a pool of 4 in prison is to exchange for a few russians who really won't sponsor with alexander automotive disagrees, and you'll be as close to put to a specific says the youth. how would you say someone is specifically creating an exchange fund? phone agents often turn up at some point when an intelligence service receives a surrender, or should i cite, filed agent from the opposite side. it begins assessing how valuable that person he's here without a viable candidate to exchange numerous sources suggest washington 10 states allied germany were russian intelligence officer, but jim crossteck called is subbing
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a life sentence for mazda berlin was reportedly considering, swapping him for exceeding the volley before the crime increasing died in jail. currently, a number of other russian american jewel nationals are also raising to be sentenced in russia. negotiations on a possible exchange of those prisoners seem to have sold often of only stuff. i only say that russia is unlikely to stop arresting people. it considers for an agency because it has no plans to wind down its intelligence activities abroad. you dash across all of the o g, a z right most k to major flossing in the southwest and russian city of old because full cities, full 1000 people to event q wise. well it's good time to about 200000 people. the government has declared a federal emergency in response to ritual rain caused a dam to boost on friday and or thursday. so i'm more ryan is expected. the funding is expected to peak by tuesday. the correct q a has joined mexico and cutting diplomatic ties with equity on the move comes off
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the ecuadorian police raided, mix the can right to the mexican embassy and key type. so on friday, security forces are risk. the former ecuadorian vice president, whole i gloss. it's all political asylum at the embassy in december. john holman has moved from mexico city. it was the last leg of the journey. it's ruptured relations between mexico and it could to pull the glass vehicle during exploits. president, being taken to the rock, a maximum security prison. make why cube in december, during the begun was a visit to the mexican embassy to us for signing of the full months of being held up. the next could find the ground to the on friday. and then it could during please student, the embassy roughed up some diplomatic stuff and to gloss away it was an incredibly unusual step. even in this turbulent region,
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i think it's very difficult to find the president over the storming of 40 embassy letting america it is grossing a red line, which has been various strongly respected even for a different date. there seems seem great in the reason. so it is a, a very serious violation of international class. it twice been convicted of corruption. the ecuadorian authorities have been in fact take the mexico. shouldn't protect too many, num, amanda, whether there's no way that he can be seen as politically, religiously or ethnically persecuted, mexico contravene? clearly the principle of no intervention and the internal affairs of another country. ecuador told mexico several times to not grant class asylum. the latin american governments on the less embroidery from presents watson tina, condemned the embassy invasion. there was smooth protests outside the ecuadorian
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embassy in mexico city. as the mexican stuff in kito made their way home by the mexico, expect ecuador to offer the necessary guarantees for our departing diplomatic personnel. mexico appealed to the international court of justice to hold ecuador accountable for violations of international law. it is unclear to appeal to the quotes will have any time to believe impact. and that's the thing about this, the storming of another countries embassy has always been seen a site to do that site to be quite rare to find recent examples of it happening. now. the question is, what's the still public countries doing the same? the ripples from equity, those actions could be felt for a fail been just here in mexico. don't home. and i would just say to mexico city, i just sent you still a, he's here on the l just there, including i'm wayne. hey, in oakland where we take a look at the supermarket. you won't believe both here and in australia and how the
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prices are affecting customers in these difficult economic times. and an unexpected moment for this goal for playing and the text is open and he will be here with that . and the rest of the day school, the unique perspective, everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's home us. it's right here. and right now, the stream on our critical debate, pony farmers are angry, people have starving,
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and we actually have to be experts. oh wow. good. because we money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy, let me cut out of the student's name and date, and course the arrivals inside story on out to 0 of the the . okay, so at this point now, his andy, thank you so much. tell him a little pool or playing much as united to them. what could be a decisive game in the english premier league consulate, race winfield club, same at old trafford, will take them back to the top of the table. beautiful to take the 1st off late thursday,
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asked brenda fernandez as equalized fee united after the break. 11 is the light to school, the temperature arrivals austell and manchester city. both one on saturday in spain for the bill, bountiful memphis trophy in full to use a lead me your full to own penalties, to claim the company. oh, right. that 24 couple signed for the 1st 1994. the last, the previous 6 point is also the originally funding source that came through it in 2012. was i managed by exclusively coaching us to avoid a certain contention for its full finish in the spanish think that this is what it was because of a little bit. this title is something special. we've been chasing it for a long time, and i'll have to all those finals we've lost. it's finally here. that's why i feel disrupt means a lot for athletic. i didn't want to say anything because i didn't know what was going to happen, but yes, i can't compare this title to anything i've won before. a lot of game is played in
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seville, but somehow frowned, watching vacaville bows stadium more than 50000 gallon just to watch it on a big screen so vile. the full oldest spanish club and 13 never would seem relegated from the top find so long. so i thought the enrollment in the united states, lino massey made his come back into miami, after nearly a month out in gypsy school after coming on in the 2nd officer drove a level against the colorado rapids. allow me to uh, go ahead, the colorado minus to level the gang finished to see how much the stuff in the house extended his lead. at the top of the form and a one drive his championship, he won the japanese girl on prey, had of his rightful teammate. such are for us that we spoke triples back to winning ways. after his rabbit time in less time out in australia. actually step in lead from start to finish. it says zuka, claiming the japanese growing pre for the 3rd year in
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a row 3 wins from for the season. i put in 13 points clear and the championship. yeah. very nice. everything just run really well. pits something well assorted. you everything worked out well. so could have been any better. the race had been delayed after a heavy crash on the map between alex albums, williams and the o. b of daniel ricardo site. it's hi simone. it's done hurt, but the clean up job took 30 minutes while because it didn't put the stepping off though, cruising to the check and flag nearly 13 seconds ahead of his rental teammate. so do you have perez? carla signs who went in australia edged out this for army team. i chose the click to complete the podium in the place. i think we need a very good raise. we some would over. thanks for being uh yeah. at one point in the race, i thought it was not going to to happen to pull your mind. but then he made us think when i put the new hard, the that i gave me a really good feeling and i could push, i need done about 3 sciences being replaced at the end of the season by lewis hamilton. the 7 time champion continues to struggle in his final campaign with,
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besides finishing down and notes in this rice. i don't know if you can take many processing. we can, i mean the, the cost finished, which is good. but we're like, you know, 79 process. so next step is the chinese going pre in 2 weeks time where the should happen. well, once again, be the heavy favorites. it's hard to see anyone stuffing human, these quests to win. well title number 4 savings folks out just there was a double when the ac i appear at the paris marathon, the close is different to the one that will be used to dealing picks in august. and they've got to in my one the men's rights. and that's on a 2 hours, 5 minutes and 33 seconds. and it was much less the k. he took the wind and the women's events, which was impressive. it was at 1st american. it's the 1st time in 5 years that easy. okay. i've done the double in the french camp, so let me check if it shows he's targeting to titles in power space share the olympic tournament will be played on the clay. cool. so for all in general,
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swear the franchise will be held just the head of the games. the world and born is starting is quite cool season at this week's monte carlo masters having one rolling doris as many times as i one the other slammed. so it's always, that has been the toughest one for me to win, but you know, that's again, the goal of this here is to really peak. it empowers and uh, and i think having powers before olympic games is good because you're going to have plenty of weeks in a clay court time. and then hopefully when the olympics arrive i can actually, yeah, basically play play the best bet as i possibly can. less than a week and so the masters and former champions says or go see or is it good for them? the spaniard was a 2 shot late at the live tour events in miami being play the don't trumps. cool. sit there out for the coil. go sit, hold 6 buddies on site today for, for in the past 68. he's not wanna live tournament yet despite being one of the 1st
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prize to join the series back in 2022, the one, the master's in 2017. so as a lifetime exemption to play in that sort of minutes, it's a pretty strange moments. the swings that look very big here at the texas certainly thought it was the head, the smart thing of his driver at the 17 co, just amazingly, he's still in need of getting the boat on the great and pretty close to the heart of the i the cuz already booked his place at the upcoming masters, which will be his 1st major championship and frank, heated, sorry, a 16 races in a row on the same day. the sense that i need to track in california before the actually started be altered and do not what is being 77000. so won't know the 1st time the telling us done something like this. back in 1996 he wrote 7 it straight. when is at our scope in the u. k. all right, but as i suppose looking for that. so for them, thanks so much and a well not just different markets and several countries are coming on the increasing scrutiny or the price gouging in australia. a government inquiry into
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the grocery sick that has been long standing using and shuffles are paying some of the highest prices in the world. wayne high reports from oakland of the easy land is in a recession. money is tied to so many and more than any with that's being felt in the supermarkets. there were just 2 major grocery companies in new zealand, which control 80 percent of the markets, squeezing consumers and supplies. on the same time, i only have one or 2 magistrates my pets to sell to. i don't feel like they're able to put a livelihood risk. and i will say he took 6, the 10s that i could buy from us. look at me delegations of price gouging at anti competitive behavior. last year, the government introduced amended 3 code of conduct for the grocery companies. there been many complaints. again, supermarkets, both here and in australia, including advertising, special discounted price is on products. would you like to have found to be more
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expensive than the original price or combo deals on items which it cheapest is bought individually? in australia, $2.00 companies have 65 percent of the markets and the being criticized. be using inflation as an excuse to keep increasing prices. nice. i agree to be interviewed by l g 0. but the government is investigating the industry. we hope that these inquiries will not only encourage supermarkets to do better by consumers, but encourage the government to introduce strong the laws and protections for consumers. there's more competition in places like great person in the united states, but in the us, food prices have increased 25 percent in the last 4 years. the new zealand and australian markets a smaller and therefore less attractive to foreign companies to into it's the consumers itself is perhaps now more than ever. wayne, hey, elgin's era. oakland
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a good. let's leave you with some cab devising pictures from iceland showcasing 2 of the inches, most spectacular events happening simultaneously. interrupting volt kinder and the northern lights. it is the 2nd time and as many weeks that iceland has been lucky enough to say the spectacle as well. that's all for me for this, do the, i will be back in just a moment. was much more of the guys news, the african narrative from african perspectives. nature has always been this some way. my child to short documentary spine, african filmmakers looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at from what is key is that it's part of our history. back couple from nigeria and rewriting libraries from africa direct
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on. i'll just the last name ashan in their own words 3, i'll just leave a general as described, working and survived through his rails or so. of course, a lot of mind that was gone and especially as much i think the sort of journalism under genocide on a just so you know, you want to report, but at the same time you want to feature probably you also want to stay alive being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story, amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the
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devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the . ready as well as pulling some of its troops out of kansas con eunice area, as it sends a delegation to cairo to 65 towards the hello until mccrae, this is l g 0 life. and so coming up cause a month, 6 months old and $33000.00 palestinians have been killed nearly half of them children. it was an international equipment in which faded


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