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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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the, the . ready is rollers pulling some of its troops out of kansas con eunice area, as it sends a delegation to kyra to $65.00 towards the hello, until mccrae, this is al, just they're alive from the so coming up, cause a months, 6 months old, and 33000 palestinians have been killed nearly half of them children. it was the international equipment in which faded is being 30 years since the stats of the ones in june. the sides of the country has been honoring the victims. and hockey comes on the attack again. is russia launch is
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most strong, so when you cry and 2nd largest city, the, these really military has withdrawal. most of its truths from the con eunice area and southern gaza leaving behind just one brigade. and this is the devastation that i have left behind is where else is the pullout, is in order to recuperate and prepare for future operations. now it comes 6 months up to is round launched. it's more and more the international court of justice is, is a plausible case of genocide. and the assault began after a mazda attacked southern israel on october, the 7th killing more than $1100.00 people and taking over $200.00 captive. now. since then, as well as bombardments of this trip has killed molden susie, $3000.00 palestinians, nearly half of them children. another round of seats find negotiations and sit to resume in cairo on sunday, delegations from israel and tomas are expected to attend,
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which helen's isn't occupied east jerusalem from where he sent the sump dies on the day that this will reach is the off the mark on the day this is ready, minute 3, announce is the desk of for more is ready. soldiers killed, fighting in the con eunice. the ministry also announces the withdrawal of basically old ground troops and gaza apart from one brigade. now an explanation for anyone who doesn't know about ministry divisions and brigades and battalions, etc, a brigade and these ready army is about 2 to 5000 people. now this brigade is being left in the sense of gaza and basically splitting the script been to between north and south. the is ready. all me have them set exactly why it's done this, but of course as being discussed extensively and these ready media and they using, i've minutes, resources i'm, well that's saying is that the ministry basically believes that the fine things in
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that hon. eunice, that hall for ration has been satisfactorily concluded. the division that was doing that fighting is now being withdrawn for rest and recuperation. and the model that is going to be used for the ground forces in casa for the foreseeable future. he's small, the raids basically the job based on intelligence that the is already met. if he gets in the brigade that's last is going to be able to go noise is going to be able to go south and do those more to live with that raise and is full sight going to be able to prevent the displaced people from the north through now sheltering this house from going home again, that's something that you've already committed for you at the moment it say that it wants to do it wants to contain that washington has also been weighing in on the troop withdrawal. here's what, what house, national security communications advantage on could be,
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had decided short time ago. it's, it's hard to know exactly what that tells us right now. this was just an announcement that they made. i'd certainly let them speak to their operations as we understand it. and through their public announcements, it is really just about rest and reset for these troops that have been on the ground for 4 months. and not necessarily that we can tell indicative of some coming new operation for these troops. they've been on the ground for 4 months. the, the word we're getting is they're tired. they need to be re fit to erica bozer. and this following developments from rafa and southern gaza. these very minute treat today has with a drove in from the city of calling you this also whole months of fight thing unplugged. the attacks that have been carried out and that entire city turning it completely to be hit with a narrative quick seemingly specifically that the majority of areas had been widely reduced to the russell part yesterday. over noise or more bloody attacks have been carried out between post pods. as the military wing of the month of december gates has announced that the managed to accomplish military troops with that to us. but
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the rates and the eastern part of the city of new this is specifically in is in the neighborhood, were a police knowing is very soon we just have been killed. the as they have been attacking 3 mercury bought times. um its ongoing, also confrontations. and i'm a neighborhood between from us pointers and it has been a sewage effect led to the killing according to the mandatory ring. the statement to 5 is very so we just bought today these very minute treat in fact has with the drove in from the majority of areas in the city or partners. and they are right now are stationed in the eastern part of the city, and uh, in the entire goal, is this trip? now they are only one. he's very, a brigade is operating in mates. that ring couldn't a junction which completely responsible for preventing a palestinian desk displaced palestinians from returning back to the houses in the north. i'm palestinians in particular. see that step that has been taken today by the is really mandatory as a kind of further preparation for a potential military, encouraging for roughly district and also for daily derek by the us. it's very
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immediate reports say that this step is linked to the negotiations, right? now are going on in cairo regarding the possibility to reach for c spy agreements, which was on the east bed within the coming days. paul, also with the ministry on the ground is waiting for the, the, the mission and decision from the is really a political, real leadership regarding expands and of the operations in derek by the roof where the is where the military did not operate in since the beginning of the conflict is riley has confirmed it will send a delegation, led by the head of most said to seize 5. totes switch you to get underway in colorado as well as prime minister has also been speaking about as roles. position the head of those tools can be honored to be sure to come us stop showing us how math hopes that the pressure from outside and inside will make israel surrender to these extreme demands. it will not happen. israel is ready for a deal. it's israel is not ready to surrender, instead of international pressure being directed at israel,
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which only causes him us to hot in its positions. the pressure of the international community should be directed against thomas a call box, not as israel continues its 4 on gallons of which the i c j has said is a plausible case of genocide for one to is making 30 years since the 1994 genocide the president polk academy has used the occasion to point out the failures of the international community that strong parallels. it's because a strip with a gun that was joined by 37, the heads of state as he left the flame of remembrance at the memorial in the capital galley commemorations that taking place across the country. to remember the 800000 people who were mess the kids all over the course of a 100 day killing spree. who to him that issues slows, and people from the ethnic tootsie minority as well as who to motor it's. none of the counselors are presented to have to they also send their sons and daughters
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to serve. as peacekeepers, yolanda bolton associates did not fav ronda. it was an international requirement which faded on the left. he was only 12 years old when she lost her father and there were wanting genocide. she reflects on her journey of reconciliation so that it was only 42 years old, the same age the today. and so today came as a very important i telling my kids all the time the top i really signed got to have made it 43 years old, especially having a dog who was out there who was a professional. so completely who was young. she was full life ending was to come home, not the i have forgiven 100 percent and i wish that there were many
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people in wanda that really takes about forgiveness. instead of taking up the general sign of just the opposite to size. is that so therefore cat has highlighted the red ones, a genocide steering it's case against as well as the international court of justice . and since the international community failed to prevent the atrocities from being committed back in 1994 and was history should not be repeated. victoria guy, somebody has more. the genocide in rwanda unfolded in full view to belgium peacekeepers with torches, murders on the 1st day of the killings and appeal for reinforcements was denied. and does the number of those killed increased the united nations security council condemned domestic cuz that refused on the insistence of the u. s. and the u. k. to use the term genocide, us president bill clinton admitted to require it when he visited rwanda in 1998. we
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did not act quickly enough after the killing began. we should not have allowed the refugee camps to become safe havens for the killer. we did not immediately call these crimes by their rightful name, genocide report published by one to in 2021, found friends for a significant responsibility for not stopping the mask because despite prior knowledge they were being planned, some estimates put the number of debt at around 800000 friends was accused of covering up its role and even protecting some perpetrators. a french inquiry, blame the government, so not for seeing the slaughter and said it more serious and overwhelming responsibility, boston to absolve the french government of direct complicity. a u. s. count the
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monkey, the killers who stole the swamps, the hills, the touches did not have to face the front fronts. was not an accomplice. budget to complete. south africa has filed a case against israel at the international court of justice. accusing as of carrying out genocide in garza and says, history should not be repeated. the one that's been out of the statements, they've got a view to all of us for having phase for, for the international coming, giving food to prevent it from hip. and that does not have it live with the same but a grid when it comes to palestine. the international criminal tribunal for when the based intends and the convicted. 61 people for that role in the killings. hundreds of thousands more. her face trial and community quotes in rewind. so 2 years on many see the failings that led to that genocide as a time the less and i'm on this never seem to more relevant. victoria gates and b l g 0. have richard moncrief is
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a project director with an international crisis group. he earlier told me the international community has failed and it's judy to prevent genocide in the past or complex regional conflicts continue to this day. i, a presenting of trustees in large areas in very complex complex situations is very difficult to do. and ultimately the best way to prevent the trust divided really is to work to prevent civil war. and of course, working to provide civil war means, you know, very good active conflict prevention diplomacy and that is in very short supply, not just in the great lakes but around the world. yeah, i guess it on that point, as we saw before, we spoke to you in a, in the package there at the neighboring is the see, especially in the eastern region. this obviously you incredibly unstable at this point in time. what, how do you think that, that is going to play out?
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and obviously we, we, you think you gummy will continue to, to, back in 23 is as has been alleged as well. you know, the around the others uh, the guidance and others as well have tags that proxy on groups, the owners and the dmc, but they even support to ever since the 1990s. this has been a permanent feature of nice and he's been biase despite the full electric of the war in 2003 full despite success they've done across, it can be elected governments in the cold. i've been of the groups roaming around. i know. can you move probates? it's already proven, so people grow, it's many years, very little, but many of whom are backed by neighboring countries. rwanda, but also as i say, other countries, i'm not being true rights up to now at the moment. um, they're aligned to the security marketing, the i'm $23.00, which is wreaking havoc across new products. never went to says more or less.
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bailey and private reminder says it's reason for backing. the empty tray is to counter the the law group, which is a group led by people who were guilty of the genocide, 2 pages of the backseat or committed to genocide in 1994. so that we see the links and the history is present today. many probably suspect the one that has all the moved to the patients, but nevertheless, this history of all the roles through the decades. unfortunately, while of the population of the people permits him to come go, i suffer the consequences to facilitate here on al jazeera. so following thing on donations, we made cancer patients an argentine of feeling abandoned by the new governments, plus how shim injured this, who sent what restoration is on the way to please my driving
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trades and cultural home. the hello funding concerns remain in place across southern parts of china. still a fair but a cloud coming out. so if you will weather as you go on through the next couple of times, you'll see this training weather system. it's pushes out into the northwest pacific flick its way a little further north with this. we go through the next couple of days. so what's the weather? also coming in to southern parts of japan to shoes, southern areas of honda shooting some big down pools. as we go through monday night really wraps up because that is the side of japan as we go 13, tuesday, to the west of that. it stays warm, dry and sunny across the korean peninsula. 20 celsius. we'll call them and basing little mo cloud coming through here with some showers. still chance of one or 2 showers down towards the south of the re starting to peek around town that stage
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one or 2 showers to into the philippines. but losey fine and dry here, as is the case across in the china, scattering the shelves there across bonia. it'd be as a weather heavy as ray will be able to will still away see, and still some live the shelves, the around job. and so much i love the shelves continue. meanwhile, across that is the side of india just pushing across into a mock up. a dash temperature is very much on the high side for good part of india . a way for me no. shall. should i at around 40 degrees celsius, not too far off. that's in new delhi. rama time is a time a messy transformation. worship reward for every good deed is multiplied by 70. it's also brings nice due to the millions of people around the world to us suffering, trumpets, injury to conflict, devastating disasters,
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and abject poverty. donate use a cat to human appeal. now to help save lives and transform communities. the the the you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the ssl is ready me. latrice is its withdrawal, and most of its troops from the con eunice area and southern cancer, leaving just one brigade behind as well says the pull out isn't order to recuperate, and prepare for future operations. is being heavy funding between the um, drawing of a mazda and is there any forces in con, eunice, these ready army has now consumed at least 4 of its soldiers were killed. the light
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is round. i've ceased find negotiations is due to get underway in cairo in the coming hours, as well as now i can send a delegation will attend at lance by the head of most ed from us, confirmed its attendance on saturday. but thousands of rockets had been launch from living on into the occupied golden heights. his beloved by his side, they targeted and his riley base and a defense post. the tank follows is ready strong. some living owns becca valley, 100 kilometers from the boat of the cross boat of fine has been common since the war on guns began. and early on sunday, as well as military said, it has completed another phase and preparations for a possible full on full with living on and syria. how sion has moved from the quarter in southern living on a while to day. it was a bit dense with 7, all is ready as strikes from the town of the to the east, to the town of, uh, to uh, close to where we are here in the uh,
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in the corner. until the moment the annual reports of casualties over there. is really ministry. i said that it has a talk to some military bases for hezbollah. and of course, hes blogs, been issuing statements today. one that claimed responsibility for an attack on uh to me, the 2 bases and the golan heights one and comp you on the 2nd and kayla. and this is in go to the ocean to as well as i thought on the because of all the yesterday is red, said that these attacks on the, because of all the are also in retaliation to physical laws. downing off a sophisticated draw, nor known as her mess, 900. now why, what seems to be happening is that as well is linking any targeting for ariella target's a to hitting the recall and the city of bali back or there. yes. surrounding it, which is allowed 100 kilometers deep from where we are here on the border. however,
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as well as retaliation by expanding the front horizontally and launching rockets, so attacking military bases to watch the golan heights, which is an area that wasn't being talked in previous was the, the printing present. below them is the lens cases. this country will lose the war against russia. if it doesn't get more military aid from the us. if she'll get ask the most ok, if the congress does not help you, crane ukraine will lose the war. if you green loses the war, other states will be attacked. and this is a fact, right? you will seen the coming weeks that russia will be more and more persistent and will involve nuclear weapons in this question. and my only from the nuclear weapons they can put pressure on the other and the 2 countries, including the united states on society. so the society is afraid and then they will react to their leaders. and i was on this case,
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comments came as russian forces launched a new wave of drone and missile strong, some of the ukrainian city of concave, the nicest attacks, struck a kindergarten and residential buildings, and a wide spread pal accounts shall strep. it has moved from hockey's. weird and impact, so i just outside central car cave, you can see emergency services here. sifting through the rubble. i'll show you the impact site here was run, show as to exactly what the projectile was, but there are 2 very large explosions about half an hour ago, as we were filming at another site where a drone had faded to set to destroy policies in that area. 1000 yourself of new so it was truly terrifying. there were 2 explosions. the 1st blew all the windows out and i was thrown to the floor by the shockwave. i was slightly can cost. i think now it's time to leave the city. police attacks by russia are increasing frequency
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and intensity in the time. and of course, as you can imagine, they're having a massive impact on electricity supplies as well. many of these strikes would be targeting electricity input structures, believe around $400000.00 households in the car, key region, all without electricity and a re arrow. so there is another alarm which more often than not, is quickly accompanied by a large velocity before i got another explosion, either another impact or another interception there, a growing phase here in khaki, ukraine's 2nd largest city. this could well be a premiere to some sort of lodge of full scale operation by russian forces that we know a situation just be on the border around 30 kilometers from here, troll stuff down to 0, concave to the us and russia us it to be involved and talks to reach
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a prison to exchange. what else? national security advisor jake sullivan says the administration maintains regular contact with mosca for a possible deal. the leadership of all of our reports. russia believes present exchanges with the us are reflective only if the agreed to behind closed doors were you knew in june 2021 in geneva was russian. and us intelligent surfaces create the channel to negotiate prison exchanges. and it was agreed to and the fed to, to, to operate confidentially in 2022 to successful slopes. took place pilot cost and senior russian cars freed in exchange for marine veteran trevor read. and on the lubbock to beat to basketball. pled briefly the lineup. now washington is eager to bring home another form of marine for wheeling and wall street journal report to evan gosh, call beach. russia accused women, a korean intelligence officer of trying to recruit adrian's from the security service and defense ministry. he's subbing a 16 yet time and
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a high security prison gosh call, which was also arrested on charges of espionage. he's in pre trial detention, facing up to 20 years behind boss when you difficulties because it's too often people can be used to collect intelligence without knowing it. this is standard practice for any intelligence service. a person can collect information, sincerely believing that he's gathering material for an article. it must be understood that any journalist and goods can, which is a journalist and a russian speaking person. willingness in our environment could cause great damage during an interview with us media present to the team, a piece and revealed discussions about a deal involved and gosh, coverage for in progress to initiative on play, hold on one consequence. i would also like him to go home eventually. i see the sincerely hardly pete the dialogue is on going with the more we publicize things like this, the more difficult at the store to solve them. the whole street journal denies the repulse. he is a spy and maintained space and is building up
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a pull of foreign prisoners to exchange for a few russians who really won't spike with alexander automotive disagrees, and you'll be as close to put to us. but sooner says the youth, i would say someone is specifically creating an exchange fund. phone agents often turn up at some point when an intelligence service receives a surrender, or should i cite, filed agent from the opposite side. it begins assessing how valuable that person he's here without a viable candidate to exchange numerous sources suggest washington 10 states allied germany with russian intelligence officer, but jim crossteck called is subbing a life sentence for mad a bullying was reportedly considering swapping him for i'll explain the bony before the criminal critic died in jail. currently, a number of other russian american jo, nationals are also raising to be sentenced in russia. negotiations on a possible exchange of those prisoners seem to have sold often of only stress. honestly say the russia is unlikely to solve
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a resting people. it considers for an agents because it has no plans to wind down its intelligence activities. a road usually shut off all about old jersey. right most scared, sergeant taken his prison. javier malay took office promising to end the welfare state. he says, has ruined the economy. but while he implements his plans, people are struggling to find the medications and some of the dying because they're not getting what they need to buy. so by propose from both sides the past year hasn't been easy for about the windows 10 to 15 years old and was diagnosed with leukemia in the middle of an economic crisis. in argentina. he social security benefits don't cover the medication he needs. the law says that the federal government is responsible but follow has been struggling to get the came of therapy that will save him, his surviving on donations because his family can't afford the treatment, which costs more than a $100000.00. i feel better now. i was in the hospital for
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a while and it was terrible, but my mother was able to find a donor for some chemotherapy, and i'm better now. many are blaming have you had relate to the office promising to reduce government spending. history in generally forms or having an impact on poor argentines, and those in need of medical help. finish base $31.00, and has to be diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma, a type of cancer that attacks the immune system. it can be cured if treated early. the government says that they were irregularities and the handling of the medicines, but they never stopped giving them away. they have created a list of people with a cases, but they were taken care of. for les, this case is right there. but until now, she has not received the medicines that she desperately needs. the last time she received a full treatment within december companion. they would, i will grant a cancer charity. she says the government department in charge of handling the
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medication is being audited. nissan responding to patients needs said that it's here and you're guessing the most. we have been assisting families for 13 years. but since december we have been getting is this of cases with people calling us? cried human every hour. we don't know what else to do to help you. many of those fighting to get the medicines have ended up in court. sewing the government by the weight of has a rear crony can only take any mia condition, which means this red blood cells are being destroyed faster than his body can replace them a contract. i don't know how we contacted a lawyer and we made it public. so our case wasn't rejected, and that's why he has the medicine until maybe 6. after that we will have to start again. these are just some people whose lives direct risk because they rely on the state to save them. but they are in getting the help they need, at least to cancer patients have died in recent weeks. the survivors, i hoping venue government won't forget them. some of the ladies,
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i will just see that when a site is saudi arabia is spending billions of dollars on developing tourism, but also investing in preserving its cultural heritage. one area that's benefiting is the old town and the city of jetta. it's a unesco listed site known as l ballade. shamal bar explains how it's rich history is coming back to los as soon as you get into the old center of jet the, you find yourself lost in amazing all the ways and buildings hundreds of years. so spread over an area of just one mind and better these home to more than $650.00 historical buildings made a total stones and would have caused problems to be honest because it's a very ord, it's a nice area to take to. so the people, it's amazing, i revisit many of a a rabbit countries before. uh but uh, what city like was we never meet before. so before the seat house is
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a landmark building, it was ones the temporary residence of sandy radius found the king of the disease or was a 100 years ago for more than a 1000 years, muslims from off because i live on and south east asia passed through here all the way to mca turning the old city into a labyrinth cosmopolitan and culturally diverse hub for sound is preserving bath. heritage is crucial, not only to attracting to risk, also said the stands out of the city with a vibrancy of its own demand. and how we has a degree in traditional outwards, she enjoys showing visitors. the dedicated geometric patterns and vote is used in the architect to.


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