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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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provides for the nation's flow. stop is wise name us is spending millions of dollars to clean up its industrial facilities. plus millions of uses around the world will now have to buy microsoft office without counting the cost on the outs us era. the israel says of the 300 trucks hub cross now into guns at the most in one day since school began 6 months ago. the hello, i money in sight, this is all and is there a 9 or so coming up as ro, which was most of its troops from con, units in gulf of south. but the defense minister says is to pass
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a future operations, including long in russia, is really on ones and presidents meet to mark the specially economists free of the london jenise time. and talk key comes on the attack again as russia nor choose most try san ukraine sections the as rarely authorities say the largest transfer if you monetary and aid supplies into gaza. since the will began has taken place. they say 322 trucks, most of them carrying food happenstance and to the strip that number still falls well short of the over 500 trucks that used to cross into gauze every day before october. the 7th. it comes days off to the us wound is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the washington support depends on israel commissioning to
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protecting civilians. need work is palestinians in gauze a currently facing a mine made famine because israel has been restricting humanitarian aid entry. let's go straight to tarika was zoom ease and ruffin southern gaza for us tonic. so tell us exactly what we are hearing now about these $300.00 plus a trucks that have entered southern gaza. what did they contain? and what are the movements, the, the yes, inside the there a 1000000, the humanitarian troops that type into the gaza strip. to that you from both. com. i will send them on the roof. i of course things usually are around $300.00 to $22.00 humanitarian troops. that are loaded with different kinds of humanitarian supplies, including flour, rice, sugar, divestiture of basic necessities for palestinians and includes an ocean can sewage alongside with you and also dance for cookery for security purposes. now these aids
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that tucked into the guns a strip have been distributed to you in the southern parts of the gaza strip. a number of it has been allowed to get to the number of parts of the territory. and it's worth mentioning that they are not the majority of it to, to, to, to be human, to turn to supplies. because a part of these drugs are considered to be commercial trucks that are directed to the private sector, who have been both by policy and trade is here in order to be sold to the people in the southern parts of the territory. so generally, so now people in the north did not receive much needed like saving supplies, despite the usability decisions open. air is of course, is only about 3 humanitarian talks have entered. well, within the last 2 days, one has been loaded with a few and 2 others with medical supplies that had been transferred to come on. i'd want hospital in order to help to cute the patient the without any the flow of the humanitarian cool boys to help to mitigate risk of revising funding and for people
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who are suffering in the notes of the 2 or 3. okay. many things to that topic, assume that for us in southern gaza. well, israel says it has withdrawn most of its troops from con eunice in southern golf and leaving just one brigade behind and comes off to at least 4 is where the soldiers were killed in vassals with palestinian factions. this is the devastation that's been left behind in con eunice, over 33000 palestinians. nearly half of them children have now been killed since israel's one guns and began 6 months ago. is where the defense minister you, i've got and says the troop withdrawal was done to, for past soldiers for more offensive into goals that including into rough gauze, the southern most city, the plan to send ground troops into rafa has previously solved international condemnation. hope you'll see my thoughts are the forces are accessing and preparing for the next missions. we saw examples of these missions in the shift operation and also of that coming mission into the rough area. well,
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any of the white house national security communications advise that seemed to say the opposites of got out and he said to move to pull troops was about resting soldiers not preparing for a new offensive. it's hard to know exactly what that tells us right now. this was just an announcement that they made. i'd certainly let them speak to their operations as we understand it. and through their public announcements, it is really just about rest and reset for these troops that have been on the ground for 4 months. and not necessarily that we can tell indicative of some coming new operation for these troops. they've been on the ground for 4 months. the work we're getting is they're tired. they need to be re fit. what i'm doing now. bye mohammed. alma sir, i political. i'm as if, as a media studies at the low institute for graduate studies, but haven't good to have you in the program. again, a couple of new lines to discuss with you. i want to start with these a trucks, $300.00 plus $322.00. exactly. we're being told by these rallies that have entered a through rasa in the south. and as we just had from our corresponding topic,
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this is the, this is to be distribution just in the south north, in the north. it clearly, uh, if the is rarely is all now starting to feel some pressure from the us. yeah, absolutely i, i have 3 reactions to this. the 1st reaction is that this is welcome. certainly an increase in aid to a starving population should be welcome to the 2nd thing is that this is not nearly enough prior to the start of the war, 500 trucks, we're getting in per day. and i think we have to highlight, and we would be remiss if we didn't highlight that even that was not enough. according to the united nations, more than 40 percent of palestinians were suffering from quote, severe food in security. this is prior to october 7. so even 500 trucks wasn't enough and now you have a famine stricken population. so how many trucks would be needed to sort of restore some of those nutritional deficiencies?
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so it's not enough. my last reaction, i think this might be the most important one, is that everything that we were told by the united states and israel, over the past several months that everything possible was being done and all pressure was being exerted to get more aden. not all turned out to be lies because uh the mainly it's possible it is possible as soon as possible and that's what this is showing us. so i think that's maybe the most important lesson here. we've also had truce pulled out of a fun eunice today, and we played that so sadly, if the of you, i've got an saying that this could be in preparation for another invasion into rasa . do you think these riley's would defy the united states on roughly because president barton has made it clear over and over again. that invading rasa is a red line. right. well, he hasn't used the word or red line, but he does not want. i, i think, you know, i'm very cynical about the united states and the things that they say and as, as i've expressed on in this chair and the spot many times. but i do not think the
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united states wants israel to invade off. i would be a really bad look. by them is i'm in a lot of trouble at the polls as we've discussed. you might lose this election to donald trump in november on account of how he's handling garza now. time will tell whether or not there is ran. these are going to fall in line with the, with the us position of galandes using strong language as netanyahu was used to strong language there, they remain adamant that they're going to invade off off. at some point, i think it's interesting to note what not being said by the far right in israel, people likes most rich and ben ben chavira has not reacted to this withdrawal. and the fact that they're not reacting so as some analyst of noted, could be an indication that galant is being truthful. that israel is planning to invade that off off. because if they weren't planning to invade that off the far right in israel would be up in arms. how far would the us go if it indeed came to
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this? do you think we could actually see a point where the us stops sending weapons to israel? it's possible it's possible. um, certainly it's the radically possible, especially if for our pressure mounts on joe biden. so far the united states has provided undying support to israel. i thought now that it has shown me, it was one of the sharpest analysts on the middle east. side of bass, he said maybe us support has gone and recent days from a 100 percent to 99.99 percent. i mean, if i were to start listing off the ways in which the us supported israel, since the start of this war, we'd be hearing from you kicking you off of the set. but the us doesn't, the democrats don't want to lose this election to donald trump. they see the opinion pulling data. they see that democrats believe 50 percent of democrats believe that one happening and gaza is a genocide. 75 percent of democrats and disagree with with the way israel's waging war people in wisconsin and michigan and other swing states are protest of holding
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now in the, in the primaries. so the us doesn't want to lose this war and it is possible given that larger context for bite into sort of late on the law at some point. okay, really good to get your perspective mohammed, i'm not sure your political analyst and professor media studies at the go home institute, the graduate studies this. now this comes as pressure continues to ramp up on the is ready government at home in west jerusalem, thousands of and to government protested on demanding the return of is where the captives held in garza 6 months since the war began. and they say, ceased fine negotiations and not prioritizing the captive lives or a challenge was that the purchase in west to resend me. centrist this with a high level is ready delegation in cairo, having been given and expanded mandate by the governments to negotiate facies by deal. these protest as have come down to these already capacity the parliament to
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try to keep the pressure on benjamin netanyahu as governments to bring the captives how not to protest movement is going on as well. at the moment. this is the less political of the to it is for you to sleep critical, a governments for not doing enough to bring those captors home, but it is not actively calling for the asked the government for benjamin netanyahu to leave office. the other movements is much more political, much more answer documents. for the 1st time. this week, those 2 movements came together in big protests, interested them and tell of the process, many of which ended up with significant violence with clashes between protests and police, and some heavy handed policing, arresting, detentions, etc. now many people think that benjamin netanyahu would not win another election. so the government process movement is trying to get him to coal. the elections, there are those who believe that he is so dislikes in this country that he cannot
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survive politically. the end of this world, but for the moments, benjamin netanyahu is resisting those calls and he's banquets for which happens. wester's will some display as palestinians have now returned to see what's left if that homes and con eunice. now, but most of these rarely troops have left him to diary visits in some of the areas that were destroyed as well as ministry. i'm currently in the heart of can you and this. after that, is there any forces withdrew from the area after 4 months of and less violence? is there any forces where stations here we can see in the houses, right things and you have through and left overs from that is ready. authorities the destruction is massive. these are is right in the right things and they are all over this building and we witnessed
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a couple of houses have been also having the same words in the same drawings. they literally left their writing on every house. they invaded and stormed income unit. we don't really understand what these are written. some people use google translate to understand the messages is where the forces left in their houses and on their walls. and we're also talking to some people. they're saying that they told like they told us that they do not even recognize their house and their neighborhoods from the amount of destruction. all of the streets are completely demolished. there are no streets anymore. it is converted into a part of town. even the houses the r since tom days or
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they are unsuitable for living, where it's obvious that there has been a lot of bottling between the is there any forces on the palestinian resistance? the infrastructure. the infrastructure has been also g p damaged in this area. residents of con eunice were forced to flee from noon as under good fire air strikes, larger munitions, and they evacuated to the very bela and to the floor. but the question is, are these people going back? and if they're going back, going back where there is no where that's suitable for them to live it. some people are also seen looking under their beloved ones that were trapped under the rubble. people in 10 units have been witnessing and
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list violations by that is really forced, as they were arrested from announcer hospital. they were killed and bombed. and now after 4 months, they finally got the chance to go back and to check up on their houses. this is the hold of the odyssey to newness as, as israel continues its will on gauze, i, which the international court of justice has said is a plausible case of genocide. rwanda is mocking 30 years since the 1994 genocide that president polk gonna use the occasion to point out the failures of the international community. stephanie deca has moved from the capital kick on to the national anthem on what the rwandan president cold, a very heavy day. it's 30 years since we want this genocide, an estimated 800000 people slaughtered over the course of 100 days. 1990 for genocide. i guess it was
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a genocide to folk submit. husband killed the wife your wife didn't put a time on children the world watched in shock, but did nothing. it was the international real quick minutes which faded, or whether from content so called swords to among those here are frequent heads of state. former french presents between us acquisition and the former us president bill clinton. wizard was president in 1994. the americans too did nothing. we all state governments, books person why they think they were left alone because some lives don't matter. oh, this is what the president was saying today in the examples with the case of the lessons that we have not is that there's different standards for different kinds of people . and this is what we run to a very pragmatic about our situation. these really present isaac heads up here to
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israel, currently facing genocide charges for it's. we're on garza at the international court of justice. the president store to the commemoration in the morning with the lighting of a flame of remembrance and so small in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of lives. it honors it has been a long and painful process to reconcile, to forgive and to trust. and we're told it's a constantly evolving process. there were 2 messages here, one of the resilience of their ones, and people, and also the responsibility they bear to keep reconciling. and to make sure that the genocide never happens again. the other one was of the failure of the international community that despite the pools of never again event since 1994 show us. that seems to fall on deaf ears. stephanie decker hodges era, to get a still head on the algebra, surviving all donations. we meet counts of patients in argentina,
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feeling abandoned by the new song. i'm how sion into this sense, also known as what restoration is on the way to read my old one winding trades and cultural huff the the color. we still have our tropical saxophone wearing away just to the north west of australia. this is old. it won't cause any problems. it will stay off showing. it will continue to just push a little further southwards and west was the main point of action that we are concerned with. is that cloud and rain that has been affecting the south east of australia? it's a dying feature. now we are looking at what the weather, making his way to was these 8 and try to increase the weather, particularly across the south on and does it go on through monday, but still a few showers just running in behind that southeast corner of south australia.
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we'll see some wet weather victoria still seeing some showers still have tons of showers to into that eastern side of new south wales all the way up towards sydney . so what's the weather? the 2 across that has made it. it is all making his way by the east was bright to dry weather coming back in behind. has that weather that we have coming into a southern? i'm central positive news in it as we go on through the next couple of days. it will continue to drive its way further. east woods, meanwhile, some pretty wet weather roll. so i pushing out the southern parts of china, running across the fall south of japan. so q, she, good protocol issue saying some very wet weather and that rain already ramping up as we go 13, choose the east and everything. some live to temples, possibly see some snow as a mountains target 17. the biggest over the next. and yet in history, the world's biggest democracy,
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both its own, epic showed on this final episode of speaking the port. finally off the prime minister and the movie elevated india global baez's file. the 4th will be, take a long room under the microscope with them and how much is facts and how much is the picture to be in the port box for? oh no, does he does the the watching out, is there a mind at the top stories this hour as well says $322.00 trucks, most of them tearing food have and some dogs that off the largest context,
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monetary and 8 into the stripes and so we began still fall short of the $500.00 trucks. today the u. n says use to engine guns as well as ministry has withdrawn most of its troops from the han eunice area and golf at defense minister you i've got on says cloud is to perhaps teach admissions, including an assault on roster ceremonies had been held in rolanda to monks 30 years since the beginning of the 1990 of genocide through 2 forces killed over 800000 foot season moderate, who choose over the course of a 100 days. one of the longest, subbing palestinian prisoners in israel has died in custody. while a deca spent over 30 years in prison, he was one of 19 palestinians convicted for involvement and then on the group, the killed and is rarely soldier in 1984 demonstrations gathered in ramallah in the old pod westbank to show solidarity with one of the docket and all the palestinian
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prisoners held in is riley custody dock. i was due to be released next year. the dozens of all kids have been launched from 11 on into the occupied golden heights as part of fi to say they targeted is really bass. i'm a defense post. the a talk follows is rarely stripes, in lebanon's, becka valley, a 100 kilometers from the border. press. 4 to 5 has been coming since the warren garza began on earlier on sunday, as well as ministry said it has completed another phase of preparations for a possible full on rule with 11 on and syria. and a hash. them has more from ca, from in some 11 on the 7 i was ready as strikes today in different areas of south 11 on from p. i'm in the east to, to it off in the west and also in pennsylvania and quite a few left. this is just the indication how the situation in level has been
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evolving since 6 months when this phone 6 sauces. yesterday only the 7 on the tax seemed to be $500.00 to meet as from the board on this gave us it gives us a kind of an understanding of how the dynamics have been changing over the past months that are more than $100000.00 people now displaced from the border area, what are the beginning the conflict was contained, but now we can say that it's any more the ration itself anymore. i'm saying that with, as you've been saying, as i said, the dissolved valley and also has will on the other side, trying to expand the front. uh, how does that play with us? it's saw using the military bases in the golan heights, which is also something unprecedented in and previous was over the past 6 months. they've been more than 50 civilians go along with a 100. so for his beloved or the militants,
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a fight is also killed during this conflict. without having suffered, all of this house was destroyed. as far such scenes can be seen in different and many, although living these thousands across the borders of the ash emergency it off, drop it off, saw the live in a. are you quite in presidency? a lot of them is. lensky says he's country will lose the war against russia. if it doesn't get moved. ministry a from washington, a multi $1000000000.00 a package has been tied up in the us congress for months. if she'll call it, asked that the problem was, if the congress does not help you, crane ukraine will lose the war. if you green loses the war, other states will be attacked. and this is a fact, right? you will seen the coming weeks that russia will be more and more persistent and will involve nuclear weapons in this question. and we only from the nuclear weapons, they can put pressure on the other in the 2 countries, including the united states on society. so the society is afraid and then they will
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react to their leaders. so then skins, comments came as watching forces launched a new wave of attacks on the ukrainian city of come see if it's all stuff that has some weird and impact. so i just outside central car cave, you can see emergency services, he sifting through the rubble. so i'll show you the impact site here. we're unsure as to exactly what the projectile was, but there were 2 very large explosions about half an hour ago as we were filming at another site where a drone has a needs a septic disjoint policies in that area. 1000 yourself. oh, it was truly terrifying. there were 2 explosions. the 1st blew all the windows out and i was thrown to the floor by the shockwave. i was slightly can cost. i think now it's time to leave the city. police attacks by russia are increasing frequency and intensity of the time. and of course, as you can imagine, they're having
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a massive impact on electricity. surprise as well. many of these strikes would be targeting electricity infrastructures, believe around $400000.00 households in the car. keep region, all without electricity and a re arrow. so there is another alarm which more often than not, is quickly accompanied by a large glossy before i got another explosion, either another impact or another interception there, a growing phase here in khaki, ukraine's 2nd largest city. this could well be a premiere to some sort of law job full scale operation by russian forces that we know a situation just be on the border around 30 kilometers from here to all the stuff that i was just, sarah concave us for more than a month the people of log back in indian admitted some cash may have been on hunger strike in protest against a government decision to run the territory from new delhi. on sunday resident
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staged a certain in protest may say the decision marginalizes local tribes. same is robbie has more since india revoked, cushion me or send me a tournament status and divided the himalaya and region 5 years ago. standing against change has been an uphill struggle. on sunday, protestors in the territory of la gathered once again in the world's largest democracy, they say it's democratic process is under attack. they just store these weiss will keep people entitled surprises that way in which is totally on on demo good. it truly indeed is a democracy. but on the, on the ground, what thinks that happening? we are witnessing that you do store 3 on democracy. a march to the chinese border was called awesome in height and security, restricting peaceful protest organizers say could lead to violence. today if you see it on the new,
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you can see lots of deployment off of that enclave district. we can see lot of deployment of police and better military forces. and in my life time, i've seen this 1st time and never seen such a deployment of force. it's all they have created a war was on like situation over here. the government's decision to run the territory directly from new delhi has left to a dock with little say in developing projects and new laws that will directly impact their land and lives and with new daily clearing the past to allow outside years to invest and settle in previously autonomous areas, local people worry about the fragile mountain ecosystem and the demographic shift that risks, their identities and income flux leaders say people in the region feel more under represented than ever. a may hi is leah. i whole ledesma's facing a very deep crisis. they use our jobless, our identity is under threat with no protection. wildlife is endangered. and women
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are grappling with and facia research the government to implement laws that were safe guard tribal rights under the constitution of india. why would you mind that association of democracy in video? the government has been curtailing internet services and low doc arresting young leaders and cracking down on demonstrations. residents where the situation could descend into violent, similar to the decades long conflict elsewhere and kashmir. months of talks between new delhi and leaders from a dock have ended in deadlock. demonstrate to say they are willing to do whatever it takes, even fast to death, unless their demands for protection against outside influence are back the same bus route. the older 0. saudi arabia is spending billions of dollars on developing towards them. also investing in preserving its cultural heritage. one area that is benefiting is the old town and the city of jetta that se unesco list and science known as our ballade has some at home by the explains how is which history is
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coming back to life. as soon as you get into the old center of jet, you find yourself lost in and these are all the ways and buildings hundreds of years. so spread over an area of just one my as better these home to move than 650 historic buildings made of portal stones and would have caused problems to be honest because it's a very ord, it's a nice area to take to. so the people, it's amazing, i revisit many of a a rabbit countries before. uh, but uh or to do like this, we never meet before. so before the seat house is a landmark building, it was ones the temporary residence of sanity. radius found the king of the disease almost a 100 years ago. for more than a 1000 years, muslims from africa, live bones and south east asia passed through here. all the way to mca turning the
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old city into a labyrinth cosmopolitan.


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