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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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me and these days that the world i couldn't do this job without the best camera man best produces the best pictures and those other people to ireland in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the more than $300.00 trucks coming 8 across into galls or is the largest delivery since the will began. but well show of what do you and says is needed to feed civilians facing starvation. the dog. so rahman, you are working on just their life, my headquarters here in the also coming up these really to sit drills and con units to prepare for a future, sol as displaced palestinians return home to a city left in ruins. plus it was the international requirement
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which faded up. it's been 30 years since the storage of the rwandan genocide. the country has been following the victims and russian drug and strikes pounds. the ukrainian city of tough tvs, presidency lens feed calls for most of pools from washington. the welcome to elders. it's been 6 months avoiding garza conflict that's killed. mold in 33000 palestinians. decimated, pulse the strip, and push the population towards time and under pressure from its allies as well. now says it's allowed the largest delivery of a truck sent to gaza since the war began. well, it's really look forward to you say, 322 trucks of into the strip. most of them carrying food. the numbers still full sauce or of
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a $500.00 trucks that's useful. the use to arrive every day in garza before the war began. now this comes days after the us pressed and draped by the board as well, but it must commit to protecting civilians and aid workers or risk losing american support. in the southern city of con, eunice maced is by the forces of pull downs off the face fighting with palestinian factions as well as defense ministers, as the withdrawal was in order to prepare for future operations. hope you'll see my quotes. all the forces are accepting and preparing for the next mission. so we saw examples of these missions in the ship operation. and also of that coming mission into the rough area. as is right, the forces leave calling units displaced, palestinians are attempting to solve what they can from that destroy times. meanwhile, homeless concerns, it's delegation has arrived in chi, right? so the latest round of ceasefire towards the target capitalizing has moved from rough and southern gaza. around 322 humanitarian tops
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have been allowed to get into the gallons a straight from both a current salad and drop off. we're seeing boulder here in a rough on these humanitarian homeboys are loaded with water, sugar flow, and all kinds of basic necessities that palestinians are in a very desperate need for by choice mentioning also that these uh humanitarian trucks are also a combined by trucks that are going to did and delivered to the commercial sick ton to the private sector here in the southern part of the guns a strip. but none of this a humanitarian chromeboys had been given the access to reach to the northern part of kansas trip. despite the east valley, a military decision to reopen again. the air is a crusting onto if to guarantee the flow of humanitarian supplies to people in the north. but yet only speaking, i'm an attorney until they get into the northern part of guns. one has been loaded with a few to others, with medical supplies being transferred to hospitals in the northern part of the territory. but generally in times of pre war between 400 up to 500 to humanitarian
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troops. the goal is this trip was generally couldn't see work. it wasn't generally consuming on daily basis, which means that the amount that being delivered to the goal is a strip. is it still yet on conduct in comparable to the evidence needs of populations here? specifically, those who are trapped in other parts of guns when facing high rates of malnutrition and with different signs of funding looming on the horizon to recover. assume that we're drawing no fly from boston by all and below. project hopes direct to all the emergency preparedness and responses. mr. for the good to have you with this live on, i'll just ever, thanks so much for your time. let's just begin with your operation. in terms of the numbers of people you have working to get aiden to gaza, where they are right now and how your rate is being collated before it can actually get in to either the dogs or will be occupied territories. yeah, so thank you for having me. um, so we have teams in egypt as well as in south guys uh to be uh from point a to
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point b for our own supply chain. we also are working the partners in jordan as well as we're exploring other routes for us to be able to improve the ways in which we can get supplies into gaza itself. okay, perfect. and are you having my apologies for this kind of go ahead please? no, no, no, my apologies, i interrupted. uh we were were using the, the cam. so long gates and the southern access and uh, and then working with our partners in gaza with a narrow in our own local to use to be able to then distribute and use the the goods as needed. so just tell us what type of aid you actually focus on on how easy or difficult it is to place. we're a global health health focused and you so everything that we're sending in is either medicines, medical consumables, medical equipment,
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and the like. uh so what we do when we have it in the gaza is directed to our own clinics or to work with local partners to be able to have them used immediately within other sites, providing uh the medical care for, for the population. can you give us an indication of how easy or difficult it has been able to get a day? and as far as your concerned in your organization since october, how much was able to go in before? and how difficult does that process being? uh, since the will be gone in october as well since october we have had an enormous amount of challenge getting things in certainly the overall inspection process, the guidelines that consistently change the expectations on how we're working with or different uh, standards offering procedures. all of this is really left in geo as life project hope and others in the, in the dark as in terms of how we can best get supplies. and it really has been
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a learning process for us over several months. i'm pleased to say in the last month alone, we were able to get about 9 tons of medical supplies in the gaza, but certainly is, as we're looking now at at the future months. we still need to find better ways for us to take to get supplies in the monthly is what we do is just not enough. yeah, sorry. i know there is a bit of a time delay and what you say is actually very interesting. i want to pick up out at 9 tons is very impressive indeed to try and get that to him. but there is this problem is now as we seem in the lights of the sort of the world kitchen, the world central kitchenaid group targeted desk by these really minute treat it as an age group. you have to rethink the way that you work. and the way that you operate and how you can get the aden safely, because it's one thing to say, getting a game is another thing to distribute it. isn't it to medical facilities that have
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been kneeled practically destroyed. absolutely. so we've, we've, uh, we've definitely raised a lot of questions internally about the effectiveness of the, the d confliction process that, uh, that exists in uh, any sort of communication on the sites in which we're working. and any sort of, uh, staff movement that we have anything that's been communicated to the idea so that we're very clear that our staff and our locations are humanitarian focused. these are things that we've been doing all along to be able to protect our staff. but we certainly are aware that that creates no guarantees in the safety and certainly the world central kitchen event is something that clearly makes that very, very open and understanding for us. and that's not the 1st time that we've seen the d conflict in site can't be struck. so this is certainly something of major concern to us in terms of today's 322 truck sort of apparently, according to the use,
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riley is being allowed into the strip. is there any of your aid within that volume of a coming into gaza? a hi, i'd like to say yes that we did have something going in today, but we have things on route that just did not cross over as of today. so we're, we're still waiting on our, on the moon, most recent supplies. what it is encouraging. also like to see and understand how we made such a significant jump in just a matter of, of a, you know, a few days we've been struggling with just a mere 100 trucks for a long, long time. and if we can make these improve is great, but it would be good to know how we'd be able to do this and make the sustainable you and also a politician and all the know is the age group that you represent. yes. as an age group, you will have lines of communication, open to politicians in the us, how important is the issue and the words ceasefire. rawls is on pause right now,
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the age groups so it's immensely important. i think when we're just simply talking about the safety of our own staff and the way in which we can try to the conflicts, locations and routes and still not feel any guarantee on the safety of our, of our own people. the only way we can 100 percent guarantee the safety of our staff is if we see a cease fire and in the fighting, that is the only way in which we can feel confident that on any given day our staff can deliver the desperately needed aid to the people of gaza. can i take you out of your role as an age based organization and just ask you as an american civilian you are based in the us? i was wondering, have you noticed a change in people's knowledge or approach to the loyalty that,
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that you do oriented the reality of what's going on in gauze? because we do see globally, people's opinion, the civil society's opinion being more aware of what's going on in the middle east right now. oh i, i certainly feel so just even in the last week i think i think the, the incident that did occur with the world since the central kitchen conroy and that the humanitarian communities response to that to really seek some concrete statements from the us government. and to see what can be done to improve the ways in which to mandatory and can be operating in gaza, not just in the south, but also up north. where need is, is so important because access is so limited. i think you're starting to see more discussion and hopefully something where we're not just the us government,
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but the population at large which can really drive policy. i think that's certainly something that we can remain hopeful for. certainly somebody will be giving of a class on it's been really good to speak to mr. full. i will be able to get you back on the product. i'm again, what you can tell us more about what and how you'll ada is getting into. the goal is to split thanks so much for joining us from boston. thank you so much. i appreciate it. now the most is there any troops have left calling units, just based palestinians want to rebuild their lives. most will be starting from scratch and kind of revisited some of the areas that were destroyed by israel's military. i'm currently in the heart of can you and this. after that is there any forces withdrew from the area after 4 months of and less violence? is there any forces where stations here we can see in the houses, right things and you have through and left overs from that is ready authorities the
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destruction is massive. is these are, is right in the writings and they are all over this building. and we witnessed that a couple of houses have been also having the same words in the same drawings. they literally left their writing on every house. they invaded and stormed income unit. we don't really understand what these are written. some people use google translate to understand the messages. is there any forces left in their houses and on their walls? and we're also talking to some people. they're saying that they told like they told us that they do not even recognize their house and their neighborhoods from the amount of destruction. all of the streets are completely demolished. there are no streets anymore. it is converted into
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a part of town. even the houses the r since tom days, they are unsuitable for living, where it's obvious that there has been a lot of bottling between the is there any forces and the palestinian resistance? the infrastructure. the infrastructure has been also damaged in this area. residents of con eunice were forced to flee from noon as under good fire air strikes, larger munitions, and they evacuated to the very bela and to the floor. but the question is, are these people going back? and if they're going back, going back where there is no where that's suitable for them to live. and
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some people are also still looking under their beloved ones that were trapped under the rubble. people in 10 units have been witnessing and list violations by the israeli forces. they were arrested from announcer hospital. they were killed and bumped. and now after 4 months, they finally got the chance to go back and to check up on their houses. this is in the for the odyssey to new. this is rosa, is it suddenly a delegation to egypt capital for another round of c sign negotiations to end the war garza but israel's prime minister in says, says country will know about international pressure. keanta to be sure to come us. gov, show it in a so how mass hopes that the pressure from outside and inside will make israel surrender to these extreme demands. it will not happen. israel is ready for a deal. it's israel is not ready to surrender. instead of international pressure
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being directed at israel, which only causes him us to hot in its positions, the pressure of the international community should be directed against thomas smoke . little this comes as pressure continues to ramp up on these, right? the government at home and west jerusalem, thousands of anti government protests is the demanding that it's and it was very tempt is being held and gone. so they say they found a good sions and not prioritizing the captives lives. not one of the longest serving palestinian princes, prisoners in israel, has died in custody. valid cost spent more than 30 years in prison. he was one of 19 palestinians convicted for involvement and an alms group that kills it is very sold with 19847 spaces down to the end of my line. you know, tied west bank social solidarity with one of the palestinian prisoners held in his rate of custody. he was due to be released next. yeah. the still ahead here on i'll just say i'm enough and then there's in coverage it on the less than cost of for
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long cost. what illegal indian fishing is making life difficult for local fishing communities? the, the hello winfrey weather continues to roll off the rock case. we've got a fab at a cloud here, just pushing out of the mountain states and nothing further east with associated with this area of light pressure to the south. if that's because some pretty heavy rain in the full cost over the next couple of days that will drive its way up the east was, might have something of an impact on the total eclipse taking place on monday. weather all the way down to was the a deep south ahead of that is warm and dry. will the weather coming back in see what they see. i know so into new york, but last night, very heavy rain for tuesday across the deep south, just around oklahoma, pushing into texas. nothing a little further east was somewhat dry around the central plains,
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winter weather up towards the north west. you'll notice the west and possibly us to be fine and dry that fine and try whether stretches down across the good parts of mexico, one or 2 showers down for the southern parts of the region. his phone areas central america could catch a shot. i wrote 2 more lights to say some west. so whether come in across his found y'all or puerto rico, nothing to was the winwood islands chance of a shout to that to into jamaica. but by launch it is looking fine dry. i'm sunny kingston with a top temperature for 30 on the
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end of the question why it happened like this then in the area where the foundation the the about cable king officer, lisa who robin, the reminder of all the top stories. israel's military is withdrawn based of its truth from the con eunice era in southern gauze. that's defense minister you go on says that the planted stripper path of future operations, including an assault on the city of alpha. sees find told so set to resume in cairo, a delegation, some come off as arrived in egypt and capital. and, and his randy,
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one lied to by the chief of most side is scheduled to take part israel's as 322 trucks. most of them carrying suits of end to gone, so that's the largest delivery of humanitarian aid. and the strip in 6 months of the portion of those trucks went through the roof for crossing with egypt. the spokesman of the all star team managing that crossing says the delivery is still a fraction of what was going through before the will to buy a bottle of lead measure. i could be called a strip is suffering from major famine, especially the northern regions and cause a city. in addition, the south is also suffering from a major humanitarian catastrophe. due to the number of displays, people in about one and a half 1000000 palestinians in the city of ruffled. therefore, bringing aid in this daily manner of a 100 to 150 trucks is not sufficient. especially if we remember before the war, approximately 500 to 700 trucks were entering daily and it will be, it should be noted that goes and maintain all strategic food supplies. there was
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a stock, the food of petroleum before the war, electricity, and similar items as well as consumables and medical materials were all being imported. but in this disastrous situation, we're living and due to the war, the strip has run out of almost every single. there's no stock of flower, oil, sugar, and other basic supplies, and therefore the arrival of these trucks and of these numbers does not cover the purpose for which they are intended. wishes to save the posting. people in the gaza strip from famine. dozens of rockets of being lowered from 11 all into is really occupied. golan heights has been on fine to say that they talk to the base and defense post field type fellows is really strength and levels back all volley, some 100 kilometers from the boulder. as well as military science, it's all completed. another stage of preparedness for a possible full on will with level and syria. as israel continues, this will run, garza which the u as high as cool to side is a plausible case of genocide. rwanda is mocking 30 years since the 1994
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genocide side present polk on a usually occasion to point out the failures of the international community 3 decades ago. the wells to the side, that's more than 800000 to see and who to moderate swim mastic. it's stephanie decker reports from the capital kick, only the national anthem on what the rwandan president cold, a very heavy day. it's 30 years since we want as genocide, an estimated 800000 people slaughtered over the course of 100 days. 1994 general said, i guess it was a genocide to folk submit the way it hasn't been killed. the wife wife didn't for the time on children the world watched in shock, but did nothing. it was an international real quick minutes which faded or whether from contempt,
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so called swords to among those here are frequent heads of state, former french presidents between us acquisition and the former us president bill clinton. wizard was president in 1994. the americans too, did nothing. we all state governments, books, person why they think they were left alone because some lives don't matter. this is what the president was saying today in the examples with the case of the lessons that we have not is that there's different standards for different kinds of people . and this is what we run to a very pragmatic about our situation. these really present isaac heads up here to israel, currently facing genocide charges for it's. we're on garza at the international court of justice. the president store to the commemoration in the morning with the lighting of a flame of remembrance and so small in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of lives. it honors it has been a long and painful process to reconcile,
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to forgive and to trust. and we're told it's a constantly evolving process. there were 2 messages here, one of the resilience of their ones, and people, and also the responsibility they bear to keep reconciling. and to make sure that the genocide never happens again. the other one was of the faith of the international community that despite the pools of never again event since 1994 show us, that seems to fall on deaf ears. stephanie decker all g 0 together, mid a baby. it was only 12 years old when she logs to follow the in the london genocide . she reflects on her journey of reconciliation. a donald was only 42 years old, the same age the today. and so today came as a very important, i told my kids all the time, the top i really got to have made it 43 years old, especially having
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a dog who was out there who was a professional. so completely who was young, who was full of life and he was taken on that day. i have forgiven a 100 percent and i wish that there were many people in wanda that could do really takes about forgiveness instead of taking up the general science of just the opposite to size. is that the, the printing and president is warning his country will lose the war against russia . if it doesn't get no minute created from washington. not him is lensky is. comments came as the russian forces launched a new wave of true. and i'm miss all strikes on the ukrainian city of keith charles, strong foot, such as this report. there is no is safe in called cuba, these days. russian palms,
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kamikaze drones and missiles can strike anywhere. and at any time, the crane, 2nd largest city of the i was standing by the window, so we will chat to blast, injure my face for through a fill on the floor. my wife gave me 1st day and we came outside and he was complete. health of the neighbors and friends comes with each other. they make temporary repairs to the right homes. but there is mounting fear of increasing rushing attacks involving what ballistic expos say, or re purpose. so be the weapons, the so called glide phone 5 by just by the house of range of most of ukraine's air defenses. people in this neighborhood say there is no strategic or military side. yeah. a thorough attack. so like these happening day and the lights across car keeps city and the why the region. every attack, the fear amongst the people who live here is growing,
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and there's realizing and among some residents who accused you'll socrates of not doing enough to protect them. i won't touch him, shouts this man to the mass of cock kids body guards. are you telling me to fly to your system? there you go. fine. i'm just focused because i remember on the day of the invasion you would just pouncing flowers. you now just safety face drinking to once again the explosions and coffee. and that's why people also distress. we need a defense. we have to close the skies. across the city, smoke rise, east remove buttons, house homes destroyed this time. findings a septic russian kamikaze drawn remnants of people's lives, broken and scattered into the charred remains of an animal. the page maybe 67 year old galena sits through the rubble of her home. she moved to ukraine from
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federal, russo almost 50 years ago. easily cessna's eyes shock, nothing else but shock. she cried hopefully. i don't know what to do. i live alone. what can i do? show me you have a genius. my gosh, just as it doesn't deliberately target civilians and it's trying to hit ukraine strategic an energy infrastructure in revenge for you. creating the tax across the board in 2 words for the people of the city. many of whom, like galena are terrified and struggling to co child strength without a 0 call. q. in tennessee, the coast guard has recovered the buildings of at least 13 people. they were found off the coast as facts swell. authorities say that both sang those winter tons the spring and the waters of the mediterranean become comma. the number of migrants
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heading from 2 new sierra to the italian coast has significantly increased at least 91 people have died in mozambique for a mixture of fairies. think of the countries north coast, 100 consecutive people on board the converted the fishing boat when it's signed off and then pull up proteins on sunday. you'll forward to say the vessel was not suitable to carry. passengers rescues have found 5 survivors, but further search efforts have been made difficult by difficult see conditions as well as india propose to hold a general election. an uninhabited island between india and slang is fast becoming a campaign issue. the rights to got you to eval on the waters around. it was seated to strong combined new data in the 1970s. but the decades old decision is now causing problems for indian fishermen. vanelle fernandez reports now from the west coast of struggling. right to give a better than the sun. johnson is industry. lincoln,
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jews. and she says it's because he's a fisherman, some southern india the they have captured to him because he went to fish since he was the board. right. well, he has been doing a 6 months sentence. johnson is one is more than $178.00 people from time and now do the rest of this year for legally fishing, interlock and what is most skipped sentences from 6 months to 2 and a half years suspended for 5 years. this means imprisonment is guaranteed to repeat, defend is the hundreds of thousands of families are dependent on pushing here. it is only for our livelihood that because of the border, we are not doing it on purpose. even the government is aware of the growing number of fishermen being jail does lead to protest and south india. the community says they have faced in these waters for generation. for the problems began with india see did controlled to share lanka, of the island of katya to and surrounding waters between the 2 countries. in the
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1970s. this annual seized on the island grows thousands of indian fishermen and their families. but this.


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