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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 3:30am-4:01am AST

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the next self driving train, the apple sedan boys today can be the are the human only robots like me, will be everywhere which is 0 documentary, which to lead on the weird and wonderful world of global learned things for you and even trust. i feel like i'm alive, but i know i am a machine origin of this, which is yes, another round of talks to reach exclusive goza repeated attempts have so far failed to end this route, 6 months more on the strip with both israel and the mass sticking to the positions, will this round be any different and is it the even possible? this is inside scope, the hello again on chains bays, the latest round of negotiations on
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a ceasefire and gaza is resuming in colorado and is ready. the delegation is taking part and our mass is also sent represents tips of to months of towards the us. president joe biden is reported to a britain to mediators and cattle in egypt, urging them to pressure how i'm asked to upset to deal with the um, group says it was deviate from his demand for permanency spa, something israel has ruled out. so kind of the 2 sides, rich common ground this time and what leverage to the mediators have to secure a deal. we'll discuss all of these issues in a moment without panel. but 1st, this report from victoria gayden b. the pressure was mounting on these rails government to agree to a ceasefire in garza and secure the release of his rated captive. that's as another round of negotiations with him asked his resuming inquiry. exactly.
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so right these, i mean, is there a bi election very, very soon these ready governments also on depression from the united states. us president joe biden is demanding an immediate cease fire. and he's reported to have sent letters to mediators in castle and egypt, urging them to pressure him us to accept to do after months and negotiations. what's not discount? the impact of his early military pressure died as clearly what is helping to bring from us to the table. on the one hand, hamas has no way out. i'm sure the egyptians and the categories are, are talking sense to them. on the other hand, natania who really has no way out at this point, israel, who on the besieged population of gaza, has killed more than 33000 people and pushed palestinians through the brink of
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famine. particularly in the northern part of the strip. how much says it? what deviate from its demand for a permanent c spy? when we only, we should think, as he said, it means that the troops, the tubes which invade it, goes after october 7th, has to leave because of the, when we talk about the safety plan agreement, it has to, it has to mean that the people of the few set agreements have to move really inside that goes a step. during the last round of talks and catch, all israel said it wanted all is really captives released in the 1st stage of a do. have us indicated it would only release when and children. the 2 sides also disagree about the release of palestinian prisoners, subbing life sentences in his riley jails. the talks in cairo could result in some respite for palestinians in the strip, but finding some form of agreement between israel and her masses taking time. time the people have cause a don't have victoria gates and b l g 0 for inside story the
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all new. it's probably around what i mean to explain the obstacles to a c spot agreement with a panel in tennessee we bought them. perry is the olsa of the aust questions late to blog, a newsletter on the sub stack platform and occupied east jerusalem. we need to say, but as a professor of international law at l. codes, university and in colorado. have so hello is a political consultant and non resident fellow at the middle east institute. thank 2 o 3 for joining us. all 3 of you. let me start with a very quick question to each of you, which is how optimistic you are about the chances of a deal have. so what do you think? all the chances that they could get a deal this time in the city where you all camera very briefly, i'm not up to mistake. i don't think much of the parameters around the hostage deal have really changed, nor have the, this sort of been transpositions on, on both sides. in that regard. don, your thoughts on this?
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do you think there is a chance of a deal here? i think i'm off long as a deal where it or. ready daughter essentially to visualize exchange for all the hostages, and the chances are better and strangely small. whether they can do a partial hosted release for a temporary cease fire is apparently updated as far as you know, near your thoughts at the start of the discussion about how optimistic you. uh, that could be a deal. unfortunately, i'm not very optimistic because i think the cab the gap is quite big between both the bottom is uh, is there any that have sent the really huge uh, goals uh for this uh general side and uh, and i think that if you know that they don't want the stuff to drive down. okay, well we start from a pretty pessimistic place, having had all of your initial views on this have. so let's, let's 1st look at the mechanics of this who is attending. we have the c, i a director,
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and we have the prime minister and foreign minister of contact. we have the intelligence chief of egypt and we believe we have the most sought chief from the shouldn't. but the chief and then also you're going to have a senior representative of how my so why don't i don't think be in the same room as the others. but a lot of these people have been negotiating for a long time. they will know each other pretty well. now indeed, we've had rounds and rounds of these talks. and i think parts of what the challenge is, particularly for those sort of non combatant sides, not these raise or how much is that the, the terms, the parameters of the deal simply don't change how much as oscar remain the same as robots remain the same. and that day, like that got that money and very rightly pointed out between the 2 sides hasn't diminished. in fact, if anything, it's entrenching on on both sides. and we've reached the point where there is very little understanding of who and how these 2 parties can meet in the middle to
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engage and in a, in a ceasefire arrangement and a hostage for prisoner exchange deal that would allow for significant rest bite in this conflict. or at least i believe it possibly leave us to a little permanent stay to see spot where we can rebuild some of the a different structure in that as the re institution reconstitute under with activities there as well. because they are the only major a delivery mechanism and really begins to try and help the millions of people that are stuck there and, and, and gaza and do important recovery as one of the time hostages. and have christmas release to the family. and just staying with the mechanics of this just for a moment. so we can explain it 12 years. we have a senior, how master official, hello, ohio, who is in colorado for these talks. but my understanding you'll probably probably know more about this. these indirect talks is route until mass state sit in the same room, the mediators, the egyptian mediators, and category mediators go between these riley's and how much does that explain to
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us? how are you think it works? no, yes is wrong. i'm also not certain same room. i'm so a little bit silly and 1st of all, and i think this is the one case where both sides are equal to one. but that's ok. i mean, i think that this is a dynamic where the 0 is almost next to it by sitting the same rumor gonna develop to sort of colorado and that will help that go saves. so the addictions americans, uh, categories of your parts as well. and throughout this task has done a great work and incredibly important work. now i, i agree with the other panelists, the asks on both sides simply haven't changed. uh and you, you need to look at what the browsers are, the hard, those are and figure out where there might be some potential for me. but i, i can only repeat what i said before, a partial positive release for a temporary cease fire seems to be all that we can hope for. i know that the as rarely is, would agree to this. i'm pretty sure um uh and,
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and perhaps more pressure is needed by a customer, an agent on us to do the same i, i don't see another way out of there are other variables. it really does is really system and security shock. so the people that they went on a rough on to go back north of honey is the regarding the city and they insist on it. i don't think they're going to get help on. so i, i'm not terribly optimistic for these reasons. on the other hand, there is a lot of pressure on the israelis to the government of from within has room to find some way to do a deal with that is true. that is true. and indeed, there has been talk of that to me, of a not giving enough of a mandate to the trio of senior people has their of that edition, but out of them. so i need some along a general who could easily have been a chief of staff and others like me business center. so yeah, is there as people and um,
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it would brock yesterday this warner brothers there on television. ers, the baby give it a true mandate to come up with the best deal the is attainable, and to bring that back to the government of for approval or rejection without the government make for managing. and there is, of course, in the background here because of the various sold or is rolling around the suspicion and even more of the suspicion. but he is trying to drag his feet from the place of time, for example, purposes. and i don't discount that may be true, but, but as i look at the actual variables of the situation, what i see is the advice, the conceivable transition solution to a pregnancy fire runs through a, again, it's that requires pressure on my mazda in the states, not as it came in near and you've heard that, that some, that dan has talked about some of the premises for
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a deal. let's run through some of the things that have been discussed because when we're not getting a running commentary on any of this, but we're getting leaks repeatedly. and some of the things come up repeatedly a 6 week c spa is what we hear. and then a phased release of those that are being held by a mouse and other groups. and we're talking apparently about the females sick, an elderly captives being released 1st. is that your understanding of, of, of the 1st part of the deal? i don't know, actually what is going to be the 1st but the deal. but what i know for sure is that we as about to the city and zip of society. and what i would say is, no matter how many phases this deal is going to be, what this very important is that it ends with a ceasefire a ceasefire is certainly the answer to the end and, and is the only way that the genocide can stop this has been clean by and you know,
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understanding the way the and the language of the international court of justice and measures them and provision and measures. there's also cleared from the security called center solution that or support for disease fire. so the ceasefire is set up in the, in the society in albany and just to me to drop the, the question is of the timing of the c spots, the security council resolution actually refers to a c spot during ramadan. as he does, you know, ramadan is running out, it'll be over in a few days. these really seemed to be offering a 6 weeks the spiral. suddenly that's being offered in the negotiations by either these riley's or the us side, a mass of saying a permanent seas file. what is the point your machine? what? what do you think allison, you and people are demanding are sent in the government and sees by a governor has been destroyed and people want to return back to their homes. we've, we've experienced the experienced that infinity and both as
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a fighting and during the 1st exchanges of prisoners. and we sold that, is it during that period at preventive and students from attending to god's a city and to the north of gods was indeed not the only to go back to that home to live, but even to go and pick up some stuff in order to go back to the south with more of that stuff later on. is it a and destroyed and but more and more houses and more and more facilities in the north of the gods as to what we see now as the city and zip in society. is that what is it and is doing is that it is emptying the does a go up any from its residence. this is dorothy dangerous if the bose is on only happening for the exchanges so that the funding would then be later on. and in order to completely destroy the god's us today and completely displeased the understanding is, will continue to live in the gaza strip as it has been cleared to be. and the plan
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of the is a 8 is that has not been even hidden. it has been at, you know, published and talked about it within within is it a media? and this is something that is not acceptable. and we as the you want to look at that one time, don't want to pick you up on something that, um, oh man that is not visible. this really is the one need not overcomplicate. there is though, because there is, there is real why some us to be the closing costs. so that's what i'm one of the hostages by the plan to, to populate, because all those obvious ratings and this bill has been published or wishful thinking that way. no, that's not a plan. what else do you go near? do you want? what do you agree as a posting to a permanency is fire that changes? i'll think probably the current status board meeting it leaves a mouse in charge and guns. is that for you? it isn't a pulls out, i'm not sure the play to diminish, but in charge you will be happy with this. with these you have a nice you have an answer to his question. the i'm going to continue until the
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questions is, are asking them for a minute uh, sydney and lead the ship should be only chosen by the spinning hands or not, but by anybody else, not that he lives. i'm not anybody have sense of what i wasn't. what i want is that, is it a bruce of immediate keels because a student i want class to attend back to because this trip is what it has destroyed because of it in a way. and has continued with genocide that and not only the eh, go to test funds flows have been, but also the special number to the by pressing into the, into the a send that it is actually happening the genocide. i mean that is all the evidence and the one that is a genocide, i want that genocide to stop. now, this is the most important the me these okay. the genocide, the solution to try to find the conventional genocide is not a lot of people die. doesn't matter, genocide is that there was an attempt to destroy people or religious for. and
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that's the reason that these are important. you have questions we these are important questions done, but then not the questions that we are. we're looking at more comfortable the comfortable in colorado. so done, let me ask you this question in terms of these rightly side, obviously there's so much pressure on prime minister netanyahu to get the people that are being held by how i'm asked to get them free. and we don't know that role whole, but helped by him. us give us your understanding of how many people as well believe or live at this stage. i believe they have a pretty good idea um and they believe the over house or wise how much over house i'm not sure they know there's only no where the so they say the number line or is the grey zone in between the certainly a good number of them are no longer why. i know there's huge pressure on sunday. oh yes. remember the thing. yeah. who is an unpopular prime minister of 75 percent of
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the israel's and all the halls say that you want new elections very soon and they want to go to serve as roughly appear to be ready to vote for parties or not. on the turn coalition, if you remove the already older orthodox, religious, extraneous furnace from the equation because they're automatically on assign the numbers, i just mentioned tell you the of the others, including as early as 90 percent. want to go. so that's the kind of pressure he's under. but on the other hand, it's not a presidential system. it's for a letter. and the part letter is this, the, you might think the disgrace government that has failed catastrophically and, and is clearly and popular with resign. but the technically speaking as long as those 63 uh, uh, got highly obedience, uh, collision, uh the numbers that he has voted for. how many 120 is the parliament stick with him? you can, you can try things out on the 2026. but the pressure is mounting and the us plays the norms ro here because the us of leverage arrest us by the way,
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has presented something really, really interesting. that may be a way out of this sort of highly tactical discussion here who is released. that is what we cuz there's something bigger going on us is proposing, but it's real stop playing games or whether it's playing games and agree to the past 3 is already returning. agree. something that is real self has been diminished as 2000. so agree perhaps to a multi national forest. narrow forcing doesn't agree to thoughts that could last a long time on a 2 state solution. and then return, be part of those to me moderates the western us nato umbrella in the region and a lions against the rad that it's ok. things. let me, let me bring in the hot, so no less because we're talking about the colorado talks. those are all things that are being cited by the us. they are not things i would have thought that are going to be in the scope of the discussion of what's going on around that table in
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colorado all day. well, actually on the default, let's say i have, let's say i have thrown this and i think the, you know, the talks have been going on for so long. james. but every thing is kind of blending into itself and such is the lack of leap. and that with every round of tools, we get a new proposed piece plan and, and, and data is not necessarily incorrect about what has been suggested and what has been thrown at, at the collection of the regional partners in states. i think it's, um, it is. and it is perceived stats in the as incredibly demeaning and condescending to have the united states. and israel can cause plans, shop them to arab leaders and tell them that these are the only options that the disposal that is such and the how the publics perceive them. whether or not in need is from, from, as far as you know, from, from egypt across to the way you want to entertain those,
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that will be their own parole, good save. and they will face and they are facing their own fools of accountability and challenges domestically at home. however, that the primary, the primary purpose of why all of this begins to blend in is because there is real acknowledgments of these. i think that they cannot be a ceasefire range, but until they're raised or at least in terms of the permanency spa arrangement, until there is some kind of a resolution on the question of the day off to what that looks like. and there is a fundamental refusal and a sub and our public refusal to see israel militarily occupy indefinitely. the gaza strip and i the condemn palestinians to uninhabitable conditions. and i'm livable conditions, but nobody would wish upon themselves and drop off in hon. eunice, for those who remain in the city in other parts,
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offered them this long held belief that any of the arab nation cuz of the take them and should take them and this constant push pull over the side and i bought or are the parts of the region that can or should and beyond that, who governs cause a, how is gone, the government is inherently upon to be seized by talks. these ideas about arrow, both national forces and stuff. you know, we know that these are serious times being taken very seriously by the americans that was shot out of the reasons lincoln was across the region. just at 10 days ago, 2 weeks ago was to shop this exact plan to the arab state, leaders of egypt, sister daniel, the saudis, and the hotties and the amount. all these were all in cairo, maybe the companies wanting to come in. but, but, but the point being is that there is this unrealistic expectational unrealistic understanding of how this conflict is paying out in the region. not just these are the gardens themselves, but looking by the be owns too occupied east jerusalem to occupied west by the
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continuing dispossession. i think that is mistaken to say that this is merely a, a question about how mazda and the question about the gaza strip. there is a wider opportunism at play regarding annexation and regarding occupation that is continuing such that by the video and his allies would like to weigh this out as low as possible. i think the only shift in this discourse and dynamic will come dependent on what the uranium responds is to the bombing of their embassy in damascus a few days ago. and it's been made suddenly from what we understand, clear, but the radians will strike and will strike in retaliation. i'm the american seemed to be wanting to take a step back and, and avoid any direct us around compensation. now whether the broad, the risks of, of regional conflagration things we've talked about. james for avery. yeah. a sorry
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for over 6 months in terms of the risks of the road in and out into a broadway to regional compensation. now seek to become reality and now start to be put into motion. and that slows down the ministry efforts in the gaza strip and gives us a de facto a lessening of the of the conflict dynamics. but never the less increased urgency on the humanitarian landscape is one possible scenario that would allow a delay of sci fi tools. so would encourage maybe these ratings and even how much to delayed such tools as they mooney the region. if i can bring you in to come and tell them, the developments of the last couple of days were told that was a very tense phone call between bite and nothing yahoo way put real pressure on the is riley leader. also you've got these promises from these riley's so they're going to reopen the iris crossing. they're gonna have a temporary use of the pool in our store. how the scene is palestinian by
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palestinians. i know they seen is related in any way to these colorado talks. i mean, diplomats talk about confidence building measures, but mine, in my experience, israel prefers to use sticks, rubbing carrots to yes, but it's also is it i that is now it's starting to see it kind of sense thinks by the rest of the world at the 2 days ago, only the human rights comes and engineered by the united nations human rights concert issue. it is an ocean going before states to and not to explore arms and the reference to is right. and this is very important and they also created the image kind of them to see who is exporting weapons to is it i this is also following the findings of the international court of justice looking at it and as a state that is plausible conducting genocide in addition to all the other evidence that we have, we have a very active leak and what not hold it against is it. and,
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but also against the countries that are complicit with is that i think the next few days you wouldn't, we wouldn't or with this that and you cut out well best as gentlemen the case in the international court of justice, which actually claims the money for exporting but things to, is it a and what is what is conducting dental side? this is actually a lot of pressure, not only is it and, but also in the united states and on all the countries that have been completed. and that is very new to the side and the causes to him. so this is very significant, in my opinion. it does apply pressure not only on is it and look also at one of the countries that are supporting isn't right. and this means that they wouldn't apply that, want to push that on his right. and now you can see that i sort of the bottom is around the world that are going that states to stop sending weapons to is it i and, and yeah, let me just bring it and um, towards the end of our discussion now down on the pressure on israel because on prime minister netanyahu, that's internal pressure as well. she huge protests taking place across is riley
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city is particularly intel of eve, and the party recovered of one of those that was being held in ga. so how much pressure is these right? the prime minister on the do you think that in any way plays into the talks in colorado, the pressure on him is re. ready key uh, from public opinion that might at some point reach the breaking point of the solution and he's generally a popular. it was a popular before october 7th because it was offered to personalize the country. but i think one area are sort of looking at the wrong tree. it's not barking up the wrong tree. the c j is highly political and has of course, i can assume they can. so they want this, this knowledge on this, on the human rights council of, of the united nations is a bit of a joke generally wrong by dictatorship without respect, human rights knowing things. a bunch of the real pressure points on his road are something eludes with. yeah, which is kinda so selectively loving arms, and barto talk is such a thing by some people in,
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in written effort took you literally the letter by 36 senators this week, calling on the vine because we thought that which he did. but it won't cause the way that my panelists are talking about was buying a and a west want to use for listen, you know, who just, i guess the deal, the, by the way, how so it was not concocted. but it is really us because israel poses it by the was in the west, and that deal might create real pressure on his room if it's rarely society sees. but in the boston, is this the grand design that includes base, a saudi arabia, the pressure on its own, yahoo, to succumb to hamas as terms might become a resistible. but even then i got an indigo, she ation. you have to know what's important to the other side. you want to could is israel anything you have to know what's important to them? the yahoo and need is a global distorted singularity. but the people of israel, there's pretty much consensus that they cannot have homeowner's insurance and all
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that anymore. because the last spokesman go on our television was they were gonna do october 7th again and again and again. it ended a discussion. so israel needs to know how much will be replaced by the p a, but they may not want this, but that's what's gonna happen anyway. if it is to the, is there a structure slated to enable that? so honestly, if i was called her and egypt than any arab of good faith in any human being, as could say, would be maximally pressuring the loss to stand and accept the next, i'll do where they go, wherever they started with. okay, and some, some pretty controversial comments that i'm afraid we don't have time to pick you up on them though. thanks to will, i guess don perry mooney, i'm going to say but and how so have so hello. whatever the outcome of the latest colorado tools will cover it here on out to 0 until what just at any time, you can always go to our mobile app or to our website out there. don't com. we always want to hear from you your comments. so welcome on our facebook page,
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that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside store. you will find this on ex. well as a inside story, andrea and space and i'll be back again here very soon from all of the team on the program. please stay safe, bye bye for now. the a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue the smell of that is all over power. as long as you say we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. you will see caught a duty in a grove using for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients,
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visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on ridgecrest the the, the, what you all just every with me. so rahman in the hall reminder of all the top stories . israel says 322 trucks. most of them coming through defensive gone, so that's the largest delivery of humanitarian aid to enter the strip in 6 months of full. the number still falls far short of the 500 trucks delivered daily before the war and cause a israel has been facing increasing pressure from its allies to allow aid in time to cover as the invisible from rough and southern gauze. around 322 humanitarian troops have been allowed to get into the guns a strip for.


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