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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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is nothing was inconclusive. you're not going to negotiate, poll, unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on how to do the mold in 300 trucks. coming 8 across into garza, it's the largest delivery since the world began. but well, sure. so what do you and says is needed to feed civilians facing starvation, the color? so robin, you're watching all just every life i headquarters here in the also coming up is really cheap. so tools i'm calling you to is to prepare for a future ourselves as displaced palestinians returning home to a city left and really need to us the international community
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which faded up is being 30 years since the silence of the rwandan genocide. the country has been on the ring, the victims and russian right, and strikes, pound the ukrainians, have used car keys as president. so that's the polls for most of polls from washington. the welcome to the program. it's been 6 months of war and goes up a conflict that's killed, moles and $33000.00 palestinians. decimated parts of the strip and pushed the population towards time and under pressure from its allies as well. now says it's allowed the largest delivery they trucks into cause us since the war began is ready to go forward. he's like 322 trucks. event a district, most of them carrying food. now the number so full shows of the 500 trucks that used to arrive every day in garza before the war. again,
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this comes just days after us present a bite and wound as well it, it must come to protecting civilians and age workers. old risk losing american support in the southern city of con units, most is where the forces of pull down to have to face fighting with palestinian factions as well as the defense minister says the withdrawal was in order to prepare for future operations. hook, you'll see my quotes, all the forces are accepting and preparing for the next mission. so we saw examples of these missions in the ship operation and also of that coming mission into the rough area. because there's really forces lead calling units displaced, palestinians advertising to salvage what they can from that destroyed haynes. meanwhile, from us, it confirms its delegation as of right in cairo for the latest round of sci fi tools. tunnel cover has a house both of us from rafa and southern gaza. around 322 humanitarian tops have been allowed to get into the grounds, a straight from both a current salad and drop out. we're seeing boulder here in
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a rough off these humanitarian homeboys are loaded with water, sugar flow, and all kinds of basic necessities that palestinians are in the very desperate need for by choice mentioning also that these humanitarian trucks are also a combined by trucks that are going to and delivered to the commercial sick ton to the private sector here in the southern part of the guns district. but none of these are humanitarian homeboys had been given the access to reach to the northern part of kansas trip. despite the east valley, a military decision to reopen again, the air is a crushing onto if to guarantee the flow for humanitarian supplies to people in the north. but yet only 3 humanitarian folks get into the northern part of guns. one has been loaded with a few to others, with medical supplies being transferred to hospitals in the northern part of the territory. but generally in times of pre war between 400 up to 500, the humanitarian jokes the goals. this trip was generally couldn't see work,
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it wasn't generally consuming on daily basis, which means that the amount that being delivered to the goal is a strip. is it still yet on can there in comparable to the evidence needs of populations here? specifically those who are trapped in other parts of guns and facing high rates of malnutrition and with different signs of fun and looming on the horizon shone title is the president and c o of an era. the american navies, refugee 8 organization, he says daily deliveries have to be much higher and that agencies still don't have proper security assurances in gaza. it does make up ground to meet the extreme, a gaps in food and other central's for, for living. we need to see more than 500 trucks a day, so very welcome development. but it really needs to be done. so now the real issue is who's going to deliver all this said, i'm right is, is blocked, the is really, won't communicate with on run won't allow the agency to deliver aid into the north
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world. central kitchen near on at least 2 other international n g o's, have pause our work until we get more assurances that humanitarian aid workers are welcome. it's understood that we play a vital role and that we're protected and allowed access, protected access and safety for our workers so that we can effectively deliberately, we need to make sure we have the security and the assurance of, of cooperation and not hindrance i, i can say that we don't have that yet. we are still extremely nervous about operating and guys that were not satisfied with the findings of the investigation on the world. central kitchen killings. uh, if indeed it was an, it was an accident. it was a mistake. we and world central kitchen and everyone would like to to see the evidence. we'd like to hear the tapes. it's hard to believe the description of israel has given for why that the cooler occur. but if that is the case,
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then reassure us by, by providing the evidence enough to get more 8 into the north, the opening, the, the, the promise, the now so opening of the air is crossing in the north is also a welcome development. but also understand that we'll take some time, it was damaged at the beginning of the war. it wasn't used recently in past years for goods. so we shouldn't get distracted by thinking that the opening of the air as crossing is going to be a big benefit. it's every little bit helps. we have to work on every front. there could be more crossings, open the car in the crossing and in the, on the eastern it, it could be open. we just all have to work together to get more a because again, a suffering desperate dying of famine stricken pals settings and gaza does not serve the interest of, of, of anyone and, and the numbers of people dying from starvation are going to climb dramatically. probably regardless, it's too late to save too many. now that most is there any troops have left con, units displaced,
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palestinians wants to rebuild their lives based will be something from scrunch in country visited, some of the areas that were destroyed by israel's military. i'm currently in the heart of can you and this after that is there any forces withdrew from the area after 4 months of and less violence. is there any forces where stations here we can see in the houses, right things and you have through and left overs from that is ready. authorities the destruction is massive. these are is right in the writings and they are all over this building. and we witnessed that a couple of houses have been also having the same words in the same drawings. they literally left their writing on every house. they invaded and stormed income unit. we don't really understand what
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these are written. some people use google translate to understand the messages is where the forces left in their houses and on their walls. and we're also talking to some people. they're saying that they told like they told us that they do not even recognize their house and their neighborhoods from the amount of destruction. all of the streets are completely demolished. there are no streets anymore. it is converted into a part of town. even the houses the r since tom days, they are unsuitable for living, where it's obvious that there has been a lot of bottling between the is there any forces on the palestinian resistance? the infrastructure. the infrastructure has been also v p damaged
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in this area. a residential community were forced to sleep from noon as under gunfire. air strikes lives in munition, and they evacuated to the deadly bella and 2 to 4. but the question is, are these people going back? and if they're going back, going back where there is no where that's suitable for them to live. some people are also still looking under their beloved ones that were trapped under the rubble people in can you and this have been witnessing and list violations by that is really forced, as they were arrested from announcer hospital. they were killed and bumped. and now after 4 months, they finally got the chance to go back and to check up on their houses. this is for the odyssey to new this. those are all says it's sending
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a delegation to egypt capital for another round of c signed negotiations to end the war on garza. but as well as prime minister insist that they will not bow to international pressure. keanta to be sure to come us stop showing us how math hopes that the pressure from outside and inside will make israel surrender to these extreme demands. it will not happen is real, is ready for a deal. it's israel is not ready to surrender. instead of international pressure being directed at israel, which only causes him us to hot and it's positions, the pressure of the international community should be directed against thomas to come up with all of this comes as pressure continues to be bound to appalling, these really government to time and of rules in west or east of thousands of on to give them to protest as on demanding the return of his way to capt is being held in gauze and they say she's finding it she ation. so i don't prioritizing the captives lives through challenges, is that those protests in west jerusalem with
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a high level is ready delegation in cairo, having been given that expanded mandate by the couple wants to negotiate facies by deals. these protest as have come down to these already capacity the parliament to try to keep the pressure on benjamin netanyahu. these governments to bring the captives high. now there are 2 protest movements going on as well. at the moment. this is the less political of the 2. it is previously critical of the governments for not doing enough to bring those captives home, but it is not actively calling for the house the government for benjamin netanyahu to leave office. the other movements is much more political, much more answer documents. for the 1st time. this week, those 2 movements came together in big protests, interested them and telling the process many of which ended up with significant violence with clashes between protests and police, and some heavy handed policing arrest them, detentions,
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etc. now many people think that's benjamin netanyahu would know when another election. so the government process movement is trying to get him to call the elections. there were those who believe that he started dislikes in this country, that he cannot survive politically the end of this will. but the moments benjamin nothing you know is resisting those calls and he's banquets for which happens wester's that one of the longest serving policy and presents of israel has died in custody bonded to that cause spent more than 30 years in prison. he was one of 19 palestinians convicted for involvement in an armed group. the code in his writing subject in 1984 demonstrates as guy that in my line the occupied westbank to show solidarity with the doctor and of the palestinian prisoners held in his way the custody. he was due to be released next year. is there any falls as of right at the city of german yorkie pod, westbank investing 10 palestinians of vehicles moved into the city?
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and is there any troops stalled in several homes? there was some confrontations reported with palestinian sciences rates. the progress thing give increases the will of garza as in southern lebanon, at least for his beloved sciences, have been killed and another person in just and then is riley asked like, hey, i talked to the town. and so then you press key cruise search the rubble of nights in the aftermath of the attack. and let's be regular cross bull to 5 between has block. and this way, the forces since october earlier, dozens of rockets where those from 11 all into is really occupied. golan heights, now has been a fight to say they talk to the base. and the defense post. the attack follows is really strikes and levels back on the valley. some 100 comments is from the boulder as well as minute 3 says it now has completed another stage of preparations for a possible full on will. with 11 on citi ali hash and has moved from casper and
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southern, let them know that's what i was ready as strikes today in different areas of south 11 on from p. i'm in the east to to it off in the west and also in pennsylvania. and quite a few left. this is just the indication how the situation 11 on has been evolving since 6 months when this phone 6 sauces. yesterday only the 7 on the tax seemed to be 5 valley 102 meters from the board on this gave us, it gives us a kind of an understanding of how the dynamics i've been changing over the past months that are more than 100000 people now displaced from the border area, what are the beginning the conflict was contained, but now we can say that it's any more. the ration itself anymore contains us with, as you can say, as i say, the dissolve body and also has well on the other side is trying to expand the front
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. how does one play? whereas it's saw you think, committed to bases in the golan heights, which is also something unprecedented in and previous was over the past 6 months. they've been more than 50 civilians cuz along with a 100. so for hezbollah and all the militants and fights is also killed during this conflict, we are here in south carolina. this house was destroyed. as far such scenes can be seen in different and many, although i live in these thousands across the borders on the how sure much is it off? drop it off, saw the live in a still head. hey on. i was just there. i'm enough. and then there's in, carpeted on the west coast of felucca. what illegal indian fishing is making life difficult for local fishing communities? the
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hello funding concerns remain in place across southern parts of china. still a fab or cloud coming out. so if you will weather as we go on through the next couple of days, you see this training weather system, it's pushes out into the north west pacific flick its way a little further north with this. we go through the next couple of days. so what's the weather also coming into southern parts of japan to to southern areas of honda . she was seeing some big down pools as we go through monday night really wraps up close at east the side of japan as we go 13, tuesday. so the west of that a stays warm, dry and sunny across the korean peninsula. 20 celsius. we'll call them and basing little more cloud coming through here with some showers. still the chance of one or 2 showers down towards the south, but the rain starting to peek around town that stage one or 2 showers to into the philippines, but losey fine and dry here as is the case across in the china good scattering the shows, the recross bonia, it'd be as a weather heaviest re we'll be able to was the y c and still some live the shows
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the around job. and so much a lot of shelves continue. meanwhile, across that is the side of india just pushing across into a mock up. a dash temperature is very much on the high side for good parts of india . wave nice house shuttle right around 40 degrees celsius. not too far off. that's in new delhi. now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even hacked? this is most important. which of these are going to negotiate? poll unapologetic. i'm just asking awesome upfront on out the
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book about what you all just bear with me. so robin into a reminder of all the top stories. israel's military has been drawn most of its traits from the con eunice area in southern gaza. defense minister of cologne says the pull out is to pass a future operations including an assault on the city of ruffled sci fi told. so i'll set to as even kind of right, a delegate should come, come out as has arrived to the egyptian capital. and as randy one met by the chief of most, that bishop jewels to take pounds. israel says that 322 trucks, most of them carrying suited to the end to the casa, pass, the largest delivery of humanitarian aid, to enter the street. in more than 6 months,
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a portion of those trucks that went through the rafa crossing with egypt, the spokesman, the authority of managing the crossing, says the delivery is still a fraction of what was going through before the war. at the bottom of lee measure i have yet i saw the strip is suffering from major famine, especially the northern regions and cause a city. in addition, the south is also suffering from a major humanitarian catastrophe. due to the number of displays, people in about one and a half 1000000 palestinians in the city of ruffled. therefore, bringing aid in this daily manner of a 100 to 150 trucks is not sufficient. especially if we remember before the war, approximately 500 to 700 trucks were entering daily and it will be, it should be noted that doesn't maintain all strategic food supplies. there was a stock, the food of petroleum before the war, electricity, and similar items as well as consumables and medical materials were all being imported. but in this disastrous situation, we're living and due to the war,
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the strip has run out of almost every single. there's no stock of flower, oil, sugar, and other basic supplies, and therefore the arrival of these trucks and of these numbers does not cover the purpose for which they are intended. which is to save the posting people in the gaza strip from family, as well as this role continues as well. and garza which the u as high as coal to set as a possible case for genocide. rwanda is mocking says here since the 1994 genocide, the president polk army, easy occasion to point out the failures of the international community and 3 decades ago. well, the wells to the side of moles and 800000 to see and who to moderates with mexican stephanie decorative pool. so from through london capital k golly, the national anthem on what the rwandan president cold, a very heavy day. it's 30 years since we want this genocide, an estimated 800000 people slaughtered over the course of 100 days and then to not
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to for genocide, i guess it was a genocide to folks and that way it hasn't been killed. the wife wife didn't for the time on children the world watched in shock, but did nothing. it was an international, real quick managed, as we stated, or whether from content to colorado, specifically words to among those here african heads of state form or french presence between us acquisition and the former us president. bill clinton wizard was president in 1994. the americans too, did nothing. we all state governments, books, person why they think they were left alone because some lives don't matter. this is what the president was saying today and examples with the gauge of the lessons that we have not is that there's different standards for different kinds of people. and this is what we run to
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a very pragmatic about our situation. these really present isaac heads up here to israel, currently facing genocide charges for it's. we're on garza at the international court of justice. the president store to the commemoration in the morning with the lighting of a flame of remembrance and so small in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of lives. it honors it has been a long and painful process to reconcile, to forgive and to trust. and we're told it's a constantly evolving process. there were 2 messages here, one of the resilience up there, wanting people, and also the responsibility they fair to keep reconciling. and to make sure that a genocide never happens again. the other one was of the failure of the international community that despite the pools of never again event since 1994 show us that that seems to fall on deaf ears. stephanie decker, i'll just say we're all together. mission own creative is
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a project right there. with the in special crisis group, he says preventing another break of violence. we'll take complex diplomacy, not just you and troops on the ground. and what is the major elements of the international response to base violets and the 1990? with the set top large, complex un peacekeeping missions are quits, not tiny, with salt, which is the famous blue helmets, but also with human rights surfaces atrocity prevention teams. and so forth that but it seems like it's preventing the trustees in large areas in very complex complex situations is very difficult to do. and ultimately, the best way to prevent the trusty violence really is to work to prevent civil will be around the others, the guidance and others as well. have had that proxy on groups their own groups and the dmc, but they even support to ever since the 1990s. this has been
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a permanent feature of nice and he's been biase despite the full and likely go to war in 2003 full despite success. they've done across it to the elected governments in the cold. i've been of the groups roaming around. i know, can you move probates into already proven sound people pro it's many years old, but many of whom are backed by neighboring countries. rwanda, but also as i say, other countries and that's been true, right. talk to now at the moment um, there are landed security back in the 23, which is wreaking havoc across new products. now everyone to says more or less, bailey and private reminder says it's reason for backing. the empty tray is to counter the seattle group, which is a group led by people who were guilty of the genocide, 2 pages of the back to don't committed to genocide in 1994 so that we see the links and the history is present today. many other suspect,
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the one that has all the motivations, but nevertheless, this history of all the roles through the decades. unfortunately, while of the population of the people providence and the come guys, i suffer the consequences. the, the new president is wanting, his country will lose the war against russia. if he doesn't get more military aid from washington, lot of insulin skis. comments came as russian forces launched a new wave of trade and we saw strikes on the ukrainians that he's kind of keep. charles stratford said this update. so there is no is safe and called cubes these days. russian palms, kamikaze drones and missiles can strike anywhere. and at any time, the crane 2nd largest city of the for the moment i was standing by the window,
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so we will chat to blast, injure my face for through a fill on the floor. my wife gave me 1st day and we came outside and he was complete health neighbors and friends comes with each other. they make temporary repairs to their rates homes. but there is mounting fear of increasing russian attacks involving what ballistic expect, say, or re purpose. so be weapon is the so called light palm 5 by just 5 to how to of range of most of ukraine's air defenses. people in this neighborhood say there is no strategic or military side. yeah. a thorough attack. so like these happening day and the lights across car keeps city and the why the region. every attack, the fear amongst the people who live here is growing and there's realizing and among some residents who accused you'll socrates of not doing enough to protect them. i won't touch him,
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shouts this man to the mass of cock kids. body guards. are you telling me to fly to your system? there you go. fine. i'm just focused because i remember on the day of the invasion you will just pouncing flowers. you now just safety face drinking once again the explosions and coffee and that's why people also distress. we need a defense. we have to close the skies. across the sushi smoke rises, remove bones, house homes destroyed this time. finally, to set to russian kamikaze drone remnants of people's lives, broken and scattered into the charred remains of an animal. the page may be 67 year old galena sits through the rubble of her home. she moved to ukraine from federal, russo almost 50 years ago. easily cessna's eyes shock,
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nothing else but shock. she cried. hope i don't know what to do. i live alone. what can i do? you show me, you have a genius to wash just as it doesn't deliberately target civilians and it's trying to hit ukraine strategic an energy infrastructure in revenge for you. creating the tax across the border into words for the people of the city. many of whom like galena, terrified and struggling to co, a john smith without a 0 called. keith definitely takes time for mix, cuz i'm seeing that google has arrived back home. mexico's foreign minister was at the airport to welcome them. they flew back 2 days after the ecuadorian, please re to the embassy in keith drinking. a break in diplomatic relations. security forces were arresting, the former ecuadorian, vice president of hague, los, who'd sold political, assign them to the embassy in december. that's to be indicted on corruption charges
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. not least 90. 1 people have been killed in ms and being after a make shift to ferry signed colts. the country is north coast. 130 people who are on board. the converted fishing boat when it sign coughing to put a provence on sunday, will forward. he said the vessel was not suitable to carry passengers. risk is found 5 survivors as as india propose to hold a national general election, an uninhabited island between india and ser, line. crew is fast becoming a campaign issue. the rights to catch with people and the waters around it was seated to slang. could bind you down the other 19 seventies, but the decades old decision is now causing problems to indian fishermen. but also on those reports from the west coast officer lanka. hard to get a better than the think are is on. johnson is industry, lincoln, jews, and she says it's because he's a fisherman, some southern india the they have captured to him because he went to fish since he
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was the board j. well, he has been doing a 6 months sentence. johnson is one is more than $178.00 people from time to now do the rest of this year for legally fishing, interlock and voters. most get sentences from 6 months to 2 and a half years suspended for 5 years. this means imprisonment is guaranteed to repeat, defend is the hundreds of thousands of families are dependent on pushing here. it is only for our livelihood that because of the border, we are not doing it on purpose. even the government is aware of the growing number of fishermen being jail does lead to protest and south india. the community says they have faced in these waters for generation. for the problems began with india seated control industry lanka, of the island of katya 2 and surrounding waters between the 2 countries in the 1970s. these annual feast on the island grows thousands of indian fishermen and
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their families. but this year they bully called to the event as campaigns, he tapped the head of general elections starting in the end of this month.


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