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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the, the question why it happened, like the disk to area where the foundation the more than 308 trucks and to gaza. it is the largest to, to bring in 6 months, but fall short of what's needed to feed millions of people. on the brink of starvation, the autumn, and this is all just the on line from the house. so coming up, returning to a city in ruins, displays palestinians inspect some damage to their homes. and con eunice foster, as rarely troops withdrew to prepare for a future of assault. and his riley strike on 711 long shows. at least 4 people
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rescue as a digging through rumbled searching for survivors. and living in caea and northern new crane, we speak in caucus, whose homes were destroyed and rushing, drawn, strikes the ultra days of mounting international pressure. israel says it's a now the largest number of a trucks and the gaza since the will began 6 months ago. is rarely as long as you say, 322 truck 7 to the strip, most of them carrying food, the fordable, 500 trucks. and today the, the us had warned as well that must commit to protect and civilians in aid work as a risky losing american support. half a 1000000 people in gaza facing famine. some of those trucks went through these off of crossing with egypt. the authority managing the crossing says the delivery as to the fraction of what was going through the affordable,
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the value of the lee measure. i'll give you further strip is suffering from major famine, especially the northern regions and gaza city. in addition, the south is also suffering from a major humanitarian catastrophe, due to the number of displaced people in about one and a half 1000000 palestinians in the city of ruffled. therefore, bringing aid in this daily manner of a 100 to 150 trucks is not sufficient, especially if we remember before the war, approximately 500 to 700 trucks were entering daily naomi. so my thought a couple of them has more funded alpha and southern gaza. around 322 humanitarian troops have been allowed to get into the guns a straight from both a current salad and drop off. we're seeing boulder here in a rough idea as a humanitarian chromeboys are loaded with water, sugar, slow, and all kinds of basic necessities that palestinians are in a very desperate need for by choice mentioning also that these uh humanitarian trucks are also a combined by trucks that are going to and delivered to the commercial sick ton to
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the private sector here in the southern part of the guns a strip. but none of these are humanitarian chromeboys had been given the access to reach to the northern part of guns a strip. despite the east valley of military decision to reopen again. the air is a crusting onto if to guarantee the flow of humanitarian supplies to people in the north, but yet only 3 human attorney until they get into the northern part of guns. one has been loaded with you to others with medical supplies being transferred to hospitals in the northern part of the territory. but generally in times of pre war between 400 up to 500 the humanitarian troops. the goal is this trip was generally couldn't see work. it wasn't generally consuming on daily basis, which means that the amount that being delivered to the goal is a strip. is it still yet on conduct in comparable to the evidence needs of populations here? specifically those who are trapped in the know that positive guns and facing high rates of malnutrition and with different signs of funding looming on the horizon
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shone. kyle is the president and ceo of anita the american new or used refugee 8 organization. and he says, daily deliveries have to be much higher end agencies still don't have proper security assurances in gaza. still make up ground to meet the extreme. a gaps in food and other centrals for, for living. we need to see more than 500 trucks a day, so very welcome development. but it really needs to be done. so now the real issue is who's going to deliver all this say, i'm right, is, is blocked. the is really won't communicate with on run, won't allow the agency to deliver aid into the north world. central kitchen near on at least 2 other international n g o's. have pause our work until we get more assurances that humanitarian aid workers are welcome. it's understood that we play a vital role and that we're protected and allowed access,
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protected access and safety for our workers so that we can effectively deliberately aid. we need to make sure we have the security and the assurance of, of cooperation and not hindrance i, i can say that we don't have that yet. we are still extremely nervous about operating and gaza were not satisfied with the findings of the investigation on the world. central kitchen killings. uh, if indeed it was an, it was an accident. it was a mistake. we and world central kitchen and everyone would like to to see the evidence. we'd like to hear the tapes. it's hard to believe the description that israel has given for why that the cooler occur. but if that is the case, then reassure us by, by providing the evidence enough to get more 8 into the north, the opening, the, the, the promise, the mouse opening of the air is crossing in the north is also a welcome development. but also understand that will take some time. it was damaged at the beginning of the war. it wasn't used recently in past years for goods. so we
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shouldn't get distracted by thinking that the opening of the air as crossing is going to be a big benefit. it's every little bit helps. we have to work on every front. there could be more crossings open the car, the crossing, and in the, on the eastern it, it could be open. we just all have to work together to get more a because again, a suffering desperate dying of famine stricken pal settings and gaza does not serve the interest of, of, of any one. and then the numbers of people dying from starvation are going to climb dramatically. probably regardless, it's too late to save too many of the solemn study of calling you this most is there. any forces have pulled out how to feel is fighting the policy and the infections. one brigade has been left in the area as well as defense minister says the withdrawal was in order to prepare for future operations. hope you'll see my thoughts are the forces are accepting and preparing for the next missions. we saw examples of these missions in the shift operation,
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and also over that coming mission into the rough area will displace palestinians returning to con, you and of us have been taking stock of the devastation, some of the trying to salvage what they can from the villains of homes, the residential building, still standing uninhabitable in the visits of some of the areas that were devastated by as well as military. i'm currently in the heart of can you and this. after that, is there any forces withdrew from the area after 4 months of and less violence? is there any forces were stations here we can see in the houses. right things and you have through and left overs from that is ready. authorities. the destruction is massive. is these are, is right in the writings and they are all over this building and we witnessed that a couple of houses have been also having the same words in. ringback the same
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drawings, they literally left their writing on every house. they invaded and stormed income unit. we don't really understand what these are written. some people use google translate to understand the messages. is there any forces left in their houses and on their walls. and we're also talking to some people they're saying that they told like they told us that they do not even recognize their house and their neighborhoods from the amount of destruction. all of the streets are completely demolished. there are no streets anymore. it is converted into a part of town, even the houses the r since tom days. they are unsuitable for living. where it's
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obvious that there has been a lot of bottling between the is there any forces and the palestinian resistance? the infrastructure. the infrastructure has been also g p damaged in this area. residents of con, eunice were forced to flee from noon as under gunfire. air strikes, larger munitions, and they evacuated to the very bella and to the floor. but the question is, are these people going back? and if they're going back, going back where there is no where that's suitable for them to live. and some people are also still looking under their beloved ones that were trapped under the rubble. people in 10 units have been witnessing and list violations by that is really forced,
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as they were arrested from announcer hospital. they were killed and bumped. and now after 4 months, they finally got the chance to go back and to check up on their houses. this is included the odyssey to new this egypt sin and is really media of a portion progress. and this is find a goal, she ations taking place in cairo, but him off as downplaying. the reports of told alj a 0 that is around isn't responding to his demands that is ready and how most delegations have left the egyptian capital that they have expected to be back within 2 days. is rarely negotiations were led by the head of the intelligence agency. must side is where the forces have rated the city of buddha and occupied westbank. resting 10 palestinians advanced was moved into the city and is ready troops, storm several homes. and what was the confrontations with palestinian flashes raised in the occupied west bank, having quite a sense of 1000 again enough to tell you that one of the longest serving palace to
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be in prison isn't israel has died in custody while the dock us spent more than 30 years in jail. it was one of 19 palestinians convicted for enrollment and prove that killed and is rarely soldier in 1984 demonstrated has gathered in the occupied west back to remember the doctor. and i've a panelist and in putting a student held in his ready custody, kyle is due to be released next year. this is where the government is under growing pressure at home and west jerusalem, thousands of antique government protest as a demanding the return of his ready captains being held in gaza. i ceased fine negotiations on prioritizing the captives lives or challenges was at the protest in west jerusalem and with a high level is ready delegation in cairo, having been given an expanded mandate by the governments to negotiate facies by deals. these protest as have come down to these already capacity the parliament to try to keep the pressure on benjamin netanyahu as governments to bring the captives
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high. now, there are 2 protest movements going on as well. at the moment. this is the less political of the 2. it is fiercely critical of the governments for not doing enough to bring those captors home. but it is not actively calling for the asked the government for benjamin netanyahu to leave office. the other movements is much more political, much more answer documents. for the 1st time. this week, those 2 movements came together in big protests, interested them inside of the process, many of which ended up with significant violence with clashes between professors and police, and some heavy handed policing, arresting, detentions, etc. now many people think that benjamin netanyahu would not win another election. so the government process movement is trying to get him to coal. the elections. there were those who believes that he is so dislikes in this country that he cannot survive politically. the end of this war,
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but for the moments benjamin nothing you know is resisting those calls and he's banquets for which happens west prison and south 11 on at least for hezbollah. 5 is have been killed and one person injured it is really s tried it. targeted at the time or something, the rescue crew search, the bubble of a nice and the optimal cynthia tag is being ranking across 4 to 5 between has vall that and just by the full assistance of the target and thousands of rockets will be launched from as well, into the uh and from 11 on by the end of those ready occupied golden heights has bullet flashes. so they target, shoot an army base and an air defense post. the attack follows is rarely strikes and 11 on the call valley, about a 100 kind of bases from the border, as well as the weather trace has now completed another stage of the preparations for a possible war with lebanon. and sylvia. on a hush, whom has moved from costa and saw them living on the is ready as strikes today in different areas of south 11 on from p. i'm in the east to to it off in the west and
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also in pennsylvania and across the field of this. just the invitation how the situation in government has been evolving since 6 months when this phone 6 sauces yesterday only the. busy 7 on the tax seemed to be 5 valley 102 meters from the board on this gave us, it gives us a kind of an understanding of how the dynamics have been changing over the past months. that are more than 100000 people now displaced from the border area. what are the beginning the conflict was contained, but now we can say that it's any more the ration itself anymore contains us with, as you can say, as i say that the sovereignty and also has belonged to all the sites trying to expand the front. how does that play with us? it's saw you think committed to bases in the golan heights,
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which is also something unprecedented in, in previous was over the past 6 months. they've been more than 50 civilians, go along with hundreds of hezbollah and other militants and fights is also killed using this conflict. we don't have any software. all of this house was destroyed. as far such scenes can be seen in defense on many of the news, thousands across the board does it have so much as it off drop it off. so the still ahead on knowledge is that we look ahead to next months parliamentary elections in south africa. observe a se populist ideas could dominate campaigns. the on counting the cost of india is economy is on the vines for the nations. 12 gap is whitening us as spending billions of dollars to clean up its industrial facilities
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. plus millions of uses around the world will now have to buy microsoft office without counting the cost on out of the era. being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story, amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noises of war is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. we're just going to try to take up as a safety position reading the trying to find the words the truth. it's that challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep one of the issues and decision makers in check. so the devastating you and tossed up their decisions. the reason the soldiers base themselves in this house is because it's as the edges of the janine refugee cab. and from here they have, it's their view of working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as
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relevant to so that this mode that unites us, that divides us the the, the watching knowledge of the man this was put on the window. ha, reminder of our top stories to sell as well says 322 trunks. most of them carrying food have entered gaza. that's the largest delivery of humanitarian a. to enter this trip in 6 months. as well as military has withdrawn most of its troops from the con you in this area and southern gaza defense minister you're going on, says pronounced as to prepare for future operations, including an assault on the city of law firm. and as is rarely forces, lead con eunice displays palestinians,
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and percentage salvage where they can find in wives for destruction. buildings and infrastructure. the ukranian president is wanting, his country will lose the war. if it doesn't get more military aid from washington, blood, amazing lensky made the comments as russian forces launched a new wave of drone and missile strikes on the ukrainian city of concave child stratford sent us this report. there is no is safe in called cuba these days. russian palms, kamikaze drones and missiles can strike anywhere. and at any time, the crane 2nd largest city of the i was standing by the window. so we will chat to blast, injure my face for through a fill on the floor. my wife gave me 1st day and we came outside and he was complete health of the neighbors and friends comes with each other. they make
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temporary repairs to the right homes. but there is mounting fear of increasing russian attacks involving what ballistic expense say, or re purpose. so be the weapons the so called glide phone 5 by just by the house of range of most of ukraine's air defenses. people in this neighborhood say there is no strategic or military side. yeah. there are attacks like these happening day and the lights across car keeps city and the why the region. every attack, the fear amongst the people who live here is growing. and there's realizing, and i'm on some residents who accused you of socrates of not doing enough to protect the people they want to know. if i want to touch him, shouts this man to the man. i've taught kids body guards. are you telling me to fly to your system? there you go. fine. i'm just focused because i remember on the day of the invasion
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you would just pouncing flowers. you now just safety face drinking to once again we have explosions in hockey, and that's why people are so distressed. we need a defense. we have to close the skies across the sushi smoke rises for more, but and town homes destroyed this time. findings, a septic russian kamikaze drawn remnants of people's lives broken and scattered with the charred remains of an animal. a page maybe 67 year old galena sits through the rubble of her home. she moved to ukraine from feder, russo almost 50 years ago. you visit us as much the shock, nothing else but shock. she cried hopefully. i don't know what to do. i live alone. what can i do? you show me the virginia's mind wash just as it doesn't deliberately target
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civilians and it's trying to hit ukraine strategic an energy infrastructure in revenge for you crating the tax across the board a c m. c. words for the people of the city. many of whom, like galena, are terrified and struggling to co child strap it down to 0 concave. major flooding and southwest in russia has forced at least 4000 people to evacuate they homes. the government has declared a federal emergency in the city of oscar. torrential rain caused a dam to boast on friday, and as long as you say, moving is full cost of the coming days. the dramatic stuff of mexico's embassy in ecuador have returned home. they flew back 2 days off to ecuador and police rate at the end, the same key thought and arrested for want ecuador and vice president for hey gloss . he thought to political asylum at the embassy in december after being indicted on
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corruption charges. mexico hasn't broken diplomatic relations with equitable following the res. a result supreme court has opened an investigation into the bill unit, you know, and mosque off the he promised to define a court order and reactivate certain accounts on his social media platform x. a top judge had ordered x to block, the accounts which were accused of spreading misinformation. mosque has cooled, the decision unconstitutional, and said he'll list the restrictions political policies in south africa or on the campaign trail ahead of next month parliamentary election. the government and african national congress is expected to face a tough challenge with some policies have to populate us populist westbrook to appeal to vases. finally, the major reports from johannesburg on how these tactics are being perceived. the agency has been in power for 3 decades. with the african national congress school days appear to be said in the parties govern since the end of apartheid as to the
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country's 1st democrat to vote in 1994 and so, but its popularity has dropped to less than 50 percent. and the poor governance corruption struggling economy and fost rising crime is the, this is the opposition action is the party made by the form a may of 200 is buck omen? my siobhan, is his fighting crime, and corruption is the top of his agenda when mid to late be a total, i guess those who commit crimes crimes like what robinson made though, and drug trafficking and so forth. see those consequences. i think of right now, 12 of the guys is really very soft on, on, on criminals. we've got to the of the look at this issue of puddle and way of prison, of extra need to take our prison as, as some kind of law or the, or the date address or the pop industry to rec seems to be working. i've had to go into the go in, we've ex and i think, you know, because of it also stays in depth,
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like in, like on the exit and we'll fix the top rates. i'm hoping they would fall down mostly like it's been so many years where they've had time to prove themselves. change that guns are in some ways, but it says getting wise to pub prime, some parties are promising to reinstate the disability and other say they can turn the economy around. but it's unclear how such policies will live up to the promises they're making. it is all much more of a license and it's very much corporate kind of politics. if i, they do not have a team and date of how they'll actually go into development outcomes. nationalist belonged to the economic freedom fighters was established 11 years ago and is known for disrupting parliamentary proceedings. that as well as our total, avoids, needed to use my name and making inflammatory and racist statements. but his popularity is also rising along with that of the outspoken politicians and their parties meet them in a ultra 02 hundreds, but at least 91 people have died in mozambique all through a make shift,
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very sun coast the country's north coast, a 150 people on board, the converted fishing boat and it sank off and i'm full of province on sunday. authority say the vessel wasn't suitable with carry passengers rescue as have found only 5 survivors for more than a month. the people of lubbock in india have been on hunger strike and protest against a government decisions to run the territory from new delhi. on sunday resident staged decision protest, they say big decision mazda eliza slow box, local tribes zane. the savvy has long since india revoked, cushion me or send me a tournament status and divided the himalaya and region 5 years ago. standing against change has been an uphill struggle on sunday protestors and the territory of la gathered once again in the world's largest democracy. they say it's democratic process is under attack,
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they just stop these weiss will keep people entitle surprises that white individually go to the on on do more good. it truly induce a do more crazy. but on the, on the ground, what thinks that happening? we are, we missing that you do store 30 undemocratic a march to the chinese border was called awesome in height and secured, restricting, peaceful protest. organizers say could lead to violence. today if you see it on the new, you can see lots of deployment off of that enclave district. we can see lot of deployment of police and better military forces. and in my life time, i've seen this 1st time and never seen such a deployment of force. it's all they have created a war was on like situation over here. the government's decision to run the territory directly from new delhi has left to a dock with little say in developing projects and new laws that will directly impact their land and lives. and was the daily clear in the past to allow outside years to invest and settle in previously autonomous areas. local people worry about
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the fragile mountain ecosystem and the demographic shift the risks, their identities and income flux leaders say people in the region feel more under represented than ever. may. hi is lee. i whole ledesma's facing a very deep crisis. they use our jobless, our identity is under threat with no protection. wildlife is endangered. and women are grappling with and facial research, the government to implement laws that were safe guard tribal rights. under the constitution of india, we demand that association of democracy in video. the government has been curtailing internet services and low doc arresting young leaders and cracking down on demonstrations residents where the situation could descend into violent, similar to the decades long conflict. elsewhere in kashmir, months of talks between new delhi and leaders from a dock have ended in deadlock. demonstrate to say they are willing to do whatever
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it takes even fast to death, unless their demands for protection against outside influence are backed. same bus robbie older 0. and that set something, elizabeth put on whether it was next to the inside story looks at the latest round of tools to reach a truce and gaza. thank you for watching the hello. we have some writing, the full cost for the arabian financial, a little bit of cloud clearing out of the way moving out to of i'm on the cloud, could just produce a shadow to, into a saudi arabia. i think here we go, how we will stay fine and dry actually 29 celsius. but notice i'm sure i was just cropping up a little further west. we go wanting to choose the item of just picking up 35 celsius and i'm happy early for that sort of number. still some shout was able to was the western side of saudi arabia. nature spelled in the office and what,
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what was coming into the event that is to sort of the mediterranean slide for us all away from that is to sort of took a up to was a cool cuz he's right down the gaza. and the rainbow watched by more heavy as we go, one is to choose, they said some really nice the weather coming in here as we make our way into the pot middle part of this week. meanwhile, across the northern africa, it is 10 retry. mr. dustin sat, a possibility around us, the heart was still a little below. we just have one or 2 shouts to cause the north west of african for tuesday. good scattering the showers, meanwhile, across southern positive west africa into the gulf of gaining and whether actually stretched it down for a central africa. i still pretty went very into south africa pushing into central policy slowly, but surely making his way further east the, the must be the emotion in their own
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words, 3 o g 0 general. this describe working and survived through his rails or so of course a lot of mind that was almost gone and especially as much the short of time journalism under genocide on a just so you know, you want to report, but at the same time you want to feature probably you also want to stay alive. yes, another round of talks to reach interesting goes up. repeated attempts have so far failed to end this route, 6 months more on the strip with both israel and the mouse sticking to the positions . will this round be any different and is it, do you even possible this is inside store the hello again i.


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