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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the government challenges the or the the color that i'm just on the pain. this is a news online from the coming up in the next 16 minutes. the biggest a delivery in to go off of since the war began over 6 months ago. the u. n says it's not enough to feed millions of stopping pallets from returning to ruins. how destiny isn't con eunice tries of salvage? what's left off to is there any strikes and intense ground? the 3 people, including a hezbollah, pfizer, a kelvin, and his way, the strike,
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and southern level. and how political parties in south africa, off focusing on a hot button issues such as crime and corruption since when votes and next month, selection the off to days of mounting international pressure and warnings of famine from humanitarian organizations as well. it says that it's allowed the largest number of a trucks into garza since the war began 6 months ago, is rarely with ortiz, say, some 322 trucks into district, most of them carrying food. the foldable 500 trucks used to arrive daily. 8 organizations accuses relative slowing the delivery of humanitarian relief supplies . the one has described the situation and gaza as 9 made starvation and has warned of done and what some of this those trucks and to gauze out the roof across things, egypt. the bone growth, ours used as the delivery. there is only
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a fraction of what ent and before the will, the volume of lee measure, i give you the strip is suffering from major famine, especially the northern regions and cause a city. in addition, the south is also suffering from a major humanitarian catastrophe, due to the number of displaced people in about one and a half 1000000 palestinians in the city of ruffled. therefore, bringing aid in this daily manner of a 100 to 150 trucks is not sufficient, especially if we remember before the war. approximately 500 to 700 trucks were entering daily. naomi are well disposed, palestinians have begun returning to the devastation. the city of con eunice in southern garza, most is ready troops of now withdrawn from that area of to fee a specialist with posting infections. some people are trying to salvage their belongings from the ruins of their homes. the building still standing on not habitable and down could already visited some of the areas that were devastated that by israel's military. i'm currently in the heart of can you and this. after
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that is there any forces withdrew from the area after 4 months of and lis violence is really forces were stationed here. we can see in the houses. right things and you have through and left overs from that is ready. authorities the destruction is massive. these are is right in the writings and they are all over this building. and we witnessed that a couple of houses have been also having the same words in the same drawings. they literally left their writing on every house. they invaded and stormed income unit. we don't really understand what these are written. some people use google translate to understand the messages is really forces left in their houses and on their walls. and we're also talking to
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some people. they're saying that they told like they told us that they do not even recognize their house and their neighborhoods from the amount of destruction. all of the streets are completely demolished. there are no streets anymore. it is converted into a part of town. even the houses the r since tom days or they are unsuitable for living, where it's obvious that there has been a lot of bottling between the is there any forces on the palestinian resistance? the infrastructure. the infrastructure has been also g p damaged in this area. residents of con eunice were forced to
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flee from noon as under good fire air strikes, larger munitions, and they evacuated to the very bela and to the floor. but the question is, are these people going back? and if they're going back, going back where there is no where that's suitable for them to live it. some people are also seen looking under their beloved ones that were trapped under the rubble. people in 10 units have been witnessing and list violations by that is really forced, as they were arrested from announcer hospital. they were killed and bombed. and now after 4 months, they finally got the chance to go back and to check up on their houses. this is the hold of the odyssey to newness over the nicest, from the ground that speak to a correspondent, honey, before he joins us live now from rafa and southern gaza. honey, i want to start with this aid that we're seeing these 322 trucks. we're hearing now
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obviously address very little of the desperate an urgent needs. but is it pops a and encouraging sign of what might be to come? the the yes, the fact is that is largely corrected just by looking at things that the ground and the fact that we're looking at this number right after a long period of time would only trickle amount of a food that was allowed into the gaza strip. but let alone the fact that the northern part then java city i haven't been receiving any of the food supplies then, or the ada trucks that were supposed to be delivered within the past weeks. and with the constant attacks on 8 convoys and aid workers and 8 seekers and law enforcement and trying to secure the delivery of a just made the whole things very difficult and further increased the spread of famine in the northern parts and gauze and city. and here and over crowded southern
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part of the district, but look at depletion of resources, the over prices of the certain items that are essential for survival. and people with the lack of financial capabilities are unable to respond to the needs. the fact that matter right now is a that we're looking at is really approval of allowing human interior in a truck that this particular difficult time is one. at one more proof of that food has been used as a weapon to collectively punish people in the northern parts. they're out of the city and the rest of the gaza strip and on the fact that there is a report by the times of israel, it is stating that is rev has approved the reopening of a 20 bakeries and pipes of water pipelines is one more prove that food and fox was used as a weapon to collectively punish people across the gauze, does a through but with the ongoing constant obstruction of a to ensure
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a to ensure that is block blocking the, the smooth flow smooth the flow of a human to terry. and it is also a reason why we're seeing these difficult conditions. 320 trucks are not nearly enough, still respond to the greater needs right now and the famine spreading in the northern part and gaza city. indeed, honey, i also want to ask you about the state of con eunice, now that henry was showing us so many of its residents fled to russell where you are given the level of devastation with thing. does anyone at all feel like they can actually return her or will the moment people heard about these really wood withdrawal from the city of han you and is the the 1st thing that comes up to mind a particular for remaining family members who, who were displaced in rough last city and the central area of rush to con, unit city, doing back on their residential homes and with the initial blocks,
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then to check on remaining family members that do where's their work tribe inside the city of honda. and it says there's really military was operating so address of li, uh we're looking at more than 90 percent of the city have been destroyed, completely audited devastation of not only the residential homes and also the public facilities, the infrastructures, the roads, entire areas have been destroyed. beyond recognition, so we were, we were told by some people who are uh, residential based and part of how new and if they could not recognize the street to their residential homes, they could not recognize the areas that they have lived in for the past years of their, their lives, the tires that have high noon is half turned into a maze of rumbles, and we're talking about a systematic destruction, uncontrolled demolition of homes, mainly in the eastern area. but more of it, of the public facility to the infrastructure in central han. you and it's
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a definitive nothing hoss, but that's all the way to the western. pardon me, are they evacuations on people rushed through the area because these just want to see if there is anything left, anything that they could salvage of, from what is left in their homes. honey, welcome on to the with the very latest from the ground for us from rough up in the southern gaza strip. thank you hon or addiction and just really media are opposing some progress in the goal is to say is fine to go. sions. but her mouth is down playing the reports. it's told else was there that israel is not responding to, it's to mom's is really on her mazda delegations. we understand have left kyra, but they are expected to return to the egyptian capital in 2 days. is really negotiate, as well as by the heads of their intelligence agency. massage. is there any forces? meanwhile, have rated the city of dora in the occupied. westbank arresting, 10 palestinians, and vehicles moved into the city and troops stormed several homes that there were
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also confrontations with palestinian fighters rates and the occupied west side has increased in frequency and intensity during israel's war on garza to decades. so challenging injustice with resistance has been a main stay across palestine. but right scripts say the occupied westbank is now divided into a $165.00 count on each. surrounded by his rarely checkpoint skates by passwords and settlements and not to make nationwide movements increasingly difficult, dangerous to maintain. so we're con reports from the occupied west bank. this is a town of beta in the occupied westbank. it hits headlines 3 years ago to being a model of non violent resistance against is ready, settler, coll, nights ation local people use tactics to confuse settlers who tried to pitch up on the hill. their persistence drove them out. the back elaine account did not. confusion activities consisted of men, women,
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and children. and the elderly lodges of men would like 5 and flash impacts of assessing one and another unit would use floodlights and lasers and another would make loud noises. but the assessment has since been transformed into and his re, the military base, a law firm up the rest of them has spent nearly 2 decades leading and g o. supporting posting and douglas covering uprisings, negotiations, all unknown violent resistance. she says fatigue is growing in the occupied westbank division in the west bank and it didn't happen again overnight or and then to but or last year it has been happening. it was, or the guess 3 did. it's a policy of dividing the land and that's dividing the people. it's like this with cheese to make it worse. there's ratings, artist, around being and, and shutting down each inc leave by itself. so the noise is welcome to this jeanine
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. the was this fight, is there a model of armed resistance reflect in 2021, soon spread to nablus to boss and talk to them. but one research says probably just mostly defending the refugee camps on the left. the lot of the, the occupation separated city through the divisions between regions by destroying the economy and dividing societal structures, including camp up and cities and villages. while resistance violent as non violent is mostly contained in camps. townsend villages, rights groups, se, bed wins, a mostly defense listed to being pushed from the land. we attempt to reach one displaced community, but as a roadblock prevents us from reaching them to come up, which is a way we find another community. there are 8 families living in the sped one tub. they don't want to take on camera, but they did tell us they were false from that lines. just
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a few comments away from that violence. they say they are most vulnerable to displacement. they have very few options to defend themselves of those with the auction site. they'll continue to defend the land, but few holding onto the hope of a collective struggle while they were being physically divided north on out to 0. the occupied westbank and southern lebanon. at least 3 people, including it, has been assigned to have been killed in and is really as strike and targeted the town of stilton. an overnight rest, your crews searched the rubble of f. as the vines seventies on. group has rely on these really ami had been exchanging fund across the board since the war and gone. so began in october a palestinian prisoner who spent more than 50. yes. and is there any child has died in custody? 62 year old while the dock, i was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago, who was one of 19 palestinians convicted for their links to an honest group that
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killed him. his really soldier. back in 1984 demonstrations gathered in ramallah. emil complied westbank to remember dhaka and of a palestinian still in his riley prisons dock. all himself was due to be released next year. well, these are in the government is under growing pressure at higher in western wisdom. thousands of protesters have been demanding the safer tons of the 100 and especially 3 is really. capt is still housing garza. hey, stacy's fine negotiations on not prioritizing the acceptance release or challenge was of the protests that investors with a high level is ready delegation in cairo, having been given an expanded mandate by the governments to negotiate facies by deals. these protest as have come down to these already capacity the parliaments, to try to keep the pressure on benjamin netanyahu as governments to bring the captives high. now, there are 2 protest movements going on as well. at the moment. this is the less
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political of the 2. it is for you to sleep critical, a governments for not doing enough to bring those caps is home, but it is not actively calling for the ouster of the government for benjamin netanyahu to leave office. the other movements is much more political, much will answer documents for the 1st time this week, those 2 movements came together in big protests, interested them and telling the process, many of which ended up with significant violence with clashes between professors and police and some heavy handed policing, arresting, detentions, etc. now, many people think that's benjamin netanyahu would not win another election. so the, i'm to government process movement is trying to get him to cold. the elections. there are those who believe that he is cert dislikes in this country, that he cannot survive politically the end of this war. but for the moments, benjamin nothing you know is resisting those calls and he's banquets for which
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happens. west prism will still tend to more head fear. this thing is our inclusion . living and fit north in ukraine. we speak to people and car keys to his homes were destroyed by russian. dr. strikes the well, the ukranian president is wanting but his country will news. the war, if it doesn't get military support from washington. for all the means, lensky made those comments as russian force as almost a new wave of drone and miss all strikes on the city of khaki. you've shaw stratford sent us this report. there is no is safe and called cuba these days. russian palms, kamikaze drones and missiles can strike anywhere. and at any time, the crane 2nd largest city of the i was standing by the window. so we will chat to blast, injure my face for through a fill into florida. my wife gave me per se,
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and we came outside and he was complete health. neighbors and friends comes with each other. they make temporary repairs to their rates homes. but there is mounting fear of increasing russian attacks involving what ballistics expect, say, or re purpose. so be equipment is the so called light phone 5 by just 5 to how to of range of most of ukraine's air defenses. people in this neighborhood say there is no strategic or military sites. yeah. a thorough attack. so like these happening day and the lights across car keeps city and the why the region. every attack, the fear amongst the people who live here is growing and there's realizing and i'm on some residents who accused you of socrates, of not doing enough to protect them. i don't want to know if i want to touch him, shouts this man to the man of cock kids body guards. are you telling me to fly to
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your system? there you go. fine. i'm just focused because i remember on the day of the invasion, you will just pouncing flowers. you now just safety face drinking to once again we have explosions in hockey, and that's why people are so distressed. we need air defense. we have to close the skies. across the sushi smoke rises, remove buttons, house homes destroyed this time. finally into sifted russian kamikaze drawn remnants of people's lives, broken and scattered into the charred remains of an animal. the page maybe 67 year old galena sits through the rubble of her home. she moved to ukraine from fedor, russo almost 50 years ago. easily cessna's eyes shock. nothing else but shock. she cried. hope i don't know what to do. i live alone. what
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can i do? show me you have a genius, my gosh, just as it doesn't deliberately target civilians and it's trying to hit ukraine strategic an energy infrastructure in revenge for you. creating the tax across the board in 2 words for the people of the city. many of whom, like galena, are terrified and struggling to co, a child strength without a 0 concave. not the magic style from mexico is embassy, and at cordova have returned home a few back. 2 days of the ecuadorian police rated the building and quito and arrested a form of vice president who had glass had for political asylum that in december of to being indicted on corruption challenges. mexico has now cuts different logic relations with equitable following that raise brazil supreme court is investigating
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billing at, you know, musk after he threatened to defy a court order and reactivate some accounts on his social media platform. a judge had ordered ex, formerly known as to where sent to promote the accounts which refused of spreading this information. musk says the decision is unconstitutional and that he plans to lift the restrictions at least $91.00 people have died of a makeshift ferry sank off and organizing the $130.00 people on board. the combat of fishing boat, when it went down off the coast of non putting a provenance on sunday with our cheese say the vessel was not suitable for carrying passengers. 5 survivors have investigated thousands of still missing. with ours, you say some of the passengers were trying to escape a cholera outbreak in mozambique the political parties in south africa on the campaign trail that ahead of next month's parliamentary elections. the governing african national congress is expected to be facing
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a tough challenge this time. it's a problem and for the majority, it could be threatened for the 1st time since the policy came to pilot in 1994. some politicians have tons of populist rhetoric to try to appeal to vs for media. miller reports not from japan as back on how these tactics being received. the, the amc has been in power for 3 decades with the african national congress school days appear to be stating the bodies govern since the end of apartheid as to the country's 1st democratic vote in 1994 and thoughts. but its popularity has dropped to less than 50 percent. and the poor governance corruption struggling economy and fost rising crime is the, this is the opposition action is the party made by the form a may of 200 is buck omen? my siobhan is fighting crime and corruption is a top of his agenda when mid to late be totaled against those who commit crimes like what robinson made though,
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and drug trafficking and so forth. see those coincidences i think of right now, 12 of the guys is really very soft on, on, on criminals. we've got to the of the look at this issue of puddle and way of prison, of extra need to take our prison as, as some kind of law or the, or the date address or the popular street to be seems to be working. i've had to go into the go in, we've x and i think, you know, because of it also stays in depth, like in, like on the x and we'll fix the top rates. i'm hoping they would fall down mostly like it's been so many years where they've had time to prove themselves. change that guns are in some ways, but it says getting was to pub prime. some parties are promising to reinstate the death penalty and other say they can turn the economy around. but it's unclear how such boxes will live up to the promises they're making. it is all much more of a license. and it's very much corporate kind of politics if i, they do not have a chairman dates of how that actually goes into the about what outcomes national
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news belonged to the economic freedom fighters was established 11 years ago and is known for disrupting parliamentary proceedings. that as well as our total avoids needed to just my name and making inflammatory and racist statements. but his popularity is also rising along with that of the outspoken politicians and their parties. so we don't wanna ultra 0 to hundreds, but what's bringing sunday? last one i, he's a political analyst who specializes in south african governance. he joins us today from crystal west of johannesburg. sunday. like once your reading of how we got here. it's frustration, deep levels of disillusionment. that's now given way to, to this level of rhetoric that we see. yes, thank you so much the the, what the given rise to this is, but in the last 10 years that has been better performance by the elliptic government, which mainly auto solve for condition that like the amc and the age provinces. and
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then one for best buy that de 8. but the main reason for this is that the amc has it pow wow. even to says majority for 2 terms or by 10 year period. but they never were able to deliver for so that was sunday that you're saying that the issue here is with government in terms of how they've performed, but so many parties and pointing the finger at foreigners, i know is in a fairly, as nothing new in south africa, but it feels like in the selection of the reaching new levels. how concerned are you about the violence against foreigners before and after this poll? yes, the, the issue of violence that is for him as is being instigated. and so the reset button like everywhere else, whether it's a new role in the u. k. even on the tongue in the us, the, when the elected government is paid to implement credit for places the corner of
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the policies and other types of policies that escaped goals on file and sort of things. i want john susan, know what parts of the scape quoted includes. the juice in itself is being sco escape or that for right now is that the scape go dead? so there's a number of escape goals at that stop being fond, regardless of what you said, trying to say, well, let me ask you, then how much has formed the president jenkins assumed that contributes that you've talked about fairly as a government. obviously he's spend some time in governance, but now with the establishment of his new policy and the rest of rick around that. how much is that changing the way that that xenophobia and the future of a south africa as a non racial country is being discussed? a be i, i'm not sure if, if it shows the whole yeah is, is very be for 2 months at that you showed that to be good. so my number one, the failing amc of sooner i'm a plaza and there is plenty of evidence in the particles upset about me,
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but so my hands but the photo in the car is my big that point. uh so the issue all of dental club. yeah. that you presume i know? no, maybe you can choose him up being too much from missouri and kind of kind of based on mazda 0 people and things like that. not, this is not a specific visit. no. okay, sunday, let me ask you then about about divisions within south africa, but we're seeing potentially between different racial parties that we've also seen right wing parties. i see like the freedom fun plus coal for independence of the western cape. how much popular support to these more extreme proposals have amongst the electrode at the moment? the um, the food on the front of the plus and that's assessing this loop and you're talking about in the worst case. have good hope, right? t in the community specific. and when you look at
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the board to best sentence that range, so a nation that so, and that did itself, which also part this is ideas of that degree or that says it also does not have the type of support at brothers. so the free drops and discussion, declining some point in the wisdom teeth as we speak today. so at the pipe dream this, i says it movement is not going to cable my my band. but like south africans are where they're on the fish off because the columbia just is into the lender distribution. here's the does not necessarily directly because of them, but because of the incompetence and lack of do the 10s of the h sunday. like you're talking about how jacob zoom is positive for instance, appeals very much to, to the constituency. i'm curious about how south africa is becoming increasingly politically fractured. it feels like especially with this proliferation of,
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of other smaller parties. what's your reading of how these smaller parties and potentially the n k will do? is this now the end of the amc a v. c, as it hits in one week, and one of the big part of the controller power from election election with the 2nd is over that period. what is the model for the update and c, o westgate power is finished at as from $10.00 to $9.00? they've been, they've been denied. so what then happens is that you have to find the parties that support such an interest, but yep, yep. the other candidates and the other part is the really strong in loan kind of areas. and we talk between but the, and between the and so, you know, come in, that's so there's lots of people find now the title really localized the parties and kind of dates are going to be more successful. there's recalls for that's certainly a very interesting election year in south africa sunday. i just wanna
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a political unless speaking to us today from crystal just outside to his back. thanks so much for your time sunday night with us on out of there. i thank you. but i'll still head for you this news on us treasury secretary aims to build bridges on a visit to china that has a sun economic warning division. come into fernandez in cost with you on the west in costa, for a long way. and legal indian fishing is making life difficult for local fishing communities. the color we are looking at some color west. so when the weather moving it across the western parts of europe now and see this band of cloud. harold, associated with this co from turns into a wall in front of waving feature. so we say totally packed types of balls up to what was the northwest time. well, what we do with
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a ruffling in here. the reese is fine, dry, warm, and sunny. we're going to take the temperatures up into the mid high twenty's here in the coming days, but cold weather coming into western past in a form of cloud and rain. plenty of wind as i say, knows when these it has been, i believe. oh, the apostle of the weekend, but still pretty, i'm settled nevertheless. here when it comes in across the low countries while identical, it's a good part the front end to spite and that will continue to drive its way further east with down towards the south east. we've got a few shots in the east and that just affecting central posit, perky i more of the same as you go one through choose a, that's a ton of fine weather. nothing a little further east was what, when the weather continues to drive this way and to west and positive temperatures and struggling to get into double figures for edinburgh at all side. for london, 12 celsius, the 2 full powers, fine and try for good positive spine and polls you can just be got into the pots of next week on and try to across northern pasta for africa. it's a little windy, lifted dustin's hand here with a challenge,
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a shout out you ever hear the or must be the emotion in their own words. 3, i'll just leave a general list described working at survive through his rails or something. because of course, a lot of my dad was i was calling and especially as much as i know. so with journalism on the genocide on a just you want to report, but at the same time you want to feature poverty. you also want to stay a life on the average person to know what the truth was. scientists dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to emergency air is which is here as new series died.
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last futures the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching alger 0. and let's remind you about top stories. the solid israel says some 322 trucks. most of them carrying food have into the garza. this is the largest delivery of humanitarian aid to enter the street in 6 months. but the one says it's an awful lot before the war. $500.00 trucks use to arrive every day, palestinians, the space from con eunice and southern gauze i happened returning finds,
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tries at salvage debit on meetings from the devastated city face just mainly troops have withdrawn from that area of that fist, baffled with posting infection. meanwhile, egyptian and reading media has been reporting progress and the goal is to see sign investigations about time us is down playing those reports, saying that israel is not responding to its demands. the delegations are expected to return to cairo, choose date of more on that. that's bringing in wrong con, he's across this forest from occupied east jerusalem, and run, shoot you miles of speculation, swelling this morning about just how these talks in cairo have been going. what do we actually know? what the things that we can say with absolute certainty is the totes, having broken down, that they all still continuing. what we're hearing is by thomas and israel. now looking at a potential framework for us these 5 deal and that pouring over the details of that . but how much have been very clear, they say israel is in
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a serious negotiating partner, and that it won't compromise on things. that's it. how mass needs to be able to try and release those captives. israel says that there is a long way to go. the discussions are still continuing its interesting, this was supposed to be 8 ramadan ceasefire. the holy month of ramadan is going to be over by the time of the 2 parties. meet again in the 48 hours this tools have been going on now for at least 6 weeks and various different phones and various different locations. so the, anything that we can really say like a site for sure is the tools haven't broken down these well these, right? these have sent a fairly senior delegation. so this whole thing include the head of the most side. and that's been the equivalent of that has happened with senior i'm athlete as, as well. let's see what happens in the coming hours. i think these next round of tools and 48 hours may well be
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a crunch time. let's see if they come up with some sort of agreement that kind of hold at the moment on a ceasefire. any more if any potentials these why it does happen. but it will be a lease of the people of gauze, like if they come up with some sorts of agreements. and while indeed am on con, the process talks for us from occupied the story. some thanks. and ron. well, that's not bringing. luciano is a car, he's an associate professor of golf politics with the golf study center. he had council university. did you want to thank you for joining us again. what's your assessment of how things are going and tire? especially as amman was saying, given the length of these negotiations, well, i want to say it's been since the very beginning of this round of language isn't it wasn't optimistic at all. i didn't, i, i never imagined that drama. then there was a space of the time for us for us to make any, any agreements and the potentials have so far i have been so disciplined that there was no chance to, to approach a child there. i mean, we keep hearing that the same that they are, they were saying that the beginning, no cost is with those. he's fired with this for me though, we don't want to just are the time. i mean there's
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a symbols we are discussing now. so in those this less 6 weeks, there were, there was no a bondsman, and then it was taken. so the drumline is happening. we see that it's released again recovering the troops in order to continue the war. there is no plan for his right to stop the war. i mean, if any host, everybody clearly use of the in the 6 months, i mean for, sorry, that's the just recovering to restart the war to finish the work that they have done so far. it without any clear objective be not seen so far, even though they claim that they, they did as well is really saying that it will continue to what i'm curious about. how's this troop withdrawal from the south that we're seeing plays into, or does that in your mind? is that any relation to the international pressure? israel has been on the or is this entirely a strategic military move? it looks like us and it's a vision. maybe they move, even though we can have sites the window of a whole that's a at some point. they find that they don't try to sort of just the national security council of the united states,
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their money. okay. changing at least slightly their, their position on the b 2, fred, that the by the, the, the other day it would have changed a little bit the way in which is rarely instructed. but they know that they, it can be also. and if at times when time to gain time in order to prepare themselves for the final strike, i mean they keep repeating the refund. you may, so we'd have to, we'd have to, we haven't, we have been here in that for one month so far. it didn't happen, but as far as we don't see any other programs in, in, in, in the world wide speaking in the pressure that effectiveness exempted over over as well. we don't see how it started can change that. given the pushback we've seen from western allies, especially the u. s. will that'd be a rough or offensive hello. honestly speaking, i think it would be, eh, i don't see why it's not going to happen because again, of the threats or harsh of this cause. this happened with the same then the harsh
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actions as far as your money, u. k. you have to say are not beside them immediately or action against east road, but it's not the guys, it's probably about supporting these problem without the condition in the providing in the mid 38 on financial aid through stress. he's trying to, we've not seen the rear brakes or they see that the public opinion has changed. and even the us, the public opinion changed drastically compared with 4 or 5 months ago. so there are more pressure on the ruler from the other countries to, to do something different. but so far there was no effective action because it feels like a lot of that effort, particularly from other countries that have perhaps had little influence of israel's ministry choices. a lot of that focus has moved to aid, and today we saw and launched not enough, but a launch a delivery on jobs. and in the past, i should say, is that a assign of, of more to come down to,
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or perhaps even room from the new britain negotiations to see it as encouraging? honestly, i don't see that the in cars in either uh, we store the $300.00 trucks and for but we have to be mindful of the so solid, productive agricultural industrial topic has to be the store in the 6 months. so yeah, 500 trucks with what's the previous number? it's only been enough. we need much more to end. i'm 40 for extra that this happened in the front, but the smallest allowing that to happen. it has to do with what's happened the other day with kidding members of the day of their work since i kitchen and they want to show that they are doing a big, big or a for us. if it's the money to buy, they will not be saved by the i to g by the initial secret, the congress just to say, okay, we have been or we can do, but it's not that we're for it, but again, it's something else. i mean, it has to be not, it's has to be enough in the last $55.00 or 6 months. and it certainly was that be enough to stave off on that as we've been here in newtown as a car. thank you for joining us and sharing your thoughts with us on the news on a ha, nicaragua. meanwhile,
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his accusing germany of facilitating israel's genocide and garza in the next allen . it's due to court on the international court of justice in the hague. to impose emergency provisional measures to order germany to stump it's ministry support for israel. it also one fits decision to suspend funding for the un palestinian refugee agency, one right to be reversed. now, such many measures all binding, but they cannot be enforced by individual countries. germany is one of his, well, it's closest allies and it's the biggest weapon supply off to the united states government on making some, some 30 percent of israel's inputs, according to the stock on international peace research institute. the country has also increased its weapons. delivery is nearly 10 fold since october, the 7th, delivering at $354000000.00 last last year on that spring and step boss, and she's at the head keeping an eye on proceedings the 4th step. so this is all set to kick off and the next hour or so took us through what to expect this morning
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. well this is definitely an extraordinary case because this is the 1st time that 2 countries here are appearing at the highest score to i'm not directly involved in the war and got a new cargo and germany. but those countries are signatories to the genocide convention. so the guy that says, every country was a signatory, has the responsibility to make sure that no other country is violating this a genocide convention. and now they say in germany is doing exactly that. it's facilitates a china side by supply and weapons. and also withholding of finance is funding for the owned by agency. so as you say, germany is the 2nd largest exporter of arms 2 as well. and it has from the beginning of the war and gaza. so it's a support fully behind. it's around the country, germany,
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so as even its own existence is connected to the security and existence of israel. and that's not only because of historical reasons, because we're talking about now a 2 years after the holocaust that germany actually is here on the dock of the international of highest course. but also experts say germany has this relationship with this route for economics and also geo political reasons. so it's not only historical guilds. what we are expecting today is sneak as well. we'll have 2 hours to present its case. we will have a for speeches as we speak us will come, the ambassador to the netherlands will open the case and they will make arguments of that germany is facility and is a facilitating this genocide by supply and weapons holes and keeping an eye on those proceedings. for you here on out as they are over the coming out. certainly from now. step boston,
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we will release just from the hague. thank you. so the, well, the us treasury secretary is wrapping up a full day visit to china. john yelman's at the 2nd trip and just a yeah, it's aimed at easing strained relations. she's just amazing to reduce its industrial capacity wanting. but a such of low cost exports poses a risk to global markets. china has dismissed the concerns as groundless. my team and i have been able to advance the interest of the american people. we've set forth arrows, economic policy priorities, and came, didn't improve understanding of china's. we've advocated for specific steps to ensure american workers and firms are treated fairly as we have directly communicated american national security concerns. and both countries have clarified potential misunderstandings, to prevent unintentional escalation plus st. todd correspondent, katrina,
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year. she's been covering this visit for us invasion, katrina, it feels like yelling that was putting a positive spin on on her trip. can you talk us through her priority? that's right, janet yelling arrived in china on thursday and met with several time level officials and you're right from message was generally quite positive. she said that there had been made progress made and stabilizing view. as trying to relationship to the dividing administration had no interest in di calculating from china. and that it did want to see the economic relationships interior rates. she also announced in terms of some outcomes. some projects to working groups were created. the 1st was about is about balancing domestic and global growth. so this is really aimed at tackling concerns around or the capacity coming from chinese industries. and the 2nd is a working group around as a money laundering. jill said that the 2 sides would continue to work together to stem the tide of fits,
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no is of us and also on climate change. and she said that she would welcome chinese officials to visit us intent to follow up on these issues next week. the katrina, it was an old positive riot yellow so it had some morning. so basing that's right. so she had the good using the bad news, and the bad news was 1st, if there stood warning that the us would not tolerate anytime you spend contributing in any way to russia's will efforts, it gets to brain. uh, its invasion chose to have that general message that us is not very happy with china is continuing to provide much needed economic support to moscow as it wages as well that. and the 2nd warning was really, again about or the capacity. she said that the but in administration is extremely concerned about cheap chinese goods flooding, the global and us market. we're talking about the industries such as electric vehicles, batteries,
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solar panels. she said that the budget administrator would not accept this happening again. and she said that 10 years ago this happened to be cheap, chinese do flooding the us market. and as a result, she said that us guns refreshed by that. so what janet yellen really wants is for the chinese government, basically it's industrial katrina, you're the one thing that visit for us in the chinese capital. thank you. katrina, or of more than a month. some people are in the dock region as indian, as most of the customer has been on hunger strike. they've been protesting against a government decision to run the territory from new delhi on sunday to residents stage assistance. they say the decision marginalized as local tribes, same as robbie has since india revoked, cushion me, or send me a tournament status and divided the himalayan regions 5 years ago. standing against change has been an uphill struggle. on sunday protesters in the territory of ladon
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gathered once again in the world's largest democracy. they say it's democratic process is under attack. they just stop these weiss will keep people entitled surprises, double, right, individually go to the and on do more good. it truly induce a do more crazy, but on the, on the ground what things that are happening, we are witnessing that you do store 3 on the motor to march to the chinese border. was called to offer me the height secured, restricting, peaceful, protest. organize or say, could lead to violence. today if you see it on the new, you can see lots of deployment of all that enclave district. we can see a lot of deployment of police and better military forces. and in my lifetime, i've seen this 1st time and never seen such a deployment of force. it's all they have created a water was on like situation over here. the government's decision to run the territory directly from new delhi has left to a dock with little say in developing projects and new laws that will directly
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impact their land and lives and with new daily clearing the past to allow outside years to invest and settle in previously autonomous areas, local people who worry about the fragile mountain ecosystem, and the demographic shift the risks, their identities and income. deluxe leaders say people in the region feel more under represented than ever. may. hi is lee. i whole ledesma's facing is gigi prices. they use our job, lizzie, our identity is understood with no protection. wild life is endangered, and women are grappling with inflation. we urge the government to implement laws that were safe guard tribal rights. under the constitution of india, we demand that association of democracy in the village and the government has been curtailing internet services in low dock, arresting young leaders and cracking down on demonstrations residents where the situation could descend into violent, similar to the decades long conflict elsewhere. and catch mere months of talks
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between new delhi and leaders from the dock have ended in deadlock. demonstrate to say they are willing to do whatever it takes even fast to death unless their demands for protection against outside influence are back. saying this robbie old is 0 on in the habits of island between india and sri lanka is becoming a campaign issue in india's upcoming election. you daddy seated the rights to catch a fever on the waters around it back in the 1970s. but that decades all decision is now causing problems for engine fishermen. and alpha and as reports from the west coast of sri lanka was a better than the son. johnson is industry, lincoln, jews. and she says it's because he's a fisherman, some southern india, the they have captured him because he went to fish since he was the most dre. well, he has been doing the 61 sentence. johnson is one is more than 178. people from tamela now do the rest of this year for legally fishing,
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interlock and voters. most skipped sentences from 6 months to 2 and a half years suspended for 5 years. this means imprisonment is guaranteed to repeat, defend is the hundreds of thousands of families are dependent on pushing here. it is only for our livelihood that because of the border, we're not doing it on purpose. even the government is a better for the doing number of fishermen being jail does lead to protest in south india. the community says they have faced in these waters for generation, for the problems began with india seated, controlled to share lanka, of the island of katya to and surrounding waters between the 2 countries. in the 1970s, this annual seized on the island grows thousands of indian fishermen and their families. but this year they boy called to the event. as campaigns he'd up a head of generally election starting in the end of this month. politicians, a waiting on the tensions prime minister, not in the movie, has accused the opposition of being callous to attach it to saying, quote,
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it has home, the interest of a pool of fishermen and official women in particular for longer has dismissed the rhetoric as politically motivated the india has an election now, and this kind of statement comes during the election. the indian fishermen of rating and instead of dorian walters and landing stock, was more than $40000000.00 every year. i'm not too long because main concern it says what is, is the fact that destroying the marine environment. so i think we're fiscal with these rest of simply and not being able to catch enough of it in their bulk, as in going beyond a to try and find what they can with that own. walters, empty india and fishermen find the rich pickings and for long can sees a major, droll, low cuz you know and carpet deal in the west and caused the indian both. now regularly fishing in these waters, local issues on concession to dodge a 0. they are badly affected,
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the fisherman and day to day when the indian trolls come and carry the fish away. they lose the day. you can come back in time and now do many people likes and got e c political the statement on the cut you through as an election give, make and one that one just that james, family members return home. yeah. fernandez. i just need your way school sheet on top of that i had hit on alta 0, excitement bill is ahead of a total solar eclipse. we'll tell you where it's heading and how scientists making the most of the big the what constitutes extent. so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be in my want, we don't, we don't have to leave them in the policy of it's meant to get 50 percent
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representation and even accountability and benefit knowing that was and services as claimant. and you're saying you don't have any reports for that. i should just trust the community often this of the cool that used to produce outstanding generally some elders, the integrity in the pursuit of the the welcome back. millions of people arriving in the so called positive to tell us eat across the united states way a full solar eclipse will soon block out this on. it will travel through mexico
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before entering the us through texas and then canada through southern on to on perio will then head out across the atlantic coast. he was, we'll need to protect their i is one number and completely blocks the some. the blackout will last up to 4 minutes 28 seconds in certain areas. now, that's twice as long as a full solar eclipse that dock into the us. back in 2017 and also says another coast to coast eclipse in the us will not happen for at least and on the 20th. call them back or explains just after 11 am local time. on monday morning on mexico's pacific coast, the sun will disappear and across north america, hundreds of science experiments will be prepared for launch. total solar eclipse is over populated areas are rare enough to be excited about. the sun is $400.00 times bigger than the moon, but it's also $400.00 times further away. so when all 3 lineup just write one covers the other perfectly, like a lid sliding onto
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a pots. the 200 kilometer wide shadow they make will drift from mexico across the us to newfoundland in canada, in just an hour. plunging locations below into total darkness for 4 and a half minutes. and that's when researchers, the national space agency and thousands of citizens scientists will embark on a data gathering bonanza. $600.00 high altitude balloons will be released a 4 kilometer long, tight will point to measuring instrument at the sun. rockets will launch from an island in virginia, and jets will take off to flight inside the passive totality. nose is open cameras on these experiments will aim to unravel the mysteries of 2 boundary areas where some of the rules of our solar system remain unknown. on the sun, that's the corona, the stars vast atmosphere. the corona is millions of degrees hotter than the sun surface below, but that's a bit backwards, and scientists still don't know exactly why. back on earth,
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the look at the area above our breathable atmosphere called the ionosphere here, satellites, and radio operators communicate and global positioning systems function. but the honest fear fluctuates with the sun's energy. and it's especially sensitive to solar flares. the sun, you know, all the, you know, it's, it's warm, it's bright, it's, it's, it's, and nobody gives us life. at the same time, it's or itself sustain thermo nuclear explosion in space that we have to live next to. and so the more of that we understand how those other layers work better. we can kind of predict the violin activity of us on and try to protect ourselves. cars with better tools, more smartphones and more research centers under its past, more data will likely be gathered during this total solar eclipse than ever before . it's an hour that scientists will study for years to come calling baker alger 0. well that is it for this news hour, but let's leave you with some live pictures now from the hague,
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with nicaragua is accusing germany of facilitating israel's genocide and gauze. i will bring you all those proceedings live as they happen. this coming out there with the s pain and just closer to recognizing it palestinian state prime minister pedro sanchez, is that the forefront calling for israel 2 respects international humanitarian law . what i can tell you is that the situation on the grand newsletter, acceptable as an immediate cease firing, garza, there's an urgency to stop this terrible war and to open a new phase of stability. peace for space in the region. the spanish prime minister talks to l g 0. growing up in greece means taking action. welcome to generation change a playful series, it takes to understand this highlands. the idea is moving, lies in use around the world. we need to
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a political party that we'll talk about our problems, know how come from a generation because 0, this is being theme, the groups, the size of the system says no for most painters of working class people, there is a difference between being able to participate in the system and actually being represented in the 5th generation change on al jazeera in the line to palestine, who hope is then we reach out to and let the giving begin with. okay, foundation you donated with kindness. you showed you ok. now let's also show you, we'll deliver it. so done nights with confidence donates without kat foundation. with every packed on 19 with every press will bring it to light. a little love in palestine. we share
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm this policy attain, this is out of their life from the united nations. top court is about to hear arguments that germany is ating israel, and it's genocide and garza. let's take you to the scene now at the international court of justice, where proceedings are literally just about to get on the way this case is bored by nicaragua,


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