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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm this policy attain, this is out of their life from the united nations. top court is about to hear arguments that germany is aging israel and it's genocide and gaza. let's take you to the scene now at the international court of justice, where proceedings are literally just about to get on the way this case is bored by nicaragua. and of course the emergency measures to order germany to stop selling
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weapons to israel. it also, once it's decision to stop funding for the us agency, for palestinian refugees on to be revised. moving fast, the 3000 palestinians have been killed so far. nearly half of them children of nicaragua is arguing that germany is military and financial support for israel violates the 1948 genocide convention. on the 1949 geneva conventions on the laws of all at once provisional emergency measures imposed to hold on. no such measure as a binding, but cannot be enforced by individual countries. germany is one of his rails closest allies and its biggest weapon supplies off to the united states. german arms make up some 30 percent of israel's influence. according to the stock home international peace research institute, the country is also increased weapons deliveries, nearly 10 fold since october, the 7th. delivering $354000000.00 west last year. let's take you straight to those live proceedings now in the hague. and that's this terms of the
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kind of go next slide. if you click on the status of your eyes on the to one side, you have to of this that you choose a judge. i talk to sits in the case it shows as accident. see, mr. holland show. good. i did, quincy over the subject provides the and i go every member of the quote before taking up is you to make it sort of them because that ation an open quote. that see what this side's, his powers impartially and conscientious pursuant the occupants at the one probably going to fix the statute. that same provision applies to the judges. i talk notwithstanding that judge of society has been a judge other. and maybe it's not on that ation mtv. it's cases i took a photograph of 3 of those of code provide that she must make if i was
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a solemn declination in the present case. before inviting consolidated to make his fun invitation. i should 1st in accordance with custom. so if you words about his credit and funny situations. judged solidly of jordanian nationality is well known to the court. having served as a judge from 2000 to 2011 and as vice president from 2006 to 2009. he also said as judge adults, in the joint cases between course studies, nicaragua, concerning my time going to be patient and because he didn't see in the pacific ocean and then boundary in the northern part of itself with the judge. i felt with me at history and so i became a junior varsity and completed both graduate studies international at the same university. even pursue the distinguished studies. and the from i think side was office country, the house you might think the jordan,
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including serving as the heads of the department admitted still far enough as, as invested as advisors to the lifting state of georgia and, and advise it on international with the bank of cabinet ministers and as chief or they will, you call a this is a little acquainted with united nations, having served the defensive of jordan and the 6th committee of the general assembly for 2 decades. and the soldiers are turning the preventative on disagree. the council from 1981 to 1982. he was a member of the united nations stop commission on deputy mention of discrimination and protection of mine notices from 1984 to 1993. there was also a member of the international commission from 1986 to 1999. the card and fee serves as a member of the secretary chatting is hyphenated on access to medicine. drugs
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are sony has been chosen as advocates inside the state to state an investor. steve, i'll be facing case he has also to present to this country at noon, but it's conferences and because in the feed all the progressive development of the nation and the officers departure from the quote in 2011 judge felt when he became prime minister of his country a position he occupied onto april 24th 2 twins. he is and on the referral of queens, college, cambridge, and has lectured at procedures. universes that owns it was his cutting team member as academic experts of delta street chambers in london. i should now invite judge sony to make his son, indignation excited by the statute and i request or those present 2 dogs.
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i showed him that i wasn't for my georgia's executive size. my powers, as judge on auto, blay says 40 impartially and conscientious me thank you to consult with me. please be seated. a closed or this undeclared ation. my made by the judge has albany and declared him judy installed as such a talk. in the present case, i said nobody for the principle steps or the procedure in the present case. on march 1, 2024 very popular companies that i will 5 and do that. just feel free to quote an application institutes in proceedings. again, beside the republic of germany, for alleged by relations by the like to subjugation that i being from the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide,
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which i said before as the genocide convention from the geneva conventions of 1949 and the addition to the protocol, as well as, and i quote, in transcripts, a bit of principles of international humanitarian role and other loans presenting. it doesn't actually know in relation to the occupied by seeing tennessee bus because he because of this and particularly, and they cut out well argues that by providing but it's a good financial and ministry support isn't. and by the funding you and i do united nations relief and work for agency for by this time they for g is indeed ease on the i quote, germany is facilitating the commission of genocide and in any case has saved. and some of the additions to do everything possible to prevent the commission of
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general side and difficult to phones with eviction to fall in detroit, 6 of the code, the applicant involves integrations by which both states accept the compact. sutured eviction over the quote and the comprehensive closed contin in arthur could 9 of the genocide convention. it's the application also contains a request for the indication of pro vision and measures pursuant blogs good for the one of the statute of the quote and dr. cuz $7374.75 of 0 is of course i think that was requested the quote to indicate pollution and measures as a method of extreme urgency spending the quote that the nation on the merits of the case with respect to germany alleged and i quote, but just the patient in the ongoing proposal to general side and seem to speech is upset actually remains that he lo and others that i'm seeing homes of gender
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international or cutting into gaza strip end of the registrar with no d though. the passage from the request specifying the provision and measures was the government of nevada. as asking the quote to indicate you have the floor instead of just thank you mister president. i quote one jim initially immediately suspended it to ease row. in particular, it's submitted to re assistance including military equipment in so far as this it may be used in the violation of the genocide convention into notion that you might need to tell y'all know, all the peremptory norms of gender, run international, such as the police to young people try to self determination and to not be subject to a regime of about to, to germany most immediate to make every or 4 to ensure that weapons already
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deliver to either read not choose to commit genocide, contribute to acts of genocide or are used in such a way as to violate intuition, then you might need to, you know, for, to treat gemini must immediately do everything possible to comply with this. so vacations and humanitarian, no for j. my name is to reverse its decision to suspend the funding of underwater as part of the compliance of it begins to prevent genocide and acts of genocide and the violation of the humanitarian rights of the police and young people. which also includes the obligation to do everything policy, but to ensure that you many, terry and it reaches the ballast in young people. more particularly in does a 5 j. my name is called the right to bring to one. then the say use breach us of the room to renew homes of international law by season get support, including it,
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supply of military equipment to wizard that may be used to commit use crimes of international not low. and the continue the support of the underwater on which these organizations as counter and based its activities. and of course, i think the registrar immediately after the application and the request for the indication of professional measures were filed, the registrar transmitted an original copy there of to the government of germany. he also notified the secretary general of the united nations. according to article 74 paragraph, one of the rules of the court and requests for the indication of professional measures shall have priority over all other cases, paragraph to the same article. states that the court shall proceed to a decision on the request. as a matter of urgency, this imperative must be however balanced with the need to fix the date of the oral
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proceedings. in such a way as to for the part is an opportunity of being represented at the hearings. the court had decided that these oral proceedings would be open on a april 2024. i would now like to welcome the delegations of the parties. i note the presence of the agents and council of nicaragua and germany. this morning, the court will hear the single round of oral argument of nicaragua, which is submitted to request for the indication of provisional measures. it well here is a single round of oral argument of germany tomorrow, tuesday 9 april 2024. at 10 am. both parties have a maximum allowed a time of 2 hours each for the respective oral presentation. 2 days sitting nicaragua may if required avail itself of a short extension beyond 12 noon. in view of the time taken up by these
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introductory remarks. before giving the floor to the agent of nicaragua, i wish to draw the attention of the parties to practise direction 11. which states, as far as and i quote, in the oral pleadings on requests for the indication of provisional measures, parties should limit themselves to what is relevant to the criteria for the indication of pro vision on measures as stipulated in the statute rules and jurisprudence of the court, they should not enter into the merits of the case beyond what is strictly necessary for that purpose and of quote, i think so. so the agent, the go is x and see mr. carlos again. look on as you have before. so
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the mr. president, members at the court. good morning is my on the to come before you're representing, you cut out what, in your case involving its rising obligations as one of the social, the entire international community. and most importantly, those are the palestinian people. the case before us involves my interests, events affecting the life, and well being of hundreds of thousands of people, heating the destruction of an entire people. but in spite of the gravity of the situation, defects in the law of very simply explained serious breaches of international humanitarian will think of it. the rent of the norm slipping to national, including genocide, taking place in palestine. these preachers of being committed openly at the witness on the ground by thousands of people who have been viewed in public new services in
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social media. but probably the majority of the population of the world we're in a situation with this nature occurs always in dangers of, of occurring. publication for states are clear. not only just takes most, not the, but the situation by eating of assisting the perpetrator. but they must use their best efforts to ensure respect for these for the mental norms and preventive beaches. with respect to these obligations, there are no 3rd states. all states are under the obligation to expect and they are heavy on this obligations. and then he has violated these obligations impulse to most states president. i think i was not a new comment to the courts on 9 april 1984 tomorrow would be 40 years. think i would fire like a protection against the united states, for serious violations of international law against his rights and sovereignty. the
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present case is different, but it has a striking, see, there's already 40 years ago in this month of april. doing that, having some provisional emissions requested in, in that case because i was asking, among other things that the court order and i quote that united states should immediately cease and desist from providing directly or indirectly, at least reports concluding training arms, munitions, supplies, assistance, finances, direction or any other form of support to any nation group organization moment to individual, engage or planning to engage in military and military activities in or i can take it out. what kind of quote pressing the case. because i was also requesting the court to order that for me to cease providing support twister have contained the destruction of the palestinian people. but in the present case, because i was acting not only on his own behalf on the basis of the vice and
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obligations conferred by the peremptory nursing bolt. but also on behalf of the, by his student, people that is being subjected to one of the most destructive military actions in modern history the on the speaker rights and obligations. same thing in this case because the people in the get our, of a special sympathy for the plight of the palestinian people. because i would have said had to suffer the level of the human treatment and destruction that has been the fate of palestine for more than 3 quarter of a century. none the less, it has also been subject to pension and military attacks. for most of the success stance and feel sympathy for the palestinian people on the subject of empathy and sympathy. it is a note that germany emphasizes that he was assistant to his royal. you said i saw on the time because of that historical treating of the jewish people doing that. nazi georgine, that is an understandable invertible policy. if it were addressed to the jewish people. piece, lately,
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states in particularly expressing government should not be confused to think equate that with the jewish people. the rear differential, the jewish people should be emphasized. the difference between was victims and the concentration consuming the 2nd world war. we'll see a sit, but they again precise with more than 30000 civilians including 25000 mothers and children. and that's a good show for it. by this time, the $20000.00 children often into mothers being killed every hour. states like too many that sympathize with what the state of intra israel was meant to represent william what's created to be doing the best to put a stop to what is happening and not continue with that. getting israel in practice, even though they know at least in public, perhaps forced by the north, most public outcry, makes statements will be 6 months up at the start of the massacre. perhaps also it will be got you into a present case before the court, which was due respect to this more willing power through germany that identifies defense of this really
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a service from the time. there's another less noble reality that perhaps is not known by the generality of the treatment people and social lucrative, quick pro, involved german companies involved in the military industry, directly profiting from the situation as they have seen their share prizes price since 7 october. and they have substantially increase the joint developing contracts for weapons with this value counterparts. probably in openly november 23rd, 2023. these really ministry are the things that announce that they had officially concluded an agreement to sell the arrow 3 air defense system to germany for an estimated $3600000000.00 us dollars describing it as the largest, deborah defense export of his ro see. so the defense minister further described the moving task and i quote,
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the motion of moments to be here to son and grandson of holocaust survivors and german soil in berlin to sign a defensive on contracts is very important personally and diplomatically. this woman of history leads and our past and dictates out here future, you call this to a moving event for every q, and the quote assess, can be ported many times. this way, at least i've taken a logical hub, particularly in the weapons industry. it's really, companies probably advertise their products as back to tested. needless to say that for you is the international community, i think where the testing cl, this palestine and people particularly palestinians living in augusta. the president, the pressing case is different than that fight against israel by south africa taking which the kid i was thinking to intervene. that's a body to south africa. case only involves violation. so the genocide convention by
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israel in the present case because i was invoking the responsibility of germany in connection with the genocide, committed by israel. also the responsibility of germany for the violation of the soul navigations under the genocide convention. i know the violations by too many up until now big issues under international humanitarian role. the case is a dozen different include respect to the norm for being violated in respect to the form of the violations. government is taking to, i knew it, showing up legation to prevention, the side, or to a school respect of international humanitarian law. the violations of international you've never meant to be and go by your trail to create application sort through many as it tests for all state. so the international community obligations forestry, many is responsible and which are being claimed and the pressing proceedings. a precedent. the facts that the extra one state generate independent obligation for
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us to us states is that an unusually good situation. the 1st case with the present course, the court full general case involved the leading of mines because they knew was that close damages to the united kingdom. that's who was the court find no evidence that they knew itself and laid the minds well that it had concluded in the laying of the mines by a 3rd party. but it was stablish to a satisfaction with the court, including by the report. effects was appointed by the court, that quote, playing with the mind, theo could not being accomplished without the knowledge of the banyan government, and to quote, continued having type knowledge of the coats. again, the obligations in coming upon the bathing authorities consisted in not notified for the benefit of shipping general system. so that might seal the quote. this really into court for general case was taking up, i think the nation, the local mission, can the following. that knowing i quote,
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a state may be required by something to natural obligation. you told me to a national obligation to present strict and conduct by another state. what please to prevent the harm that will proclaim such conduct does the basis of responsibility and the court for general case. most of the day news for failure to warrant the u. k. of the presence of mind. you know, they knew orders, which had been date by a 3rd state, i think is responsibility was original and not the via phone to vote for most of the conduct of any other state. and the quote, or this judgement was one of the basis for the general, the rule containing articles, 16 of the articles of responsibility estates, point to naturally wrongful acts providing the state which a to assist another state. the commission of funding to national living room full act like the lights, or is it the nationally responsible for to ensure that state does so, would not let you know the circumstances of the international wrongful act. it is
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pretending to point out that the international commission makes a special note of the situation when the responsibility arises from a theme is very rich, a peremptory norm for general international law, which is the situation we are dealing with in the pressing case. in these circumstances, international law commission, governments that there is come need to mention the requirement of knowledge of the circumstances. take article 41 by ref to the article. so i'm responsibility. i say, as i quote, it is hardly conceivable, but the state would not have notice of the commission of a serious breach, but another state and the court. if the president frequently to emphasize what the international local mission was pointing out the violations of peremptory norms are facts that are evident, evident public college. he said that such that can only be stopped reached by special authority. and that can only be acted upon until they have been so
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established. the effects that must be acted upon as soon as they become known. the importance of this knowledge of the violations i was making reactivated in other cases and professor, but they will go briefly to some of them. so it's a short meeting, unprofessional emissions. it's not the appropriate moment to go deeply to this question that was pending a brief review of the reasons why germany must have had knowledge and full awareness of what, what's happening like this happening talestine is useful this from the 1st day. so these really military reactions in augusta, it became evident that great violations of it, the national unite, everyone's all being committed. statements pointing this out were urgently made among others by the secretary general of the united nations of 9 october. but the president, the international committee of the red cross, 11 october meeting at a political level with full participation with your money in the statement by the high represent a to do
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a p and union on 10 october. all of these on 2053 from that moment, even if the general cycling 10th was not yet entirely evident the grievous violations of international humanitarian law with evident in practice. it was not even necessary to avoid these declarations in order to realize that, for example, dropping bonds of one ton intentionally inhabited areas with a completely unjustified will violation of the most basic humanitarian goals that had been picked with nice as such for many years, century thing we had it because those statements just mentioned would not be enough information to trigger a deal to get to a response by germany. can you afford? lucy said the next 12 to list 18 from 9 october until last friday, 5 april of 32 statements from hundreds of the most respected authorities, organizations, if experts you just call those and practitioners and questions feel free to
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national united therapy and will calling out that israel specie approximately breaching the genocide convention, and that it was reaching the most important non homes of international humanitarian at all. as this of the existing clues, the reason felt that to avoid that 600 legal experts included 3 supreme court justices, calling the united kingdom government to n weapon sales to as well as realistic distribution. we'd have sent me the universal call from the human rights counselor for the 4th april, patrick pricing, the with germany's negative vote. with all this undeniable knowledge of the situation, german, his reaction was to increase his military assistance to as well as computer support of israel. if he had the political level was manifesto which south africa file this application of you through on 29 december 2023. the prompt reaction with
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germany was to announce that they would intervene in favor of israel. but apart from all these public statements and warning, so what was happening, the court order to 26 january consist that the genocide was processing the being committed a guess about a senior people from that moment. on paraphrasing, one of your members, the alarm was sounded, and the indications are genocide, activities, with flashing red. with the alarm sounded, contract, it was a fight. another line was sounding a new, the whole ration of a line from all quarters. that issue had big enough for the possibility of ignoring the situation to get to many continued as to continues to this day to supply weapons like military assistance in getting a trace route. the north of the genocide convention, which i part of customary international impulse, the obligation interest pays to undertake to prevent genocide. this obligation
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arises from the moment that that state becomes aware that genocide might be committed and they can be no question that germany is evident from the preceding comments was well aware is well aware of at least the seriously risk of genocide being committed as well shortly after your order of the 26th january, the consequences of the violation of this obligation would be further address by professor putting the present case. in addition to the obligation send to the general like some thinking, we also invoking violations to other peremptory norms of public international law. particularly the norms of international humanitarian though of the geneva conventions, which are also known to the customer international role menu, the violations of these 2 items. i was a part of the constituted elements of the crime of genocide. for this reason, even if genocide were found and that had been committed, which think cut out, what does not accept this violation?
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so since it's a national united, beautiful thing that long involved obligation for 3rd states. i agree, this example of this can be appreciated in the violations of my mother's of articles 55 and 56 of the geneva conventions and the duties of the occupied power of ensuring food and medical supplies for the occupied population. on this point, the court know that they control the 28 march, quote, the unprecedented levels of food and security experienced by palestinians and the guests this trip, or recent weeks, as well as the increasing revenue. i'll take the democrats and the quote. as one of your members pointed out, these circumstances also reflect the possible risk of a violation of relevant rights under the genocide convention. what do you think if it were found quite known that provoking this funding and catastrophic situation? that's not amount to genocide. it is in, in, by itself
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a key violation of the geneva conventions. these know and also impose obligation


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