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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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that involves things that long involve obligation for 30 states. i agree, this example of this can be appreciated in the violations of my mother's of articles 55 and 56 of the geneva conventions and the duties of the occupied power of ensuring food and medical supplies for the occupied population. on this point, the court know that they control the 28 march, quote, the unprecedented levels of food and security experienced by palestinians in the guests this trip, or recent weeks, as well as the increasing revenue. i'll take the democrats and the quote. as one of your members pointed out, these circumstances also reflect the possible risk of a violation of relevant rights under the genocide convention. what do you think if it were found quite known that provoking this funding and catastrophic situation? that's not amount to genocide. it is in and by itself a key violation of the geneva conventions. these know and also impose obligation
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for a go miss, which with many, like all the other states. so the international community is bound to respect and therefore the violations of these 2 items in the binding aspects that they haven't sort bodies can be claimed being claimed by any cut out. what gets to many as part of this case before the court continued their catastrophic situation was standing at the dentist in gusta. but this issue with germany to suspend the funding of food i was implementing to this day, this inspection with the funding of the west operations. augusta is particularly telling a game and the support of israel. the question of the suspension with the funding would be reviewed by dr. miller at this point. some brief comments. well, what has to be working by this time? almost as long as the existence official state has been providing the essential needs of the men, the refuge in the area student this military campaign,
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officially island gusta. nearly 200. you many tavian workers. the majority who are part of this top of the, i think of it's rather curious about a dozen or the more than 12000 workers of whom door would involve an in defense of 7 october immediately. and based on the stroll say, so these really government gemini suspended his funding up and go out incredibly, this is this a good that they have to order for 26, january. what is striking with respect to this reaction with germany, instead of the social say show of israel, they suspended assistant tuned to why, but they have ignored the statements and the expectations for the most important world. that's hard to say that genocide because the violations with the national use military and all being perpetrated by the swelling, by this time and continued it for the assistance including military assistant joyce pro. moreover, positively realizing the absurdity of such a decision. j. when he finally brushed is decision,
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except for the most shocking aspect, the suspension of funding for over a while, operations augusta. precisely where you smoke, you need to limit the scale to do you mind me, terry. and this extra precedent. up to this point, germany has had the opportunity to study another application and would have the opportunity of listening to a pleading today and responding tomorrow. because that was done, it had the opportunity to be informed of the position of germany and the legal issues involved. the only reactions of which we have noticed at those mentioning our application, the amount are simply indicating that you have many rejects and the cut out with claims as well as other publications. other the collections justifying the backing of the sort of taxes. from the public statements paid by germany because no to alleged justifications for the continued support of israel. so this really is not violating the genocide contention and that it has the right to defend itself. with
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respect to the 1st point, we already pointed out the full knowledge of germany has. it has of what is happening, palestine in the legal consequences of this knowledge. not only of the possible violations of the genocide convention, but also the norms hoping to national unite. there, you know, it's a set of questions that can be, or need be addressed during these previous that are, you know, that to be short since they are dressed basically to the issues involved in the request for provisional meshes. he indicates professor, believe we have some further comments and this is respect to the 2nd point, the right of self defense official, which is also imposed by germany force continue assistance. somebody's comments. the question of the right of israel to defend itself is correct. if it refers to the right to protect his people, and not the right of self defense, contemplated the vertical, 51 with the united nations charter. but in the exercise of the right to protect the
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citizens, as well as talk people buying power as to the duty to quote when the regulations concerning the rules and customs of war, as in a quote, take all the measure of seeing its power to restore, reassure as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, invest absolutely prevented the loss, enforcing the country and the quote in practice, this implies that the police which had no security powers, the occupant, has submitted to those of the state occupied the strider protection. so right, the frequency has to be exercised by states being in difficult circumstances. but even in the most blake, the situation to violence, the state has to respect the peremptory norm slipping through national to 60 pacific. this is the bottom line. and what are the basis with the technician? industrial, coal, right, of self defense is involved. it can never serve to justify violations. so the whole and so the genocide convention or i didn't know, i'm so think the national you'd like to be
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a little surprising to the german that seems to have to be able to differentiate between self defense genocide. the more driven to can not involve this real is in some state of necessity of subsistence for his defense into a bible. in spite of his size and population, this row is on the top 10 percent of the most news. it's a really powerful countries in the world is per copy test spends is more than 4 times larger than that of germany. it is even higher than that of the united states . is totally yearly, military expenditure going back many years is higher than that of its neighbors. you run in egypt that have a population more than 10 times larger and immense territories in comparison with this precedent. 2 considerations can also be briefly added on the question of the attacks that occur on several of the door, which was knowledge of that being taken into account by too many personally,
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senior people had the right to substitute a nation. that means that they had the right to take up arms against a, getting a corporation to invest bases with genes in the exercise with the right of self determination. since finding the charge of the united nations and the declaration of principles, i think the natural, the role constraining friendly relations. the cooperation of my states, accordance with the charter as this right must be exercised in line with the northern. so think to national, i think the gated article one paragraph, 4 of the 1977 general protocol number when any violations or additional instead of crude and 7 told her not to justify. but the right of self determination. but do not terminate this trait of the bodies to meet people. and you can test the right to assist of the people. the 2nd consideration that a sideline is that the things send something over to medicare, you know, fully understood the moment without any publication. this was pointed out
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a few days after the events of october 7 by the secretary general united nations speaking before the security council stage. the thing i quote is important to also recognize the attack by how much that's happening and go back to the senior people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation in the quote. it's important necessary to confirm the truth with this paper with the secretary general consent necessary to make any interminable list of the subject of the suffering of the bus. didn't people since the neck by 9048. we can simply recall the statement that the secretary general himself made 3 years earlier on 21 may 2021 address to the united nations general assembly. he said, had quote, favors the hell i'm yours. it is the lives of children in augusta today in the quote. today was 3 years ago before 7 october that the president,
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members of the court, if the action so please continue unrestrained as they have since its birth, such as pate. and they continue to receive the discriminative support of states like germany. then i'm to generation, find the students with rice up again in the near future. we will hear future secondary, general inventing. this did not happen to hear back from of the case before the court decided to break dispatches cycle. we have supported states like you have many issue. i will not see like connect with totally tunic because i was hopeful that states, particularly with the history of germany. would he key the decisions with his court? mister president, members of the court with this i in my presentation, can i please ask you mister president, you give the floor to dr. benya. thank you. i think the agent will figure out to go for the statement i now invite mr. daniels me to take the floor. you have the
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floor the thank you mister president. the president, members of the court. my task this morning is to set out some of the effects on the line, the dispute between nicaragua and the frontier republic, brought before the court. i saw, of course, concentrate on those facts that are relevant for the request for professional measures. nicaragua has already explained the effect for background in his application. unfortunately, since then, the situation has a both further engine light effect provisional measures of becoming increasingly more urgent and necessary. but the precedent members of the quote you are already a crane. so it's just a devastating situation and also, and the imminent risk to which to punish senior people,
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children and women and men in ga so, but also in other parts of the occupied palestinian territory is quarterly exposed 10 days ago to qualify the living conditions imposed on public steam young's as catastrophic and the most recent developments and gaza. that's exceptionally dr. so the quotes knows and has acknowledged that that was an imminent risk of ever ever putting harm to the rights of the palestinians and gone. so to protect it from excess of genocide and related prohibited ex, identified an article 3 of the genocide convention. and you concluded twice that the situation was such as to justify provisional measures aimed at protecting the rights of the palestinian people in gauze. so as the people, in fact measures aims fits ensuring this shit assistance and survival as a group. you also considered that the catastrophic for many terry and situation in
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the gaza strip. it's a set is a serious risk of tutorial rating. since the end of january, the situation has indeed verse and, and to tell real, right, that's already on the 16th of february the cost endorsed the grave concerns express points, the united nations secretary general before the general assembly and no defense. and i quote, the most recent developments, indigo strip engine rough. i in particular, what expansion dudley, increase what is already done as many terry a nightmare. which untold regional consequences? yet, what was then a desperate cold for recent infection and change has turned into place and improved to reality? the situation has increased the nightmare. the nightmare is increasing every single
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day. the republic of nicaragua, draw your attention to the escalation of the situation in gaza and its application, and its request for professional measures and again and the letter of its age and the dates. 7th of march. we pick up south africa reed to read it again and its request of 6 much i in your order of 28 march. you also acknowledged that the catastrophic for monetary and situation in the gaza strip has deteriorated even further. with the precedence members of the court, this is still the reality in causal. only 2 weeks ago, the united nations secretary general visiting each shipped and the board of his costa mesa, horrifying comment, pets, and the quotes. looking at gus on,
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it almost appears that the 4 horsemen of all for mean conquests and galloping across it and continued nothing justifies the corn. october 7, how most attacks and hostile it's taking any smile, but nothing justifies the collective punishment. the post union people and of course the result is aware of all of that in the world kind of to and it's always the way the risk the system is still appropriate of your rep, another home to the rights of the public opinion people and also to be protected from acts of genocide and to live in dignity. it's very real indeed, imminent and great. as already, as recently as last friday, the u. n. o c h. a direct reported to the security council on the unconscionable fatality of the conflict. and confirm again the domestic reality that there is no
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protection of civilians in gaza while the world is witnessing the destruction of console and its life. the situation in the remainder of the occupied palestinian territory has been to to re, i think, to the last february, the minister of foreign affairs of palestine. describe this bar the suffering of the palestinian people throughout the occupied palestinian territory subjected to the colored eddies, colored the station of the territory for the racist model. and such enables that to the denying of the fund. dement of rights to the most inhuman segregation into parts hides to the negation of their very existence. day by day rates strikes, violence begins and illegal detention of palestinians in the best bang are
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intensifying. most of the quote, the foot of a republic was anticipated. if the situation in any event could not has ignored it . despite the very many warnings, lawman reports and messages of the united nations secretary general united nations special about a terrace international red cross. and even that you can unions hi representatives . germany continues to assure and to implement full support to s file for support, again, scars on and it's population. addressing the button to talk on the 12th of october, 2023. the gym and chancellor stated that quote, at this moment there's only one place for germany, the place at the side to face. well, that is what the mean. when you say, if it is real, secuity is a german with as long as it's all our own history,
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our responsibility arising from the whole coast makes it our perpetual duty to stand up for the existence and security of the state of israel. this responsibility guides to administer for, for the past that said the day before and the quota. i suppose secuity is a german with his own. that's all this understanding i have to offer to israel all our support in every area. we suppose also confirm to point this folks, persons of the federal government and the federal for enough those to both on the line. that's so the deputy with israel is power month so many support to israel in every area. and in particular, in the form of supplying weapons of all was the media. on the 12th of october 2023. the photo of a minister for the funds confirmed and brussels determined he had allowed israel's
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forces to use to have in military drones. for once, he called each rails defends, but all the whites present in discriminates destruction caused by augment every vehicles like these drones to civilians to civilian infrastructure for houses and homes. and to whom many tavian age workers had been widely reported in early november. the representative of the federal ministry of economy and climate protection confirmed fed due to the situation, the german government processed and decided on applications for the export of military equipment to israel. as a matter of priority, the german government had authorized for the year 2023 exports full of military equipment and wal buttons in the amount of more than 326000000 euros.
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also, germany has even before october 23 was even before october 23. israel 2nd most important supply of military equipment. this figure shows the tech support license described by the photo republic. i'm more than 10 times as important. as for the year, 2022, the most of these licenses, rick rounded and the 2nd toss of 2023 off of the invasion of console by israel. and the start of it's for in the territory. and against its population. indeed, according to the official figures of the german government until the search of june 2023 and the licenses and the volume of 38000000 juris happening products. in other words, export licenses for military equipment booth, almost 300000000 euros had been delivered by german authorities as
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a matter of priorities within and against the background of the specific situation of each race board and ga, saw enter, gains its population. this includes export licenses for weapons, so for the value of 20000000 euros such as 3000 onto tanks buttons which according to one manufacturer and germany are it completes toolbox of showed allowance and century weapons used against tanks. but also vehicles, structures and buildings, and persons 500000 drones of machine gun munition, 44 proponent torches. the key components in a temporary, i'm edition, and $239.00 picnics emission charges these all weapons built to maintain that destroying and killing. what's the quote from germany's own definition of
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checks and substances capable of causing destruction or damage to persons will property and of serving as a means of using force and on conflicts between states. in early 2024, the german federal government continues to provide tech support licenses for military equipment and weapons. a full according to the data submitted by the governments to the members of the buddhist. talk. these licenses concerned military equipment of the value of more than 9000000 euros. and despite requests made by members of the buddhist talk concerning more recent data, at the best of all, notice, no further information has been made available by the federal government. since the introduction of the present proceedings with the precedents, all those, those pick us all telling. they do not reflect the full picture of the military
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support provided by germany and the german industry to east wales. one gauze, all these because to nothing crude tech support of the equipment that does not fall under the export license requirements. they also not include supply of military equipment directly by germany to israel. and the drum and news magazine speaker revealed information about plants of the german government to deliver tank ammunition from the stock stuff. the german on forces were over due to the very dense and intense cooperation between germany and israel, also in terms of military equipment and exports. the great part of the military machinery and equipment of each route is at least partially from germany and depends on surprise. more towards n jeans and spare parts from germany to this was so 6
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corps, with warships built by the german croup, to some quotes and sold with the support of the german government in 2015 has been used since october. again, just calling. so and its people and truman manufactured a mess it us is under contract the piece rails on forces, in particular for the delivery of the tank carry us and to speed it up, it's operation. and it's the little or of course germany could not, and it's not ignore the situation. and ga, saw lots for the documents. so it's part of the process, official reports, and statements. germany could not and did not ignore the likelihood that its support, the military equipment and the weapons of fall would be used by his file to bump and co thousands of us to senior children, bowman and man. these questions very 1st time and again. and this from the
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very beginning of the large scale invasion of causal already on the 11th of october, the spokes person of the front to 4 and thought this was all very directly that the military actions of israel, in conformity with international, somebody to have, you know, you know that the question and we provide that quote is, well, has the right on the international law to defend itself against the crowns attack the terrorist attack by homeless. these support this right. and we stand point as well, site and of clipped. and she added simply in passing that and that quote again, of course, even in this absolutely exceptional situation, the protection of the civilian population is the requirement of the international for money to have, you know, underscore november,
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the federal government for specifically aust goods, whether to it's knowledge, israel is fully complying. the development norms of international international money, terry and law, and reference the law in its current military operations and the gaza strip. it's been, it's was funds. the government confirmed that under the relevant legal framework, expelled licenses must be denied. if there is a clear risk that the military, technology, or equipments to be exported might be used to commit serious violations of international somebody to enroll. and despite the numerous reports on the concrete situation in gauze, on which germany could not have ignored, the government representative continued. the quotes is rarely show us the german government, that it has taken precautions to ensure compliance with the requirements of international law. the german government currently says no reason to doubt this
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begins to continue reports on the catastrophic situation and gauze on the german authorities since we have finally started to dall, which is really insurances? on the 25th, january 2024, the federal foreign minister declare pets and the quotes. not just ending the right to self defense. there are rules and the international committee, tavian role, also the price and the fight against the terrorists is real, needs to respect these rules. just like all the other states and the world, even if it difficult environment in which even in the difficult environment and for thomas is breaking them all and using people as human shields. however, irrespective of these assertions and indeed the very clear risk,
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the great boy licensed for many to re enroll an international law are committed to in gaza. rico noise by your quote. germany has not suspended many type of support of the federal republics together. as all other european union member states, again expressed its concerns about whom many tavian situation in gaza and the suffering of 2 hostages. as well as these for 80 governments plans for a possible ground operation in rough or on 9 since february 2024. it'd be called in this context, the importance of ensuring that protection of 4 civilians at all times in line with international, somebody to enroll and to respect the 26th general, the order of the international court of justice, which is legally binding. again, no suspension or if it's some of the type of support for israel to many, to tulsa and move off to the court of appeals to have concluded that very many
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indications that each man has violated the humanitarian roles a full and ordered the kingdom of the netherlands to seize on extra exports and trends. so it's of f $35.00 parts which final destination israel. the canadian parliament recalled that an a quote. east must respect international, somebody to enroll in the price of defeating him. us cannot be the continuous suffering of all police junior civilians, end of quote, the canadian government stopped proving exports of military equipment. like all the states before germany did not. most of the court, if germany might not have thought of the assurances of israel in october 2023 as a claim, then this is simply not technical anymore. on the 24th march,
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the photo, a foreign minister refers to the ho of casa, and the dire situation of people stopping to dest. she also on the line that military action has its limits and international humanitarian law. and during her visits and salaries, miss bell announced the germany votes and dedication to his frail to discuss chris and stuff into nationalism any time you know. because that quote, as the signature of the geneva convention germany, this produced to remind all parties of the duty to abide quite international from any time in law and of quote. and still yesterday, it was reported that the group of 600 german civil servants was calling on the government to seize on deliveries to the history of the government. his immediate effect, except because the quote is royal,
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is committing crimes and gods. all the in clear contradiction to international law invests to the constitution, which we are bound to as federal, civil servants and property components. nevertheless, germany still has not taken the decision to suspend its many type of support and the export of military equipment to as well. rather in a recent response to a series of questions all skipped by members of the windows talk, the government reiterated its position. the export license, this bill would be considered on a case by case basis and in light of specific circumstances. members of the court to put it simple, highest german officials have recognized that the situation in gone so raises thoughts about the respect of elementary rules of international.


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