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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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in the order of the court of 26, january 2024, it can scarcely be denied that the same is true in relation to the obligations to present and punish breaches of the geneva conventions of international humanitarian law. as professor polite has pain about a students a being denied device to protection, he got dying and being injured and having their homeland me do trouble because of that. typically because i was also requesting professional measures on the basis that germany is not only failing is duties to prevent and punish these breaches, but that it is complicit in them by using, assisting the commission that the beach is the faxing desa, the other parts of the palestinian occupied territory. latoria is happening soon. they reported i'm in protest for the past 6 months. in spite of the difficulties in more than a 100 short notice queued in its last quarter of 28 march 2024. the court referred
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to it. i quote. the catastrophic situation in the augusta street in the worst of the conditions of life faced by palestinians in augusta, in particularly despaired of time in a start patients in the quote. good, let me connect, but be aware of the statements by the court effect. germany has announced his intention to intervene in the case lodged by south africa in favor of the trail. so it is obviously a way of the orders with the court in this case. the president certainly cannot, but be aware that technicians, the military equipment in the war weapons that is applying is being used by israel in these attacks. it doesn't matter whether i need to least show is deliberate, straight from germany to any speedy tank. shelby in a hospital or university or whether that are totally show for us to replenish israel stockpile for use some later date. it doesn't matter whether the playing
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shoes didn't come back and to drop one ton buttons on the population were made entirely in germany with just disparate parts and maintenance were supplied. the fact is that the issue is the supplies and replacement for arguments is crucial to issue us pursuit of the attacks, i'm guessing that much is happening from the emergency arrangements made by states such as germany in the united states, among others, to continue with military supplies, produce red, even during the actual conflict in the face of daily breaches of international humanitarian law. these are the rights that because i wouldn't vote, they possibility is beyond question. but there's another aspect because also seeking here to protect these from distinct rights under international law. which has a principal of the greatest import to assisting vice device entailed by extension to, to that, to the conventions in which will body spirit, individual responsibility for securing the in. so the convention those
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responsibilities necessarily require each state party to conduct itself in a manner that does not undermine the things that the connection. certainly, there are many states and with the stations calling for compliance with international humanitarian, little hang observance of what the court has called, elementary consideration. so humanity does. but they are also states pulling gasoline on the fire, their space to continue to supply or to permit companies within the jurisdiction to supply emissions of war twist. well, knowing that such weapons are being used against palestinians in violation of international right. terry and role, elementary considerations of humanity, god thereby activity, undermining these rules and principles. sadly and shamefully. the also important business enters that are profiting from this. i'm going next. important point is that such undermining is breaking faith with the other states
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are committed to securing the basic rights and protections. embodied international humanitarian go the most strictly legal terms. such conduct takes the duty of cooperation in the promotion of the age of international humanitarian role. that suited to cooperate is a general principle of international law. what is on chapter in the declaration of principles of international law, of 1970. specifically, it is at the heart of its undertaking to these article one of the genocide convention incoming article. one of the 1949 geneva conventions in the 1977 additional protocols to geneva conventions in the convention, in the basic principles of international humanitarian. though it applies to all states that ago and is good to go with miss parks. so the point is that quote, cooperation may require much in the way of good taste efforts to pursue
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internationally agreed policies. it must required that in so far as a state is bound by a 2 to a corporation, we got this page. the state must, at a minimum refrain from actions that undermine the effort to secure the common goals . the principle might do for, for the brother pro the principal of good faith, a relation to cooperation concerning suspense. the duty set out entreaties is undertaken by the rules of treat interpretation. this focus a corporation recognizes that while a good many happens to be one of the handful of states with support for israel is particularly important. got particularly direct, contributed to the continuation of which we have set tasks. as a matter of rule, it is of life to cooperate with other states using its best efforts to bring these preaches to again, as a matter of practicality, it will have to do so. if except for us have to be effective and cut out what the
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stand at this stage has to court to make extensive orders regarding the entire range of jury mondays, legal duties to take positive actions in order to ensure compliance with the genocide convention or international humanitarian law because i was only that the court ordered that you have many refrain from other mining that aim in making the situation in guests and worse by providing who were allowing the provision of munitions of war because it directs the full force now at this juncture. and by the probably being moved away, you will get me saves you and that is unique the eclipse to deliver you monetary, a meeting, desta, a funding fee of the ability to continue working forward and where to spend a submission. this is the explanation of the provisional measures requested as the 1st request. i'm ordered that so many suspends, it's a to israel. it particular, it's military assistance including military equipment and so far as to say, it is useful may be used in the violation of the genocide convention,
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international humanitarian law, or other parents or even on so general international law. this requires a hold to the execution of any agreements for the supply of material for services that could be used to be used by israel force or tax into the recent news on the possible more massive supply or weapons too, as well. it is necessary to this note on this point. it is public knowledge that germany collaborates with united states and several military programs related to a fabrication with equipment. spear replacement buys, technical and logistical support of my mother. i. x that united states is in the process of approving a plan to sell $13000000000.00 worth a 5th 15 fighter jets twist rail. a new order for $35.00 jets taking additional 14 building the military aid, including weapons sick technology for
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a missile defense. if this new deal by the united states involved during money. because just to make clear that this collaboration with united states or in the us or the associate must cease in the current context and should also be considered as part of any messages. the court might decide to adopt the president, the 2nd measure requested requires too many to use whatever legal or contractual powers and whatever influence it has to wear israel to ensure that weapons already delivered by germany and german entities to israel. and that use to commit or facilitate serious violations of the genocide convention. perfect. the national you're going to can go. so request a more did that. as part of his duties to present violations, to the genocide convention, international humanitarian, the germany we saw is funding approval for executive reducing. gosh,
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the crippling formula appears to be the biggest impediment to a distribution of you many telling aid to the students we need a post part of what the european union in the united nations, every person, se. but the nice thing of them, yes, well, the request the fuck, which is precisely on the step that germany can take that without great practical, effective alleviating the suffering and destruction. the submissions do not formally request the quote to recall to the bodies. you're a big issue, a compliance, would you mind if there, you know, as well of the obligation of cooperation to bring to an end or serious breaches a peremptory norm. so if it's a national, referencing the submission system, p, a reminder of existing obligations that need to be specially ordered by the court, the link between these measures and the right. the pricing issue at the motor stage is obvious. demetrius requested the conservatory. they needed the motor to ensure
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that you have many stops and you can think of bedding to complete the station by this time. and the test in particular, is that completely devastated before the court. he is the merits of this case. for that same reason, d, urgency of necessity for the mattress, is because i was so much i saw just such a could possibly be the killing. and the destruction of continuing even us was taking the piece palace of the great hold of justice at the heart of the only really will is to cushion monday to, to a call to middle school and visit a quote. in considering the request soccer, this is a message i will call attention import things to the decision of the cord. the address to ordering concrete measures that admits of nor restroom any stations the compliance. i voted by the court that simply because clear preexisting obligations
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that should be complied with, without any specific order would not be effected. in the course of these pleadings, we have referred on several occasions since the advisory opinion, under construction of war. in this opinion, the court consider the legal consequences of the international relief. roomful acts of miss rose as regards other states. the situation that involves actions that in comparison to what is now under consideration which seem almost trivial. yet the obligations then also under consideration in boxed sitting of the rental, the norms of international law. that in the present circumstances apply even more for 4250 to pressure recently, in that case, the court, we are for, i'm the obligation old states that recognize the legal situation created by x country to peremptory norms. then the accidents under consideration with the
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construction of a hole in the present case, the destruction of people. does your opinion reaffirmed you obligation not to render aid to assistance, maintaining that legal situation? and specifically recall the obligation quote, to insure compliance, but use well with international rule as in body in the gene any the convention in the quote. but in dealing with the construction of all the courts that limited south 21st directly by main to west paint israel. it also recalls the obligation of all states to ensure that israel comply with international humanitarian law. as concise of your opinions for to me is that a binding decision within the scope of article, 59 or the statute. but if the percent just taken by the highest digital oregon with united nations and the law enforce estates to connecticut accordance with international law. i think typically by the court, a debt by a lady in my judgement with the court. yes,
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evaluating international. the president, the obligation for full states with respect to the action. so please, surely by this time state getting the advice would have been, had been complied with. we would not be here before you today. this is why we can see that that the admissions ordered by the court. so the clear, specific people find that for the most compliance to many have sold other states for the international community. i mean, we're at the very least since the 2004, when the advisory opinion, under construction for what was given that peremptory norm. so for international impulse, the obligation not to render aging assistant choice. well, that's why it agents of international humanitarian law, as embodied in the geneva conventions. so we have pointed out where, you know, replication in the course of this proceeding, so many as full state. so the international community, as being aware, since at least the 9th or 10th of october,
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a serious violations of international law would be committed by use rarely, by this time. at least that's when the date of the order of the court 26 january of the possibility that these violations caustic to the crime of genocide from too many as of today, ignoring it's very obvious, obligations continues providing assistance to us as the president. this has got to stop. that's why we have come before you. why didn't you cut out what makes the following submissions procedures to present to be make it our submissions? because i would respectfully request the court. it's a matter of string urgency spending the course determination with this case on the merits. and everything has to be closing to the bodies, the obligation, the compliance would you meant to be involved. as well as of the obligation of cooperation to bring to an end or serious beats or something or into the norms of international law. to indicate the following provision of measures with respect to
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germany is participation in the ongoing possible possible genocide and serious breaches of international humanitarian role. you've got the peremptory norm for general international role occurring in the augusta strip, as well as seeing other parts of partners at this time, mainly toward it that one kind of money must immediately suspend to say to this realm. in particular is military assistance export workforce, ational, export of military equipment, weapons. and so far as this aid is used or could be used to commit to facilitate serious violation for the genocide convention international united therapy. and those are that are in 3 north general international to go to germany must immediately ensure that military equipment or weapons taken other equipment use for military purposes, already delivered by germany in german entities to israel. that used to commit or
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to facilitate serious violations of the genocide convention international. you'd like to have your role on that they're entering norm. so general international 3, germany must, which we assume support in financing over to why they respect opens up ratios in gosh, this is the end of because some of this is mr. president and then does it record this concludes think i was cleaning. thank you for your kind of attention. so select the things to register. this task to being purposes put the invaluable assistance, i think closer to the cut out with him. i think the agents of nicaragua, whose statement brings to an end the scene go down devoted arguments of the kind of like, well as with this morning, 15 boards would meet again tomorrow, tuesday night in april. then a m s. it's gone $1015.00,
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g m t. i'm laura kyle and we've been watching proceedings to view as top quotes in the hague. the insightful court of justice that we've been hearing, nick argue his case against germany, that germany support for israel violates the geneva genocide convention. nicaragua told the court as extremely urgent that germany holt's arms to as well as right now, correspondent set by 7. she joins us now live from the hague step. you were listening and you in the court for most of those, for savings we had twice when the car i go and i'm boss of the i'm from 2 other representatives in this case. so fall took us through the proceedings today. well, these past 2 hours must have been very uncomfortable for germany, a 2 years after the whole across the country is now in the dark. for facilitating genocide, the nicaraguan legal team called the traditional drum because this is an exceptional,
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unprecedented case. 2 countries are here at the highest court where i'm not directly involved in the war and gaza, but they both are sickness rates to the genocide convention. and that's why nicaragua argues that germany has its own obligation to fulfill this convention and not facilitates genocide. and it has also a to do every saying it's time to stop a possible genocide in baset or of nicaragua here in the netherlands. carlos gomez had very strong words because germany has been saying from the beginning that the is right has the right to self defense. he said clearly germany doesn't see the difference between self defense and genocide that were very harsh words. and he also argued that this is all data that germany is always referring to, that its own existence because of the whole of cost is so much connected to israel is, is kind of misleading, according to the him, back to that because he said,
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don't confuse israel with jews, and he also says that there is not only this moral and a feeling of guilt that germany is expressing. but there's also a business aspect to it. because uh, the on sales by german weapons companies have gone through the roof in the last year. and you said it's not the only germany business as usual because they know what is happening and it's route and then gaza. they know, and they have not also been missing in the last couple of months that they are very concerned about the possible breaches of international law. but they still sending weapons. germany is the 2nd largest export to of weapons as well after the united states. and so this is what the best i have to say is the action. so please continue unrestrained as they have since his birth participate. and they continue to receive the discriminative support of states like germany. then on new generation, we find the students with rice up again in the near future. and we will hear future
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secondary, general inventing. this did not have to hear back from the case before the court is an opportunity to break disability cycle. we have supported states like too many issues and that's new, like connect with totally tunic because i was hopeful that states, particularly with the history of germany. would he, he the decisions with this court. it says that we had the from nicaragua for around 2 hours today. tell us what were expecting tomorrow, and indeed, when we might expect a ruling boat tomorrow, it's joe montes says at the chance to defend itself. and then because the legal team has already been anticipating on a few aspects, and one of them is the jurisdiction of the international court of justice to, to rule on this case. because of course, germany is not directly phone being a people in and god sign is also has no soldiers on the ground there. so there's no
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direct link to it as possible genocide, but according to the legal team by nicaragua, there is definitely this obligation that germany has to abide by this genocide convention. so we expect to hear the german team tomorrow. it's left by the highest legal advisor to the foreign ministry and a team from the u. k. i. it's elise who will present their case here. and then we will expect the provisional matcher or decision on provisional match. just comment from the court. here in a couple of weeks. okay. step by some from outside the hague. many thanks for bringing us about the update on everything has been going on that this morning. let's take a look closer. look now at nicaragua, his plea as the international court of justice thoughts measures all binding thoughts might not be enforced by individual countries. germany is one of as well as the closest allies and his biggest weapon supply of to the us. german homes make
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up 30 percent of his wells and pools. that's a cooling, so stuck home and special peace research institute. the country is increased weapons deliveries, daily. 10 fold in 2023. delivering $354000000.00 with last. yeah. i was bringing now raymonds buffy. he's a human rights lawyer and professor of law at the university of go away and he joins us now from go away. and island. great to have you with us. we just heard from a correspondent in the hate that this is an exceptional, an unprecedented case. but how strong is that correct? you? his argument them together there. this is a very important case and it's 6 to clarify certain legal issues. i think it has made a strong case in respect of certain of the provisional measures that it is seeking, but i'm not certain that other other measures. it has claimed that the court should
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reward wouldn't be successful. and at the heart of this case, there are 2 legal issues to somebody will be i will be over tactical. the 1st is what exactly does it mean uh, the obligation uh to, to prevent and to punish the crime of genocide and what exactly are the obligations stuff follow from the geneva conventions and coming off could one which requires all the states to respect and ensure respect for international humanitarian law, and they are the 2 primary legal foundations of which this case has made as it has great relevance, not just for guys, but also for all the states, the manufacturer, weapons and supply states and other parties with weapons that are ultimately used to commit violations of international law of human rights. well, violations of the, the, the convention against genocide and a whole host of other international measures that seek to protect civilian another vulnerable groups. and i think it also the direct good did address one of the
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central weaknesses in their own case. and that, and that's a technical concept known as the indispensable top potty issue is read. there's not a potty to this particular case, but of this central to the arguments being made. in other words, there's an accusation that is read is commissioning violations which now should match every law. i'm committing genocide in, in, in gaza. and usually they would have to be a property to the case before this could proceed. but as was right, they bought 2000, i think by the representatives from nicaragua. we can't wait to prove is the genocide is occurring. we're all on public notice. and all the states are on public notice, and that there are serious violations of mentioned that should match every and law and the josh record of justice has already established that there is a plausible case to be made to check the civilians of, of, of guys a from genocide, so there is a lot of marriage in the case. there are
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a lot of political legal implications for this case. and the above does surprise me is unlike the case taken by south africa. how did the public attention and international beach attention has been given to this case? because think of something that i'm in the box of what the quotes is covering today . it is on charts of territory, isn't it? so this is a case that really could strength and international know it is um, after that we will, it does a gratitude to take it right away. i mean, if we get clarification on exactly what that means, a lot of the states obligations old states obligations to prevent the crime of genocide. what are the, what are the legal implications for, for germany and other states that are providing weapons to israel. now that they are aware that there's a plausible case for genocide, and that there is a whitening evidence of
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a re and just serious violations of international humanitarian law. and the viewers might wonder fights and not take the case against the united states in as united states, as the primary supplier weapons as well. the reason is simple enough in the united states is up to that was of the relevant clause within the statutes of the engine as a court of justice and found the also the genocide convention that would allow such a case to be taken against as far as germany has not done so. okay, right in my fate. many thanks indeed for bring your expertise as we it's and that 1st day of the case against germany board find nicaragua to the international court of justice, smell of today's, of bouncing international pressure and warnings of famine from humanitarian organizations. israel says it's allowed the largest number of 8 trucks in the gaza since the will began 6 months. again, it's really hard to say 322 trucks and to the strip. most of them carrying food.
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affordable 500 trucks used for arrive daily. 8 organizations accuse as well, of slowing the delivery of humanitarian relief supplies and un. this describes the situation and goals as manmade. salvation and bones of famine. some of these trucks and have gone through the roof across thing with egypt. the border of thursday says the delivery is only a function of will enter before the war. to fly a bottle of lead measure, i could be a photo strip, is suffering from major famine, especially the northern regions and cause a city. in addition, the south is also suffering from a major humanitarian catastrophe. due to the number of displaced people in about one and a half 1000000 palestinians in the city of ruffled. therefore, bringing aid in this daily manner of a 100 to 150 trucks is not sufficient. especially if we remember before the war, approximately 500 to 700 trucks were entering daily, naomi, and a twin. my niece, 8 people have been killed in his right all 10 or a foreign con eunice says displays, palestinians have been returning to the devastated city in southern garza moses
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where the troops of withdrawn from the area of the fis, bottles with palestinian functions. some people are trying to salvage belongings from the ruins of the homes building still standing a note habitable honey mackwood joins us now. live from rafa. honey festival. let's look at these a truck $322.00 of them. and says garza as little as a half of what used to answer every day. are we expecting more to arrive of the as well at this moment that there is expectation is that there should be more a to trucks allowed into the gases or just to help people face the challenges of the spread of famine and the depletion of resources. here, but what's the number, what we're looking at right now is not nearly enough to respond to the reader needs and demands of large the hungry traumatized enforce. do is starved to death
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population across the gaza strip. and the fact that these really military is allowing this to happen for the 1st time in 6 months is another prove that food has been used as a weapon. in fact is schooled. look for an ice nation of food and food supplies and a to collectively punish an entire population on the the, the decision also to reopen it. 20 bakeries and water pipelines in the northern part and gotcha, they get another prove that is real. how do use these essentials basic needs to punish collectively the entire population in the gaza. and the northern part of this is half of the amount that used to get into guys locks before the war started . and what we're looking at is not nearly enough. yeah, guys, i used to get at least 500 trucks of food supplies, water supplies, essential items, survival items, and medical supplies of right now, what? since the beginning of the work, we haven't read it the exact number that should be coming consistently. do support
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and help people surviving these difficult conditions. and how they tell us about the situation in con eunice, this is also is where the forces withdrew yesterday. people are returning, but it's still clearly extremely dangerous. yes, it is still dangerous and there is a risk, particularly for areas that are based in part of the city of hon. you and is where so far we're looking at at least 8 people were killed in nearly our hours of the day as the work include getting a close to an area where there's really monetary operated aggressively and destroyed at the vast majority of their homes and, and public facilities in, in the area and paramedics and civil defense, the club members were able to remove these bodies of from a, from the areas. but what we're looking at right now, this year devastation across the city of pon you and is it close to 90 for 95 percent of the city has been turned into a pile of rubble,
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then turn into ruins. they just consistent with what the these really defines minister and is really prime minister at the initial weeks of the war who promised to send gaza back to the store and agent. just looking at the pile of rubble, the mens pile of rubble across the city of han, you and is that literally destroyed the remains of, of life to do it today. and since the bombing campaign, we can see that was a practical interpretation of the statements made earlier at the air. the initial weeks of the war and similar situations are, are quite visible in the northern parts and gauze. is it particularly the deliberate attacks on public health facilities, including us to back them out loud one hospital in an agent hospital that are now completely on. i apologize for that. we're just going to go back to the hague now, where we can have the nicaraguan, um faucets, the netherlands, hollows, gomez speaking, just to maybe put a case against the united states here in the course. so with that experience,
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we have that team relating to any use. we thought that we could bring something closer to the attention of the world of what is happening can contribute also to like south africa swing place on part of endeavors, different in this respect. because frankly, we felt that because not only israel, but for the countries that clear participating can continue to contribute a weapons, a goal type of face to face of also responsible. another point that is very important to us, shocking to me personally. when the case was brought to the court in like december and then the 1st using january for the interview is when you read very important people say, well, you know about genocide. so the whole question was either is what i was committing genocide, nothing was happening. and get your foot violated all the peremptory notes of
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international law. whether it involved genocide, we feel that it does. but why does it not involve all the, all the holes, the countries in the world have the same obligations as they have with respect to genocide, to try to stop what's happening. strain the problem did suddenly here was that this is what i understand except the jurisdiction of the court. it only affects it on the genocide convention. that's why the case against ro, it's only on that basis. i guess to many other countries, we have a more ample jurisdiction that's likely get i was that only invoking the v like a for the genocide convention. but all the conventions, the geneva conventions, all the dimensions because i'm 30 laws. so that's why this case that phase is more around, it are induct respect because we have more possibility. so, okay. intersection with the court, which is not available in all cases. some people say, well they are,
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the principal provider is the united states. the 2nd provider is telling me why didn't you go to united states, united states simply the fedex, it to cure 6, you know, to 4. so we can come with that. like i showed i also checked with the experience we had with united states 4 years ago. even if we have jurisdiction, united states will not pay attention to the court. we feel that countries like germany will respect the court and we have hopes that with what the court decides, it's going to be upset. it's very responsive, the german is going to accept what the court is going to say. so that's what that is. so hope and that is our main intent. induce takes us on introduction a piece. any questions you might have some things in the whole thing that's i tried to make
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a specific and we hope that to be a mattress in a given by the court. a very specific because very, a general dentist always special noticed asians box containing of this. but you can do this or whatever. so we tried to novice it has concrete measures and we hopefully hope that that's going to happen. but anyway, i think that the, even the german government is quite aware of what's happening. and what is being done here is making everything public. and i think that's one of the most important things. you can't convince governments by a arms or by or by force. i mean, public opinion extremely important. that one of the very important ways of forming public opinion is here in the court. so i think that even the german people was the better inform the hatch from what is happening here in the corner at least 30. so a modest hope that we have. so that,
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that is one of the hope she has that and it did, the tradition in europe has to be more, it's a accepting of the jurisdiction that the court decisions with the court. so we have high hopes that this is to help a great deal with just this thing to in the correct one box it up to the netherland speaking to media of the 1st day of its case against germany at the you and told quotes the ancestral court of justice at the hague, where they have alleged that germany support for israel violates the genocide convention them boss. so that was saying that correctly was invoking the genocide convention plus o international humanitarian knows. and the hopes that the court decided whatever the court decides that germany will accept tests as well. meanwhile,
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on the ground in gauze of the withdrawal of many as really forces on the increase in age to the strip come as a new round of sci fi tools gets on the way egyptian and his writing media of a 14 progress. but how much is down playing the reports? it's sold down to 0. that as well as not responding to its demands, is ready and how much delegations have left quite right, but they are expected to return fidgets. and capital in 2 days is reading, negotiates has been led by the head of the intelligence agency, law side that's bringing in wrong calling from occupied east jerusalem. and a moment ago. how must downplaying reports of progress? what are you hearing from the is really side. it was an awful lot of speculation. all we can really tell you for sure, is that the tools haven't broken down, but there seems to be some progress. but it's been made. there is apparently, and i have to stress about would apparently a seat by a framework deal. these riley's now taking back to the war cabinet and i'm also
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discussing within themselves. they'll meet again as you've just said in 48 hours time. remember, this was place to be a remedy on c spy. it has been negotiated weeks. people follow the month of ramadan, begun. it's now coming to an end, and that full should be taken 48 hours time actually takes place outside of ramadan . so it won't be called that anymore. however, in israel itself, or that is a significant number of people, senior politicians actually talking about this. now we've got the far right ministers. it's a motivating event. i bet they'll smell, treat cooling for a meeting of the security cabinet to get an update on what this framework is. it's unlikely that squared to happen. but yeah, and the paid, who is the head of the physician has said that he's willing to give the government a safety net to be able to come to some sort of deal. so there is tools that the deal might be close, but i think we have to wait. we've been here before where we almost had a deal and it's broken down at the very last minute. i think this next meeting in
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full say i was time is going to be absolutely crucial that. so be keeping a very close eye on events in kyra and run some of it. many things indeed. let's bring in. now luciana is a car, he's an associate professor of golf. politics with gulf studies center at castle university could speak to again, this young. so getting mixed messages from these tools. some saying this progress of the same, the stalemate. do you think they all can bbc get in 48 hours we what was coming out of it was difficult to know. i mean, it seems that something are, are moving inside these around with the petition trying to provide some framework to, to the government to reach an agreement. i mean, there's still a and we see that the government is pretty clear. and in the fact that they are, we join forces just to recover a force and to restart the personal safety and roughly so meaning that the government and it's on the who did not stop the main objective, which is destroying how much completely meaning that the meaning through oppression we continue, and the problem is the 2nd objective of funding funding which is achieved the,
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the release of for the hostages has been on the 2nd on the 2nd, the priority or no, probably not at all. it seems that the government realize that they intend on the price, so it's mounting and they need to give an answer for those funding. just that they are progressing together with the other people that they have the money. and if i knew it was resignation in order to say ok, i've list we, we tried to reach an agreement that got on the list. some find more of an equation that allowed a hosted use to be released. but as i said, we have to wait at least for a few hours to see if we are reaching some agreements. yep. the who, if anyone goes back to kyra, what do you make of the timing of the withdrawal of troops from con you is for whatever reasons they will, but also the increase in the number of a trucks that have arrived in 2000 right for the past 24 hours. is it all tied into these tools hops, making a bit more progress and they will have a full i'm not quite sure that'd be related to the books. and beverly did more to the price of the international lease is growing. i mean,
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what we are here in today's the here in the, in the hey, and the many other message that we have receiving from european countries from u k, from united states that their pricing is for us to make a change. otherwise, it would change that policy is given the idea that the sort of needed to do something, even though it was something that you could move to showed that they are allowing more a that'd be a compliant at least a little bit with the they're in the sense of the i c as a g couple of months ago, but it doesn't show that they are really changing the policy. so it seems a portal. and if i didn't respond to being fine in order to get supports in finally, to configure the war in order to avoid any disruption of the supply coming from getting money us. but without changing the policy. and also is it just still the case of the agent? nice it to level too late a as, as we can sense since the very beginning. what mother, i mean it doesn't matter how many trucks are in there now, what's happening. i'm can now 13 or 14000 children that nothing's going to change
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stuff unfortunately. okay, let's see on as a car, thanks very much for coming in. oh, straight man has appointed a full of defense teeth to monitor as well as investigation is beginning of $78.00 workers and guns. and last week, at the start of national was amongst, well central kitchen employees killed in this really as strike farm is that i'll see open ac has criticized as well as response to the attack wave delays at this point. that hasn't been an adequate explanation for how this is a could what structures will be put in place to ensure that they sort of incidents kind of occur in the future? the thing almost $200.00, i'd work because of loss, a loss during the conflict that is a could between a mass and israel, and that is unacceptable. now it's of 11 and at least 3 people, including
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a hezbollah fi, so have been killed in this really as striking at talk to the town of. so tanya, nobody's on group has full on the is really on the have exchange rate get across $4.00 to $5.00 since the will ongoing. so it began in october. i hi sham has moved from southern lebanon. is joseph the mid life is really war planes, the facts, this building in the town of so tiny around 15 kilometers from the emergency services said that the police for people account was will issue a statement today to saying that's one of its feelings. colonda is what killed in this attack. now, this is just part of why the context, the confrontation that's involving different elements. one of these elements is august. the critics, and this one is using different kinds of weapons. and targeting says the law 5th among those all fighters war planes, drones, well, sometimes side bugs. so if we want to take this into maybe why the context is just
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part of the confrontation that's already going on and ranging once it's finished shots from being identified as a war. it's a full scale confrontation with uh, with the, the fog. it is really wants to hit me that feet targets on the east side or the one that got involved ministry infrastructure. oh, flushing though, i'm kind of a lot of the same time. also we thought of, you know, things by hitting is really ministry infrastructure on the other side. also funny. yeah. it's also been on the hash and what does it is there any forces have raised at the city of dora and the occupied westbank, resting 10 palestinians. and vehicles moved into the city and troops, storm several homes. levels are confrontations with palestinian flights of waves in the occupied west bank of increase and frequency and intensity joined. the will on
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gauze a positive impression that he spent most of them fussy is in his way to jails has died in custody. 62 year old, while it co was diagnosed with concept 2 years ago. it was one of 19 palestinians convicted for the links to an armed fruit that killed in this way. the soldier in 1984 demonstrations gathered and ramallah in the occupied westbank to a member deca and all the published indians. so in as way the presence soccer was due to be released next year. at least 90 full people. many of them children have died off to a make shift very sank of northern mozambique. 130 people are on board to converse with fishing bait. when it came down of them pulled up provence on sunday. although as you say, the vessel was not suitable for carrying passengers. 5 survivors have been rescued, but thousands are still missing. also as you say, some of the passengers were trying to escape a color outbreak in mozambique to do a surgeries. x ray is wrapping up
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a full day visit to china john it yet. and 2nd trip in a year is aimed at easing strange relations. she's a spade jane to reduce industrial capacity warning, a surge of low cost exports. so it is a risk to global markets. china has dismissed the concerns as groundless of those katrina, you have full from badging. since arriving on thursday, jenny ellen has met with several high level chinese officials and her or her old message was a positive one. said that the us china relationship was now on the most stable forcing. and that the u. s. had no interest in the coupling or seeing the economic relationship deteriorates. in terms of outcomes, she announced to you working groups. the 1st was about balancing global and domestic growth. now this one is really about telling us concerns about chinese oversupply and another working group around slicing money laundering. joseph said that would be the creation of new hotline to discuss economic issues. and that both sides would continue to work together to flight this uh to try to send to know,
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coming into the us as well as on climate change. my team and i've been able to advance the interest of the american people with ship force error, own economic policy priorities and came, didn't improve understanding of china's we've advocated for specific steps to ensure american workers and firms are treated fairly. or we have directly communicated american national security concerns. and both countries have clarified potential misunderstandings, to prevent unintentional escalation use around that training was not the only consent raised by janet ellen during head time here. she also said that the us would not tolerate any time you spent contributing it any way to russia's war machine in your brain. and the 2nd big a warning was again around chinese. or the capacity said that the us would know
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next steps, cheap chinese goods flooding, the global and us markets, particularly in the industries of solar energy, electric vehicles, and batteries. just a similar thing happened about 10 years ago when it came to the skew industry. and as a result, us funds for crushed. so she said that the binding administration did not want to see that happen again. and that they are asking chinese officials to over the whole . china is industrial policy. katrina, you all to 0 agent. the prologic style from mexico's embassy and equitable have returned home. i flew back 2 days off the ecuadorian police rage of the building and tito, and the rest of the form of vice president ok. gloss of sort of political asylum that in december, off to being indicted on corruption challenges. mexico has comp diplomatic relations with that fatal following the rage presented supreme court with his investigating opinion that a little mosque off the heath preston to defy a court order. we activate some accounts on his social media platform. the judge
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had ordered accidentally noticed with us, i'm pull okay, accounts which, which use of spreading this information mosque says the decision is unconstitutional and that he plans to lift the restrictions. i think it was pulled down on his on a thank you very much, laura la livable captain. so is your van dyke? i said, drawing with mind just to united, felt like a defeat as they missed a chance to re take the lead and the premier to live a pool had opened. this allowing us to do is say, i said, but let united back into it with a defensive s house phone buy. bruno hernandez. the folks have to go from teenager will be in the mail. put united in front of a 23 minutes left. the 18 year old signing the top corner. for his 1st goal at old trafford, building wasn't impressed but never pull. then one of crucial penalties, homicide last 4 days to rescue a valuable point and put some level with me there's arsenal, but behind on a goal difference. the result was good for man city. just one point separates the
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top 3 was 7 games left. they'll have your pin games in mid week or so little faced by munich and city play around the grid and the time, do you think oliver pool the into in your body to to um, i'm not over the moon about it. i don't think that's the best way that i have ever seen, but i'm fine. and recover and play atalanta. yeah. tell you what you need. that's kind of said diane collins is heading into a time into the style. the american has one her 2nd title and a role at the charleston, the open in south carolina. that your old plan is that has already confirmed. this will be her last season on the w t h 4, but has found himself in the form of her life. she crushed the rushes that the 16 s
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6261 and the final extending her winning streak to is 13 matches. the victory comes a week off the plan team, the biggest win of her korea at the miami open. collins has 126 of her pause, 27 set and we'll next play in madrid later this month. i would just go back to the hague. now we've got german rep, sense of speaking to the media officer, the 1st day, the case at the intentional court of justice force against it, accusing it's a violating genocide that support for as well to you car rob was presentation was gruffly biased and who will be telling you tomorrow how we fully live up to our responsibilities. thank you very much. and if i'm not in torch, can via vice in the nicole bonds in full infections. so look, thoughts on fuzzy for let's vito defer,
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promote convent soon. no money to those folk as i read i did, i know ended up in digging tire deutschland is flushed at the bottom into shoots of this folk. i guess i'm definitely all back and feel internet to know if you had maughan for these ones are for the 2 that we were listening to the german representatives. basically just that saying that they disagree with the mic rag, you in case that they brought to the international court of justice of the you and told the quote in the hague, against germany today accusing germany of violating the genocide convention in its support of israel. they will be making that representations tomorrow at the instructional court of justice, and we will be bringing you live coverage of that event. when that happens, as we did today, we expect rolling from the cold in a few weeks or even months time. now, saudi arabia is the 2nd largest producer of the dates in the world growing around
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300 varieties, but one of them is increasing the, attracting more attention, especially while bar explains from adina a high level. so even how big weights, his visitors in a special way tossing battles, is regarded as an ultimate act of generosity. he runs of forms i produces the most popular variety of date, insanity, ravia. she felt some of his stuff or waste no time explaining to customers that use of the sweet through the all drawing is huge, made the snow quantities it protects against many diseases and he's reach in you to the end date, a key part of people's died during when we're done, which in nachos sure goes their base blood sugar levels almost immediately after a long day of fasting. and help with that and the by the system. will the varieties
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of data produced here is sound to review. this particular one stands out, muslims believe it's the same type, the profitable, how much use to break his fast, and they want to follow to addition. it is widely considered to be the best gift for loved ones back home. and that's why it's rapidly becoming the most expensive dates in the wells is no more people show up at sight spun, oscar, gainful his produce. that comes in a wide range of kind of sweetness and texture dates, or a staple food in the middle east. we serve them all the time and not daily get together is also known as the one. yes, we still have dates with coffee and it's a cultural symbol of generosity. this is west size, spends most of his time looking after the health of his palm trees. you may take that case of to planting it to you, not to produce dates,
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but it doesn't seem to be due to a tool. so i am beyond happy my goodness, out of people visiting medina to it as well. but as they appreciate what we do here and this part of your for many dates seemed too sweet to be healthy. but the 8 hopes his pump would change perception so that dates are no longer associated only with muslim celebrations. like may become a globally popular dish customer. how about i just see the medina, millions of people are arriving in the cycled pulse of totality across the united states. with full solar eclipse will soon block. the sun calling bacon explains is just after 11 am local time on monday morning on mexico's pacific coast, the sun will disappear and across north america, hundreds of science experiments will be prepared for launch. total solar eclipses over populated areas are rare enough to be excited about. the sun is $400.00 times
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bigger than the moon, but it's also $400.00 times further away. so when all 3 line up just write one covers the other perfectly, like a lid sliding onto a popped. the 200 kilometer wide shadow they make will drift from mexico across the us to newfoundland in canada, in just an hour. plunging locations below into total darkness for 4 and a half minutes. and that's when researchers, the national space agency and thousands of citizens scientists will embark on a data gathering bonanza. $600.00 high altitude balloons will be released a 4 kilometer long, tight will point to measuring instrument at the sun. rockets will launch from an island in virginia, and jets will take off to flight inside the passive totality. nose is open. cameras on. these experiments will aim to unravel the mysteries of 2 boundary areas where some of the rules of our solar system remain unknown on the sun. that's the corona,
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the stars vast atmosphere. the corona is millions of degrees hotter than the sun surface below, but that's a bit backwards, and scientists still don't know exactly why. back on earth, the look at the area above our breathable atmosphere called the ionosphere here, satellites, and radio operators communicate and global positioning systems function. but the honest fear fluctuates with the sun's energy. and it's especially sensitive to solar flares. the sun, you know, all the, you know, it's, it's warm, it's bright, it's, it's, it's, and nobody gives us life. at the same time, it's or itself sustain thermo nuclear explosion in space that we have to live next to. and so the more that we understand how those other layers work better, we can kind of predict the violin activity of us on and try to protect ourselves stairs with better tools, more smartphones and more research centers under its past, more data will likely be gathered during this total solar eclipse than ever before
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. it's an hour that scientists will study for years to come. calling baker elders 0 . well that's it from me laura kyle, full destiny zone and associates. hey, we're back in just a moment. with more of today's news for you. stay with movers, those you use of to the signing onto a 01. how's the behind the scenes? the story of norway se will, and the oslo accords. they wanted to have what the prices do not have been. let's see and reveals how the secret negotiations skewed a strong decided, quote to folks love to talk the terms of the negotiations and why they're still far from delivering. and 4th was the price of holes on, on to 0. the
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us a call was of interest to people around the world. this has been going on for a number of our seniors, how to do the 30 for an international perspective to try to explain to a local audience. how is this impact? see it like this is an important part of the world and out to be this very good the bringing the news to the world from here on the average person to know what the truth was assigned to dismissed as profits of do. we knew where the temperature was going to go by lead is seeking the profits of industry. they were publishing reports saying this is not an urgent problem. could we have changed the course of the climate to merge in this area?
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which is here as new series died. last futures, the nicaraguan plains with the international course of justice to order germany, to stop supplying weapons to israel, to help us for ongoing to sign up or to make the break disability cycle. we have supportive states like too many issues when that's new, like connect with totally to the color that i'm the sounds you tell you. this is al jazeera life from the also coming to the biggest, a delivery into gauze that seems to.


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