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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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to clean up its industrial facilities costs, millions of users around the world will now have to buy microsoft office without counting the cost on out as the era the the other, the more kyle: this is the news our lives from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, nicaragua, just the international course of justice to order germany to hold a weapon. supplies to israel is an opportunity to break this fisher cycle. we have support of states like to have many issues when that's new, like connect with totally to the biggest a delivery ends a golf as the will become 6 months ago. but the you and says it's not so no to feed
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millions of stopping cala sims. several russian regions declare a states of imagine say also some of the west flooding and decades plus excitement bills ahead of a total solar eclipse and north america health sciences. so making the most of the big, my message is for element with coach caught onto last. it says the chant is the core to final against man. city will be beautiful, little pool them is the chance to go top of the permalinks off to being held to tool tool at manchester, united the . so you begin in the hey, gwen gemini, has been accused of aging and a blessing, genocide and garza and a case before the humans, top quote that was brought find the correct q and cools for emergency measures to stop germany from selling weapons to israel. it also wants berlin to restore
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funding to the u. s. agency for palestinian refugees. honora, move and fuzzy. 3000 palestinians have been killed in garza and 6 months of bombardment. nearly half of them children of the actions of this will continue unrestrained as they have since its birth plus the state. and they continue to receive the discriminant support of states like germany. then i'm due to innovation with the students with rice up again in the near future, and we will hear future secretary general convincing. this did not have to hear back from the case before the court is an opportunity to break disability cycle. we have supported states like you have any history when that's new, like connect with totally tunic because i was hopeful that states, particularly with the history of germany. would he, he, the decisions with his court is across abundance that by some joins does not live from the hay except nicaragua, spent 2 hours this morning making its case to the quote to you with the listing to
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all of it. what else did we have from his representatives? the, when it's been a very uncomfortable morning for germany here at the highest court in the hague a 2 years after the whole of cost. and although germany hasn't been directly involved in the war and got in gaza, you could argue, i assess, it has been facilitating china side by sending weapons. and instead of has an obligation to prevent a genocide because it's a signal traits to the genocide convention. but what germany did inside it has increased the sales of weapons to its route 10 fold because the compared to 2022, especially after october 7. and also new cargo argued. this is on the tab that germany is tied to a for its commitment to israel, which is unconditional because of what happened in the past because of what happened during the holocaust is misleading because they've got
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a west size. it's about, it's around and that's a different thing then talking about the jews. and they also said that that somebody is making a lot of money selling these weapons and the structures, i'm making real profits right now. and that's also something one member of the legal team. david miller actually sat to daniel miller, sorry. during the trial this includes export licenses for rep. and so for the value of 20 month 1000000 euros such as $3000.00 onto tanks buttons. which according to one manufacturer and germany are it, completes toolbox of showed allowance and century veterans used against tanks. but also vehicles, structures and buildings, and persons, or 500000 groans of machine gun amunition, 44 plumbing torches. the key components in a totally
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a munition and 239 picnics ignition charges and the german news magazine speaker revealed information about plants of the german government to deliver tank ammunition from the stock stuff the german on forces. by tomorrow, germany will have a chance to respond to the allegations tomorrow. germany will have its chance to respond to the allegations with it's the highest legal advisor to the foreign ministry. and, but it already came out of this afternoon saying that all the allegations made by nicaragua are grossly biased. it's going to be a very interesting test case for international justice because it's 2 countries, nicaragua and germany are not directly involved in the war and jobs. and so it's an unprecedented case. so legal experts around the world, i really following this and we will hear
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a routing will be made on provision of mattress nicaragua as us for the next coming weeks. okay. it's that many things that brings up speed on all the events that have been happening the at the hague events. i supportive justice this morning. well, noise and diplomats, tanya, of on, as like bison is representing germany before the i c j. and she says that the government is upholding international no. the ceremony rejects the allegations made by me, colorado to gay germany does not. and never did violet the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law, or that directly no indirect on the country. germany is committed to the upholds of international law, and this is what we work for internationally. we will tomorrow present our position in detail to this court. so much i can already tell you today to nicaragua, his presentation was gruffly biased and who will be telling you tomorrow how we
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fully live up to our responsibilities of correspondence in the bottom and dominic cane joins us now live and don't like germany saying that it's been misrepresented, buying the curriculum in, quote, today is that the general feeling inside germany the thing to point site here is that the government's reaction that we've been hearing that has been being put tacked for several days now. certainly on friday the foreign office spoke to, people was saying effectively what we just heard, this idea that they really have no truck with the case that's being brought forward to that puts them in the frame as well. there is no question that this issue is dividing opinion in this country. on the one side, you have people who say that they can't understand why the german government takes the position. it does visa, the israel, in a more general sense about the support that it offers. to the state of israel,
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the protections that it puts in place for the state of israel. and then on the other size of this debate, you have people who say, well, actually no, it is important for germany to recognize its cultural and historical responsibility in this situation. and to be protective of the state of israel is right to exist. that certainly is something which government ministers and many different people and in the governments infrastructure as it will have adhered to, going back many as many decades. even the result position of the in germany, what are we actually seeing manifest itself and in a position to the government? suppose of israel as well. this is where it becomes more as it were, a matter of conjecture because that has been certainly over the course of the last 12 hours 44 hours. also, a statement puts hundreds by what he's claimed to be several hundreds of german civil servants,
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none of whom is for pads to metaphorically put the heads over the power of hats and go public with the name in the face. but it puts out a statement which calls on the german government to disassociate itself from its policy thus far, regarding israel to remind, to remember its commitments to justice, to the humanitarian coals around the world. that sort of thing. and in doing that, what they are doing as it were, is continuing something that has had a head of steam. is it well building up with the costs of the last few months from all the civil servants around the european union and beyond. so the, in the united kingdom as well, who in the course of the last few months to push that statements again under the cloak of kinda limits a saying that governments in the west should be much more mindful of what they are doing. and the effect of the policies, the different, the policies out, the maintaining in so far as israel concerned, is actually having on the ground and goes up. but it is worth making the point
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there is this opposition, but it is coming from people who are using the shield of an embassy in order to put side that point of view. okay, so that came, bring us to view that from the end. thanks very much dominic. let's talk about this a little more with all senior political analyst. mamba shy, joins us here in the studio. well, i'm gonna go nicaragua, calling for emergency provisions to stop many selling arms to israel. how likely is it the quote's gonna give those? and the gemini is going to heat. that's cool. or, you know, it's very possible simply because much of the arguments that we've heard today at the very core that resembled it very much. the arguments with, with hearts from south africa and of course here, germany not being involved in what complicit in. so i think if indeed the, the court is going to look at both as well and germany with the same way. i think
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it's not too much to ask germany to refrain from uh, excessive rating or uh, escalating a plausible gems because there is no doubt we didn't need to cut out well to know that germany is the 3rd largest exported of armed stays right. over half a $1000000000.00 a year that germany is a huge financial and economic part of his writing that the germans have. especially this government has really made it clear that their support for as early as unconditional, regardless of how many tens of thousands of died or to cut to enter the guy. so, i mean, this is a pretty significant case that was a given the i c j having a not least pops up with john, you're his case is alaska, perhaps against israel. and it's certainly significant for jeremy, potentially the ongoing supply weapons to as well. and yet, but isn't the same amount of international attention being placed on it?
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why is that? well, you know, there's a lot of there's, there's auto auto, things going on in the world. and i think probably a lot, i would hope waiting for tomorrow for them 3 days to get the full picture. right. so we've heard from nicaragua to model with here from germany. but what is really strange is that you are um, you know, hard to find something and is right about what's going on. which is kind of, that's interesting. you know, they were trying to ignore that bit. spots on you. i mean, i think what's really important, it's not just the fact that it is happening and the fact that it's kind of interesting that 2 countries of, i'm not involved at all in guys are what's the most project i thing and the most dramatic effects of germany is once i get on the stand germany a 3 years after the holocaust, in fact, you know, essentially after half a century of german crimes from africa to europe. and that has to do with the
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holocaust. and so many other crimes against humanity, right? it's back on the step. now for me, the, the principal point that i hope our viewers are on the board would pay attention to . because that one should not hold grudge against germany for supporting jewish today or for having support to jews the past 2 years from the country. germany owes jews on what for what has happened to their parents and grandparents in the 2nd world war and before that. so that's not what the state is supporting, is read in creating another genocide regardless of whether they are jewish or not in his right. but the fact that germany is allowing for supporting compress it in i guess another genocide after the one or after the few that happened in the past century. and i think that's what it is. it's just about germans and jews only . what is that by the germans and jews and the rest of the world?
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meaning, do we fix the holocaust only as a very specific case in europe or do any must or should we universalize that tragedy that happened or the tragedies in the pool that's happening in europe? and if sure they don't happen again, and the rest of the world has our correspondence step side of pretty uncomfortable day for germany. sure. today and tomorrow. thanks very much. well, and spring thoughts, you know, off the days of bouncing international pressure and warnings of famine from humanitarian organizations. israel says it's allowed the largest number of 8 trucks and took off the system will began 6 months ago. is really a forward to say 322 trucks and to the strip. most of them carrying food. affordable 500 trucks, history arrive daily, 8 organizations accused as well of slowing the delivery of humanitarian relief supplies you and has described the situation and goals of mine made solve ation, and wound a farm. and testing them is
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a communication specialist at unicef and she joins us live now from outside the queue weight hospital. in rafa test, great to have you with us. thanks for joining us. so we've seen this convoy of a trucks entering gauze festival. can you help us understand where that aid is going and the impact, but it's having the it's so important when i came into guys that last way, i know that that would 1200 un and n g, a truck backed up waiting to enter. so the fact that we've seen more trucks coming in is really good news, but we need these to happen consistently because of cost guides is on the precipice of assignment. these food has to getting out across the gaza strip with the agency . most of the children dying of bound nutrition are in the north and our access to that area with 3rd high has been so limited. so it's really important that these i comes in at scale and is continued for the days to come. have a slides or the just takes one is the aid is inside goals
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a how it is distributed from the south to the new rules and the obstacles that it faces. it's a really challenging part. it's one of the most challenging places in the world to be and i'm a cherry and i work here at the moment, largely because of the safety concerns as we saw with colleagues that was sent to catch in on monday. even when we coordinated mission with these round that were told is sites we still put at risk and that's part of the challenge and getting the i to the north with just not getting the safety insurance is way made. and then of course, there's other challenges, damages to roads, restrictions on where we can travel, a series, lack of trucks now and fuel that we can use to transport the i. so the obstacles that many, but we're still doing our best in these really difficult circumstances to bring food and water, and medicine and nutrition treatments to the vulnerable children that data. how has unicef perhaps changed its opperation since that is where the strike
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a wells central kitchen where he alone without a un agencies took a 48 hour pause on not operations, but way back to full operations. now we've been here and gods are for decades, and we're not going anywhere. we're going to stay here during the fighting. stay here is the guns full silence and then help the children have guides to rebuild once they finally is pace. but of course, we can't do that if it's not safe. so we need the safety assurance is from israel. that when we go on a coordinated mission, we know it, we're not going to be killed. talk to you about the q 8 hospice hole in rafa. can you tell us what the situation because we know that all medical facilities are running low on supplies and added to that, of course is the impacts of i'll she for hospital being taken offline. so what is the situation in the remaining hospitals? a visit for hospitals in the last 5 days. and i can tell you that
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every medical director has told me about the impact of the lack of resources and the lack of stuff and how that really gets her mental for the patients in these hospitals. they running at full times capacity, children of dying from infections. children of dying from malnutrition is just not enough stuff and results has to go around. so the needs a great, that's why we have to rush society. and that's why we need to say file, or is that because as well, keep it on raising the specter of a ground offensive on raso way. you want less, less 600000 children living mostly and make shift shelters. can you and visit just situation where they are role evacuated, so safety you know, there is no safe place in gaza to evacuate these children too. and when you walk around the straits of ross, i hear it is so clear that this is the city of children. the 2nd child and i've met
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so many who have already been injured here in rough, a 9 year old the 10 year old, sorry. who was talking to the 16 year old, whose house the router 2 broken legs and a 10 year old megs are waiting for me. all right, and it's very funny, but i would just be kind of struck. and sometimes they'll ask you one more question . maybe is your best thing to be heard. above the quotes are proud behind you. that means national age, the new and old and gone. so as one in 3 children on the 2 years we, we know that they are acutely malnourished. we've been hearing for some time that that whole region is on the edge of from and if age is reaching them now, is it arriving in time to prevent a wide spread from and in that, in that region could
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happen at any moment. the morning light is getting to that area. we're going to try and attempt to go to that tomorrow. it shouldn't be too much of a treatment needed to try and help these children survived. entice me to not change and i just really need help. even in the middle area, the boy 7, you may be living in grass grow. you're in so much pain and it's best to be unacceptable. the tragic stories in d testing, and we really appreciate you taking the time to bring us those stories and bring us a situation that in rafa testing room with unicef. joining is that from outside the
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q 8 hospital in rough, or at least 8 people has been killed and is really all tend to refund. and connie eunice, this happened just to spice palestinians with tons. the devastated city in the south of gaza, most is waiting troops of withdrawn from the error of the fis. bottles of palestinian flights as some had hoped that might be homes to go back to. but there's almost nothing left standing. but as best reports for some of the 1st palestinians to go back to con eunice, there's not much left to recognize the ones home to around half a 1000000 people. the city in the south of gaza has been flattened by israel. the military the city looks heartbreaking. it's unbelievable. we didn't expect this kind of destruction. there isn't a house without a martyr, wounded or destroyed. words can describe it. many of the people
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who been living in tens or in the open for months on end. well, hoping that might be some way to stop rebuilding deadlocks. you know? so given that we came to see what happened to the house, but there wasn't any houses here. it's just rubble. that's how we kind of leave here. animals company, if you. so how's that person supposed to the destruction is unreal. israel's military announce on sunday isn't withdrawal, and most of it streams from con eunice. it wraps up a key phase and it's buffer with some us troop levels. and now some of the lowest levels in gaza since the bowl become 6 months ago. so they're all reminders that this is still a, was a, rebuilding, hey, will take many, many years. if israel allows it a bonus, smith, alger 0. the withdrawal of money is where the forces on the increase in a to going to come as a new round of cease want talks gets on the way. but how masses down playing other
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reports of progress as told down to their israel is not responding to its demands. is right and how much like asians have left kyra, but they are expected to attend the objection capsule in 2 days is ready. negotiators were led by the head of intelligence agency most on and we're on con, is monitoring developments from occupied east jerusalem. the things that we can say with absolute certainty is the totes, having broken down, that they all still continue. and what we're hearing is by thomas and israel are now looking at a potential framework for us these 5 deal. and they pouring over the details of that by how mass have been very clear. they say israel is an a serious negotiating partner. and that it won't compromise on things that it's how mass needs to be able to try and release those captives. israel says that there is a long way to go. the discussions are still continuing its interesting. this was supposed to be 8 remedy on c spy. it the holy month of ramadan is going to be over
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by the time of the 2 parties meet again in 48 hours. this tools have been going on now for at least 6 weeks in various different phones and various different locations. so the only thing that we can really say, like a site for sure is the tools haven't broken down these well, these radius of sent a fairly senior delegation. so this whole thing cleared the head of the most that and that's been the equivalent of that as happened with senior. i'm ashley does as well. let's see what happens in the coming hours. i think these next round to towards info to 8 hours may well be a crunch time. let's see if they come up with some sort of agreement. i say calling cold at the ramadan a ceasefire. any more if any potential of these why it does happen? but it will be a release of the people of gauze if they come up with some sort of agreements and saw them live in a nice full hezbollah fights as including
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a fields come on to have been killed in this really strike. it talks to the town of soltani, a lot of these on group, and it's really all may have been exchanging cross for the fuss as the war on guns have begun in october on the hash. them has moved from southern lebanon. it's just after mid life is really worth things. the fact this building in the town of so tiny around 15 kilometers from the border emergency services said that the police for people account questions will issue a statement today to saying that's one of its feelings. colonda is what killed in this attack. now, this is just part of why the context, the confrontation that's involving different elements. one of these elements is august, the genetics. and this one is using different kinds of weapons in targeting, says the law 5th among those all 5. does your planes, drones, well, sometimes side bunk. now if we want to take this into maybe why the context is just
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part of the confrontation that's already going on and ranging once it's finished shots from being identified as a war. it's a full scale confrontation with uh, with the fog. it is really wants to hit me that free fog. it's on the east side or no one got involved ministry infrastructure. oh, flushing though, i'm kind of the same time also we thought anything by hitting is really ministry infrastructure on the other side. also funny. yeah. it's also been on the hash. what does it around this foreign minister has visited syria's capital a week after a strike blamed on israel, destroyed to hans, comes to the building. i'll send a mess up till i am as meeting with the syrians diplomats. iran has promised to respond to the strike that killed 7 members of his revolution regards, including 2 generals. is there any forces of arrest of 45 palestinians and over
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night raids across the occupied westbank and vehicles moved into the city of dora with troops on several homes interested 10 people. and it was the confrontations with palestinian fighters of an $8100.00 pound of seems to be interested in the west bank since the war on calls that began in october of the decades upon us citizens have challenged his riley oppression with resistance, but right scrapes say the occupied westbank is now divided into $165.00, come tons. each is surrounded by its way to check points. gates by pulse, right, and settlements. and that's making nationwide movements increasingly difficult and dangerous to maintain or con reports from the occupied west bank. this is the town of beta and the occupied westbank. it hits headlines 3 years ago to being a model of non violent resistance against is ready, settler, cold nights ation. local people use tactics to confuse settlers who tried to pitch
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up on the hill, their persistence towards the amount. rebecca lady kent did not. confusion activities consisted of men, women, children, and the elderly lodges of men would like 5 and slash impacts of assessing and then another unit would use floodlights and lasers and another would make loud noises on the spot. the assessment has since been transformed into an is ray, the military base will follow up, the rest of them has spent nearly 2 decades leading and g o. supporting posting and douglas covering uprisings, negotiations, all unknown violent resistance. she says fatigue is growing in the occupied westbank division in the west bank and it didn't happen again overnight or, and it go but or last year it has been happening. it was, or guess 3 did. it's a policy of dividing the land and that's dividing the people. it's like this with
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cheese to make it worse. is ratings are headed rounding and and shutting down each enclave by itself. so the noise is broken to this jeanine, the boss, this funny to is. there a model of armed resistance reflect in 2021, soon spread to nablus to boss and talk to them. but one research says the point is mostly defending the refugee camps on the left. the legacy at the occupation separates and city through divisions between regions by destroying the economy and dividing societal structures, including camp off in cities and villages. while resistance violent as non violence is mostly contained in camps, towns, the villages rights group, se, bed wins a mostly defense listed to being pushed from the land. we attempt to reach one displace community, but as a roadblock prevents us from reaching them, a few come up, which is a way we find another community. a sarah 8 families living in the sped one tub.
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they don't want to speak on camera, but they did tell us they were false from that land. just a few comments away from that live violence. they say they are most vulnerable to displacement. they have very few options to defend themselves. those with the option said they'll continue to defend the land, but few holding onto the hope of a collective struggle while they were being physically divided north on out to 0, the occupied west 9th time. now for the weather with at a time, a lot of the weather is looking a little unsettled across, posit, literally stay, but the next couple of days to be able to count that into saudi arabia. pushing across towards the golf avenue, north is looking very unsettled. some really inclement weather, pushing his way through. central and west, and pa, for saudi arabia, could see your shots. he wasn't here in kata, it's just a lot of dry study. one degrees celsius on tuesday, picking up a touch as we go on into a wedding stay. as i said,
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further norfolk got plenty of shells west and pond solver on. good part of a rock seeing some showers, the shower stretching all the way up towards the cool because in that same system is another flight pressure sweating way across the eastern side of the mediterranean. hey, be sure i was coming into west cypress right across the van will say some showers there into garza. i'm afraid i'm at wet weather becoming a little more widespread. nothing too heavy, but it's there, it's miserable. is that gonna link for a couple of days? we're gonna see that wet weather, grassy pushing his way for the a little bit of weather to into the north west. the for african northern parts of algeria could see a shower to over the next dial. so let me go into wedding start and you can see the heaviest showers stretching the way across. i'm not sure if west african now the seasonal rains doing quite nicely though showers. i stretched away until the southeast of south africa where the flood risk continues. i said i had hair on alex's era, mexico's leading presidential, kansas trade. bob's in the 1st of 3 debates has of elections in june of
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a lump sum jewel of a desk. we visited the state farm and saudi arabia to find out why one variety of the food has become highly prized. and the tennis who celebrated her latest victory with her biggest funds that's coming up and supports with some of the the biggest over the next. and yet in history, the world's biggest democracy, both its own, epic showed us in this final episode of speaking the port finally of prime minister and the movie elevated india globally be. this will be keyed long room under the microscope with them. and how much is facts and how much is fiction to be in the port box for? oh, no. does. he does the latest news as it breaks the
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message? they say they're going to carry on the, to coverage these really prime minister spoke this evening saying that the military is ready to invade drop off despite criticisms from allies from the hall. so the story everyone is terrified. thank you. shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now, nowhere is case and kind of seen, these are targeted the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the annual what challenges there as a reminder of our top story is this, our gemini has been accused of aging and a passing genocide and gone. so in a case before the u n's talk,
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court had closed for emergency measures to stop by and then from providing israel with lessons to him, they will respond on choose day as well. so $322.00 trucks, most of them carrying food hub and to garza, is the largest delivery of humanitarian a. to enter the strip in 6 months for the you and says it's not enough before the war, 500 trucks, these to arrive every day. kind of gyptian that is really media, we're forcing progress. and the goal is to cease fund negotiations. but how much this down paying the report saying, as well as not responding to its demands, locations are expected to attend to colorado on tuesday. several regions in russia have declared a state of emergency off to some of the west flooding and decades. siberia and the girls are amongst the west, hit moving 10000 times have been flooded them to meet you meditate in cairo falls. this is what the coming of spring can look like in russia. the around river
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europe's the longest, best thing, it's banks and rising. flood waters caused by winter snow melting, and the i didn't board regions have swept through thousands of homes. the mass says people should leave if they can before it's too late. you thought you didn't want to leave. i feel as i'm too old and wouldn't go. but they persuaded me to professor that i want to, well, no, just cry. i feel terrible with the river 1st bus to through this damn and oscar flooding. the city regions governance says flooding has been recorded along the entire 2 and a half 1000 kilometer long river that flows through conflicts down into the caspian sea. russian officials say $139.00 regents have or will be affected, controlled explosions of being carried out in the ice and snow in some regions to prevent further flooding. and farmers are pulling out the capital stuck in the mud
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. rescue and relief efforts underway. the russian emergencies, minnesota says the flooding is the worst, the region that's seen in decades. we bought a boat yesterday so that we can reach our relatives if something happens to bring them for state or medicine. water levels are expected to continue rising for at least another 2 days to meet them at that and go out to 0. at least 94 people, many of them children have died off to a make shift very sank of northern mose. i'm beat 130 people on board the combated fishing boats when it done went down off. and i'm pull up provence on sunday. well, far as you say, the vessel was not suitable for carrying passengers. 5 survivors have been rescued, but dozens of missing authorities say some passengers were trying to escape a color outbreak in mozambique. a new set of silver is editorial director at the equality newspaper. he says the number of people leaving the homes is being partly
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fused on misinformation. most the most say i've been rumors that the there is a 14 quiet and they put me in the so be it's nikki, bring it to my to find the key in the community. and the way people, most of them as are running away from the media, they are building that house. even they need base things and run away from anyway they, sometimes you say there was a car that sort of give you a big song fix. i saw the, the, the, you get to meet local coatings and be very nice stopping advantage from that can mean this. i do that the, they import, import the new device. it's the expanding call into the communities. so it is making for my final is a, the we advocating on it, but it's not, is it a decent?
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so i think people seem to be with these be side of them that mean the is being distributed by the political bosses in south africa or on the campaign file ahead of next month, paul, them entry elections. the governing african national congress is expected to face a tough challenge as parliamentary majority could be present for the 1st time since the policy came to pilot in 1994. some politicians of tons of populace rhetoric to appeal to vases. me the minute report. so i'm just how does bug on how these tactics of being received? the amc has been in power for 3 decades with the african national congress school days appear to be said in the block is govern since the end of apartheid as to the country's 1st democratic vote in 1994 and so but its popularity has dropped to less than 50 percent and the poor governance corruption struggling economy and fost
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rising crime is the, this is the opposition action is the party made by the form a may of to how does blow common michelle is fighting crime and corruption is a top of his agenda when mid to late be totaled against those who commit crimes like what robinson made though, and drug trafficking and so forth. see those coincidences i think of right now, 12 of the guys is really very soft on, on, on criminals. we've got to the of the look at this issue of puddle and way of prison, of extra need to take our prison as, as some kind of law or the, or the date address or the popular street to be seems to be working. i've had to go into the go in, we've explained as being, you know, because of it also stays in depth, like in, like on the x and we'll pick up read. i'm hoping they would fall down mostly like it's been so many years where they've had time to prove themselves. change that guns are in some ways, but it says getting was to pub prime. some parties are promising to reinstate the
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death penalty and other say they can turn the economy around. but it's unclear how such block is will live up to the promises they're making. it is all much more of a license. and it's very much propaganda pundits except by they do not have a chairman date of how they are actually going into the outcomes. national news belonged to the economic freedom fighters was established 11 years ago and is known for disrupting parliamentary proceedings. the fluids needed to just my name and making inflammatory and racist statements. but his popularity is also rising along with that of the outspoken politicians and their parties. somebody domino which is the roger handbook. kinds of leading mexico as presidential race of squared off. and the 1st of free time advised debates ahead of national elections in a feisty exchange corruption and access to health care emerged as the big issues. so just heads the poles in june to choose the success of the present under his
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manual lopez open a door on a rock, the reports from mexico, se se, and this almost quality met for a one bedroom segment, a lively 1st debate among presidential hopefuls of the mexican capital on sunday morning and he said a lot of us to maybe come in here national access to health care took center stage . let's not forget the s for our project is defense and from prevention to the most complex cash for any health condition provide for you medication. we have the budget to do at some point from the support today. 50000000 people like access to health care services. the vaccination system has been destroyed. now only one in every 3 children receives complete vaccination. cancer patients are no longer guaranteed their medication. nearly 40 percent of the population is considered vulnerable because they are unable to consult medical professionals to diagnose, treat and manage diseases, illnesses and disorders. and it's not just access challenges. we spoke to one physician who showed us
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a list of dozens of prescription drugs that are in short supply nationally. he asked us to hide his identity for fear of repre cushions, which says that some of these medicines could mean the difference between life and death. for tens of thousands of patients are interesting because there are many specific indications to show the health care system as well as of today. then it was 60 years ago low income citizens are worse affected by drug shortages. people like hold heavy as a psychiatric patient who tells us he struggles to fill his prescriptions for anti anxiety and depression medication. if can validate his grade, i see on the end of the display ration the physical and mental symptoms. one experiences are extremely harsh. so to the point that if you see medicine anywhere, no guilty, you bite because the suffering is enormous, mexico's health care budget has increased in recent years. but despite more spending, the government is failing to meet the needs of millions of patients. they've
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tackling corrupt and was also hot topic and all 3 politicians that seem to agree that public funds loss to corruption is a significant reason for shortcomings in public services and those moving apart from the proposed solutions to mexico's worsening healthcare crisis. presidential candidates also debated other topics like historic levels of violence, shortfalls of education and curbing migration. a 2nd presidential debate is scheduled for the 28th of april and a 3rd and final debate on may 19th. monday visit up a little alger 0 mexico city. millions of people are arriving in the circled pulse of toe, tennessee. across the continental united states, where a full solar eclipse will soon block the sun. it'll travel through mexico before entering the united states to texas and canada through southern on target. they'll then head out across the atlantic coast fuse will need to protect the rise when the moon completely of skills the sun. during the brief total solar eclipse,
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the blackout will last up to 4 minutes. 28 seconds. incessant areas that's twice as long as a full solar eclipse, that dawkins us guys in 20. 17. nasa says another coast to coast eclipse in the us . what will happen for at least another 20 is calling baker. explains now how scientists all preparing for the big moments is just after 11 am local time. on monday morning on mexico's pacific coast, the sun will disappear and across north america, hundreds of science experiments will be prepared for launch. total solar eclipse is over populated areas are rare enough to be excited about. the sun is $400.00 times bigger than the moon, but it's also $400.00 times further away. so when all 3 line up just write one covers the other perfectly, like a lid sliding onto
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a popped. the 200 kilometer wide shadow they make will drift from mexico across the us to newfoundland in canada, in just an hour. plunging locations below into total darkness for 4 and a half minutes. and that's when researchers, the national space agency and thousands of citizens scientists will embark on a data gathering bonanza. 600 high altitude balloons will be released. a 4 kilometers long, tight will point to measuring instrument at the sun. rockets will launch from an island in virginia, and jets will take off to flight inside the passive totality. nose is open. cameras on. these experiments will aim to unravel the mysteries of 2 boundary areas where some of the rules of our solar system remain unknown on the sun. that's the corona, the stars vast atmosphere. the corona is millions of degrees hotter than the sun surface below, but that's a bit backwards. and scientists still don't know exactly why. back on earth. the look at the area above our breathable atmosphere, called the ion
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a sphere here. satellites and radio operators communicate and global positioning systems function, but the honest fear fluctuates with the sun's energy. and it's especially sensitive to solar flares. the sun, you know, all the, you know it's, it's warm, it's bright, it's, it's, it's no 80 gives us life. at the same time, it's or itself sustain thermo nuclear explosion in space that we have to live next to. and so the more that we understand how those other layers work better, we can kind of predict the violin activity of us on and try to protect ourselves. cars with better tools, more smartphones and more research centers under its past, more data will likely be gathered during this total solar eclipse than ever before . it's an hour that scientists will study for years to come calling baker alger 0. the still ahead hang on. i'll just there on the 1st 5 wicket hole, and this is indian premier league that's coming up with
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the video support now was on a thank you very much, laura, while we're on the great coach condo into lots, he says it will be a beautiful game when they meet matches the city and the champions equal to finals on tuesday. the 1st day i go over the ty is in spain. it's the 3rd year in a row that they've met. and the winner has gone on to lift the sophia on the last 2 occasions since he won last year. but no team have your p and titles more than
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around the truth with 14 or 8 points clear at the top of the spanish league. and that's largely things too, too, depending on who score 20 goals and all competitions is only 20 years old. but there's more and more toward the my to it. then he's a, hey, just a really professional to really see if you are really on the right and also the prize as a play at about the was it that sort of a rush, surprising the sense for the h a that he has is really a really my to well, i associates hey, they're selling contents of whole back to back troubles and have not lost since the 6th of december of 25 games in all competitions. they've claudia left him on the semi finals of the f, a comp, and they are right in the mix and the race for the premier league title currently and the place level for mr. task to go top on sunday. there were ahead at that
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matches to united but gifted sooner. hernandez an equalizer. that is spectacular goal of from teenage to a copy of my new put united the in front the 18 year old finding the top corner for the 1st place. first go at old trafford, building up wasn't impressed but live a pool. then one of the crucial penalty which mohammed fell off for to rescue valuable points. their level and points would need those arsenal, but trail all different habits and have lost more premier league points due to breach or financial rules. the club had been hit with a 2 point fund that drops them to 16th and the table is penalties. in addition to the 6 point deduction that they received earlier in the season of attend the has a week to appeal against the welding tennis fled danielle collins is heading into retirements in style. the american has won her 2nd title in a row at the shows in the open in south carolina. 50 or the collins has already
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confirmed. this will be her last season on the w. t h for fund has found herself in the form of her life. she crushed thrushes, daddy. yeah. has that see not 6261 in the final, extending her winning street to setting matches the vista becomes a weeks off. the clinton, the biggest win of her career. the miami opens, collins has $126.00 of her cost $0.27 and will next family trip. later this month also was she celebrated don't quote with her. so we have quincy, a part of the trophy presentation, and to be able to share it with him what a special day. and i think the fans loved at his loved it to so many dog lovers watching our sport. and yeah, our family friend, john and rachel, to his german overnight in their r v. to get here in time for the match and what a special, a special support we get to have with our in our circle. and so this means the
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world to me over in houston, ben shelton, a one an all american showdown, i guess defending champion fastest of our team p us mens snake pool championships for one year old the shelves and became the youngest. said to win this adventurous and do all that good. it's 19 years old, back in 2000 opponents who but the whole task won his 1st quote titled the 2nd see defeated spain's federal martinez and straight says to claim the as true open in portugal. and it was a bad night for the lakers who were beaten by the temple walls and also lost one of their stop is anthony davis was hitting the i early on the in the game. you went to the locker room and never returned to the action. the lakers were already missing, the bron james who was at home with flu like symptoms. minnesota took full advantage winning this 127 to 117. the temple was move level would be denver
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nuggets at the top of the western conference to gulf and actually say by today i got a pair of cowboy boots for a wedding, the texas open and a place at this week as most as it began with the for shortly the but that was the, with the, with who way would side danny mccarthy who sold 7 straight birdies. the force of sales that we paid, the 18th hole and the coffee made a mistake finding the water with the 2 year old. but that took advantage with the birdie to secure the victory. and the chance to say, i'm the 1st major of the hard to put this one in perspective with him to realize that i'm playing in the masters next week. and histories. absolutely crazy. and it's all my mind all week, but you know, i try to stick to my game plan and i'm a bigger goals and just playing the masters, i have more goals that i want to achieve. and you know, this kind of helps me for that. it says you garcia will also be able to go so, but he's wait till 4. when on the lift to goes on,
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he went into the final round in miami with a 2 shot key. the both ended up losing a playoff for the said the time since joining the tour, south african informs the claimed, the victory and the $4000000.00 prize. and it's now 4 wins in a row for nearly acorda on the women's tour. the world number one, getting her late, this victory at the much great on. it's in las vegas. next you'll play the 1st major of the year where she'll have the chance to, to match the russell the 5 straight wins set by nancy. nope. as in 1978 and new cost or in some, in 2005 finally took it and we've seen the 1st 5 we could whole and this year's i p l e left no super die. and so it posted the target to a 164 runs it guess it could arrive tightens and their engine fast bowler? yes, that's good, rick. who the batsman to finish it with figures a 5 full set to you. super giants,
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one by $33.00 runs and it says in the ip as the table with 5 year old export has another saved for engine. and that's it for me, a $100.00 to laura. so thanks very much i or so sorry. ravia is the 2nd largest producer of the dates in the world growing around $300.00 varieties. but one of them is increasingly attracting more attention as how should i hope r explains from medina. i love it. so even how big weights, his visitors in a special way tossing battles, is regarded as an ultimate act of generosity. he runs a form that produces the most popular variety of date, insanity, ravia. she felt some of his stuff or waste no time explaining to customers that use of the sweet through the all drawing is huge,
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made the snow quantities it protects against many diseases and he's reach in new to the end date. a key part of people's died during my my done, which in nachos sure goes their base blood sugar levels almost immediately after a long day of fasting. and help with that as the by the system. will the varieties of data produced hideous sound you baby of this particular one stands out, muslims believe it's the same type. the prophet mohammed used to break his fast and they want to follow to addition. it is widely considered to be the best gift for loved ones back home, and that's why it's rapidly becoming the most expensive date in the world. right now, more people show up at sight spun, oscar painful. he's produced that comes in a wide range of kind of sweetness and texture dates, or a staple food in the middle east. we saw them all the time and our daily get
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together is also known as the one. yes we. so the dates with coffee and it's a cultural symbol of generosity. this is west size, spends most of his time looking after the health of his palm trees. you may take that case of planting it to you, not to produce dates, but size doesn't seem to be due to a tool. so i don't know if i am beyond happy my goodness, out of people visiting medina to us lodge, but as they appreciate what we do here in this part of your for many dates seemed too sweet to be healthy. but the 8 hopes he's fun with chains. perceptions about dates are no longer associated only with muslim celebrations, like may become a globally popular dish customer. how about i just see the medina volcanic eruption on the uninhabited color like asylums, has sent lava from the congress, crushing into the sea islands uninhabited by humans, by time to
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a number of unique animal spaces. a camera is one of the most active volcanoes on the island chain. that's it for me for this news. uh, we're back in just a moment. this morning. the these are the mythologies on dramas. they used to march 3 d o t before dawn box with an increase is rated ministry precedence. it's too dangerous. as daylight arrived at costing begins instead of traditional decorations, the st cods images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will or is the city often defies the seasonal suite? use of the law on the street right now look,
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