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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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lies for the nation's flow stop is whitening us is spending billions of dollars to clean up its industrial facilities. costs millions of uses around the world will now have to buy microsoft office without counting the cost on out as the era the palestinians returning to their homes. in san eunice and gauze, find only bodies on rubble left by it's really for the money inside. this is all and is there a life and of all? so coming up see these features of international humanitarian little thing of it. the rental, the norm slip international, including genocide, taking place in palestine in colorado. it takes germany to court on caring,
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it's supplies, weapons to israel announced a meeting and a best thing, genocide. at least 94 people. many of them children have died off to make shift. terry signed off on that based on the i'm john 100 in indianapolis, indiana where people who have come from all over north america to be in the path of totality for a total solar eclipse. the has just gone 16 gmc and we begin in southern garza where is really off. hillary fly has killed at least 8 palestinians in san eunice. people were targeted as a return to what is left of their homes to search for any belongings. most is rarely troops have withdrawn from the area as well as defense minister says that's aimed at preparing them for ground defensive in rasa. now some palestinians had
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hope they might have homes to return to. there is almost nothing less daunting. need my mood has moved from rough. uh, or for some of the 1st palestinians to go back to han. eunice, there isn't much recognizable left once home to around half a 1000000 people. the city in the south of garza has been flattened by israel's military. the city looks heartbreaking. it's unbelievable. what do you expect this kind of destruction? there isn't a house without a martyr, wounded or destroyed. words can describe its men of the people who have been living in tents or in the open for months on end. were hoping there might be some way to start rebuilding their life. you know, in fact, given that we came to see what happened to the house, but there wasn't any houses here. it's just rubble. that's how we kinda leave here
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. animals company if you. so how's that person supposed to? the destruction is unreal. israel's military announce on sunday, had withdrawn troops from han, eunice. it wraps up a key phase and it's battle with him. us. troop levels now are some of the lowest levels in gaza since the war began. 6 months ago, but there are still reminders that this is still a war zone. rebuilding con eunice will take many, many years to visit row allows and for the 1000000 and a half people sell during here in rough, off the breadth of and is really grand invasion, remains mode. that'll just be a rough box in southern dogs. as handouts and tired of the assume he's also in rasa in southern garza, a palestinian, somebody who has talked to gradually returned to the houses in order to check to own what has been left to pull them off to these very with the trouble. the court
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found nothing but only destruction and deputation that completely struck the entire city. the palestinians also were short from what they have been seeing the off to the east, very withdrawal, specifically that at least the $64.00 palestinians have been found killed in the city that they have been recovered from multiple areas in calling you. and as a, as the news people have been killed on the unknown circumstances, it's not yet clear. would that have been executed by the is very so just or even if i've been killed by is valley a compartment or strikes that they have been transferred to multiple hospitals to the hospital in the central areas of garza and the remaining have been delivered to both the repeat hospital and to another hospital in the past. also brooklyn district bought a tool. now also they use what it with the trouble. there is an ongoing button and by these, by the onto the re, on the eastern areas of newness for at least a palestinians that have to report killed alongside with auto stop abutment in the middle areas were to college. students have been killed. one palestinian women
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alongside with parent child has been have been hit within his ready onto a shilling in a dairy by town. as people have been telling us that they have been facing great difficulty to identify the location of houses in the city of car newly said you to the wall. i disagree with destruction being absolutely close to the selected to the entire city. but due to the is very ongoing compartment of the days of mounting international pressure and warnings, assignments from humanitarian organizations. israel says it's allowed, the largest number of a truck sent a gall assistance will be gone 6 months ago. is rarely authorities say 322 trucks have into the strip. most of them tiring food before the war. 500 trucks used to arrive daily. 8 organizations accuse is relative slowing the delivery of humanitarian relief supplies. the u. n. has described the situation in gaza is non
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made stove ation and has wound assignments. some a deliveries have reached hospitals in the north of gauze that over the weekend, bringing desperately needed medical supplies for deltas at b come all at one hospital, say the shipments on just a drop in the ocean. and those who mention some of the items, the arrival of a shipment of medicines yesterday is not enough compared to the urgent needs of citizens due to the high rates of mt nutrition among them along with the shortage of some food and medicines for these children whom you can see in the background behind me in the children's mastery, most of the children come into the hospital with mel nutrition, especially premature babies due to the mile nutrition on the mother. and that affects the mother and other patients. this is the best thing to done. i'm not only suffering because of her, but also because of all the children. every child is suffering from malnutrition and every day we lose 5 or 10 children. it's not just the young children, men, the elderly. all of them have become ill due to the lack of nutrition because it
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has been destroyed life and goes, it has been destroyed, no one can find enough food or water tests. ingram is with the you as children agency, unicef. she's in russia, in southern gaza. she says a drug screening is good news. they need to be allowed across the district. when i came into the guys the last way, i know that that would 1200 un and, and your truck backed up waiting to enter. so the fact that we've seen more trucks coming in is really good news, but we need this to happen consistently because of cost guides is on the precipice of assignment. this food has to get in and across the gaza strip with the agency. most of the children dying of bound nutrition are in the north and our access to that area with 3rd high that has been so limited. so it's really important that the side comes in at scale and is continued for the days to come. it's a really challenging part. it's one of the most challenging places in the world to be and i'm
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a cherry and i work here at the moment. lovely because of the safety concerns as we saw with colleagues that was sent to catch in on monday, even when we coordinated mission with israel that we had told is that we are still put at risk. and that's part of the challenge and getting the i to the north, we just not getting the safety assurance is way made. and then of course, there's other challenges, damages to roads, restrictions on where we can travel, a serious lack of trucks now and fuel that we can use to transport the i. so the obstacles are many, but we're still doing our best in these really difficult circumstances to bring food and water, and medicine and nutrition treatments to the vulnerable children that need. the latest round i've ceased, 5 talks has wrapped up in the egyptian capital, but how mazda is downplaying? earlier reports of progress, it's told out there, as well as not responding to its demands. meanwhile, c, i. a director william burns also attended. the mediation on washington says how mazda is now reviewing. the latest proposal is riley negotiate as will lead by the
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head of the intelligence agency. most sad, less. bringing laurie chapman's. he's and all the parties tourist lim, rory, what have you heard so far from these rarely is about the tools of the will start the mind delegates of less now and then taking with them a set of new proposals to discuss with the so you paid or is this a lot of noise coming out of the monument or from the battery? is different policies involved in these negotiations difficult at the moment. so what kind of want to signal is that you know that noise, but here's what we know so far. so that's cautious, optimism from bike the categories, and the egyptians with the cast reform administer the spikes best and citing the the deal of a discussing. it would be some sort of a 3 stage c spot with the 1st stage, focusing mainly on humanitarian issues and egyptian officials. it's been quite a,
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it's in a different media that's being citing this progress and the tolts and copyrights. and there is agreements on the main issues between all the policies, unless the optimism i have to say from the main to how to easy the ones that this has to fly with the uh, the is riley's and with how mass now, how much the official has told out, does it or that these ratings are still creating obstacles to reaching an agreement . and the response on these right is that they've received does not include a permanency spa, whole winfield withdrawal from the cause of strep to the main. how much criteria. now, israel is talking about the difficult decisions having to be made, but the rivers of progress in israel have done enough to trigger the fall right. members of benjamin netanyahu as ruling co relation to reiterate that long standing threats that they will torpedo netanyahu's government
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. if he signed up to a deal that they don't agree with national security minister, it's my bank of riverside, if not, to be able to accept with each box that will end the will without carrying out the rep or operation. he was have a mind nice to consider your pricing as prime minister as i lots of pressure coming from with eating these really governments to, to have a small, the big deal. no units. oh, okay. let's leave that bag we'll reach out from uh, okay. parties to respond, let's go live now on here from re add months or the palestinian american diplomats. it is high time now for the state of palestine, which was called for the establishment of 2 states in resolution 181 and 1947 by the agenda and assembly. so it is the general assembly, along with the security concept,
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the international community to accept added to invite the other state, which is the state to palestine, to become a full member in the united nations office that we have these 2814. remember in the united nations, we open the door slightly in the direction of peace. and we hope that the security concept, which is for us to, in the maintenance of information, are based on security to allow for that door to open the slightly in the direction of the implementation over the 2 states solutions. which requires the end of up your position and the independence of the state to protest i today is as started moment. i must congratulate and best of the vanessa from monica, which we loved immensely. the people and the lead up ship. that may be a historic thing will be accomplished in the month of april. thank you very much. i
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okay, that was the re add non solar palestine. is that how to send you an investor? let's head to the united nation speak to all corresponding that gabriel. as on the uh, so uh, took us through a bit about what's happening in the chain the right now as well. nothing is happening in the security council chamber right now because they just met in a, in a formality. they have now decided to continue this application process by palestine for full un membership. and the next step is at 3 o'clock, which is a little under 3 hours from now. uh, the security council committee on the new members will meet for the 1st time. and this will be the 1st time they meet,
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it'll be behind closed doors. there be no cameras inside, no live feed of it at all. and they will meet privately and who is day. it's actually the 15 security council members. they're also part of this committee. and they will begin discussing this application by palestine for full un membership. now what's interesting here is that uh, this, the counsel has as also decided that they want this process to move expeditiously. and if they're saying that they're hoping that this is completed, what i say completed. i mean the security council discussions about this application by palestine or completed by the end of april. so about another 3 weeks or so in 2011 when palestine last applied for 4 full un membership, the security council debated for about 2 months. so they're looking to shorten that timeframe right now. the big picture here is the security council will not
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ultimately decide the security council will just ultimately have to get a monks themselves behind closed doors. and if they reach a consensus that the application should move forward, they will then announce that, and it will then go to the general assembly for final ratification. it would be 2 thirds and the general assembly, by all accounts, palestine has that. the issue now is according to un, charter is 1st has to be it's approved by the security council, and that is the process that is now taking place with this 1st closed door meeting . then we expect in about 3 hours from now the 1st to potentially several closed door meetings. now this is important. what i'm about to say is that if one of the 5 permanent members of the security council decides to veto this, it would be a veto. and it would not then go to the general assembly,
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it would be over at that point. it's clear that the us still does not support palestine being a full un member. we asked to this the deputy us and bastard that a few hours ago. we said as your position changed since 2011, he said no, it has not changed. so you know, so there are closed door meetings now. and the question is, can the rest of the council or when we think that a fair number of council members, we believe already have said they support callous times a full un membership? are they able to convince the us not to veto it and send it on to the general assembly? that is really the big question right now. yeah, it's interesting what you say that about the united states, ma'am. but the kids that when we had a from we have months or they're all, but it was very brief at, he seemed to be quite positive about where this is like you to go.
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yeah, he was because this is a historic moment. i mean, he a really knows that the us as veto power, you know, is that better than anybody in the us? i'm certainly willing to use that veto power. they've shown that in and cease fire resolution since october 7th. but listen, i mean this is still a historic moment for palestine because this was officially the 2nd time now that they have now gotten this for, at least in this process that the un for full un membership. it's important for them. and i'm sure it's clear to us what potentially use or veto power here a. but that doesn't mean that this is now not at the top of the agenda of the security council. it clearly is. and the fact that they want to resolve this in the next month or show so shows how quickly they want to try to do to expedite this process. okay, thank you've explaining all that to us gabriel. others on to that for us in new york. germany has been accused of eating a best thing,
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genocide in gaza, in a case before the un stop cause it was brought by nicaragua and calls for emergency measures to stop me from selling weapons to israel also wants spend in to restore funding to the us agency for palestinian refugees unrra, nicaragua, his lawyer had hoss woods for the dual role gemini is playing and won't the i c j is already will to be a possible case of genocide. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best part of seeing in children, women and men in goss onto provides for many tabby and aids. including 2 ad drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committed to every equipment that i used to kill and many of them. and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen and the other stuff us and is in the heavy equipment,
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it must have been an uncomfortable 2 hours here for germany at the world's highest court in the hague. nicaragua had some harsh words for germany, saying if this facilitating turn aside in gaza, it's an interesting and unprecedented case because the 2 countries here at the core of nicaragua and so many, i'm not directly involved in the atrocities that are happening in gaza. but nick ongoing argues that germany as a signatory to the genocide from sanction, has the obligation to do everything. it can to prevent genocide, let alone not facilitate a germany is the 2nd largest supplier of weapons to as well off to the united states. and in 2023. it's supplies have a growing time full compared to the year before. and many of these weapons have still been exported after october 7, uh, antique tank weapons, amunition, drones,
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all used according to me because i have a lot or at least a lot of it's in gaza against the civilian population there. so this is an unprecedented case. a new cargo upset that germany has to be held accountable and order to for, to a so germany immediately to stop supplying these weapons and the arguments germany, us use as for example, at that it's commitment unconditionally to israel comes from. it's all data basically connecting its own existence to the existence of israel. it's misleading because this applies to the jewish population, jewish people, but not to as well. and it also says that the business has gone really up. i'm sales, the manufacturers are making lots more money, so it's not just business as usual, germany supplying weapons, but the business even has gone cetera. so we will hear on tuesday from germany. it
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has the chance to defend itself. and then in a few weeks, we will hear if the courts will have professional mattress against germany, steps last and else's era they to the lawyer and up to mount. tonya von slag collision is representing germany before the international court of justice. she says the government is upholding international germany rejects the allegations made by me, colorado to do so. many does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international humanitarian law, or that directly no indirect on the country. germany is committed to be uphold of international law, and this is what we work for internationally. we will tomorrow present our position in detail to this quote so much i can already tell you today. to nicaragua, his presentation was gruffly biased and who will be telling you tomorrow how we fully live up to our responsibilities?
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so hands on al jazeera. so the moon shudder. wilford starts down in the pacific ocean. it'll come racing from that direction. they'll come watching over us in the 1st bill will be from here. counting down to darkness eclipse some bushes in north america gearing out for one of nature's braces. the . we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management. we risk those to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security in out just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on
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a jersey to real people, true stories, place to home for so essential and own around the well groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on how to say era. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out is there a mind told the story, is this, our a palestinians have been killed as they tried to return to their homes and con eunice and southern gaza and emergency workers have retrieve the bodies of at least 64 people that most have been pulled from under the rubble following the withdrawal
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of many is rodney troops from the off the days of mounting international pressure and warnings of famine from humanitarian organizations. is there any authorities say 322 trucks? i've been to the gaza strip most encountering food before the war. 500 trucks needs to arrive. nicaragua has cooled germany before the un stop cool for what it says is the aging. and the best thing of genocide in gaza. keesing gemini, serious breaches of international law and failing, and it's gc to prevent genocide. now millions of people in north america gathering now for an extraordinary ret event, a total solar eclipse, the cycled part of totality. that's when the sun will appear fully blocked,
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reaches all the way from mazatlan in mexico to corner brook in canada. let's see if us i'm calling vega. explains how scientists have been preparing for this moment . just after 11 am local time on monday morning on mexico's pacific coast, the sun will disappear and across north america, hundreds of science experiments will be prepared for launch. total solar eclipse is over populated areas are rare enough to be excited about. the sun is $400.00 times bigger than the moon, but it's also $400.00 times further away. so when all 3 line up just write one covers the other perfectly, like a lid sliding onto a popped. the 200 kilometers wide shadow they make will drift from mexico across the us to newfoundland and canada in just an hour. plunging locations below into total darkness for 4 and a half minutes. and that's when researchers, the national space agency and thousands of citizens scientists will embark on
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a data gathering bonanza. $600.00 high altitude balloons will be released a 4 kilometer long, tight will point to measuring instrument at the sun. rockets will launch from an island in virginia, and jets will take off to flight inside the passive totality. nose is open cameras on these experiments will aim to unravel the mysteries of 2 boundary areas where some of the rules of our solar system remain unknown. on the sun, that's the corona, the stars vast atmosphere. the corona is millions of degrees hotter than the sun surface below, but that's a bit backwards, and scientists still don't know exactly why. back on earth, the look at the area above our breathable atmosphere called the ionosphere here, satellites, and radio operators communicate and global positioning systems function. but the honest fear fluctuates with the sun's energy. and it's especially sensitive to solar flares. the sun, you know, all the, you know, it's, it's warm, it's bright, it's, it's, it's, you know,
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he does this life at the same time. it's or itself sustain thermo nuclear explosion in space that we have to live next to. and so the more that we understand how those other layers work better, we can kind of predict the violin activity of us on and try to protect ourselves stairs with better tools, more smartphones and more research centers under its past, more data will likely be gathered during this total solar eclipse than ever before . it's an hour that scientists will study for years to come calling baker alger 0. let's go to john henry and he's in indianapolis, which is the center of the part of a tow tablets, a joan. you will set me in the right part of the country to see the eclipse. tell us what was happening, where you are with the weather is good, and that means we'll probably be able to see the total eclipse for a few minutes here. if you're paying around here,
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we've got hundreds of people who have come here to butler university. we're all outside where there are plenty of telescopes. and we are taking a look up into this guy. and he's going to take about an hour and 20 minutes before that eclipse, where there is a partial eclipse. that's when people need to wear those glasses. and in birds and other animals will start to feel the reactions that means virtual roost in sexual truth. because mother nature gets food by these events, and so after that partial eclipse of a, an hour and 20 minutes, you'll have a few minutes total eclipse. during that time people will it be able to take off their glasses. and they'll be able to look at the totality. and then at the end of it, we're going to be able to see what's called bailey's beach. and that is where the sun sort of creaks through the living valleys of the moon. and then eventually. ready see what they call the diamond shape, and that's where you get a bright light at the end of it. and after that, uh, that is when an hour and 20 minutes more of
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a partial eclipse happens. so here we are being lucky and have to be in there so, so called zone of to challenge a at that stretches from mexico up to the northeast, into new funding, newfoundland in canada. and people spend a lot of time and a lot of money on hotels and travel just to get here. and when these things happen, they don't know if the weather is going to be ideal or the forecasts are going to be correct. so in many cases, they're just taking their chances. so right now everybody here is gotten pretty lucky. it looks like a good day. yeah, that's great. um, and aside from it being an amazing event, a sign to so get upfront, there's a lot to learn, isn't that from, from what happens today uh, talks through what you are hearing about that a bench right, where they're able to see when the eclipse happens is they're able to see solar weather and that tells them a little bit more about how the sun reacts. so you've got
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a pretty good at this science of exactly how often these eclip eclipse is happen. to give you an idea of how often it hits in individual spot idiots, on average every 3000 years. we haven't seen a total solar eclipse here in indianapolis in the city proper. that is for 819 years. but just 4 years ago, carbondale, illinois nearby had a total solar eclipse. they are expecting to have another one today, which i just hope to learn a little more about how this son is uh, is operating and all the weather acts up there. so they're hoping for, for some results, we'll tell you what they tell us at the end of the day if they've learned anything this quickly. okay, good to talk to, john will be talking to you throughout the course of the evening. don't engine that for us in indianapolis, which is a sense of the pop of toe tablets at least 94 people. many of them children have died off to make shift, very sunk of northern mozambique,
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a 130 people were on board. a convention fishing boats when it went down of non pool, a province on sunday. authorities say the vessel was not suitable for carrying passengers


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