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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 8, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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suffering traps in 3 to complex, devastating disasters and abject poverty. to make use a cat to human appeal. now to help save lives on transform communities. the . the hello i'm on the inside. this is a new life coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel's prime minister says the dates been set for ground operation in rafa. just as the latest round of seats by troops come to an end in colorado. hottest thing is returning to that homes. i'm hon. units and gaza. find only bodies in rubble. left by is ready for nicaragua, takes germany to court, arguing it's supplies, weapons to israel, announced
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a meeting. and the best thing, genocide, i'm john henderson in indianapolis were a partial eclipse of his son has begun. but for those of us in the zone of to him challenging, a total eclipse is coming. the hist for calling. chelsea says mental strengths will be the case around the grids chances when they take home much is the city to the straight season city and rail and meeting the champions league this time in the court of funds. the hello welcome to the program. it's a scene g m t, israel's prime minister says a dates has been set, so his minutes res. ground operation in rafa in southern gaza, not operation is what us president joe biden has previously called a red line. benjamin netanyahu, who says he's received
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a detailed update on the ceasefire to troops on the waiting car, a wall reiterating threats on the new being offensive. meanwhile, in southern gaza is ready to refine, has killed at least 8 palestinians. in con eunice civilians returning to the city of found missile to come back to with many of the homes destroyed to the the international court of justice in the hague. nicaragua, it has a keys, germany of aging, and a blessing, genocide being perpetrated in garza by supplying weapons to israel. let's go straight to worry tenants who isn't occupied east jerusalem. all right, let's start with the sci fi tweaks. what is the very latest your hearing of the whole thing has been cautious. optimism in the optimal size talk space towards broke up earlier with the data gets heading back to the prospective
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cds. so using a proposal that being stayed in lodge pop by the united states. now the cautious optimism, i think, primarily come from the egyptians and the categories with the categories saying that this proposal, let's be a kind of 3 phase deal with some of it's like a store this last bit of a slight cost on humanitarian issues. the addiction saying that the 2 main size is radius, and now i've said agreed on kind of brought proposals. bucks once you go beyond the options and the categories, i think that all says and has started to fade significant. they have us has been grumbling with these ladies haven't really shifted on the long standing insistence that the war goes on and of the rough uh, operation will happen. and uh that that will be no withdrawal. so sky withdrawal from gaza to allow re buildings take place. if i one how much the
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official insight roses even said already that that a sweet spot proposal is being rejected by the group. others are still saying that that, that tends to carry on looking assets and i think be as varieties on particularly optimistic the that the guidelines is the defense minister headset that there are difficult decisions. and we have had very recently from benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister who has been, has se noncommittal. right? as you say, uh, we just had from him in the last hour. so he is mainly putting pressure on these tools. what exactly as he said, for a well, there's a lot of pressure on benjamin netanyahu as well. there's pressure coming from the international community, most notably the united states, which has taken a much, much more active role in this round and negotiations than it has done. in previous
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instances. netanyahu was under pressure from the far right flanks of his own governing coalition. so yes, again, those fall right flanks have restate to that line and assigned essentially, which is the benjamin netanyahu signs up. so a deal that they don't like. then they get a torpedo. is government, they gotta walk away from it and collapse the government, which were presumably pre ends. the elections, which the posts adjust, that netanyahu would lose now as the site. and that's and you know, who has come out with a statement on these talks. it's a non committal one, but he has talked about the referral peroration. that's exactly what you have to say. just a short while ago about the 11. because today i received a detailed report on the talks and kyra, we are working all the time to achieve our goals, which includes the release of all of our hostages and achieving complete victory over from us. this victor requires entry into rough uh,
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and the elimination of the terabyte guides that it will happen. there is a date so what we understand is that prompted by the fall, right, ministers there is going to be a meeting tomorrow in israel falls. the bull cabinets plus an expanded group, which includes a small stretch. it includes band events. uh they, uh, we can back, are gonna be putting pressure on benjamin dice and yahoo at least to the, to taylor, whatever he signs off dates. so the dates in line with our expectations, either that or not sign off to any data to also have this piece deal that has been totes about the same car rights, is still very much hanging in the balance date. okay, thank you for that, rory, china and stuff for us unoccupied. a story slim? well, we can take notes and possibly go hay and cheese out the state department in washington dc where we've just been getting some new lines coming from when you all washington
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saying it is still opposed to in is rarely ground operation in rasa. so clearly a bit of a gap here, again, between what the us is saying and what israel is saying, focus or what you're hearing from the state department as well. the briefing is ongoing. i was just in the room and she began by trying to express all the positive steps that they think israel's taking. okay, that more border crossings and allowing more aiden, but the same time they said map miller, this spokesman's with the state department said, we've seen this before. it just needs to continue will be judging them on results. but he was asked about this date for the rafa invasion. and he said that the us to his knowledge has not been brief. durbin told what that date was, and he reiterated what they've been saying. what they've been saying to his really officials is that a large scale operation of ralph is a bad idea that they would be extremely opposed to that. because they said you did
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have to move the 1400000 palestinians who were told to go there after repeatedly we moved further and further south, you'd have to find a way to get them out of the areas safely. and they've said in the past, look, there's no, we're safe for time to go. everything is basically demolish. so how would you provide for their food and their clean water and medicines? so they again reiterated that it would be a mistake from their perspective to see logs large scale invasion. now that said it's a bit tricky because they're not saying israel doesn't have to go after her mos in ross or they believe that that is emissions to israel needs to conduct. the question is, how do they can talk that they want to see very limited targeted attacks on most fighters. they had a meeting, a virtual meeting to try and figure out how that would work. apparently was rather cheated, but they will, they would say we don't really see which happened in gaza city or hon. eunice. you simply can't do a large scale invasion when there's 1400000 people trapped there. and again,
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it's been over the last couple days. we're hearing much tougher language, matt miller saying the present himself has told is really prime minister. israel's policies need to change or are as well. so tough talks is not actually threatening any consequences, but they are sending the message still that any large scale invasion against the people in rasa would be in there where it's a mistake. okay, thank you for that. patrick, i'll have that for us in washington. okay, uh let's go live to tire a couple of zoom. who is in rafa and southern garza tarik, of course rafa is where this oh, really matches. so we're hearing from benjamin netanyahu this evening. that's pardon me then. now isn't date for rafa operation. i mean what, what sort of reaction when people that have, if, if you know, if this is indeed true, a yes 1000000 in fact. so this is what exactly they
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use, what the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been saying for a couple of months regarding a potential military attack and military and cogent for rough districts in order to restore the captives and also to eliminate the remaining balance against for a how much movement here, but the real question is fact when and how which will be carried out. this is the real, a question that the palestinians, a wondering about specifically that they have been following these very military owed as to he's moved to the south in order to seek safety. they have been told to go to roughly in order to be away from that is where the funding and right now the main costs and trade shift for the is ready. mandatory is a rough and palestinians here have a 3 sense of, of frustration as they are completely contradictory reports about. so the possibility to reach for us these font agreement between come off as well as mediators working to narrow and bridge longstanding gaps between full spots on the
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ground, but also palestinians here on the stand that the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu does not want them to return back to the houses in the most empty does not want to withdrew completely from the gaza strip. and that's what has been pulled from the, almost a movement here and goes a strip that has also a tool, the images that they are considered to be major principles to month for the palestinian people. so right now, palestinians are waiting for the ongoing totes, and negotiations being made in cairo to be fruitful. when the coming days there's more rubbing in the field among those palestinians regarding the expanded of the fight to, to reach rough as palestinians have no. what else place has no place else to go as the bombardment is complete and showering the entire gauze as trip. so. okay. uh thanks. fez so that, uh, tara capitalizing. uh that for us in rafa and southern gaza. now lets, uh, bring you live pictures of mclaughlin, and this is in, in mexico,
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where as you can see, uh, the total eclipse has made line full. now it starts with at about 18. 07 at g, m t mazda offline, which is of course in the path of totality, which means this is the moment where people can now see a 100 percent off the eclipse. and just to remind people exactly what a total eclipse is or a solar eclipse, that because when the moon moves between the us and the sun, blocking of the sun's rays from reaching the, as it is of course, an amazing phenomenon. phenomenon is a cosmic event. and it requires the sun, the moon on the, to be in perfect alignment, so that the moon can cost the shadow on our planets. it is an incredibly rare event and it need because i believe somewhere now it's roughly every 18 months or so.
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so you can hear that many thousands of people have gathered in that town in mexico to what's that take place at the eclipse will then move on to the united states. it will eventually finish in canada. more on that later to now is really on salary fly has killed at least 8 palestinians in hon. eunice. people were targeted as a return to what was left of the homes to search for any belongings i most, as rarely, troops have withdrawn from the area as well as defense minister says that is aimed at preparing them for ground defensive and rough. well, some palestinians had hoped that they might have homes return to. but katy, there's nothing much left standing. let's hear now from honey in my mood. and rossa was more on from those. returning to the devastated homes for some of the 1st
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palestinians to go back to han. eunice, there isn't much recognizable left once home to around half a 1000000 people. the city in the south of gaza has been flattened by israel's military. the city looks heartbreaking. it's unbelievable. what didn't expect this kind of destruction? there isn't a house without a martyr, wounded or destroyed. words can describe it. man of the people who have been living in tents or in the open for months on end, we're hoping there might be some way to start rebuilding their life. you know? so given that we came to see what happened to the house, but there wasn't any houses here. it's just rubble. that's how we kinda leave here . animals kindly too. so how's that person supposed to? the destruction is unreal. israel's military announce on sunday has withdrawn troops from han, eunice. it wraps up
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a key phase and it's about over time us drilled levels now are some of the lowest levels in gaza since the war began 6 months ago. but there are still reminders that this is a stella war zone. rebuilding con eunice will take many, many years to visit row allows and for the 1000000 and a half people. so during here and drop off the threat of and is really ground invasion remain mode. that'll just be a rough off in southern dogs on and off the days of mounting international pressure and warnings, assignments from humanitarian organizations as well says it's allowed to allow the largest number of a trucks into gone. so since the will began 6 months ago, is where the authorities say $322.00 trucks entering the strip, most of them tiring food. now, before the war, 500 trucks used to arrive daily. 8 organizations accuse as well as slowing the
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delivery for monetary and release supplies you and has described the situation in gauze as mine made salvation and has wound assignments. some a deliveries have reached hospitals and northern gauze over the weekend, bringing desperately needed medical supplies. adults is that the come all at one hospital, say the shipments some just a drop in the ocean and the shipment, the items, the arrival of a shipment of medicines yesterday is not enough compared to the urgent needs of citizens due to the high rates of mount nutrition among them, along with the shortage of some food and medicines for these children, whom you can see in the background behind me in the children's mastery, the most of the children come into the hospital with malnutrition, especially punctual babies due to the amount nutrition of the mother and that affects the mother and of the patients. and this is the destiny done. i'm not only suffering because of her, but also because of all the children, every child is suffering from malnutrition and every day we lose 5 or 10 children,
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but it's not just the young children, men, the elderly. all of them have become ill due to the lack of nutrition because it has been destroyed, life and gaza has been destroyed. no one can find enough food or water. germany has been accused of ating, a best thing, genocide and gaza in a case before the humans top cords and was boards by nicaragua, and calls for emergency measures to staunch me from selling weapons to israel. and also wanting to spell it in to restore funding to the u. n's agency for palestinian refugees on rough nicaragua was lawyer had harsh words for the dual role gemini is playing. and once the i, c j is a ready will to be opposable pace of genocide. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the senior children, women and men and goss onto provides for many tabby and aids. including 2 ad drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committed to every equipment that i
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used to kill and many of them. and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen. and the other set by son is in the hague. what's more, it must have been an uncomfortable 2 hours here for germany at the world's highest court in the hague. nicaragua had some harsh words for germany, saying if this facilitating turn aside in gaza, it's an interesting and unprecedented case because of the 2 countries here at the core of nicaragua. and so many, i'm not directly involved in the atrocities that are happening. and guys have left me graduate. i use a germany as a signatory to the genocide from science and has the obligation to do everything i can to prevent genocide. let alone, not facilitate a germany is the 2nd largest supplier of weapons to israel off to the united states
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. and in 2023. it's supplies have a growing time falls compared to the year before. and many of these weapons have still been exported after october 7, uh, antique tank weapons, amunition, drones, all used according to me because i have a lot or at least a lot of it in gaza against the civilian population there. so this is an unprecedented case. a new cargo upset that germany has to be held accountable and order to for, to a so germany immediately to stop supplying these weapons and the arguments germany, us use as for example, at that it's commitment unconditionally to israel comes from. it's all data basically connecting its own existence to the existence of israel. it's misleading because this applies to the jewish population, jewish people, but not to as well. and it also says that the business has gone really up. i'm
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sales, the manufacturers are making lots more money, so it's not just business as usual, germany supplying weapons, but the business even has gone cetera. so we will hear on tuesday from germany. it has the chance to defend itself. and then in a few weeks, we will hear if the courts will have professional mattress against germany. steps last and else is era. they the lawyer end up in that tiny as long as the collision is representing germany before the international court of justice. she says the government is upholding international germany rejects the allegations made by me, colorado to gaze. germany does not, and never did violet the genocide convention orange nationals to many terry and little other directly know in direct on the country. germany is committed to the upholds of international law, and this is what we work for internationally. we will tomorrow present our position in detail to this quote so much i can already tell you today. to
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nicaragua, his presentation was gruffly biased and who will be telling you tomorrow how we fully live up to our responsibilities? the steins bid for the full membership out the united nation sounds been referred to a secure seat council committee. 15 member committee on new members is set to meet behind closed doors in the coming hours to discuss the application. after 12 years since we change our status to an observer state, that the security concept will elevate itself to implementing the global consensus on the 2 state solution by admitting the state of palestine for a month, for membership that's had now to united nations. we can speak to gabriel as on the gave explain to us why this is so important. well,
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this is only the 2nd time that palestine has gotten this far in their long sought after requests to become a full member of the united nation. so just on that regard, it certainly significant there just one step away really from this going to the general assembly. and if the general assembly voted, yeah, with 2 thirds of the a 193 members in favor, palestine would then become a full member of the un. and it's believed that palestine has those votes in the general assembly without question. the issue is, is, according to the un charter, it's 1st has to be recommended by the 15 members of the security council. and as we know, the 5 permanent members have veto power over this. so the big question is, is, will the us veto power steins latest request to become a full you and member?
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and if they do, then it wouldn't even go to the general assembly. and that's essentially what happened in 2011. the us didn't veto, but they threatened to veto and that was enough to essentially just kill the application if you will, at that point. so bottom line is where we're at now. this is in the hands of the security council, which is significant. it's now in the hands of a standing committee which has made up of the 15 security council members. they say they will spend about the next $2.00 to $3.00 weeks, having private closed door meetings, one of which will be starting in about an hour from now where they will be discussing this. and at the end, if they reach a consensus that palestine bid is worthy of full un membership, they will then go to the general assembly. but again, the big question is the united states, how will the united states uh, deal with this? will they threaten to use their veto power again? and that is really the big question that is out standing at this point now in terms
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of un permit membership or, or a full membership. right now, palestine is an observer state. so that means they can not vote in general assembly matters which is big. and so the palestine has been disenfranchised if you will, from the un for many, many years now. and this is why they want full un membership as a 193 other countries currently have. okay, thank you for that. and gabriel, at his under that 1st in new york of the united nations, the, the president of cyprus, has met with officials in the lebanese capital bay route to discuss the record influx of syrian refugees to the island. sign for says lebanon is the starting point of or illegal crossings. and once the to provide financial aid to stem the flow,
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say no holder has moved from aaa north and nothing on it takes 10 hours on a small boat to reach cypress, the closest european territory from lebanon's northern shores. it's a journey will lead, wants to make, once he saves enough money. he is a refugee from syria, with no job in recent weeks, traffic increased on this migration route at a time of unprecedented poverty in lebanon, and in neighboring syria. that if somebody lives with us and i prefer to leave despite the dangers of such a journey, already 10 members of my family have died at sea. they're not able to survive here . the heading, a high level delegation, cypriot president nicholas krista dollar. this came to 11 on after more than 700, mainly syrian migrants arrived on his country shores last week. he didn't speak after talks with officials in bay boot, but the president has said, reception centers have reached breaking point and is discussing with the european
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union how to condition a to 11 on to stop the flow of migrants. last year the you and refugee agency said nearly 4000 people made or tried to make the journey to europe from here. and the 1st 3 months of this year, separate officials documented more than 2000 arrivals on the islands compared to 78 in the same period last year, 11 on his being criticized for not doing enough to police its waters. but the authorities here say there is so much a country facing multiple crises can do well enough. but most of the estimate we don't want to exploit our refugee problem to any other country. but the world needs to understand that the syrians are entering our country illegally, and when we want to deport them back, we are accused of violating human rights a. while the united nations believes conditions in syria prevented from promoting returns, lebanon, cypress, say, there are parts of syria that are now safe, and refugees and migrants should be sent home. i keep low on these, almost sorta,
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i'm afraid to return to syria. everyone knows what to reach him does to those who do, we are also afraid because the libby, news government keeps talking about deporting syrians 11 on has the highest population of refugees per capita in the world. while the number of asylum seekers inside, per se, has reached 4 percent of the population, both countries say they're facing a crisis. their relationship is about to be tested as milder whether likely lead to more attempts to reach europe center for their eligibility to north 11 on several regions in russia have declared a state of emergency off to some of the west flooding. in decades, the disaster has forced at least 4000 people to evacuate. the hutton's meanwhile, residents of protesting against the way local authorities have handled the situation in the region all asking the president for help. i say they went told in
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advance the nearby dumb could best assign buria and the urals are monks, west hits. i've a 10000 homes have been flooded that to meet treatment benco reports. so this is what the coming of spring can look like in russia. the around river, europe's the longest, best thing, it's banks and rising flood waters caused by winter snow melting, and the input region have swept through thousands of homes. the mass says people should leave if they can before it's too late. you thought you didn't want to leave? i feel as i'm too old and wouldn't go. but they persuaded me to post that or but i want to well, no, just cry. i feel terrible. it's usually the river 1st best to through this them and oscar flooding the city. the regions governance says flooding has been recorded along the entire 2 and a half 1000 kilometer long river that flows through conflicts down into the caspian
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sea. russian officials say $139.00 regents have or will be affected, controlled explosions of being carried out in the ice and snow in some regions to prevent further flooding and farmers pulling out. capitol stuck in the mud. rescue and relief efforts underway. the russian emergencies, minnesota says the flooding is the worst, the region that's seen in decades. we bought a boat yesterday so that we can reach our relatives if something happens to bring them for state or medicine. water levels are expected to continue rising for at least another 2 days to meet them at that and go out to 0. now is total solar eclipse is currently sweeping across north america. millions of people across the us and mexico and canada will be able to see the moon block the sun in
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some places the total eclipse. last more than 4 minutes, scientists would also be using the eclipse to conduct experiments to learn more about the sun. okay, as you can see that these are life pictures of dallas, texas, that's the view of that for now. let's go to chris m p. he's a distinguished professor of astronomy, university of arizona. he joins us from austin. so you are, of course, in texas, where i believe we're just minutes away from seeing the eclipse in its totality. so took us through why this particular eclipse is so special more so than previous ones. well, eclipses are rare if you were, if you couldn't travel around the, are the odds of saying money in your lifetime are low. so they're, they're rare in general and in the united states, north america, this is the last one for over a decade. and it's quite a long over 4 minutes is quite long. they don't get much longer than 6 minutes. so
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it's, it's a good eclipse and it's on almost perfect location of the sun by the moon. right. and i, i really don't want you to miss it. it's it, we're just minutes away from it hitting texas. i mean, just tell us why, why this is also a big moment for scientists. sinus. strong them is like yourself. i mean how to use this time to find out an experiment. i'm sure you might think that there are so many centuries and some of the eclipse is what is there to learn. well, when the moon blocks out the sign, you have an unprecedented way to look at the outer parameter of the sun. the corona and i promise fair, and so you can see parts of the song that are otherwise just invisible, just because they're obliterated by the sun's brightness. so people are still able to do experiments during the eclipse is where they learn new things about the funds out or atmosphere. and we're hearing amazing stories, really, of people traveling thousands of miles to make sure they see it. why do you think it is so special for ordinary people to witness?
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i think it's because of how i started by saying the odds of seeing on where you live or are almost 0 in your life time. so you do have to travel was the one, and then there's a wildcard as of whether i mean we have some low clouds in texas or people anxious . so this is a phenomenon, of course that starts with this on a 100000000 miles away. and then you get to the moon a quarter 1000000 miles away, and it could all be ruined one mile away by a low cloud. so you have to be in the right place as well. and as an astronomy yourself, what are you looking for to the most? you know, i just want to experience it. other people at my side have very sophisticated equipment and they're doing scientific measurements. but you know, the truth is, you just have to experience it as a human being the orbit. and the rarity of it in the specialness of the sky, but blanketing with the darkness of the temperature going down and the animals reacting. so i'm just want to experience it just like other people around me. yeah,
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it's funny. you mentioned animals, i've been reading it does make animals do some strange things that they wouldn't necessarily a. can you tell us a bit more about that? sure. the last thing solar eclipse in north america 2017 eclipse. i was, do you mean from a ranch in wyoming? and it was a horse ranch. and as the eclipse happened to horses all went back to the barn to be bad, even though it was the middle of the day, because he thought it was the middle of the day bird start to go back to roost, even though they normally wouldn't. and then there's a deep quiet that settles over nature because it's unusual experience and animals are disconcerted if you like. and nasa very involved in this. somebody. i mean, uh they'll be launching rockets, i believe, into the eclipse shadow, and sending research, jet planes to track it's pos. what are they expecting to learn? well, when you can launch rockets and, or even how to do the aircraft, then you get extra benefit. first of all, the effect you,
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you'll see it for sure. and also you can fly along the trajectory of the moving shadow. and so you're going to you on the length of the eclipse. we just got 4 minutes and 17 seconds here in austin. but if you're flying in ohio to buying or jack even, you can extend that to half an hour or an hour so you can gather far more data from the upper atmosphere. and course i believe we're just showing live pictures of the eclipse actually happening in texas. can you explain to us exactly what is happening, how, how this works. uh, the. 9 pictures were showing that on the screen. uh that is the actual process of uh, when the moon completely blocks the sun, just focus or it a sure, i mean the moon is orbiting the earth and the earth is opening the sun. so what we're really seeing is the moon's motion across the face of the song, which appears to move much slower in the sky. and in the glens, it knows that it required for a total eclipse because the distance from the earth and very soon orbit as does the
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sun distance is what it has to be just right, just so to get a complete normal taishan and not any bit of wide showing around it, and that's what makes this eclipse a really good one. right? so, so tell us, when the, sorry, sorry for interrupting you. so tell us when, when, when can we expect to see the next one? would it be in europe? ah, yes, there are other eclipse is antarctica. the polar regions north and south tend to get eclipses every few years. i mean, if you look at an eclipse map of the world, or you can find them at nice that goddard's eclipse site, you can go somewhere on earth and find a total solar eclipse once a year. but you do have to move around the world to find it in a convenient place near where you live. that's more or less likely. okay, for me to get to talk to chris and paint distinguished professor of astronomy at the university of arizona talking about a total solar eclipse which is currently sweeping across northern america.
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okay, still ahead on al jazeera, the wash out to celebrate the ends of ramadan in indonesia causing traffic night mess and economic things and sold the tennis player here, celebrated her latest victory with the biggest of coming up. as for spending the families and gaza facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis, solidarity is a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dr. stella, you'll see showing this brightest, gave mercy, now donate. today.
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the challenge is here with the, the, to watching out a 0 mind the thoughts homestory this hour. the latest rounds of gauze ceased by torques is ended in egypt with homeless downplaying. any reports of progress is there any prime minister says he's received a detailed update on the tools he will so confirm. there is a data sets for the all me to enter rasa and stuff and costs. a palestinians have
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been killed as they try age to return to the missing for newness in southern gaza and emergency workers have retrieve the bodies of at least 77 people. the in the last 24 hours it comes on to most is raining troops. we storm from the area. nicaragua has cool gemini before we humans topcoat for what it says is the aiding and abetting of genocide in gone sites, accusing gemini of serious breaches of international law and failing, and is to seek to prevent genocide. okay, let's talk to salt and barricades. he's professor of public policy at home. i've been case a university in cedar with us, so done good to see you again. so let's start with these lakes. this lines that we are guessing from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that he has set of dates, apparently full a rough invasion. what do you make of that? well, obviously it's not very helpful. does it tell for the negotiations?
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and it could be maybe one of the reasons why the new with negotiations has sold at the moment. he has been asked by the nice states to present the time. and the only thing we can assume now is that he has presented a plan to that stays in which he is going to reduce the number of civilian casualties. and if that is the case, then the us is really trying to have to be, i haven't have to be made to answer what is going on. because a few days ago, the statements were still saying, don't go into it off, i don't go into restaurant. and today we were talking earlier in the program. that's what the united states has still say. well, that's what they're saying publicly, but they have, they did say before, you must present a plan for us, for us to continue support. and if he is definitely going for a day that he must be, should have presented the time. now what that would make us think in terms of the policy is that we give that to make them much more suspicious that even if he were to i agree. jesse's fire is nonsense. here, he would find
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a way to break the cease fire. i can find an excuse of this kind of circumcise, very easy to find an excuse to re engage them again with his new time. and of course the fact that he move troops out of certain areas of guys and decide it looks like he's regrouping his troops. all of these are indications that he is not taking any notice of the global really now. averaging to stop a draft, could it will just be a negotiating tactic when, when it comes to the sci fi tools. it may be, but for that you should have kept his team negotiating in cairo, but it doesn't look like it's, i mean is easier to negotiate. a negotiated return back to as well. so it looks like is drawing a line one. i'm gonna set i, i was speaking to earlier was saying on the plus side when it comes to these new guys, negotiating tools is the momentum cleaning is the because that they've said that they gotta meet again in about 2 days previously. we haven't had that sort of date
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. yeah, so what it, what, what's happening is it goes for it to move forward, needs approval if it's a cabinet and the author right within the cabinet are not happy with any deals. and they'd like to see total victory. so it could be that these 2 days is just to give their feedback into the time. but i think we have to watch carefully what, what's coming next at today. we also had the case in front of the i, c, j by nicaragua, against germany, saying that they are eating and investing the genocide in goals or how significant is this case whether it is it does go through or not it, which is quite important to me and its parts of this wider awakening of the south. turning the table around on the north in general. and particularly it's very difficult for germany. i'm in germany of it like as well as being very closely associated with the whole creation of the genocide convention. it's. it's what's
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are in the holocaust. so they're in a very difficult position of the moment being questioned by nicaragua, which is seen as a sort of a 100 gene questioning guide the actions of jimmy at the moment. it's also important, i think generally in that it helps clarify what does it actually mean to prevent and punish the genocide a what are the responsibilities of other states, aside from the one who's actually doing the act. so germany and i was being asked to do a few things by nicaragua, including stopping supplies of the weapons to israel on the assumption that at least from the 26th of january. there are now aware of the fact that there is a real cause of concern that genocide has been committed. and also there be nice to sit, to look into whatever weapons they have supplied already, that they have notes and make sure that they've not been used. and, and, and as you know, size that actual actions and does a but also i think the old one in the request is the request to resupply under law
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and to continue funding. wonder why, but you have many will try and defend itself as they did and they took this a court position, you remember back in january and standing by as aroused. there were one of the few countries that's took as a spoke out as a part of the as riley's, but the overall it's not very comfortable for germany. it comes also on the back of the media's questioning of the german genocides of the night of the early 20th century and so on. so it's, it's really difficult for, for the germans. okay, good to speak to your cell sound bar cat, professor, public policy at home. i've been kind of the universe. thank it's to at least 98 people. many of them children have died often make shift fairies signed off know the mos on beach 113 people were on board. a convention fishing boat, when it went down of non pool of province on sunday, or to say the vessel was not suitable for caring passengers. 5 survivors happen
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rescued, but dozens are missing. many of the victims were trying to escape a color outbreak and mos on big so head on out is there a parts of north america go dogs. the fast total solar eclipse in the regions of 20 years begins will be nice from the so called all the time it is full and the show the and the scope a place of the best major movie. the business like this, this route to you. believe i guess is a line supply on one of your this makes model and plates. the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model inflates. the
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okay, let's check in on the solar eclipse. that is on the way in north america, these on nice pictures of what we're quoting, the pulse of totality. that's the places where people able to see a complete blackouts off the sun. uh, so what are we looking at? yeah, that's dallas, texas, you can just start to see that eclipse. now coming to an end, you can see a tiny noun that as the darkness. so i need fades away. the very 1st place to see this read an extraordinary event was mazda applied in mexico. we of course, showed it to you here now to 0, but now it is hitting in the test. how does this case in the united states? so let's go to john henry and who's in indianapolis, which is also on the palm of tow talbot saint john. and i believe it's it's, it's gonna bring to you in about 20 minutes or so. what is the mood then?
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what are people expecting? i remember whether it hasn't happened in this very spot for 819 years won't have it again until 2153. so people are taking advantage. some of the people we talk to. so this will be the last whole lot solar eclipse that they expect to see in their lifetime. so they've traveled from as far ways california, which is about 3000 kilometers. and there's a mood of excitement. let me just pan off and have you take a look at the crowd here. this is a butler university outside of an observatory in indianapolis, and people have gathered here from all around. they've been fighting their time, playing eclipse, travel, juggling. but among the people here are everybody from amateur astronomers professional astronomers to people who just want to see this global phenomenon unfold. and it's already started to happen. if you've got it on our screen,
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you may be able to see that there is sort of as a crescent left of the sun. and uh, it takes a full hour and about 20 minutes for it to become a complete solar eclipse. and then that only happens for about 3 and a half minutes here. and then it all happens in rivers. but the for the tony eclipse, you'll see many beads form of beads of lights on. those are light from the sun going through the canyons in an alley, ways of the moon. and then eventually there is something like what looks like a diamonds, a big spark of light around the circle of the moon. and that is what everybody is waiting for. the 2 on the side of it being an amazing spikes. coal, to witness a there's actually quite a bit of science behind all this. so what, what are they trying, what a scientist and a strong them is trying to learn from this event. as i talked to a couple of astronomers here,
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and they said what they're doing is they're filming this. and they're looking at the corona of this, and that is the, the flaming area just outside of the circle of the sun. and what they're trying to find out is how the magnetic fields operate and how solar flares operate. and that's important because they effect satellites. and, and other electronic equipment and they're trying to determine how they could avoid that in the future. and essentially just learn more about it. but here we're learning a lot about human nature. and that is that, you know, people may not know a lot about science. they may not know a lot about astronomy, but they're very cheaply interested in watching this for many of them once in a lifetime perspective. okay, thank you for that. don't hendrick that for us in indianapolis don't smoke from john at throughout the program? let's speak now to j grey. now, who is in the city of junction in texas and j, i believe you've already experienced it. took me through what it was like. i
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mean, i, you know, i make my living of words. it's hard to describe exactly what happens here. i want to give you a look at a happy couple here who got married during that to talary. when things went, pitch black and the temperature dropped dramatically. and yet, goosebumps already. and now you've got to have a couple that got married during this po talary. what a special event, what a special time where the text clips music festival in the texas hill country. take a look around. it's been a 3 day event with jill good golf rodeo. events, margarita mix sauce, we've seen all kinds of games and fun and a lot of music people celebrating this. but there was a lot of concern this morning. we had some heavy cloud covered forecasted called for that the locals of the, telling us for days do not worry about that. when the time comes. it's going to be
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clear here and we're going to see it and they were absolutely right. i can tell you the searchers including nasa site to spend 2 years really studying weather pattern studying what the weather is done over the last few decades and decided that this area junction, texas was indeed the best spot in the us to view this to get it cleaned do now still 5050 right because you may have clouds that don't burn off uh with the morning sun but we did and just amazing to see the moon moving in and really just eating away at that giant the or which is the sun, the real star of the show today and then eventually covering it completely to where it is night time, but with a ring of what looks like either sunrise or sunset around the area of tow talary. uh, just a fascinating event. uh and uh, you know, people say its,
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it's much more than what you see. and so, so what you feel, i mean, tell us a bit more about the experience. you know, when it, when it got dark, did you feel a sense of cold weather? it was an odd, i mean, what more can you tell us about it? i just said you read that. look, there's no question that it's not only a visual experience, but it's a, it's a complete expense. yes, you do feel the temperature drops, but you also get goosebumps, you know something special is happening. there were people here, tears in their eyes watching this on full. that is a motional. i can tell you. yeah, you know, there were times where you could feel that i could feel it as this happened and, and to feel that emotion and to see an event that, i mean, if you think about it, if, if we wanted to see if you're a junction texas again, we'd have to wait another 365 year, so it's a very special event that doesn't come your way except every few centuries. now you can chase these eclipse, and a lot of people do,
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and we have them here not only from the states, but from around the world. but in doing what we've done here today with, with the locals here who celebrated all this and knowing that this was their one chance of seeing those clouds parted and getting a chance to see it really amazing and, and like you referred to emotional for a lot of people who saw this. okay, a really good to don't change. i gray that for us in the city of junction in texas . right. let's get some supports he is on the thank so much molly will call on should all he says mental strength will be the case around which it's chances when they take on manchester city and chelsea's rail side were fun, leaf one loses when the clubs messing last seasons champions late, the 1st quarter funnel this summer on his in spain on choose day is the 3rd year and the roads of the club supplied each other. frail at 8 points clear at the top of the spanish lake, thanks in no small part to jude failing in the school. 20 goals. now, in all competitions, it is only 20 years old,
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but there's more of my door to the my to it. then he's a, hey, just a really professional to really see if you are really on the right and i'll surprise as a play at about the i was it that so don't worry about surprising the sense for the age that he has is really a really mature for his age, he's already very much old, but you know, like, uh, he's just professional, he's just professional and everything he does and the is a good lot. and yeah, they bought the skids think we don't need to talk just hope and pray that he stays healthy. well really, i mean a for city college have caught out. let's be giving his plays a kick. he's saying once again of a chance of winning a travel of trophies, the champions league funds will hold us also in conjunction. so if the english essay kept on premier league or permanent rate is also high by making that last a tight on choose day. and he's also will once again be coming up against how
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retain the bond. ford previously paid for also stays local arrivals, tottenham and school full team goals, and 16 games against him during his time and no fund. i know him, i think is the time folks and the individuals that they have and always the we know the individual qualities of all those players and human policy and the ability that he has. so the best thing to do is while we do collectively and to try to provide so some things you think is record against also could be a foster in this game at all times. a good sense, hopefully hopefully not well actually about take out a pair of cowboy boots and a place of the masters for winning the texas open. he began his final around with a full shortly puzzled out a road bike that he mccarthy who held 7 straight. but he's supposed to file and what was the reply, the 18th hole? because he done making a big mistake is he hit the wall set. and 22 robots who took advantage of the body
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to get the wind and the chance to flight the 1st, making sure that he got them there. the surgical st. louis, i see it says the goes to national for the master's, but his wait for went on the lift. so like goes on. what is the final round of miami? hey with a to shortly, but ended up losing a playoff for the 3rd time since joining the tool. so i think that was to that claiming the victory on the $4000000.00 products outside his plant. donio cohen's is heading tools, retirement in style. the american has won a 2nd cycle in a row. this time at the charleston island, south carolina federal collins has confirmed this will be held last season on the w . c. i. so for the spending the self in the form of a life issues basing rushes, eric has a keen in the final and i winning street now stretch just the same much as the straight to coming to wake up the she clenched the biggest one of her career at the miami iceland and his she's asked with celebrate some uncles with quincy
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and to have quincy a part of the trophy presentation and to be able to share it with him what a special day. and i think the fans love that his loved it to so many dog lovers watching our sport. and yeah, our family friend, john and rachel says, has driven overnight and there are we get here in time for the match and what a special special support we get to have with our inner circle. and so this means the world to me, to all right, satisfy stories looking for that moment. okay, thanks and say, okay, let's check in on that solar eclipse we've been talking about on our crowns in texas of witness the title solar eclipse. 10. this guy completely dog during the middle of the day, and on the scene in the mexican resort town off the zaps lines. and the total eclipse will now be watched by tens of millions across north america has and continues to sweep north and east the next hour. so we're up to date. lots more
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news at the top of the as the sunsets individuals within the occupied with bang, the bit of multi family is getting the dinner table ready to break their dainty fast. but the buzz around the table is missing. the woman who used to put it all together ended, but lucy was the rest of the week before the start of his reading. officials have not given their reason yet for detaining her during 8 of the home. a few kilometers away in drama. look at the house, one is not missing 12, or even see members of his property 5 in the occupied west bank at least 9000. i left it in families are missing at least one loved one at the start table. the life of the 9 year old under is ready, bombardment trauma center is safe,
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displaced in scarcity. and the moments where childhood still shines through a child of because on a just every use thousands of one piece they use to scientific percent activate and conservationists. the testing seems to may 21 east investigate a booming, illegal trade and the scientists hoping to get along some lights beyond this on a tree caught 2 of them on for dismiss one hour, which is 0. now let me tell you almost suffice funding. the cold result, the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only
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look very close here, like come in here, sits on to play with a large stairs face with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also offer somebody about equal, restored to me and gone to the israel's prime minister. says the dates has been set for ground operation and rough . that's just us. the latest round of cease by adults come to an end income. the con, carry johnson. this is, i'll just hear a lot from the also coming out of stadiums were turned into their homes and con eunice in garza find on the bodies and trouble. bestbuy is really forces click a rock or a takes gemini to quote,
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argue and get supplied weapons to is relevant amounts to aging and the pressing genocide. thus when i'm looking into space.


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